Re: [O] Fwd: slow capture templates

2014-05-22 Thread Nick Dokos
Bastien  writes:

> Hi Nick,
> Nick Dokos  writes:
>> ...and which OS and which X are you using?
> The OS is: x86_64-unknown-openbsd5.4

Ah, right - thanks! I googled a bit and found this:

Maybe it helps?


Re: [O] One broken property drawer prevents setting of any property

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Eric,

Eric Abrahamsen  writes:

> By passing the FORCE argument to `org-get-property-block', the broken
> block ends up getting silently repaired, and everything works as normal.

Can you show this as a patch?

> I'm not sure, however, that silently repairing things without the user's
> knowledge is the right thing to do...

We can warn the user with a temporary message, or ask him for
confirmation.  Or provide a helper command to repair drawers and
advertize it instead of throwing an error.

I'll look into this after you send me the patch.



Re: [O] Bug: TAB cycling and narrowing to subtree [8.2.6 (release_8.2.6-903-ga1b4d9 @ /home/youngfrog/sources/org-mode/lisp/)]

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas Richard  writes:

> If, instead, you first hit TAB (to open the subtree), then narrow to subtree
> and hit TAB again to fold, you get "* love is" followed by
> org-ellipsis followed by 'd' on the same line. The 'd' shouldn't be there.

That's an annoying and known glitch -- I don't have time for this
right now, but it is definitely in my radar.

Maybe getting rid of (defadvice outline-end-of-subtree ...) in org.el
is one way to start cleaning up that stuff.  If you can have a look,
that'd be good.  Otherwise I will in the coming weeks.



Re: [O] Non-scheduled repeating tasks

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Albin,

Albin Stjerna  writes:

> 1. Has something like this been attempted by anyone else before?

No -- but there are regular feature requests around making repeaters
more flexible.  I hope I can enhance this for 8.4 (or 9.0.)

> 2. Which org-mode hooks would be a good place to start integrating
> something that would both potentially block TODO transitions and have
> to read/write properties and/or special drawers in org-mode?

You can cook something from `org-after-todo-state-change-hook'.

Put the repeat value in a property, decrease it each time a task is
done until the repeater value is 0.  Displaying the repeater value can
be done in column mode.

That's for the first part of this feature -- the one with blocking
TODOs, see `org-blocker-hook' and `org-trigger-hook'.  Not sure it
will help though.

See also the manual on adding properties (i.e. `org-entry-put') and
hacking Org in general.



Re: [O] [PATCH] Make the point visible when jumping to the mark

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Ian,

Ian Kelling  writes:

> I would be happy to write the patch for this, if we agree.

Anything that gets rid of advice is good, we agree on this.

If you have time, please start sketching out the patch so that we can
discuss how to replace some of the advice by internal Org functions.
Note that we will certainly hit some roadblocks, and we don't want to
replace core Emacs fonctions like `pop-to-mark'.

One possible outcome is to consider a new Emacs hook: something like
`after-interactive-point-move-hook' that would check if the current
buffer is in Org and would reveal the context systematically.

I haven't thought this through, but raising this needs on the
emacs-devel list will perhaps leads to something.

Otherwise, having a contributed package with advice (using
add-function instead of defadvice) would be good enough.



Re: [O] M- does not work as described in the manual

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Kevin,

Kevin Van Horn  writes:

> Org-mode version 8.2.6 (8.2.6-22-gb11b4a-elpa).


Hopefully someone else can reproduce this, but I cannot, sorry.


Re: [O] Fwd: slow capture templates

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Nick,

Nick Dokos  writes:

> ...and which OS and which X are you using?

The OS is: x86_64-unknown-openbsd5.4


Re: [O] strange behaviour in org-agenda-diary-entry

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Eric,

Eric S Fraga  writes:

> I am indeed very puzzled.  I can only think that it must be a bug with
> emacs itself?

Nope, the bugs reminds me another one that has been fixed.

> Any hints on how to debug this would be most welcome as
> it is somewhat annoying.  But not critical, on the other hand.

I'd call it critical!  It corrupts the headline hierarchy behind your
back.  Your Org version is 966 commits ahead of 8.2.6, while we are
now >1000 commits ahead in the master branch -- can you just pull the
master branch, make and reload your config to check it still happens?



[O] org-contacts development

2014-05-22 Thread Alexis

Hi all,

i use org-contacts as my primary system for contact
management. Consequently, i'd love to be able to make use of my
org-contacts data on my Android phone.

To that end, i recently wrote some code for MobileOrg-Android which adds
basic PROPERTIES drawer support:

What i'd now like to do is to add support for transferring data back and
forth between my org-contacts file and the Contacts store on my
phone. The challenge is the mapping between these two systems.

For example, org-contacts provides only one EMAIL property, which can
contain multiple addresses separated by spaces, whereas Android's
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email class is able to distinguish
between different addresses for different purposes:

What would be useful would be an 'official', fleshed-out spec for
org-contacts data, which handles a greater range of contact-related
info. At the moment, for example, my org-contacts file makes use of the


A search of this list's archives for references to 'org-contacts':!&idxname=emacs-orgmode&max=20&result=normal&sort=date%3Alate

suggests that org-contacts is something people are using heavily enough
that they're writing code, ad-hoc, to provide functionality they
require, e.g.

i'm wondering if it might now be appropriate for org-contacts to become
part of org-mode proper, rather than simply a contrib, to reduce
unnecessary duplication of efforts. i suspect that, at the moment, a
number of people interested in making use of org-contacts might be
reluctant to do so (or do so more heavily) because it's not an
'official' part of org-mode. Yet contacts management seems to me to be
functionality well within org-mode's remit.

Fleshing out an extended spec for org-contacts data could be part of the
process of making org-contacts a first-class citizen of org-mode, and
provide a more solid foundation on which people can build (and share)
the org-contacts functionality they're after. And in my own particular
case, it would greatly facilitate my work in org-contacts / Android
Contacts integration. :-)

What do people think?


Re: [O] Writing .el files for org in org?

2014-05-22 Thread Grant Rettke
On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 3:30 AM, Rainer M Krug  wrote:

> If I understand you correctly, you are using Vagrant to develop your code
> and to generate the release - that is a good idea. But isn't this an
> overkill in the case of the context here? org (and emacs) should be
> stable enough to tangle the same .el file from an .org file
> (irrespective of whitespace and comments which do not influence the
> functional aspects).

Perhaps. The third alternative that for some inexplicable reason that
I failed to include was the generation of a "light weight" .emacs.el
that I use exclusively for tangling. When I configure my .emacs.el I
build two of them, one for doing everything, and one just for
tangling. I had to do so because an unrelated package that I use was
screwing up org's export. Indeed things are probably stable enough, I
just have been burned enough on other software systems that I at least
have to worry about it :).

Re: [O] Fwd: slow capture templates

2014-05-22 Thread Nick Dokos
jamil egdemir  writes:

> Using M-x org-version RET I get:
> Org-mode version 8.2.6 (release_8.2.6-1 @
> /home/jegdemir/share/emacs/24.4.50/lisp/org/)

...and which OS and which X are you using?

> In an attempt to follow you suggestion,  I fired up a few calls to
> x-get-selection in my *scratch* but didn't find anything exciting:
> ...
> I was hoping this would expose something since the two function calls
> in org-eventually boil down to x-get-selection (I think) but no dice.
> I also tried 'STRING and 'TEXT as arguments in the x-get-selection...
> results were the same and execution time was snappy.

So calling it by hand is fast, but calling it through org-capture is
extremely slow. Can you run an instrumented x-get-selection by hand and
see *how* fast the fast case is? On my system, I get 2.8ms per call, so
the ratio between that and your slow x-get-selection (admittedly a
meaningless number but that's why I wanted your fast value) is 150 or
so. I tried to come up with a theory here, but I must admit I'm baffled.

> ...
> x-get-selection   24
>115.30194600  4.8042477502
> x-get-selection-internal  24
>115.30104917  4.8042103823
> ...
> Looking at the definitions of the capture templates I'm using I'm not
> sure if I understand why the call is being made in the first place if
> the capture template does not contain %x.  Not that I think this would
> solve my deeper problem but it does seem like a good idea to check the
> template before pulling the clipboard contents as a matter of course.

That's probably true, but they *are* supposed to be fairly fast calls,
so a little inefficiency might not be too important. Besides, you
wouldn't have known that you have a problem with X selections if org
were more efficient :-)

> In any case it seems unintentional to me that using a capture template
> should induce 6 calls to org-get-x-clipboard and 24 calls to
> x-get-selection.

org-capture-fill-template can call org-get-x-clipboard from 4 to 6 times
and org-get-x-clipboard can call x-get-selection from 1 to 4 times, so
x-get-selection can be called from 4 to 24 times in each capture - you
got the worst-case scenario: 24 is the maximum. In my case, I had 4
calls to org-get-x-clipboard and 11 calls to x-get-selection. And at 3ms
per call, even 24 calls is probably insignificant - but not at 5s a call!


Re: [O] 3 beginner table questions

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Ryan,

Ryan Moszynski  writes:

> 2: i'm lazy

Assume we are too :)

Can you resend your email as plain text?  Otherwise the tables are
unreadable.  Also try rephrasing questions against a *simple* table,
so that volunteers who want to answer don't get lost in the details.



[O] Fwd: slow capture templates

2014-05-22 Thread jamil egdemir

My apologies.  I should have been more explicit on the installation.
I followed the instructions at

which included the 'make autoloads' where make in this case is
actually GNU make pulled down from their packages as opposed to the
OpenBSD make.

Using M-x org-version RET I get:
Org-mode version 8.2.6 (release_8.2.6-1 @

and so it appears the checked out org is being loaded.

In an attempt to follow you suggestion,  I fired up a few calls to
x-get-selection in my *scratch* but didn't find anything exciting:

;; let's try this with UTF8_STRING:
(x-get-selection nil 'UTF8_STRING)#("(x-get-selection value
'UTF8_STRING)" 0 35 (fontified nil) 35 36 (fontified nil
rear-nonsticky t))
(x-get-selection 'PRIMARY 'UTF8_STRING)##("rear" 0 4 (fontified t))
(x-get-selection 'SECONDARY 'UTF8_STRING)nil
(x-get-selection 'CLIPBOARD 'UTF8_STRING)#("resume" 0 6
(foreign-selection UTF8_STRING))

;; and with COMPOUND_TEXT:
(x-get-selection nil 'COMPOUND_TEXT)#("immediate" 0 9
(foreign-selection COMPOUND_TEXT))
(x-get-selection 'PRIMARY 'COMPOUND_TEXT)#("immediate" 0 9
(foreign-selection COMPOUND_TEXT))
(x-get-selection 'SECONDARY 'COMPOUND_TEXT)nil
(x-get-selection 'CLIPBOARD 'COMPOUND_TEXT)#("#(\"resume\" 0 6
(foreign-selection COMPOUND_TEXT))" 0 2 (fontified t) 2 10 (fontified
t face font-lock-string-face) 10 34 (fontified t) 34 47 (fontified t)
47 49 (fontified t))

I was hoping this would expose something since the two function calls
in org-eventually boil down to x-get-selection (I think) but no dice.
I also tried 'STRING and 'TEXT as arguments in the x-get-selection...
results were the same and execution time was snappy.

I also tried the following:

- close and restart emacs
- switched to *scratch* buffer
- instrumented X (along with org) by calling M-x
elp-instrument-package RET org RET and M-x elp-instrument-package RET
- executed (org-capture) in scratch with C-x C-e with point at the end
of the form

The resulting profile from elp immediately after last step:

org-get-x-clipboard   6
   115.30243587  19.217072645
   115.30235814  19.217059690
x-get-selection   24
   115.30194600  4.8042477502
x-get-selection-internal  24
   115.30104917  4.8042103823
org-clock-in  1
   1.162223352   1.162223352
   1.158297155   1.158297155
org-find-open-clocks  3
   1.1580858859  0.3860286286
org-indent-add-properties 16
   0.420800437   0.0263000273
org-indent-initialize-agent   3
   0.4196886359  0.139896212
org-indent-initialize-buffer  2
   0.4195824059  0.2097912029
org-at-item-p 3131
   0.2143426759  6.845...e-05
org-list-in-valid-context-p   329
   0.1737325780  0.0005280625
   0.1715975809  0.0005215731
org-between-regexps-p 2619
   0.1176125040  4.490...e-05
org-get-indentation   2814
   0.0492611860  1.750...e-05
org-mode  3
   0.041698319   0.0138994396

and after looking at the source for x-get-selection you find that the
first thing it does is call x-get-selection-internal with appears to
map to something in xselect.c.  This happens inside select.el.gz...

Looking at the definitions of the capture templates I'm using I'm not
sure if I understand why the call is being made in the first place if
the capture template does not contain %x.  Not that I think this would
solve my deeper problem but it does seem like a good idea to check the
template before pulling the clipboard contents as a matter of course.

In any case it seems unintentional to me that using a capture template
should induce 6 calls to org-get-x-clipboard and 24 calls to

BTW, Thanks for the help B.


Re: [O] Pandoc users, how do you use it with org-mode, and why?

2014-05-22 Thread Scott Randby
On 05/21/2014 02:33 PM, Eric S Fraga wrote:
> On Wednesday, 21 May 2014 at 13:01, Grant Rettke wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Lately been hearing great things about Pandoc's ability to export to ebook
>> formats and more.
>> Folks that use both Pandoc and org-mode: how do you use them together, and
>> why?
> I've only recently started using pandoc and I have exactly one use case:
> the need, in some cases, to produce a .docx document with
> mathematics.  Pandoc will convert LaTeX to docx and handles equations
> reasonably well (not perfect but better than any other alternative I
> have found to date).  The LaTeX generated by org is usually perfectly
> fine.

I've been playing around with Pandoc, and I've found that its ability to
convert LaTeX to docx is rather limited. While it will convert equations
and mathematical expressions reasonably well, it is not able to convert
arrays that use things such as \hline or other formatting commands. This
isn't surprising to me, but it means that arrays with special formatting
need to be altered before using Pandoc.

Scott Randby

Re: [O] Pandoc users, how do you use it with org-mode, and why?

2014-05-22 Thread Alan Tyree
Hi Eric,
My "solution" was a keyboard macro at the LaTeX stage, replacing

\ref{sec-3-2-1} with 3.2.1 in the text.

Not very elegant, but it works for the time being when I don't have the
time to consider anything better.

A filter would obviously be better, but my elisp skills mean that it would
take more time than I have right now.

Also not a good solution since it trashes the LaTeX file. In my case,
that's OK since the LaTeX file is just a means to an end.


On 22 May 2014 18:44, Eric S Fraga  wrote:

> On Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 08:24, Alan L Tyree wrote:
> [...]
> > It is good EXCEPT my book contains many, many cross references. In
> > docx they come out looking like:
> >
> > "see [sec-3-4-2]" when I want them to look like "see 3.4.2".
> I have a few of these, few enough that post-processing by hand is
> reasonable.  However, if you do find a solution to this, I would be very
> happy to hear of it!
> Thanks,
> eric
> --
> : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.2.6-949-g751506

Alan L Tyree
Tel:  04 2748

Re: [O] Writing .el files for org in org?

2014-05-22 Thread Rainer M Krug
Josh Berry  writes:

> On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 5:54 AM, Rainer M Krug  wrote:
>> 4) and if it is working, detangled into ob-org
> Apologies for jumping in as a lurker.  When you say "detangled", is there a
> process for doing this?  I know that working with cweb files the tangled

Yes - org-babel-detangle.



> output included some markers to indicate where the sections came from.
> Having something like that here would be great.  I have not extensively
> used this workflow for writing code, but I know I have had times where I
> found it easy to try out a few small (or sometimes largish) changes in the
> tangled output directly.  Having a procedure to "detangle" would be very
> nice.
> Thanks!
> -josh

Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, 
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

Tel :   +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
Cell:   +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
Fax :   +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44

Fax (D):+49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44


Skype:  RMkrug

PGP: 0x0F52F982

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] strange behaviour in org-agenda-diary-entry

2014-05-22 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 18:39, Bastien wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Eric S Fraga  writes:
>> Just a quick heads up to say that I have some strange behaviour that
>> appeared within the past week or so:  I manage my diary by viewing it in
>> org-agenda and adding entries from that view with "i d"
>> (org-agenda-diary-entry).  I have org-agenda-diary-file defined and my
>> diary entries are in a date-tree format.  Therefore, new entries should
>> be inserted as fourth level headings (year -> month -> day -> entry) and
>> this is how things have been until recently.
>> Something has changed so that my entries are now inserted at the second
>> level.
> I double-checked and cannot reproduce this, either with maint or with
> master.  Do you still observe the problem or was it just a temporary
> hiccup?

Hi Bastien,

Unfortunately, it continues to happen.  There doesn't seem to be
anything in my configuration that would cause this.

I have started with emacs -q (and also emacs -Q just in case) and then
eval'ed the following statements:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
  (add-to-list 'load-path "~/git/org-mode/lisp")
  (require 'org)
  (setq org-agenda-diary-file "~/s/notes/")
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Then the following sequence

   M-x org-agenda RET a i d 3pm testing RET

gives me the following contents in, having started with an
empty file:

,[ ]
| * 2014
| ** 2014-05 May
| *** 2014-05-22 Thursday
| ** 3pm testing
|<2014-05-22 Thu>

The versions of emacs-snapshot and git org are in my signature.  

I am indeed very puzzled.  I can only think that it must be a bug with
emacs itself?  Any hints on how to debug this would be most welcome as
it is somewhat annoying.  But not critical, on the other hand.  I just
have to remember to immediately add to * to the headline in the diary


: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.2.6-966-g6cdf1b

Re: [O] M- does not work as described in the manual

2014-05-22 Thread Kevin Van Horn
Org-mode version 8.2.6 (8.2.6-22-gb11b4a-elpa).

Emacs: GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7601)
 of 2013-03-17 on MARVIN

Kevin S. Van Horn, Ph.D. | Principal Engineer
D: 801.290.3823 | Salt Lake City Office (Mountain Time)

-Original Message-
From: Bastien Guerry [] On Behalf Of Bastien
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 11:01 AM
To: Kevin Van Horn
Subject: Re: M- does not work as described in the manual

Hi Kevin,

Kevin Van Horn  writes:

> Thank you for your response, but... 
> Using the most recent stable version of emacs I still see the bug.

What gives M-x org-version RET?

> When I override the built-in version of org and install version
> 20140519 of org using the package manager, I still see the bug.
> I am working under Windows 7, and my emacs version is 24.3.1.

I'm still unable to reproduce this, sorry.


Re: [O] M- does not work as described in the manual

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Kevin,

Kevin Van Horn  writes:

> Thank you for your response, but... 
> Using the most recent stable version of emacs I still see the bug.

What gives M-x org-version RET?

> When I override the built-in version of org and install version
> 20140519 of org using the package manager, I still see the bug.
> I am working under Windows 7, and my emacs version is 24.3.1.

I'm still unable to reproduce this, sorry.


Re: [O] M- does not work as described in the manual

2014-05-22 Thread Kevin Van Horn
Thank you for your response, but... 

Using the most recent stable version of emacs I still see the bug.

When I override the built-in version of org and install version 20140519 of org 
using the package manager, I still see the bug.

I am working under Windows 7, and my emacs version is 24.3.1.

Kevin S. Van Horn, Ph.D. | Principal Engineer
D: 801.290.3823 | Salt Lake City Office (Mountain Time)

-Original Message-
From: Bastien Guerry [] On Behalf Of Bastien
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 7:46 PM
To: Kevin Van Horn
Subject: Re: M- does not work as described in the manual

Hi Kevin,

There used to be such a problem but it has been fixed.

When you report a bug, please first check it's not here anymore with the latest 
stable version, or at least provide the version string of Org.



Re: [O] strange behaviour in org-agenda-diary-entry

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Eric,

Eric S Fraga  writes:

> Just a quick heads up to say that I have some strange behaviour that
> appeared within the past week or so:  I manage my diary by viewing it in
> org-agenda and adding entries from that view with "i d"
> (org-agenda-diary-entry).  I have org-agenda-diary-file defined and my
> diary entries are in a date-tree format.  Therefore, new entries should
> be inserted as fourth level headings (year -> month -> day -> entry) and
> this is how things have been until recently.
> Something has changed so that my entries are now inserted at the second
> level.

I double-checked and cannot reproduce this, either with maint or with
master.  Do you still observe the problem or was it just a temporary



Re: [O] slow capture templates

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Jamil,

jamil egdemir  writes:

> I've pulled the latest org from git and added it to my load-path:

You also need to "make" or "make autoloads".

> ;; to make sure we're using the latest org checkout from git:
> (add-to-list 'load-path "~/home/jegdemir/buildarea/org-mode/lisp")
> (add-to-list 'load-path "~/home/jegdemir/buildarea/org-mode/contrib/lisp" t)
> and now when I evaluate org-version in my *scratch* I get:
> (org-version)"8.2.6"

Please check M-x org-version RET, not just M-: (org-version) RET as it
gives more information.

> So it seems there is a connection with X.


`org-get-x-clipboard-compat' does not do anything fancy -- perhaps you
can check whether you observe the slowliness with other Emacs features
using the clipboard?


Re: [O] Weird behavior in `org-agenda-redo' and/or `org-mobile-push'

2014-05-22 Thread Konstantin Kliakhandler
Hi Bastien,

I'm willing to sign the FSF copyright papers, provided it isn't too big of
a hassle :-). What do I need to do?

The problem that the other part of the patch solves is as follows:

org-batch-store-agenda-views writes all agendas (according to some
criteria) to disk.
To do this, it first generates all those agendas in a temporary buffer,
which is killed at the end.
This is done in a special environment, so as to not change the currently
open agenda buffer (if there is one).
The process is not hermetic - the plist of org-agenda-category-filter can
get modified while generating the temporary agendas (when generating
agendas with a category filter).
If indeed modified, then at the end of the process, a user sees a filtered
agenda buffer even when starting out from an unfiltered one.

The patch addresses this by first saving the plist of the
org-agenda-category-filter variable, then executing the regular
functionality of org-batch-store-agenda-views, and finally restoring the
plist of org-agenda-category-filter variable.

In case something falls through with the FSF papers, I think this should be
enough to implement a similar fix.


Konstantin Kliakhandler
  )°) )°( (°(

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 1:59 PM, Bastien  wrote:

> Hi Konstantin,
> Konstantin Kliakhandler  writes:
> > I also fixed the problems in both org-agenda.el and am including the
> > patch.
> Thanks for the patch -- I applied the part that I understand:
> As for the other part, can you restate what bug it fixes in very
> simple words?
> Also, we cannot accept it unless you signed the FSF copyright
> assignment, so prepare to go this route if you want to submit
> a consequent patch.  Otherwise simply describe the problem and
> a possible fix and we'll implement it.
> Thanks,
> --
>  Bastien

Re: [O] slow capture templates

2014-05-22 Thread jamil egdemir

I've pulled the latest org from git and added it to my load-path:

;; to make sure we're using the latest org checkout from git:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/home/jegdemir/buildarea/org-mode/lisp")
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/home/jegdemir/buildarea/org-mode/contrib/lisp" t)

and now when I evaluate org-version in my *scratch* I get:


so it seems I'm tracking with development now.

I reran the profiler with org instrumented:

org-get-x-clipboard   6
   62.326623797  10.387770632
   62.326477761  10.387746293
org-make-link-string  1
   0.026009872   0.026009872
   0.025920266   0.025920266
org-clock-in  1
   0.004433664   0.004433664
org-mode-flyspell-verify  1
   0.002293867   0.002293867
org-indent-refresh-maybe  18
   0.001712022   9.511...e-05
org-switch-to-buffer-other-window 2
   0.001558158   0.000779079
org-clock-find-position   1
   0.001489784   0.001489784
org-mode  1
   0.001480635   0.001480635

I have also tried the capture templates with and without X
since the profile indicated that the largest
consumers of time were dealing with the clipboard.  Sure enough
the capture templates are greased lightning quick when run in emacs w/o X:

org-capture   1
   1.161324914   1.161324914
org-capture-select-template   1
   1.1253895489  1.1253895489
org-mks   1
   1.125358958   1.125358958
org-clock-in  1
   0.030630571   0.030630571
org-clock-find-position   1
   0.025617154   0.025617154
org-indent-line   3
   0.0251875609  0.0083958536
org-in-item-p 6
   0.0249584120  0.0041597353
org-list-context  6
   0.024542436   0.004090406
   0.002721156   0.002721156
org-find-open-clocks  3
   0.0025130990  0.0008376996
org-capture-fill-template 1
   0.002402191   0.002402191
   0.002357772   0.002357772
org-capture-place-entry   1
   0.001994248   0.001994248
org-mode  1
   0.001423784   0.001423784
org-indent-refresh-maybe  14
   0.001286477   9.189...e-05

So it seems there is a connection with X.


Re: [O] temporarily un-ignoring scheduled tasks in global todo list

2014-05-22 Thread Christoph Groth
> Christoph Groth  writes:
>> There doesn't seem to be an easy way to make a custom agenda view
>> that only shows todo items that are scheduled for the future.  Or am
>> I wrong?
> Use a TODO agenda view, and set `org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled' to
> past within this custom agenda view.

Thanks, the following now works as one element of

("f" "List TODO entries scheduled for the future"
 todo ""
 ((org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled 'past)
   '(org-agenda-skip-entry-if 'notscheduled

I see now that this is mentioned in Appendix 7 in the manual... With
orgmode, the problem seems to be not whether some functionality is
implemented, but where to find it.

Re: [O] Writing .el files for org in org?

2014-05-22 Thread Josh Berry
On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 5:54 AM, Rainer M Krug  wrote:

> 4) and if it is working, detangled into ob-org

Apologies for jumping in as a lurker.  When you say "detangled", is there a
process for doing this?  I know that working with cweb files the tangled
output included some markers to indicate where the sections came from.
Having something like that here would be great.  I have not extensively
used this workflow for writing code, but I know I have had times where I
found it easy to try out a few small (or sometimes largish) changes in the
tangled output directly.  Having a procedure to "detangle" would be very



Re: [O] [PATCH] Make the point visible when jumping to the mark

2014-05-22 Thread Ian Kelling
Bastien  writes:

> Hi Sébastien,
> Sebastien Vauban 
> writes:
>> Even if the goal is desirable, I thought that we may not add defadvice
>> in Emacs sources.
> True that, we need to clean things up.
> The route I will take is to apply Ian patch on master and then to
> move all advising code into a separate org-advice.el library in the
> contrib/ directory.  Any suggestion for a better name?

I considered this problem when I made the patch, and originally started
writing it to not use advise. The alternative I see is to create
org-mode versions of these functions, and binding them with the
org-mode-map to override the existing functions, like we do with other
functions. I prefer advice in these cases because the advice is simple
and it is easier for users customizing keybinds and extending
emacs. However, compared to making it a module and thus not enabled by
default, I would prefer to make org-mode versions of the
functions. Having them on by default will be more helpful to more users
overall. I would be happy to write the patch for this, if we agree.

[O] Bug: ob-ditaa fails in generating pdf correctly

2014-05-22 Thread Anders Johansson

Example input:
#+header: :eps t
#+header: :file hello.pdf
#+BEGIN_SRC ditaa
|  |
|Hello |
|  |

When using the above code (which I guessed should be the correct way) 
with ob-ditaa to produce a pdf (through  DitaaEps -> epstopdf) it fails 
in producing the pdf correctly and instead writes an eps to "hello.pdf". 
This isn't surprising, looking at the code where "cmd" should be 
constructed to produce the eps as an intermediary file in /tmp (which is 
expected in the construction of pdf-cmd) but doesn't.

An ugly patch to fix it is attached (this is ugly because it repeats the 

(org-babel-process-file-name (concat in-file ".eps"))

Anders Johansson
--- "/home/aj/H\303\244mtningar/ob-ditaa.el"2014-05-22 17:15:35.489071991 
+++ ob-ditaa.el 2014-05-22 17:08:46.617089186 +0200
@@ -90,6 +90,12 @@
 (java (cdr (assoc :java params)))
 (in-file (org-babel-temp-file "ditaa-"))
 (eps (cdr (assoc :eps params)))
+(pdf-cmd (when (and (or (string= (file-name-extension out-file) "pdf")
+(cdr (assoc :pdf params
+   (concat
+" " (org-babel-process-file-name (concat in-file ".eps"))
+" -o=" (org-babel-process-file-name out-file
 (cmd (concat org-babel-ditaa-java-cmd
  " " java " " org-ditaa-jar-option " "
@@ -97,13 +103,10 @@
(if eps org-ditaa-eps-jar-path org-ditaa-jar-path)))
  " " cmdline
  " " (org-babel-process-file-name in-file)
- " " (org-babel-process-file-name out-file)))
-(pdf-cmd (when (and (or (string= (file-name-extension out-file) "pdf")
-(cdr (assoc :pdf params
-   (concat
-" " (org-babel-process-file-name (concat in-file ".eps"))
-" -o=" (org-babel-process-file-name out-file)
+ " " (if pdf-cmd
+ (org-babel-process-file-name (concat 
in-file ".eps"))
+ (org-babel-process-file-name 
 (unless (file-exists-p org-ditaa-jar-path)
   (error "Could not find ditaa.jar at %s" org-ditaa-jar-path))
 (with-temp-file in-file (insert body))

Re: [O] Writing .el files for org in org?

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Rainer M Krug  writes:

> But as I am not the one who has to maintain it, it is easy for me to
> suggest it.


Even if we find a solution for keeping everything in sync easily,
there is still the problem of enforcing a convention on potentially
many contributors.

Maybe you can publish your file somewhere on gitorious or
github and report how it goes?  This would help convince others.
Once there is a majority asking for all ob-*.el file to be edited
like this, we can think of fixing the other problems.


Re: [O] exporter bindings in agenda

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Greg,

Greg Troxel  writes:

> But I can deal or change my own bindings, so the question is really
> about what the ensemble of current and future users will find more
> intuitive.

Yes -- let them speak.

I don't find it intuitive to have C-c C-e in agenda trying to do
something sensible, except for exporting the result of C-x C-w, but
probably other users feel otherwise.


Re: [O] temporarily un-ignoring scheduled tasks in global todo list

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Christoph Groth  writes:

> This shows entries scheduled for the future together with unscheduled
> entries (many in my case).  I am looking for a way to temporarily hide
> the unscheduled entries.

Then maybe combine this with `org-agenda-skip-if' set to 'notscheduled?


Re: [O] temporarily un-ignoring scheduled tasks in global todo list

2014-05-22 Thread Christoph Groth
Bastien  writes:

>> There doesn't seem to be an easy way to make a custom agenda view
>> that only shows todo items that are scheduled for the future.  Or am
>> I wrong?
> Use a TODO agenda view, and set `org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled' to
> past within this custom agenda view.

This shows entries scheduled for the future together with unscheduled
entries (many in my case).  I am looking for a way to temporarily hide
the unscheduled entries.

Re: [O] [PATCH] ob-scheme.el: Fix scheme code blocks execution error in batch mode

2014-05-22 Thread KDr2
Hi, all

This patch is finally merged into the master branch, we can export results
of scheme code block under batch mode now.

Thanks to Eric, Bastien and Oleh.

On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 10:12 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:

> KDr2  writes:
> > HI, Eric
> >
> > You are right, I remove the usage of advice now, and use the method you
> > (nearly) gave, only 1 little change:
> > I found the code:
> > 
> > (defun t1 () (message "abc"))
> > ;;(symbol-function 't1)
> >
> > (let ((hold #'t1))
> >   (defun t1 () (message "def"))
> >   (setq t1 hold))
> > ;;(symbol-function 't1)
> > 
> >
> > did recover the t1 function after it executed, so I use this way:
> > 
> > (defun t1 () (message "abc"))
> > ;;(symbol-function 't1)
> >
> > (let ((hold (symbol-function 't1)))
> >   (defun t1 () (message "def"))
> >   (fset 't1 hold))
> >
> > ;;(symbol-function 't1)
> > 
> >
> Using fset is more readable than my proposal.  Very nice.
> >
> > And the new patch is attached.
> >
> Thanks, however unwind-protect is not used correctly.  Make sure that
> the value of message is reset in the unwindforms portion of
> unwind-protect.
> >
> > BTW: I received a PDF assignment form from FSF, but the developer name
> and
> > the target program on it were wrong (It's for another person who
> > contributes to GCC, I think), so I reply that mail for a new PDF
> assignment
> > form, I 'll tell you after these things done.
> >
> Great, let Bastien and myself know when this comes through and he'll add
> you to the contributors list and I'll apply the patch.
> Best,
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 3:18 AM, Eric Schulte  >wrote:
> >
> >> Hmmm,
> >>
> >> Not to be overly nitpicky here, but I see two issues.
> >>
> >> 1. You should use unwind-protect, to ensure that (ad-unadvise #'message)
> >>is run even if @body throws an error, and
> >>
> >> 2. This will remove any advise which the user has placed on #'message.
> >>
> >> How about something shaped like the following.
> >>
> >> (defmacro with-weird-message (&rest body)
> >>   `(let ((hold #'message)
> >>  current-message)
> >>  (unwind-protect
> >>  (progn
> >>(defun message (&rest args)
> >>  (setq current-message (apply #'format args)))
> >>,@body
> >>current-message)
> >>(setq message hold
> >>
> >> Best,
> >>
> >> P.S. I know this is a lot of process for a small patch, but from this
> >>  point forward once you have the FSF assignment you can much more
> >>  easily contribute to ob-scheme and org in general
> >>
> >> KDr2  writes:
> >>
> >> > Hi, Eric
> >> >
> >> > I'm sorry for that I used `flet' in the patch, It's a easy way to let
> >> > function `current-message' work in batch mode, so I used it even I saw
> >> that
> >> > emacs says `flet' is obsolete, I'm sorry for that.
> >> >
> >> > And I made a new patch(attachment) using `defadvice' for `message' to
> >> > capture the message in batch mode, after the message being captured,
> the
> >> > advice function is removed. Is this way OK?
> >> >
> >> > And I also sent a request email to, and now waiting
> the
> >> > reply.
> >> >
> >> > Thanks.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Eric Schulte <
> >> >wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> We can no longer use `flet' in the Org-mode code base, please re-work
> >> >> this patch w/o flet.
> >> >>
> >> >> Also, I don't see your name in the list of contributors, and (I
> believe)
> >> >> this patch is too large to apply w/o FSF assignment.  See the
> following
> >> >> page on how to contribute to Org-mode.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> KDr2  writes:
> >> >>
> >> >> > The bug:
> >> >> > write file ~/ with the content below:
> >> >> > ---8<--
> >> >> > #+BEGIN_SRC scheme :exports results :results output raw
> >> >> >   (display "Hello Scheme in OrgMode")
> >> >> > #+END_SRC
> >> >> > ---8<--
> >> >> >
> >> >> > and run:
> >> >> >
> >> >> > emacs --batch --eval='(load "~/.emacs.d/init.el")'
> ~/
> >> >> > org-html-export-to-html
> >> >> >
> >> >> > you will find the bug:
> >> >> >
> >> >> > `org-babel-scheme-execute-with-geiser' uses `current-message' to
> get
> >> the
> >> >> > results of scheme code blocks, but `current-message' always returns
> >> nil
> >> >> in
> >> >> > batch mode, and this patch fixes this.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > --
> >> >>
> >> >> --
> >> >> Eric Schulte
> >> >>
> >> >> PGP: 0x614CA05D
> >> >>
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > --
> >> >
> >> > KDr2,
> >> >
> >> > From fe5549f3f48acf9b51aeb3706eb8dd3d76ab18c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
> >> > From: KDr2 
> >> > Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 12:56:24 +0800
> >> > Subject: [PATCH] lisp/ob-scheme.el: Fix scheme code blocks execution
> >> error in
> >> >  batch mode
> >

Re: [O] wish: provide flush_right/right_aligned text rendering directive

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> Polished and applied.

Thanks!  And I agree this does not need to be something else than a
special block.


Re: [O] exporter bindings in agenda

2014-05-22 Thread Greg Troxel

Bastien  writes:

> Greg Troxel  writes:
>> My proposal is that C-c C-e should behave similarly to when in an org
>> file, but choices that require an associated org file should be omitted.
>> Specifically, I think the following options make sense:
>>   c c (ical combined)
>>   c a (ical all)
>>   P x (publish - choose project)
>>   P a (publish - all projects
> I'm reluctant to do this because then C-c C-e would mean something
> very limited in agenda mode compared to what it means in Org mode.

It would be limited, but it would essentially be the subset that anyone
who understood might expect to work.  I expected to be able to do the
ical combined export from agenda, because the combined ical export isn't
about any particular org file, and in the agenda I'm in org context.
Specifically, I did "C-C a a" to see the agenda, and then tried "C-c C-e c
c", to freshen my exported calendar daily.  (I should just write a batch
file to do the calendar export after finding one of my files.)

> What I would find natural though is to have a "write to Org and
> export" mechanism: something that would write the current agenda view
> to an Org file and export this Org file.

That seems like a reasonable thing to have, but it seems entirely separate.

> I think C-c C-e would be good for this.

That would be ok, but the bindings should not overlap the org file
bindings.   Or, the single file bindings could apply to the agenda, and
the combined to all.  I think that would be intuitive to most.

I think what this comes down to is that within org users there are those
who have really internalized the rules/bindings and thus think of agenda
and org file as clearly different, and those who see them as subsets of
org and expect common behavior when it makes sense, realizing that some
things do and don't make sense given context.  I realize many
keybindings are different, and have no problem with that.  But I don't
see why I can't do the combined export, which is almost as appropriate
(org_context + 0/N) as in any one file (org_context + 1/N).  It's
arguably more appropriate as the agenda is about the union of org files
rather than one.

But I can deal or change my own bindings, so the question is really
about what the ensemble of current and future users will find more

Thanks for thinking about this.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] wish: provide flush_right/right_aligned text rendering directive

2014-05-22 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Bastien  writes:

> Feel free to commit this when you want,

Polished and applied.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] Writing .el files for org in org?

2014-05-22 Thread Rainer M Krug
Bastien  writes:

> Rainer M Krug  writes:
>> So the reason why I think it would be advantageous to have these files
>> in org does not lie with the programmer familiar with emacs-lisp, but
>> with somebody familiar with the other side.
> Sorry I was too terse in my previous answer: I completely agree with
> the goal you describe, but I don't think adding an .org source along
> the .el output (say e.g. and ob-R.el) will simplify my life
> as a maintainer: each time an ob-*.org file is changed we need to
> tangle it again... and this leads to auto-tangling, auto-committing
> considerations that I don't even want to start thinking about.

I absolutely see your point, and I agree that doing this manually is out
of the question. But I am wondering if it would be possible to automate
this process, i.e. using git post server side hooks? I must admit that I
don't have any experience with this, but it sounds about the thing one
could use to automatically tangle the file.

But as I am not the one who has to maintain it, it is easy for me to
suggest it.



Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, 
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

Tel :   +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
Cell:   +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
Fax :   +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44

Fax (D):+49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44


Skype:  RMkrug

PGP: 0x0F52F982

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] [PATCH] Making org-agenda filters orthogonal and refreshed

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Greg,

I pushed a similar fixed, updated to take recent changes into
consideration.  Thanks for the patch!


Re: [O] Beamer export: toggle export of select headlines/frames

2014-05-22 Thread Vikas Rawal
> Have you looked at setting other exclude tags: 
> [[info:org#Export%20settings][info:org#Export settings]]?

Thanks. Perfect. Took me a while to understand was was written there. But 
exactly what I needed.

#+EXCLUDE_TAGS: technical 


Re: [O] wish: provide flush_right/right_aligned text rendering directive

2014-05-22 Thread Nicolas Goaziou


Sebastien Vauban 

> Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
>> In addition to @code{#+BEGIN_CENTER} blocks (@pxref{Paragraphs}), it is
>> possible to justify contents to the left or the right of the page with the
>> following dedicated blocks.
>> @example
>> It's just a jump to the left
>> And then a step to the right.
>> @end example
> Do I understand correctly that those won't be converted to their
> HTML and LaTeX counterparts (flushright and raggedleft)?

Correct. As Bastien pointed out, there are means to achieve the same in
other back-ends.

> Shouldn't it be better to make that conversion as well for the back-ends
> which support such features?

For some values of "better" only.

At the moment, these blocks belong to the "special blocks" category, aka
"do whatever back-end specific stuff you want" category. This category
is convenient because it doesn't require to extend Org syntax, and it
has room left in some back-ends (like ascii, but not in latex and html,
which handle all possible special blocks already).

What you are asking is to move out these blocks from the "special
blocks" category (because, again, there is no room left in html and
latex), and, as a consequence, create a new syntax element in Org. While
this is possible, it implies to extend the parser to handle it, and,
more importantly, to ask all serious export back-ends in the wild to do
their best to support the new feature (if they don't provide
a transcoder, all contents will be ignored without notice).

My opinion is that the feature is a) not important enough and b) somehow
already available in Org. I'm all for consistency, but in this
particular case, the benefit is way too slim.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] exporter bindings in agenda

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Greg,

Greg Troxel  writes:

> My proposal is that C-c C-e should behave similarly to when in an org
> file, but choices that require an associated org file should be omitted.
> Specifically, I think the following options make sense:
>   c c (ical combined)
>   c a (ical all)
>   P x (publish - choose project)
>   P a (publish - all projects

I'm reluctant to do this because then C-c C-e would mean something
very limited in agenda mode compared to what it means in Org mode.

What I would find natural though is to have a "write to Org and
export" mechanism: something that would write the current agenda view
to an Org file and export this Org file.

I think C-c C-e would be good for this.

What do you think?


Re: [O] Writing .el files for org in org?

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Rainer M Krug  writes:

> So the reason why I think it would be advantageous to have these files
> in org does not lie with the programmer familiar with emacs-lisp, but
> with somebody familiar with the other side.

Sorry I was too terse in my previous answer: I completely agree with
the goal you describe, but I don't think adding an .org source along
the .el output (say e.g. and ob-R.el) will simplify my life
as a maintainer: each time an ob-*.org file is changed we need to
tangle it again... and this leads to auto-tangling, auto-committing
considerations that I don't even want to start thinking about.


Re: [O] Weird behavior in `org-agenda-redo' and/or `org-mobile-push'

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Konstantin,

Konstantin Kliakhandler  writes:

> I also fixed the problems in both org-agenda.el and am including the
> patch.

Thanks for the patch -- I applied the part that I understand:

As for the other part, can you restate what bug it fixes in very
simple words?

Also, we cannot accept it unless you signed the FSF copyright
assignment, so prepare to go this route if you want to submit
a consequent patch.  Otherwise simply describe the problem and
a possible fix and we'll implement it.



Re: [O] Clock-in in agenda makes some headings with links disappear

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Bastien  writes:

> Thanks for this new report -- can you apply this patch against maint
> and see if it works correctly?  Not only for the bug at stake, but all
> kind of agenda filtering, rescheduling, clocking, etc.

I've now applied this patch in maint.

Let's continue testing this *heavily*.


Re: [O] 2 Org tests failing

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien

Sebastien Vauban 

> Running org_test, please wait (this can take a while)...
>FAILED  test-org-table/org-table-calc-current-TBLFM
> test-org-table/org-table-calc-current-TBLFM-when-stop-because-of-error

I can't reproduce this.  Can you run the tests manually and report
the backtrace?


[O] 2 Org tests failing

2014-05-22 Thread Sebastien Vauban

I dunno if this must be signalled but, when runnning:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
emacs -Q --batch -L lisp/ -L testing/ -l org-test.el
  --eval '(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)' -f org-test-run-batch-tests
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

on the fresh Org-mode version 8.2.6 (release_8.2.6-1010-g1ca86f), I do get:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
Running org_test, please wait (this can take a while)...
   FAILED  test-org-table/org-table-calc-current-TBLFM
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

Re: [O] Writing .el files for org in org?

2014-05-22 Thread Rainer M Krug
Bastien  writes:

> Rainer M Krug  writes:
>> So I would argue that in ob-LANGUAGE.el files the non-elisp-expert is more
>> likely to look and work then in the core org files wherefore an
>> a more familiar interface for these changes (literate programming in
>> org) would provide more advantages then in the org-core files.
> But there is still the first and main problem that Aaron pointed to.

Just to make my point clear: I would not see the .org file as the one
which is used when using org, but as the one which is used to 

1) understand what is going on, i.e. include more detailed explanations
of what the functions are doing, what they are returning, possibly some
callcharts of the functions --- just everything to really understand
what is going on and why these things are done as they are. In other
words: follow the paradigm of literate programming.

2) which is tangled to generate the ob-el file

3) which then can be debugged as usual

4) and if it is working, detangled into ob-org

I must stress this comes from somebody not familiar with to much
emacs-lisp, but very familiar with R and Pascal (long time ago) and some
working C knowledge.

So the reason why I think it would be advantageous to have these files
in org does not lie with the programmer familiar with emacs-lisp, but
with somebody familiar with the other side.



Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, 
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

Tel :   +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
Cell:   +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
Fax :   +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44

Fax (D):+49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44


Skype:  RMkrug

PGP: 0x0F52F982

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] [PATCH] Make the point visible when jumping to the mark

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Ian,

Ian Kelling  writes:

> Yes, I agree. They want to use C-u C-SPC to go to hidden parts. I've
> updated the patch to advise pop-to-mark-command instead. It is attached.

Thanks, applied, I added a fullstop at the end of the Changelog commit.

As explain in my reply to Sébastien, I will move this code into a
separate library.


Re: [O] [PATCH] Make the point visible when jumping to the mark

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien

Hi Sébastien,

Sebastien Vauban 

> Even if the goal is desirable, I thought that we may not add defadvice
> in Emacs sources.

True that, we need to clean things up.

The route I will take is to apply Ian patch on master and then to
move all advising code into a separate org-advice.el library in the
contrib/ directory.  Any suggestion for a better name?


Re: [O] Writing .el files for org in org?

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Rainer M Krug  writes:

> So I would argue that in ob-LANGUAGE.el files the non-elisp-expert is more
> likely to look and work then in the core org files wherefore an
> a more familiar interface for these changes (literate programming in
> org) would provide more advantages then in the org-core files.

But there is still the first and main problem that Aaron pointed to.


Re: [O] wish: provide flush_right/right_aligned text rendering directive

2014-05-22 Thread Sebastien Vauban
Bastien wrote:
> Sebastien Vauban 
> writes:
>> Do I understand correctly that those won't be converted to their
>> HTML and LaTeX counterparts (flushright and raggedleft)?
> For HTML, the user can define a new class "justifyright".
> For LaTeX, yes, we should probably handle this as \begin{flushright}.
>> Shouldn't it be better to make that conversion as well for the back-ends
>> which support such features?
> When it comes to consistency, I kinda fully trust Nicolas, don't worry.

So do I! ;-)

> I guess it's just a matter of taking the time to polish this a bit.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

Re: [O] Writing .el files for org in org?

2014-05-22 Thread Rainer M Krug
Bastien  writes:

> Hi Rainer and Aaron,
> Aaron Ecay  writes:
>> I am not so convinced that having all the elisp code in an org file
>> would be convenient, since I am worried that would break the interactive
>> features of elisp programming.
> My point of view too.
> On top of this, I see two problems:
> 1. there is the problem of minimizing the distance between what the
>Org repository contains and what goes into the Emacs repository*
> 2. and the problem of imposing something that might not fit all
>contributors.  Using litterate programming for a few files but not
>all is not a good option, and using litterate programming for all
>files would be too much of a constraint for many...

I see you point concerning using org files for all files, but the
ob-LANGUAGE.el files are in their own class (LANGUAGE refers to e.g. R,
sh, ...). 

1) Many users of these features will have (at least a little)
programming experience, not unlikely more in LANGUAGE then in emacs-lisp.

2) the functions in these files are the actual interface between the
LANGUAGE and org, and it is more important here that they can be
understood and changes suggested by their users then in the org core
files, as specialist users of a specific LANGUAGE might discover problems, of
which the original author might not be aware of or which have been
introduced by updates in LANGUAGE.

So I would argue that in ob-LANGUAGE.el files the non-elisp-expert is more
likely to look and work then in the core org files wherefore an
a more familiar interface for these changes (literate programming in
org) would provide more advantages then in the org-core files.



> Best,
> * That's also the reason why I'm skeptical about having the manual
>   written as instead of org.texi -- I mean, I'd be glad to be
>   able to edit the manual as, but having a preliminary export
>   step before importing org.texi into Emacs might create problems.

Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, 
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

Tel :   +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
Cell:   +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
Fax :   +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44

Fax (D):+49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44


Skype:  RMkrug

PGP: 0x0F52F982

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] Can I create an agenda sorted manually keeping its order at refresh?

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
M  writes:

> Could it be possible to ignore the predefined sorting order when refreshing
> an existing agenda?

No -- the way the refresh of the agenda works is by rebuilding it,
and we cannot rebuild a temporary order unless we store the manual
order information somewhere.

I'll think about this again later on, but there is no easy solution.



Re: [O] wish: provide flush_right/right_aligned text rendering directive

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien

Hi Sébastien,

Sebastien Vauban 

> Do I understand correctly that those won't be converted to their
> HTML and LaTeX counterparts (flushright and raggedleft)?

For HTML, the user can define a new class "justifyright".

For LaTeX, yes, we should probably handle this as \begin{flushright}.

> Shouldn't it be better to make that conversion as well for the back-ends
> which support such features?

When it comes to consistency, I kinda fully trust Nicolas, don't worry.
I guess it's just a matter of taking the time to polish this a bit.


Re: [O] Beamer export: toggle export of select headlines/frames

2014-05-22 Thread Sebastien Vauban
Vikas Rawal wrote:
> I am creating a beamer presentation, but want to be able to toggle
> inclusion or exclusion of some headlines/frames in the export,
> depending on the occasion where the presentation is being made. What
> is the appropriate way to do this?
> I can use :no export: for selected headlines, but it would have been
   ^ :noexport:

> useful if I could have an easy way to switch.

Playing with SELECT_TAGS (including, or not, `noexport' tagged trees)
should bring you where you want to go, nope?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

Re: [O] wish: provide flush_right/right_aligned text rendering directive

2014-05-22 Thread Sebastien Vauban
Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> In addition to @code{#+BEGIN_CENTER} blocks (@pxref{Paragraphs}), it is
> possible to justify contents to the left or the right of the page with the
> following dedicated blocks.
> @example
> It's just a jump to the left
> And then a step to the right.
> @end example

Do I understand correctly that those won't be converted to their
HTML and LaTeX counterparts (flushright and raggedleft)?

Shouldn't it be better to make that conversion as well for the back-ends
which support such features?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

Re: [O] Desktop search for Org-Mode (linux/os-x). Looking for betas and code reviewers

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Jonathan,

Jonathan Coupe  writes:

> 1. If anyone is interested in testing this, please let me know

I am, definitely.  Discovering recoll and indexing my files right now.

> 2. I could do with an experienced elisp coder to review this when I've
> finished. Things seem to be working well, but this is my first time
> coding elisp, and the docs and I do *not* get on. If anyone feels like
> volunteering - there will probably only be around 100 LOC - please let
> me know.

Feel free to share on this list, there are many experienced elispers
out there and I for one would like to help.

Thanks for sharing, all best,


Re: [O] C-c C-e h h (export to html)

2014-05-22 Thread Dave Pawson
So after sorting out my .emacs file (embarrassingly large) the problem
has resolved itself.

I'm guessing it was in the elisp somewhere.
Anyway, problem resolved. I can now repeatedly convert to html without
issue. sorry to waste bandwidth.

Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.

Re: [O] [PATCH] Make the point visible when jumping to the mark

2014-05-22 Thread Sebastien Vauban
Bastien wrote:
> Hi Ian,
> Please send me your public key so that I can give you access to the
> org-mode and worg repositories.
> Ian Kelling  writes:
>> From 9191e4a364e251119cf8b7c72e41f6c0d09583f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
>> Message-ID: <87ha5aqa93@treetowl.lan>
>> MIME-Version: 1.0
>> Content-Type: text/plain
>> *lisp/org.el: Advise commands which jump to the mark
> The formatting of the Changelog message not good.
> It should be
> * org.el: Advise commands which jump to the mark.
> See and example in
> the git logs.
>> +(eval-after-load "simple"
>> +  '(defadvice set-mark-command (after org-make-visible activate)
>> + "Make the point visible with `org-show-context'."
>> + (org-mark-jump-unhide)))
>> +(eval-after-load "simple"
>> +  '(defadvice exchange-point-and-mark (after org-make-visible activate)
>> + "Make the point visible with `org-show-context'."
>> + (org-mark-jump-unhide)))
>> +(eval-after-load "simple"
>> +  '(defadvice pop-global-mark (after org-make-visible activate)
>> + "Make the point visible with `org-show-context'."
>> + (org-mark-jump-unhide)))
> This two ones are good, yes.

Even if the goal is desirable, I thought that we may not add defadvice
in Emacs sources.

(... a couple of minutes later ...)

Well, Googling returns this :

  │ Emacs's own source files should not put advice on functions in
  │ Emacs. There are currently a few exceptions to this convention, but we
  │ aim to correct them.

So, it seems this should be avoided as long as Org does go into Emacs.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

Re: [O] Writing .el files for org in org?

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Rainer and Aaron,

Aaron Ecay  writes:

> I am not so convinced that having all the elisp code in an org file
> would be convenient, since I am worried that would break the interactive
> features of elisp programming.

My point of view too.

On top of this, I see two problems:

1. there is the problem of minimizing the distance between what the
   Org repository contains and what goes into the Emacs repository*

2. and the problem of imposing something that might not fit all
   contributors.  Using litterate programming for a few files but not
   all is not a good option, and using litterate programming for all
   files would be too much of a constraint for many...


* That's also the reason why I'm skeptical about having the manual
  written as instead of org.texi -- I mean, I'd be glad to be
  able to edit the manual as, but having a preliminary export
  step before importing org.texi into Emacs might create problems.


Re: [O] slow capture templates

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Jamil,

jamil egdemir  writes:

> Anyone have any ideas on how I can correct this problem?

Nope -- but in the meantime, can you try with the latest Org version
from the Git master branch?

~$ git clone git://
~$ cd org-mode
~$ make

then load the correct location in your .emacs config file.


Re: [O] Beamer export: toggle export of select headlines/frames

2014-05-22 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 07:17, Vikas Rawal wrote:
> I am creating a beamer presentation, but want to be able to toggle
> inclusion or exclusion of some headlines/frames in the export,
> depending on the occasion where the presentation is being made. What
> is the appropriate way to do this?
> I can use :no export: for selected headlines, but it would have been useful 
> if I could have an easy way to switch.
> Vikas

Have you looked at setting other exclude tags: 
[[info:org#Export%20settings][info:org#Export settings]]?

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.2.6-949-g751506

Re: [O] wish: provide flush_right/right_aligned text rendering directive

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> Well, actually it required more work than I thought. Here is the patch,
> with some documentation. I didn't test it thoroughly, so feedback is
> welcome.

I tested it with paragraphs and tables and didn't find any problem,
thanks a lot for implementing this.

I think the new BEGIN_JUSTIFY* special blocks should be added to the
list of possible expansions.

Feel free to commit this when you want,


Re: [O] Dated checkbox items

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Hi Sharon,

Sharon Kimble  writes:

> In my todo list I have this as an entry
> + [ ] pick up bnf from the corner store<2014-05-22 Thu>
> which appears like this in the agenda
>   organiser:  Jobs to do [12/36] [33%]
> How can the checkbox item be better dated such that it shows in the
> agenda with a meaningful output please?

Checkbox items are not supposed to appear in the agenda, only

In your example, the headline "Jobs to do" appears in your agenda
because you used an active timestamp within the contents of your
subtree.  To deactivate this, use an inactive timestamp.


Re: [O] (Bug)Open the attachment in the subheading in agenda view

2014-05-22 Thread Bastien
Kyutech  writes:

> I never no that properties before, thanks for your help!

You're welcome -- note that you can set this property with
C-c C-a i



Re: [O] Pandoc users, how do you use it with org-mode, and why?

2014-05-22 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Thursday, 22 May 2014 at 08:24, Alan L Tyree wrote:


> It is good EXCEPT my book contains many, many cross references. In
> docx they come out looking like:
> "see [sec-3-4-2]" when I want them to look like "see 3.4.2".

I have a few of these, few enough that post-processing by hand is
reasonable.  However, if you do find a solution to this, I would be very
happy to hear of it!

: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.2.6-949-g751506

Re: [O] Writing .el files for org in org?

2014-05-22 Thread Rainer M Krug
Grant Rettke  writes:

> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 3:21 PM, Rainer M Krug  wrote:
>> I am sure this would be possible, but would this be feasible? A good
>> idea? Or would it be better to have an additional directory
>> (e.g. which contains the corresponding .org files?
> Great question. Anybody tangling with org-mode has either already
> asked themselves this question, or will be soon. When I started out
> with org-mode I looked at it as a writing tool, and that was true
> until I started using the literate programming feature. Without the
> right perspective, I got myself into a lot of trouble. When I started
> looking at it as programming, and system management, things started
> working out for me again. When you frame your question more as a
> systems management question, it gets a little clearer.

I started with org the other way around - as a tool for literate
programming and slowly getting into org as tool for organizing.

> What does it take to release your code to production? The simplest
> form would be to keep your generated files in Git, tag the release,
> and then you are done. That is the official and final version of that
> release of the system. Following this approach means that you can
> release it easily on MELPA and org and anywhere else that you need
> because you know what you generated, how you generated it, and how you
> tested it. Simple. The alternative is to release only the source
> org-file.
> This process is a little more involved. In order to sign off on
> allowing people to use the system that is built with that org file,
> you need to make sure that they are able to regenerate it using
> exactly the environment that you intend. For example, you will tangle
> with a particular version of Emacs, on a particular platform, with a
> particular set of plugins loaded into Emacs when you do the tangling.
> Perhaps you even want to specify down to the operating system, and
> more. Whether you intended it or not, the entirety of the system that
> you use to do the tangling, is the implicit specification for what
> people should use to tangle it themselves. Sure, I am going a bit
> overboard here, but generally people don't care about such stuff until
> it breaks.

How involved this becomes, depends on how much you customize your
tangling. If tangling is done on a highly customized emacs / org
installation, it will be difficult to reproduce. But if tangling is done
using a similar approach to what is done when using, I don't
think it would be to difficult to do.

> My personal preference is to go with the latter. It forces me to know
> what is going on. Doing it by hand is so tedious and often error prone
> though, so I'm investing in mastering Vagrant. Vagrant will let you
> have a reproducible system so you can specify what you used to build
> your release (generate), and let others do that too if they want. The
> only difficult is how lock that down for deployed code. Surely most of
> the time you may just do the generation on deploy, eg via ELPA or its
> kin. It just depends standard you want to, and must, hold yourself
> too.

If I understand you correctly, you are using Vagrant to develop your code
and to generate the release - that is a good idea. But isn't this an
overkill in the case of the context here? org (and emacs) should be
stable enough to tangle the same .el file from an .org file
(irrespective of whitespace and comments which do not influence the
functional aspects).



> Safe travels.

Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, 
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

Tel :   +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
Cell:   +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
Fax :   +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44

Fax (D):+49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44


Skype:  RMkrug

PGP: 0x0F52F982

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] [PATCH] Improve usage of odt content templates

2014-05-22 Thread Rasmus
Detlef Steuer  writes:

>> Introducing the item is easy, but making something out of it in each
>> back-end is not, as it requires to define what title:nil means there.
>> In particular, should it be "an empty title" or something else?
>> For example, ascii back-end provides a banner as its title. Should
>> title:nil remove the title from the banner or should it remove the
>> banner altogether, thus overriding date:t and author:t items.
>> Likewise, should title:nil insert "\title{}" in a LaTeX document
>> header, remove the "\maketitle{}" line, or perhaps, both?
> To be consistent over backends I think it should be implemented as
> an empty title string. If date:t or/and author:t are specified these
> should show up somewhere.
> \maketitle{} should be removed only, if a titlepage would appear empty 
> in the exported document.
> Just the usual 2c worth of opinion.

IMO, it just shouldn't set title in LaTeX.  When I use author:nil
\author{·} is simply not set and could be loaded via another file.  I
would also remove the \maketitle command.  I don't have any
particularly good argument for this, other than it feels right. . .
Alternatively, there could be a yet another option maketitle:if-title,
maketitle:always. . .

With the text backend.  I would make the banner dependent on the
presence of a title.  I.e. I'd probably go for no title, no banner.
Though it's less clear here to what extend a title-less banner makes
sense here.


When in doubt, do it!

Re: [O] Writing .el files for org in org?

2014-05-22 Thread Rainer M Krug
Aaron Ecay  writes:

> Hi Rainer,
> I have wondered about what you suggest as well, from the point of view
> of trying to modify the long pieces of R code which are embedded in
> strings in ob-R.el.  I think this would be easier if they could be
> tangled from R code blocks in an org file.  So from that point of view
> the idea has a +1 from me.

That is one aspect am looking at (independent of the org file question)
at the moment, to make the R code more configurable. My approach is to 

a) have it in a emacs string variables which can be customized, or
b) in an R file which is loaded and used instead of the definition in
the variable. If you are interested, please see my org [1] and ess [2]
which, at the moment, have to be used together, as I am "outsourcing"
the loading at the moment to ESS.

Concerning putting them in an org file, I don't see a real advantage
here, unless the ob-R.el is also in an org file.

> I am not so convinced that having all the elisp code in an org file
> would be convenient, since I am worried that would break the interactive
> features of elisp programming.  (edebug, find-function, paredit, ...).
> But if you are doing the experiment, I would be glad to see what you
> come up with: the benefits might turn out to be worth the potential
> drawbacks.

I am not thinking about having the org files used for actual running
org, but rather as a tool to write the code. The workflow would be then:

1) in the org file, write the code for ob-R.el including documentation
2) tangle the file to ob-R.el 
3) debug ob-R.el - in R
4) untangle the edits back into the file
5) done

So the tools for debugging would be still working on the .el file.


> --
> Aaron Ecay



Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation Biology, 
UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)

Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
South Africa

Tel :   +33 - (0)9 53 10 27 44
Cell:   +33 - (0)6 85 62 59 98
Fax :   +33 - (0)9 58 10 27 44

Fax (D):+49 - (0)3 21 21 25 22 44


Skype:  RMkrug

PGP: 0x0F52F982

Description: PGP signature

Re: [O] [PATCH] Improve usage of odt content templates

2014-05-22 Thread Detlef Steuer
Am Wed, 21 May 2014 14:47:37 +0200
schrieb Nicolas Goaziou :

> Hello,
> Christian Kellermann  writes:
> > I first thought about using ODT_STYLES_FILE in the list form and
> > pick out the content.xml from there, but maybe that's a bit
> > unexpected as one might use a different content than from the style.
> >
> > But the control flow as it is now would need to be refactored to
> > make this a nice patch too.
> >
> > I shall resend this patch with proper docstrings and manual patches
> > if you like.
> Please do.
> >> I think this is a more general issue: should we implement an
> >> 
> >>   #+OPTIONS: title:nil
> >> 
> >> feature? I think it makes some sense since we already have
> >> date:nil and author:nil. In any case, keywords are not meant to be
> >> used for booleans. This should be an OPTIONS item.
> >
> > I don't feel qualified to decide on this. I can provide the needed
> > patches though.
> Introducing the item is easy, but making something out of it in each
> back-end is not, as it requires to define what title:nil means there.
> In particular, should it be "an empty title" or something else?
> For example, ascii back-end provides a banner as its title. Should
> title:nil remove the title from the banner or should it remove the
> banner altogether, thus overriding date:t and author:t items.
> Likewise, should title:nil insert "\title{}" in a LaTeX document
> header, remove the "\maketitle{}" line, or perhaps, both?

To be consistent over backends I think it should be implemented as
an empty title string. If date:t or/and author:t are specified these
should show up somewhere.

\maketitle{} should be removed only, if a titlepage would appear empty 
in the exported document.

Just the usual 2c worth of opinion.


> It seems that you answered to that question regarding ODT back-end
> though.
> Regards,

Re: [O] Pandoc users, how do you use it with org-mode, and why?

2014-05-22 Thread Albert Krewinkel

Grant Rettke  writes:
> Lately been hearing great things about Pandoc's ability to export to ebook
> formats and more. 
> Folks that use both Pandoc and org-mode: how do you use them together, and
> why?

My personal use-case here is blogging: Nowadays, I'm writing my blog
posts in Org and build the page using Hakyll[1], which is build on top
of Pandoc.  The work-flow is not perfect, in that metadata has to be
specified separately as Hakyll ignores metadata returned by Pandoc, but
it's good enough for what I want.  I tried hacking something together
using org's publishing features, but I found Hakyll/Pandoc to be more
convenient and easier to use.

Other uses include import of Markdown/HTML into Org documents and the
use of Pandoc's support for references and citations; I rarely do that,



Albert Krewinkel
GPG: 8eed e3e2 e8c5 6f18 81fe  e836 388d c0b2 1f63 1124

[O] Beamer Export: US date format despite \usepackage[ngerman]{babel}

2014-05-22 Thread Loris Bennett

If I have  the following:

| #+TITLE: Test
| #+AUTHOR: Loris Bennett
| #+OPTIONS: H:1 toc:nil
| #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[ngerman]{babel}
| #+DATE: \today
| * Test
| Test

And export as to Beamer PDF, the tex file contains

| \usepackage[ngerman, english]{babel}

And the date is rendered as

| May 22, 2014

Is this a bug or should I be doing something else to get "22. Mai 2014"?



Org-mode version 8.2.6 (8.2.6-18-gaaae4a-elpaplus @ 

This signature is currently under construction.

[O] slow capture templates

2014-05-22 Thread jamil egdemir

I'm running into very slow capture templates since this morning with a
good 10-20 second delay each time I try to invoke them.  After
instrumenting org with elp and examining the results I get:

org-capture   1
   42.157791853  42.157791853
org-capture-fill-template 1
   40.939494541  40.939494541
org-get-x-clipboard   5
   40.895240381  8.1790480762
   40.895134778  8.1790269558
org-capture-select-template   1
   1.168859672   1.168859672
org-mks   1
   1.168828382   1.168828382
org-mode  1
   0.043022998   0.043022998
org-install-agenda-files-menu 1
   0.041738898   0.041738898
org-agenda-files  2
   0.041651735   0.0208258675
org-current-time  2
   0.033159385   0.0165796925
   0.009962929   0.009962929

Looks like those top four calls in the list are burning up a huge
amount of time.  The delay is independent of the particular template I
use and also occurs when I start up emacs without an init (emacs -q).

I'm working on OpenBSD 5.4.

Emacs and Org-mode version info:
GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-openbsd5.4, GTK+ Version 3.8.2)

This particular emacs was built from source pulled just this morning.
The delay in the capture templates is also present when using the
emacs from the OpenBSD package: (GNU Emacs 24.3.1
(x86_64-unknown-openbsd, GTK+ Version 3.8.2) of 2013-07-23 on

I pushed the same org files and configurations to an ubuntu box and
tried the same profiling exercise with elp on emacs (24.3.1) with
org-mode 7.9.3f and the capture templates were quick and snappy.

My capture templates from my .emacs:

;; Capture templates for: TODO tasks, Notes, appointments, phone
calls, meetings, and org-protocol
(setq org-capture-templates
  (quote (("t" "todo" entry (file "~/workarea/personal/orgfiles/")
   "* TODO %?\n%U\n%a\n" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
  ("r" "respond" entry (file
   "* NEXT Respond to %:from on %:subject\nSCHEDULED:
%t\n%U\n%a\n" :clock-in t :clock-resume t :immediate-finish t)
  ("n" "note" entry (file "~/workarea/personal/orgfiles/")
   "* %? :NOTE:\n%U\n%a\n" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
  ("j" "Journal" entry (file+datetree
   "* %?\n%U\n" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
  ("w" "org-protocol" entry (file
   "* TODO Review %c\n%U\n" :immediate-finish t)
  ("m" "Meeting" entry (file
   "* MEETING with %? :MEETING:\n%U" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
  ("p" "Phone call" entry (file
   "* PHONE %? :PHONE:\n%U" :clock-in t :clock-resume t)
  ("h" "Habit" entry (file
   "* NEXT %?\n%U\n%a\nSCHEDULED: %(format-time-string
\"<%Y-%m-%d %a .+1d/3d>\")\n:PROPERTIES:\n:STYLE:

Anyone have any ideas on how I can correct this problem?  The elisp in
those top four functions from the profile is beyond me.


Jamil Egdemir
(631) 338-3170 (cell)