Good points -- given the existing subclassing needed to get 
LiverServerTestCase to support that use case, it might be reasonable not to 
worry about backwards-compatibility here. I'd be interested to hear Harry's 
(the author) thoughts about it.

On Sunday, October 16, 2016 at 1:44:02 PM UTC-4, Alex Riina wrote:
> Thanks for including a link to the TDD tutorial!
> As far as I can tell, the author wants to use `--liveserver` to point his 
> functional tests at an external server so he can run his tests through 
> nginx after running the same tests in his normal test environment. Based on 
> the shell prompts in 
> I think he intends to have the database and code running on his staging 
> server while he runs his tests locally. He also avoids the 
> TransactionTestCase truncation operations by shorting out the 
> LiveServerTestCase setUp / tearDownClass.
> Simplest way?
> The simplest way I can think of to resolve the issue is to read the 
> external liveserver out of os.env instead of sys.argv. Then you can follow 
> along exactly.
> $ export EXTERNAL_SERVER=''
> $ python test
> `allow_database_queries = False` would make me trust the setUpClass / 
> tearDownClass overrides more but my main issue with this approach is that 
> it does a lot of extra work: 
>    1. run tests locally
>    2. deploy to your code to your staging server
>    3. runserver with fixed port on staging server
>    4. run tests locally with LiveServerTestCases running against staging 
>    server
> It would be nice for the last run-through to _only_ run the functional 
> tests and not have to setUp the local database or run the other tests 
> against your local branch.
> Make unittest run functional tests remotely
> # app/
> import os
> if 'DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE' in os.env:
>     from django.tests import StaticLiveServerTestCase
>     FunctionalTest = StaticLiveServerTestCase
> else:
>     class FunctionalTest(unittest.TestCase):
>         live_server_url = ''
> then you can either run the tests via the DiscoveryRunner on the local 
> database
> $ python test
> or via the normal unittest runner on your remote server
> $ python -m unittest discover -p 'test_functional_*.py'
> Unfortunately, you'll lose a lot of power in not being able to reuse your 
> form code, assert anything about the database state on the remote server, 
> access django assertion methods, ... 
> At that point, I'd probably just run the tests on the remove server and do 
> something like
> Hardcode the port
> class FixedPortServerThread(LiveServerThread):
>     def _create_server(self, port):
>          if os.env.get('THROUGH_NGINX'):
>              return super(FixedPortServerThread, self)._create_server(port
> =8000)
>          else:
>              return super(FixedPortServerThread, self)._create_server(port
> =port)
> class MyLiveServerTestCase(LiveServerTestCase):
>     server_thread_class = FixedPortServerThread
> On Saturday, October 15, 2016 at 9:32:54 AM UTC-4, Andrew Wall wrote:
>> Very much appreciate the Django framework.  
>> I noticed in the docs 
>> <>
>> for Django 1.11 that the *DJANGO_LIVE_TEST_SERVER_ADDRESS* environmental 
>> variable is slated to be removed, along with the accompanying 
>> python test *--liveserver* option.  I'm concerned that without 
>> the ability to specify a remote IP address using --liveserver, it will no 
>> longer be possible to run functional tests using selenium against an 
>> external server.  I learned this technique from Harry Percival's excellent 
>> TDD with Python (see 
>> where the test command is called from the local machine but you pass in the 
>> external IP.  Will there be a different way to do this in Django 1.11? 
>> Perhaps the change to bind LiveserverTestCase to port zero by default can 
>> be made while retaining the option to pass in --liveserver?  Realize the 
>> release is a ways away but would appreciate any help as I've come to rely 
>> on this method to test server deployments.  Thank you!

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