[DX-CHAT] Best Practices for DXpedition Operating

2012-12-12 Thread Kostas SV1DPI

First of all i don't like the way leaderboard works. The leaderboards 
help activity of big pistols who want to satisfy their ego and they work 
a dxpedition agn and agn even they have worked agn in all modes and 
bands that country. But i don't think clublog blames on it. Clublog does 
a perfect job, it helps all of us with propagation, online logs, etc and 
it is finally a very useful tool. We are the problem when we don't use 
as it should. It's about the same when ARRL introduced dxcc challenge. 
Now is tougher to work a dxpedition than before challenge. And maybe was 
similar when they introduced dxcc modes... If ARRL makes a dxcc blabla 
where we must work 3000 entities in several modes and several bands... 
then all will be ok? It will make more difficult a little pistol to 
catch a new one. The other way it is sure that if a dxpedition selects a 
different approach on leaderboards, the activity will be reduced. Maybe 
a solution is Clublog publices the number of unique calls worked and not 
the number of qsos. This will be a motive for the dxpeditioners. But i 
insist that the problem, first of all is our ego... Let's try to see our 
hobby in a different way...

73...Kostas, SV1DPI

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Re: [DX-CHAT] Is This Old News????? DJ6SI arrested in Greece

2012-06-09 Thread Kostas SV1DPI
According RAAG’s site the Court decided yesterday that Baldur is innocent for 
the first accuse (operating his rig). According Court for the 2nd accuse 
(destroy of his computer and possible evidence of his activity), he was guilty 
(I hope the qsos are not missed = hi hi). This second case will be examined 
again in the future and I hope they get the right decision in future. Baldur 
was of course in Germany (he left after the first judge) and only his lawyer 
was at the Court. My opinion is that what is happened was by mistake in an 
island (Kos) very close to Turkey (the 2 coasts are only some meters far) where 
the Authorities were too much suspicious... When Greek or foreign hams ask for 
special calls from the Islands which are too closed to our borders, Navy is 
been asked for approving. If Greece would like to have this policy for some of 
the islands, should have signed the CEPT with the exception of these islands 
but we didn’t. So everyone should have better knowledge of the laws and stop 
asking these papers in general because it has no sense. But unfortunately it 
seems that we have more important things to do during this time frame... All SV 
hams, we ask from Baldur to forgive our country for the bad behavior...
73 Kostas SV1DPI
From: Tom Wylie 
Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2012 9:45 PM
To: crownha...@bellsouth.net 
Cc: DX Chat 
Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] Is This Old News? DJ6SI arrested in Greece



On 12/06/2012 15:49, Crownhaven wrote: 

  Steve, N4JQQ


  In what has to be one of the strangest international legal
  issues involving a ham radio operator, famed German
  DXpedition leader Baldur Drobnica, DJ6SI, has been arrested
  in Greece. But in a strange turn of events he was permitted
  to return to Germany if he promised that he would come back
  to Greece for trial. Amateur Radio Newsline's Bill
  Pasternak, WA6ITF, is in the newsroom trying to sort it all


  Let me start by saying that it is very hard to know what has
  really taken place because most of the news sources are
  foreign language ham radio blogs and other news reports that
  have been electronically translated into English. Also, as
  we go to air there comes a purported statement in German
  from the person in the center of the controversy, DXer
  Baldur Drobnika, DJ6SI. It was posted to QRZ.com by YO4PX
  after being translated by DK5KF. As that is the latest
  information, lets start there and then take a look at the
  rest of the story as it seemed to unfold.

  The statement credited to DJ6SI reads as follows:

  "June 3rd, 2012, 20:46 (UTC 2)

  Dear Michael,

  I wasn't charged with espionage. As a reason of my arrest it
  was stated that:

  1. I performed radio traffic without the approval of the
  Greek authorities;

  2. I owned transmitting equipment which enabled the
  reception of other frequencies;

  To the accusation was later added an other point:

  I hindered the visualization of the content of my notebook.

  I would like to ask you to eliminate the information that I
  was arrested for espionage, or to replace it with my

  Vy 73 Baldur DJ6SI"

  Now, the back story:

  According to news reports, 75 year old Baldur Drobnica,
  DJ6SI was on holiday on the Greek island of Kos. That's
  where he was reportedly taken into custody for the crime of
  espionage which was quickly reduced to operating amateur
  radio equipment. This, even though both Greece and
  Drobnika's home country of Germany are both signatories to
  the CEPT pan-European Amateur Radio licensing agreement.

  Even so, Greek news reports appear to indicate DJ6SI was
  actually arrested under a 1929 Greek law covering illegal
  operation of radio telegraph equipment even though the CEPT
  agreement would likely superscede the older law.

  According to Greek ham radio blogs the accusation of
  espionage was based on a complaint that he was "producing
  strange noises" with his computer. Those strange noises
  turned out to be CW and RTTY. This was corroborated by many
  who notice reports of his operation on Internet-based DX
  spotting clusters.

  Quite quickly the espionage charge appeared to disappear and
  the reduced charge under the 1929 law implemented. And in a
  strange turn of events, DJ6SI was permitted to return to
  Germany but he was told that he must return to Greece to
  stand trial on June 7th. That hearing is likely taking
  place as this newscast goes to air. But as several Greek
  hams have pointed out, DJ6SI would have not been permitted
  to leave the country if there were any real case or even a
  suspicion that he was engaged in spying activities.

  And one Greek ham radio blog took the matter a lot further.
  The Radio Amateur Association of Greece issued an angry
  statement defending DJ6SI. It claims that the
  responsibility for the entire matter shou


2004-10-26 Thread Kostas SV1DPI

Our club, Radio Amateur Association of West Greece 
(RAAWG) will participate in cqww in a multi single hp effort with the club's 
call SZ1A. We hope to work all of you. Qsl via buro ok or via RAAWG, PO Box 84, 
30100 Agrinio, Greece. LOtW ok also.


2004-02-29 Thread SV1DPI
I am trying to find help to get qsls from

Also i want to ask if anyone has get a qsl from RW6HS
I have send him via buro, direct several times and also
a registered letter without reply.
I don't work anymore stations that have qsl manager him.
If anyone know a way to get qsls from him i 'd like to know...
Kostas, SV1DPI

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Re: [DX-CHAT] buro is working or not

2003-08-28 Thread ???sta?t???? SV1DPI

I have send a lot of directs (for 870 qsos) and i 
have received requests for 226 qsos.
From the requests i have sent only 679 qsos 
confirmed. That is a 78% confirmed for directs but you must think that with many 
dx stations i had only 1 qso and the dxpeditions (always reply) have more qsos. 
So the real percentage is smaller.
That means also that the real percentage for my 
buro cards is significant smaller but you must estimate that i am active and the 
last year's qsos can not confirmed yet from the buro. 
Of course the problem is big with the qsls 
generally and not only with the buro.
I don't want to say something different just 
thoughts abt why i am a good qsler and the others (or at least the more of them) 
are not. I could have one more rig if i add the 600$ for printing and 
sending the buro cards, the 500$ or more that i spent to send directs and 
substract the 100$ from the requests. After all these i still believe to buro 
and i am going to print the cards for the last 600 unprinted qsos.
Kostas Stamatis, SV1DPIElectrical EngineerPO Box 66 - 30100 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 12:17 
  Subject: Re: [DX-CHAT] buro is working or 
  Kostas -Your statistics are 
  interesting.  However, you must also answer the following 
  questions:1.  Is the QSL rate a product of the Bureaus or the 
  stations you may have worked?2.  Is the QSL rate the product of a 
  combination of Bureaus and the DX stations?3.  Are you aware of 
  the fact that some stations do not QSL but never let you know?Many of 
  us have sent $$$ for cards and never received them or did receive them...via 
  bureau.  What are we to think?Statistics can be made to say 
  anything you want them to say!73,Jay/AF2CAt 08:46 PM 
  8/27/03 +0300, you wrote:
  Hi everybodyIn last issue of the 
magazine SV News (the official magazine of RadioAmateur Association of 
Greece) there is an announcement about the foreignburo.According to 
this, the following buro (among others) has never sent apackage with 
cards to Greek buro:3A, 8P, 9V, BY (only 100 cards once), BV, C6, CE, 
CO, CN, CP, CX, DU, ET,EY, EZ, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HP, JT, JY, LX, OA, OD, 
P4, PJ, PZ, SU, T7, TG, TI,VP5, VP9, YK, YN, YS, ZA, ZB, 4U1ITU, EK, EP, 
EX, UK, UN, VP8, ZC4, ZD8The best buro are JA, DL and very good I, USA, 
F, EA according to the aboveannouncement.My question "why not" 
especially for BY, CE, CO, CN, CP, CX, DU,  JY, TG,TI, UN, 
4U1ITU.After all these  i looked in my log to check some things 
about buro. Mylogging program (dx4win) helped meI have more than 
18000 qso in my log and i have send all the cards untilnow. Here is my 
results from some countries:JA 
48%   171/357 
45%  518/1147PA    
41,4% 92/222EA    
42% 189/451SP    
39,4%   188/477SM   37,6% 
56/149ON   34%    
32% 179/561OK   
30%    74/248PY    
29,3%   69/235F   
29%   98/338LU    
28,4%   60/211EI 
27,4% 17/62OH   
26%   44/170GM  
26%    26/99USA 
25%  1474/5888GI    
22,2%   8/36UA9  
21%    54/256GW   
20%  16/81G 
123/611UA    19,5%    
137/703LA    19,5% 
17/87EM   13%   
48/365TOTAL 29% CONFIRMED 5403/18642  (this number will be 
increased if i stop nowto make qso)After all these my thoughts 
are if i must send cards via buro or at least ifi must send only to 10 
first buros (USA is not included).I want to note that when i worked my 
last state from USA (was ND) and i toldhim that it is my last state, he 
told me to send him direct.I am still waiting for a card via buro from 
one of the three stations i haveworked from ND.I was believing to 
buro system and i like very much to have qsl from otherstations. I don't 
like eqsl or lotw, but i am thinking and especially afterthe above 
numbers that buro is only for the romantics now. If i had used allthe 
money i have spent to print qsls to send direct requests i would 
havebetter dxcc numbers for sure.Note that i have spent more than 
600euro (abt 600$) to print and send 18000qsls. I am thinking seriously 
to reply only but this means that my totalnumber of 29% will be 
decreased and that some guys who are interested for mycard will get it 2 
or 3 years after our qso (we are not big qslers here inGreece and there 
is not frequent response). Any thoughts?Kostas Stamatis, 
SV1DPIElectrical EngineerPO Box 66 - 30100 
AgrinioGreeceSubscribe/unsubscribe, feedback, FAQ, 
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[DX-CHAT] buro is working or not

2003-08-27 Thread Κωνσταντίνος SV1DPI
Hi everybody
In last issue of the magazine SV News (the official magazine of Radio
Amateur Association of Greece) there is an announcement about the foreign
According to this, the following buro (among others) has never sent a
package with cards to Greek buro:
3A, 8P, 9V, BY (only 100 cards once), BV, C6, CE, CO, CN, CP, CX, DU, ET,
EY, EZ, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HP, JT, JY, LX, OA, OD, P4, PJ, PZ, SU, T7, TG, TI,
VP5, VP9, YK, YN, YS, ZA, ZB, 4U1ITU, EK, EP, EX, UK, UN, VP8, ZC4, ZD8
The best buro are JA, DL and very good I, USA, F, EA according to the above
My question "why not" especially for BY, CE, CO, CN, CP, CX, DU,  JY, TG,
After all these  i looked in my log to check some things about buro. My
logging program (dx4win) helped me
I have more than 18000 qso in my log and i have send all the cards until
now. Here is my results from some countries:
JA 48%   171/357 (confirmed/total)
DL 45%  518/1147
PA41,4% 92/222
EA42% 189/451
SP39,4%   188/477
SM   37,6% 56/149
ON   34%72/213
I32% 179/561
OK   30%74/248
PY29,3%   69/235
F   29%   98/338
LU28,4%   60/211
EI 27,4% 17/62
OH   26%   44/170
GM  26%26/99
USA 25%  1474/5888
GI22,2%   8/36
UA9  21%54/256
GW   20%  16/81
G 20%123/611
LA19,5% 17/87
EM   13%   48/365

TOTAL 29% CONFIRMED 5403/18642  (this number will be increased if i stop now
to make qso)

After all these my thoughts are if i must send cards via buro or at least if
i must send only to 10 first buros (USA is not included).
I want to note that when i worked my last state from USA (was ND) and i told
him that it is my last state, he told me to send him direct.
I am still waiting for a card via buro from one of the three stations i have
worked from ND.
I was believing to buro system and i like very much to have qsl from other
stations. I don't like eqsl or lotw, but i am thinking and especially after
the above numbers that buro is only for the romantics now. If i had used all
the money i have spent to print qsls to send direct requests i would have
better dxcc numbers for sure.
Note that i have spent more than 600euro (abt 600$) to print and send 18000
qsls. I am thinking seriously to reply only but this means that my total
number of 29% will be decreased and that some guys who are interested for my
card will get it 2 or 3 years after our qso (we are not big qslers here in
Greece and there is not frequent response). Any thoughts?

Kostas Stamatis, SV1DPI
Electrical Engineer
PO Box 66 - 30100 Agrinio

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[DX-CHAT] Mount Athos bad(?) news

2003-07-09 Thread ???sta?t???? SV1DPI
I don't like to post on the reflector but i think that we are not right.
Monk Apollo has not a radio for 2 months now.
Has he asked anything?
I (sv1dpi) just told something that i learned and i think is interesting for
all of us.
If we want to give him a radio we can do it.
If we don't he will continue to live in Virgin Mary's garden in Mount Athos.
He is on the air when the other monks are sleeping. He is doing all the job
that the other monks do and he is trying to be on the air at his spare
time(Has he really?) for all of us.

Ron asked if he will accept a new radio. He was accepted his antenna like a
donation from Cushcraft and i asked him for this. He told that is ok if you
are not asking a license. The main reason: he can not help to get a license.

Finally i think that we must stop with all of this.
We hope that he will find a new rig quickly and he will be some hours on the
air again.

Kostas Stamatis, SV1DPI
Electrical Engineer
PO Box 66 - 30100 Agrinio

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