Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] DHCP, how to ignore the client MAC address?

2019-01-15 Thread Michael Schleicher (smicha)

Hi John,

thanks for your reply.

On 12.01.19 07:48, john doe wrote:

If the maintaner of dnsmasq has not chimed in that leav us with to options:
- To much on his plate, something could be done to answer this question.
- The issue lies elsewhere (predicting way for MAC addressing).

Ok, than we wait, maybe Simon jump's in...

Many Thanks

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] DHCP, how to ignore the client MAC address?

2019-01-11 Thread MIchael Schleicher (smicha)

Hi John,

On 11.01.19 10:53, john doe wrote:

On 1/11/2019 9:49 AM, MIchael Schleicher (smicha) wrote:


thanks for your reply.

On 10.01.19 22:25, wrote:

On 1/10/19 3:26 PM, Michael Schleicher wrote:

As I said, for Linux VM's, I can set a uniq Client-ID that helps, but on
Windows you can not set define a Client-ID (as far as I know).

isn't this the machine name? when i was supporting winwhatever, the
install generated a machine name... that is the name i saw used in
DHCP requests... it is the name that was added to the DNS so queries
on it would return its current IP...

I have just checked on my environment what's in the dnsmasq.leases file:

1547246444 00:50:56:85:23:ea win-vm 01:00:50:56:85:23:ea
1547276503 00:50:56:85:f1:86 linux-vm 01:00:50:56:85:f1:86

As you see the Client-ID (5th field) is the MAC + "01:" as prefix.

You previously said that the hostname is always the same, as ilustrated
by the above they are not (win-vm vs linux-vm)?

That are 2 different systems. (1 Windows and 1 Linux VM). It's just a 


Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] DHCP, how to ignore the client MAC address?

2019-01-11 Thread MIchael Schleicher (smicha)


thanks for your reply.

On 10.01.19 22:25, wrote:

On 1/10/19 3:26 PM, Michael Schleicher wrote:

As I said, for Linux VM's, I can set a uniq Client-ID that helps, but on
Windows you can not set define a Client-ID (as far as I know).

isn't this the machine name? when i was supporting winwhatever, the 
install generated a machine name... that is the name i saw used in DHCP 
requests... it is the name that was added to the DNS so queries on it 
would return its current IP...

I have just checked on my environment what's in the dnsmasq.leases file:

1547246444 00:50:56:85:23:ea win-vm 01:00:50:56:85:23:ea
1547276503 00:50:56:85:f1:86 linux-vm 01:00:50:56:85:f1:86

As you see the Client-ID (5th field) is the MAC + "01:" as prefix.

Many Thanks

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] DHCP, how to ignore the client MAC address?

2019-01-08 Thread smicha

Hi John,

thanks for your reply.

I did some tests with your hints.

On 7.1.2019 17:41, john doe wrote:

Some hints from dnsmasq.conf:

# Give the machine which says its name is "bert" IP address
# and an infinite lease

Do not work with my setup, because when we re-deploy a VM, the MAC 
address will be autom. changed.
The re-delpoyed VM will than get a different IP as the old vm had 

# Always give the host with client identifier 01:02:02:04
# the IP address

# Always give the host with client identifier "marjorie"
# the IP address

OK, the setting of the DHCP Client ID on the linux clients to example 
the "hostname" will fix the problem.
But, as far as I see, I can not change or set the DHCP Client-ID on 
Windows systems :-(
Or, when we need to run a vm appliance, where I do not have access to 
the OS, this option will also not work.

Do you have an other idea how I can fix the problem?

# Enable the address given for "judge" in /etc/hosts
# to be given to a machine presenting the name "judge" when
# it asks for a DHCP lease.

See also (1) for more info on 'dhcp-host'.


Maybe is it possible to "patch" the code of dnsmasq, where dnsmasq can 
ignore the MAC address in the DHCP task?

Many Thanks

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list

[Dnsmasq-discuss] DHCP, how to ignore the client MAC address?

2019-01-07 Thread smicha

Hi all,

first of all, thank you for the grade software !!!
But I have a small questions regarding "dnsmasq" and DHCP requests.

We have running different, isolated test-landscapes. In each network a 
VM is running with dnsmasq, which do the DHCP/DNS task.
Some of the VM's in the landscape needs to have a "static" DHCP-IP, 
because a Firewall in front of the landscape routes traffic to the VM's 
(Rules are IP based)

So far so good.

Sometimes, when VM's (with the static DHCP-IP) has some problems and 
crash's and can not "release" there DHCP-IP, we need to re-deploy the 
same VM from our pool.
But, when the re-deployement process is starting, that new VM will have 
a different MAC Address per default. The Hostname is the same as before 
the old one had.

Now, the problem is begin, because dnsmasq have already a valid DHCP 
lease for the old (destroyed) VM and the new, re-deployed VM will get a 
different IP as expect.

I see in the dnsmasq logfile the following message:

  not using configured address because it is leased to 

The traffic from the firewall in front of, can reach the new VM (because 
the new VM does not have the correct expected IP).

In the past I use the tool "dhcp_release" to fix the issue, but now I 
ask is there an other way to fix this problem.

I there an option, that dnsmasq ignore the Client MAC address for 
"static" DHCP leases?

As far as I see, dnsmasq use a combination of "Hostname" and "MAC" for 
the DHCP leases.

I hope I could describe my problem understandable ;-)

Many Thanks

Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list