Re: About the django-core mailing list

2010-09-09 Thread Anton Bessonov

I would say that any information on why a structure exists is good.

There is no difference have developers a confidential list, a chat or 
they communicate by phone, right? It has no relation to structure. It is 
a natural way for the decision not public problems.

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Re: About the django-core mailing list

2010-09-09 Thread Anton Bessonov

I disagree. Although it is normal for a project to have private
mailing lists, such as -security

You disagree, but it is normal? Decide for you first.

I'm very glad Jacob took the time to
explain the need for its presence in Django.
There is a difference about knowledge of the confidential list, trac, 
repo? Even for OpenSource there is one thousand reasons to have the 
private list.

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Re: About the django-core mailing list

2010-09-09 Thread Anton Bessonov

+1. Explaining existence of private  core-list is needless.

But also +1 for other points in Eric's presentation.

Thanks Jacob,

I don't understand why we are discussing about it.
It's quite obvious that if there is a core team, there's also a 
mailing list.


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Re: 1.3: Start deprecating mod_python?

2010-06-23 Thread Anton Bessonov

Hey folks,

While people are throwing around 1.3 ideas... I think we should start
the process of deprecating and removing support for mod_python. Why?

 * mod_wsgi is better in every way.
And? Jinja2-Template Engine is every way better as Django Template 
Engine. Drop DJango Template Engine and support Jinja2?

 * mod_python hasn't had a release since 2007, or a commit since 2008;
it's a dead end. The Apache Foundation board voted this month to
retire it to the "Attic" - effectively beginning to wind it up.

And? Cobol is old and dead, but see financial and insurance sector.

 * if people are still using it in production in 2012, it is easy to
maintain an external handler.

External handler is good idea generally for all handlers. And yes, 
enterprise are still using it in production in 2199.

I'm proposing the following very predictable timeline:

Django 1.3
Use of the modpython handler raises a PendingDeprecationWarning.
Update the docs to discourage people from using it.
Django 1.4
Use of the modpython handler raises a DeprecationWarning.
Django 1.5
Remove the modpython handler from Django (and put it on bitbucket/github?)

If someone magically steps up and brings it back to life, we can
always halt/reverse the process.


Rob :)

-1. This is'nt arguments to remove support for mod_python. It's produce 
sensless work.

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Re: AnonymousUser has_perm/has_module_perms function check authentication backends

2010-01-17 Thread Anton Bessonov

Why wouldn't a AnonymousUser have permissions?

Basically, this is senseless.

For some photo's you might want to disable rating and/
or commenting.
How often it is required to the user? In 99% of cases it is enough 
specify in an album "can" or "can not". It's really overkill of features.

Now you could go an add can_comment, can_rate booleans on the photo,
but thats not needed with row level permissions.
The subject is "AnonymousUser has_perm/has_module_perms [...]" and it 
has not something in common with the row level permission support. It's 
are two separate things.

I really don't care how or where to store the permissions for
AnonymousUsers, that's up to the person implementing a backend for it,
I do care however about that fact that the current implementation is
limiting the system.
Django's right management is basic and common. This is designed for 
"most apps".
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Re: AnonymousUser has_perm/has_module_perms function check authentication backends

2010-01-15 Thread Anton Bessonov
No. You need row based permissions if You will limit User(!) rights. For 
example user can edit entries with FK 2. See

But AnonymousUser (Guest) don't have any permissions. It's a special and 
that the guest can - it's not a permission - it's a setting.

Gert Van Gool schrieb:

Isn't the idea of row based permission that you don't need a special
model for that?

-- Gert

Mobile: +32 498725202

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Re: AnonymousUser has_perm/has_module_perms function check authentication backends

2010-01-15 Thread Anton Bessonov


It's a false place. All what you need - one Model for Settings.

if SettingsModel.objects.get(code='guest_can_comment'):

You can wrap this in one decorator function.

Harro schrieb:

Because the authentication backend now allows for role based
permissions you might have a blog post which anonymous users are
allowed to comment on (create_comment) and another they can't.

Now you would have to have a guest_can_comment flag or something on
the blog post and check that before displaying the form.
Instead I want to use the permission system to see if the anonymous
user has create_comment permission on that specific blog item.

so that's why I think this would be a good addition.

It would also allow for temporary shutting down of certain publicly
accessible items by simply removing/disabling the permissions for
guest users.

On Jan 14, 3:17 pm, Juan Pablo Scaletti 

If an AnonymousUser can do something then everybody can do that as well.
So why a regular unprotected view can't do the job?

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 8:13 AM, Harro  wrote:

I was having a look at the new 1.2 row level permission support that
got added and ran into the problem that the AnonymousUser does not
call the authentication backend functions.
The default backend doesn't need this, but with a custom backend I

might want to implement Guest permissions.
I think it will make the permission system even more powerful !
What do you guys think?

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Juan Pablo Scaletti

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Re: can anybody help me whats the wrong...

2009-12-29 Thread Anton Bessonov

here is django-developers, not python-tornado )

'chiru'tha schrieb:
> Hi to all,
> when i' running the helloworld example, i get this error.. But when i
> remove the statements corresponds to the module its
> working fine..
> and one thing is when i run the same code with module
> on the other mechine its working fine.. so the problem with
> could u please solve my problem if anybody knows..
> my os is:centOS 64bit
> thanks & regards
> chiranjeevi.muttoju
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "./demos/helloworld/", line 43, in 
> main()
>   File "./demos/helloworld/", line 33, in main
> tornado.options.parse_command_line()
>   File "/data01/chiru/tornado-0.2/demos/helloworld/tornado/
>", line 128, in parse_command_line
> enable_pretty_logging()
>   File "/data01/chiru/tornado-0.2/demos/helloworld/tornado/
>", line 309, in enable_pretty_logging
> channel.setFormatter(_ColorLogFormatter())
>   File "/data01/chiru/tornado-0.2/demos/helloworld/tornado/
>", line 318, in __init__
> logging.DEBUG: curses.tparm(fg_color, 4), # Blue
> _curses.error: tparm() returned NULL
> --
> --
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Re: Which textmate django bundle?

2009-12-23 Thread Anton Bessonov
VIM. django-dev is for discussion of developing Django itself!

zweb schrieb:
> I see there are multiple django bundles for textmate.
> Which is the best one you recommend?
> --
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Re: ANNOUNCE:- ibm_db_django-0.1.4 IBM Dataservers backend support for Django 1.1 Released

2009-11-07 Thread Anton Bessonov

Please don't write "ANNOUNCE". This make no sense and seems ugly.

Tarun Pasrija schrieb:
> Mistakably I have missed the What's New section so here is goes:-
> What's New??
> -
> This version has added support for the following-
> - ZOS support included
> - ibm_db google code issue no - 25 Implementation change for
> sequence_reset_sql
> Thanks and Regards
> Tarun Pasrija
> Open Source Application Development
> IBM India Software Labs
> On Oct 22, 9:49 am, Tarun Pasrija  wrote:
>> IBM_DB_DJANGO-0.1.4
>> ---IBM_DB_DJANGOadaptor enables access to 
>> IBM databases from Django
>> applications The adaptor is developed
>> and maintained by IBM.
>> What's New?
>> We are pleased to announce the release ofibm_db_django-0.1.4 to
>> support Django 1.1 and 1.0.x. We have kept the backward compatibility
>> so that users who have not migrated from 1.0.x to 1.1 can still use
>> the same adaptor.
>> Note:- Updation from fromibm_db_django-0.1.0 toibm_db_django-0.1.4
>> ---
>> --
>> The name of the adaptor (in Django terminology, the DATABASE_ENGINE)
>> has been changed to 'ibm_db_django' from this version onwards (in
>> earlier versions it was 'db2'). For your existing apps please
>> remember
>> to change this once you upgrade toibm_db_django-0.1.4
>> The 'DATABASE_ENGINE' field in should as below when 
>> usingibm_db_django-0.1.2
>>DATABASE_ENGINE= 'ibm_db_django'
>> (In version 0.1.0, it is "DATABASE_ENGINE= 'db2' " )
>> SVN access to the source
>> ---
>> Installation
>> $ easy_installibm_db_django
>> Feedback/Suggestions/Issues
>> You can provide us feedback/suggestions, or report a bug/defect, or
>> ask for help by using any of the following channels:
>> 1. Mailing us at
>> 2. Opening a new issue at
>> 3. By opening new discussion at
>> For prerequisites, installation steps and help details, visit 
>> -
>> Try this out and let us know you valuable feedback. Have fun.
>> Cheers,
>> Tarun Pasrija
>> Open Source Application Development
>> IBM India Software Labs
>> DB2 Cobra is now available. Download Express-C for free, go to:
>> ---
>> -
> >

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Re: NDjango - .Net port of Django template langauage

2009-09-22 Thread Anton Bessonov


if you need template engine only, then make more sence to port pure 
template engine such as jinja2. IMHO.

Michael Feingold schrieb:
> I am working on NDjango project. NDjango is a port of Django template
> language to .Net. It is an open source project. If you are curious you
> can get all information about it here:
> The reason I am posting here is that while one of our design goals is
> to keep ndjango templates compatible with django sometimes we cant
> help it. In such situations even though we cannot follow django
> scripture to the letter we are trying to follow the spirit.
> The specific question I would love to get some authorative answer to
> has to do with nested blocks. I am talking about block tags defining
> new content for blocks defined in a parent template. The django
> documentation does not asy anything certain about whether is it valid
> to have such blocks nested inside other tags. In my opinion this
> should be disallowed because it creates ambiguity and does not really
> buy anything.
> I posted the same question with more details on our mailing list:
> >

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Re: HTTP Errors

2009-07-27 Thread Anton Bessonov

Using e.x. raise Http404 isn't clean solution. Is a very ugly shortcut. 
So you can return always a 404-view. All other unhandled errors given 
500 - is general server error for _unhandled_ exception. Maybe I was 
wrong, but using exceptions is not pretty way.

Jonas Obrist schrieb:
> It probably wouldn't be impossible to do it yourself and I'm well aware 
> of the HttpResponseForbidden, but to me it doesn't makes sense that one 
> error is considered an exception in django and the other ones responses. 
> I'd like to see a unified way to handle this in Django and not just in 
> my app.
> >

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Re: HTTP Errors

2009-07-27 Thread Anton Bessonov

http/ describe Http404 Exception as:

class Http404(Exception):

You can make own Exception:

class Http403(Exception):

For 403 Response do you have HttpResponseForbidden in other Hand.

Jonas Obrist schrieb:
> I don't quite understand why I can raise a Http404 but not for example a 
> Http403.
> I think one should be able to either raise all Http error codes (4xx, 
> 5xx) or none. And I'd prefer being able to raise them as Exceptions
> >

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