Re: [SUMMARY] #9 [[bbb:OrgMeetup]] on Wed, July 10, 19:00 UTC+3

2024-07-17 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Suhail,

Suhail Singh  writes:

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

Thank you for that reference.  I also found a reference on


The article made an interesting observation, and one that I 
didn't know

to be true:

  But anybody who has signed such agreement might want to be 
  aware that
  the FSF thinks it owns their changes, regardless of whether 
  they have
  been publicly posted or explicitly submitted for inclusion. 
  One could
  argue that entirely private changes made by a signatory to 

  agreement are, despite being seen by nobody else, owned by the
  FSF. Even an entirely separate function written in Emacs Lisp 
  something which is not necessarily a derived work based on 
  Emacs and
  which thus might not be required to be distributed under the 
  GPL —
  might be subject to a claim of ownership by the FSF, at least 
  Richard has a chance to "think about" the situation. That may 
  be a bit

  more than some signatories thought they were agreeing to.

This may be off-topic, but I figured readers of this mailing 
list might
find the above interesting (assuming it is still FSF's stance on 


From my perspective, the quote is confused about the concept of 


IMHO, it is helpful to distinguish a right of property--a claim 
that others can be excluded from the use or enjoyment of 
something--and a right of person--a claim that one cannot be 
excluded from the use or enjoyment of something.

Ownership is often analyzed as a bundle of rights; in these cases 
full ownership means establishment of a property right.

The FSF strives to establish rights of person in software code, so 
that we all can use and enjoy it however we want, with the 
restriction that we cannot exclude others from the same use and 
enjoyment.  With the distinction between a right of property and a 
right of person in mind, it is clear that FSF does not claim 


Thomas S. Dye

Re: Org cite in SQLite?

2024-04-06 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

When I export the following table to csv with orgtbl-to-csv 
emacs -q:

#+name: test-csv-export
| index | citation 

| 1 | [cite: @schulte12:_multi_languag_comput_envir_liter;] 

The result excludes the citation:


Is this expected?  If so, is there a work-around?

I can reproduce on the latest bugfix, but I cannot reproduce on 
latest main - the citation is exported verbatim on main, which 


Good to know.  Thanks.

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Org cite in SQLite?

2024-04-05 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

The @ character in an Org citation seems to block import to an 
SQLite table.

Has anyone successfully imported an Org citation to an SQLite 

Could you please elaborate?

It appears I let this drop.  My apologies.

I think my problem is caused by orgtbl-to-csv.

When I export the following table to csv with orgtbl-to-csv from 
emacs -q:

#+name: test-csv-export
| index | citation  |
| 1 | [cite: @schulte12:_multi_languag_comput_envir_liter;] |

The result excludes the citation:


Is this expected?  If so, is there a work-around?

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: How to organize tasks about Worg within Worg documents (was: Re: [Worg] CSS improvements)

2024-03-29 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha all,

Adam Porter  writes:

On 3/29/24 04:48, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

Also, we may consider re-using inlinetask style for TODO: 

Rather than
TODO: Even better, find a volunteer to maintain this 


We can do

 TODO Even better, ...

That is a lot of asterisks, and I can't remember if inline 
tasks are
enabled by default.  :)  But in general, sure, I've no 
objection.  I
think that we should have some standard way to encode tasks 
within Worg

documents, regardless of what it is.

Yeah. And... we do.
Just a normal heading with TODO keyword.

I'm not sure that page really covers the question of how to 
present tasks about

the document within the same document.

Using a normal heading for a task would "commandeer" the 
structure of the

document, which I think is a real problem.

ISTM that there are a few potential solutions:

a. Using inline tasks.  Although not enabled by default, they 
seem to

   solve the problem pretty well.

b. Using commented lines, i.e.

 # TODO: Improve this information.

   Potentially we could even comment Org syntax within the file, 

 # * TODO Improve this information  :research_needed:

   Which encodes a normal Org heading but as a commented line, 
   so it 	
   wouldn't affect the structure of the document itself.  Of 
   that would not appear in the exported content, which is 
   probably not
   what we want; but those headings could still be collected, 
   e.g. by

   something like magit-todos.

c. Keeping tasks in a separate file.  We do already have the 
   file, so maybe this is what we should standardize on, i.e. 
   putting tasks in the documents themselves but only in this 

Here's another potential solution that I find useful.

d. Keeping tasks under a heading held back from export.
I have a capture template that saves tasks about the document 
under a * Tasks :no-export: heading.  To keep the agenda sane, I 
don't add the file.  Instead, I show buffer local tasks with 


Thomas S. Dye

Re: [WORG] Status of "Annotated Bibliography Template" page

2024-01-16 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Ihor,

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

The page

dates back before Org mode had built-in citation support.

Thomas, are you still using the described approach or did you 
update it
to use Org mode's citations? 

Done. When I pushed my change to the Worg repo, I got an error new 
to me:

remote: Error submitting build job: A paid account is required to 
submit builds

  c6d51f7c..c864fe68  master -> master

Let me know if there is anything to do on my side.

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: [PATCH] doc/ (Summary): Clarify the Org markup is human-readable

2024-01-01 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Ihor,

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ ** Summary
 It relies on a lightweight plain-text markup language used in 

 with the extension.
+Org files can be viewed using any text editor.  You can read 
+understand raw Org markup with a naked eye.  Although authoring 

+files is best-supported inside Emacs.
 As an authoring tool, Org helps you write structured documents 
 provides exporting facilities. Org files can also be used for 
 programming and reproducible research.  As a TODO lists 
 manager, Org


How about this, assuming lightweight is equivalent to readable and 
easy to understand?

It relies on a readable and easy to understand plain-text markup 
language saved to files with the extension. Authoring Org 
files is best supported by Emacs, but you can view and change them 
with any text editor. As an authoring tool ...

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [PATCH] org-manual: Describe export process flow

2023-12-26 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Ihor,

Ihor Radchenko  writes:


I'd like to add a new section to Org mode manual.
The new section will describe all the steps performed by Org 
process. This should hopefully create a more clear picture on 

various export hooks and filters are used.

The patch is attached.
I'd appreciate feedback from people not familiar with ox.el.

I'm not too familiar with ox.el.

I edited mostly to use an active voice. I put author queries in 
parentheses.  I haven't paid attention to manual formatting 

IMO, more links would likely be helpful.

* Suggested revision

Org mode export is a multi-step process that works on a temporary 
copy of the buffer as follows:
   1. Execute ~org-export-before-processing-hook~ (see 

   2. Expand =#+include= keywords;
   3. Remove commented headings; (author: clarify whether the 
   body is also removed?)

   4. Replace macros;
   5. Export source code blocks, conditional on 
   ~org-export-use-babel~ and, if
  necessary, the individual ~exports~ header arguments (see 
  [[*Exporting Code Blocks]]);
   6. Evaluate source code blocks (see [[*Evaluating Code 

   7. Execute ~org-export-before-parsing-hook~ (see [[*Hooks]]);
   8. Calculate export option values according to in-buffer 
  =#+BIND= keywords, and buffer-local and global 
   9. Calculate (author: Determine instead of Calculate?) 
   bibliography file paths;

   10. Execute ~org-export-filter-options-functions~;
   11. Parse the temporary (author: is this correct?) buffer to 
   generate an

   abstract syntax tree (AST);
   12. Remove elements that will not be exported from the AST:
   1. Headings according to =SELECT_TAGS= and =EXCLUDE_TAGS= 

  keywords, and =task=, =inline=, =arch= export options;
   3. Clocks, drawers, fixed-width environments, footnotes, 
   LaTeX environments and fragments, node properties, 
   planning lines, property drawers, statistics cookies, and 
   timestamps according to their corresponding export 
   4. Table rows containing [[*Column Width and 
   Alignment][width and alignment markers]];
   5. Table columns containing [[*Advanced features][recalc 
   13. Expand environment variables in file links according to 
   the =expand-links= export option (author: are we still 
   operating on AST here?);
   14. Execute ~org-export-filter-parse-tree-functions~ (author: 
   15. Create bibliography listing(s) from citation(s) (author: 
   16. Replace =+print_bibliography= keyword(s) with bibliography 
   listing(s) (author: ditto);
   17. Transcode the AST according to export backend using 
   recursive, depth-first search, and passing each transcoded 
   node as a string to the export filter (see [[*Filters]]):
   18. Format transcoded AST according to the backend's "inner" 
   19. Execute ~org-export-filter-body-functions~ on the 
   transcoded and formatted AST;
   20. Format the result according to the backend's "outer" 
   21. Finalize bibliography listing(s) (author: correct?) and 
   citation(s); and

   22. Execute ~org-export-filter-final-output-functions~.

Let me know if you have questions.

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: [patch] ox-latex.el: Add `LATEX_PRE_HEADER' keyword

2023-09-25 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha all,

Juan Manuel Macías  writes:

If so, Org should have native support of \DocumentMetadata, not
LATEX_PRE_HEADER or something similar.

If it were the only case of code before \documentclass, I would 
But, as I have already said above, the diversity of use cases 
makes the

implementation of /ad hoc/ solutions unviable, in my opinion.

FWIW, I agree with Juan Manuel here and would welcome a 
straightforward way to insert material before the header.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: kaobook tex template integration to a org file to make self-contained, portable?

2023-08-09 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Zenny,

Zenny  writes:

Aloha Tom,

Thank you for taking time to respond with an useful pointer. I 
feel like I reached the right person who is  an expert in both 
LaTeX and Orgmode who has contributed to org-tufte book

earlier as seen in your github repo. I am a novice, fyi.

I appreciate if you take some time to point out the non-standard 
features in order to make Orgmode can recognize.

On Tue, Aug 8, 2023 at 10:06 PM Thomas S. Dye  

 Aloha Zenny,

 Zenny  writes:
 > However, the pdf did not inherit all the kaobook template 
 > features like: 
 > 1 Mini table of contents in the margin at the start of each 
 > chapter.

 > 2 Chapter headings.
 > 3 Huge chapter number with a vertical line

 The kaobook.cls defines non-standard LaTeX commands for some of 
 its features.  Org mode doesn't know about these, so you'll 
 to figure out how Org mode can recognize and export them.

I haven't used kaobook, so I can't offer specific pointers.  I 
have used Tufte LaTeX with Org mode, so I can give general 

A LaTeX class, such as kaobook, typically redefines standard LaTeX 
commands and environments, and also defines non-standard commands 
and environments.  So, you should first check if your system 
correctly compiles a pdf from the LaTeX examples supplied with 
kaobook.  When the LaTeX side is working correctly, then you'll 
want to identify non-standard commands and environments defined by 
the kaobook class.  In the style and class files you might search 
for \newcommand and \newenvironment, or the documentation might 
identify the user facing non-standard commands and environments. 
These are the ones you'll need to configure specially.

I typically use Org mode macros to insert non-standard LaTeX 
commands.  Here are some I use with non-standard commands from 
Tufte LaTex:

#+MACRO: newthought \newthought{$1}
#+MACRO: sidenote \sidenote[$2][$3]{$1}
#+MACRO: marginnote \marginnote[$2]{$1}
#+MACRO: urlnote \sidenote[$2][$3]{​\url{$1}​}

Non-standard environments are a bit trickier.

First, you might be able to wrap the non-standard environment like 
this in your Org mode file:

Something that should be wrapped in <>.

For figures and tables, you can pass an arbitrary argument to 
:float.  I do this for the Tufte LaTeX marginfigure environment:

#+attr_latex: :float marginfigure :height 1.2in

#+attr_latex: :float marginfigure :options angle=90

#+attr_latex: :placement [ht!] \setfloatalignment{b}

The last example abuses attr_latex to pass a non-standard LaTeX 
command that Tufte LaTeX uses to tweak the vertical alignment of 
the figure.  

Good luck!


Thomas S. Dye

Re: kaobook tex template integration to a org file to make self-contained, portable?

2023-08-08 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Zenny,

Zenny  writes:

However, the pdf did not inherit all the kaobook template 
features like: 

1 Mini table of contents in the margin at the start of each 

2 Chapter headings.
3 Huge chapter number with a vertical line

The kaobook.cls defines non-standard LaTeX commands for some of 
its features.  Org mode doesn't know about these, so you'll have 
to figure out how Org mode can recognize and export them.

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: [TASK] Ensure built-in babel backend consistency (standard header support) and ad documentation to the manual (was: [Pre-PATCH v2] Add the capability to specify lexical scope in tangled files (was

2023-07-16 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

AFAIK, most people assume that built-in backends are stable.
If they are not, it is a bug anyway. Or we should declare that 
we do not

maintain them.

I thought "declare that we do not maintain them" meant "move 
to org-contrib".  I'm not sure what you have in mind here.

I mean that we should work towards developing all the built-in 

up to standards.

Basically, if a backend does not support a standard behaviour 
in the manual, I call it a legitimate bug we should fix (sooner 


All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [TASK] Ensure built-in babel backend consistency (standard header support) and ad documentation to the manual (was: [Pre-PATCH v2] Add the capability to specify lexical scope in tangled files (was

2023-07-16 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

IIRC, there wasn't much discussion.   The current situation 
doesn't seem ripe for documentation in the manual.

Here are some potential hurdles:
 - there are likely too many built-in backends;
One way forward might distinguish between babel backends for 
software and babel backends for non-GNU software, with the 
built in, guaranteed to be consistent to some standard (which 
needs to be formulated), and documented in the manual and the 
latter moved to contrib or a package archive, with 
(if any) on Worg.

We have recently reduced the number of built-in backends:
Presumably, all that's left is useful is worth maintaining 

Yes, thanks for the link.  I read this thread as a first step 
toward enlisting maintainers for built-in backends. This effort 
had some success--20 packages have a designated maintainer--but 
still leaves 23 packages for the Org mode programmers, which seems 
like a lot to me.

 - the built-in backends are a mixed bag--ob-lua seems 
 half-finished to me, though I don't program in lua and 
 to set up the language to write the documentation stub on 

AFAIK, most people assume that built-in backends are stable.
If they are not, it is a bug anyway. Or we should declare that 
we do not

maintain them.

I thought "declare that we do not maintain them" meant "move them 
to org-contrib".  I'm not sure what you have in mind here.

 - nearly a dozen of the built-in babel backends lack 
 documentation outside the source code (see; 

 - language support is inconsistent (see, 
 which introduces complications for language agnostic literate 

That's what we should work on.


All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [Pre-PATCH v2] Add the capability to specify lexical scope in tangled files (was: Add new :lexical header argument)

2023-07-15 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

Am I correct that language-specific header arguments are not 

in the manual?  I can't find any reference of "lexical" there.

Yes, I believe so.  Language-specific header arguments for many 
languages are documented at 
Several languages are not documented there; in these cases the 
documentation is typically in the source code.

It is actually slightly awkward that built-in babel backends are 
documented in the manual, while, for example, export backends 

Agreed, but the two differ.  With export, the goal is to produce 
code recognized as correct by the target software.  With babel, 
the general goal is to provide language agnostic literate 
programming, which often produces something that meets standards 
of correctness not implemented in software.  The idea of built-in 
babel backends, as distinct from contributed backends, or backends 
distributed by package archive is a function of maintenance burden 
and distribution channel, rather than something intrinsic to the 
backend itself and how it contributes to literate programming.  

However, unless my memory deceives me, Bastien or Nicolas 
voiced against adding babel documentation. Though I cannot find 
relevant discussion now and cannot recall the arguments (if 
there was

such discussion at all).

IIRC, there wasn't much discussion.   The current situation 
doesn't seem ripe for documentation in the manual.

Here are some potential hurdles:
- there are likely too many built-in backends;
- the built-in backends are a mixed bag--ob-lua seems 
half-finished to me, though I don't program in lua and struggled 
to set up the language to write the documentation stub on Worg;
- nearly a dozen of the built-in babel backends lack 
documentation outside the source code (see; 
- language support is inconsistent (see, 
which introduces complications for language agnostic literate 

One way forward might distinguish between babel backends for GNU 
software and babel backends for non-GNU software, with the former 
built in, guaranteed to be consistent to some standard (which 
needs to be formulated), and documented in the manual and the 
latter moved to contrib or a package archive, with documentation 
(if any) on Worg.

Others might have better ideas.

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: [Pre-PATCH v2] Add the capability to specify lexical scope in tangled files (was: Add new :lexical header argument)

2023-07-14 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Evgenii Klimov  writes:

No Wayman  writes:

I, and others, have been surprised to find that the tangled 
file does
not have lexical binding enabled when :lexical blocks are 

Am I correct that language-specific header arguments are not yet 

in the manual?  I can't find any reference of "lexical" there.

Yes, I believe so.  Language-specific header arguments for many 
languages are documented at 
Several languages are not documented there; in these cases the 
documentation is typically in the source code.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: BUG: org-cycle does not unfold some subtrees

2023-05-09 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

You can try
M-x debug-on-variable-change  org-fold-core-style 

In case it's helpful, I set debug-on-variable-change as you 
suggested but was bitten by the bug without triggering the 

Which likely means that something is calling folding functions 

outline.el instead of Org-native folding.


Would it be useful for me to search for calls to the folding 
functions from outline.el in the source code of the Org packages 
that Spacemacs and I load?

If so, tips on how to do this efficiently are welcome.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: BUG: org-cycle does not unfold some subtrees

2023-05-08 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

For me, the bug bites intermittently.  I often run an Emacs
instance for more than a week before I'm bitten, so it will 

be a long process to work through the packages loaded on top of
what Spacemacs loads to make a reproducer.

Others in this thread appear to be affected more frequently. So, 
you may

get lucky just by following the thread.

Also, I anticipate a problem deciding that removing a package 
squashed the bug; will two weeks without the bug be long 

Three?  Four or more?

You can try
M-x debug-on-variable-change  org-fold-core-style 

In case it's helpful, I set debug-on-variable-change as you 
suggested but was bitten by the bug without triggering the 

I was alerted to the bug bite when I noticed some folded content 
after the ellipsis on two headlines, both of which folded and 
unfolded without issue (modulo the content after the ellipsis). 
In both cases, the content after the ellipsis consisted of links 
from an Org table, and just those links.  When I fold the parent 
of a misbehaving headline, the links follow the fold and show up 
after the ellipsis of the parent.  The headline that would not 
unfold did not have content after the ellipsis.

I have some ideas about what might have triggered the problem with 
links after ellipses and will check systematically when I find 

Let me know if you have questions.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: BUG: org-cycle does not unfold some subtrees

2023-05-06 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

For me, the bug bites intermittently.  I often run an Emacs 
instance for more than a week before I'm bitten, so it will 
be a long process to work through the packages loaded on top of 
what Spacemacs loads to make a reproducer.

Others in this thread appear to be affected more frequently. So, 
you may

get lucky just by following the thread.

Also, I anticipate a problem deciding that removing a package 
squashed the bug; will two weeks without the bug be long 
Three?  Four or more?

You can try
M-x debug-on-variable-change  org-fold-core-style 

Done.  Thanks.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: BUG: org-cycle does not unfold some subtrees

2023-05-06 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

But some third-party package might be.
May you try disabling various extra packages and see if the 
problem persists?

If it helps, I get this bug using the Spacemacs Org mode layer 
Emacs 27.

Sorry, but it does not help.
Without reproducer, I can only guess.

And I do not see any bug reports in Spacemacs repo. So, you 
likely has

something else contributing.

OK, that helps.

For me, the bug bites intermittently.  I often run an Emacs 
instance for more than a week before I'm bitten, so it will likely 
be a long process to work through the packages loaded on top of 
what Spacemacs loads to make a reproducer.

Also, I anticipate a problem deciding that removing a package has 
squashed the bug; will two weeks without the bug be long enough? 
Three?  Four or more?

I've found that I can work around the bug by moving the headline 
up or down.  Once this is done, the headline unfolds.  Then, when 
I move it back to its original position, it still unfolds 
properly.  For me, this is easier than my first workaround, which 
involved stopping and re-starting the Emacs instance.

Possibly related, I intermittently get bits of text following the 
ellipsis that indicates a folded headline.  My impression is that 
this happens when the bug has bitten a folded headline, but if I 
remember correctly, the bug and the bits of text following the 
ellipsis are not on the same heading.  I'll check systematically 
next time I see this, if you think it might help.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: BUG: org-cycle does not unfold some subtrees

2023-05-06 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

Michael Dauer  writes:

I'm not doing anything with org-fold-core-style directly. The 
only maybe

relevant thing I do after (org-mode) is:
(straight-use-package 'org-modern)

I do not think that org-modern can be a culprit.
But some third-party package might be.
May you try disabling various extra packages and see if the 
problem persists?

If it helps, I get this bug using the Spacemacs Org mode layer and 
Emacs 27.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: how to add special glyphs

2023-03-06 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Rob Sargent  writes:

On 3/6/23 10:42, Rob Sargent wrote:

I settled for \ding{54}, but of course that doesn't work in the 
HTML export.  I
keep bumping in to this works-here-not-there in export. Quite 

LaTeX is great, but not for the faint of heart. 

I know two ways that might fix things for you.

One is org-entities-user, which makes a dictionary to cover html 
and LaTeX export, e.g.,
   (add-to-list 'org-entities-user '("eng" "\\ng" nil "ŋ" "g" 
   "g" "ŋ"))

Another is to use UTF-8 in LaTeX.  Here's one of my setups:

#+name: koma-article-liberation
#+header: :results silent
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (require 'ox-latex)
\\setmainfont{Liberation Serif}
\\setsansfont{Liberation Sans}[Scale=MatchLowercase]
\\setmonofont{Liberation Mono}[Scale=MatchLowercase]
\\usepackage[authordate, giveninits=true, noibid, 
sortcites=true, backend=biber, 

("\\section{%s}" . "\\section*{%s}")
("\\subsection{%s}" . "\\subsection*{%s}")
("\\subsubsection{%s}" . "\\subsubsection*{%s}")
("\\paragraph{%s}" . "\\paragraph*{%s}")
("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}")))

The key here is the fontspec package.

If you go the UTF-8 route, then you'll need to compile with either 
XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX, something like this:

#+name: xelatex-biber
#+header: :results silent
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
 (setq org-latex-pdf-process
   '("xelatex -interaction nonstopmode -shell-escape 
   -output-directory %o %f"

         "biber %b"
 "xelatex -interaction nonstopmode -shell-escape 
 -output-directory %o %f"
 "xelatex -interaction nonstopmode -shell-escape 
 -output-directory %o %f"))



Thomas S. Dye

Re: how to add special glyphs

2023-03-06 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Rob Sargent  writes:

I have added a "boxed x" and "CHECK MARK" to my document, but 
they do not get exported to pdf output.  They are in the .tex 
file, and do go through to the HTML.  So far I'm using these


 #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
 #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{libertine}
 #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[margin=0.80in]{geometry}
 #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{setspace}
 #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{enumitem}
 #+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{endnotes}

(Bonus points for UTF8 code for the opposite of "CHECK MARK"?)

You need a package like wasysym that defines these symbols.  Check 
the web for David Carlisle, Scott Pakin, and Alexander Holt's "The 
Great, Big List of LaTeX Symbols" for more information.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: How to avoid settings at the start of the file.

2023-02-19 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Ypo  writes:


Is there a way to not having these kind of settings in the head 
of org-buffers?

#+export_file_name: borrar
#+SETUPFILE: ~\export.setup
#+HTML_HEAD: href="./export/latex-css/style.css" />

Could it be possible to add them in the .init file? Or to have 
them inside a headline?

The upper part of a buffer is very important to me, and I don't 
like to see those lines there...

I put my configuration under a heading at the bottom of the file.


Thomas S. Dye

Re: Template for ob- packages?

2023-02-16 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Lawrence,

Galaxy Being  writes:

Is there a generic starter template for writing an ob- package, 
some sort of example code?

Lawrence Bottorff
Grand Marais, MN, USA

Yes, see org-contrib/babel/ob-template.el on Worg.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Bug: org-latex-export-to-pdf does not remove .tex file [9.4 (9.4-elpa @ /home/bruno/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.4/)]

2023-02-15 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Bruno BEAUFILS  writes:

[[PGP Signed Part:Undecided]]
When using the org-latex-export-to-pdf on any file I get 
foo.pdf file produced the right way but I also get the foo.tex 

I think that the whole point of exporting to pdf is only to get 
the pdf

file, avoiding the need to keep the latex one.

I guess that one of org-latex-compile or org-latex-export-to-pdf
function should remove the source LaTeX file if the compile went 

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 27.1 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ 
Version 3.24.24, cairo version 1.16.0)

 of 2021-03-28, modified by Debian
Package: Org mode version 9.4 (9.4-elpa @ 

I often use the .tex file to track down compilation issues.  I 
don't want Org to delete it.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [POLL] Proposed syntax for timestamps with time zone info (was: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda)

2023-02-14 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Jean Louis  writes:

* Max Nikulin  [2023-02-14 14:45]:

On 14/02/2023 16:45, wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2023 at 10:41:38AM +0100, Heinz Tuechler 
> wrote:

> > Jean Louis wrote/hat geschrieben on/am 14.02.2023 07:00:
> > > Then just representation must be clear: @UTC is unclear 
> > > in those

> > > cases, but @RELTOUTC would be clear.
> > 
> > @RELTOUTC seems unfortunate, as it states only the obvious. 
> > If at all,
> > it should be @AHEADUTC or @BEHINDUTC or some abbreviation 
> > of it, but as

> > said above, it seems not necessary to me.
> That's what the "+" and "-" do, anyway.

TZ=Etc/GMT-8 date '+%F %a %T %z %Z'
2023-02-14 Tue 19:37:01 +0800 +08

TZ=Etc/GMT+8 date '+%F %a %T %z %Z'
2023-02-14 Tue 03:38:24 -0800 -08

Notice sign in time zone identifier is opposite to time offset. 
However I am
against RELTOUTC/AHEADUTC/BEHINDUTC. From my point of view 
+0800/-0800 is

clear enough.

P.S. Last +08/-08 are really time zone abbreviations, not 
offset, however

unlike "BST" & Co. they are acceptable to specify offset

That is different use case Max. 

For this use case I am in full agreement, that is what is used 


What Ihor proposed is time stamp like:

 2023-02-14 Tue 12:00:00 +0800 @UTC

Though I just say when we put "UTC" that means normally "UTC 
zone" and such has no prefix that is positive or negative, can 


Sigh.  UTC is not a time zone.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [TIP] Exporting Maxima results to LaTeX

2023-02-07 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Leo,

Leo Butler  writes:

Attached is a self-documented setup to do what the subject line 

Comments/suggestions welcome.


Please consider adding this to, 
which also has some notes on how to export Maxima to LaTeX.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [POLL] Proposed syntax for timestamps with time zone info (was: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda)

2023-01-31 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Jean Louis,

Jean Louis  writes:

* Ihor Radchenko  [2023-01-31 16:46]:
Specifying just @Europe/Berlin is ambiguous around the daylight 


Sorry, I cannot see practical example why is it ambiguous. 

programmer does not take all information in account, it is not
ambigous. People on this planet agree on time zones in advance, 

there are few changes that people cannot plan in advance.

Please see Russia's plan to put Eastern Ukraine on Moscow time, 
and then come back and argue that people on this planet agree on 
time zones in advance:

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-30 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Jean Louis,

Jean Louis  writes:

Dear Thomas,

I give my best to find references for you and explain you the 
problem in calculation of time stamps. That problems exist is 

To solve problem it is important to first define it. And when 
are developers reading it, I wish to provide best possible 

for the sake of people using Org mode.

So let me gently try explaining it with different words.

At this point, we appear to be talking past one another.

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-28 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Jean Louis  writes:

Time offset does not independently exists without time zone. 
While you
represent it without time zone, you have to observe time zone 

before deriving time offset from it.

UTC offset exists without time zone.  UTC is absolute time and 
offsets from it do not refer to political time in a time zone. 
They refer to local *solar time* at a particular place.  

Read from:

| Daylight saving time
| Several regions of the world use daylight saving time (DST) 
and the
| UTC offset during this season is typically obtained by adding 
one hour
| to local standard time. Central European Time UTC+01:00 is 
replaced by
| Central European Summer Time UTC+02:00, and Pacific Standard 

| UTC−08:00 is replaced by Pacific Daylight Time UTC−07:00.

Your wikipedia citation puts it like this: "The UTC offset (or 
time offset) is an amount of time subtracted from or added to 
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time to specify the local solar 
time (which may not be the current civil time, whether it is 
standard time or daylight saving time)."

Note that the quote distinguishes UTC offset from standard time 
and daylight saving time, which refer to time zones.

This distinction between absolute time (solar time) and space/time 
(time zone) is fundamental. Confusing them leads to no good.


Thomas S. Dye

Re: UTC or not UTC for timestamps in the past ([FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode)

2023-01-26 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

On 23/01/2023 23:04, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

* Kinds of event
- No-host event :: An event that takes place at an absolute 
time. Participants
must know their local timezone offset from UTC. Example 

- Situated event :: An event that takes place at a time local 
to the event
site.  Participants must know their local timezone offset from 
UTC and the
event site timezone offset from UTC at the time of the event. 

[2023-01-22 Sun 08:29@Australia/Sydney].
- [Itinerant | Traveling | Mobile] event :: An event that takes 
place at a
time local to the event site, which might change after the 
event has been
scheduled.  Participants must know their local timezone offset 
from UTC and
the event site timezone offset from UTC at the time of the 
event.  Examples
might be a regular staff meeting that takes place at 9:00 AM 
wherever the boss
happens to be, or a proposal to meet with a traveler when it is 
noon on Sunday
for the traveler. Example [2023-01-23 06:00].  In this case 
timezone is set

according to user timezone preference in scope.

Thomas, I mostly agree with the set of event kinds your 
suggested. Perhaps names
should be justified to have precise and concise terms in UI. 
From my point of
view their value is association with appropriate storage format 
for particular


Agreed.  Another idea for the mobile event is "variably situated 
event".  I don't doubt that better terms might be proposed.

An additional parameter (or sometimes first one to choose) is if 
explicit or
implicit time zone should be used in the file. In the latter 
case the same kinds
of events are possible, particular one is determined from a 
parent scope. User
should be just aware what is actual time zone if it is implicit 

I was trying to capture this in the timestamp, where an explicit 
time zone is indicated and an implicit time zone is simply a date 
and time.

The following concept is aside from event kinds, but might (or 
might not) be
useful to present agenda, to schedule events, to implement the 
feature. Perhaps
a trip may be considered as an ad hoc timezone that follows 
offsets of time in
locations to visit. (Several such ad hoc time zones may allow to 
track schedule
of several people, but it may be too complex to use.) It may be 
considered close
to "mobile" event, but the purpose is not to ensure correct time 
of particular
event. It may facilitate presentation of timeline during the 

An alternative would be to have headlines for each stop on the 
trip, each of which has a #+TIMEZONE property.  Under each 
headline would be subheads for events, each with a timestamp for a 
"mobile event".  Org would let me toggle the times of these events 
relative to my current location, the event location, and UTC.

Perhaps it is more correct to talk about how events are 
scheduled, not of event
kinds. Consider Christmas and similar events. It is personal and 
local for each
user. If you share your .org file (with specified file-local 
time zone) with
other persons they celebrate accordingly to their local time. In 
addition they
may decide that it should be pleasant for you to receive a 
greeting close to

your local time.

In the first case, "Open Christmas presents at 8:00 AM", the event 
would be variably situated because I want to do this on the years 
I celebrate at home and also the years when I celebrate with 
friends and family in other parts of the world.  A timestamp for a 
variably situated event shares well--the recipient user needs to 
ensure that the event is stored within user's local time zone 

In the second case, "Send Christmas greetings to Max when he opens 
presents at 8:00 AM" would be an event situated at the place Max 
is celebrating--it is separate from the first case.  If I know 
where Max will celebrate Christmas, then I could use a timestamp 
for a situated event.  Otherwise, I would use a timestamp for a 
mobile event and make certain to ensure that the time zone scope 
for the event tracks Max's whereabouts.

It seems during discussion we use terms in slightly different 
meaning, so I will

try to clarify my point of view.

I had a course on general relativity theory, so "absolute time" 
does make much
sense for me. UTC is just a widely accepted agreement. I was 
bound to Earth
rotation and accumulated some offset from more precise atomic 
clocks. UTC
however currently is easiest way to perform time related 

Yes, UTC is the sign we've widely agreed to interpret as absolute 
time.  A key property is that UTC is a continuum, absent the 
potential discontinuities that characterize space/time units like 
time zones.

My perception is still that UTC is one of timezones that may be 
used to specify
event time. It is a bit special since it is used as a reference 
for other time
zones, so it may be preferable f

Re: Org mode timestamps on the Moon ;]

2023-01-26 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Eric,

"Fraga, Eric"  writes:

On Thursday, 26 Jan 2023 at 15:24, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
"The Moon’s gravitational pull is weaker than Earth’s, meaning 
that, to
an observer on Earth, a lunar clock would run faster than an 
Earth one.
Gramling estimates that a lunar clock would gain about 56 
over 24 hours" (how will it affect Org's timestamps? should we 

anything about it?)

Well, it would take a little over 120 years for this difference 
to affect an org time stamp (given resolution to the minute as 
used by org)...

I love what I'm learning about time zones etc. in this 
discussion thread!

Then I can recommend Carlo Rovelli's The Order of Time.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Org cite in SQLite?

2023-01-25 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha all,

The @ character in an Org citation seems to block import to an 
SQLite table.

Has anyone successfully imported an Org citation to an SQLite 

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: UTC or not UTC for timestamps in the past ([FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode)

2023-01-24 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Ihor,

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

I understand above that it is easier understandable when 
[2023-01-22 Sun 08:29@+1100] as it is assumed by poster (I 

that user will understand that there is +11 hours ahead.

Yes, the offset here is ambiguous--is it offset from some 
or from UTC?

It is not ambiguous if the user is familiar with standard time 

The representation above is derived from, which allows the 


If the time is in UTC, add a Z directly after the time 
without a space.
Z is the zone designator for the zero UTC offset. "09:30 
UTC" is
therefore represented as "09:30Z" or "T0930Z". "14:45:15 
UTC" would be

"14:45:15Z" or "T144515Z".


The UTC offset is appended to the time in the same way that 
'Z' was

above, in the form ±[hh]:[mm], ±[hh][mm], or ±[hh].

Negative UTC offsets describe a time zone west of UTC±00:00, 
where the
civil time is behind (or earlier) than UTC so the zone 
designator will

look like "−03:00","−0300", or "−03".

Positive UTC offsets describe a time zone at or east of 
UTC±00:00, where
the civil time is the same as or ahead (or later) than UTC 
so the zone

designator will look like "+02:00","+0200", or "+02".

Got it.  Thanks for the full explanation!  The ambiguity I 
mentioned was due to my ignorance of the time standard format 

Here is a proposal for a terminology of events that honors 
Ramsey's distinction between events and occurrences and hopes 
cover all of Org's use cases.

The Org user should be able to toggle timestamp representation. 
In the case of a no-host event, user might toggle between UTC 
local time.  In the case of situated or itinerant event, user 
might toggle among UTC, local time, and local time at the event 

Instead of toggling, would it be better to echo the different 

like eldoc does + mouse-echo?

Or both?  Toggling globally and echoing individually, IIUC?

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: UTC or not UTC for timestamps in the past ([FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode)

2023-01-23 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

On 23/01/2023 23:04, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
I understand above that it is easier understandable when 
[2023-01-22 Sun 08:29@+1100] as it is assumed by poster (I 
guess Max)

that user will understand that there is +11 hours ahead.

Yes, the offset here is ambiguous--is it offset from some 
timezone or from


Are you aware of usage base time other than UTC nowadays? My 
impression is that
various libraries do not allow to get such formats easily. That 
is why e.g. web
sites tends to present time in the server timezone (often not 

specified) or use JavaScript to convert it to browser timezone.

I believed that [2023-01-22 Sun 08:29@+1100] unambiguously 
suggests offset from


Not for a casual programmer like me. The timestamp alone might 
easily be read as 11 hours ahead of local time. Nevertheless, Org 
is certainly free to interpret it as relative to UTC.

Are there local references that may confuse users? I mean 
something like 9 hours

ahead of Moscow (Asia/Kamchatka) used in USSR.

I think 9 hours ahead of a timezone with a potentially variable 
offset from UTC has the potential to sow confusion, yes.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: UTC or not UTC for timestamps in the past ([FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode)

2023-01-23 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Jean Louis,
Jean Louis  writes:

* Thomas S. Dye  [2023-01-22 20:36]:
> After all, for a person in Berlin [2023-01-22 Sun 
> 08:29@+1100] may

> tell more than [2023-01-22 Sun 08:29@Australia/Sydney].

I'm not sure to follow this.  IIUC, the timestamp with offset 
refers to
absolute time, whereas the timestamp with the Australia/Sydney 
refers to a region of space/time whose relation to absolute 
time is fixed

for any moment, but potentially variable over time.

I understand above that it is easier understandable when reading
[2023-01-22 Sun 08:29@+1100] as it is assumed by poster (I guess 

that user will understand that there is +11 hours ahead.

Yes, the offset here is ambiguous--is it offset from some timezone 
or from UTC?

That is assumption by poster. I do not find it easier.

As when user sees 08:29 that user will think of time in Berlin, 

time which is not in UTC, and not time in UTC plus 11 hours.

What is easier is what is generally accepted in any type of 

worldwide, just represent it in local time zone.

Difference between offset time and time with time zone is that 

zone includes rules of daylight savings and other anomalies.

Right.  The difficulty with scheduling is that it has to take into 
account two time zones in some cases.

Here is a proposal for a terminology of events that honors 
Ramsey's distinction between events and occurrences and hopes to 
cover all of Org's use cases.

* Kinds of event
- No-host event :: An event that takes place at an absolute time. 
Participants must know their local timezone offset from UTC. 
Example [2023-01-23 06:00@UTC].
- Situated event :: An event that takes place at a time local to 
the event site.  Participants must know their local timezone 
offset from UTC and the event site timezone offset from UTC at 
the time of the event.  Example [2023-01-22 Sun 
- [Itinerant | Traveling | Mobile] event :: An event that takes 
place at a time local to the event site, which might change after 
the event has been scheduled.  Participants must know their local 
timezone offset from UTC and the event site timezone offset from 
UTC at the time of the event.  Examples might be a regular staff 
meeting that takes place at 9:00 AM wherever the boss happens to 
be, or a proposal to meet with a traveler when it is noon on 
Sunday for the traveler. Example [2023-01-23 06:00].  In this 
case timezone is set according to user timezone preference in 

The Org user should be able to toggle timestamp representation. 
In the case of a no-host event, user might toggle between UTC and 
local time.  In the case of situated or itinerant event, user 
might toggle among UTC, local time, and local time at the event 


All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: UTC or not UTC for timestamps in the past ([FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode)

2023-01-22 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

Thomas, notice that I resumed a postponed earlier part of 
discussion related to
timestamps in the past. Offset from UTC is almost always well 
defined this case.

My perception is that discussing timestamps in future, we came 
to agreement with

Tom that timestamps can be specified with timezone <2024-02-22
08:29@Australia/Sydney>, in UTC <2024-02-21
21:29@UTC>, or in local timezone <2024-02-22 08:29>

Now I had a hope to convince at least some participants that 
explicit time
offset may be used interchangeably with UTC. It is applicable to 
timestamps in
the past and to future timestamps when the person who created 
respects remote participants, so decided to rule out DST and fix 
absolute time.

Agreed, offset relative to UTC is absolute time.

On 22/01/2023 13:17, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

UTC is not a timezone.  It is absolute time.

I do not see any point to consider UTC too special.

It is independent of the legislative tampering (DST, etc.) that 
makes timezones difficult to work with.

Both timestamps [2023-01-21 Sat 21:29@UTC] and [2023-01-22 Sun 
specify absolute time. "+1100" means 11 hours, not particular 
location. Do you

have an example of a case where I am wrong?

No, not if +1100 is relative to UTC.

I use the term "time zone" as a set of rules how to calculate 
offset at
particular time moment. UTC is a degenerate case of fixed zero 
In this sense "+11:00" is not a timezone, it is time offset. 
Several time zones
(as set of rules) may have such offset at some specific time 
moments including

"Etc/GMT-11" that is a timezone.

This confuses me.  Calculating offset relative to a timezone, such 
as HST, refers to space/time and yields an event.  Calculating 
offset relative to UTC does not refer to space/time and yields 
absolute time.  IMO, using "time zone", which typically refers to 
a region of space/time, to refer to a set of rules that might 
yield absolute time invites the confusion Ramsey was hoping to 

A side note. In my opinion, *by default* timestamps should be 
created in

time with no offset or timezone. There are should be some 
preferences to

absolute timestamps and a function to fix offsets or timezone 
identifiers for
existing timestamp when the user realizes that they become 
necessary (e.g.

before a trip).

I don't think there should be a default.

Unfortunately hard choice of default value or behavior is 
unavoidable during
development of software. Consider a user who just have installed 
Org. Till it is
explicitly configured, perhaps it is better to add e.g. clocking 
entries without
offset or timezone assuming local time. It should be possible to 
change it


Is there some way for Org to identify when it is likely that user 
has not specified time zone?  If so, a query might be useful.

So I do not see any advantages of UTC in comparison to time 
offset specific

particular time zone, usually user's local one. My vote is 
[2023-01-22 Sun
08:29@+1100] and not [2023-01-21 Sat 21:29@UTC] (of course, 
only in cases

identifiers like Australia/Sydney do not matter) with a 
configuration option

with timezone used fix offsets in stored timestamps.
The disadvantage of time offset specific to a particular 
timezone is 
that the timezone offset wrt UTC can change arbitrarily. This 
is a potential
problem if the arbitrary change takes place between the 
creation of the
timestamp and the happening it identifies.  In contrast, UTC is 
guaranteed not
to change.  It is not a timezone, it is absolute time, a pure 
continuum.  It

is a requirement of occurrences.

I consider the case when offset is already known because it is a 
time moment in
the past. Besides rare corner cases offset can be considered as 
a part of
authoritative data. Timestamps like [2023-01-22 Sun 08:29@+1100] 
can be

unambiguously mapped to UTC.

Yes, if +1100 is relative to UTC.  If not, then it assumes a 
timezone library that correctly includes the past time.

I'm not sure offset is necessary for events, given that offset 
can change
arbitrarily.  WDYT?  It seems to me that once an event has been 
tied to a
particular time in a particular time zone that Org's job is to 
take into
account changes to that timezone, such as DST and arbitrary 
These changes in the event's timezone need to be propagated 
through the
schedule for each user, so it is possible to synchronize local 

around the globe.

For timestamp in the past offsets simplifies calculation of 
duration. Offsets
may be used to fix absolute time before changing location when 
time zone was

omitted. Perhaps I will add more in another part of this thread.

After all, for a person in Berlin [2023-01-22 Sun 08:29@+1100] 
may tell more

than [2023-01-22 Sun 08:29@Australia/Sydney].

I'm not sure to follow this.  I

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-22 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

On 21/01/2023 22:55, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Aloha Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

On 21/01/2023 07:37, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

1) Occurrence, where the timestamp includes UTC;
2) Event relative to user, where the timestamp does not 
include UTC

or a
time zone; and 3)
Event not relative to user, where the timestamp includes 

relevant time

I'm curious to find out how the distinction between past and 

makes a difference.

For timestamps in the past "absolute" time is almost always 
known, so
beside timezone identifiers like Australia/Sydney it is possible 
to use
UTC or fixed offset 2023-01-21 Sat 05:55:54 -1000. If a 
timestamp in
future is bound to specific timezone then its identifier must be 
since the government may change time offset. Of course there are 
when UTC or timestamps with fixed offsets are used as well: e.g. 

eclipse or participants with multiple locations are expected.

Yes, of course!

FYI, lunar eclipse was Ramsey's example of an occurrence, which 
has to do with changes in the relations of things at a time.

So it is "feature" of some timestamps in future that attempt to 

them in UTC may lead to their invalidation later.

Yes, these are events, which are relative to a timezone, either 
implicit or explicit.

As to format for storage timestamps in Org files, particular
timestamps may have
or not explicitly specified timezones, but it is unrelated to 
these 3


I'm curious to learn the classification unrelated to these 
three cases

used to determine when to store UTC and timezone.

From my point of view these, 3 cases might be relevant to 

picker UI,
but not for storage format. While parsing, interpretation of 

without explicit timezone depends on preferences chosen at 
higher scope.

I'm curious what these preferences are, or might be.

Is the following timestamp is in user local timezone or in UTC?

<2023-02-01 Wed 15:00>

If features like the following is implemented then it will not 
be in

local time zone:
- file-local


   #+TIMEZONE: Australia/Sydney
- subtree-local

   * H1
   :TIMEZONE: Australia/Sydney

So looking at such timestamp it would be hard to choose 
particular case

from the set you proposed.

This might be a feature, not a bug.  A timestamp that does not 
indicate absolute time (UTC or fixed offset) and does not include 
a timezone relies on the timezone set by user.  So user changes 
timezone preference during trips and these timestamps become 
relative to user's local time.

A timestamp with absolute time or with a timezone would ignore 
user's timezone preference.

Of course it leads to tricky cases when some timestamp is copied 
to a
scope with another time zone. It requires some yank handler and 
properties. When timezone is added to a subtree, perhaps, all 

inside may need to be changed from implicit timezone.

Perhaps the solution here is to consider this a feature, not a 
bug.  When displaying an event timestamp, the timezone should 
always be indicated.  For an event relative to user, this would be 
the preference currently in scope.  For an event not relative to 
user, the timezone will be part of the timestamp.

For storage format I would use another types
- explicit/implicit time zone
Yes, explicit for events not relative to user, implicit for events 
relative to user.

- Specific timezone/fixed offset. UTC and Etc/GMT-11 zones are 

to + and +1100 offsets accordingly.

Here, absolute time is best, either UTC or fixed offset from UTC 
(don't underestimate legislators' folly changing timezones).

For UI it is better to choose some terms to make the manual and 

dialogues more clear.

Agreed, though I don't have suggestions atm.

I am not a native English speaker and terms "event", 
"occurrence" sounds
confusing for me. E.g. a conference is an event. A regular 
meeting (even
when scheduled in another time zone) or "brush teeth" are more 
close to
occurrence. As soon as you have to split "event" category into 2 
perhaps it is better to pick 3 different names. I may ask for 
that is absolute, but not UTC, but I would prefer to not insist 

namely UTC and use fixed offset instead.

Yes, UTC and fixed offset (from UTC) are two ways of specifying 
absolute time.  Neither one refers to a timezone.

For UI it is meaningful to name
- default time zone for this scope (with a hint if it is 

system-wide, file-local, or specific to subtree), so no explicit
timezone will be set.
- absolute (UTC or fixed offset) preferred for global event
- bound to location (e.g. Australia/Sydney)
- ad-hoc timezone that follows user in their trips (close to 


I think the first and last can b

Re: UTC or not UTC for timestamps in the past ([FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode)

2023-01-21 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

Let's consider the following timestamp

[2023-01-22 Sun 08:29@+1100]

"@" is unimportant here, I take it from Ihor's examples. This 
timestamp is from
the "Date:" header of your message. It is not UTC, but in my 
opinion it is

equally precise (disregarding seconds) to a UTC timestamp.

Would you prefer to have timestamps in your files in such form 
or as

[2023-01-21 Sat 21:29Z] ([2023-01-21 Sat 21:29@UTC], [2023-01-21 

21:29@+00:00], etc)?

Maybe [@1674336588] (seconds since epoch)?

I consider storage format as a part of Org UI, so I believe that 
[2023-01-22 Sun
08:29@+1100] with offset of the usual time zone is more 
convenient than
[2023-01-21 Sat 21:29@+]. Overlays may present your local 
time in both

cases, but raw value with usual offset is easier to comprehend.

When a file is shared by a group of people spread across the 
globe, they are
free to use UTC or another fixed timezone or do not care at all 

particular offset, it just should present.

UTC is not a timezone.  It is absolute time.

Postgres has a reason to insist on UTC since timestamps are 
stored in binary
format as microseconds since epoch. It is important for 
performance and there is
no room to specify offset. Org has to parse timestamps from 
strings anyway, so

it is better to use format more convenient for humans.


A side note. In my opinion, *by default* timestamps should be 
created in local
time with no offset or timezone. There are should be some 
preferences to enable
absolute timestamps and a function to fix offsets or timezone 
identifiers for
existing timestamp when the user realizes that they become 
necessary (e.g.

before a trip).

I don't think there should be a default.  If I'm correct that 
occurrences, events relative to user, and events not relative to 
user exhaustively classify the possibilities, then Org should 
insist that timestamps conform to one of these three 
possibilities.  If the classification is complete, then there is 
no need for a catch-all default.

So I do not see any advantages of UTC in comparison to time 
offset specific to
particular time zone, usually user's local one. My vote is 
[2023-01-22 Sun
08:29@+1100] and not [2023-01-21 Sat 21:29@UTC] (of course, only 
in cases when
identifiers like Australia/Sydney do not matter) with a 
configuration option

with timezone used fix offsets in stored timestamps.

The disadvantage of time offset specific to a particular timezone 
is that the timezone offset wrt UTC can change arbitrarily. This 
is a potential problem if the arbitrary change takes place between 
the creation of the timestamp and the happening it identifies.  In 
contrast, UTC is guaranteed not to change.  It is not a timezone, 
it is absolute time, a pure continuum.  It is a requirement of 

I'm not sure offset is necessary for events, given that offset can 
change arbitrarily.  WDYT?  It seems to me that once an event has 
been tied to a particular time in a particular time zone that 
Org's job is to take into account changes to that timezone, such 
as DST and arbitrary legislation.  These changes in the event's 
timezone need to be propagated through the schedule for each user, 
so it is possible to synchronize local timestamps around the 

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-21 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Jean Louis,

Jean Louis  writes:

* Thomas S. Dye  [2023-01-19 19:23]:
Only occurrences require absolute time, UTC.  Events do not. 
They follow

the user's space/time.

> > > Org in this state can't handle such things.
> > 
> > Org can do the useful thing: translate the UTC timestamp 
> > into local

> > time and
> > report both UTC and local time.  User will be able quickly 
> > to

> > determine if
> > local time is incorrect for some reason, such as DST or 
> > travel.
> Other way around, it has to translate time stamp into UTC 
> time in the

> first place.

Yes, to store the time stamp, Org must take it from the event 
time of the
user and translate it to UTC.  When reporting an occurrence to 
the user,
then Org must translate from UTC to the user's space/time. 
User might have
a toggle, like pretty entities, that either shows UTC or 
translation to

user's space/time.

That is right. I have stated same.

How do you want Org to know that user's time is in X time zone? 

It means, that new settings, variables, functions, must be 
to handle it properly. Timestamp like this one: <2023-01-21 Sat 
at HTML export will be from 95% and upwards incorrect. To be 
time zone designation shall be placed in HTML export. User could 
be in
South America, not in London, that exports it. Time zone UTC 
does not

apply for South America. Representation is wrong.

When you say that Org must take it from the event time of the 
that means that Org must take some parameter to understand what 

zone user was.

That means involving functions for export, or sharing of Org 

In general, we speak about representation.

You may start making distinctions between "events" and 
but technically we speak of time stamps which lack relation to 

zone in Org. Whatever you "time stamp" without time zone,
representation of it in other time zone becomes difficult, as it 
the fundamental designation of time zone where it was recorded. 

And it does not matter if user records time zones in UTC, or 

time zones.

Here is a distinction that I think is important based on Ramsey's 
distinction between event and occurrence: UTC is absolute time and 
not a timezone.  UTC doesn't occupy a region of space/time, as 
does a timezone.  This is why UTC can be used to generate 
synchronous times for occurrences, but timezones are required to 
generate synchronous times for events.


Thomas S. Dye

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-21 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Jean Louis,

Jean Louis  writes:

* Thomas S. Dye  [2023-01-19 19:23]:
Only occurrences require absolute time, UTC.  Events do not. 

follow the user's space/time.

I understand you got your context specific terminology, from the
mentioned book, where you are making philosophically different
distinction between occurence and event as opposed to 
distinction by

its ordinary meaning in English.
Ordinary meanings are often polysemous, so context is important. 
A big part of philosophy is limiting the confusion caused by 
polysemy. Ramsey was specifically concerned to distinguish two 
senses of the word event because he was certain that using event 
with this polysemy would sow confusion.   

What really matters

What matters is aid to users' life.

When arguing, try to make a checklist and TEST it:

- [ ] can user easily understand the time displayed?

- [ ] can user relate the displayed time to his local time 


- [ ] is that program that programmer creates beneficial to user 
or to

  programmer, or theoretician of absolutes, rights and wrongs?

How to test it?

Usability Testing 101:

I'm hopeful that Ramsey's distinction between event and occurrence 
contributes to what really matters.  How that distinction is 
communicated to the user most effectively is an open question, 

Today there is in computing pretty much agreement that:

- All computer time should be stored to UTC, UTC being basis for 

  other computations

- System libraries have (or should have) various configurations

- Computer users should be shown their local time

I was thinking that Org timestamps should record the information 
needed to let Org calculate user's local time so it is synchronous 
with other users' local times. This ought to make it possible to 
take into account unforeseen, arbitrary changes in timezone (as 
when a legislative body imposes or rescinds DST) that take place 
between the time an event is scheduled and when it takes place. 
Using absolute time (UTC) stored before the arbitrary change in 
timezone will cause problems.  Of course, arbitrary changes in 
timezone do not affect an occurrence, so storing UTC in this 
instance is correct.

* Overview of noun occurrence

The noun occurrence has 2 senses (first 2 from tagged texts)
1. (29) happening, occurrence, occurrent, natural event -- (an 
event that happens)
2. (3) occurrence -- (an instance of something occurring; "a 
disease of frequent occurrence"; "the occurrence (or presence) 
of life on other planets")

* Overview of noun event

The noun event has 4 senses (first 2 from tagged texts)
1. (62) event -- (something that happens at a given place and 
2. (6) event, case -- (a special set of circumstances; "in that 
event, the first possibility is excluded"; "it may rain in which 
case the picnic will be canceled")
3. event -- (a phenomenon located at a single point in 
space-time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity 
4. consequence, effect, outcome, result, event, issue, upshot -- 
(a phenomenon
that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon; "the 
magnetic effect was
greater when the rod was lengthwise"; "his decision had 
depressing consequences

for business"; "he acted very wise after the event")

Yes, you can see all the polysemy.  Also, you can see why Ramsey 
was happy with event, and less so with occurrence.  The important 
point is the distinction he proposed, not the words used to 
express it.  I think the distinction is germane to understanding 
what information is needed to let Org calculate user's local time 
so it is synchronous with other users' local times.  To my mind, 
it helps bring order out of complexity.

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-21 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

On 21/01/2023 07:37, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

1) Occurrence, where the timestamp includes UTC;
2) Event relative to user, where the timestamp does not 
include UTC or a

time zone; and 3)
Event not relative to user, where the timestamp includes the 
relevant time


For a while I prefer to concentrate on future timestamps and 
postpone discussion

of ones in the past.

I'm curious to find out how the distinction between past and 
future makes a difference.  

As to format for storage timestamps in Org files, particular 
timestamps may have
or not explicitly specified timezones, but it is unrelated to 
these 3 cases.

I'm curious to learn the classification unrelated to these three 
cases used to determine when to store UTC and timezone.

may be convenient to keep file with TIMEZONE keyword 
for location of
the office and do not specify it for each timestamps, so during 
a trip it allows
to see correct time of regular meetings. In addition you may 
file where most timestamps assumes timezone of your current 
presence. In both
files some timestamps may have explicit timezone either "local 
follow me", UTC,

or for particular location.

From my point of view these, 3 cases might be relevant to 
date-time picker UI,
but not for storage format. While parsing, interpretation of 
each timestamp
without explicit timezone depends on preferences chosen at 
higher scope.

I'm curious what these preferences are, or might be.

Or, it might be a recurring virtual meeting that the boss wants 
to initiate at
9:00 AM her time, regardless of the time zone she happens to 
inhabit, as might

happen on a business trip.

I believe that some manual action is required in this case 
anyway. You almost
certainly already have 9:00 AM in your agenda as a reoccurring 
timestamp either
with implicit or explicit timezone of usual presence. For the 
period of the trip
it is necessary to add series of meetings with explicitly 
specified timezones
(UTC or locations during the trip). Another approach is to 
define ad hoc "boss"

timezone and update it to reflect all trips.

Agreed.  The boss needs to inform you what her local time will be 
for the meeting by sending you a timestamp with a time zone. 
Ideally, Org would know how to associate the timestamp with a 
recurring item stored locally.

At the Org side it might be support of multiple ad hoc 
"timezones": a one for
you personal trips and several ones for people you frequently 
communicate with.
It is a nice option, but might be too complicated for usage. It 
may be easier to
suspend regular entry and to add custom ones with no 
requirements related to the

code. Anyway it assumes some communication between participants.

Nowadays, I am frequently asked by applications to give permission 
for using my location.  When I give it, the application reports 
back with my local postal code, etc.  I'm assuming Org can use 
location to determine my current timezone.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-20 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Tim,

Tim Cross  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

Aloha Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

On 20/01/2023 23:09, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Max Nikulin writes:
Now, if Amsterdam's timezone arbitrarily changes its relation 
to UTC before the

conference takes place,
then everyone who participates in the conference must notice 
this (or miss the

start of the conference).

My point is that if timestamp is stored in UTC than it becomes 
incorrect in the
case of time offset change. If such timestamp is stored as 
local time + time
zone identifier then application presenting the timestamp to 
users will show

correct time as soon as zoneinfo data is updated.

A virtual conference is organized by someone in Amsterdam, 
who sets a start
time corresponding to 9AM in Amsterdam at a date some years 
in the future and
invites participants from all over the world.  Now, if 
Amsterdam's timezone
arbitrarily changes its relation to UTC before the conference 
takes place,
then must everyone notice this?  Or, should Org, from the 
time the arbitrary change is

made public, simply adjust the conference time for all the
participants in the Amsterdam timezone?

Both variants are possible and a planning application should 
support them. It is
matter of negotiation between the committee and the 
participants. Timestamp

should be stored in UTC only in one case.

Agreed.  So, IIUC, there are three cases:

1) Occurrence, where the timestamp includes UTC;
2) Event relative to user, where the timestamp does not include 
UTC or a time zone; and 3)
Event not relative to user, where the timestamp includes the 
relevant time zone.

I would argue case 2 is really just a specialisation of case 3 
i.e. it
has an implicit time zone which is the user's local time zone. 

Case 2 covers things the user wants to do at a particular time, 
regardless of where they are and the time zone they are in.  For a 
repeating task the time zone might change from one instance to the 
next.  It needs to follow the user around and can presumably rely 
on software to keep track of that.

For completeness, Case 3 might benefit from a procedure to 
change the relevant time zone.
For instance, when the boss has scheduled time for you at 9:00 
AM her time, but doesn't

know where she will be on that day.

If it is to be a fact-to-face meeting (event), implying it 
therefore has
a location, you would assume your local time zone. If not 
(occurrence), it needs a UTC offset in order to ensure same 
point in
time for all participants. The boss either needs to specify the 
zone they are referencing the 9am to or the user will need to 
make a

guess, which may or may not be correct.

Or, it might be a recurring virtual meeting that the boss wants to 
initiate at 9:00 AM her time, regardless of the time zone she 
happens to inhabit, as might happen on a business trip.  Here, the 
virtual meeting is an event because the boss relates it to her own 
space/time.  Inconvenient for employees, but some bosses are like 
that.  Here, the time zone needs to follow the boss around.

My current hypothesis is that the three cases are exhaustive.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-20 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

On 20/01/2023 23:09, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Max Nikulin writes:
Now, if Amsterdam's timezone 
arbitrarily changes its relation to UTC before the conference 
takes place,
then everyone who participates in the conference must notice 
this (or miss the

start of the conference).

My point is that if timestamp is stored in UTC than it becomes 
incorrect in the
case of time offset change. If such timestamp is stored as local 
time + time
zone identifier then application presenting the timestamp to 
users will show

correct time as soon as zoneinfo data is updated.

A virtual conference is organized by someone in Amsterdam, who 
sets a start
time corresponding to 9AM in Amsterdam at a date some years in 
the future and
invites participants from all over the world.  Now, if 
Amsterdam's timezone
arbitrarily changes its relation to UTC before the conference 
takes place,
then must everyone notice this?  Or, should Org, from the time 
the arbitrary 
change is made public, simply adjust the conference time for 
all the

participants in the Amsterdam timezone?

Both variants are possible and a planning application should 
support them. It is
matter of negotiation between the committee and the 
participants. Timestamp

should be stored in UTC only in one case.

Agreed.  So, IIUC, there are three cases:

1) Occurrence, where the timestamp includes UTC;
2) Event relative to user, where the timestamp does not include 
UTC or a time zone; and 
3) Event not relative to user, where the timestamp includes the 
relevant time zone.

For completeness, Case 3 might benefit from a procedure to change 
the relevant time zone.  For instance, when the boss has scheduled 
time for you at 9:00 AM her time, but doesn't know where she will 
be on that day.


Thomas S. Dye

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-20 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

On 20/01/2023 15:17, Tim Cross wrote:
So far, nobody has shown any reason why using UTC to 
distinguish the
case where the times need to be adjusted and local tz when they 
won't work a a  mechanism that can be used to allow org to 
handle things

better than it does now.

Let's try to move in small steps. UTC as storage format.

An issue with events scheduled as local time in some particular 
timezone (not
your current one) and stored as UTC timestamp when IANA tzdata 
is updated to use

new timezone offset:
Storing UTC is not a silver bullet

Do you think it should be ignored? I faced such issue.

Good example!  Thanks for the link.

Note that the problem of arbitrary change of a timezone's relation 
to UTC might be handled differently for occurrences and events.

The blog example is 9AM in Amsterdam at a date some years in the 
future.  Because the example includes a place, it refers to 
space/time, and is an event (not an occurrence).  Now, if 
Amsterdam's timezone arbitrarily changes its relation to UTC 
before the conference takes place, then everyone who participates 
in the conference must notice this (or miss the start of the 

Let's consider an occurrence.  A virtual conference is organized 
by someone in Amsterdam, who sets a start time corresponding to 
9AM in Amsterdam at a date some years in the future and invites 
participants from all over the world.  Now, if Amsterdam's 
timezone arbitrarily changes its relation to UTC before the 
conference takes place, then must everyone notice this?  Or, 
should Org, from the time the arbitrary change is made public, 
simply adjust the conference time for all the participants in the 
Amsterdam timezone?  The latter makes sense to me--all the 
participants in Amsterdam will be aware of the arbitrary change, 
so will not be surprised when Org calculates a different start 
time. Such a change would almost certainly confuse participants 
unaware of the arbitrary change in Amsterdam timezone.


Thomas S. Dye

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-19 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

On 20/01/2023 03:09, Tim Cross wrote:
To reiterate for the last time, there are 2 clear and different 

cases for timestamps associated with meetings.
1. A meeting timestamp for a meeting where all the participants 
are in

the same time zone.
...> 2. A meeting timestamp for a meeting where all the 
participants are in

different time zones

Tim, every scheduled meeting event is associated with some 
particular time zone,

often implicitly. So it is single use case.

It is up to participants to negotiate which timezone is the 
primary one for each
event. It is matter of people communication, not technical 

First Monday 15:00 is (almost) equally precise for
- Australia/Canberra having DST
- Australia/Darwin where currently no DST
- +1000 (the highest chance of improper use unfortunately)

Aside from time transition intervals, it is possible to take any 
of this variant
and to present time local for other participant across the 

Storage timezone may differ from the current user preference 
which time zone

should be used to display timestamp or to export it.

The problem arises when several participants believe that their 
timezones are
primary ones and they do not sync their schedules through a 
shared file or a DB
entry. An application can not solve this problem, but it might 
try to help to
identify it. Some efforts are necessary from user side. 
Timestamp should contain
list of timezones of other participants and cached local time. 
In such case an
application may warn users that local time values become 
inconsistent due to DST
transitions or due to update of time zone database. Unsure to 
what degree it

should be implemented in Org.

- It is participants fault if a meeting is not associated with 

- Having a fair time handling library, it does not matter what 
time zone is used

 to schedule the meeting.

Or, one can recognize that the meeting is an occurrence that 
requires absolute time and a timestamp with UTC.  Each participant 
will resolve UTC to the local time where they happen to be when 
the meeting takes place.  The user might toggle between UTC and 
the local time translation using overlays, like pretty entities. 
This avoids the problem of negotiating a timezone caused by 
forcing an occurrence to be represented as an event relative to a 
fictitious space/time.


Thomas S. Dye

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-19 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Tim,

Tim Cross  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

Aloha Tim,

Tim Cross  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

Aloha Tim,

UTC is a time zone - just one where offset is +

UTC is absolute time.  It lacks the spatial component that 
defines a time zone.

Really? I would have thought the prime meridian was the 
component for UTC? I thought the full long time zone name was 

and UTC as the abbreviation.

Regardless, in all the libraries I've used, you can use 
Etc/UTC or UTC
in exactly the same way you would use something like 
Australia/Sydney or
AEST. So perhaps, from a pedantic standpoint, it is not a time 
zone, but
for all intent and purpose in this discussion, I feel that 
point is


Agreed.  It does seem irrelevant for time zone libraries.

Nevertheless, from the Org perspective it might not be.  An 
occurrence, which marks
changes in the nature or relations of things at a time, 
requires absolute time.  Meetings,
which involve a change in relation among participants, are 
occurrences.  IMO, this
indicates Org should give occurrences a UTC timestamp, then 
translate that for each of the
participants using their local time zone.  The insane interval 
problems that Ihor brought
up are moot in absolute time.  A single timestamp serves a 
meeting regardless of whether
the participants are all in one time zone or spread around the 

An occurrence contrasts with an event, which is tied to the 
user's space/time.  Time here
is relative to the user.  IMO, this means that Org should give 
events a timestamp without
reference to either absolute time or a particular time zone, 
like the one it uses now.

Just checking if I understand. I think we are coming from the 

position and with the same conclusion.


In the situation where the meeting involves people from 
different time
zones, the time of the meeting as reported by org needs to be 
after a daylight savings transition so that the time maintains 
the same

relative to UTC. i.e. meeting time reported in local time goes
forward/backward 1 hour depending on the daylight savings 
(in/out). I guess this is what you call an occurrence? 

When all participants in a meeting are in the same time zone, 
you do not
want the time changed as the result of the daylight savings 

This is what you call an event?

Every meeting is an occurrence because it involves changes in 
relations of things at time; in this case meeting participants 
relate to one another via Jitsi, regardless of whether they are 
all in one time zone or spread over the globe.

An event's time is relative to the user's location, or space/time. 
So, the example I gave earlier "Brush teeth before bed" set to 
10:00 PM, which works whether I am home in Honolulu or enjoying 
the hustle and bustle of Manhattan, is a simple event.  It happens 
at that time in the timezone I happen to inhabit at the moment, 
because I intend to go to sleep shortly after 10:00 PM regardless 
of where I am.

So, using your terminology, what we now need is convenience 
for setting an occurrence timestamp and an event timestamp. I'm 
not sure
if occurrence/event are the best terms, but I cannot think of 
ones. Just slightly concerned people will have trouble grasping 
difference and undersanding why some meetings are an occurrence 
others are an event. FOr the user, they are just meetings.

Yes, both meetings are occurrences.

I agree that the terms take some getting used to.  I got them from 
Frank Ramsey, who seemed to be happy with event, but not so happy 
with occurrence.

The difference is this: Will the happening being scheduled involve 
other people, who will share the Org timestamp, or will it take 
place at the same absolute time, regardless of where you are when 
it happens?  If so, then the timestamp should be stored as UTC (it 
is an occurrence that requires absolute time).

Or, is it something you want to do at a time, regardless of where 
you are.  If so, then the usual Org timestamp without UTC is what 
should be stored (it is an event that requires time local to the 

In the case of a meeting, where the one who calls the meeting 
sends an Org file with a meeting agenda and a UTC timestamp to 
each of the participants, Org will translate the UTC timestamp 
into local time for each participant.  Similarly, when you are 
traveling, Org will translate the UTC timestamp to the timezone 
you happen to inhabit.  Here, I'm assuming that the timezone 
machinery is capable of determining local time relative to UTC.


Thomas S. Dye

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-19 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Tim,

Tim Cross  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

Aloha Tim,

UTC is a time zone - just one where offset is +

UTC is absolute time.  It lacks the spatial component that 
defines a time zone.

Really? I would have thought the prime meridian was the spacial
component for UTC? I thought the full long time zone name was 

and UTC as the abbreviation.

Regardless, in all the libraries I've used, you can use Etc/UTC 
or UTC
in exactly the same way you would use something like 
Australia/Sydney or
AEST. So perhaps, from a pedantic standpoint, it is not a time 
zone, but
for all intent and purpose in this discussion, I feel that point 


Agreed.  It does seem irrelevant for time zone libraries.

Nevertheless, from the Org perspective it might not be.  An 
occurrence, which marks changes in the nature or relations of 
things at a time, requires absolute time.  Meetings, which involve 
a change in relation among participants, are occurrences.  IMO, 
this indicates Org should give occurrences a UTC timestamp, then 
translate that for each of the participants using their local time 
zone.  The insane interval problems that Ihor brought up are moot 
in absolute time.  A single timestamp serves a meeting regardless 
of whether the participants are all in one time zone or spread 
around the globe.

An occurrence contrasts with an event, which is tied to the user's 
space/time.  Time here is relative to the user.  IMO, this means 
that Org should give events a timestamp without reference to 
either absolute time or a particular time zone, like the one it 
uses now.


Thomas S. Dye

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-19 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Tim,

UTC is a time zone - just one where offset is +

UTC is absolute time.  It lacks the spatial component that defines 
a time zone.


Thomas S. Dye

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-19 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Jean Louis,

Jean Louis  writes:

* Thomas S. Dye  [2023-01-19 09:37]:
Meetings are occurrences, which require absolute time, which 
has no
timezones.  Org should record occurrences with timestamps in 

possibly translating from the user's local time.

User in Grece needs appointment at 9 o'clock, and writes it as:
<2023-01-20 Fri 09:00> He also has TIMEZONE (either system or 
Org file
based) set to "EET". That way the time has been recorded in UTC 
Org purposes, and UTC has been solved. For Greek user it is 
solved. Org calculates UTC based on configured time zone. But 
when it

is 16:00 o'clock in Greece, it is 06:00 in Seattle.

Online appointment is sent to user in Seattle, with the time 
PST. He receives the Org file from Greece, at 8:00 o'clock, 
which has
settings inside TIMEZONE="EET". At first user thinks that 
is in just 1 hour, because he can see "08:00", but Org 
notifies user that appointment is (probably) in a different time 
and asks user if user would like to have it displayed in PST 
zone. User answers with "Yes" and on his screen appears that 
is actually at <2023-01-20 Fri 23:00>, he prepares himself for 

evening, and waits for his Greek partner on Jitsi Meet: to get online.

It confirms your hypothesis, yes, all times are calculated as 
UTC, but
all time stamps at export, sharing, or change of time zone, 
shall be

displayable in understandable manner to human user.

Only occurrences require absolute time, UTC.  Events do not.  They 
follow the user's space/time.

> Org in this state can't handle such things.

Org can do the useful thing: translate the UTC timestamp into 
local time and
report both UTC and local time.  User will be able quickly to 
determine if

local time is incorrect for some reason, such as DST or travel.

Other way around, it has to translate time stamp into UTC time 
in the first place. 

Yes, to store the time stamp, Org must take it from the event time 
of the user and translate it to UTC.  When reporting an occurrence 
to the user, then Org must translate from UTC to the user's 
space/time.  User might have a toggle, like pretty entities, that 
either shows UTC or translation to user's space/time.

Expecting that all user among so many various time zones write 
time stamps in UTC is not reasonable. Org users are advanced, I 
but majority of note takers with other applications will not 
think of different time zones, it is surprise they get when 
internationally. People are not ready for calculating or even 
their own time in UTC time zone, unless they are English or 

Portuguese, or Africans in parts of the West Africa.

Org should translate from the user's space/time to absolute time, 
UTC.  The user has to tell Org what is the space/time relationship 
to absolute time.  Org might use the timezone machinery to suggest 
a space/time relationship to absolute time, and it might warn the 
user when the user's suggested relationship differs from the value 
reported by the timezone machinery.

Storing timestamps in UTC solves the interval problem Ihor
raised. Intervals always make sense in absolute time.  Moving 

to event time leads to the insanity Ihor mentioned.

The other way around. Assuming that time stamps are UTC raises
problems for all other people:

Org now does not support time stamps, right?

So people write timestamps in their own time zone! Is it right?

IIUC, Org currently stores events, which are relative to the 
user's space/time.  This works for events, but breaks for 
occurrences, which require absolute time, UTC.

My time stamp here is <2023-01-19 Thu 17:12> now, what is yours?

<2023-01-19 Thu 06:08>  This is an event, specified relative to my 

Forcing users to write time stamps in UTC would cause havoc.

Agreed, Org should help.

Thus time stamps already have their time zones, it is just not
recorded in Org file. 

Events don't need a time zone, only occurrences need absolute 

Options can be created so that:

- user always and automatically record time zone in Org file, 
  example from system time zone, so that when first time 
  property is

  invoked that it stays there:


Or like this

* TODO Appointment on Jitsy Meet with Greek investor
  DEADLINE: <2023-01-20 Fri 09:00>

or inside of the time zone.

When such heading is read in Seattle, Washington, Org will tell 

user or ask to translate it to PST time.

In such translations, EET time is first converted to UTC, for 

of using system libraries, and not complicating Org, and then
converted to PST time zone.

The Org user 

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-18 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha all,

Jean Louis  writes:

* Tim Cross  [2023-01-19 00:31]:
The problem is with meeting 2 and the assumption there is a 

timezone for the meeting.

Consider this scenario. I have a meeting with two other people. 
We are

all in different timezone. What is the timezone of the meeting?

Meetings are occurrences, which require absolute time, which has 
no timezones.  Org should record occurrences with timestamps in 
UTC, possibly translating from the user's local time.

Org in this state can't handle such things.

Org can do the useful thing: translate the UTC timestamp into 
local time and report both UTC and local time.  User will be able 
quickly to determine if local time is incorrect for some reason, 
such as DST or travel.

Storing timestamps in UTC solves the interval problem Ihor raised. 
Intervals always make sense in absolute time.  Moving them to 
event time leads to the insanity Ihor mentioned.


A person in any timezone shall be able to see that time in his 
time zone if we speak of distant meetings, and in case of face 
to face
meetings, that person shall have computer aid to show him the 
time in any time zone that user is located, during travel and 
arrival to face to face meeting. 

User is supposed to be assisted by computer. And not to assist 

computer, or to get troubles from computer.

- Time zone shall be more or less recognizable by city and 

- User addresses in the address book shall be part of every 
computer system

- It is natural and common sense to know addresses of people one 

  to meet

- By using location of person one wants to meet, computer has 

  enough information for representation of the time zone

- By sharing appointment record to user in other time zone, that 
  would see it in his time zone, or by choice in original time 
  zone of

  the meeting place

A record of time, shall have two attributes, the UTC time and 
the time
zone to be displayed. By using system time zone setting, Org 
file time
zone settings, heading time zone settings or time stamp time 

setting, any export of Org shall contain (by user's option) the
desired representation of time stamps.

Function of sharing of meetings shall ask local user:

- is user in different time zone? 

And then by choice of the user's location, the time 
shall be prepared in such way that both parties understand each 

That is really not in the sphere of Org where there is not even 

decent address book available.

Just re-write the time by hand for your friend at other part of 
world, write the timestamp in his time zone and your time zone, 

problem solved.

It is supposed to be text. It is not God.

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [FEATURE REQUEST] Timezone support in org-mode datestamps and org-agenda

2023-01-15 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha all,

IIUC, timestamps in Org might be used to track two things: events 
and occurrences.

An event refers to a particular region of space/time, in Org's 
case the space/time occupied by the user, regardless of which time 
zone the user occupies.  An event might be "Brush teeth before 
bed" set for 10:00 PM, which the user would want to make happen at 
that time, regardless of the time of day in the timezone in which 
the timestamp was applied to the event.

An occurrence refers to changes in the nature and relations of 
substances at a time.  It takes place in absolute time in order to 
avoid circularity.  An occurrence might be "Attend virtual 
meeting" set for 9:00 AM on a certain day, which the user would 
want to make happen at 9:00 AM on that day in the time zone where 
the timestamp was applied to the occurrence, regardless of the 
time zone where the user happened to be.

I found this distinction in a book called On Truth by Frank 
Ramsey, that was unfinished at his untimely death at age 26. 
"Event" and "occurrence" were Ramsey's suggestions.  He seemed to 
like "event", but thought "occurrence" would work, though it might 
be improved.

I enjoy having terms for these two kinds of happenings and I'm 
hopeful you'll find them useful, too.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: LaTeX tutorial (focused on what Org exports) ??

2022-12-30 Thread Thomas S. Dye

David Masterson  writes:

Anyone have a recommendation for a LaTeX tutorial that would
(especially) help me understand the LaTeX exported by Org and 
how to
enhance what is exported (new document classes, etc.).  I don't 
want to
bore you all with a lot of questions, so I'm looking for a good 

Org's latex exporter is exceptionally capable.  AFAICT, it doesn't 
have practical limits on the LaTeX it produces, at least for my 
academic use case.  I'm able to use all of the LaTeX packages I've 
ever wanted to use.

With the world of LaTeX at your feet, I recommend The LaTeX 
Companion by Mittelbach and Goosens.  My well-worn copy is almost 
20 years old, and I use it as often now as when I did all of my 
writing in LaTeX.  Of course, there are many new LaTeX packages in 
the last 20 years, but LaTeX was very capable at the turn of the 
millennium and the few new packages I use were easy to discover by 


Thomas S. Dye

Re: Proposal: folding stacked `#+header:' lines in src blocks

2022-12-07 Thread Thomas S. Dye writes:

First question: what do people think of this, do people support 
this as

an idea?

I would use this feature.  My stack typically includes headers, a 
name, and a caption.  It would be nice to fold them all out of 

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Release 9.6

2022-11-30 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Max Nikulin  writes:

On 29/11/2022 13:58, Bastien wrote:

Last but not least: thanks to Ihor his
truly amazing work and for being the de facto maintainer.

I think, Ihor's role in this release is crucial. He spent a lot 
of time fixing
bugs and reviewing patches, not to mention the org-fold 
framework to overcome
performance limitation of overlays (the latter has been recently 
addressed in

Emacs though).


Thomas S. Dye

Re: Haskell code blocks

2022-10-18 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

Thanks Ihor.  I don't actually use Haskell.  Earlier this year 
attempted to complete the Org Babel language documents on Worg, 
but couldn't get the obligatory "hello world" code block to 
in Haskell.  I'm guessing that ob-haskell.el actually works for 
experienced Haskell programmers and was hoping someone had a 
solution to the Prelude> problem.  I'm not sure when I might 
back to this.

To clarify, it looks like Prelude Emacs is doing something wrong 

Something that breaks haskell-mode and consequently ob-haskell.

I'm using Spacemacs.  Prelude is a standard module in Haskell.  I 
thought that might be the source.

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Haskell code blocks

2022-10-18 Thread Thomas S. Dye
Thanks Ihor.  I don't actually use Haskell.  Earlier this year I 
attempted to complete the Org Babel language documents on Worg, 
but couldn't get the obligatory "hello world" code block to behave 
in Haskell.  I'm guessing that ob-haskell.el actually works for 
experienced Haskell programmers and was hoping someone had a 
solution to the Prelude> problem.  I'm not sure when I might get 
back to this.

All the best,

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

I'm struggling to write a minimal for Worg.

I installed Haskell via Spacemacs (development branch) and the 
Haskell installation appears to be functioning correctly.

The obligatory Hello World! example yields bad results.

#+name: haskell-hello-world
#+begin_src haskell 
main :: IO () 
main = putStrLn  "Hello, World!"


#+RESULTS: haskell-hello-world
: Prelude> Hello, World!

I'm guessing the "Prelude>" part of the output is the prompt 
the interpreter.

I found this in ob-haskell.el:

  (setq-local comint-prompt-regexp
  (concat haskell-prompt-regexp 
But I couldn't find a way to modify haskell-prompt-regexp 
changing the source.

Advice welcome.

I guess you can report this as a bug in Haskell-mode?
haskell-prompt-regexp is defined there.

If absolutely necessary and if you want that _your_ Haskell 
prompt is
different from Haskell-mode defaults, just setq 
haskell-prompt-regexp in

your config.

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Explicit page breaks

2022-09-28 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha all,

Juan Manuel Macías  writes:

Ihor Radchenko writes:

Do note that page breaks may or may not lay between paragraphs 
or Org
elements. By its nature, page break is an object (in Org 

Indeed, page break can be placed anywhere. But inserting it 

paragraphs, at least in Org, is the least compromised by the
idiosyncrasies of each format: odt or LaTeX. And the most
format-agnostic. And on the other hand, in LaTeX and odt it's 
also the
safest place to put them, unless you want to add some 
fine-tuning in

either case.

This doesn't reach to paragraphs, but tags do a good job of 
inserting \clearpage and \newpage before a section heading in 
LaTeX export.  

** Rasmus filter headline tags

This function was improved by Rasmus Pank Roulund based on one I 

cobbled together from pieces posted on the Org mode mailing list.

#+name: rpr-filter-headline-tags
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
(defun tsd-filter-headline-tags (contents backend info)
 "Ignore headlines with tag `ignoreheading' and/or start LaTeX
 section with `newpage' or `clearpage' command."
 (cond ((and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
  (string-match "\\`.*newpage.*\n" (downcase contents))
  ;; if you want to get rid of labels use the string
  ;; "\\`.*ignoreheading.*\n.*\n"
	  (string-match "\\`.*ignoreheading.*\n" (downcase 

 (replace-match "newpage\n" nil nil contents))
((and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
  (string-match "\\`.*clearpage.*\n" (downcase contents))
	  (string-match "\\`.*ignoreheading.*\n" (downcase 

 (replace-match "clearpage\n" nil nil contents))
((and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex 'html 'ascii)
	  (string-match "\\`.*ignoreheading.*\n" (downcase 

 (replace-match "" nil nil contents))
((and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)

(downcase contents)))
 (replace-match "newpage\n\\1\\2"  nil nil contents))
((and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'latex)
	  (downcase contents)))

 (replace-match "clearpage\n\\1\\2"  nil nil contents

Hope this helps. If not, sorry for the noise.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: LaTeX export: when is it more useful to use LuaTeX instead of pdfTeX?

2022-07-08 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Max Nikulin  writes:

On 09/07/2022 01:49, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Juan Manuel Macías writes:

TL;DR: A list of use cases where using LuaTeX is more 
advantageous than

using pdfTeX
I forgot to ask earlier.  Is Lua support in Babel potentially 
The current implementation doesn't work too well.

In the context of LaTeX your question is rather ambiguous.

- I have never tried lua interpreter as the handler of source 
blocks in Org


Yes, what I called Babel you call org-babel.  I don't know if the 
Lua handler of source blocks in Org might be useful for someone 
interested to write Lua extensions to LaTeX.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: LaTeX export: when is it more useful to use LuaTeX instead of pdfTeX?

2022-07-08 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Juan Manuel Macías  writes:

TL;DR: A list of use cases where using LuaTeX is more 
advantageous than

using pdfTeX

I forgot to ask earlier.  Is Lua support in Babel potentially 
useful?  The current implementation doesn't work too well.

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: LaTeX export: when is it more useful to use LuaTeX instead of pdfTeX?

2022-07-08 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Juan Manuel Macías  writes:

TL;DR: A list of use cases where using LuaTeX is more 
advantageous than

using pdfTeX

Interesting.  Thanks!

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github

2022-07-07 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

Nevertheless, it is good to know that I'm free to give up 
to contribute to Org mode development.  @Ihor, will Paypal work 
for you?

Yep. Currently, Paypal is the only option (apart from direct 

transfers) that works for me.

See or or

just use my email as Paypal id.

Done.  Thanks for your good work!

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github

2022-07-06 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Richard Stallman  writes:

[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider 
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, 
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's 
example. ]]]

  > It seems odd that our embrace of software freedom should 
  > keep us 
  > from collaborating as fully as we'd like.

It's not odd at all.  As we see various activities pushed into 
computing, which requires nonfree software and online 
remaining free sometimes becomes difficult.  You may have to 
refuse to
do certsin things "everyone" does.  If one of those things 
happens to
be useful for working on GNU, that's not surprising as tyranny 


In this case, I'm having to refuse to contribute to Org mode 
development in the convenient way I contribute monthly to FSF.

I'm hoping this is an odd situation that can be remedied 
reasonably in favor of my convenience, rather than a tyrannical 
situation that defies reason.

Nevertheless, it is good to know that I'm free to give up freedoms 
to contribute to Org mode development.  @Ihor, will Paypal work 
for you?

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: Links to javascript-based websites from Paypal and Github

2022-07-02 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

Thomas Dye  writes:

Aloha Ihor,

If you like, please send a mailing address privately. I’ll 
happily contribute to support your good work on Org mode. 

Thanks for the offer!
I afraid that sending a check to me specifically is not a good 

especially from a person based in USA.

I know little about depositing received checks, so I had to 
through my bank website in China (I have no access to my 
bank branches here). The result is disappointing. They charge 
close to

200USD [1] for collecting checks.

As you can see, there is little point sending me checks.

Probably, USA->China is a bit extreme case, but, as I can see, 
bank fees
are not uncommon for checks. Thus, small donations are likely 
via check. Now, I feel like even the available free donation 
options are
not really suitable in practice for reasons unrelated to free 

Yes, your Chinese bank charges exorbitant fees for cashing US 
checks.  That won't work.

It seems odd that our embrace of software freedom should keep us 
from collaborating as fully as we'd like.

Keep up the good work in any case!

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Change both width and height of R plot in SRC block

2022-06-30 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Gerardo,

Please see this Worg page: 

All the best,

Gerardo Moro  writes:

Oh my god, this works! I honestly tried everything but...
Where can I read more about the possible options at header in 
source blocks?


El jue, 30 jun 2022 a las 15:50, Ihor Radchenko 


Gerardo Moro  writes:

> I have been trying for over a year to change the output plot 
> size when
> using Orgmode SRC blocks with R. I have tried both using 
> orgmode settings

> and R settings.

Have you tried :with and :height header arguments?

> I have a table from which I take some values.

It would be more helpful if you provided a completely 

example that others can also run.


Thomas S. Dye

Re: Is ob-latex maintained ?

2022-06-19 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Edouard,

According to the table of core languages supported by Babel,, 
there is no maintainer for ob-latex.

The information in the table is taken from the ob-*.el files, 
which indicate a maintainer if there is one.


Edouard Debry  writes:

Indeed, you can make the src block work (produce a png) by 
imagemagick in the src block. It works because the generation 

is completely different.

But my main concern is that there is a bug in "ob-latex" : when 
you want
to produce a png without imagemagick, either it does not work, 

it should, or it produces a svg !

By the way, I did ask on this mailing list a previous question 

generating svg from tikz/latex src blocks. It did not work with
imagemagick, but it works well without (also with htlatex), 

your default settings is 'dvisvgm.

This is also why I wonder if there is a maintainer for 
"ob-latex", such

previously mentioned bug should/could be corrected.


"Fraga, Eric"  writes:

On Friday, 17 Jun 2022 at 13:48, DEBRY.Edouard wrote:

Unfortunately not.

If I remember well, this setting is for math environments, 
whether you
want to preview them as png or svg, it does not work for src 

Well, my src blocks work although I use imagemagick and then 
have the

following extra settings for the LaTeX src blocks:

#+property: header-args:latex :fit yes :results file :exports 
#+property: header-args:latex+ :imagemagick yes :iminoptions 
-density 600 :imoutoptions -geometry 1200

If you have ImageMagick installed, maybe try this?

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Export LaTeX command inside figure environment

2022-05-07 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

On 08/05/2022 07:30, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:

Thomas S. Dye writes:

Is there a way to add an arbitrary LaTeX command between
\begin{figure} ... \end{figure} during LaTeX export?  I want 
to end up
with the following snippet, but can't figure out how to slip 

\setfloatalignment{b}.  \begin{figure}[htb]
\caption[Hilbert curves]{\label{fig:orgparagraph1} Hilbert 
curves of

various degrees \emph{n}.}
I think the :caption attribute could do the trick (of course 

must be on one line):
#+ATTR_LaTeX: :caption \caption[Hilbert
  curves]{\label{fig:orgparagraph1} Hilbert curves of various 


Would it work if \setfloatalignment{b} is added before 
\includegraphics?  From
my point of view, it is still a hack due to abusing the 
:placement attribute,
but it is backend agnostic, so reuses caption for HTML and 
relieves requirement

of single long line:

#+caption[Hilbert curves]: Hilbert curves of various degrees 

#+name: orgparagraph1
#+attr_latex: :placement [b]\setfloatalignment{b}

# Local Variables:
# org-latex-prefer-user-labels: t
# End:

P.S. Math and absence of period are intentional. I never used 
tufte, so unsure
if something besides b is meaningful with \setfloatalignment{b}. 
I dropped "ht"
to make inconsistency apparent and expecting that when figures 
are moved to the

end of document, "ht" should be used instead with removing of

Yes, this works, too.  It is a convenient hack. Thanks!

It would be better to have a LaTeX attribute, say :commands, that 
places commands within \begin{figure} ... \end{figure}.

I'm circling back to Tufte handouts for a course I'm offering in 
the Fall.  It is great that ox-latex has the flexibility to export 
to tufte-latex now.  I haven't prepared any handouts yet, but all 
the pieces seem to work in a straightforward way.  Org-cite is 
performing like a champ, too!

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: Export LaTeX command inside figure environment

2022-05-07 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Juan Manuel,

Juan Manuel Macías  writes:

Hi, Thomas,

Thomas S. Dye writes:

Is there a way to add an arbitrary LaTeX command between
\begin{figure} ... \end{figure} during LaTeX export?  I want to 
end up

with the following snippet, but can't figure out how to slip in
\setfloatalignment{b}.  \begin{figure}[htb]
\caption[Hilbert curves]{\label{fig:orgparagraph1} Hilbert 
curves of

various degrees \emph{n}.}

I think the :caption attribute could do the trick (of course 

must be on one line):

#+ATTR_LaTeX: :caption \caption[Hilbert
 curves]{\label{fig:orgparagraph1} Hilbert curves of various 


That works.  Thanks!

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Export LaTeX command inside figure environment

2022-05-07 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha all,

Is there a way to add an arbitrary LaTeX command between 
\begin{figure} ... \end{figure} during LaTeX export?  I want to 
end up with the following snippet, but can't figure out how to 
slip in \setfloatalignment{b}.  

\caption[Hilbert curves]{\label{fig:orgparagraph1} Hilbert curves 
of various degrees \emph{n}.}


All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: citations: org-cite vs org-ref 3.0

2022-03-20 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Ihor Radchenko  writes:

Vikas Rawal  writes:

What is the general view of the community about this? Is there 

comprehensive discussion of pros and cons of each?

Prof. Kitchin himself provided a summary on why he decided to 
give up on
using org-cite. See

This claim in Kitchin's summary surprised me:

"It comes down to org-ref using bibtex/biblatex as the predominant 
citation processor, and org-cite using CSL. These two processors 
have different syntaxes, and I don't think it is possible to have 
a single approach that works for both of them without making 
compromises in capability."

I wonder what are the "compromises in capability" required to 
support both?

I haven't found them yet, though I'm just now finishing old 
projects started prior to the release of org-cite and haven't 
worked through a LaTeX export project with it.  My first, and so 
far only, project with org-cite was for a simple html-based 
presentation using CSL, and I was pleased with the results and 
relative ease of setup.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Request To Contribute To 'Worg' Project

2022-01-09 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Samuel,

Samuel Banya  writes:

I read this page, and noted that you have to request access for 
this repo:

After the approval process is completed, can anyone point me to 
"How" exactly contributions are made?

Are they done through 'patch' based emails sent through to the 
mailing list itself?

Or are they done directly through git pushes?

You contribute with git pushes.

Thanks for our interest in Worg.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: oc-biblatex and biblatex substyles

2022-01-06 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Rasmus,

Rasmus  writes:

I guess you (and Tom) is right that it would be better to make a 
derived style.

Tom, did you already make a derived style?  From the later 
emails it
sounded like it, but I don’t see oc-biblatex-chicago.el in the 
main repo.

Otherwise, I can have try to have a go at it over the coming 

No, I haven't worked on a derived style.  

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: A simple Lua filter for Pandoc

2022-01-04 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Juan Manuel Macías  writes:


Very often I need to convert docx documents to Org. There are a 
of characters that I prefer to be passed to Org as Org entities 
and not
literally, so I have written this little filter in Lua for 
Pandoc. I
share it here in case it could be useful to someone. Of course, 

associative table can be expanded with more replacement cases:

#+begin_src lua :tangle entities.lua
  local chars = {["/"] = "\\slash{}", ["*"] = "\\lowast{}", 
  ["<"] = "\\lt{}",
	  [">"] = "\\gt{}", ["†"] = "\\dagger{}", [utf8.char(0x00A0)] 
= "\\nbsp{}"}

  function Str (elem)
 x = elem.text:match 'http[^%s]'
 if not x then
for i in pairs(chars) do
   elem = pandoc.Str(elem.text:gsub (i, chars[i]))
return elem

Neat!  Converting Word documents is no fun at all.

BTW, Babel support for Lua isn't very good AFAICT.  I poked around 
ob-lua.el recently and concluded that one problem is that the Lua 
interpreter prints pointers for some data types instead of a 
human-readable form that might be parsed.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Haskell code blocks

2022-01-02 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha all,

Happy New Year!

I'm struggling to write a minimal for Worg.

I installed Haskell via Spacemacs (development branch) and the 
Haskell installation appears to be functioning correctly.

The obligatory Hello World! example yields bad results.

#+name: haskell-hello-world
#+begin_src haskell 
main :: IO () 
main = putStrLn  "Hello, World!"


#+RESULTS: haskell-hello-world
: Prelude> Hello, World!

I'm guessing the "Prelude>" part of the output is the prompt from 
the interpreter.

I found this in ob-haskell.el:

 (setq-local comint-prompt-regexp
 (concat haskell-prompt-regexp "\\|^λ?> 
But I couldn't find a way to modify haskell-prompt-regexp without 
changing the source.

Advice welcome.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [PATCH] ob-shell-test, test-ob-shell and introduction

2022-01-02 Thread Thomas S. Dye
teracting with processes. 
The ob-shell.el code uses a few of them. Since async is another 
way to interact with a process, a single process pattern could 
be used. The goal would be to make each of the different 
functionalities provided by ob-shell.el have a similar 
implementation.  The expectation is that this would benefit 

* Footnotes


[fn:2] M-up is bound to =org-metaup-hook= and
=ob-core:org-babel-load-in-session= by default.

[fn:3] It's not clear to me if there's a technical definition 
for an

Emacs package.

[fn:4] I may extend my personal notes into a document detailing 

Org API.

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [PATCH] ob-shell-test, test-ob-shell and introduction

2021-12-31 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Matt,

Matt  writes:

 > Wow.  Nice work!

Thanks. I pushed things to Worg, if you haven't seen already 
If you read it and find anything missing or unclear, please let 
me know. I'm still waiting on work to sign the FSF disclaimer in 
order to work on ob-shell.el. I might just implement something 
on the side and use that to inform any future contributions.

I was looking at the Worg page when I wrote "Wow" :)

Many thanks for this contribution.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [PATCH] ob-shell-test, test-ob-shell and introduction

2021-12-31 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Matt,

Wow.  Nice work!

All the best,

Matt  writes:

 > Contributions to Worg aren't similarly restricted.  Feel free 
 > to 
 > push material there in the meantime.

Looks like the email finally got sent to the right person at my 
company. Who knows how long it will take for them to get the FSF 
disclaimer back to me...

Now that I'm on holiday, I've got a little more time to 
contribute to Worg. Here's a few patches showing what I've come 
up with. I'll finish it up in the next few days, hopefully.  Not 
sure if the patches are formed correctly,  sorry about that if 
not. It's late here and I wanted to show progress. I'll worry 
about those kinds of details later. :)

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [PATCH] ob-shell-test, test-ob-shell and introduction

2021-12-18 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Matt,

Matt  writes:

 > Contributions to Worg aren't similarly restricted.  Feel free 
 > to 
 > push material there in the meantime.

Looks like the email finally got sent to the right person at my 
company. Who knows how long it will take for them to get the FSF 
disclaimer back to me...

Now that I'm on holiday, I've got a little more time to 
contribute to Worg. Here's a few patches showing what I've come 
up with. I'll finish it up in the next few days, hopefully.  Not 
sure if the patches are formed correctly,  sorry about that if 
not. It's late here and I wanted to show progress. I'll worry 
about those kinds of details later. :)

Good news.

FYI, you don't need to format patches for Worg.  IIRC, you've 
registered at and sent your user name to Bastien, so you 
should be able to push directly to Worg when you're ready.

Thanks for your help with

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: oc-biblatex and biblatex substyles

2021-12-12 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Nicolas,

Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

IIUC, the map in 'org-cite-biblatex-styles' is correct for

biblatex-chicago introduces new LaTeX commands. Does that mean 
those can

be ignored?

If the goal is to support the styles and variants in 
org-cite-biblatex-styles, then I believe the answer is 'yes'.

A potentially useful biblatex-chicago extension to \textcite is 
\gentextcite, which depending on the package option genallnames 
will give all authors' names or the last author's name in genitive 
form.  This defaults to the English 's, but there is an optional 
argument so it can be tailored to other languages.  It might be 
worthwhile to map this to a new 'gen' variant of the 'text' style.

Rasmus has been active in biblatex-chicago development, so I'd be 
keen to hear his thoughts on the capabilities of 

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: oc-biblatex and biblatex substyles

2021-12-12 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Nicolas,

Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

Hmm, I can't find 'org-cite-biblatex-styles' in main.

Do you mean the map represented by the nested pcase in
org-cite-biblatex-export-citation function, or something else?

You need to update main. `org-cite-biblatex-styles' is a recent 

to oc-biblatex.el. The pcase you're talking about does not exist

Got it.  Thanks.

IIUC, the map in 'org-cite-biblatex-styles' is correct for 

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: oc-biblatex and biblatex substyles

2021-12-12 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Nicolas,

Nicolas Goaziou  writes:


"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

Another possibility it to write, e.g., 
"oc-biblatex-chicago.el" and
define a new ‘biblatex-chicago’ export processor, re-using 
functions from "oc-biblatex.el". It would probably only be 

re-define ‘org-cite-biblatex-export-citation’ and

This is probably the path of least resistance for users who 
want to use biblatex-chicago out of the box, rather than as a 
basis for deriving a specific style.

I can write a biblatex-chicago citation processor. However, it 
help me tremendously if someone could map styles/variants to 

commands when using this package.

See for example `org-cite-biblatex-styles' in main branch.

Hmm, I can't find 'org-cite-biblatex-styles' in main.

Do you mean the map represented by the nested pcase in 
org-cite-biblatex-export-citation function, or something else?

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: oc-biblatex and biblatex substyles

2021-12-10 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Nicolas Goaziou  writes:

Another possibility it to write, e.g., "oc-biblatex-chicago.el" 

define a new ‘biblatex-chicago’ export processor, re-using most
functions from "oc-biblatex.el". It would probably only be 
necessary to

re-define ‘org-cite-biblatex-export-citation’ and

This is probably the path of least resistance for users who want to use 
biblatex-chicago out of the box, rather than as a basis for deriving a specific 

Here is the relevant section 4.51 of the biblatex-chicago manual:

 With the addition of the author-date styles to the package, I 
 have provided three keys for choosing which style to load, 
 notes, authordate, and authordate-trad , one of which you put in 
 the options to the \usepackage command. The default way of 
 loading the notes + bibliography style has therefore slightly 
 changed. With early versions of biblatex-chicago-notes , the 
 standard way of loading the package was via a call to biblatex , 


 Now, the default way to load the style, and one that will in the 
 vast majority of standard cases produce the same results as the 
 old invocation, will look like this:


 (In point of fact, the previous biblatex-chicago loading method 
 without the notes option will still work, but only because I’ve 
 made the notes & bibliography style the default if no style is 
 explicitly requested.) If you read through biblatex-chicago.sty, 
 you’ll see that it sets a number of biblatex options aimed at 
 following the Chicago specification, as well as setting a few 
 formatting variables intended as reasonable defaults (see 
 section 4.4.1, above). Some parts of this specification, 
 however, are plainly more “suggested” than “required,” and 
 indeed many publishers, while adopting the main skeleton of the 
 Chicago style in citations, nonetheless maintain their own house 
 styles to which the defaults I have provided do not conform.

 If you only need to change one or two parameters, this can 
 easily be done by putting different options in the call to 
 biblatex-chicago or redefining other formatting variables in the 
 preamble, thereby overriding the package defaults. If, however, 
 you wish more substantially to alter the output of the package, 
 perhaps to use it as a base for constructing another style 
 altogether, then you may want to revert to the old style of 
 invocation above. You’ll lose all the definitions in 
 biblatex-chicago.sty, including those to which I’ve already 
 alluded and also the code that sets the note number in-line 
 rather than superscript in endnotes or footnotes. Also in this 
 file is the code that calls cmsamerican.lbx , which means that 
 you’ll lose all the Chicago-specific bibstrings I’ve defined 
 unless you provide, in your preamble, a \DeclareLanguageMapping 
 command adapted for your setup, on which see section 7 below and 
 also §§ 4.9.1 and 4.11.8 in biblatex.pdf .

 What you will not lose is the ability to call the package 
 options annotation, strict, short, and noibid (section 4.4.3, 
 above), in case these continue to be useful to you when 
 constructing your own modifications. There’s very little code, 
 therefore, actually in biblatex-chicago.sty , but I hope that 
 even this minimal separation will make the package somewhat more 
 adaptable. Any suggestions on this score are, of course, 

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Making a dictionary in Org

2021-12-08 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Juan Manuel Macías  writes:


How to create a 'dictionary style' PDF document from Org, with 
columns and with dynamic page headers[1]: here I share 
(attached) an Org
file, in case it is useful to someone, with the (simplified) 
LaTeX code
I used to define the styles of the entries and the dynamic page 
in the typesetting of the /Hispanic Dictionary of Classical 

I produced this dictionary (828 pp.) using Org and Org-Publish, 

output to LuaLaTeX. Some images:

[1] If a page contains multiple entries, the first and the last 
are collected, both separated by an en dash; if the page 
contains a
single entry, or a continuation of the previous page/entry, it 

collected that entry only.

Nice work!

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [PATCH] ob-shell-test, test-ob-shell and introduction

2021-12-05 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Matt,

Matt  writes:

 > > I just verified with my employer that my contract grants an 
 > > exception for this
 > > project. Just emailed the request to 

Not surprisingly the FSF hasn't resources to verify my 
contract's exception and needs a written disclaimer from my 
employer. I'm waiting on this now.

 > Feel free to develop and
 > share patches before the assignment is complete, we’ll just 
 > wait till it’s gone
 > through before merging 
Given the contract exception, I'll start moving forward again 
with the assumption that I'll eventually get that written 

 > Hope that helps.
It does, thank you. It's nice to know that my words aren't going 
into the void. :)

Good news.

Contributions to Worg aren't similarly restricted.  Feel free to 
push material there in the meantime.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Worg's (was: Dodgy Worg publishing?)

2021-12-05 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha all,

Timothy  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

I checked this morning and I still get a 404 error when I 
follow the Worg link

in section 16.12 of the Org mode manual at

(sigh) I already fixed a 2nd issue, it looks like there's at 
least a


I still get the 404 error.

After some thought, it occurs to me that it is likely a bad idea 
to make changes to, which just contains 
source code blocks that might prove useful to Babel users.

Perhaps there is some way to indicate that this file just needs to 
be copied "as is" when Worg is published?  Or, if not, then 
perhaps the patch with the ungainly, working URL might be applied 
to the manual?

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Re-installing org-mode packages due to annoying message

2021-11-29 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Alan,

Alan E. Davis  writes:

It is interesting that an old timer like yourself would reach 
Spacemacs.  I haven't, mostly because I don't think I need the 
modal model
of Vi.  The keybindings of Emacs or so convenient and 
intelligent I find
them to be enough.  Here's where I might have spent more time in 
the early
days learning the basics better.  One of the things I like about 
Emacs is
that I can dance around a page of text, in a manner that the 
produced text editors and word processors I know have not dared 
implement.  We are locked in to a dumbed down interface in all 
the software
we encounter.  I cannot think of one example just now, but maybe 
the way
one can move back and forth over characters and words.  I never 
learned Vi,

except to be able to edit a simple config file if need be.

I know I am over my head, and I have been so for the 30-ish 
years I have
been using Emacs and for the time I have used Org-mode.  It is 
more than I
can do to keep up with the newer complexities that are cropping 
up.  Yet,

just like the plain text files, and the LaTeX source for my one
publication, a lexicon of animal names, they live on while 
documents using
the high priced tools are not longer readable or editable.  And 
through all
the changes, my little utilities for editing things that only I 
probably care about, and I would not expect anyone to care to 

still work today.  I love it!

FYI, from another old-timer in over his head, Spacemacs has a simple option to 
enable Emacs key bindings.  You don't need to use the modal bindings.


Thomas S. Dye

Re: [PATCH] (was [PATCH] ob-shell-test, test-ob-shell and introduction)

2021-11-22 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Matt,
Matt  writes:

 > Unfortunately, there is no at 
 > worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/.
 > There is an in case you'd like to 
 > contribute 
 > :)

I created one, along with a sourcehut account. However, it looks 
like I need to be granted some permissions to write to the worg 
website. Is Bastien the contact for that? I've attached a patch 
in the mean time.

That's a good start.  Thanks!

Yes, contact Bastien directly off list with your sourcehut user 
name and he'll set you up to push directly to Worg.

Let me know if you have questions.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: [PATCH] ob-shell-test, test-ob-shell and introduction

2021-11-22 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Matt,

Matt  writes:


I'm interested in getting async into ob-shell.el. Since I've 
never contributed before, I figure it'd be good to start with a 
few easy tasks.

It looks to me like the stdin and cmdline header args aren't 
documented anywhere (at least I couldn't find anything). To make 
sure I'm using them correctly before making a patch for the 
manual, here are some tests.

Please let me know if things look okay. It wasn't clear to me 
how to send along a message with git send-email, so I formatted 
these patches and included them as an attachment. Is that fine?


Unfortunately, there is no at 

There is an in case you'd like to contribute :)

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: Worg's (was: Dodgy Worg publishing?)

2021-11-22 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Timothy  writes:

"Thomas S. Dye"  writes:

I checked this morning and I still get a 404 error when I 
follow the Worg link

in section 16.12 of the Org mode manual at

(sigh) I already fixed a 2nd issue, it looks like there's at 
least a


FYI, the long link in my patch was taken from 
worg/org-contrib/babel/  Whoever put it there (my git 
foo isn't up to finding out who) might have suspected your 

Thanks for your work on this.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Dodgy Worg publishing?

2021-11-22 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha all,

Timothy  writes:

Hi Bastien,

You can check the output of Worg publishing process here:


Ah cool, thanks for pointing that out.

The latest build contains a line showing that

does not export:


  “Reference `fibs’ not found in this buffer”

Can someone have a look at this and fix the ref?

I’ve just pushed b837a85 which just defines fibs using the 
content of the
example block. This may not be the best fix long-term, but 
should make it work.

All the best,

Thanks for looking into this and identifying a problem.

I checked this morning and I still get a 404 error when I follow 
the Worg link in section 16.12 of the Org mode manual at

Also, is there a reason to keep 
worg/org-contrib/babel/ in addition to 

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: execute src block during export (Re: Worg HTML export problem?)

2021-11-12 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

On 12/11/2021 00:24, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
The original problem is likely due to the default header 
arguments in 
ob-org.el, which are unusual.

It is great that the problem is solved. I do not think however 
that something
inside ob-org.el may affect processing of a file before this 
package is loaded.

If I export both, then all is well.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value none :exports both
   '((org . t)))

I feel that I have missed something. I do not see the purpose to 
include this
source block in user docs. I expect that for accidental usage it 
is more
convenient to type (require 'ob-org), while as a permanent 
settings it is
possible to do customize-variable org-babel-load-languages or to 


The source block is included to show the user how to modify their 

I was surprised that changing its :results header argument had an 
effect on export.

Do you have an explanation why the header argument makes this 
difference on Worg?

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: execute src block during export (Re: Worg HTML export problem?)

2021-11-11 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

On 11/11/2021 04:24, Thomas S. Dye wrote:

Max Nikulin writes:

On 08/11/2021 05:46, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
to fail, but AFAICT doesn't have this 
affliction--it exports


Have you tried to export it from "emacs -Q -L 
I think, you just have "org" in customized 

I've likely made some other error, but I don't have clue what 
it might be.

I don't know how to debug this.  Can someone help, please?

[exporting] org-contrib/babel/languages/
No org-babel-execute function for org!

However I do not see explicit load/require for particular 
language in sibling

files. I expected something like

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none
  (require 'ob-org)

Thanks for looking into this.
Is the problem something I can fix in  Or, does 
it have 
to do with the configuration at

All settings are in .build.yaml and (lisp) file.

Sorry, I have missed the following code in your file

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
   '((org . t)))

I am unsure whether it should work in this form or it worked 
earlier, but on
main branch it is not executed during export. If I change first 
line to the

following, the block is executed during export:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value none :exports results

My minimal example:


#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value none :exports results
'((org . t)))

#+name: org-hello
#+begin_src org :var hello="World"
  Hello, $hello!

#+begin_src elisp :var x=org-hello[](hello="Org") :exports both
  (print x)


The original problem is likely due to the default header arguments 
in ob-org.el, which are unusual.

If I export both, then all is well.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results value none :exports both
  '((org . t)))

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: Worg HTML export problem?

2021-11-10 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Max,

Max Nikulin  writes:

On 08/11/2021 05:46, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
I pushed a new file,, to Worg earlier today, but 
the link 
gives a 404
error.  I usually see this when the Org file has a bad link 
that causes export
to fail, but AFAICT doesn't have this 
affliction--it exports

I've likely made some other error, but I don't have clue what 
it might be.

I don't know how to debug this.  Can someone help, please?

[exporting] org-contrib/babel/languages/
No org-babel-execute function for org!

However I do not see explicit load/require for particular 
language in sibling

files. I expected something like

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none
  (require 'ob-org)

Thanks for looking into this.

Is the problem something I can fix in  Or, does it 
have to do with the configuration at

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Worg HTML export problem?

2021-11-07 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha all,

I pushed a new file,, to Worg earlier today, but 
the link in 
gives a 404 error.  I usually see this when the Org file has a bad 
link that causes export to fail, but AFAICT doesn't 
have this affliction--it exports locally.

I've likely made some other error, but I don't have clue what it 
might be.

I don't know how to debug this.  Can someone help, please?

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: Storing database credentials outside an org file

2021-11-06 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Mike,

Mike Gauland  writes:

On 1/11/21 4:33 pm, Tim Cross wrote:

Mike Gauland  writes:

I often use an org file to record database queries, using sql 
source blocks.
I've been putting the database credentials in the file using 
properties, but I'd prefer to have the credentials saved in a 
separate file for

security reasons.

Any ideas on how I could make this work?
It probably wouldn't be too hard to use the authinfo.gpg 
facility via
the auth-source library which is included in Emacs. In fact, I 

sql-mode might already have support for this built in.

Thanks for the suggestion. I didn't see it on worg, but in 
ob-sql.el I found
support for ":dbconnection". I can set up an entry in 
sql-connection-alist, and
give the name of the entry to the sql block via :dbconnection. 
Now, my password
is safely out of the .org file. As a bonus, it is easier to 
maintain across

different org files.

The Worg entry should be fixed now.  Thanks for the report.

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Re: [BUG] Source code of type 'conf' disappears in LaTeX export [N/A (N/A @ /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-mode/)]

2021-10-29 Thread Thomas S. Dye


Marc van der Sluys  writes:

Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to 
happen and
what in fact did happen.  You don't know how to make a good 
report?  See

Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list.

Thank you for the incredible orgmode software!

I ran into this issue.  When I have a block of 'code' from a 
configuration file, e.g.

#+begin_src conf
  Host server
   User username

it shows up nicely in emacs.  However, when exporting to LaTeX 
and pdf using the Minted package, the code blocks go missing 
completely.  The code is converted in LaTeX to

Host server
 User username

which disappears upon compilation because 'conf' is not one of 
the lexers recognised by Minted.

Replacing 'conf' with 'aconf' (for Apache config) has the 
opposite result: no syntax highlighting in emacs orgmode, but 
acceptable output in LaTeX, because it is supported by Minted.

A 'quick fix' could therefore be to either:
  1) rename conf -> aconf when exporting orgmode to LaTeX,
  2) adding the syntax highlighting that is used for conf to 
  source blocks of type aconf.

Expected behaviour:
+ conf code block shows up in LaTeX/pdf with syntax highlighting 
after converting from orgmode to LaTeX/PDF.

Actual behaviour:
+ conf code block completely disappears in PDF after converting 
from orgmode to LaTeX/PDF.


Marc van der Sluys.

Does org-latex-minted-langs help?

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: A quick LaTeX reference guide in Org

2021-10-24 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Juan Manuel,

Juan Manuel Macías  writes:


The TeXstudio editor includes a comprehensive LaTeX reference 
guide in

I have converted it to Org with Pandoc (and then cleaned it up 
and fixed

some broken links). It can be downloaded here:

I think it may be useful for a quick LaTeX query. You could even 

org-ql and define a function like this:

(require 'org-ql)
(defun my-latex-apropos ()
  (let ((regexp (if (not (current-word t t))
(read-from-minibuffer "Find (regexp): ")
  (read-from-minibuffer "Find: " (current-word t t)
  `(regexp ,regexp

Best regards,

Juan Manuel 

Such a handy utility!  Thanks for sharing.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Evaluate or execute?

2021-10-24 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha Rudolf, Joost, and Tim,

Thanks very much.  This helps a lot.

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

Evaluate or execute?

2021-10-24 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha all,

The org manual and various documents on Worg appear to use the 
subject terms as synonyms for running a bit of source code and 
gathering its result.  Is there a useful distinction that this 
non-software engineer is missing?  Or, are the terms simply 

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

[patch] Fix link to Library of Babel

2021-10-24 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Aloha all,

The attached patch changes a 404 link to the working link used on 

All the best,

>From 31f340d80fdd01833e770d12806f0df165b88365 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Thomas S. Dye" 
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2021 07:09:49 -1000
Subject: [PATCH] doc/ Fix link to Library of Babel

 doc/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 6273ec90e..060fc0a44 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -18603,7 +18603,7 @@ can preview the results with the following command:
 The "Library of Babel" is a collection of code blocks.  Like
 a function library, these code blocks can be called from other Org
-files.  A collection of useful code blocks is available on [[][Worg]].  For
+files.  A collection of useful code blocks is available on [[][Worg]].  For
 remote code block evaluation syntax, see [[*Evaluating Code Blocks]].
 #+kindex: C-c C-v i

Thomas S. Dye

Re: Fwd: errors when using org-agenda

2021-10-23 Thread Thomas S. Dye

Tim Cross  writes:

Greg Minshall  writes:

(and, after fifteen years of vi, and now 25 of emacs, i guess 
i'll skip

the spacemacs experience.  :)

Similar past for me as well. I used vi from early/mid 80x until 
mid 90s
and then switched to Emacs and used standard Emacs bindings 
until a

couple of years ago, then decided to give spacemacs a go.

I realised when I did I had very much missed the vi modal 
approach. I know it isn't for everyone, but I find using it 
pushes my
productivity through the roof. I always tried to use keyboard 
and avoid the mouse. Being able to use simple keys rather than 
bindings involving ctl, alt, shift, is just so much faster and 
easier on
my aging and stiffining fingers, I think I'm now a devout member 
of the

evil-mode cult.

Same here, though Spacemacs introduced me to modal editing.

Spacemacs also helped eliminate many of my rookie errors 
configuring Emacs.

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   >