Re: On dropping @names

2012-12-04 Thread Claus Reinke
Recall the main objection was not the generativity of @names mixed with the obj.@foo pun (after-dot). It was the usability tax of having to declare private @foo; before defining/assiging obj.@foo = foo; (in a constructor, typically). Good clarification, thanks. Yes, the more important

Re: Fw: lexical 'super' in arrow functions?

2012-12-03 Thread Claus Reinke
Is 'super' currently limited to method bodies, excluding local functions? super is limited to ClassBody Yes, the question is about arrow functions in ClassBody. Given that 'this' is lexical in arrow functions, I expected any enclosing 'super' to be available, as well, but I cannot confirm

Re: lexical 'super' in arrow functions?

2012-12-03 Thread Claus Reinke
Is 'super' currently limited to method bodies, excluding local functions? Given that 'this' is lexical in arrow functions, I expected any enclosing 'super' to be available, as well, but I cannot confirm this from the spec. Yes, clearly super should be able to be used in an arrow function that

Re: Pure functions in EcmaScript

2012-11-28 Thread Claus Reinke
With many new functional programming possibilities (like map, reduce, filter, lambdas) there are many scenarios where the implementer should use pure (or as I renamed it in another reply, side-effect-free) functions. Why should? What is the problem if people don't? In the non-sequential

Re: Do we really need the [[HasOwnProperty]] internal method andhasOwn trap

2012-11-19 Thread Claus Reinke
On 19 November 2012 13:04, David Bruant wrote: I wish to point out a little thought on the topic of memory management. As far as I know, all GC algorithms I'm aware of are runtime algorithms, meaning that the primitives of these algorithms are objects and references between

Re: Promises

2012-11-10 Thread Claus Reinke
On further thought, I'm not so sure. Consider this code, which creates a directory if it doesn't already exist and then logs done. return AFS.stat(path).then(stat = { if (!stat.isDirectory()) throw new Error(Path is not a directory.); }, error = { // Path doesn't

Re: Promises

2012-11-09 Thread Claus Reinke
Both then and fail return another promise for the result of the callback var someData1P = query(q1); var processedDataP = someData1P.then(function first(data){ return process(data); // if what's returned here is a promise P, then // processedDataP will be a promise for

Re: Promises

2012-11-09 Thread Claus Reinke
Another idea: log such transformed errors, or automate matching of handled failed promises against generated failed promises. What we really need, as mentioned by Kris Kowal on Twitter recently, is the ability to *un*-console.log something. That is, we want to log unhandled rejections for the

Re: Promises

2012-11-07 Thread Claus Reinke
: Blog: On 07.11.2012, at 00:42, Claus Reinke wrote: I agree that promises should be standardized in Ecma-262. Agreed. That would also offer the possibility to support promises in syntax. In ES7 (latest), I would like to see something

Re: Promises

2012-11-06 Thread Claus Reinke
I agree that promises should be standardized in Ecma-262. Agreed. That would also offer the possibility to support promises in syntax. In ES7 (latest), I would like to see something roughly like { ...; let x - promise; ...; } (read as let x from promise), desugaring into {

Re: Array.prototype.contains

2012-11-04 Thread Claus Reinke
The set of values actually contained by the WeakMap at any moment is non-deterministic, depending on the scheduling of gc. But this non-determinism is non-observable. WeakMap.contains would make it observable. a) this concise elaboration should be part of the spec, to reduce guessing about

Re: Set and Map additions in the latest draft

2012-10-29 Thread Claus Reinke
I thought it was agreed that the function passed to Set.prototype.forEach would be called with 3 arguments, the value, the value again and the context object. This is so that one can use the same function for Array.prototype.forEach, Map.prototype.forEach and Set.prototype.forEach. Yes, I've

Re: Avoiding overloading the term “prototype”

2012-10-24 Thread Claus Reinke
When I explained __proto__ at JSConf, the first question was: “How is __proto__ better than the ‘prototype’ property that all constructors already have?” |On the other hand, Axel's point is taken: the subject of 'prototype' |is confusing. But this is only partly terminology; much of the problem

Re: Modules, Concatenation, and Better Solutions

2012-10-17 Thread Claus Reinke
On the one hand, the point of eager execution was to make the execution model simple and consistent with corresponding IIFE code. When we switch from scripts to modules, it makes sense to switch from execute-as-encountered-for-side-effect to resolve-dependencies- and-extract-exports. The

Re: ES transpilers

2012-10-16 Thread Claus Reinke
about their work*, the more information we'll have;-) Claus (*) I am always surprised to see attempts with commercial tools for developers (as opposed to commercial support/service for free tools, or commercial tools for non-developers). On Oct 16, 2012, at 5:12 AM, Claus Reinke claus.rei

ES transpilers

2012-10-15 Thread Claus Reinke
With ES6 engine compatibility still looking somewhat red transpilers are not just a useful way of communicating ES6 development (avoiding surprised audiences later [*]), they also provide relief for those who keep reading here about new features

Re: Function.length and Default Parameters

2012-10-12 Thread Claus Reinke
Have you found the actual usage of length in node libraries to enforce this sort of signature testing? I was poking around and haven't found it. Side question: has tc39 tried to contact any of the research groups that specialize in large-scale repository mining? Usage questions here are

1js, local fundecls, and not-quite-conforming pre-es6 implementations

2012-10-03 Thread Claus Reinke
What was the story wrt subject? The Note in ES5.1, 12, Semantics (FunctionDeclarations as Statements) used to be unproblematic as this non-portable feature could simply be avoided. It also was unproblematic when still required opt-in, as old implementations would then balk before

Re: Early error vs. error on first call to function vs. runtime error

2012-09-28 Thread Claus Reinke
* Error on first call to a function, where the function contains what would be an early error but for the supposed cost of early error analysis. As I understand it, this goes back to lazy parsing which, in turn, seems to

Re: Feed back and proposal for modules: allow importing ES5 files

2012-09-25 Thread Claus Reinke
. On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 4:08 PM, Claus Reinke claus.rei...@talk21.comwrote: Right. What I'm suggesting isn't that you'll be able to prevent the global from being augmented, rather that if your goal is to take an *already well behaved* library and wrap it with modules, that's possible

Re: Feed back and proposal for modules: allow importing ES5 files

2012-09-24 Thread Claus Reinke
Right. What I'm suggesting isn't that you'll be able to prevent the global from being augmented, rather that if your goal is to take an *already well behaved* library and wrap it with modules, that's possible. Aren't Module Loader Translation hooks meant to help with this?

Re: Array comprehension syntax

2012-09-24 Thread Claus Reinke
0. yes to (for|if)* - also for generator expressions 1. Array comprehensions with for/if do not look very readable - the generators and filters seem to merge into one blob of text. [x*y for x of range(XDIM) if x1 for y of range(YDIM)] While syntax highlighting and/or formatting can

Re: Convergence options for Ecmascript/Actionscript?

2012-09-03 Thread Claus Reinke
Thanks everyone for your feedback! I certainly learned a thing or two, but the majority opinion and information seem to be: - further divergence is in the cards for AS and ES - AS and ES are already so different that, wrt input to ES development, AS has no special status over other

Re: Convergence options for Ecmascript/Actionscript?

2012-08-29 Thread Claus Reinke
at 1:30 AM, Brendan Eich wrote: Claus Reinke wrote: Hope this isn't politically inappropriate here;-) 1. Flash is dying as a browser plugin, but otherwise still alive, especially with compilation of Actionscript to native code [2,3]. 2. Adobe has been growing support

Re: Some questions about Private Name Objects

2012-08-28 Thread Claus Reinke
Unique (non-private) names offer mixins without collisions. But any general mixin utility will fail if the source object relies on privately named methods for its functionality: ... Neither the destination object nor the library function mixin has access to the private name, and therefore the

Convergence options for Ecmascript/Actionscript?

2012-08-28 Thread Claus Reinke
Hope this isn't politically inappropriate here;-) 1. Flash is dying as a browser plugin, but otherwise still alive, especially with compilation of Actionscript to native code [2,3]. 2. Adobe has been growing support for HTML/Javascript options. 3. Actionscript is based on an old ES draft

Is there a JS implementers list? (Re: Consistency in The Negative Result Values...)

2012-08-21 Thread Claus Reinke
Also, the monotyped approach is easier to optimize, all else equal. See for testimony about this (find JIT mixed messages). Is there a message where JS implementers and optimization- dependent JS users can talk to each other? Micro optimizations, even if drastically

Re: strawman for the := operator

2012-08-08 Thread Claus Reinke
Finally, I do have a way that we could put the cloning of private named properties by := under programmer control. Giving objects control over how they appear to := and other Object.extend variants sounds like a good idea. Note that private named properties are never enumerated or exposed

Re: Autobinding destructuring

2012-08-05 Thread Claus Reinke
But it also made me realize that by default, destructuring returns unbound methods. ... Agreed that this is an obstacle. With operators, one could have a convenient binding selection, but the destructuring case needs a separate solution. Why does it need a separate solution? Especially if

Re: Template strings and templates

2012-08-05 Thread Claus Reinke
need to communicate that they are not limited to strings, though: template parameters and tag results can be arbitrary ES objects/values. I chose template string over string template to emphasize that it was a template that was expressed as a string rather than a template for a string. That

Re: Autobinding destructuring

2012-08-04 Thread Claus Reinke
But it also made me realize that by default, destructuring returns unbound methods. It's perfect for the above use case, but may be annoying when you wish to extract functions bound to the object they're extracted from: var o = {a:1, f: function(){return this.a;}}; var {f} = o;

Re: Autobinding destructuring

2012-08-04 Thread Claus Reinke
[argh, unhelpful hidden key-combo led to premature send] But it also made me realize that by default, destructuring returns unbound methods. It's perfect for the above use case, but may be annoying when you wish to extract functions bound to the object they're extracted from: var o =

Re: Template strings and templates

2012-08-03 Thread Claus Reinke
let tmpl = html` table $for address in addresses ${ html`tr${first}/trtr${last}/tr` } /table`; let tmpl = addresses = html` table ${addresses.forEach(address= html`tr${address.first}/trtr${address.last}/tr` ).join('\n') } /table`

Re: Template strings and templates

2012-08-03 Thread Claus Reinke
let tmpl = addresses = html` table ${addresses.forEach(address= html`tr${address.first}/trtr${address.last}/tr` ).join('\n') } /table` Yes. But you need to say .map( rather than .forEach( above. See

User-reifiable References

2012-07-31 Thread Claus Reinke
Context: References are a specification-level construct that has no language-level representation in current ES. Reifying References as objects has been deemed troublesome/ inefficient for implementations. Problem: The lack of reified References is a blocking issue when

Re: User-reifiable References

2012-07-31 Thread Claus Reinke
As noted, we're moving away from References in the language. l-values as function parameters are still going to be useful, for abstractions involving assignment operators. Macros are out there but the better way: you want to abstract over syntax, not runtime lvalue semantics. Useful macros

Re: suggestion: mapping symbolic infix ops to binary functions

2012-07-25 Thread Claus Reinke
Are macros really the only way to get around JS's peculiarities when trying for user-defined operators and control structures? Argh - I just noticed that even macros won't be sufficient. Assuming we had function-like definitions that inlined/expanded their bodies at their call sites, textually

Re: suggestion: mapping symbolic infix ops to binary functions

2012-07-25 Thread Claus Reinke
At least, I can't think of a way to avoid reevaluating the left hand side operand - if I assign it to a temporary variable, it no longer is a valid left hand side for an assignment. The trick is to specialize as all competitive JS engines do today to avoid references: id op= val ~~~ id =

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-24 Thread Claus Reinke
On the subject of 'exporting one value', there are a few things to say: 1. It's been asserted repeatedly that libraries that export 'just one value' are a better design, but while this is excellent style in lots of cases, I don't think a persuasive case has been made that this should be the

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-24 Thread Claus Reinke
Being able to access the export object from the module object enables a pattern we use locally, which is roughly require(myModule).configParameter = xyz; .. exports.errorReporter, exports.configParameter are then used heavily within the module -- normally, they are not even set by the user,

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-24 Thread Claus Reinke
[I've elided some points and comments: I was trying to summarize what seemed to me the core issues in this discussion; if my summary was unclear, it won't help to add more text; if my summary was clear, but the disagreements persist, adding more text won't help, either] Here I've come

Re: suggestion: mapping symbolic infix ops to binary functions

2012-07-23 Thread Claus Reinke
We've already been looking at value types, proxies, and objects for a while. The latest,, does not expose user-defined operators, to separate concerns and limit scope, but user operators are doable. I know, but previous strawmen

Re: suggestion: mapping symbolic infix ops to binary functions

2012-07-23 Thread Claus Reinke
At the same time, new infix operators keep getting proposed. Where? Here on es-discuss, and on the wiki? symbolic: |, ??, ??=, ?., .=, .{ named: modulo, div, divmod, has, extends I've probably missed some - there seems to be a steady trickle of such proposals. Claus

Re: suggestion: mapping symbolic infix ops to binary functions

2012-07-23 Thread Claus Reinke
?? and ??= are short-circuiting, they do not fit into a eager evaluation calling convention. Actually, that isn't even the worst issue. Since operators aren't first class, the desugaring could wrap arguments in (arrow) functions at the operator call sites (I've got a variant of infix.js that

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-07-21 Thread Claus Reinke
If you want to export a bag of functions, then put the functions on an object, and export the object. It *is* making it trickier to figure out how to add types and macros, but I'm less excited about those features than I am about making our existing problems easier to solve. It's not trickier,

Re: suggestion: mapping symbolic infix ops to binary functions

2012-07-21 Thread Claus Reinke
is obj undefined { x: 1, y: 0 } Hope you like it, Claus -- From: Claus Reinke .. Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 10:01 PM To: es-discuss@.. Subject: suggestion: mapping symbolic infix ops to binary functions The discussion of re-interpreting

Re: Arrow functions as methods

2012-07-11 Thread Claus Reinke
function map(f) { return this.reduce((result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), []) } .. var map = (list, f) = list.reduce((result, value) = result.concat([ f(value) ]), []) Not sure I got your motivation, but would this help? function fn(f) { return f(this) } // provide 'this' as

Re: ES modules: syntax import vs preprocessing cs plugins

2012-07-06 Thread Claus Reinke
Ok, this will work fine using the multiple script tags approach you showed. Actually, I no longer think that third approach will work: there is no reason why the load callback in the first script element should run before the code in the second script element, so 'main' will not be available

Re: fail-fast object destructuring

2012-07-05 Thread Claus Reinke
We could try to have our cake and eat it, by extending the pattern language with prefix-! or prefix-?. Which prefix depends on the choice of default behavior, based on ranking of the two equivalences. Whatever that ranking, does this make sense so far? Sure, I'm all for that. As

Re: ES modules: syntax import vs preprocessing cs plugins

2012-07-05 Thread Claus Reinke
To outline the disconnect, consider this simple static module chain for a dummy project ab I might like to use: // a.js export var a = a; // b.js import {a} from 'a'; export var b = a+b; To use this in my main code, I again use static import // main.js (or perhaps a script

Re: ES modules: syntax import vs preprocessing cs plugins

2012-07-05 Thread Claus Reinke
Similar to the dummy project sources, the nature of the loader is not important to the concerns expressed in my message (in the comments). I disagree -- it's not possible to know what the requirements are, how else they could be solved, what the current state-of-the-art is, and how common this

Re: ES modules: syntax import vs preprocessing cs plugins

2012-07-03 Thread Claus Reinke
When reading Dave's post on Static module resolution [1], the section on Future-compatibility for macros struck me as a case where users/proponents of different module systems seem to be talking past each other. All agree that there is an important feature, but the approaches differ so much that

ES modules: syntax import vs preprocessing cs plugins

2012-06-30 Thread Claus Reinke
When reading Dave's post on Static module resolution [1], the section on Future-compatibility for macros struck me as a case where users/proponents of different module systems seem to be talking past each other. All agree that there is an important feature, but the approaches differ so much that

Re: fail-fast object destructuring

2012-06-27 Thread Claus Reinke
Ultimately, I'd like to have both: - irrefutable matching: - refutable matching: One is a syntactic convenience for selection only, the other for selection plus structural tests (actually: behavioral interface tests, see below). Both have their uses. This suggests having pattern syntax

Re: ES Modules: suggestions for improvement

2012-06-27 Thread Claus Reinke
let * = Math; This is dynamic scoping. The difference between import * and let * is that the former is statically scoped, and the latter is dynamically scoped. I'm sorry, I'm not entirely sure what static scoping means in the context of JavaScript. Could you clarify? Does it mean that it's

Re: consider adding more [no LineTerminator here] toavoidproblemcaused by omit the semicolon

2012-06-24 Thread Claus Reinke
My own favourite approach would link ASI to layout/indentation, and introduce warnings instead of breaking code: 1 if ASI kicks in, but indentation suggests statement continuation, issue a warning 2 if ASI does not kick in, but indentation suggests new statement, issue a warning I did

Re: consider adding more [no LineTerminator here] to avoid problemcaused by omit the semicolon

2012-06-22 Thread Claus Reinke
var a = this.a // here no semicolon will be auto inserted [1,2,3].forEach(function(){ // do something }) Consider{..}) // no semicolon wanted here [..] (function(){ //do something })() // here no semicolon will be auto inserted (function(){

Re: TC39 meeting Wed 5/23/2012

2012-05-29 Thread Claus Reinke
If you look back on this thread you will see an example extracted from the case that caused me pain. In the real life case I was using Kris Kowal's Q_COMM library, which builds on Q and is quite sophisticated code. I added a function to a Q_COMM object. Later when I called the function I got an

host object interface and host object plugins (Re: ECMA-262 purview? was re: FFT module)

2012-05-24 Thread Claus Reinke
That is all within the purview of a standard FFI to address. For instance, the Haskell FFI You can stop right there. We have one major Haskell implementation. You mean like there is only one major browser implementation?-) Just because one implementation currently has the most steam, that

Re: ECMA-262 purview? was re: FFT module

2012-05-22 Thread Claus Reinke
Different native-code compilers and OSes (not always tied, btw) will choose different FFIs, depending on local macro- and micro-economics. Even today we have a choice between calling conventions on Windows (not always obvious; Rust has changed at least once in its young life). That is all

Re: ECMA-262 purview? was re: FFT module

2012-05-21 Thread Claus Reinke
Once we have modules, should we have a place other than ECMA-262 to define standard host-environment libraries that ship with browsers? Like the DOM?? ;-) ..criteria for which libraries might be within the prevue of TC39: * it requires extensions to the base language syntax or semantics or

catch vs function scope; var declaration vs initialization

2012-05-14 Thread Claus Reinke
What should be the output of the following code? (function(){ try { throw hi; } catch (e) { var e = ho; var o = hu; var u; console.log(e); } console.log(e,u,o); }()); It seems clear that the first console.log should output 'ho'. Implementations seem to disagree on the second console.log,

Re: Reflect.parse (from RE:typeof null)

2012-05-14 Thread Claus Reinke
it appears that the SpiderMonkey AST has emerged as a de-facto standard. Really? I guess there are many more users of Uglify and Esprima is growing fast. Personally I never heard of any non-Mozilla uses of the SpiderMonkey API, but perhaps you can point to some. I was merely stating my

Re: catch vs function scope; var declaration vs initialization

2012-05-14 Thread Claus Reinke
Inside the catch, the catch-scope is first for reading and writing. In practice (as in: what implementations permit; not: what is used), there is also this variation: try { throw oops } catch (f) { function f() { console.log(f) } console.log(f) } console.log(f) This isn't permitted in

Re: catch vs function scope; var declaration vs initialization

2012-05-14 Thread Claus Reinke
On May 14, 2012, at 2:57 AM, Claus Reinke wrote: What should be the output of the following code? (function(){ try { throw hi; } catch (e) { var e = ho; var o = hu; var u; console.log(e); } console.log(e,u,o); }()); It seems clear that the first console.log should output 'ho'. Implementations

destructuring: as patterns?

2012-04-18 Thread Claus Reinke
Looking through the destructuring proposal there seems to be no mention of 'as' patterns. In typical pattern matching constructs (SML, Haskell, ..), 'as' patterns allow to name a sub-object while continuing the match for its

Re: destructuring: as patterns?

2012-04-18 Thread Claus Reinke
I've found it quite useful in Clojure/Script and I'm sure folks who have encountered the feature in the ML derived languages would agree. Indeed, all of the pattern-match-supporting functional languages I've used also supported 'as'-patterns in some form ('var@pat' in Haskell, 'var as pat' in

Re: Modules: compile time linking (was Re: Modules feedback, proposal)

2012-04-06 Thread Claus Reinke
So, assuming Math has no dependencies (just to make this shorter), the sequence of events: * Load Foo, convert to AST, find from usage. * Load Math * Compile Math * Evaluate Math * Inspect Math's exported module value for properties * Modify the compiled structure for Foo to convert import * to

Re: Modules: compile time linking (was Re: Modules feedback, proposal)

2012-04-06 Thread Claus Reinke
I just noticed that James' original email had two more items: * The 'Math' module is evaluated before Foo is evaluated. * Only the properties on Math that are available at the time of Foo's execution are bound to local variables via the import *. which puts it in line with the first option I

Re: arrow function syntax simplified

2012-04-05 Thread Claus Reinke
To me, the ability to emulate the feature additions so closely in library functions suggests that some variation of fn and rec should go into the standard library instead of adding such features to arrow functions. Why wouldn't we add arrows too? There's a usability and an

Re: arrow function syntax simplified

2012-04-05 Thread Claus Reinke
Your point about synthesizing dynamic-|this| given lexical-|this| forms is good. It seems to me having fn, rec, and = is therefore best. What am I missing? That is my current state of thinking, too. Until I started thinking about performance:-( With current implementations, at least, using

Re: arrow function syntax simplified

2012-04-04 Thread Claus Reinke
Other than the JQuery style misuse of this, what are the use cases? If you want to bind this, why wouldn't a method invocation on an objet be involved? The ES array loops accept an optional this parameter to be used for the loop callback. It is up to the caller of the forEach to provide both

Re: Should ... be suffix rather than prefix?

2012-04-04 Thread Claus Reinke
foo(a, b, vs foo(a, b, rest...) Which is clearer? The former suggests a special construct that may have a name, the latter suggests a variable of a special kind. But there isn't anything special about the variable (a or b could be Arrays, too), so I find the suffix form

Re: Should ... be suffix rather than prefix?

2012-04-04 Thread Claus Reinke
Btw, why three dots? I always find myself writing two dots.. Presumably because three dots make an ellipsis, which has roughly the meaning we're aiming for here. True, and I admit to omitting that third dot in natural language as well. But in the context of JS, if I think of ... as the

Re: arrow function syntax simplified

2012-04-03 Thread Claus Reinke
I agree that leading |this| could be important for dynamic non-method use-cases, but those are relatively rare (let's not discount JQuery, but again, it could use long functions and survive). We could put leading-this-parameterization on the agenda for May, but we'll have to be careful not

Re: Modules: compile time linking (was Re: Modules feedback, proposal)

2012-04-03 Thread Claus Reinke
Libraries will need to work in old world browsers for a few years. Possible solutions: a) Ask libraries to provide a version of themselves in addition to the old world version, so that compile time linking with new module/import syntax can be used. b) Have a way for the library

Re: Modules: compile time linking (was Re: Modules feedback, proposal)

2012-04-02 Thread Claus Reinke
I think you misunderstand the relationship between what Dave said, and The purpose of my questions is to remove misunderstandings - it is entirely possible that some of them are on my side!-) If you have dynamic modules, you can't use them to export any compile-time constructs, like macros,

Re: recursive arrow functions

2012-04-01 Thread Claus Reinke
Today I have noticed one interesting remark from Douglas Crockford on arrow functions: you will need to use the old functions to write self-recursive functions - Is that really going to be the case ? I was so much looking

Re: Modules: compile time linking (was Re: Modules feedback, proposal)

2012-04-01 Thread Claus Reinke
If you have dynamic modules, you can't use them to export any compile-time constructs, like macros, static operator overloading, custom literals, or static types. If you load a module at runtime, then it's too late by the time you actually have the module to use it for anything at compile

Re: arrow function syntax simplified

2012-04-01 Thread Claus Reinke
Is there any particular reason optionally dynamic `this' got ditched from the current arrow syntax proposal? It's one thing that, I think, would make it more useful than just being used for inline callbacks. You can get that back without changing the proposal (ES6 comments, ES5 code): // wrap

Re: recursive arrow functions

2012-04-01 Thread Claus Reinke
To get recursion at expression level, you can always define your own recursion combinator. Something like // ref(f) produces f(rec(f) modulo some eta-expansions let rec = (f)= (..args)= f( (..args)=rec(f)(..args), ..args ) Applying rec to an arrow function would supply the latter with a

Re: March 29 meeting notes

2012-03-31 Thread Claus Reinke
DaveH's presentation about module loaders Shouldn't any newly designed async loading APIs support promises? No, for the very simple reason that promises have not been standardized and won't be in ES6. Understood. Though this leaves us with: - use of module loaders could profit from promises

Re: March 29 meeting notes

2012-03-30 Thread Claus Reinke
DaveH's presentation about module loaders Shouldn't any newly designed async loading APIs support promises? For ES proposals, promises seem to be burried in the concurrency strawman. DaveH: Imperative module replacement example: @websockets exists as version 1. An implementation wants to

Re: arrow function syntax simplified

2012-03-30 Thread Claus Reinke
2) Frameworks that currently use |this| as a general parameter passing mechanism may find that there are better ways to pass that data, given arrow functions and the ability of users to take advantage of lexical |this|. 3) There's nothing wrong with long-hand, if that's what you want. How

Re: arrow function syntax simplified

2012-03-28 Thread Claus Reinke
The ambiguity between a block body and an object literal expression body, which we would prefer to resolve in favor of object literal. The solutions considered before this edit were: * * Two-token lookahead restriction per

Re: Using Object Literals as Classes

2012-03-24 Thread Claus Reinke
(function () {}) creates two object, not one. I'm not sure what you meant here. .. the empty object for the function's .prototype currently seems to elude me in all its forms.. Claus ___ es-discuss mailing list

Re: Finding a safety syntax for classes

2012-03-23 Thread Claus Reinke
Thanks, I did catch up that far on the thread, but Allen reiterated the point he'd made months ago: you can't hoist *and initialize* the class declaration as you can a function declaration. Rather, class decl is like const decl. That was my point. If hoist means only the binding, with a TDZ

Re: simpler, sweeter syntax for modules

2012-03-23 Thread Claus Reinke
So I gather that the dynamic case would look like: system.load(jqueryPath, function(m) { system.load(shimLibPath, function(n) { system.load(corpLibPath, function(o) { system.load(myLibPath, function (p) { import * from m; import * from n;

special literal semantics and cloning (was: Using Object Literals as Classes)

2012-03-23 Thread Claus Reinke
the special case in | is an artifact of function manipulation being too inconvenient in JS, and of | being limited to literals (which is an artifact of object cloning being considered tricky). Even more so it is a matter that array, function, and RegExp objects have special semantics (internal

Re: simpler, sweeter syntax for modules

2012-03-23 Thread Claus Reinke
2. Also we are not losing static binding by having the names injected by static syntactic forms depend on control flow dynamics. When statically checkable constraints meet dynamic load/eval, it isn't necessary to have a strict static/dynamic split. It would be possible to adopt a multi-staged

Re: Finding a safety syntax for classes

2012-03-23 Thread Claus Reinke
- would it make sense to name the constructor after the class (avoiding 'constructor' and 'new')? That seems to be a 'no', then:-) It might be useful to document such obvious but rejected options, with counterarguments: - repeated name - readability/search concerns (constructor determined

Re: Finding a safety syntax for classes

2012-03-23 Thread Claus Reinke
- could we think of hoisting a class as hoisting its constructor This would be a new kind of Temporal deal zone. I don't think we need it. Can you show a use case were the current proposal (class X{} scopes just like const X;) doesn't work. Thinko of mine, sorry. The reasoning was that

Re: simpler, sweeter syntax for modules

2012-03-22 Thread Claus Reinke
Btw, another question that has bugged me lately: with 1JS, what happens when I do a sloppy-mode direct eval on a program string containing a module declaration? In global scope? In local scope? It's a good question, and one I've thought about some. This could use some whiteboard time -- let's

Re: Using Object Literals as Classes

2012-03-17 Thread Claus Reinke
var Blah = BaseClass | function(){} Blah.prototype.{ a: function(){}, b: function(){} } let Blah = BaseClass | function() { }.prototype.( a() {}, b() {} }.constructor.{}; 1. I don't like the imperative approximations of a declarative API. Since we're

Re: Using Object Literals as Classes

2012-03-17 Thread Claus Reinke
The example you gave produces a constructor that wraps a handful of instance method definitions along with several function declarations - which I'm arguing could just as easily be outside of that function declaration, but inside of an IIFE. There are two issues here: 1) “Private methods”

Re: Using Object Literals as Classes

2012-03-17 Thread Claus Reinke
1. I don't like the imperative approximations of a declarative API. Since we're designing new language features, approximations should not be necessary. There have been suggestions to interpret '|' declaratively, and to avoid the special case for function rhs, ie, to interpret (p | obj) simply

Re: Callable values: trying to summarize

2012-03-11 Thread Claus Reinke
The nicest proposal I have seen has been written by David Herman: Commenting on the gist proposals: G1. shorter function syntax: (..) - {..}just sugar for function (..) {..} This looks like a strawman, not solving the issues. G2. lambdas:(..) =

Re: optional function keyword

2012-03-10 Thread Claus Reinke
Surveying other libraries would be helpful. Yes - enough guessing - I'll do my best to do some counting with different libraries (both for DOM and for nodejs) and report back some numbers. Erg - busy work : ) Surveying is useful in the sense of visually comparing code versions with/without

Re: optional function keyword

2012-03-10 Thread Claus Reinke
Like many others, I would like to have very lightweight function definition and call syntax, because those are the cornerstones of functional abstraction. This transcends classical functions, and would ideally include the ability to *define*, in userland, many of the control-flow constructs

Re: optional function keyword

2012-03-10 Thread Claus Reinke
This may of been beaten to death, so sorry to bring it up again :) To the extent that design rationales are not recorded on the wiki, repetition is hard to avoid. There have been just too many variations in the mailing list archives to make catching up just from there realistic. Whenever I've

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