Re: org-mode export to (latex) PDF

2021-07-13 Thread Stefan Nobis
Maxim Nikulin  writes:

> Maybe, I have seen such warnings. However I have tested neither utf8
> nor utf8x on real examples. That is why I am unaware what can be
> broken in particular. For small examples with various symbols
> outside of ASCII, utf8x may give better support.

The main point: utf8x and the associated package ucs are not
maintained for quite some time (utf8x seems to be last changed in
2004) and as far as I understand have always been more of a workaround
than a solution. But I'm not an expert in this regard.

Nowadays the LaTeX kernel and input encodings like (plain) utf8 are
much more powerful and extensible and do play much better with other

Especially in the last few years the unicode support has become much
better (for all engines).

> I do not like that it is necessary to specify *all* fonts,

You need to specify all fonts that you want to use and that deviate
from the default (Latin Modern in the case of lualatex). How else
should the system now that you want something else?

And in the case of cyrillic: Sadly, the default fontset Latin Modern
has no good support for the cyrillic alphabet. But the name is at
least a small hint. :)

In LaTeX there are 4 groups of fonts: the main font (usually a serif
one), a sans serif font group, a monospace font group and the math
font set. If you use all kinds of groups and want differ from the
defaults, you need to say so explicitly. On the other hand: If you do
never use e.g. monospace glyphs you do not need to specify the
monospace font.

So here is a minimal version of your document that should work:

#+begin_src latex
\setmainfont{CMU Serif}
\setsansfont{CMU Sans Serif}
\setmonofont{CMU Typewriter Text}

Test¹ of superscript and ½ fraction.

\textbf{Теорема.} \emph{Пусть} $\quad α → ∞$ и $\beta \to \infty$.

\verb=Катет= и \textsf{гипотенуза}.

Åå. Text Greek α.

The package "unicode-math" should always be used with lualatex and
xelatex, in order to support unicode math input. In your minimal
example neither polyglossia nor babel are required, but explicit font
selection is necessary to switch all font groups to a fontset with
cyrillic glyphs.

>> (setq org-latex-default-packages-alist
>>  '(("AUTO" "inputenc" t ("pdflatex"))
>>("T1" "fontenc" t ("pdflatex"))

> I just have realized that fontenc behavior should be similar to
> inputenc and babel, e.g. something like \usepackage[T1,T2A]{fontenc}
> should be used for Russian.

Yes, indeed. It would be nice to support this all from Org. So if one
chooses russian as language, that (in case of pdflatex engine) an
option "AUTO" for "fontenc" is supported that get expanded to
"[T1,T2A]" and that the necessary font selection is also generated (if
not overriden with an explicit set choosen by the user). But a full
fledged multi-language solution, that supports more than just latin
and russion may be quite a challenge.

Until the next mail...,

Re: LaTeX-producing code : how to export results to HTML/ODT ?

2021-07-13 Thread Timothy

John Kitchin  writes:

> #+RESULTS: foo
> :results:
> \[\displaystyle{\sin\left(\frac{a}{b}\right)}\]
> :end:
> the key is the drawer I think.

FYI as of
a LaTeX environment will "just work". i.e.


This is currently made use of in the new ob-julia (WIP).


Re: Influence the table separator in a code block

2021-07-13 Thread Greg Minshall
fwiw, this may depend on the source language (rather than -- solely? --
on org interpretation of the output block:

#+begin_src R
  data.frame(a=c("this", "is", "a", "test"), b=c("tset", "a", "si", "oot, 

| this | tset  |
| is   | a |
| a| si|
| test | oot, siht |

block-like markup to export custom html?

2021-07-13 Thread Bill White
I'm using to generate 

See especially

I have an org file full of these things to denote side-by-side columns of 
English and Russian text: 

Some English text. 
Some Russian text. 

===> My question: is there a notion of a custom block-like structure that, upon 
export to html (or whatever backend org-static-blog uses), would insert the 
inlined html code shown above? I'm imagining something like: 

Some English text. 
Some Russian text 

to produce this upon export: 

Some English text. 
Some Russian text. 

Background: I'm learning Russian and re-learning chess, and one day I realized 
I could translate articles from old Russian chess magazines. 


"No, ma'am, we're musicians."

Re: A requires/provides approach to linking source code blocks

2021-07-13 Thread Samuel Wales
one thing about org that i think has been making it complex, in
addition to number of features, is non-orthogonality.

On 7/13/21, Tim Cross  wrote:
> Tom Gillespie  writes:
> [snip]
>> Once I wrap up the formal grammar for org, one of the next things I
>> plan to work on is a clear specification for org babel. This is
>> critical because so many of the suggestions that come in deal with
>> individuals' specific problems and thus fail to account for how such
>> features interact with existing features and how the newly proposed
>> feature would block some other features in the future, confuse users,
>> etc. Such suggestions also often fail to account for increased
>> complexity, nor have they been exposed to a sufficient number of
>> examples to reveal fundamental ambiguities in how they could be
>> interpreted. The issues with variable behavior between ob langs for
>> :pre :post :prologue :epilogue etc. are already enough to keep us busy
>> for quite some time.
> Yes, that clearly summs up my concerns as well. Often, a 'fix' for some
> problem can seem straight-forward, possibly even trivial, when
> considered only within one person's use case/workflow. Part of what
> makes org so powerful is the level of flexibility it supports. However,
> this flexibility makes it extremely difficult to consider, or even know
> about, all the existing use cases.
> I suspect that once we have some formal specifications for babel, the
> next step will be to develop some good unit tests to verify these
> specifications. This would at least highlight/alert developers to
> unforeseen impact from changes and alert them to things they may
> not have considered.
>> With regard to this thread in particular, it is of some interest, but
>> there are fundamental issues, including the fact that certain
>> languages (e.g. racket) expect module code to exist somewhere on the
>> file system. There are ways around many of these issues, in fact there
>> are likely many ways around any individual issue, so org babel needs
>> to systematically consider the issues and provide a clear
>> specification, or at least a guide for how such cases should be
>> handled.
>> To give an example from one of my continual pain points: I start
>> writing python or racket in an org src block and then I want it to be
>> a library so that it can be reused by other code both inside and
>> outside the org file without having to resort to noweb.
> This is an interesting point. I think a number of languages have
> challenges here. I run into very similar issues with Clojure.
> To some extent, I think this is a grey area within the literate
> programming paradigm. The original literate programming model was
> developed at a time when most languages were compiled rather then
> interpreted. You generated source code, compiled it and then ran it.
> These days, many 'modern' languages are based around an interpreter and
> concepts like 'just in time' compilation. In org mode, things become
> even more complex because in addition to generation (tangling) of code,
> we also want to have evaluation of code blocks, plus we have added the
> concept of 'sessions'.
>> What is the best way to handle this? I don't know. Right now I tangle
>> things and resort to awful hacks for the reuse-in-this-org-file case, but
>> I'm guessing there is a better generic solution which would allow _any_
>> org block to be exported as a library instead of nowebbed in.
>> Before jumping for any particular suggestion for how to handle this
>> we need to explore the diversity of cases that various ob langs
>> present, so that we can find a solution that will work for all of
>> them. After all, packaging code to a library for reuse is an
>> extremely common pattern that org babel should be able to
>> abstract, but it is a major undertaking, not just the addition of a
>> keyword here and there.
> Agree. I'm not convinced we really understand the requirements here and
> more exploration and specification is required. The more we add 'simple'
> extensions, options, keywords etc the more likely it is we will make
> this a much harder process and will likely result in even larger
> 'breakage' once we do define a clearer specification.
>> In short I suggest that we issue a general moratorium on new org babel
>> feature suggestions until we can stabilize what we already have and
>> provide a clear specification for correct behavior. Until we have that
>> spec
>> we could encourage users to create extensions that implement those
>> features.
> Yes. While it might sound harsh or overly limiting, I do think such a
> moratorium may be required. We may be able to lift it once we have some
> core specifications in place. We would still accept bug fixes (though we
> may need to provide some clarity on what is a bug fix and what is a
> feature enhancement/change - I regularly see posts flagged as bug fixes
> which are actually feature enhancements or extensions).

Re: A requires/provides approach to linking source code blocks

2021-07-13 Thread Tim Cross

Tom Gillespie  writes:


> Once I wrap up the formal grammar for org, one of the next things I
> plan to work on is a clear specification for org babel. This is
> critical because so many of the suggestions that come in deal with
> individuals' specific problems and thus fail to account for how such
> features interact with existing features and how the newly proposed
> feature would block some other features in the future, confuse users,
> etc. Such suggestions also often fail to account for increased
> complexity, nor have they been exposed to a sufficient number of
> examples to reveal fundamental ambiguities in how they could be
> interpreted. The issues with variable behavior between ob langs for
> :pre :post :prologue :epilogue etc. are already enough to keep us busy
> for quite some time.

Yes, that clearly summs up my concerns as well. Often, a 'fix' for some
problem can seem straight-forward, possibly even trivial, when
considered only within one person's use case/workflow. Part of what
makes org so powerful is the level of flexibility it supports. However,
this flexibility makes it extremely difficult to consider, or even know
about, all the existing use cases. 

I suspect that once we have some formal specifications for babel, the
next step will be to develop some good unit tests to verify these
specifications. This would at least highlight/alert developers to
unforeseen impact from changes and alert them to things they may
not have considered. 

> With regard to this thread in particular, it is of some interest, but
> there are fundamental issues, including the fact that certain
> languages (e.g. racket) expect module code to exist somewhere on the
> file system. There are ways around many of these issues, in fact there
> are likely many ways around any individual issue, so org babel needs
> to systematically consider the issues and provide a clear
> specification, or at least a guide for how such cases should be
> handled.
> To give an example from one of my continual pain points: I start
> writing python or racket in an org src block and then I want it to be
> a library so that it can be reused by other code both inside and
> outside the org file without having to resort to noweb.

This is an interesting point. I think a number of languages have
challenges here. I run into very similar issues with Clojure.

To some extent, I think this is a grey area within the literate
programming paradigm. The original literate programming model was
developed at a time when most languages were compiled rather then
interpreted. You generated source code, compiled it and then ran it.

These days, many 'modern' languages are based around an interpreter and
concepts like 'just in time' compilation. In org mode, things become
even more complex because in addition to generation (tangling) of code,
we also want to have evaluation of code blocks, plus we have added the
concept of 'sessions'.

> What is the best way to handle this? I don't know. Right now I tangle
> things and resort to awful hacks for the reuse-in-this-org-file case, but
> I'm guessing there is a better generic solution which would allow _any_
> org block to be exported as a library instead of nowebbed in.
> Before jumping for any particular suggestion for how to handle this
> we need to explore the diversity of cases that various ob langs
> present, so that we can find a solution that will work for all of
> them. After all, packaging code to a library for reuse is an
> extremely common pattern that org babel should be able to
> abstract, but it is a major undertaking, not just the addition of a
> keyword here and there.

Agree. I'm not convinced we really understand the requirements here and
more exploration and specification is required. The more we add 'simple'
extensions, options, keywords etc the more likely it is we will make
this a much harder process and will likely result in even larger
'breakage' once we do define a clearer specification.

> In short I suggest that we issue a general moratorium on new org babel
> feature suggestions until we can stabilize what we already have and
> provide a clear specification for correct behavior. Until we have that spec
> we could encourage users to create extensions that implement those
> features.

Yes. While it might sound harsh or overly limiting, I do think such a
moratorium may be required. We may be able to lift it once we have some
core specifications in place. We would still accept bug fixes (though we
may need to provide some clarity on what is a bug fix and what is a
feature enhancement/change - I regularly see posts flagged as bug fixes
which are actually feature enhancements or extensions). 
> PS The other next thing that I am working on might be another way out
> for this particular feature request. Namely, it is simplifying and
> extending org keyword syntax so that new keywords (with options) and
> associated keywords can be specified using keyword syntax within

Re: Citations merged!

2021-07-13 Thread Rudolf Adamkovič

*** More reliable sources and less fake news! ***

To everyone involved: Thank you for making the world a better 


Nicolas Goaziou  writes:


It took years, but citations are now full part of Org syntax. 

Thanks to everyone involved over the time! 

Now, it needs to be documented, but that will come a bit later. 

Regards, --  Nicolas Goaziou 

"Contrariwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; 
and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's 
logic." -- Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass  Rudolf 
Adamkovič  Studenohorská 25 84103 Bratislava 
Slovakia  [he/him]

Re: A requires/provides approach to linking source code blocks

2021-07-13 Thread George Mauer
In implementing an extension you might consider doing it as a generalized
form of what I did with ob-racket (

I think it is best to rely on the import/require/include mechanism of the
language you're using. Pretty much all of them support adjacent files. The
problem with code block execution is that it expands the block and writes
it to a temporary directory in a non-predictable location. If you want to
reference other blocks, you need them to *also* write into files in the
same folder.

What I do in ob-racket is support a header :adjacent-file which allows you
to pass in the name of another block and then writes it into the same
folder as the file to be executed with a predictable name (the name of the

So something like this

  #+begin_src racket :adjacent-file stacker-reader-expander.rkt
#lang reader "./stacker-reader-expander.rkt"

Will make sure the block named `stacker-reader-expander.rkt` is written
into that same temporary directory with that same name. There's a few rough
edges but for the most part it works well. Would love to see someone take
this and generalize it into its own extension.

On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 2:18 PM Tom Gillespie  wrote:

> We have been receiving many new feature suggestions and requests
> coming in for org babel. I think that Tim's suggestion is the right
> one. Nearly all of these need to be implemented as an extension first
> and tested independently. Further, even if this is done, it should be
> clear that there is zero expectation that such extensions will be
> incorporated.
> Once I wrap up the formal grammar for org, one of the next things I
> plan to work on is a clear specification for org babel. This is
> critical because so many of the suggestions that come in deal with
> individuals' specific problems and thus fail to account for how such
> features interact with existing features and how the newly proposed
> feature would block some other features in the future, confuse users,
> etc. Such suggestions also often fail to account for increased
> complexity, nor have they been exposed to a sufficient number of
> examples to reveal fundamental ambiguities in how they could be
> interpreted. The issues with variable behavior between ob langs for
> :pre :post :prologue :epilogue etc. are already enough to keep us busy
> for quite some time.
> With regard to this thread in particular, it is of some interest, but
> there are fundamental issues, including the fact that certain
> languages (e.g. racket) expect module code to exist somewhere on the
> file system. There are ways around many of these issues, in fact there
> are likely many ways around any individual issue, so org babel needs
> to systematically consider the issues and provide a clear
> specification, or at least a guide for how such cases should be
> handled.
> To give an example from one of my continual pain points: I start
> writing python or racket in an org src block and then I want it to be
> a library so that it can be reused by other code both inside and
> outside the org file without having to resort to noweb.
> What is the best way to handle this? I don't know. Right now I tangle
> things and resort to awful hacks for the reuse-in-this-org-file case, but
> I'm guessing there is a better generic solution which would allow _any_
> org block to be exported as a library instead of nowebbed in.
> Before jumping for any particular suggestion for how to handle this
> we need to explore the diversity of cases that various ob langs
> present, so that we can find a solution that will work for all of
> them. After all, packaging code to a library for reuse is an
> extremely common pattern that org babel should be able to
> abstract, but it is a major undertaking, not just the addition of a
> keyword here and there.
> In short I suggest that we issue a general moratorium on new org babel
> feature suggestions until we can stabilize what we already have and
> provide a clear specification for correct behavior. Until we have that spec
> we could encourage users to create extensions that implement those
> features.
> Best,
> Tom
> PS The other next thing that I am working on might be another way out
> for this particular feature request. Namely, it is simplifying and
> extending org keyword syntax so that new keywords (with options) and
> associated keywords can be specified using keyword syntax within a
> single org file. This would make it possible to get useful high level
> keyword behavior in a single file without burdening the core
> implementation with more special cases for associated keywords, and it
> would allow users to write small elisp functions that could do some of
> what is suggested here, all without need to add anything to the core
> org implementation.

Re: A requires/provides approach to linking source code blocks

2021-07-13 Thread Tom Gillespie
We have been receiving many new feature suggestions and requests
coming in for org babel. I think that Tim's suggestion is the right
one. Nearly all of these need to be implemented as an extension first
and tested independently. Further, even if this is done, it should be
clear that there is zero expectation that such extensions will be

Once I wrap up the formal grammar for org, one of the next things I
plan to work on is a clear specification for org babel. This is
critical because so many of the suggestions that come in deal with
individuals' specific problems and thus fail to account for how such
features interact with existing features and how the newly proposed
feature would block some other features in the future, confuse users,
etc. Such suggestions also often fail to account for increased
complexity, nor have they been exposed to a sufficient number of
examples to reveal fundamental ambiguities in how they could be
interpreted. The issues with variable behavior between ob langs for
:pre :post :prologue :epilogue etc. are already enough to keep us busy
for quite some time.

With regard to this thread in particular, it is of some interest, but
there are fundamental issues, including the fact that certain
languages (e.g. racket) expect module code to exist somewhere on the
file system. There are ways around many of these issues, in fact there
are likely many ways around any individual issue, so org babel needs
to systematically consider the issues and provide a clear
specification, or at least a guide for how such cases should be

To give an example from one of my continual pain points: I start
writing python or racket in an org src block and then I want it to be
a library so that it can be reused by other code both inside and
outside the org file without having to resort to noweb.

What is the best way to handle this? I don't know. Right now I tangle
things and resort to awful hacks for the reuse-in-this-org-file case, but
I'm guessing there is a better generic solution which would allow _any_
org block to be exported as a library instead of nowebbed in.

Before jumping for any particular suggestion for how to handle this
we need to explore the diversity of cases that various ob langs
present, so that we can find a solution that will work for all of
them. After all, packaging code to a library for reuse is an
extremely common pattern that org babel should be able to
abstract, but it is a major undertaking, not just the addition of a
keyword here and there.

In short I suggest that we issue a general moratorium on new org babel
feature suggestions until we can stabilize what we already have and
provide a clear specification for correct behavior. Until we have that spec
we could encourage users to create extensions that implement those


PS The other next thing that I am working on might be another way out
for this particular feature request. Namely, it is simplifying and
extending org keyword syntax so that new keywords (with options) and
associated keywords can be specified using keyword syntax within a
single org file. This would make it possible to get useful high level
keyword behavior in a single file without burdening the core
implementation with more special cases for associated keywords, and it
would allow users to write small elisp functions that could do some of
what is suggested here, all without need to add anything to the core
org implementation.

Re: [PATCH] Bug: Duplicate logbook entry for repeated tasks [9.4.6 (9.4.6-gab9f2a @ /home/gustavo/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.4.6/)]

2021-07-13 Thread Bhavin Gandhi
On Tue, 13 Jul 2021 at 21:06, Alan Ristow  wrote:
> Also, thanks to Ihor and Bhavin for your work on this. Prior to applying
> the patch, I was noticing new bizarre behavior relating to recurring
> tasks. I haven't been running the patched org very long yet, but so far,
> so good.

Thank you for confirming that it is working correctly for you.

> Finally, as a newbie here myself, I have a naïve question of my own:
> Provided the patch proves successful, how/when is it applied to the
> official org repo? Is it up to Ihor (or somebody else) to make a pull
> request, for example?

>From my very little experience here, the patch will get reviewed by
someone, and one of the maintainers (one with committer access) will
merge/apply it in a few days. It might take more time as well.

Bhavin Gandhi (bhavin192) |

Re: [O] What happened to ATTR_ORG?

2021-07-13 Thread William Denton

Sorry, that escaped too soon.  I meant to say that

  #+attr_org: :width 300

wasn't resizing the images in the Org buffer to 300 pixels wide.  Turned out it 
wasn't Imagemagick, it was the variable org-image-actual-width, which was set to 
ignore any attr_* directives.  I changed that and now it's working.


On 13 July 2021, William Denton wrote:

Following up on this two years later ...

I had some images that I wanted to shrink in my Org buffer, but


 (setq org-image-actual-width nil)

I had the variable set to t: "When non-nil, use the actual width of images 
when inlining them."  There are a few other options, but nil does what I 
want:  "When set to nil, try to get the width from an #+ATTR.* keyword and 
fall back on the original width if none is found."


On 25 May 2019, Cheong Yiu Fung wrote:

I'm using the latest Org and it's working. If you'd like to dig the
cause you might want to dig in `org-display-inline-images'. It accepts
`:width' in any #+ATTR.*-like option, then immediately call
`create-image'. I would guess it's an imagemagick problem too.

steen  writes:

I am also having the same issue. I don't have time right now to try to
track down causes, but this is not a unique problem. The behavior I am
seeing is that #+ATTR_ORG no longer causes the images to be resized, they
display at original size.
-- Steen

On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 8:34 AM John Kitchin 

I still use this. Do you see any issues in the Messages?

If you try attr_latex does it work? If not you may have an imagemagick
problem that can’t rescale the thumbnail. Note you will have to toggle 

image display after you add that.

On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 11:18 AM William Denton  wrote:

It used to be possible use ATTR_ORG on images to make them display at a
different size, which was very useful when the images were large.  It
like this:

#+ATTR_ORG: :width 300

I haven't needed it for a while, but today I went to use it and it's
gone!  I
grepped the source code, ORG-NEWS and the git log, but didn't see any
mention of
it.  What happened?  Did it go in version 9?  Am I overlooking
something?  I
feel like I've stepped into some parallel universe where everything is
the same
except this one Org command.

William Denton :: Toronto, Canada   ---   Listening to Art: ---   GHG.EARTH:
Caveat lector.  ---   STAPLR:



Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

William Denton
Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
Toronto, Canada

William Denton
Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
Toronto, Canada

Re: org-mode export to (latex) PDF

2021-07-13 Thread Juan Manuel Macías
Hi Maxim,

Maxim Nikulin writes:

> I do not know if new engines allows to get list of available fonts and
> to choose a set of fonts with better coverage than lmodern.

LuaTeX and XeTeX use harfbuzz as OpenType rendering engine. On
LuaLaTeX and XeLaTeX you must use the fontspec package
( to load otf or ttf fonts and add
opentype features. It is very powerful and its interface is very simple
to use. XeTeX has access to system fonts. LuaTeX has access to both
system fonts and any font you want to declare, simply by adding the

For example:

\setmainfont{Palatino Linotype}[Ligatures=NoCommon,Numbers=Lowercase]

With LuaTeX you can also define new opentype features on the fly using
scripts in Lua, via the function fonts.handlers.otf.addfeature

For example, here I define a character substitution:

name = "mysub",
type = "substitution",
data = {
periodcentered = "anoteleia",

And here I add that feature to Linux Libertine font:

\setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}[RawFeature=+mysub]

For multilingual management I recommend using Babel instead of
Polyglossia. You can, for example, assign with Babel families from fonts
and language definitions to non-Latin scripts (Cyrillic, Greek,
Devanagari, Arabic, etc.). For example

\babelprovide[onchar=ids fonts,hyphenrules=russian]{russian}
  \babelprovide[onchar=ids fonts,hyphenrules=ancientgreek]{greek}

  Numbers=Lowercase]{Linux Libertine O}
  Numbers=Lowercase]{Old Standard}

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

Re: [O] What happened to ATTR_ORG?

2021-07-13 Thread William Denton

Following up on this two years later ...

I had some images that I wanted to shrink in my Org buffer, but


  (setq org-image-actual-width nil)

I had the variable set to t: "When non-nil, use the actual width of images when 
inlining them."  There are a few other options, but nil does what I want:  "When set to nil, try to get the width from an #+ATTR.* keyword and fall back on the 
original width if none is found."


On 25 May 2019, Cheong Yiu Fung wrote:

I'm using the latest Org and it's working. If you'd like to dig the
cause you might want to dig in `org-display-inline-images'. It accepts
`:width' in any #+ATTR.*-like option, then immediately call
`create-image'. I would guess it's an imagemagick problem too.

steen  writes:

I am also having the same issue. I don't have time right now to try to
track down causes, but this is not a unique problem. The behavior I am
seeing is that #+ATTR_ORG no longer causes the images to be resized, they
display at original size.
-- Steen

On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 8:34 AM John Kitchin 

I still use this. Do you see any issues in the Messages?

If you try attr_latex does it work? If not you may have an imagemagick
problem that can’t rescale the thumbnail. Note you will have to toggle the
image display after you add that.

On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 11:18 AM William Denton  wrote:

It used to be possible use ATTR_ORG on images to make them display at a
different size, which was very useful when the images were large.  It
like this:

#+ATTR_ORG: :width 300

I haven't needed it for a while, but today I went to use it and it's
gone!  I
grepped the source code, ORG-NEWS and the git log, but didn't see any
mention of
it.  What happened?  Did it go in version 9?  Am I overlooking
something?  I
feel like I've stepped into some parallel universe where everything is
the same
except this one Org command.

William Denton :: Toronto, Canada   ---   Listening to Art: ---   GHG.EARTH:
Caveat lector.  ---   STAPLR:



Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

William Denton
Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
Toronto, Canada

Re: org-mode export to (latex) PDF

2021-07-13 Thread Maxim Nikulin

On 10/07/2021 23:44, Stefan Nobis wrote:

Maxim Nikulin writes:

(add-to-list 'org-latex-inputenc-alist '("utf8" . "utf8x"))
so I am unaware whether \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} has any drawbacks.

Do not do this. Both, utf8x and ucs, are obsolete and deprecated for
quite some time.

Maybe, I have seen such warnings. However I have tested neither utf8 nor 
utf8x on real examples. That is why I am unaware what can be broken in 
particular. For small examples with various symbols outside of ASCII, 
utf8x may give better support.

Last time I did something serious with LaTeX, bibtex was 8bit internally 
(unicode version had not reached stable Linux distributions, pybtex was 
buggy), so that time I used 8bit charset.

For proper unicode support, switch from pdflatex to lualatex or
xelatex. With these newer backends (and proper adjustments for the
LaTeX preamble generated by Org) Unicode should work out of the box
(if the font supports the requested Unicode characters).

Maybe my expectation from proper unicode support was too optimistic. I 
see the reason why preamble is necessary with 8bit encodings. I 
appreciate possibility to easily specify particular ttf or otf font. I 
do not like that it is necessary to specify *all* fonts, otherwise some 
characters are missed or compilation fails with error. I do not know if 
new engines allows to get list of available fonts and to choose a set of 
fonts with better coverage than lmodern.

I have tried LuaLaTeX with the following file. From some examples I have 
found, I expect, further tuning is required. Apparent problem is missed 
unicode characters in math mode. I admit that polyglossia is unavoidable 
for any real text but I do not like that \set…font commands are mandatory.

\setmainfont{CMU Serif} % breaks ∞
\setsansfont{CMU Sans Serif}
\setmonofont{CMU Typewriter Text}

Test¹ of superscript and ½ fraction.

\textbf{Теорема.} \emph{Пусть} $α → ∞$ и $\beta \to \infty$.

\verb=Катет= и \textsf{гипотенуза}.

Åå. Text Greek α.

(setq org-latex-default-packages-alist
 '(("AUTO" "inputenc" t ("pdflatex"))
   ("T1" "fontenc" t ("pdflatex"))

I just have realized that fontenc behavior should be similar to inputenc 
and babel, e.g. something like \usepackage[T1,T2A]{fontenc} should be 
used for Russian.

Re: [wip-cite-new] Merging tomorrow?

2021-07-13 Thread John Kitchin
Is there a timeline for when this will be available in or
other package repository? I tried it today, but it doesn't seem to be there
yet, at least not in this version:

Org mode version 9.4.6 (9.4.6-10-gee652a-elpaplus @


Professor John Kitchin (he/him/his)
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 8:18 PM Nicolas Goaziou 

> Hello,
> I think the "wip-cite-new" branch is in good shape now. As
> a consequence, I'd like to merge it tomorrow.
> It is documented, but the documentation is scattered across the various
> "oc" libraries, and some threads in the mailing list. I'll do a summary
> here, from a user point of view.
> --8<---cut here---start->8---
> Basically, in order to use it, you need to first set-up a bibliography,
> using one or more "bibliography" keywords.  on such a keyword
> visits the related file. Out of the box, Org supports JSON-CSL and
> BibTeX (or biblatex) bibliographies.
> Then, citations can be inserted with the following syntax:
>   [cite/style:common prefix ;prefix @key suffix; ... ; common suffix]
> Spaces are meaningful except those after the initial colon and before
> the closing bracket.
> Every part of the syntax is optional, except the brackets, "cite" and
> the colon. Also the citation must contain at least a key. So its minimal
> form is:
>   [cite:@key]
> The "style" part is detailed below, in the part related to export.
> Org can insert or edit citations with  (and delete them with
> ), follow them with , fontify them, and export
> them. These four actions (insert, follow, activate, and export) are
> called capabilities.  Libraries responsible for these capabilities are
> called citation processors.
> You can select one citation processor for each capability, independently
> on the others, through the following variables:
> - org-cite-activate-processor
> - org-cite-export-processors
> - org-cite-follow-processor
> - org-cite-insert-processor
> Out of the box, Org provides the "basic" (in "oc-basic.el") processor
> for all of these tasks. It also boasts processors dedicated for export:
> "csl", "natbib" and "biblatex".
> During export, output for citations is controlled by their style, which
> is an Org label that the export processor may recognize and associate to
> a specific display, or fall-back to a default style (called "nil"). For
> example, most processors support "noauthor" and "text" styles.
> Some styles can accept a variant, with the syntax "style/variant".
> Again, it's up to the processor to associate it to a specific display.
> Common variants include "bare", "caps" or "full".  They also accept
> short-hands, like "b", "c" and "f".  Please refer to the export
> processors' libraries ("oc-basic.el", "oc-csl.el", …) for more information.
> It is possible to define a default style for a whole document (with
> "cite_export"), or for all documents (with `org-cite-export-processors').
> References are displayed with the "print_bibliography" keyword. It is
> possible to add parameters to its value, as some export processors could
> make use of them.
> --8<---cut here---end--->8---
> Please let me know if there are any objections to the merge.
> Regards,
> --
> Nicolas Goaziou

Re: [PATCH] Bug: Duplicate logbook entry for repeated tasks [9.4.6 (9.4.6-gab9f2a @ /home/gustavo/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.4.6/)]

2021-07-13 Thread Alan Ristow

On 7/13/21 4:55 AM, Carlo Tambuatco wrote:

Newbie question: what command do I use to apply the patch…?

I can tell you what worked for me. I think you probably need to have 
cloned org using git for it to work, but I am far from being a git wiz 
so there could be a workaround I don't know about in the case that you 
have it installed by a more conventional method.

First, I saved the patch file to the same directory where I have org 
cloned (for me, that is ~/.emacs.d/straight/repos/org). Then I opened a 
terminal and ran:

git apply --check 0001-Fix-duplicate-logbook-entry-for-repeated-tasks.patch

to do a dry run and make sure I had saved the patch file in the right 
place that "git apply" would run correctly. It returned nothing, which 
is good, so then I ran:

git apply --check 0001-Fix-duplicate-logbook-entry-for-repeated-tasks.patch

to apply the patch. Since I'm using straight.el as my package manager, I 
then opened Emacs and ran "M-x straight-rebuild-all".

Also, thanks to Ihor and Bhavin for your work on this. Prior to applying 
the patch, I was noticing new bizarre behavior relating to recurring 
tasks. I haven't been running the patched org very long yet, but so far, 
so good.

Finally, as a newbie here myself, I have a naïve question of my own: 
Provided the patch proves successful, how/when is it applied to the 
official org repo? Is it up to Ihor (or somebody else) to make a pull 
request, for example?

Best regards,


Re: [BUG] org-goto slows down org-set-property

2021-07-13 Thread John Kitchin
This link (
suggests there is not a good way to find all the markers associated with a


Professor John Kitchin (he/him/his)
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 11:01 AM Maxim Nikulin  wrote:

> On 11/07/2021 23:00, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> > Maxim Nikulin writes:
> >
> >> Ihor, did you get that numbers using emacs -Q? If not, I suspect you may
> >> have twice more markers in the buffer than `org-refile-get-targets'
> >> usually generates. If my guess is correct it may be necessary to file a
> >> bug that org-ql or some other package abuses markers by generation to
> >> much of them.
> >
> > With emacs -Q things are twice better, though still not good enough:
> ...
> > org-ql might be one of the reasons of slowdown. Without it, the nm-tst
> > after clearing the cache is slightly faster (was 13 sec):
> 13.8 - 10.1 = 3.7 that is comparable with "emacs -Q" that is 5.3. So
> contribution of org-ql is not major one, but it is still significant.
> > However, markers are also created by agendas for example. The last
> > result is also on fresh Emacs. Fresh Emacs tends to be faster in general.
> >
> > Do you know a good way to find out all the markers associated with a
> buffer?
> I was going to ask you, but forgot to do it. Perhaps it is impossible by
> design.
> (length org-agenda-markers)

Influence the table separator in a code block

2021-07-13 Thread Wiktor Kwapisiewicz

I'm using #+BEGIN_SRC sh code blocks and org-mode nicely renders the
output as a table:

  echo first second third

| first | second | third |

And this is very nice. Unfortunately the autodetection breaks when any
item contains a comma (,):

  echo first second third,d

| first second third | d |

I tried to force org to use spaces by using "sep". Unfortunately this
doesn't work:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :sep " "
  echo first second third,d

| first second third | d |

Is there a way to force org to split on spaces even when commas are in
the output?

Thank you in advance for help!

Kind regards,