Re: [O] How to use xml src block as data input?

2018-04-29 Thread stardiviner
Hash: SHA256

Thanks, I forgot to mention I know example block can be used as input.
But this will lose the syntax highlighting. If there is no better solution.
I guess it is the best for now.

- --
[ stardiviner ] don't need to convince with trends.
   IRC(freenode): stardiviner
   GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3


Re: [O] org-open-link-from-string truncates file path at spaces

2018-04-29 Thread Joon Ro
Hi -

> Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> The initial report is wrong anyway, because "file:test test.hmtl" is not
> a valid link syntax, i.e., plain links cannot contain spaces. It should
> be:
> (org-open-link-from-string "[[file:test test.hmtl]]")
> IMO, there is nothing to fix in the first place.

Thanks - (org-open-link-from-string "[[file:test test.html]]") works perfectly.


Re: [O] Testing master branch

2018-04-29 Thread Samuel Wales
fwiw i use make oldorg from the shell and restart emacs.  never
trusted loading from emacs, but i guess it works.  the interesting
thing is that restarting emacs is necessary as keybindings immediately
change.  odd that all i did was run something from shell, and didn't
afaik do anything inside emacs that loaded anything.

as for testing master, i always compare vanilla maint to master using
my usual + test cases 2d agenda run for speed [critical -- bottleneck]
and bugs.  9master fixes a minor bug where tags in 9maint are not
indented and does not introduce.  speed has not worsened significantly
between 9maint and 9master.

in general speed has been worsening slightly and slowly over time
[ilke over 6mo it's one percent or so], with variations, which is a
concern for long term, not short term.

Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Bernt Hansen
Bastien  writes:

> Hi Nicolas,
> Nicolas Goaziou  writes:
>> You disagreed with me in the first place with commit 71ad7b1. It was my
>> original intent to not load Org Tempo by default.
> Sorry if I missed the statement where you explicitely said you thought
> org-tempo should not be enabled by default, I thought it was just an
> oversight and I didn't realize I was in a disagreement with you when I
> pushed this commit -- if I thought so, I'd write to you on the list to
> raise the topic instead of forcing a change through a commit.
> Again, I may be wrong in thinking disabling this will cause trouble to
> many users.  Let's just take a moment to see what users think.
> Thanks,

Hi Bastien, Nicolas, Rasmus, and list!

So here is my take on this.

org-tempo is the reason I am here on master right now and participating
in this conversation.

I am not really for or against enabling org-tempo by default.  If it's
not enabled by default and a clear path is documented for how to achieve
the same thing in ORG-NEWS using yasnippet or some other expansion
system then that is perfectly okay with me.  If I can't use 

Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Bastien
Hi Tim,

thanks for your thorough and balanced feedback.

Tim Cross  writes:

> There is no solution which will make everyone happy. However, as a long
> term org user who hopes to continue using org for many more years, I
> tend to come down on the side of whatever will make org easier to
> maintain in the long term.

For org-tempo, Rasmus wrote it so I'm inclined to listen quite
carefully at his opinion.

> I think org itself should provide a very stable core and avoid
> incorporating too many add on enhancements.

I agree too.  But outline would have stayed something that nobody
cares about until Org came, enhancing the outline experience.  And I
guess tempo.el, something that RMS wrote in 1995, would stay unknown
until more users are exposed through it via org-tempo.el...

So I don't see org-tempo.el as something that adds extra burden: it
is a reasonable reuse of some core (underknown) Emacs functionality.

> Consequently, I'm not going to enable org-tempo, instead going for
> re-training of my fingers to use the new C-c ' binding.

You certainly mean C-c C-,  :)

> So in basic terms, I agree with Nicholas' position. Having said that, I
> do feel he is being optimistic/pragmatic and Bastien's concerns are very
> valid.

To give some context: I've run a few Emacs friendly workshops in Paris
(France) since the last few months.  French readers can check them

All the discussions have been really eye-opening to me in terms of
usability.  I could not believe Emacs users with 10 years of Emacs-fu
would not know text-scale-increase, or M- in Org's table,
or whatever.  They could not believe I was ignoring X, Y, Z.  And
*many* of them were so frustrated with Org's installation experience
and some "missing" features from one version to another... hearing
these complaints face to face face something.

Yes, from an individual point of view, adding (require 'org-tempo) is
nothing but I've tangible feedback of the pain such change can induce
for other users.

Here is what the experience can look like:

- Upgrading Emacs or Org (hurray!!)
- Trying to hit 

Re: [O] org-note-abort

2018-04-29 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Brad Knotwell  writes:

> I had some time to test your changes (though not fully as I never
> could figure out how to reproduce getting org-note-abort to stick at
> 't) and they appear to be working.  In doing so, I noticed the
> following behaviors on the table addition usecase:
> * regarding my earlier email that the table row was inconsistently
> added to the file...I now understand how to make it work
> consistently.  If  your "saved point" is *anywhere* in the file up to
> the start (inclusive) of the last line, your row will be added as you
> expect.  However, if your point is even one character position
> forward, a new table will be created.

This one should be fixed in master. Thank you.


Nicolas Goaziou0x80A93738

Re: [O] Testing master branch

2018-04-29 Thread Bernt Hansen
Marco Wahl  writes:

> Bernt Hansen  writes:
>> Can I do make uncompiled instead and skip the restart?
>> What do you recommend?
> I always rebuild (with "make" or "make test") followed by org-reload
> (C-c C-x !).
> Possibly the rebuild can be omitted if you configure variable
> `load-prefer-newer' to t.
> Further I recommend to always power off to save energy.

Thanks Marco!

I was not aware of load-prefer-newer and will check it out.


Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Bastien
Hi Tim,

Tim Cross  writes:

> Given that Emacs has eww, linking to a web page for NEWS from the menu
> seems to be OK.

I added a new menu entry "Org Browse News" which takes the user to

> However, I just noticed that org-plus-contrib and org
> from the org repos do have, so for consistency, shouldn't they
> be added to elpa's versions?

Yes, we can do that as well.



Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Tim Cross

Bastien  writes:

> Hi Nicolas,
> Nicolas Goaziou  writes:
>> Bastien  writes:
>>> Again, I may be wrong in thinking disabling this will cause trouble to
>>> many users.  Let's just take a moment to see what users think.
>> It will case trouble during the time necessary to read ORG-NEWS
>> incompatible changes section or ask the mailing list, and then adding
>> (require 'org-tempo) to their configuration file.
> I wish I'd be as optimistic as you are and assume every user reads
> ORG-NEWS!  I seriously doubt a majority of users do.  Those installing
> Org from ELPA cannot possibly know where to find ORG-NEWS, Org gives
> no indication where it lives: IOW, it's not even because users are
> lazy or what.
>> It seems nonsensical to let Org handle expansion templates. Dedicated
>> packages do it way better than what we provide, and the task is really
>> out of our scope.
> I can't remember anybody complaining Org's expansion mechanism.
>> Worse, we would provide two different ways to expand blocks /by
>> default/.
> I see it differently.  You and Rasmus (and those participating to the
> discussion) cleanly separated two functionalities: one is to *insert*
> templates the other one is to *expand* them.
> M-x org-insert-structure-template RET is good for discovery as it lets
> users see what templates are availables and <[KEY][TAB] is good for
> fast inline expansion.
> Both complete each other IMO, and both deserve to be in Org's core.
> But again, I might be wrong, I just don't want this to be a discussion
> between us two :)

The problem here is two competing objectives. I agree with Nicholas'
position that overall, org should not reproduce/re-invent/duplicate
functionality already provided by Emacs or well established Emacs
packages like ysnippets etc. On the other hand, Bastien's concern
regarding impact on users and basic change management concerns are very

There is no solution which will make everyone happy. However, as a long
term org user who hopes to continue using org for many more years, I
tend to come down on the side of whatever will make org easier to
maintain in the long term.

I think org itself should provide a very stable core and avoid
incorporating too many add on enhancements. It should be as stable as
possible to encourage others to develop and maintain such enhancements
and extensions. So while some of the changes Nicholas has proposed may
have some short term inconvenience, I agree with his approach and I
agree that if we enable org-tempo by default, we are unlikely to see
people switch and org-tempo will end up being another module needing to
be maintained as part of core.

While the switch will be a little inconvenient for me while I learn to
re-train my fingers, I think what I'm really doing is undoing a bad
habit learned because of the original '

Re: [O] Testing master branch

2018-04-29 Thread Bernt Hansen
Achim Gratz  writes:

> Bernt Hansen writes:
>> I intend to update and track the master branch git repo changes daily in
>> order to identify problems as early as possible.
>> Does it matter if I compile or not for this?
>> Normally I do:
>> git pull
>> make
>> and restart emacs every morning
>> Can I do make uncompiled instead and skip the restart?
> I fail to see how the two are related, unless you are talking about
> compiling a new Emacs every morning.

Hi Achim,

I use a pre-canned Emacs for windows at work so I am not ever compiling
emacs -- only the org-mode elisp code using the org-mode makefile after
updating with the latest changes.

I haven't been tracking the development branch of org-mode in about 3
years so I completely forgot about the org-reload function!  Using
org-reload is what I meant by 'restart'.  I had been restarting emacs to
use the latest compiled version of org-mode since starting to track the
master branch a week or two ago when I upgraded from version 8.3.

>> What do you recommend?
> make up2
> Then re-load org in your running Emacs session or restart Emacs as you
> wish.  Note that the up2 target does not install anything if any of the
> tests failed.  If you want to live dangerously, skip the tests and
> install whatever you've got, use the update2 target.

Living dangerously with my live org files at work doesn't sound like a
smart thing to do at this point :)

I'll try make-up2 and org-reload.


Re: [O] Inheriting some local variables from source code block editing buffers

2018-04-29 Thread Bastien
Hi Göktuğ,

thanks for your patch.

Kayaalp  writes:

> when editing a source block, passing some local variables from the
> original buffer into the buffer in which the source code is edited might
> be useful.  My use case is passing the value of ‘lexical-binding’ when
> editing Elisp source code blocks in my literate .emacs so that I don't
> mistakenly evaluate code in a non-lexical environment thinking it's the
> opposite instead.

Yes, I see how this can be useful in this case.

Do you have other examples on local variables that would be useful to
pass on when editing code in Org Src buffers?

> I've implemented this with the patch attached to this message, if it's
> deemed useful, I can revise it for inclusion upstream (just wanted to
> see what you think about the idea with this one).

Note that in the particular case of lexical-binding and emacs-lisp
blocks, there is the :lexical block parameter -- of course, this is
for execution, not edition, but you can use it as a clue on whether
the block supposes lexical binding or not.

In general, instead of inheriting values from the Org's buffer, I'd
allow users to set the values independantly -- for example, the cdr
of elements in `org-babel-load-languages', instead of being `t' all
the time (because nil makes no sense to me), could contain an alist
of variables and their local values when editing and... executing.

This is: *if* we find cases that seem generic enough.

What do you think?


Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Tim Cross

Bastien  writes:

> "Thomas S. Dye"  writes:
>> Would it be difficult to add an ORG-NEWS option to the Documentation
>> section of the Org drop-down menu?  It's an interesting document.
> Yes, I see why this how this could be useful, but there are problems:
> - ORG-NEWS is not in the ELPA and ELPAPLUS package for now;
> - Do we want the whole ORG-NEWS or just the first section?
> - We could point to several web pages instead of the file:
> ... I'm not sure what direction is best.  Ideas welcome!

Given that Emacs has eww, linking to a web page for NEWS from the menu
seems to be OK. However, I just noticed that org-plus-contrib and org
from the org repos do have, so for consistency, shouldn't they
be added to elpa's versions? 

Tim Cross

Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Rasmus  writes:

> FWIW, I strongly disagree that Yasnippet is a suitable replacement.  IMO
> it’s not at all intuitive.

You must be kidding. Consider the following snippet:

   # key:  Why is using tempo NIH?

Using Tempo is fine. But we're writing a template system on top of it,
which is a different beast.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] git:// --> : Now password is required

2018-04-29 Thread Brent Goodrick

On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 4:34 PM, Bastien  wrote:

> Hi Brent,
> https cloning is for users who just want to git pull:
> git:// cloning is for developers with a username on
> git clone git://
> HTH,
> --
>  Bastien

Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Bastien
Hi Thomas,

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

> Would it be difficult to add an ORG-NEWS option to the Documentation
> section of the Org drop-down menu?  It's an interesting document.

Yes, I see why this how this could be useful, but there are problems:

- ORG-NEWS is not in the ELPA and ELPAPLUS package for now;

- Do we want the whole ORG-NEWS or just the first section?

- We could point to several web pages instead of the file:

... I'm not sure what direction is best.  Ideas welcome!

> Re: org tempo.  I really appreciate all the work done to preserve
> backward compatibility with the expansion mechanism.  I use Org for
> almost all my work nowadays and I hate to put my other work on hold to
> re-implement some Org mode functionality that I rely on.
> That said, I didn't find the addition of (require org-tempo) to my
> configuration onerous.  I admire the kind of thinking that simplifies
> in order to make complexity possible.  Keep it up!

Thanks for your feedback,


Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Bastien
Hi Diego,

thanks for your input.

Zamboni  writes:

> So, to summarize: I don’t mind having to load org-tempo explicitly,
> but it wold be nice to make the change visible (maybe make ORG-NEWS
> more visible) and to fix the bug I mentioned.

Can you give a recipe on how to reproduce the bug?  And more details
on your configuration (M-x org-version RET)? I cannot find a way to
trigger a bug for this.



Re: [O] add blocks to org-structure-template-alist

2018-04-29 Thread Rasmus
Bastien  writes:

> Hi Nicolas,
> Nicolas Goaziou  writes:
>> In master branch, the format has changed.
> With the new template mechanism, can we have rich templates like the
> one Charles quotes?
>   (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("r" "#+begin_src rec :data? 
> :type \n#+end_src" ""))
> allowing cursor positioning, etc?
> If yes, what pointer can we add to ORG-NEWS?

Not at the moment.

The particular example could be approximated with

("r" . "#+begin_src rec :data :type")

On the snippet expansion side, you can make whatever you want, see the

Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Rasmus

Diego Zamboni  writes:

> Since a few weeks ago (around 9.1.10-11, maybe?) the “ seems a bit broken - if I try to use it in the middle of a file and
> there is a block of the same type further down in the file, then only
> the opening line of the block is inserted. So I’ve been using "C-c
> C-," more, which seems to work fine. I just now realized (thanks to
> Nicolas’ comment) that it works on regions, which is nice (I had been
> using "org-babel-demarcate-block” - “C-c C-v d” for that).

Would it be possible to send a reproducible bug-report, starting from
"emacs -q"?


May contains speling mistake

Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Rasmus

Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> We introduced a new expansion mechanism, recently bound to `C-c C-,'.
> This mechanism is more in line with usual Org functions: it operates on
> regions like, say, `org-insert-drawer'. It is an obvious default
> expansion mechanism.
> If the big menu, we could however improve it with an "expert" UI, like
> we already do for export and tags.

Aside: At the moment key combinations are generated on the go (unless
someone it was changed), so a full "expert-mode a la the export
dispatcher" would likely not work.  Of course, org-mks could be made
nicer, as is obvious when compared to the export dispatcher.

> Now, some users are used to " switch to that expansion mechanism. Fair enough. I first suggested to
> use Yasnippets, which is powerful enough and easy to use. Some users
> still didn't want to use that. Well. I suggested Tempo, but, admittedly,
> out of the box, it is not really usable. Then Rasmus wrote Org Tempo.
> Even though Org Tempo is probably useful for a part of users, it is yet
> another occurrence of NIH in Org mode. Instead of using already
> available, and fitting, libraries for a task, we implement one.

FWIW, I strongly disagree that Yasnippet is a suitable replacement.  IMO
it’s not at all intuitive.  Why is using tempo NIH?

> Also, it will probably prevent the default expansion mechanism to
> receive feedback, and therefore, improvements (even though it is better
> for basic uses) because users will not even notice the new mechanism if
> the old one works out of the box.

> IMO, Org Tempo should live outside of Org core, like many other
> Org-related libraries.

I disagree.

> Some die-hard " had to install an external library. So asking for a "(require
> 'org-tempo)" was an acceptable compromise, until your disagreement.

FWIW, I am indifferent to whether org-tempo is loaded by default or not as
long as it’s included by default and documented in the manual.


May contains speling mistake

Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Diego Zamboni

> On 29 Apr 2018, at 13:05, Bastien  wrote:
> Again, I may be wrong in thinking disabling this will cause trouble to
> many users.  Let's just take a moment to see what users think.

Here’s my 2 cents: I’ve only been using org-mode for a few months now, but 
almost from the beginning I learned about org-tempo and the “

Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Bastien writes:

I wish I'd be as optimistic as you are and assume every user 
ORG-NEWS!  I seriously doubt a majority of users do.  Those 
Org from ELPA cannot possibly know where to find ORG-NEWS, Org 
no indication where it lives: IOW, it's not even because users 

lazy or what.

Would it be difficult to add an ORG-NEWS option to the 
Documentation section of the Org drop-down menu?  It's an 
interesting document.

Re: org tempo.  I really appreciate all the work done to preserve 
backward compatibility with the expansion mechanism.  I use Org 
for almost all my work nowadays and I hate to put my other work on 
hold to re-implement some Org mode functionality that I rely on.

That said, I didn't find the addition of (require org-tempo) to my 
configuration onerous.  I admire the kind of thinking that 
simplifies in order to make complexity possible.  Keep it up!

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [O] How to use xml src block as data input?

2018-04-29 Thread John Kitchin
Here is one approach:

#+name: xml-data

Don't forget me this weekend!


#+BEGIN_SRC python :var data=xml-data
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
root = ET.fromstring(data)
for child in root:
print(child.tag, child.attrib)

: to {}
: from {}
: heading {}
: body {}

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var data=xml-data
(with-temp-buffer (insert data) (libxml-parse-xml-region (point-min) 

| note | nil | (to nil Tove) | (from nil Jani) | (heading nil Reminder) | (body 
nil Don't forget me this weekend!) |

stardiviner writes:

> Hash: SHA256
> Is there somebody have any idea or hints about this question?
> - --
> [ stardiviner ] don't need to convince with trends.
>IRC(freenode): stardiviner
>GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3
> iQEzBAEBCAAdFiEE8J9lDX1nSBmJJZFAG13xyVromsMFAlrl3cUACgkQG13xyVro
> msPaMAgAm6tqsqydqzQjK0a8564JUX+GpP/YBa+WajidIoW7FFY0xpcyV6J1kbYg
> 3nTwmVykJ6DiFVQZS2h2dazdn/pQHkkTgMKSvI6XHUVIFCNxC+12bJgQQ5dQJZuX
> gbctNMQoXFL6YDBbil2ky2NM8mZRiQcBMyo5B2okiVGxd8CV7Ko+Bu5J1mq/3HJb
> assmXwXQiUOkmHBK29soT7Fa9iVWtk96PSmL/tzEdO9G2zyE5aDtnPT+iFSlUgqi
> vVCvLhYPsjyYZ7r19swTyZbeVH0av7GzqdJB18jpe1XvwBKJzdicAMP0ilJ1D4c2
> jJFyOETQDkG+T1XQYqU7u94e79tJHg==
> =P1VJ

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

[O] Inheriting some local variables from source code block editing buffers

2018-04-29 Thread Göktuğ Kayaalp

when editing a source block, passing some local variables from the
original buffer into the buffer in which the source code is edited might
be useful.  My use case is passing the value of ‘lexical-binding’ when
editing Elisp source code blocks in my literate .emacs so that I don't
mistakenly evaluate code in a non-lexical environment thinking it's the
opposite instead.

I've implemented this with the patch attached to this message, if it's
deemed useful, I can revise it for inclusion upstream (just wanted to
see what you think about the idea with this one).

İ. Göktuğ Kayaalp   
 024C 30DD 597D 142B 49AC
 40EB 465C D949 B101 2427

diff --git a/lisp/org-src.el b/lisp/org-src.el
index 850525b8d..248b46462 100644
--- a/lisp/org-src.el
+++ b/lisp/org-src.el
@@ -196,6 +196,14 @@ For example, there is no ocaml-mode in Emacs, but the mode to use is
 	   (string "Language name")
 	   (symbol "Major mode"
+(defcustom org-src-inherited-local-variables '()
+  "Local variables to be copied into source code editing buffers.
+This variable contains a list of symbols, whose values in the Org
+mode buffer that contains the source block are to be interited by
+the source code editing buffer."
+  :group 'org-edit-structure
+  :type '(repeat symbol))
 (defcustom org-src-block-faces nil
   "Alist of faces to be used for source-block.
 Each element is a cell of the format
@@ -947,9 +955,13 @@ name of the sub-editing buffer."
 (unless (and (memq type '(example-block src-block))
 		 (org-src--on-datum-p element))
   (user-error "Not in a source or example block"))
-(let* ((lang
+(let* ((org-buffer (current-buffer))
+   (lang
 	(if (eq type 'src-block) (org-element-property :language element)
+   (buffer-name (or edit-buffer-name
+	(org-src--construct-edit-buffer-name
+ (buffer-name) lang)))
 	   (lang-f (and (eq type 'src-block) (org-src--get-lang-mode lang)))
 	   (babel-info (and (eq type 'src-block)
 			(org-babel-get-src-block-info 'light)))
@@ -957,10 +969,7 @@ name of the sub-editing buffer."
   (when (and (eq type 'src-block) (not (functionp lang-f)))
 	(error "No such language mode: %s" lang-f))
-   element
-   (or edit-buffer-name
-	   (org-src--construct-edit-buffer-name (buffer-name) lang))
-   lang-f
+   element buffer-name lang-f
(and (null code)
 	(lambda () (org-escape-code-in-region (point-min) (point-max
(and code (org-unescape-code-in-string code)))
@@ -973,6 +982,9 @@ name of the sub-editing buffer."
 	(let ((edit-prep-func (intern (concat "org-babel-edit-prep:" lang
 	  (when (fboundp edit-prep-func)
 	(funcall edit-prep-func babel-info
+  (dolist (localvar org-src-inherited-local-variables)
+(set (make-local-variable localvar)
+ (with-current-buffer org-buffer (eval localvar
 (defun org-edit-inline-src-code ()

Re: [O] Moving from Jekyll to Orgmode

2018-04-29 Thread Grant Rettke
On Sat, Apr 28, 2018 at 4:05 PM, ST  wrote:
> 3. is there a free modern "corporate" style theme for org-mode?

Twitter Bootstrap and
and these themes are corporate-ish.

Re: [O] How to use xml src block as data input?

2018-04-29 Thread Bastien

stardiviner  writes:

> How can I use this xml data as input in another src block?

You would need to enclose the xml code within #+begin_example instead
of #+begin_src.  Also, elfeed-xml-parse-region will not work on a
string, it expects other arguments, so you might need to write your
own parsing function, maybe based on libxml-parse-xml-region if your
version of Emacs has libxml support.



Re: [O] How to use xml src block as data input?

2018-04-29 Thread stardiviner
Hash: SHA256

Is there somebody have any idea or hints about this question?

- -- 
[ stardiviner ] don't need to convince with trends.
   IRC(freenode): stardiviner
   GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3


Re: [O] [PATCH 3/4] ob-clojure.el: Use :ns flag in org-src-edit

2018-04-29 Thread stardiviner
Hash: SHA256 writes:

How about the progress now?

- -- 
[ stardiviner ] don't need to convince with trends.
   IRC(freenode): stardiviner
   GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3


Re: [O] [PATCH 2/4] ob-clojure.el: Add ClojureScript interface

2018-04-29 Thread stardiviner
Hash: SHA256 writes:

How about the progress now?

- -- 
[ stardiviner ] don't need to convince with trends.
   IRC(freenode): stardiviner
   GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3


Re: [O] Moving from Jekyll to Orgmode

2018-04-29 Thread Scott Randby
On 04/29/2018 04:50 AM, ST wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> thank you, and all other responders, for the shared information. The
> reason I want to leave Jekyll is because I don't want to depend on a
> tool that relies on language (Ruby)/environment that I don't know/use
> (in this respect Hugo is the same for me). I prefer something more
> simplistic, even though if I'll have to invest some time for it to work
> initially. Those 3 features I've mentioned are almost all I need, more
> or less.
> Could you, please, share your website publishing workflow (considering
> the 3 issues I've mentioned)?

I'm sorry, but I can't address any of your three issues. My site is in English 
only, I use regular links, and my style is very simple and made so the site 
will work well on any device. Here is a link to it:

The Org source code isn't available yet, but it isn't anything special. The key 
is really the CSS which you can easily obtain.

For publishing, I update a file, use Org's HTML export facility (C-c C-e h or 
C-c C-e C-s h to export a subtree), and then upload to the server. Not very 
sophisticated, but I find it to be very efficient.

I haven't had time to look into the more complex things one can do regarding 
Org and websites.


Re: [O] how to convert org file: link path into shell path?

2018-04-29 Thread stardiviner
Hash: SHA256

Bastien  writes:

> Maybe by replacing "%s -ss %s %s" by "%s -ss %s \"%s\"", i.e. adding
> double-quotes around the filename?

Thanks, Bastien, this solved my problem.

- -- 
[ stardiviner ] don't need to convince with trends.
   IRC(freenode): stardiviner
   GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3


[O] [SOLVED] Re: Let org table support move region selected fields

2018-04-29 Thread stardiviner
Hash: SHA256

> They are, but within "special" commands -- see this in org.el:
> (org-defkey org-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-x C-w") #'org-cut-special)
> (org-defkey org-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-x M-w") #'org-copy-special)
> (org-defkey org-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-x C-y") #'org-paste-special)

I see, thanks Bastien

- -- 
[ stardiviner ] don't need to convince with trends.
   IRC(freenode): stardiviner
   GPG: F09F650D7D674819892591401B5DF1C95AE89AC3


Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Charles Millar

Hi all,

On 04/29/2018 07:05 AM, Bastien wrote:

Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

    Let's just take a moment to see what users think.

I was aware of tempo.el and tempo from postings to the list. However It 
was not until I upgraded to version 9.1.12 from 9.1.11 that I realized 
that tempo was the default; I thought that it was optional. With 9.1.12 
installed I could not open any of my org files because of the blocks 
that I added through the years to the org-structure-template-alist.

I used the previous feature merely to insert blocks, which were not 
necessarily for coding; the first block I added was obtained from Dan 
Doherty, on this list, about six years ago and it had nothing to do with 
coding but to insert a debit and credit columns into a document.

I will adapt if I must, but I suspect that there are other users such as 
I who merely used the feature to insert a block of text or something 
else other than code.

Charlie Millar

Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Christian Moe

So, user feedback: I'm fine with not enabling by default.

I don't use any of these, but it sounds like the new default expansion
mechanism Nicolas mentioned might suit me if I ever switch from my
homemade insert-block function (which does prompts and regions).


Bastien writes:

> Hi Nicolas,
> Nicolas Goaziou  writes:
>> You disagreed with me in the first place with commit 71ad7b1. It was my
>> original intent to not load Org Tempo by default.
> Sorry if I missed the statement where you explicitely said you thought
> org-tempo should not be enabled by default, I thought it was just an
> oversight and I didn't realize I was in a disagreement with you when I
> pushed this commit -- if I thought so, I'd write to you on the list to
> raise the topic instead of forcing a change through a commit.
> Again, I may be wrong in thinking disabling this will cause trouble to
> many users.  Let's just take a moment to see what users think.
> Thanks,

Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Bastien
Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> Bastien  writes:
>> Again, I may be wrong in thinking disabling this will cause trouble to
>> many users.  Let's just take a moment to see what users think.
> It will case trouble during the time necessary to read ORG-NEWS
> incompatible changes section or ask the mailing list, and then adding
> (require 'org-tempo) to their configuration file.

I wish I'd be as optimistic as you are and assume every user reads
ORG-NEWS!  I seriously doubt a majority of users do.  Those installing
Org from ELPA cannot possibly know where to find ORG-NEWS, Org gives
no indication where it lives: IOW, it's not even because users are
lazy or what.

> It seems nonsensical to let Org handle expansion templates. Dedicated
> packages do it way better than what we provide, and the task is really
> out of our scope.

I can't remember anybody complaining Org's expansion mechanism.

> Worse, we would provide two different ways to expand blocks /by
> default/.

I see it differently.  You and Rasmus (and those participating to the
discussion) cleanly separated two functionalities: one is to *insert*
templates the other one is to *expand* them.

M-x org-insert-structure-template RET is good for discovery as it lets
users see what templates are availables and <[KEY][TAB] is good for
fast inline expansion.

Both complete each other IMO, and both deserve to be in Org's core.

But again, I might be wrong, I just don't want this to be a discussion
between us two :)


Re: [O] Moving from Jekyll to Orgmode

2018-04-29 Thread Ista Zahn
On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 4:50 AM, ST  wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> thank you, and all other responders, for the shared information. The
> reason I want to leave Jekyll is because I don't want to depend on a
> tool that relies on language (Ruby)/environment that I don't know/use
> (in this respect Hugo is the same for me). I prefer something more
> simplistic, even though if I'll have to invest some time for it to work
> initially. Those 3 features I've mentioned are almost all I need, more
> or less.
> Could you, please, share your website publishing workflow (considering
> the 3 issues I've mentioned)?

I use Nikola ( It has a plugin for org source files
( It claims to support
multilingual sites, though I have not used that feature.


> Thank you!
> On Sat, 2018-04-28 at 18:13 -0400, Scott Randby wrote:
>> On 04/28/2018 05:40 PM, Diego Zamboni wrote:
>> >
>> > Org-mode is not really a website-publishing tool like Jekyll, although it 
>> > can be part of the chain. Org-mode at its core is a markup language, 
>> > although with considerable tooling support from org-mode and related tools 
>> > in Emacs.
>> >
>> I think Org is a good website publishing tool in many ways. I've been using 
>> it for making and publishing my website since 2010. Sure, it has some 
>> limitations, but I think it can be made to work nicely for a lot of types of 
>> sites. But I do agree that the Org/Hugo combination is really good.
>> Scott Randby

Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Bastien  writes:

> Again, I may be wrong in thinking disabling this will cause trouble to
> many users.  Let's just take a moment to see what users think.

It will case trouble during the time necessary to read ORG-NEWS
incompatible changes section or ask the mailing list, and then adding
(require 'org-tempo) to their configuration file.

It seems nonsensical to let Org handle expansion templates. Dedicated
packages do it way better than what we provide, and the task is really
out of our scope.

Worse, we would provide two different ways to expand blocks /by

Dying a little,

Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Bastien
Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> You disagreed with me in the first place with commit 71ad7b1. It was my
> original intent to not load Org Tempo by default.

Sorry if I missed the statement where you explicitely said you thought
org-tempo should not be enabled by default, I thought it was just an
oversight and I didn't realize I was in a disagreement with you when I
pushed this commit -- if I thought so, I'd write to you on the list to
raise the topic instead of forcing a change through a commit.

Again, I may be wrong in thinking disabling this will cause trouble to
many users.  Let's just take a moment to see what users think.



Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Bastien  writes:

> You seem to disagree as you just disabled Org tempo in commit 4c13d0a
> ("Do not load Org Tempo by default"), saying:

You disagreed with me in the first place with commit 71ad7b1. It was my
original intent to not load Org Tempo by default.

> I wonder what users on this list think, maybe I'm wrong.
> Should the old expansion mechanism "

Re: [O] Let org table support move region selected fields

2018-04-29 Thread Bastien

stardiviner  writes:

> Thanks, this solved my problem. BTW, my curious why those commands are
> not actived with keybindings in org-mode?

They are, but within "special" commands -- see this in org.el:

(org-defkey org-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-x C-w") #'org-cut-special)
(org-defkey org-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-x M-w") #'org-copy-special)
(org-defkey org-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-x C-y") #'org-paste-special)


[O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-29 Thread Bastien
Hi Nicolas,

I enabled org-tempo by default in commit 71ad7d1 ("org.el: Add
org-tempo to the list of default modules") and I completed the
commit message with this explanation:

  "Template expansion is likely to be expected by many users, as it was
  on by default in previous releases.  Let's load org-tempo by default
  and let users remove it.  If needed, we can remove this in future

I meant "Template expansion through typing 

Re: [O] Testing master branch

2018-04-29 Thread Marco Wahl
Bernt Hansen  writes:

> Hi,
> I intend to update and track the master branch git repo changes daily in
> order to identify problems as early as possible.
> Does it matter if I compile or not for this?
> Normally I do:
> git pull
> make
> and restart emacs every morning
> Can I do make uncompiled instead and skip the restart?
> What do you recommend?

I always rebuild (with "make" or "make test") followed by org-reload
(C-c C-x !).

Possibly the rebuild can be omitted if you configure variable
`load-prefer-newer' to t.

Further I recommend to always power off to save energy.

Best regards

Re: [O] Testing master branch

2018-04-29 Thread Achim Gratz
Bernt Hansen writes:
> I intend to update and track the master branch git repo changes daily in
> order to identify problems as early as possible.
> Does it matter if I compile or not for this?
> Normally I do:
> git pull
> make
> and restart emacs every morning
> Can I do make uncompiled instead and skip the restart?

I fail to see how the two are related, unless you are talking about
compiling a new Emacs every morning.

> What do you recommend?

make up2

Then re-load org in your running Emacs session or restart Emacs as you
wish.  Note that the up2 target does not install anything if any of the
tests failed.  If you want to live dangerously, skip the tests and
install whatever you've got, use the update2 target.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

Factory and User Sound Singles for Waldorf rackAttack:

Re: [O] Moving from Jekyll to Orgmode

2018-04-29 Thread ST
On Sun, 2018-04-29 at 11:07 +0200, Bastien wrote:
> Hi ST,
> ST  writes:
> > Could you, please, share your website publishing workflow (considering
> > the 3 issues I've mentioned)?
> if people take the time to share this on the list, would you be kind
> enough to take the time to enhance Worg documentation with a readable
> synthesis of all answers?

English is not my mother tongue, but I'll give it a try...

Thank you!

[O] Testing master branch

2018-04-29 Thread Bernt Hansen

I intend to update and track the master branch git repo changes daily in
order to identify problems as early as possible.

Does it matter if I compile or not for this?

Normally I do:

git pull
and restart emacs every morning

Can I do make uncompiled instead and skip the restart?

What do you recommend?


Re: [O] Moving from Jekyll to Orgmode

2018-04-29 Thread Bastien
Hi ST,

ST  writes:

> Could you, please, share your website publishing workflow (considering
> the 3 issues I've mentioned)?

if people take the time to share this on the list, would you be kind
enough to take the time to enhance Worg documentation with a readable
synthesis of all answers?

If a matter of (1) creating a user on then
(2) cloning Worg's repository then adding/publishing your content.

Thanks a lot!


Re: [O] Moving from Jekyll to Orgmode

2018-04-29 Thread ST
Hi Scott,

thank you, and all other responders, for the shared information. The
reason I want to leave Jekyll is because I don't want to depend on a
tool that relies on language (Ruby)/environment that I don't know/use
(in this respect Hugo is the same for me). I prefer something more
simplistic, even though if I'll have to invest some time for it to work
initially. Those 3 features I've mentioned are almost all I need, more
or less.

Could you, please, share your website publishing workflow (considering
the 3 issues I've mentioned)?

Thank you!

On Sat, 2018-04-28 at 18:13 -0400, Scott Randby wrote:
> On 04/28/2018 05:40 PM, Diego Zamboni wrote:
> > 
> > Org-mode is not really a website-publishing tool like Jekyll, although it 
> > can be part of the chain. Org-mode at its core is a markup language, 
> > although with considerable tooling support from org-mode and related tools 
> > in Emacs.
> > 
> I think Org is a good website publishing tool in many ways. I've been using 
> it for making and publishing my website since 2010. Sure, it has some 
> limitations, but I think it can be made to work nicely for a lot of types of 
> sites. But I do agree that the Org/Hugo combination is really good.
> Scott Randby

Re: [O] Bug: Usability for tags in master branch [9.1.12 (release_9.1.12-646-gb08245 @ c:/D-Drive/bin/org-mode/lisp/)]

2018-04-29 Thread Bastien
Hi Bernt,

Bernt Hansen  writes:

>> Fixed. Thank you.
> Confirmed.  Thanks!!!

Indeed, thanks too!

> I am always amazed at how fast bugs are addressed on this project.

That's because the place we report bugs is also the place we solve
them ;)


Re: [O] Bug: Usability for tags in master branch [9.1.12 (release_9.1.12-646-gb08245 @ c:/D-Drive/bin/org-mode/lisp/)]

2018-04-29 Thread Bernt Hansen
Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

> Bastien  writes:
 4) SPC now does not work to insert a space after the TODO so I can type my 
I have to use C-f
>> I still have this issue with current master.
> Fixed. Thank you.

Confirmed.  Thanks!!!

I am always amazed at how fast bugs are addressed on this project.
Great job!


Re: [O] Bug: org-agenda no more aligns tags to the set column

2018-04-29 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Rainer Stengele  writes:

> Please change org-agenda-tags-column to something other than the default, for 
> example -160.
> Does the standard agenda ("C-c a a") respect the variable in your case?
> It doesn't seem to in my setting.

Fixed. Thank you.


Nicolas Goaziou0x80A93738

Re: [O] Bug: org-agenda-tags-column does not work anymore [9.1.12 (release_9.1.12-677-g4c13d0 @ /Users/xcy/src/org-mode/lisp/)]

2018-04-29 Thread Nicolas Goaziou

Xu Chunyang  writes:

> I'm using latest Org mode built from latest git repository, the HEAD
> is 4c13d0a1a870a450627ce1d8449a3b7204202250. I notice tags are no longer
> aligned in *Org Agenda*.
> It seems the issue is introduced by
> e87ebca2a755620a13a49cc748ba987b17d2d64d Use `org-tag-line-re'
> and the following patch fixes it for me

Indeed. Funnily, I read this function a couple of times without catching

Thank you.


Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [O] Moving from Jekyll to Orgmode

2018-04-29 Thread Saša Janiška
ST  writes:

> I would like to rewrite my website using Orgmode (till now I used
> Jekyll). It would be nice if you could help me with following questions:

I recommend you to take look at ox-hugo (


As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body,
from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes
into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered
by such a change.