
I wonder why does't  the DecimalFields implement an Admin Widget like the
other Fields?.
I am working in a application based in the Admin site and I am in trouble
trying to add some style to the decimal fields because they are rendered
like a plain input text field with no class associated.  For the other
fields I have no problem because the have a class associated based in the
widget the implement.

    models.DateField:       {'widget': widgets.AdminDateWidget},
    models.TimeField:       {'widget': widgets.AdminTimeWidget},
    models.TextField:       {'widget': widgets.AdminTextareaWidget},
    models.URLField:        {'widget': widgets.AdminURLFieldWidget},
    models.IntegerField:    {'widget': widgets.AdminIntegerFieldWidget},
    models.BigIntegerField: {'widget': widgets.AdminBigIntegerFieldWidget},
    models.CharField:       {'widget': widgets.AdminTextInputWidget},
    models.ImageField:      {'widget': widgets.AdminFileWidget},
    models.FileField:       {'widget': widgets.AdminFileWidget},


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