Re: [marketing-events] OOo miniconf in Dunedin

2005-11-05 Thread Jonathon Coombes
On Fri, 2005-11-04 at 16:11 +0800, Jacqueline McNally wrote:
> Jonathon Coombes wrote:
> > I know that after the MiniConf, the idea was put forward that it may
> >  be possible to have two MiniConfs - one at LCA and one later in the
> >  year back in Australia and separate to LCA.
> OK, but this is independent of LCA and what they call miniconfs.

Agreed, but in the spirit of MiniConfs, they are designed to be a
springboard to bigger conferences. LCA is a testing ground to see
how it may work.

> > This may still be an option, but I would like to think that if this 
> > model does go ahead, it would be based on the uptake of the LCA-based
> >  MiniConf growing too much and having to separate due to resources 
> > and attendance.
> I don't feel this is appropriate. As there is a maximum number of
> registrants to LCA (that attend the miniconfs for free), while I think
> it is unlikely to happen, I would not like to encourage people to come
> to the Miniconf if they do not wish to attend LCA.

Umm... not sure I understand here? My comment was that if we do have
to separate from LCA, then it should be because we have too many
participants at the OOoMiniconf so that LCA cannot accommodate us.
I do not see any value in holding it with LCA if it gets big enough
to warrant a separation?

> > I would recommend that we try and get OOoMiniConf done as a part of 
> > LCA and then base the possibility of a second conference on the 
> > outcome of that event.
> I think they are two different things. LCA invites people to hold
> miniconfs. They offer the venue and facilities, and some promotion. All
> that we do is draw speakers and attendees from the LCA registrants to
> the miniconf.

True, but I hope that we draw more than just Linux/LCA "geeks" as such.
If that is our only target audience then I think we do need to plan a
different conference - one that is more encompassing of all the 
technologies of OOo.

> If you wish to discuss hosting a separate Australian event, please start
> another thread on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Also, I don't know about other people, but I have been very busy and
> >  totally missed the announcement regarding MiniConf.
> Unless you have unsubscribed from some OOo lists and AU Linux and OSS
> lists that you were subscribed to earlier in the year, I'm not sure how
> you could have missed it. I can count at least 4 or 5 times that you
> would have received the same message :)

No, just the amount of email and the head filtering may have skipped
over it at the time.

> The announcements went out the day after's fifth
> anniversary. It was a very busy week, as a week later we released 2.0.
> So perhaps there was too much partying amongst the OOo folk.
> I sent the notices and announcements to all the same lists, projects and
> media as I did for LCA2005.

Yes, I was very busy that week!

> > I would hope that we get more people submitting papers.
> The last day to submit papers was set for today. This was so that there
> were a few days to a week to evaluate the papers and let potential
> speakers know before the early bird registration closed on 18 November.
> One of the complaints from last year was not being able to avail oneself
> of the early bird registration.


> Are you suggesting that we extend the closing date for the submission of
> abstracts? I'm happy to extend it a couple of days into next week ...

Is extending the date going to get the required number of papers though?
>From what you have said, it seems like there is only one or two speakers
so far?

> As I have said privately, it is better to put on the best possible
> miniconf, rather than one, just because we can. I would rather release
> the venue and facilities so that they may be better used by another
> project or group if we were not aiming to do our best.

Agreed, but from what I have understood so far, our timeline is
running out and we have limited response for papers, right? What
date determines that we do not have the speakers to go ahead and
release the resources back to LCA?


Re: [marketing-events] OOo miniconf in Dunedin

2005-11-04 Thread Jacqueline McNally

Jonathon Coombes wrote:

I know that after the MiniConf, the idea was put forward that it may
 be possible to have two MiniConfs - one at LCA and one later in the
 year back in Australia and separate to LCA.

OK, but this is independent of LCA and what they call miniconfs.

This may still be an option, but I would like to think that if this 
model does go ahead, it would be based on the uptake of the LCA-based
 MiniConf growing too much and having to separate due to resources 
and attendance.

I don't feel this is appropriate. As there is a maximum number of
registrants to LCA (that attend the miniconfs for free), while I think
it is unlikely to happen, I would not like to encourage people to come
to the Miniconf if they do not wish to attend LCA.

I would recommend that we try and get OOoMiniConf done as a part of 
LCA and then base the possibility of a second conference on the 
outcome of that event.

I think they are two different things. LCA invites people to hold
miniconfs. They offer the venue and facilities, and some promotion. All
that we do is draw speakers and attendees from the LCA registrants to
the miniconf.

If you wish to discuss hosting a separate Australian event, please start
another thread on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Also, I don't know about other people, but I have been very busy and
 totally missed the announcement regarding MiniConf.

Unless you have unsubscribed from some OOo lists and AU Linux and OSS
lists that you were subscribed to earlier in the year, I'm not sure how
you could have missed it. I can count at least 4 or 5 times that you
would have received the same message :)

The announcements went out the day after's fifth
anniversary. It was a very busy week, as a week later we released 2.0.
So perhaps there was too much partying amongst the OOo folk.

I sent the notices and announcements to all the same lists, projects and
media as I did for LCA2005.

Is it possible that some people are expecting it to be around the 
same time as this year, that is April? The LCA event is almost always
 run in January and 2005 was a special case for April, so maybe that 
should be pointed out to people so they know that time is short 
compared to last year?


I would hope that we get more people submitting papers.

The last day to submit papers was set for today. This was so that there
were a few days to a week to evaluate the papers and let potential
speakers know before the early bird registration closed on 18 November.

One of the complaints from last year was not being able to avail oneself
of the early bird registration.

Are you suggesting that we extend the closing date for the submission of
abstracts? I'm happy to extend it a couple of days into next week ...

As I have said privately, it is better to put on the best possible
miniconf, rather than one, just because we can. I would rather release
the venue and facilities so that they may be better used by another
project or group if we were not aiming to do our best.

I have put together a list of some people I know that may be 
interested in the MiniConf and will be letting them know and 
suggesting they submit papers. Perhaps it would be good for a few 
more people to do the same and see what response we get.

Similarly, I will contact people over the weekend, and I encourage
others to do so. Especially people who you think are attending LCA in

I have included the miniconf organisers in my reply, but I don't think
there is a need to continue this as our minutiae may get a little
tedious for the other miniconf organisers.


Re: [marketing-events] OOo miniconf in Dunedin

2005-11-03 Thread Jonathon Coombes
On Fri, 2005-11-04 at 11:36 +0800, Jacqueline McNally wrote:
> Hello
> Today, I received a message privately:
> > How are the papers looking so far? What about registrations? I am 
> > curious as a good percentage of people last event did not like the 
> > idea of NZ or combined with LCA.

I think that should be "noticable percentage" rather than a "good
percentage" as mentioned.

> I thought it would benefit if I responded on the appropriate OOo list.
> Today is the last day for potential speakers to submit their abstracts
> for the OOo Miniconf that forms part of LCA2006 (
> Since making the CfP announcement[1] I have received three enquiries
> directly, and one submission consisting of multiple papers has been
> received at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I know that NZ is considered a good possibility for overseas speakers
as these will often come to NZ, but not necessarily Australia!?! 
Perhaps if we want it to continue, we should start to campaign a couple
of overseas speakers/developers to coming to the MiniConf?

> I found out late that some of you did not like paying a registration fee
> for six days conference, in order to attend or speak at the OOo
> Miniconf. This year the registrations were priced at AUD690
> (professional) and AUD300 (hobbyist). Early bird prices were AUD460 and
> AUD200 respectively, with students and concession being AUD100. See:
> The registration fees for LCA2006 are similar, see:
> with early bird prices being
> AUD517.50 (professional) and $225 (hobbyist). Early bird finishes on 18
> November 2005.
> My view is that even if you did not wish to attend the other four days
> of the six day conference, then the registration fees for two days of
> OOo presentations and tutorials is inexpensive. But then, I was going to
> LCA anyway, so focussing on OOo for two days prior to the main
> conference was not going to be a major inconvenience to me other than
> not being able to attend other miniconf presentations.

I agree. Given that some of the XML and similar conference your are
looking at anywhere between AU$500-AU$1000 per day, I think the option
of 2 days, or even the whole LCA experience, is well worth the money.

> It is considered to be a privilege to hold a one to two day miniconf.
> Also, we did and do not have to do it. Miniconf speakers and attendees
> are naturally drawn from those wishing to attend LCA. LCA is
> typically oversubscribed and the number of attendees is kept to a
> maximum to maintain what regular attendees like about LCA. That is, a
> certain ambience and intimacy for OSS developers and end-users to share
> their experience and skills. The focus is on, but is not limited to, Linux.
> I don't know how the LCA registrations are going, but the latest LA
> podcast[1] indicated that some people took advantage straight away of
> the early bird registrations when they opened in the middle of October.

The LCA bookings can vary in uptake, but usually there is never enough.
I would recommend people get in ASAP to be safe, and get the discount.

> I proposed the OOo Miniconf for LCA2006 to the LCA committee as there
> appeared to be a strong and growing interest in in New
> Zealand. Also, I don't think it is fair to not propose an OOo Miniconf
> based on previous OOo Miniconf attendees and speakers that indicated
> that they will not be attending.

I know that after the MiniConf, the idea was put forward that it may
be possible to have two MiniConfs - one at LCA and one later in the
year back in Australia and separate to LCA. This may still be an option,
but I would like to think that if this model does go ahead, it would
be based on the uptake of the LCA-based MiniConf growing too much and
having to separate due to resources and attendance.

I would recommend that we try and get OOoMiniConf done as a part of
LCA and then base the possibility of a second conference on the
outcome of that event. 

Also, I don't know about other people, but I have been very busy and
totally missed the announcement regarding MiniConf. Is it possible
that some people are expecting it to be around the same time as this
year, that is April? The LCA event is almost always run in January
and 2005 was a special case for April, so maybe that should be 
pointed out to people so they know that time is short compared to
last year?

I would hope that we get more people submitting papers. I have put
together a list of some people I know that may be interested in the
MiniConf and will be letting them know and suggesting they submit
papers. Perhaps it would be good for a few more people to do the
same and see what response we get.
