2012-12-16 Thread jcowens1

I really believe that the OQRS system is a real benefit  for getting QSL's from 
major DXpeditions. I am sure it is much easier for the DXped QSL managers and 
provides a small donation to the group . It has worked very well for me on all 
previous DXped's.  It is, however, only as good as the manager's running the 

I had been told that the ZK2C OQRS cards came out quite a while ago, but I had 
received nothing here. I have the receipt number from PayPal so I know they got 
my funds and request. I finally sent an email to DL7JAN and he said his records 
indicated he had sent mine, but he would send another. After many weeks of 
waiting and not receiving anything, I sent another email and he answered that 
he was pretty sure he had sent it. I waited additional weeks and still nothing 
came. My last 2 emails have been ignored. 

Has anyone had a similar experience on OQRS for this operation?? I guess 
another option would be to contact PayPal and tell them I received nothing for 
the fee that I paid. Not sure what that would accomplish other than letting 
them know that this person doesn't deliver on what he has been paid for. I am 
out over $4 USD now and got nothing. 

John Owens -  N7TK 

Celebrating over 50 Years in Ham Radio 
No. 1 Honor Roll 

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RE: [DX-CHAT] LOTW cannot possibly catch up

2012-12-16 Thread Richard Schweizer

To anyone that has studied IT, Project Management, or any other topic 
management topic know it's all about time, cost, and scope. This can be that 
most greatest system it the world but it's getting to cost $$$ and take some 
time.  So therefore the ARRL should charge the users the required cost ... SO 

Richard T. Schweizer

377 Canterbury Dr.

Ramsey,  NJ  07446


Telephone: (201) 825-4318

 > From: wn3...@verizon.net
> To: dx-chat@njdxa.org
> Subject: RE: [DX-CHAT]  LOTW cannot possibly catch up
> Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2012 18:56:42 -0500
> Blaming the ARRL IT staff for the problem is pointless.  I've dealt with
> them in the past on issues.  They are doing the best they can with what
> resources they have been given.  
> To use a poor analogy:  This is akin to blaming the ditch digger for using a
> shovel, when a backhoe would be faster.  The ditch digger would rather have
> a backhoe as well, but it's all he was issued.  Or, it's akin to blaming the
> line crew working on a downed power line for taking 2 hours to arrive
> instead of 15 minutes, when it was the power company's management that
> consolidated the local maintenance garages into one central one 25 miles
> away, and then reduced the staff levels due to "redundancy" and
> "efficiency."
> As I have said here and elsewhere:  If you don't like the situation -- and I
> don't like it either -- complaining here is pointless.  If you are an ARRL
> member, complain to your Division Director.  The Division Directors make up
> the ARRL Board, and they are SUPPOSED to listen to the membership -- that's
> us, and remember, WE are the League, not the Board, not the HQ staff, but
> US, the members.  If we don't tell them we're concerned, and that we want
> something done... nothing will happen.
> Further, considering that in the recent past...
> -- the design bug has been discovered and fixed, so no more mysterious loss
> of logs
> -- the update process is now more transparent, as new tools are available to
> track upload processing
> -- new hardware is on order
> -- the "Trusted QSL" open source project is being reopened (that's the
> programming that is at least part of the LotW system), and C++ developers
> are being sought to help -- and if you don't believe me on that or you
> didn't get the email, just ask AA6YQ
> ... I'd say that the Directors ARE hearing our concerns, and that they ARE
> telling the HQ staff to devote more resources to the system, and that things
> ARE moving along.  Maybe not as fast as we want, but they ARE in progress.
> It may not be ideal.  It's a start.
> So insulting the people "in the trenches" working on the system does little
> to no good.  Kvetching about things here may blow off steam & make you feel
> better, but does little good.
> You want something done?  Contact your Division Director.  And keep
> contacting him (or her).  
> 73, ron w3wn
> -Original Message-
> From: kf...@njdxa.org [mailto:kf...@njdxa.org] On Behalf Of Joe Subich, W4TV
> Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2012 4:18 PM
> To: w...@suddenlink.net
> Cc: Dx-Chat
> Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] LOTW cannot possibly catch up
> > SO, please let me ask; what do the complainers expect to accomplish
> > by continuing to kick this horse?
> How about getting others involved in *doing something* about the
> problem?  Since the ARRL IT department seems to want to bury its
> head in the sand and claims a new storage system will magically
> fix all the ills of LotW after doing nothing for three years ...
> since ARRL Management wants to spend as little as possible on LotW
> and has basically ignored it for six years, how about screaming at
> your Director to provide real resources for LotW and DX programs
> for a change?
> In case folks have forgotten, the DXCC Yearbook is no longer being
> mailed to each participant for free.  DXCC fees went up this year,
> LotW fees went up this year (for those who generally purchased in
> bulk), etc.  DX and contest related programs have been getting the
> short end of the stick for a lot of years ... this is one place
> that the line needs to be drawn.  Fix LotW - stop giving it lip
> service.
> Instead of a clear and well researched diagnosis after appropriate
> tests and consultation, this patient who is slipping into a coma is
> being told "take this expensive pill and call me in six months if
> you don't improve."
> 73,
>... Joe, W4TV
> On 12/15/2012 2:55 PM, Mike(W5UC) & Kathy (K5MWH) wrote:
> >
> > All of us on this reflector are painfully aware that LoTW has a
> > problem,  Additionally we all have seen this discussion go on ad
> > nausium. All of us are concerned about the problem.  None of this is new
> > NEWS.  So far I have told you nothing new.  The complaining goes on &
> > on, and accomplishes nothing.
> >
> > SO, please let me ask;  what do the complainers expect to accomplish by
> > continuing to kick this horse