newforms NullBooleanField / BooleanField

2008-04-24 Thread SmileyChris

The current behaviour of BooleanField kind of negates the need for

Contrary to the docs (and I'm pretty sure there's a ticket for it) a
BooleanField(required=True) doesn't actually fail validation if a

Personally, I like this behaviour better. Would we be losing any
functionality if we just had a BooleanField that behaved as
NullBooleanField does now?

A side note, while I'm looking at the code I see that the clean method
of BooleanField is a bit ugly. It'd be better to handle that if value
== 'False' as a custom hidden widget.
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Re: [GSoC] Aggregate Support to the ORM

2008-04-24 Thread Russell Keith-Magee
On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 10:14 PM, Nicolas Lara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  On the ıssue of returnıng model objects ınstead of values
>  (dıctıonarıes): I belıeve the problem wıth that ıs ınconsıstency,
>  sınce when usıng values to restrıct the elements that are grouped
>  together you cannot retrıeve an object. I am -0 on retrıevıng the
>  objects because ıt becomes complıated for the users, but wouldn't
>  opose much because values ıs specıfıed whenever a valuesQuerySet would
>  be returned.

I'm not sure why you see this as being complicated for users:

>>> authors = Author.objects.annotate(book__sum='books_published')
>>> for a in authors:
...print,'has published',a.books_published,'books.'

There is no problem making each a in authors an actual Author object;
the only difference is that each author is annotated. Sure, this means
that the author intances have attributes that aren't part of the
original definition of Author, but this is perfectly consistent with
Python - you can associate arbitrary attributes with any object

If a values() clause is involved in a query, then it makes sense that
what gets returned should be a value list rather than an object - but
that's perfectly consistent with the behaviour of values() currently.
However, in the simple case -  where you are grouping by full object
instances - I don't see why we shouldn't return object instances.

Russ Magee %-)

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Re: SVN Milestones

2008-04-24 Thread Marty Alchin

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 8:19 PM, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  * Marty's file backend work needs to land, because that drastically
>   improves both the ease of file handling in general and the ability
>   to use popular storage solutions like Amazon S3.

I know you said your list isn't necessarily exhaustive, but I thought
I should pass along a conversation Jacob and I had not too long ago.
He'd like to get Mike Axiak's work on #2070 merged prior to my
filestorage patch, since it's a bit easier to modify mine to work with
his than the other way around. The fix for #2070 looks like it may
have slight backwards-incompatibilities on its own, so it should
probably be considered part of the 1.0 list anyway, but it's
definitely a prerequisite for mine to go in, and since mine's on the

Of course, you guys with the commit bit can hash it out amongst
yourselves as to how you want to do it, I'm fine with it either way. I
just wanted to make sure I made that conversation known, since I don't
think it got passed along to the rest of the crew.


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Re: SVN Milestones

2008-04-24 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 5:58 AM, Malcolm Tredinnick
>  I'll make some time to do a pass through the VersionOneFeatures list and
>  rationalise things a bit. We can start pulling together a list of
>  tickets that are absolute blockers, too (I gather James already had some
>  of that stuff written down somewhere). The trick there is keeping the
>  list somewhat managed and not suffering form everybody adding pet
>  features. It's something the release manager should probably own.

I do have a list. I've been wary of publishing it because this sort of
thing inevitably turns into a festival of people posting things that
are important to *them* but not necessarily important to Django as a
whole, and assuming that a refusal to put them on a "1.0 feature list"
represents the utter failure of Django as a project.

So. Keep three things in mind as you read this:

1. This is not a comprehensive list of every single thing that'll
   happen before 1.0; this is merely a list of the most important
   things that need to happen before I'd feel comfortable calling
   anything "Django 1.0".

2. My criteria for this list involve a combination of things that are
   huge and universally agreed to be important; things that -- though
   they may be minor or isolated -- make it noticeably easier to use
   Django in a common situation; and things that, while less
   important, involve backwards-incompatible changes and so need to
   happen before we slap a seal of compatibility on 1.0.

3. Unless you have a commit bit or I'd recognize your name from your
   contributions to Django, don't take this as an invitation to pitch
   your pet feature. I'm not trying to be mean here, but there are
   lots of things that simply aren't requirements -- for the project
   as a whole -- to get to 1.0, and which can sensibly be dealt with,
   in incremental fashion, at a later time. As such, I naturally pay a
   lot more attention to people who've demonstrated their
   understanding of the big picture.

So here goes.

First up, the big things:

* Queryset-refactor

* Newforms-admin

* Model-level validation

* Anything in Django still using oldforms -> uses newforms

These just flat-out have to happen, and represent major
work. Fortunately, there are already people doing the work and I
believe at least three of the four are getting really close.

Then there are things which, while more self-contained, contribute
significant improvements in common use cases, and which should happen
before 1.0. If you're looking for something to work on and you know
Django's codebase, this would be the list you want to look at.

* Marty's file backend work needs to land, because that drastically
  improves both the ease of file handling in general and the ability
  to use popular storage solutions like Amazon S3.

* The refactoring of Django's dispatcher. Jacob and, I believe, Jeremy
  have been working on this, and it's key because right now signals
  are incredibly useful but dog-ass slow.

* WSGI fixes, particularly for SCRIPT_NAME. Yeah, there's a common
  pattern people use to work around it, but we should knock this out
  before 1.0; we already solved the problem of building a full URL for
  relative redirects, so we should be able to solve this too.

* The template tag loading mechanism needs to get fixed; it's the last
  bit of arguable "magic" in Django, and the number of times now that
  I've seen people angrily trying to work out why we look in
  "django.templatetags" indicates that it's causing

* Reverse URL resolution needs some love, because right now there are
  all kinds of not-too-complex regular expressions that it'll choke
  on. And since reverse resolution is one of the keys to portable,
  reusable code, we need to get that cleaned up.

* The way django.template.Variable does resolution needs to take
  filters into account, so that tags which use it can be passed
  variables with filter expressions and work properly.

Then there are some backwards-incompatible things which, while not as
big, need to happen. These are going to need an experienced person
banging out the design and then coding it up:

* The oft-proposed INSTALLED_APPS refactoring needs to happen, so that
  things like re-using an app multiple times in the same Django
  instance will be easy and the hackiness of app_label will go away.

* The mechanism for specifying and ordering middleware needs to be
  reworked, so that some of the nastier situations people can get into
  with figuring out what order to put their middleware in (and some
  situations where there's simply no possible ordering that works)
  will go away.

And that's my list. Twelve things which, for one reason or another,
need to happen before we roll a 1.0 release. Again, that doesn't mean
we'll ignore all other work before 1.0, just that these are the really
important things that have to happen.

And as a pre-emptive note because someone will notice and point it

Re: Model Inheritance in qsrf and User?

2008-04-24 Thread James Bennett

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 11:16 PM, Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Now that queryset-refactor has implemented model inheritance (and will
>  soon be in trunk), will the recommended way to tie in new columns to
>  contrib.auth.models.User change?  For example, if we want to add in
>  profile information specific to our apps?

Well, I personally have been saying for over a year that inheritance
has never been and never will be the right way to do that, so I think
y'all know what my answer is...

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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Re: [GSoC] Aggregate Support to the ORM

2008-04-24 Thread Nicolas Lara
Sorry ıf thıs goes on the wrong thread. I am wrıttıng at the moment
from turkey, where google groups ıs blocked.

In short: I belıeve Malcom's reply says ıt all except for the fact
that the 'havıng' clause would be expressed wıth a fılter modıfıer.
The ORM would take care of puttıng the requested fılter ın a 'havıng'
clause or ın a 'where' clause...

On the ıssue of returnıng model objects ınstead of values
(dıctıonarıes): I belıeve the problem wıth that ıs ınconsıstency,
sınce when usıng values to restrıct the elements that are grouped
together you cannot retrıeve an object. I am -0 on retrıevıng the
objects because ıt becomes complıated for the users, but wouldn't
opose much because values ıs specıfıed whenever a valuesQuerySet would
be returned.

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 5:54 PM, Malcolm Tredinnick
>  On Wed, 2008-04-23 at 07:50 -0700, Eratothene wrote:
>  > It looks that API lacks support for SQL HAVING clause, this one should
>  > be distinct from filter, GROUP BY without HAVING is often useless.
>  >
>  > Consider adding it to api (something like
>  > Model.objects.aggregate(height__sum).having(sex='M'))
>  >
>  > Also do not forget to add HAVING clause to .extra()  method.
>  You may wish to go back and read the earlier thread(s) about this on
>  this group where this has been discussed before.
>  One goal in the design here has been to avoid leaking lots of SQL into
>  the API: "having" and "group by" crop up as a natural function in the
>  use of aggregates, but they aren't necessarily needed in isolation. The
>  idea is not to rewrite SQL in Python. Rather, we want to provide certain
>  pieces of functionality -- in this case, aggregations support -- that is
>  mapped to SQL. So the SQL will use "having" and "group by" but they
>  don't to be exposed at the Python level.
>  Regards,
>  Malcolm
>  --
>  Save the whales. Collect the whole set.
>  >

Nicolas Lara
Linux user #380134
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