Re: [DNG] Caching leads to unresponsiveness

2017-08-12 Thread marc
> Linux uses all available more for caching of filesystems. When copying large
> files to slow network filesystems (nfs, smb, sshfs, davfs) it takes a long
> time until such allocated memory becomes free. When these network
> filesystems saturate memory linux becomes very unresponsive. It can take
> minutes to start applications.
> Is there a way to limit memory usage of network filesystems?

I can think of two, but both might require a bit of coding:

 - open(2) the target file(s) with O_DIRECT or maybe O_SYNC.
   I don't think cp(1) has that as an argument though. 
   And few remote filesystems support a sync flag...

 - rate limit the file transfer - in other words issue
   the write(2) calls at a pace which matches the bandwidth
   available. Again, I don't believe standard cp(1) has
   that feature. If it were me I would use the double
   tar trick, but write a rate-limiting pipe program
   to fit between them:

   tar -c -C /home/source -f- . | pipelimit -r 2M | tar -xv -C /mnt/target -f-

   where a simple pipelimit looks like:

 result = read(STDIN_FILENO, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
 write(STDOUT_FILENO, buffer, result);

Conventional unix/linux assumes that filesystems are "fast", and 
one doesn't have to worry about the link properties/bandwidth to
the disk - you are bumping your head against that assumption


Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Caching leads to unresponsiveness

2017-08-11 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Hi Joachim.

Joachim Fahrner - 11.08.17, 17:43:
> Linux uses all available more for caching of filesystems. When copying
> large files to slow network filesystems (nfs, smb, sshfs, davfs) it
> takes a long time until such allocated memory becomes free. When these
> network filesystems saturate memory linux becomes very unresponsive. It
> can take minutes to start applications.
> Is there a way to limit memory usage of network filesystems?

Not specifically for network filesystems, but for all filesystems.


- /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_bytes (and ratio… but I´d set it in bytes)
- sysctl
- /etc/sysctl.d
- Kernel documentation: sysctl/vm.txt
- If you want to get rid of caches for specific files or run a workload in a 
that tells the kernel not to cache, see package nocache

Linus once recommended to set this to about what your storage can write out in 
about 2-3 seconds AFAIR. I concur. I´d set this to about no more than 4-5 
seconds. Its enough for Linux to optimize write ordering for rotating disks. 
Linus said the usual tresholds of 10% was made in times when computers had way 
less memory. Unfortunately the default value was never replaced by some kind 
of autotuning.

I use this for example:

martin@merkaba:~> cat /etc/sysctl.d/vm.conf 
# Only cache what my SSDs can write a few seconds
vm.dirty_background_bytes = 1073741824
vm.dirty_bytes = 2147483648

Especially when local storage reads are faster than NFS writes then its 
crucical to reduce this to a sane value. This can help especially well in 
combination with rsync which sync()´s on a file after writing it. I once found 
a 2x speedup between large and low dirty memory threshold. Also it tends to 
create bulky writeout before (piling up dirty memory, then having to write it 
in a sudden… pile it up again and so on).

This is the short version (lol!). I teach this in my Linux performance 
analysis & tuning courses. Beware of old pages about this. They may contain 
misleading recommendations.

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Caching leads to unresponsiveness

2017-08-11 Thread Patrick Meade

On 08/11/2017 10:43 AM, Joachim Fahrner wrote:
Linux uses all available more for caching of filesystems. When copying 
large files to slow network filesystems (nfs, smb, sshfs, davfs) it 
takes a long time until such allocated memory becomes free. When these 
network filesystems saturate memory linux becomes very unresponsive. It 
can take minutes to start applications.

Is there a way to limit memory usage of network filesystems?

I'm not sure if there is a way to limit cache usage by network 
filesystems specifically. The best resource I've seen on Linux using 
memory to cache filesystems is here:

If the cache truly is conflicting with your applications, the notes at 
the bottom of this page about /proc/sys/vm/swappiness may help:

Dng mailing list

Re: [DNG] Caching leads to unresponsiveness

2017-08-11 Thread Joachim Fahrner

Am 2017-08-11 17:43, schrieb Joachim Fahrner:

Linux uses all available more

Should be "memory", not "more"
Dng mailing list

[DNG] Caching leads to unresponsiveness

2017-08-11 Thread Joachim Fahrner
Linux uses all available more for caching of filesystems. When copying 
large files to slow network filesystems (nfs, smb, sshfs, davfs) it 
takes a long time until such allocated memory becomes free. When these 
network filesystems saturate memory linux becomes very unresponsive. It 
can take minutes to start applications.

Is there a way to limit memory usage of network filesystems?


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