I have a number of legacy databases that I need to access from Django and 
they do not have a single field primary key. They have composite primary 
keys. There is no easy way to add the single field primary key because 
other programs create records and Django would not be the application that 
maintains and modifies these tables.

I asked about this on the Django Users list and Simone Federici said:

sincerely, nobody take care about that feature because that's needed just 
for legacy db. 

The number of applications with on legacy db is less than 0.01% of the 
django applications.

There are some workaround for that applications, for example use SQL 


I implemented a CompositeKey Dajngo feature for Django 1.4.  It is 
completly working also for the Generic Keys, concatening escaped keys. 
There was also a draft to implement the indexes. However, Django core team 
is evolving the platform so quickly (good for the framework) and the 
library is not mantained anymore. On Dajngo 1.6 I had should rewrote it 

In the end, now I understand why the core team don't care about the 
feature. Forget it. 

Should I consider his statements to be the final statement from the Django 
core developers?

Thank you,

Lance Ellinghaus

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  • ... 'Lance Ellinghaus' via Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
    • ... James Bennett
      • ... Dan Davis
        • ... Josh Smeaton
          • ... Dan Davis
    • ... Simone Federici

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