Need help with GeoDjango distance query.

2013-02-15 Thread mack the finger

Basically I want all objects within a certain distance, AS WELL as within 
each object's preferred distance.

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Re: createsuperuser with a custom User model

2013-02-10 Thread mack the finger
Ah, I didn't add my fields to REQUIRED_FIELDS, thanks. I was thinking 
createsuperuser would look at the fields I had included in 
create_superuser's signature...

On Sunday, February 10, 2013 7:04:59 PM UTC-5, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 7:48 AM, mack the finger 
> <
> > wrote:
>> I created a custom User model. It has a few extra fields, most notably a 
>> "date_of_birth" field. Now when I try to crete a new superuser instance via 
>> the management command, I get this error:
>> TypeError: create_superuser() takes exactly 4 arguments (3 given)
>> My "create_superuser" manager method looks like this:
>> def create_superuser(self, email, date_of_birth, password):
>> u = self.create_user(email, date_of_birth, password)
>> u.superuser = True
>> return u
>> The management command isn't asking for the dob... Is this a known 
>> shortcoming of the new custom User model, or am I not doing something right?
> If the management command isn't asking for the date of birth, then it 
> sounds like you haven't put the DOB field in the list of REQUIRED_FIELDS. 
> The other possibility is that you're not using a pre-release version of 
> Django 1.5. Custom user models are a new feature, and aren't available in 
> Django 1.4; you have to use the 1.5 release candidate or a version from git 
> to get this feature.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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createsuperuser with a custom User model

2013-02-10 Thread mack the finger
I created a custom User model. It has a few extra fields, most notably a 
"date_of_birth" field. Now when I try to crete a new superuser instance via 
the management command, I get this error:

TypeError: create_superuser() takes exactly 4 arguments (3 given)

My "create_superuser" manager method looks like this:

def create_superuser(self, email, date_of_birth, password):
u = self.create_user(email, date_of_birth, password)
u.superuser = True
return u

The management command isn't asking for the dob... Is this a known 
shortcoming of the new custom User model, or am I not doing something right?

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Fabfile for a multi-server project

2011-02-08 Thread mack the finger
I'm working on building a fabric deployment for a project with a
fairly complex environment. There will be 2+ app servers running
django code, a few database servers running in some kind of master/
slave configuration, a rabbitmq server, a mail server, some load
balancers, etc. There will be over 12 different machines at least. My
question is how should I write fabric scripts for all these servers? I
realize this isn't a fabric group, but I imagine there are a lot of
people here who have used fabric extensively, and fabric doesn't have
its own group...

Right now I plan on having a separate repository for both server
config files and deployment scripts, and another separate repo for the
django application code. The deploy repo will have a 'deploy' folder,
and then inside that folder there will be an 'app' folder, containing
the fabfile for apt-get installing, as well as pip installing all
requirements for the app server. I'll also have a 'db' folder which
will contain a fabfile with a task for apt-get installing postgres, a
task for copying over postgres config files, etc. Eventually, I'll
have a separate folder for each type of server, with it's own fabfile.

Is this the right way?  Does it make much sense to have it split up
like that? Would it be easier to have one fab file for all different

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len(qs.all()) != qs.count()

2011-01-18 Thread mack the finger
>>> p=EtilizeProduct.objects.all().using('etilize')[23424]
>>> p.productdescription_set.all()
>>> p.productdescription_set.count()

Does anybody have any idea why count() returns 4, but all() returns an empty 
list? I'm not using any custom routers.

>>> str(p.productdescription_set.all().query)
'SELECT "productdescriptions"."id", "productdescriptions"."productid", 
"productdescriptions"."description", "productdescriptions"."isdefault", 
"productdescriptions"."type", "productdescriptions"."
localeid" FROM "productdescriptions" WHERE "productdescriptions"."productid" 
= 1015433472 '

When I try to enter that command into a dbshell, I get a syntax error. If I 
remove the quotation marks, I'll get the 4 results:

$ ./ dbshell --database etilize
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 269
Server version: 5.1.49-1ubuntu8.1 (Ubuntu)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL v2 license

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input 

mysql> SELECT "productdescriptions"."id", "productdescriptions"."productid", 
"productdescriptions"."description", "productdescriptions"."isdefault", 
"productdescriptions"."type", "productdescriptions"."localeid" FROM 
"productdescriptions" WHERE "productdescriptions"."productid" = 1011081147;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual 
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use 
near '."id", "productdescriptions"."productid", 
"productdescriptions"."description", "' at line 1
mysql> SELECT "productdescriptions".* FROM "productdescriptions" WHERE 
"productdescriptions"."productid" = 1011081147;ERROR 1064 (42000): You have 
an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL 
server version for the right syntax to use near '.* FROM 
"productdescriptions" WHERE "productdescriptions"."productid" = 10110811' at 
line 1
mysql> SELECT productdescriptions.* FROM productdescriptions WHERE 
productdescriptions.productid = 1011081147;
| productid  | description   
 | isdefault | 
type | localeid |
| 1011081147 | Symantec (10888497) Software Licensing   
  | 0 | 
   0 |1 |
| 1011081147 | Symantec VERITAS Storage Foundation v.5.0 Enterprise HA for 
DB2 Crossgrade License - Government - 1 Server - Price Level S | 1 | 
   1 |1 |
| 1011081147 | Symantec VERITAS Storage Foundation v.5.0 Enterprise HA for 
DB2| 0 | 
   2 |1 |
| 1011081147 | Crossgrade License - Government - 1 Server - Price Level S   
  | 0 | 
   3 |1 |
4 rows in set (0.12 sec)

mysql> Bye

What could be causing this?

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Handling huge fixtures

2011-01-14 Thread mack the finger
We have a feature of our django application where the user will enter a 
zipcode, and out site will lookup that zipcode against a database table and 
return the city and state. In order for us to do this, we have a ZipCode 
model, and a 22 thousand line initial_data.json fixture.

The problem is that whenever we try to run *any* test, we have to wait about 
60 seconds for that fixture to load, which is really annoying. Does anyone 
have any tips for handling situations like these?

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Re: Getting started with generic relations

2010-12-06 Thread mack the finger
I did read the docs. The ubiquious 'TaggedItem' example I just
couldn't wrap my head around. I get it now though. For those who find
this looking for a solution:

Just add three fields to your model:

content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
item = generic.GenericForeignKey('content_type', 'object_id')

You can name them anything you want, as long as the names on the first
two lines match the names in the third line's constructor.

Basically the first line stores the type of object, the second line
stores the object's primarykey, and the third line is a helper thats
not even truly required, but makes it much much easier to use. Now you
can just go:

MyModel(item=WhateverModelInstanceYouWant, **other_opts)

and it should all magically work. The 'content_type' and 'object_id'
fields will be handled by the generic relation API.

On Dec 6, 4:34 am, bruno desthuilliers <>
> On 5 déc, 20:30, mack the finger <> wrote:
> > I can't quite wrap my brain around how to do generic relations. I have
> > a `Receipt` model which is a receipt of a purchase. One of the fields
> > is `item` which is a foreign key to a product model. I want to be able
> > to not only have products, but other things that the user can buy.
> > What do I need to do here to allow me to link to other types? Just
> > change the ForeignKey('Product') to generic.GenericForeignKey()? Is
> > that it?
> Actually it's a bit more complicated - but the good news is that it's
> documented:
> Please read the above doc first, then come back if you have problems ;)

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Getting started with generic relations

2010-12-05 Thread mack the finger
I can't quite wrap my brain around how to do generic relations. I have
a `Receipt` model which is a receipt of a purchase. One of the fields
is `item` which is a foreign key to a product model. I want to be able
to not only have products, but other things that the user can buy.

What do I need to do here to allow me to link to other types? Just
change the ForeignKey('Product') to generic.GenericForeignKey()? Is
that it?

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Django admin for call center support?

2010-10-29 Thread mack the finger
I'm responsible for writing a customer service application for a
django project, and it needs to be done by Monday (it's friday now).
I'm currently getting it built with the Django Admin, but the bosses
think the interface is too complex for the "knuckle-draggers" that
commonly answer phones. I'm wondering is anyone out there has ever
used the Django Admin for such purposes? Did you have to modify the
interface in any way? Did your customer service agents have trouble
navigating between the pages? Actually, has anyone out there ever had
to deploy a Django Admin instance to a group of computer illiterate
people? Were they able to cope?

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app engine and the non-rel stuff going on lately

2010-08-24 Thread mack the finger
I'm considering starting a project, and am leaning towards using
google app engine instead of the traditional LAMP stack. The problem
is that with app engine, you can't use django models, or anything else
that depends on django models, which means no modelforms, no admin, no
authentication, no third party-apps, etc. This is a huge drawback for

Lately there has been some work getting non-relational databases
working with django.  In lieu of all of that, what is the likelihood
that in the near future django will grow the ability to work more
natively with app engine?

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defining models for unit testing only

2010-08-21 Thread mack the finger
I wrote a django 'app', thats basically just a class that takes a
Queryset, some other information, and then outputs an HttpResponse
object (it does some other things too). How do I write unit tests for
this class? The app itself does not contain any models, yet the
functionality of the class depends on a model. The testing docs do not
mention anything about this.

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lightning talks at djangocon

2010-08-19 Thread mack the finger
i submitted two talk proposals for djangocon, but neither was
accepted. I can easily condense both topics into 5 minute
presentations. I have never attended a "con" such as djangocon, so
forgive me. How do lightning talks work? Do you "sign up" to do one
right before the lightning talk session, or do you have to submit it
during the talk proposals?

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dumpdata/loaddata through ssh

2010-07-29 Thread mack the finger
$ ./ dumpdata some_app | ssh prgmr "cat | /srv/proj/

I'm trying to send fixtures over to my production server. Is there a
one liner that can do this without creating an intermediate file? The
above code doesn't seem to work. I get "No fixtures found" returned.

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