Re: [Orgmode] Feature suggestion: context sensitive movement

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Jun 18, 2009, at 9:54 PM, Samuel Wales wrote:

Others have pointed out the relevant commands.  Here are some possible
bindings for you.

What I do is bind c-m-arrow, analogous to the way I bind them in Lisp.
Maybe you will find those bindings useful.  The relevant insight is
trees -- both Lisp and outlines instantiate them.

Would be great if they worked on plain list items also, as if those
items were headlines.

Are there any functions to navigate plain lists?


You could make you bindings below work for lists as well by checking  
context with

org-at-item-p;; first line only
org-in-item-p;; does not have to be first line


- Carsten

 (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta left)]
 (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta right)]
 (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta up)]
 (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta down)]
 ;;in gnu lisp, there is no separate up as i have.  ud change  
level.  lr go

 ;;back and forward at the same level.  sounds simple in principle.
 ;;however, that makes it hard to go to the previous visible heading  
 ;;last element of prev list in lisp): you have to do up, left,  
down, right

 ;;upshot: my way is intuitive.  ud goes ud, lr goes same level, ret
 ;;goes up.
 (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta return)]

On 2009-06-18, Rick Moynihan  wrote:
I was just thinking that often I want to jump around items in org- 

more quickly than I do at present, depending on the context of the


* Foo
blah blah blah
* Bar |
blah blah blah
* Baz

Assuming the point is located at | I might want to quickly jump to
previous headings by pushing CTRL-/.

Having this also occur when the point is located within a list would
be nice too.

Does anyone else think this is a good idea?  Or is this another
feature which is already implemented, that I'm not aware of? :-)

Thanks again,


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Myalgic encephalomyelitis denialism is causing death and severe  
worse than MS.  Conflicts of interest are destroying research.  / 
You/ can
get the disease at any time permanently.  Do science and justice  
matter to


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: my-mini-table(something)

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Jun 19, 2009, at 2:19 AM, Bastien wrote:

Matthew Lundin  writes:

#+MACRO: special-table #+HTML: something

Note that you can also use a variable in your macro:

#+MACRO: special-table #+HTML: $1


PS: this is not yet documented in the manual.

It is now.  Thanks.

- Carsten

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Re: [Orgmode] my-mini-table(something)

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Jun 18, 2009, at 3:11 PM, wrote:

--- Gio 18/6/09, Stefan Vollmar  ha scritto:

#+MACRO is exactly what I was looking for.

(1) The release notes of 6.27 say:

Macro processing for export has been enhanced:
- You can use arguments in a macro, for example

#+macro hello Greet the $1: Hello $1
which is just what I had been hoping for! This important
change has not yet made it into org.pdf of the 6.27a

 really ?

at page 106 of the pdf version, that you can download from the site,

I can read: "Macro replacement"!

(2) The next logical step is to collect a number of useful
macros in one include file. However, when I use
#+INCLUDE: "./"
which contains the MACRO, the macro expansion does not work
(if the same MACRO statements are part of the org-file where
I use them, they work just fine), all other org content is
included as expected. Is this is a bug?

I think this is a not, yet?, implemented feature ;-)

*Macro processing* is intended *for export* (release notes)
so, I think, Carsten considered only the macros in the
current file/buffer.

I guess the right thing would be in get macro definitions also
from a file linked to by #+SETUPFILE.  This does
now (latest git) work.

- Carsten

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Re: [Orgmode] checkbox problem

2009-06-18 Thread Manish
  On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 12:24 AM, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
  > Aloha all,
  > First, org-mode is really useful. The more I use it, the more useful it
  > gets and the more I appreciate its flexibility. I've been using it for
  > several months but still feel like a newbie. Perhaps the problem I'm having
  > stems from this.
  > I use the checkbox feature a lot, with good effect, like this:
  > *** Task 1 [/]
  > - [ ] Step 1
  > - [ ] Step 2
  > - [ ] Step 3
  > Recently, I received via email comments from 4 reviewers on a paper I'd
  > submitted for publication. The editor asked me to keep track of how I'd
  > responded to all of the comments, so I tried this:
  > *** Reviewer 1 [/]
  > - [ ] Comment 1
  > - [ ] Comment 2
  > etc.
  > I cut the comments out of the email message and pasted them directly into
  > the org file in Aquamacs Emacs. Some of the comments are quite lengthy,
  > others are short.
  > My problem is that midway down a list of comments org-mode ceases to
  > recognize that the comment checkboxes are associated with the heading. In
  > each case, the last comment checkbox that is correctly associated with the
  > heading formats differently (with Esc-Q) than the comments above it. The
  > comment checkboxes that are associated correctly format as indented blocks
  > with the second and subsequent lines of text left justified on the "[" of
  > the first line. The last associated checkbox justifies the second and
  > subsequent lines two characters left of the "-" of the first line.
  > Subsequent, unassociated checkboxes align the "-" of the first line with
  > last line of the item above it. Here is an example:
  > *** Reviewer 3 [2/6]
  > ... (Several items omitted)
  >  - [X] p. 7 In 1779, Kamehameha was a young man on his way up as a
  >   favored nephew of Kalaniopu`u, but isn't it a little early to
  >   refer to his dynasty?
  >  - [X] p. 7 It is true Kamehameha benefited greatly from Western
  > advice and weapons, but the tradition of conquest was well
  > established by the time he embarked on his career as a conqueror by
  > chiefs including Kalaniopu`u, and especially Kahekili.
  > - [X] p. 7 According to traditions 'Umi's father had been recognized
  >  as paramount of the island. `Umi regained his father's status by
  >  putting down a rebellion of the five districts other than Hamakua
  >  and reunited the polity. I think of this as a civil war rather
  >  than the capture of territory to which he had no previous claim.
  > In this case the first two items are counted in the headline, but the last
  > one isn't.

It behaves as expected if you keep the lines below checkboxes indented
at least one character right to the "-" above them.  I find it
unsettling when lines/checkboxes are formatted with indentation jutting
to the left, so I never use it personally.  Moreover, if you paste a
long time against a checkbox and format it with Esc-Q (I find ALT-q
easier), it is formatted correctly so as not to cause the problem you

Following example behaves fine.

| *** Reviewer 3 [4/5]
| ... (Several items omitted)
| - [X] p. 7 In 1779, Kamehameha was a young man on his way up as a
|   favored nephew of Kalaniopu`u, but isn't it a little early to
|   refer to his dynasty?
| - [X] p. 7 It is true Kamehameha benefited greatly from Western
|   advice and weapons, but the tradition of conquest was well
|   established by the time he embarked on his career as a
|   conqueror by chiefs including Kalaniopu`u, and especially
|   Kahekili.
| - [ ] kjsvhkjshvjk slv lsk jvjlk jvlks jvlkj slkvj slkv jlksj
|  fvkls jlvkj flkjv lksjf vlksj vlks jlkv jslkvj lksv jlks jvls jv
|  lksfjvlksjvlkdjskl
| - [X] p. 7 According to traditions 'Umi's father had been
|   recognized as paramount of the island.  `Umi regained his
|   father's status by putting down a rebellion of the five
|   districts other than Hamakua and reunited the polity.  I think
|   of this as a civil war rather than the capture of territory to
|   which he had no previous claim.
| - [X] jkhfkuwhkfh wkrh fkjwehtkjherkgh woe ghoi2h giw htig hil2
|   hgowttwhet tgh rltig hl4 ghl2 h5li hlti h245t hil h4wlg h42ot
|   h54 htou h5

There must be a technical requirement for indentation to behave as it
does since Org uses indentation extensively to determine appropriate
behavior.  May be someone knowledgeable about Org internals can shed more


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Checkbox query

2009-06-18 Thread Manish
  On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
  > Aloha all,
  > My earlier query didn't make it past the moderators. I just wanted
  > to say that I figured out how to fix the problem I was having with
  > checkboxes. It strikes me as weird that I had to Esc-Q, then TAB on
  > every line. But it worked.  org-mode is still neat, even though you
  > computer wizards don't want to talk with newbies.
  > All the best,
  > Tom

Hello Tom!

I am sorry that your mail could not make it to the list in time but I am
sure it's not because "computer wizards don't want to talk with
newbies."  Your mail must have have fallen victim to some email filter
or something like that.  Org-mode is one of the friendliest communities
you can ever find.

I would highly recommend subscribing to the list so your emails do not
have to go through moderators.  It'll be worth it.

About your problem, could you restate your problem and post relevant
section of your .emacs, OS and Emacs version so that someone can try and
replicate the issue.  As far as I know, you shouldn't have to Esc-Q
 at all.

Welcome again!

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Checkbox query

2009-06-18 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha all,

My earlier query didn't make it past the moderators.  I just wanted to  
say that I figured out how to fix the problem I was having with  
checkboxes.  It strikes me as weird that I had to Esc-Q, then TAB on  
every line. But it worked.

org-mode is still neat, even though you computer wizards don't want to  
talk with newbies.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye, Ph.D.
T. S. Dye & Colleagues, Archaeologists, Inc.
Phone: (808) 529-0866 Fax: (808) 529-0884

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] org plot scripts

2009-06-18 Thread josephzxu

I've been trying to make candlestick plots with org-plot, and the only
way I've found that I can do this is by specifying a custom script in
the +PLOT options. However, I noticed that when I specify a script,
all other +PLOT options I specify, such as with set: or line:, are
completely ignored. I think it would be nice to allow the user to
specify plot options in the latter manner along with custom scripts
and just prepend the options to the script. This way, the user can use
a single custom script to plot multiple data tables, while being able
to set things like the title or range of the plot on a per-table
basis. Alternatively, I can also imagine giving the user the ability
to hard code the exact plot commands right in the org file.

Thanks for your time.


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[Orgmode] org-plot : interaction problem with gnuplot

2009-06-18 Thread d . tchin

I would like to use gnuplot with org-mode tabular function.But I
haven't managed to use it until now. 
I would like to submit to you few remarks I have done.

I use GNU Emacs 22.2.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) on Microsoft Windows XP OS.
I have installed gnuplot and I can use it with gnuplot-mode. 

I tried to follow the tutorial of Eric Schulte but I didn't manage to get a 
plot of
simple example extracted from the tutorial.

I use these data defined in a file :
#+PLOT: title:"Citas" ind:1 deps:(3) type:2d with:histograms set:"yrange [0:]"
| Sede   | Max cites | H-index |
| Chile  |257.72 |   21.39 |
| Leeds  |165.77 |   19.68 |
| São Paolo | 71.00 |   11.50 |
| Stockholm  |134.19 |   14.33 |
| Morelia|257.56 |   17.67 |

When I use org-plot/gnuplot, gnuplot is launched with only the reset command
and emacs is totally freezed. To get back to emacs, I use \C-g command. 

I have checked few things :

- org-plot/gnuplot managed to build a temporay file org-plot with the 

"Chile" 257.72  21.39
"Leeds" 165.77  19.68
"São Paolo"71.00   11.50
"Stockholm" 134.19  14.33
"Morelia"   257.56  17.67

- I suppose that org-plot/gnuplot builds a temporary buffer with the 
  that will be sent to gnuplot. I checked that *gnuplot* buffer with 
  gnuplot-show-gnuplot-buffer. There is only the reset command.

Do you have any idea to solve this problem ?



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[Orgmode] Error saving remember item in non org-mode buffer

2009-06-18 Thread Jere McDevitt
Org-mode version: 6.27a

I configured org-remember-templates to use a file named "project.todo" to
hold todo entries for me.

(setq org-remember-templates
("Project" ?p "* TODO %?\n %u"  "~/org/project.todo" bottom )))

I hadn't added the .todo extension to the auto-mode-alist so when it was
loaded to be written to by the org-remember-handler, it came up by default
in fundamental-mode, not org-mode.

This generates an error condition that I tracked down in the org-remember.el
file to line 887 in org-remember-handler:

 ((not (org-mode-p))
(if (eq heading 'top)
(goto-char (point-min))
  (goto-char (point-max))
  (or (bolp) (newline)))
(insert text-before-node-creation)

The error is that text-before-node-creation apparently is a nil and the
insert routine is generating an error because of it.  This variable is set
earlier in the handler at around line 845 but only if the text being
inserted does not look like an org-outline-regexp:

  (unless (looking-at org-outline-regexp)
;; add a headline
(setq text-before-node-creation (buffer-string))

Because my template actually does look like an org-outline-regexp (it starts
with "* TODO"), that variable is never set and because the buffer is not in
org-mode, this code is triggered using the text-buffer-node-creation.

The simple work around was to add .todo files to the auto-mode-alist (or I
could have changed the template), but I thought I would post a note about
the problem.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] checkbox problem

2009-06-18 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha all,

First, org-mode is really useful.  The more I use it, the more useful  
it gets and the more I appreciate its flexibility.  I've been using it  
for several months but still feel like a newbie.  Perhaps the problem  
I'm having stems from this.

I use the checkbox feature a lot, with good effect, like this:

*** Task 1 [/]
- [ ] Step 1
- [ ] Step 2
- [ ] Step 3

Recently, I received via email comments from 4 reviewers on a paper  
I'd submitted for publication.  The editor asked me to keep track of  
how I'd responded to all of the comments, so I tried this:

*** Reviewer 1 [/]
- [ ] Comment 1
- [ ] Comment 2

I cut the comments out of the email message and pasted them directly  
into the org file in Aquamacs Emacs.  Some of the comments are quite  
lengthy, others are short.

My problem is that midway down a list of comments org-mode ceases to  
recognize that the comment checkboxes are associated with the  
heading.  In each case, the last comment checkbox that is correctly  
associated with the heading formats differently (with Esc-Q) than the  
comments above it.  The comment checkboxes that are associated  
correctly format as indented blocks with the second and subsequent  
lines of text left justified on the "[" of the first line.  The last  
associated checkbox justifies the second and subsequent lines two  
characters left of the "-" of the first line.  Subsequent,  
unassociated checkboxes align the "-" of the first line with last line  
of the item above it.  Here is an example:

*** Reviewer 3 [2/6]

... (Several items omitted)

- [X] p. 7 In 1779, Kamehameha was a young man on his way up as a
  favored nephew of Kalaniopu`u, but isn't it a little early to
  refer to his dynasty?
- [X] p. 7 It is true Kamehameha benefited greatly from Western
  advice and weapons, but the tradition of conquest was well
  established by the time he embarked on his career as a conqueror by
  chiefs including Kalaniopu`u, and especially Kahekili.
  - [X] p. 7 According to traditions 'Umi's father had been recognized
as paramount of the island.  `Umi regained his father's status by
putting down a rebellion of the five districts other than Hamakua
and reunited the polity.  I think of this as a civil war rather
than the capture of territory to which he had no previous claim.

In this case the first two items are counted in the headline, but the  
last one isn't.

If someone could point out what might be going wrong, I'll appreciate  

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye, Ph.D.
T. S. Dye & Colleagues, Archaeologists, Inc.
Phone: (808) 529-0866 Fax: (808) 529-0884

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Re: my-mini-table(something)

2009-06-18 Thread Bastien
Matthew Lundin  writes:

> #+MACRO: special-table #+HTML:  src="./images/icon.png"/>something

Note that you can also use a variable in your macro:

#+MACRO: special-table #+HTML: $1


PS: this is not yet documented in the manual.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Change line spacing for lists for LaTeX export

2009-06-18 Thread Alan E. Davis
I apologize for sending so many updates.

I was able to get the feature I desire by adding the following to the top of
the exported LaTeX and replacing "itemize" with "packed_item".


It would be preferable by far to be able to get this effect straightaway in
exported pdfs.

But I think I need to  change my mode of outlining or else find  a way to
reduce the spacing in sectioning-based outlines in the exported LaTeX.
Perhaps a macro to convert from ** based outlines to plain list (-)

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Re: [Orgmode] bugs in org-remember-backup-directory

2009-06-18 Thread Samuel Wales
Strange that it is not reproducible even with the minimal startup.

It happens to me every time I save a remember that is long enough to
trigger auto-save.

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 00:00, Carsten Dominik wrote:
> I am still unable to reproduce this.
> Anyone?
> - Carsten
> On Jun 5, 2009, at 5:59 AM, Samuel Wales wrote:
>> The bug still exists.
>> To reproduce, run emacs -Q --load , remember
>> a task, make enough changes to trigger do-auto-save, then c-x c-s.  It
>> should tell you it has changed and ask if you want to save.
>> You will have to set 3 env vars for dirs of your choice.
>> I didn't want to risk making dirs for you.
>> (require 'cl)
>> (defun alpha-add-path (p) (setq load-path (cons p load-path)))
>> (alpha-add-path (concat (getenv "delorgsrc") "/lisp"))
>> (alpha-add-path (concat (getenv "delpkgbef") "/remember"))
>> (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.org$" . org-mode))
>> (defvar alpha-mac-font
>>  "-apple-courier-medium-r-normal--24-240-72-72-m-240-iso10646-1")
>> '(progn
>>  (progn
>>   (defconst alpha-mac-font-2
>>     "-apple-courier-medium-r-normal--*-*-*-*-*-240-*")
>>   (set-frame-font alpha-mac-font-2))
>>  )
>> (set-frame-font alpha-mac-font)
>> (require 'org-install)
>> (defvar alpha-org-map (make-sparse-keymap "alpha org map"))
>> (define-key global-map [f8] alpha-org-map)
>> (define-key alpha-org-map [f8] 'org-remember)             ;c-c r
>> (define-key alpha-org-map "o" 'org-open-at-point-global) ;c-c o
>> (require 'remember-autoloads)
>> (org-remember-insinuate)
>> (setq org-remember-templates
>>     `(("conversation" ?c    "* CONVERSATION %U %?\n%i")))
>> (add-hook 'remember-mode-hook 'delete-other-windows)
>> (setf org-remember-backup-directory
>>     (getenv "demacsremember"))
>> ;;;(setf org-remember-backup-directory nil)
>> (add-hook 'org-remember-mode-hook
>>         (lambda () (when org-remember-backup-directory
>>                      (cd org-remember-backup-directory
>> (add-hook 'org-remember-mode-hook
>>         (lambda ()
>>           (define-key org-remember-mode-map
>>               "\C-x\C-s" 'org-remember-finalize)
>>           ;;i think org-mode-map will override?
>>           (define-key org-remember-mode-map
>>               "\C-c\C-c" nil)))

Myalgic encephalomyelitis denialism is causing death and severe suffering,
worse than MS.  Conflicts of interest are destroying research.  /You/ can
get the disease at any time permanently.  Do science and justice matter to

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] [ANN] org-fstree: insert directory subtrees into org buffers / UPDATE

2009-06-18 Thread Lindsay Todd
On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 11:56 PM, Andreas Burtzlaff wrote:
> you remembered me to publish the new version 0.4 of org-fstree, that
> features dynamic generation and deletion of directory contents on
> visibility change and thus makes the complete filesystem browsable in
> real time inside the org file. ( set option :dynamic-update t )
> The entries are also sorted in alphanumeric order now.

Thanks!  That really helps!

>>     The other thing that would be nice (but I can manage without) is
>> to be able to indicate that the directory being listed is the
>> attachment directory.  I like to be able to do things like store
>> monthly statements from utilities with my notes concerning
>> interactions with that utility.
> Hm, I don't really get your intention, sorry. How do you want the
> directory's content to be displayed if it is an "attachment directory"?

It could be displayed just like a regular directory being shown in
org-fstree.  I like to store documents related to projects in my
attachment directory, and sometimes want to seem them.  If I just open
the directory with ^A-^A-F to view it in dired mode, and an attachment
is a PDF, clicking on it opens the PDF file in emacs.  Not the same as
opening a link to the PDF, which is what org-fstree gives me.  So I
have been using org-fstree, and pointing it to the attachment
directory, and getting much nicer results -- other than having to
figure out a path to the attachment directory.  Would be nice if
org-fstree did that for me.

I have "att:" as  a link prefix to my attachment directory; if
org-fstree could expand link prefixes, that would be a nice general
solution (but what to do if the expansion isn't a local directory?).

Just an idea...  Thanks for this extension.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Change line spacing for lists for LaTeX export

2009-06-18 Thread Alan E. Davis
I had used the following:


and, previously:


Neither of them makes a difference.


On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 8:18 AM, Alan E. Davis  wrote:

> I can see now that the LaTeX source for my outline is not in list form, but
> in sections.   When I reformat to use list notation in org, the following do
> not change anything in the pdf that is output.  Interestingly, when I export
> LaTeX into a buffer latex then complains about too many nested levels, while
> the pdf is exported ok.
> Perhaps there is another length parameter I can change to make the outlines
> based on sectioning more compact.
> Alan
> "Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow
> them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value."
>   --- Buckminster Fuller
> On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Alan E. Davis  wrote:
>> I need to print outlines in a more compact form than LaTeX lists
>> ordinarily provide.  I often have used the paralist package, although it
>> conflicts with some other packages.  How can I alter the line spacing for
>> the lists directly, for export?
>> I found this suggestion, and I was going to use #+LATEX_HEADER:, but then
>> it occured to me that I don't have a way to specifiy that "my_enumerate"
>> would be used instead of "enumerate".
>> This is the code I found on line:
>> %
>> % this makes list spacing much better.
>> %
>> \newenvironment{my_enumerate}{
>> \begin{enumerate}
>>   \setlength{\itemsep}{1pt}
>>   \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}
>>   \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}}{\end{enumerate}
>> }
>> Thank you for any suggestions.
>> Alan Davis
>> "Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow
>> them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value."
>>   --- Buckminster Fuller
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Change line spacing for lists for LaTeX export

2009-06-18 Thread Alan E. Davis
I can see now that the LaTeX source for my outline is not in list form, but
in sections.   When I reformat to use list notation in org, the following do
not change anything in the pdf that is output.  Interestingly, when I export
LaTeX into a buffer latex then complains about too many nested levels, while
the pdf is exported ok.

Perhaps there is another length parameter I can change to make the outlines
based on sectioning more compact.


"Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them
to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value."
  --- Buckminster Fuller

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 8:02 AM, Alan E. Davis  wrote:

> I need to print outlines in a more compact form than LaTeX lists ordinarily
> provide.  I often have used the paralist package, although it conflicts with
> some other packages.  How can I alter the line spacing for the lists
> directly, for export?
> I found this suggestion, and I was going to use #+LATEX_HEADER:, but then
> it occured to me that I don't have a way to specifiy that "my_enumerate"
> would be used instead of "enumerate".
> This is the code I found on line:
> %
> % this makes list spacing much better.
> %
> \newenvironment{my_enumerate}{
> \begin{enumerate}
>   \setlength{\itemsep}{1pt}
>   \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}
>   \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}}{\end{enumerate}
> }
> Thank you for any suggestions.
> Alan Davis
> "Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow
> them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value."
>   --- Buckminster Fuller
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

[Orgmode] Change line spacing for lists for LaTeX export

2009-06-18 Thread Alan E. Davis
I need to print outlines in a more compact form than LaTeX lists ordinarily
provide.  I often have used the paralist package, although it conflicts with
some other packages.  How can I alter the line spacing for the lists
directly, for export?

I found this suggestion, and I was going to use #+LATEX_HEADER:, but then it
occured to me that I don't have a way to specifiy that "my_enumerate" would
be used instead of "enumerate".

This is the code I found on line:

% this makes list spacing much better.


Thank you for any suggestions.

Alan Davis

"Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them
to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value."
  --- Buckminster Fuller
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] org-info.js: new navigation history

2009-06-18 Thread Sebastian Rose
Xin Shi  writes:

>  Hi Sebastian,
> I see. So, in your initial email, "using mouse" only means click on the
> links make by the js file.


Modifying the history is considered dangerous (it is).

But you can return from file b to file a using the browsers back
button. Now to the very point you left file a before.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] problem exporting to latex with latest git release

2009-06-18 Thread Eric S Fraga
Carsten Dominik writes:
> Fixed, thanks.

Thank *you*!  Works just fine now.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] problem exporting to latex with latest git release

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

Fixed, thanks.

- Carsten

On Jun 18, 2009, at 6:53 PM, Eric S Fraga wrote:

Carsten et al.,

I have run into the following problem with the latest git release of
org-mode.  When attempting to export an org file as latex, I get the
following (truncated to remove excess amount of file contents etc)
debug trace:

| Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable org-export-LaTeX- 

|   (cdr org-export-LaTeX-verbatim-wrap)
|   (concat (car org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap) rtn (cdr
|   (org-add-props (concat (car org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap) rtn  

org-export-LaTeX-verbatim-wrap)) (quote (org-protected t)))
|   (concat "\n#+BEGIN_LaTeX\n" (org-add-props (concat ... rtn ...)  

...)) "#+END_LaTeX\n\n")
|   (cond ((eq backend ...) (setq rtn ...) (concat "\n#+BEGIN_DOCBOOK 
\n" ...
"#+END_DOCBOOK\n")) ((eq backend ...) (when lang ... ...) (if  
lang ... ...)
(unless textareap ...) (concat "\n#+BEGIN_HTML\n" ... "\n#+END_HTML\n 
\n")) ((eq
backend ...) (setq rtn ...) (concat "\n#+BEGIN_LaTeX\n" ... "# 

((eq backend ...) (setq rtn ...) (concat "#+BEGIN_ASCII\n" ...
|   (setq rtn (cond (... ... ...) (... ... ... ... ...)  
(... ... ...) (... ...

| [... stuff removed ...]
|   org-export-as-latex(nil)
|   call-interactively(org-export-as-latex)
|   (if (and bg (nth 2 ass) (not ...) (not ...)) (let (...)
(set-process-sentinel p ...) (message "Background process \"%s\":  
started" p))

(call-interactively (nth 1 ass)))
|   (let* ((bg ...) (help "[t]   insert the export option template 
\n[v]   limit

export to visible part of outline tree\n\n[a] export as ASCII   [A] to
temporary buffer\n\n[h] export as HTML[H] to temporary buffer
[R] export
region\n[b] export as HTML and open in browser\n\n[l] export as  
LaTeX   [L] to
temporary buffer\n[p] export as LaTeX and process to PDF\n[d] export  
as LaTeX,

process to PDF, and open the resulting PDF document\n\n[D] export as
DocBook\n[V] export as DocBook, process to PDF, and open the  
resulting PDF

document\n\n[x] export as XOXO\n\n[i] export current file as iCalendar
file\n[I] export all agenda files as iCalendar files\n[c] export  
agenda files
into combined iCalendar file\n\n[F] publish current file   
[P] publish
current project\n[X] publish a project...  [E] publish every  
(cmds ...) r1 r2 ass) (save-excursion (save-window- 
excursion ... ... ... ...
...)) (setq r2 (if ... ... r1)) (unless (setq ass ...) (error "No  
associated with key %c" r1)) (if (and bg ... ... ...)  
(let ... ... ...)

(call-interactively ...)))
|   org-export(nil)
|   call-interactively(org-export nil nil)

If I've removed too much, I'm happy to send a full trace.  The only
particularly out of the ordinary contents in this latex file is a
#+begin_src matlab

The git log gives the following two as the latest commits and the
second looks suspiciously as a possible culprit?

| commit 8faf8271fe09edfd5a313330326cc8baab3032dd
| Author: Carsten Dominik 
| Date:   Thu Jun 18 09:56:59 2009 +0200
| Improve a docstring
| commit e23665ee66ee2082453d28ecdcbf3152a50e1562
| Author: Carsten Dominik 
| Date:   Thu Jun 18 09:30:00 2009 +0200
| LaTeX export: Make the verbatim environment configurable

Maybe I missed a configuration option that is necessary?


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] OT: How to tell if your message made it to the list

2009-06-18 Thread Scot Becker
Thanks for the post.  Investigating helped me find a problem with my
own subscription to the list. (I had subscribed with a different
address than I was posting with).  No wonder discussions often seemed
to proceed as if I hadn't answered.  My messages were always waiting
in the approve queue.  If there had been a way to tell if my message
had arrived, I'd have know this earlier!

I had a look at the full headers (selecting the option "show original"
from the pull down menu to the right of the reply button in Gmail's
header line).  You can see the route of the mail there, but it seems
that even there they only give the information about the sent mail not
the received copy (unless you can see something I can't).  I'll check
again just after this one's sent.


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 9:01 PM, Samuel Wales wrote:
> In gmail, there doesn't seem to be an obvious indication that your
> message made it to the list.  That is, you do not have both messages
> (your sent mail and the received one).
> Is there a way?  This seems relevant.
> Thanks.
> On 2009-06-18, Manish  wrote:
>>   On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:
>>   > Hi all,
>>   >
>>   > Paul Rivier is one of the two[1] moderators of emacs-orgmode,
>>   > i.e. one if the two great guys that make sure any mail arriving on
>>   > our list from non-subscribers is passed through timely, but only if
>>   > it is relevant and no spam.
>>   >
>>   > Paul says that he would like to be relieved of this task because
>>   > he'll have less time in the future. So I am looking for a
>>   > replacement.  I believe this does not take more than about 5 minutes
>>   > a day.
>>   >
>>   > If you'd like to take over that task for a while, please get in
>>   > touch with Paul, CC to me and to the mailing list (so that not 100
>>   > people write to Paul... :-)
>> I can be on the watch for a few hours a day as well.
>> --
>> Manish
>> ___
>> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
>> Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
> --
> Myalgic encephalomyelitis denialism is causing death and severe suffering,
> worse than MS.  Conflicts of interest are destroying research.  /You/ can
> get the disease at any time permanently.  Do science and justice matter to
> you?
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] org-info.js: new navigation history

2009-06-18 Thread Xin Shi
 Hi Sebastian,

I see. So, in your initial email, "using mouse" only means click on the
links make by the js file.


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:58 AM, Sebastian Rose wrote:

> Xin Shi  writes:
> > Hi Sebastian,
> >
> > This is a really great feature I was hoping to have!
> >
> > I tried to get the and tested on Firefox
> > 3.0.11, the "B" works but click on the go back button is not working. ...
> > not sure why.
> The reason for this is, we can not modify the history. What we can do,
> is to modify the current history entry. If we used
> the page would be reloaded when going to the next section.
> The browsers back button works only across history entries (i.e. from
> one file to another in this case).
> But going back in the navigation history of the current file works only
> through the keyboard shortcuts or the clicking the links org-info.js
> adds to the page.
>  Sebastian
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

[Orgmode] OT: How to tell if your message made it to the list

2009-06-18 Thread Samuel Wales
In gmail, there doesn't seem to be an obvious indication that your
message made it to the list.  That is, you do not have both messages
(your sent mail and the received one).

Is there a way?  This seems relevant.


On 2009-06-18, Manish  wrote:
>   On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:
>   > Hi all,
>   >
>   > Paul Rivier is one of the two[1] moderators of emacs-orgmode,
>   > i.e. one if the two great guys that make sure any mail arriving on
>   > our list from non-subscribers is passed through timely, but only if
>   > it is relevant and no spam.
>   >
>   > Paul says that he would like to be relieved of this task because
>   > he'll have less time in the future. So I am looking for a
>   > replacement.  I believe this does not take more than about 5 minutes
>   > a day.
>   >
>   > If you'd like to take over that task for a while, please get in
>   > touch with Paul, CC to me and to the mailing list (so that not 100
>   > people write to Paul... :-)
> I can be on the watch for a few hours a day as well.
> --
> Manish
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis denialism is causing death and severe suffering,
worse than MS.  Conflicts of interest are destroying research.  /You/ can
get the disease at any time permanently.  Do science and justice matter to

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Feature suggestion: context sensitive movement

2009-06-18 Thread Samuel Wales
Others have pointed out the relevant commands.  Here are some possible
bindings for you.

What I do is bind c-m-arrow, analogous to the way I bind them in Lisp.
 Maybe you will find those bindings useful.  The relevant insight is
trees -- both Lisp and outlines instantiate them.

Would be great if they worked on plain list items also, as if those
items were headlines.

Are there any functions to navigate plain lists?

  (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta left)]
  (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta right)]
  (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta up)]
  (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta down)]
  ;;in gnu lisp, there is no separate up as i have.  ud change level.  lr go
  ;;back and forward at the same level.  sounds simple in principle.
  ;;however, that makes it hard to go to the previous visible heading (or
  ;;last element of prev list in lisp): you have to do up, left, down, right
  ;;upshot: my way is intuitive.  ud goes ud, lr goes same level, ret
  ;;goes up.
  (define-key org-mode-map [(control meta return)]

On 2009-06-18, Rick Moynihan  wrote:
> I was just thinking that often I want to jump around items in org-mode
> more quickly than I do at present, depending on the context of the
> point.
> e.g.
> * Foo
>  blah blah blah
> * Bar |
> blah blah blah
> * Baz
> Assuming the point is located at | I might want to quickly jump to
> previous headings by pushing CTRL-/.
> Having this also occur when the point is located within a list would
> be nice too.
> Does anyone else think this is a good idea?  Or is this another
> feature which is already implemented, that I'm not aware of? :-)
> Thanks again,
> R.
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis denialism is causing death and severe suffering,
worse than MS.  Conflicts of interest are destroying research.  /You/ can
get the disease at any time permanently.  Do science and justice matter to

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] org-info.js: new navigation history

2009-06-18 Thread Sebastian Rose
Xin Shi  writes:
> Hi Sebastian,
> This is a really great feature I was hoping to have!
> I tried to get the and tested on Firefox
> 3.0.11, the "B" works but click on the go back button is not working. ...
> not sure why.

The reason for this is, we can not modify the history. What we can do,
is to modify the current history entry. If we used


the page would be reloaded when going to the next section.

The browsers back button works only across history entries (i.e. from
one file to another in this case).
But going back in the navigation history of the current file works only
through the keyboard shortcuts or the clicking the links org-info.js
adds to the page.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] [Buglet] issue where org-agenda always prints to PostScript "with faces"

2009-06-18 Thread Manish
  On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 1:27 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:
  > On Jun 16, 2009, at 5:27 PM, Manish wrote:
  >> On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 9:49 AM, James wrote:
  >>> If you tweak org-agenda-custom-commands to create a PostScript
  >>> version of your agenda (for example by following this link...
  >>> ) ... and like me you happen to use a dark background in Emacs
  >>> (set-face-background 'default "black"), you end up with PostScript
  >>> files which take account of your background colour. In my case if
  >>> I were to actually print my agenda on a printer, I'd probably
  >>> drain it of black ink! :-)
  >>> This problem appears to be because org-agenda always prints using
  >>> "ps-print-buffer-with-faces".
  >>> Please could a variable be added such that for awkward users like
  >>> me org-mode would use "ps-print-buffer" instead.
  >> A similar issue was dicussed in this thread
  > I the mean time, I have found a better solution for this.
  > (setq org-agenda-exporter-settings
  >   '((ps-print-color-p 'black-white)))
  > Matt, or anyone, maybe this is worth a FAQ entry?

Pushed a small FAQ to worg about this.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

[Orgmode] problem exporting to latex with latest git release

2009-06-18 Thread Eric S Fraga
Carsten et al.,

I have run into the following problem with the latest git release of
org-mode.  When attempting to export an org file as latex, I get the
following (truncated to remove excess amount of file contents etc)
debug trace:

| Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable org-export-LaTeX-verbatim-wrap)
|   (cdr org-export-LaTeX-verbatim-wrap)
|   (concat (car org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap) rtn (cdr
|   (org-add-props (concat (car org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap) rtn (cdr
org-export-LaTeX-verbatim-wrap)) (quote (org-protected t)))
|   (concat "\n#+BEGIN_LaTeX\n" (org-add-props (concat ... rtn ...) (quote
...)) "#+END_LaTeX\n\n")
|   (cond ((eq backend ...) (setq rtn ...) (concat "\n#+BEGIN_DOCBOOK\n" ...
"#+END_DOCBOOK\n")) ((eq backend ...) (when lang ... ...) (if lang ... ...)
(unless textareap ...) (concat "\n#+BEGIN_HTML\n" ... "\n#+END_HTML\n\n")) ((eq
backend ...) (setq rtn ...) (concat "\n#+BEGIN_LaTeX\n" ... "#+END_LaTeX\n\n"))
((eq backend ...) (setq rtn ...) (concat "#+BEGIN_ASCII\n" ...
|   (setq rtn (cond (... ... ...) (... ... ... ... ...) (... ... ...) (... ...
| [... stuff removed ...]
|   org-export-as-latex(nil)
|   call-interactively(org-export-as-latex)
|   (if (and bg (nth 2 ass) (not ...) (not ...)) (let (...)
(set-process-sentinel p ...) (message "Background process \"%s\": started" p))
(call-interactively (nth 1 ass)))
|   (let* ((bg ...) (help "[t]   insert the export option template\n[v]   limit
export to visible part of outline tree\n\n[a] export as ASCII   [A] to
temporary buffer\n\n[h] export as HTML[H] to temporary buffer   [R] export
region\n[b] export as HTML and open in browser\n\n[l] export as LaTeX   [L] to
temporary buffer\n[p] export as LaTeX and process to PDF\n[d] export as LaTeX,
process to PDF, and open the resulting PDF document\n\n[D] export as
DocBook\n[V] export as DocBook, process to PDF, and open the resulting PDF
document\n\n[x] export as XOXO\n\n[i] export current file as iCalendar
file\n[I] export all agenda files as iCalendar files\n[c] export agenda files
into combined iCalendar file\n\n[F] publish current file  [P] publish
current project\n[X] publish a project...  [E] publish every projects")
(cmds ...) r1 r2 ass) (save-excursion (save-window-excursion ... ... ... ...
...)) (setq r2 (if ... ... r1)) (unless (setq ass ...) (error "No command
associated with key %c" r1)) (if (and bg ... ... ...) (let ... ... ...)
(call-interactively ...)))
|   org-export(nil)
|   call-interactively(org-export nil nil)

If I've removed too much, I'm happy to send a full trace.  The only
particularly out of the ordinary contents in this latex file is a
#+begin_src matlab 

The git log gives the following two as the latest commits and the
second looks suspiciously as a possible culprit?

| commit 8faf8271fe09edfd5a313330326cc8baab3032dd
| Author: Carsten Dominik 
| Date:   Thu Jun 18 09:56:59 2009 +0200
| Improve a docstring
| commit e23665ee66ee2082453d28ecdcbf3152a50e1562
| Author: Carsten Dominik 
| Date:   Thu Jun 18 09:30:00 2009 +0200
| LaTeX export: Make the verbatim environment configurable

Maybe I missed a configuration option that is necessary?


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] capturing headings with |||

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Jun 18, 2009, at 12:18 PM, Giovanni Ridolfi wrote:

Dear all,
I have found a strange behaviour in capturing column view.

Org-mode version 6.27trans  (of the 08th of June 2009)
GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2009-05-24 on SOFT- 

1. vertical bars in the heading
given the file
   -*- mode: org; -*-
* problems in the properties table
:COLUMNS: %40ITEM(What?) %Date %7Revision(Rev.) %TODO %Note
#+BEGIN: columnview :hlines 1 :id local
** Temperature in four zones of the kiln
:Revision: R33
:Note: kiln 1
*** DONE thermocouple:  <|  |  |  |---T
   CLOSED: [2009-06-18 gio 11:39]
:Revision: R1-0509
:Note: at last!
*** COMMENT hello
:Date: [2009-06-18 gio]
:Revision: R0
:Note: Even me

When I view the column view, everything is fine (see image attached).

However when I capture the "local" view, the vertical bars in the  

heading "||"  (see the red circle in the image attached)
are considered as column separators and the table becomes:

| What?| Date | Rev.  
| TODO | Note|   | |  |  |
| * bugs in the table  |  |   
|  | |   | |  |  |
| ** Temperature in four zones of the kiln |  | R33   
|  | kiln 1  |   | |  |  |
| *** thermocouple:  < |  |   
|  | ---T|   | R1-0509 | DONE | at last! |
| *** COMMENT hello| [2009-06-18 gio] | R0
|  | Even me |   | |  |  |

Is it my fault or is it a bug ?-)

It is a bug, the vertical bar should be escaped when capturing.
It is now.

2. Is it possible to exclude the heading with the COMMENT keyword  
from the

  column view?

Yes, I changed that as well.

- Carsten


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Emailing: an edited version of org.texi for 6.27

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

Hi Michael,

thank you very much for this extensive set of changes!
I have applied the patch.

- Carsten

On Jun 16, 2009, at 4:50 PM, Kaelbling, Michael wrote:

<> I took the liberty of editing for punctuation and  

I can diff it if you like (diff -u is 65 KB zipped).

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dr. Michael Kaelbling

Siemens AG
Corporate Technology
CT SE 13
Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
81739 München, Deutschland
Tel.: +49 (89) 636-46676
Fax: +49 (89) 636-45450

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft: Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Gerhard  
Cromme; Vorstand: Peter Löscher, Vorsitzender; Wolfgang Dehen,  
Heinrich Hiesinger, Joe Kaeser, Barbara Kux, Hermann Requardt,  
Siegfried Russwurm, Peter Y. Solmssen; Sitz der Gesellschaft: Berlin  
und München, Deutschland; Registergericht: Berlin Charlottenburg,  
HRB 12300, München, HRB 6684; WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 23691322

Wichtiger Hinweis: Diese E-Mail und etwaige Anlagen enthalten  
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irrtümlich erhalten haben, benachrichtigen Sie uns bitte durch  
Antwort-Mail und löschen Sie diese E-Mail nebst Anlagen von Ihrem  
System. Vielen Dank.

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Alternate Table Row Colors

2009-06-18 Thread Xin Shi
Hi Carsten,

That's great! Thanks a lot!

Just one tiny typo in the docstring:

"these ca be Lisp forms"
~~~ -> can


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 1:09 AM, Carsten Dominik

> Hi Xin,
> I have pushed a change to this effect.  It introduces a new variable
> org-export-table-row-tags which can be used for this purpose.
> Please the the docstring of that variable.
> - Carsten
> On Jun 14, 2009, at 9:00 PM, Xin Shi wrote:
>  Hello Experts,
>> I use org-mode to produce a lot of big tables with numbers in them. When I
>> present these tables by HTML, I found it's hard to keep track which row it
>> is. I'm wondering if it's possible to implement additional class attribute
>> to the , such as:
>> OneFish
>> TwoFish
>> RedFish
>> BlueFish
>> So, that in the CSS file, it'll be easier to implement the color:
>> table.sample {
>>border: 6px inset #8B8378;
>>-moz-border-radius: 6px;
>> }
>> table.sample td {
>>border: 1px solid black;
>>padding: 0.2em 2ex 0.2em 2ex;
>>color: black;
>> }
>> table.sample tr.d0 td {
>>background-color: #FCF6CF;
>> }
>> table.sample tr.d1 td {
>>background-color: #FEFEF2;
>> }
>> I borrowed idea from this article:
>> Thanks!
>> Xin
>> ___
>> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
>> Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Volunteer wanted for administration of emacs-orgmode

2009-06-18 Thread Manish
  On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 1:51 PM, Carsten Dominik wrote:
  > Hi all,
  > Paul Rivier is one of the two[1] moderators of emacs-orgmode,
  > i.e. one if the two great guys that make sure any mail arriving on
  > our list from non-subscribers is passed through timely, but only if
  > it is relevant and no spam.
  > Paul says that he would like to be relieved of this task because
  > he'll have less time in the future. So I am looking for a
  > replacement.  I believe this does not take more than about 5 minutes
  > a day.
  > If you'd like to take over that task for a while, please get in
  > touch with Paul, CC to me and to the mailing list (so that not 100
  > people write to Paul... :-)

I can be on the watch for a few hours a day as well.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

Re: [Orgmode] Re: Feature suggestion: context sensitive movement

2009-06-18 Thread Bill White
On Thu Jun 18 2009 at 07:02, Matthew Lundin  wrote:

> Hi Rick, 
> Rick Moynihan  writes:
>> I was just thinking that often I want to jump around items in
>> org-mode more quickly than I do at present, depending on the context
>> of the point.
>> e.g.
>> * Foo
>>  blah blah blah
>> * Bar |
>> blah blah blah
>> * Baz
>> Assuming the point is located at | I might want to quickly jump to
>> previous headings by pushing CTRL-/.
> For navigating headlines, I use C-c C-n
> (outline-next-visible-heading), C-c C-p
> (outline-previous-visible-heading). There are other commands available
> as well (see the menu entry Org --> Navigate Headings).
> I'm not aware of context detection related to such movement.

allout.el has a great setup for this - when the cursor is at a
headline's "hotspot" (on the '#' in, for example, ".#3 header"), 'n' and
'p' can be used to navigate through the visible headers, landing on each
header's '#'.  From the hotspot you can also cycle visibility with 'h'
(hide) and 's' (show).

Every time I navigate among headers in orgmode, I miss this allout

Cheers -

Bill White . .
"No ma'am, we're musicians."

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] FR: Ability to override the header in custom stuck projects view

2009-06-18 Thread Nicolas Girard
stuck projects views can be used for many things beyond their initial purpose.
It would be nice to be able to override the header when building a
custom view -- currently it is set to "List of stuck projects: ".

Many thanks in advance,

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] org-info.js: new navigation history

2009-06-18 Thread Xin Shi
Hi Sebastian,

This is a really great feature I was hoping to have!

I tried to get the and tested on Firefox
3.0.11, the "B" works but click on the go back button is not working. ...
not sure why.


One question is in one org file, how to specify the internal link so that it
can be j

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 5:52 PM, Sebastian Rose wrote:

> Hi,
> just cannot resist posting this here:
> The navigation of org-info.js has been improved quite a bit.
>  1.) Navigating a file through org-info.js, either using the mouse or
>  using the keyboard, modifies the location. Thus, once you left
>  the file by following a link somewhere else, your browser's `back'
>  button will bring you back to the point you left the file.
>  2.) org-info.js now navigates accross files. If those files both use
>  org-info.js, you can navigate back and forth. Because of the new
>  technique in 1.), both files nearly feel like beeing one and the
>  same file. Thus following links in published files feels like
>  following footnotes and returning to the context.
>  Example:
>  Once you reach the end of the internal history, repeatedly
>  pressing `B' or `b' takes you forward and back in the browsers
>  history.
>  - open one of your published org files.
>  - press `n' until a you reach a section, that has a link to another
>file in your published tree.
>  - follow the link by clicking on it.
>  - in the other file, navigate using `n' and `p'...
>  - go back in the navigation history using `b'
>  - repeat this, until org-info.js brings you back to the file you
>opened in step 1. Note, that you see the same section you saw
>just before leaving the file by following the link.
>  - Now press `B' until org-info.js brings you to the other file
> One flaw though: the internal history is lost when returning to a
> file.
> Regards
>   Sebastian
> --
> Sebastian Rose, EMMA STIL - mediendesign, Niemeyerstr.6, 30449 Hannover
> Tel.:  +49 (0)511 - 36 58 472
> Fax:   +49 (0)1805 - 233633 - 11044
> mobil: +49 (0)173 - 83 93 417
> Email:,
> Http:
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Feature suggestion: context sensitive movement

2009-06-18 Thread Sebastian Rose
Rick Moynihan  writes:
> I was just thinking that often I want to jump around items in org-mode
> more quickly than I do at present, depending on the context of the
> point.
> e.g.
> * Foo
>  blah blah blah
> * Bar |
> blah blah blah
> * Baz
> Assuming the point is located at | I might want to quickly jump to
> previous headings by pushing CTRL-/.

We now have:

C-c C-j   - traverse the tree using UP and DOWN
C-c C-u   - privious
C-c C-n   - next
C-c C-b   - previous sibling
C-c C-f   - next sibling

But I agree: `forward-paragraph' and `backward-paragraph' are much more
convenient to use (and I use those all the time instead).

I still tend to expect the behaviour you describe when on a headline or
list item and I'm disapointed each time I try ;)



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Re: [Orgmode] my-mini-table(something)

2009-06-18 Thread Sebastian Rose

Ahh - I knew this technique existed. But I tried to find it in the
manual (since I never used yet).

Documentation for this is missing. Maybe mention it in the concept index
would help?



diff --git a/doc/org.texi b/doc/org.texi
index a8a6105..77584d4 100644
--- a/doc/org.texi
+++ b/doc/org.texi
@@ -8251,9 +8251,11 @@ Toggle the COMMENT keyword at the beginning of an entry.
 @node Macro replacement,  , Comment lines, Markup rules
 @subheading Macro replacement
+...@cindex macro replacement
 You can define text snippets with
+...@cindex #+MACRO:
 #+MACRO: name   replacement text
 @end example
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: Re: [Orgmode] my-mini-table(something)

2009-06-18 Thread giovanni . ridolfi

--- Gio 18/6/09, Stefan Vollmar  ha scritto:
> #+MACRO is exactly what I was looking for.
> (1) The release notes of 6.27 say:
> > Macro processing for export has been enhanced: 
> > - You can use arguments in a macro, for example 
> #+macro hello Greet the $1: Hello $1
> which is just what I had been hoping for! This important
> change has not yet made it into org.pdf of the 6.27a
> distribution. 

 really ?

at page 106 of the pdf version, that you can download from the site,

I can read: "Macro replacement"!

> (2) The next logical step is to collect a number of useful
> macros in one include file. However, when I use
> #+INCLUDE: "./"
> which contains the MACRO, the macro expansion does not work
> (if the same MACRO statements are part of the org-file where
> I use them, they work just fine), all other org content is
> included as expected. Is this is a bug?

I think this is a not, yet?, implemented feature ;-)

*Macro processing* is intended *for export* (release notes)
so, I think, Carsten considered only the macros in the 
current file/buffer.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Volunteer wanted for administration of emacs-orgmode

2009-06-18 Thread Greg Newman
I can lend one hand guys.

*Greg Newman*

twitter: 20seven

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 4:21 AM, Carsten Dominik

> Hi all,
> Paul Rivier is one of the two[1] moderators of emacs-orgmode, i.e. one if
> the two
> great guys that make sure any mail arriving on our list from
> non-subscribers
> is passed through timely, but only if it is relevant and no spam.
> Paul says that he would like to be relieved of this task because he'll
> have less time in the future.  So I am looking for a replacement.
> I believe this does not take more than about 5 minutes a day.
> If you'd like to take over that task for a while, please get in touch
> with Paul, CC to me and to the mailing list (so that not 100 people
> write to Paul... :-)
> Thanks!
> - Carsten
> [1] Austin Frank is the other
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: I just discovered the clone subtree command

2009-06-18 Thread Matthew Lundin
Carsten Dominik  writes:

>> * Training Log
>> [2009-06-19 Fri]
>> Change the square brackets to angle brackets then you will
>> find the cloning works!
> I guess inactive time stamps should be shifted as well?
> I am not entirely sure about this, but I have made that change.
> Comments?

+1 for cloning inactive time stamps. This will make creating a log very easy.

- Matt

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[Orgmode] Re: my-mini-table(something)

2009-06-18 Thread Matthew Lundin
Hi Stefan,

Stefan Vollmar  writes:

> we have used org-mode for creating HTML content for software
> documentation and it beats everything we have tried over the last
> couple of years hands down, excellent work!
> For one project, I used several statements like this (simplified):
> #+HTML:  td>something
> #+HTML:  td>other
> The result looks exactly the way we have planned it, however, ideally
> one would want to write:
> \my-mini-table(something)
> \my-mini-table(other)
> (with a suitable syntax) in the org source, and this should only be
> expanded when exporting the document, so I never need to look at the
> HTML code (if I do not want to).

Perhaps the easiest way to do this would be to define a macro at the top
of your org file:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
#+MACRO: special-table #+HTML: something
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Then, any time you wanted the html snippet to appear in the export, you
could place the following in your org file:


During export this will be replaced by the definition above. (At first I
wasn't sure this would work because of the extra comment notation in the
macro definition, but I tested it and it seemed to work fine.)

For more information on macros, see


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Feature suggestion: context sensitive movement

2009-06-18 Thread Matthew Lundin
Hi Rick, 

Rick Moynihan  writes:

> I was just thinking that often I want to jump around items in org-mode
> more quickly than I do at present, depending on the context of the
> point.
> e.g.
> * Foo
>  blah blah blah
> * Bar |
> blah blah blah
> * Baz
> Assuming the point is located at | I might want to quickly jump to
> previous headings by pushing CTRL-/.

For navigating headlines, I use C-c C-n (outline-next-visible-heading),
C-c C-p (outline-previous-visible-heading). There are other commands
available as well (see the menu entry Org --> Navigate Headings).

I'm not aware of context detection related to such movement.


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Feature suggestion: context sensitive movement

2009-06-18 Thread Russell Adams
C-c C-n
C-c C-p


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 12:10:53PM +0100, Rick Moynihan wrote:
> I was just thinking that often I want to jump around items in org-mode
> more quickly than I do at present, depending on the context of the
> point.
> e.g.
> * Foo
>  blah blah blah
> * Bar |
> blah blah blah
> * Baz
> Assuming the point is located at | I might want to quickly jump to
> previous headings by pushing CTRL-/.
> Having this also occur when the point is located within a list would
> be nice too.
> Does anyone else think this is a good idea?  Or is this another
> feature which is already implemented, that I'm not aware of? :-)
> Thanks again,
> R.
> ___
> Emacs-orgmode mailing list
> Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.


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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Re: Volunteer wanted for administration of emacs-orgmode

2009-06-18 Thread Mikael Fornius

I can help out with this.

Mikael Fornius

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] my-mini-table(something)

2009-06-18 Thread Stefan Vollmar

Dear Giovanni,

excellent, many thanks!


is exactly what I was looking for.

(1) The release notes of 6.27 say:
> Macro processing for export has been enhanced: > > - You can use  
arguments in a macro, for example > #+macro hello Greet the $1: Hello $1
which is just what I had been hoping for! This important change has  
not yet made it into org.pdf of the 6.27a distribution. Obviously,  
this gives you maximum flexibility even for more complex documents and  
should get due emphasis in the documentation.
(2) The next logical step is to collect a number of useful macros in  
one include file. However, when I use

#+INCLUDE: "./"
which contains the MACRO, the macro expansion does not work (if the  
same MACRO statements are part of the org-file where I use them, they  
work just fine), all other org content is included as expected. Is  
this is a bug?

Warm regards,

On 18.06.2009, at 12:14, Giovanni Ridolfi wrote:

--- Gio 18/6/09, Stefan Vollmar  ha scritto:

For one project, I used several statements like this

#+HTML: src="./images/icon.png"/>somethingtable>

#+HTML: other

The result looks exactly the way we have planned it,
however, ideally one would want to write:


+ you can use  yasnippet

+ Or macros? manual, chapter 12.1 Markup rules

   Macro replacement

   You can define text snippets with

  #+MACRO: name   replacement text

   which can be referenced anywhere in the document (even in code
examples) with `{{{name}}}'.

#+MACRO: my-mt-sth  #+HTML:  src="./images/ 


Dr. Stefan Vollmar, Dipl.-Phys.
Max-Planck-Institut für neurologische Forschung
Gleuelerstr. 50, 50931 Köln, Germany
Tel.: +49-221-4726-213  FAX +49-221-4726-298
Tel.: +49-221-478-5713  Mobile: 0160-93874279

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Remember: use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.

[Orgmode] Feature suggestion: context sensitive movement

2009-06-18 Thread Rick Moynihan
I was just thinking that often I want to jump around items in org-mode
more quickly than I do at present, depending on the context of the


* Foo
 blah blah blah
* Bar |
blah blah blah
* Baz

Assuming the point is located at | I might want to quickly jump to
previous headings by pushing CTRL-/.

Having this also occur when the point is located within a list would
be nice too.

Does anyone else think this is a good idea?  Or is this another
feature which is already implemented, that I'm not aware of? :-)

Thanks again,


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] capturing headings with |||

2009-06-18 Thread Giovanni Ridolfi
Dear all,
I have found a strange behaviour in capturing column view.

Org-mode version 6.27trans  (of the 08th of June 2009)
GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2009-05-24 on SOFT-MJASON

1. vertical bars in the heading
given the file
-*- mode: org; -*-
* problems in the properties table
:COLUMNS: %40ITEM(What?) %Date %7Revision(Rev.) %TODO %Note 
#+BEGIN: columnview :hlines 1 :id local
** Temperature in four zones of the kiln
:Revision: R33
:Note: kiln 1
*** DONE thermocouple:  <|  |  |  |---T
CLOSED: [2009-06-18 gio 11:39]
:Revision: R1-0509
:Note: at last!
*** COMMENT hello
:Date: [2009-06-18 gio]
:Revision: R0
:Note: Even me

When I view the column view, everything is fine (see image attached).

However when I capture the "local" view, the vertical bars in the <> 
heading "||"  (see the red circle in the image attached)
are considered as column separators and the table becomes:

| What?| Date | Rev. | TODO | 
Note|   | |  |  |
| * bugs in the table  |  |  |  |   
  |   | |  |  |
| ** Temperature in four zones of the kiln |  | R33  |  | 
kiln 1  |   | |  |  |
| *** thermocouple:  < |  |  |  | 
---T|   | R1-0509 | DONE | at last! |
| *** COMMENT hello| [2009-06-18 gio] | R0   |  | 
Even me |   | |  |  |

Is it my fault or is it a bug ?-)

2. Is it possible to exclude the heading with the COMMENT keyword from the 
   column view?


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] my-mini-table(something)

2009-06-18 Thread Giovanni Ridolfi

--- Gio 18/6/09, Stefan Vollmar  ha scritto:
> For one project, I used several statements like this
> (simplified):
> #+HTML:  src="./images/icon.png"/>something
> #+HTML:  src="./images/icon.png"/>other
> The result looks exactly the way we have planned it,
> however, ideally one would want to write:
> \my-mini-table(something)
> \my-mini-table(other)

+ you can use  yasnippet

+ Or macros? manual, chapter 12.1 Markup rules

Macro replacement

You can define text snippets with

   #+MACRO: name   replacement text

which can be referenced anywhere in the document (even in code
 examples) with `{{{name}}}'. 

#+MACRO: my-mt-sth  #+HTML:  


Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] my-mini-table(something)

2009-06-18 Thread Stefan Vollmar


we have used org-mode for creating HTML content for software  
documentation and it beats everything we have tried over the last  
couple of years hands down, excellent work!

For one project, I used several statements like this (simplified):

#+HTML: td>something

#+HTML: td>other

The result looks exactly the way we have planned it, however, ideally  
one would want to write:


(with a suitable syntax) in the org source, and this should only be  
expanded when exporting the document, so I never need to look at the  
HTML code (if I do not want to).

This is probably already possible with org-mode using the html-export- 
hook and a little Lisp function. Many thanks in advance for any hints!

Warm regards,
Dr. Stefan Vollmar, Dipl.-Phys.
Max-Planck-Institut für neurologische Forschung
Gleuelerstr. 50, 50931 Köln, Germany
Tel.: +49-221-4726-213  FAX +49-221-4726-298
Tel.: +49-221-478-5713  Mobile: 0160-93874279

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] org-exp-blocks: what about previewing blocks ?

2009-06-18 Thread Nicolas Girard
2009/6/18 Carsten Dominik 

> On Jun 17, 2009, at 2:40 AM, Nicolas Girard wrote:
>  Hi all,
>> currently the code in org-exp-blocks is intended for pre-processing only.
>> It seems to me like org-mode would gain a very powerful feature, if
>> blocks could also be previewed in their own buffer, using the same
>> mechanism as the org-format-latex function.
>> What do you think ?
> I don't see how this could be done in a general way.  I guess you mean in
> particular
> the graphics blocks like ditaa?

Yes. For any block type bt, if it makes sense, it would be possible to write
such org-block--generate-image(body) that takes the block as argument
and returns the path of the image it produced.

- for exporting: the existing org-export-blocks-format- functions would
simply call their respective org-block--generate-image and work the same
- for previewing a block of type : if such org-block--generate-image
exists, call it and display it the same way org-format-latex does

Wouldn't it be great ?

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] Error when saving remember entries in non org-mode file types.

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Jun 17, 2009, at 1:25 AM, Jere McDevitt wrote:

Org-mode version: 6.27a

I configured org-remember-templates to use a file named  
"project.todo" to hold todo entries for me.

(setq org-remember-templates
   ("Project" ?p "* TODO %?\n %u"  "~/org/project.todo" bottom )))

I hadn't added the .todo extension to the auto-mode-alist so when it  
was loaded to be written to by the org-remember-handler, it came up  
by default in fundamental-mode, not org-mode.

This generates an error condition that I tracked down in the org- 
remember.el file to line 887 in the org-remember-handler function:

Yes, target files for remember templates must be in Org-mode.
That does make sense normally, because your TODO tasks
are Org nodes.

I would simply recommend to actually use a .org extension.

I you don't want to do that, instead of adding to auto-mode-alist,
you can start the file with

# -*- mode: org -*-


- Carsten

((not (org-mode-p))
   (if (eq heading 'top)
   (goto-char (point-min))
 (goto-char (point-max))
 (or (bolp) (newline)))
   (insert text-before-node-creation)

The error is that text-before-node-creation apparently is a nil and  
the insert routine is generating an error because of it.  This  
variable is set earlier in the handler at around line 845 but only  
if the text being inserted does not look like an org-outline-regexp:

 (unless (looking-at org-outline-regexp)
   ;; add a headline
   (setq text-before-node-creation (buffer-string))

Because my template actually does look like an org-outline-regexp  
(it starts with "* TODO"), that variable is never set and because  
the buffer is not in org-mode, this code is triggered using the text- 

The simple work around was to add .todo files to the auto-mode-alist  
(or I could have changed the template), but I thought I would post a  
note about it.

Jere ___
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Re: [Orgmode] Makefile: missing rule for org-exp-blocks.elc

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

Fixed, thanks.

- Carsten

On Jun 17, 2009, at 2:25 AM, Nicolas Girard wrote:

following the last commits, it seems like a rule for
org-exp-blocks.elc is missing in the Makefile.


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Re: [Orgmode] org-exp-blocks: what about previewing blocks ?

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Jun 17, 2009, at 2:40 AM, Nicolas Girard wrote:

Hi all,

currently the code in org-exp-blocks is intended for pre-processing  

It seems to me like org-mode would gain a very powerful feature, if
blocks could also be previewed in their own buffer, using the same
mechanism as the org-format-latex function.
What do you think ?

I don't see how this could be done in a general way.  I guess you mean  
in particular

the graphics blocks like ditaa?

- Carsten

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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[Orgmode] Volunteer wanted for administration of emacs-orgmode

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

Hi all,

Paul Rivier is one of the two[1] moderators of emacs-orgmode, i.e. one  
if the two
great guys that make sure any mail arriving on our list from non- 

is passed through timely, but only if it is relevant and no spam.

Paul says that he would like to be relieved of this task because he'll
have less time in the future.  So I am looking for a replacement.
I believe this does not take more than about 5 minutes a day.

If you'd like to take over that task for a while, please get in touch
with Paul, CC to me and to the mailing list (so that not 100 people
write to Paul... :-)


- Carsten

[1] Austin Frank is the other

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Re: [Orgmode] Patch to LaTeX Export verbatim

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

Applied, with the following changes:

The variable has been renamed to org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap and
its definition has been moved to org-latex.el.  The value of the
variable must be a cons cell, not a list (just because this is how
Org usually works for options like this, not because it is truly  


- Carsten

On Jun 17, 2009, at 8:23 PM, Ed Hirgelt wrote:

I use memoir with LaTeX and like the boxedverbatim environment. And  
I often
need to wrap that in a mini page to keep it all together.  So I put  

hack together to generalize the way that source is exported to LaTeX.

Hope you can incorporate it.  It is against the latest org-exp.el  
from git.

Ed Hirgelt

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Re: [Orgmode] org-info.js: new navigation history

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

Hi Sebastian,

On Jun 17, 2009, at 11:52 PM, Sebastian Rose wrote:


just cannot resist posting this here:

Why would you even consider to resist? :-)

this is really great, I missed the possibility to go back to the most  
recent position.

- Carsten

The navigation of org-info.js has been improved quite a bit.

1.) Navigating a file through org-info.js, either using the mouse or
using the keyboard, modifies the location. Thus, once you left
the file by following a link somewhere else, your browser's `back'
button will bring you back to the point you left the file.

2.) org-info.js now navigates accross files. If those files both use
org-info.js, you can navigate back and forth. Because of the new
technique in 1.), both files nearly feel like beeing one and the
same file. Thus following links in published files feels like
following footnotes and returning to the context.


Once you reach the end of the internal history, repeatedly
pressing `B' or `b' takes you forward and back in the browsers

- open one of your published org files.
- press `n' until a you reach a section, that has a link to  

  file in your published tree.
- follow the link by clicking on it.
- in the other file, navigate using `n' and `p'...
- go back in the navigation history using `b'
- repeat this, until org-info.js brings you back to the file you
  opened in step 1. Note, that you see the same section you saw
  just before leaving the file by following the link.
- Now press `B' until org-info.js brings you to the other file

One flaw though: the internal history is lost when returning to a



Sebastian Rose, EMMA STIL - mediendesign, Niemeyerstr.6, 30449  

Tel.:  +49 (0)511 - 36 58 472
Fax:   +49 (0)1805 - 233633 - 11044
mobil: +49 (0)173 - 83 93 417

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] org-exp-blocks: what about previewing blocks ?

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Jun 17, 2009, at 2:40 AM, Nicolas Girard wrote:

Hi all,

currently the code in org-exp-blocks is intended for pre-processing  

It seems to me like org-mode would gain a very powerful feature, if
blocks could also be previewed in their own buffer, using the same
mechanism as the org-format-latex function.
What do you think ?

I don't see how this could be done in a general way.  I guess you mean  
in particular

the graphics blocks like ditaa?

- Carsten

Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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Re: [Orgmode] [Buglet] issue where org-agenda always prints to PostScript "with faces"

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Jun 16, 2009, at 5:27 PM, Manish wrote:

 On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 9:49 AM, James wrote:
If you tweak org-agenda-custom-commands to create a PostScript  

of your agenda (for example by following this link...

) ... and like me you happen to use a dark background in Emacs
(set-face-background 'default "black"), you end up with PostScript
files which take account of your background colour. In my case if I
were to actually print my agenda on a printer, I'd probably drain it
of black ink! :-)

This problem appears to be because org-agenda always prints using

Please could a variable be added such that for awkward users like me
org-mode would use "ps-print-buffer" instead.

A similar issue was dicussed in this thread

I the mean time, I have found a better solution for this.

(setq org-agenda-exporter-settings
  '((ps-print-color-p 'black-white)))

Matt, or anyone, maybe this is worth a FAQ entry?

- Carsten

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Re: [Orgmode] #+LATEX_HEADER: does not seem to work

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Jun 17, 2009, at 1:01 AM, Nicolas Girard wrote:

as title says: using the trunk version of org-mode,
I couldn't get
to work.

It works just fine for me.

- Carsten

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Re: [Orgmode] Makefile: missing rule for org-exp-blocks.elc

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

Fixed, thanks.

- Carsten

On Jun 17, 2009, at 2:25 AM, Nicolas Girard wrote:

following the last commits, it seems like a rule for
org-exp-blocks.elc is missing in the Makefile.


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Re: [Orgmode] Patch to LaTeX Export verbatim

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

Applied, with the following changes:

The variable has been renamed to org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap and
its definition has been moved to org-latex.el.  The value of the
variable must be a cons cell, not a list (just because this is how
Org usually works for options like this, not because it is truly  


- Carsten

On Jun 17, 2009, at 8:23 PM, Ed Hirgelt wrote:

I use memoir with LaTeX and like the boxedverbatim environment. And  
I often
need to wrap that in a mini page to keep it all together.  So I put  

hack together to generalize the way that source is exported to LaTeX.

Hope you can incorporate it.  It is against the latest org-exp.el  
from git.

Ed Hirgelt

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Re: [Orgmode] org-info.js: new navigation history

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

Hi Sebastian,

On Jun 17, 2009, at 11:52 PM, Sebastian Rose wrote:


just cannot resist posting this here:

Why would you even consider to resist? :-)

this is really great, I missed the possibility to go back to the most  
recent position.

- Carsten

The navigation of org-info.js has been improved quite a bit.

 1.) Navigating a file through org-info.js, either using the mouse or
 using the keyboard, modifies the location. Thus, once you left
 the file by following a link somewhere else, your browser's  

 button will bring you back to the point you left the file.

 2.) org-info.js now navigates accross files. If those files both use
 org-info.js, you can navigate back and forth. Because of the new
 technique in 1.), both files nearly feel like beeing one and the
 same file. Thus following links in published files feels like
 following footnotes and returning to the context.


 Once you reach the end of the internal history, repeatedly
 pressing `B' or `b' takes you forward and back in the browsers

 - open one of your published org files.
 - press `n' until a you reach a section, that has a link to  

   file in your published tree.
 - follow the link by clicking on it.
 - in the other file, navigate using `n' and `p'...
 - go back in the navigation history using `b'
 - repeat this, until org-info.js brings you back to the file you
   opened in step 1. Note, that you see the same section you saw
   just before leaving the file by following the link.
 - Now press `B' until org-info.js brings you to the other file

One flaw though: the internal history is lost when returning to a



Sebastian Rose, EMMA STIL - mediendesign, Niemeyerstr.6, 30449  

Tel.:  +49 (0)511 - 36 58 472
Fax:   +49 (0)1805 - 233633 - 11044
mobil: +49 (0)173 - 83 93 417

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Re: [Orgmode] Re: I just discovered the clone subtree command

2009-06-18 Thread Carsten Dominik

On Jun 18, 2009, at 1:56 AM, Charles Cave wrote:

Nicolas Aggelidis> writes:

Hi Charles!I have a training log that has the following headings

* Training Log
[2009-06-19 Fri]

Change the square brackets to angle brackets then you will
find the cloning works!

I guess inactive time stamps should be shifted as well?
I am not entirely sure about this, but I have made that change.


- Carsten

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