Re: Smullyan Shmullyan, give me a real example

2006-05-12 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Fri, 12 May 2006, Saibal Mitra wrote:

> Einstein seems to have believed in ''immortal observer moments''.
> In a BBC documentary about time it was mentioned that Einstein consoled a
> friend whose son had died in a tragic accident by saying that relativity
> suggests that the past and the future are as real as the present.

I'm sure Einstein would turn in his grave at your quoted expression. An 
immortal moment is a contradiction in terms, unless it implies a "second 
time" which passes as we contemplate "first time" embedded in 4-D 
space-time.  Unfortunately a lot of popular discussion of space-time 
implicitly invokes this spurious second time, because it is hard to 
decouple the language of existence from the language of existence *in 
time*. To believe, with Einstein, that all points in space-time are 
equally real (because the relativity of simultaneity means that there is 
no unique "now") is quite the opposite of the nutty idea that all events 
exist "now" --- not even wrong, from Einstein's point of view.

Einstein actually expressed this view in a letter of condolence to the 
widow of his old friend Michele Besso. His words are worth quoting 

"In quitting this strange world he has once again preceded me by just a 
little. That doesn't mean anything. For we convinced physicists the 
distinction between past, present, and future is only an illusion, however 

Later physicists, in particular John Bell, have pointed out that 
relativity doesn't *prove* that now is an illusion, it just makes it 
impossible to identify any objective "now".

Not that any of this has anything to do with the sort of immortality 
contemplated by Everett, which is not at all enticing: like the Sibyl in 
classical myth, his immortality would not be accompanied by eternal 
youth... a rather horrible fate.

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Re: Smullyan Shmullyan, give me a real example

2006-05-10 Thread Patrick Leahy

On who invented quantum suicide, the following is from the biography of 
Hugh Everett by Eugene B. Shikhovtsev and Kenneth W. Ford, at

"Atheist or not, Everett firmly believed that his many-worlds theory 
guaranteed him immortality: His consciousness, he argued, is bound at each 
branching to follow whatever path does not lead to death --- and so on ad 
infinitum. (Sadly, Everett's daughter Liz, in her later suicide note, said 
she was going to a parallel universe to be with her father...)"

The reference is to Everett's views in 1979-80, but there is no reason to 
suppose that Everett had only just thought of it at the time. On a 
personal note, some time in the '80s I met one of Everett's co-workers who 
told me that Everett used to justify his very unhealthy lifestyle on 
exactly these grounds. In our world, Everett died of a heart attack aged 

I have always assumed that John Bell was thinking along these lines when
he commented on Everett's theory:

"But if such a theory was taken seriously it would hardly be possible to
take anything else seriously." (1981, reprinted in _Speakable & 
Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics).

For that matter, this idea is implicit in Borges' story "The Garden of 
Forking Paths" (written before 1941), which provides the epigraph to the 
DeWitt & Graham anthology on The Many Worlds Interpretation.

Dr J. P. Leahy, University of Manchester,
Jodrell Bank Observatory, School of Physics & Astronomy,
Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL, UK
Tel - +44 1477 572636, Fax - +44 1477 571618

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Re: Questions on Russell's "Why Occam" paper

2005-06-10 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Thu, 9 Jun 2005, Russell Standish wrote:

Yes, if you think there is a concrete reality in which everything exists 
(your question of where does the observer live?), then the AP is a 

What I meant by "where does the observer live", in more formal language, 
is "how do you account for the (apparent) sense data we have?". I also 
have a strong preference for an account where the description of at least 
our "world" doesn't privilege one particular observer. In particular, this 
is hard to square with your insistence that "the observer provides the 
interpretation" of each of your bitstring universes.

However, if you are prepared to allow for the possibility that observers 
exist "nowhere", then things are not quite so simple. One can always 
imagine being the brain-in-the-vat observer a reality which does not 
contain a body, or a brain, in a vat or anywhere else. Usually in this 
scenario, the observer will conclude that there must be a body somewhere 
else, and so concludes that it is inhabiting some kind of virtual 
reality. However, this implicitly assumes there has to a brain 
somewhere, and so implies a reality somewhere else for the brain to 
inhabit. But what if the brain is not required?

Obviously, the last conclusion is full blown solipsism, but that is 
hardly a knock down argument.

As both Hal and I keep trying to emphasise, we are interested in how, or 
whether, your theory can account for our own existence and the reality (or 
appearance, if you prefer) that we see around us. So the case of 
disembodied intelligences is a total a red herring. I don't really care 
whether these feature in your theory or not, but I do care whether you can 
account for (apparently) embodied intelligences.

Instead, one can take the Anthropic Principle as an assertion of the 
reality we inhabit...

Again, you are using a private language... the AP is not regarded as any 
such assertion by anyone else I've ever heard of. Most people regard their 
existence as proved by their own subjective experience, not some invented 
principle. If you don't agree I think we are just arguing about the 
meaning of "exist"... e.g. if we happen to be living in a computer 
simulation, or are just features of the solution of some set of equations, 
I would still say that we (really) exist.

 ... and experimentally test it. In all such cases is has been shown to 
be true, sometimes spectacularly.

If we know "experimentally" "the reality we inhabit" (?!), which I guess 
I've just claimed that we do, why do we need a principle to assert it?

Likely you mean something completely different, in which case please 
explain (with examples of said experiments!).

 Quoting me:

Then you are implying that the observer can, in a finite time, read and 
attach meaning to a full (space-time) description of itself, including 
the act of reading this description and so on recursively.

Not at all. Consistency is the only requirement. If the observer goes 
looking for erself, then e will find erself in the description. It 
doesn't imply the observer is doing this all the time.

I think here we have run into the same inconsistency that you admitted in 
your discussion with Hal. In your first reply to Hal you assert that the 
observer O(x) attaches a unique meaning to the description string. Which 
would imply processing all bits of the string up to the start of the 
"don't care" region. A later reply suggest that we should in different 
contexts assume (a) this and (b) what your paper actually says, i.e. the 
meanings are updated as further bits are read.  Now you have changed this 
again, and the observer is not (modelled by) a simple mapping but is a 
free agent who can choose to apply mappings to different "regions" of the 
bitstring at will.

And even that doesn't actually answer my problem: let's assume the 
observer *does* "go looking for erself". You claim he will find himself, 
but if the description is *complete* my original problem remains: he will 
never finish reading his own description. Consequently the description 
will remain uninterpreted. In particular, he will never get to the part 
which would be interpreted as "himself now". So is there any sense in 
which *himself now* exists?

This assumes that the string description contained a complete definition 
of the observer, which is a natural interpretation of your phrase:

"Since some of these descriptions describe self aware substructures,..."

But maybe you just meant that the string contains references to (tokens 
of) the observer. This would be consistent with your comment a couple of 
posts ago that both "observers" and "descriptions" are primary.  This also 
seems to be consistent with your other recent post in response to Hal, in 
which the bitstrings are treated not so much as universes in the usual 
sense but as either the stream of sense data entering the observer's 
conciousness, or as a continuously-updated description of that 

Re: collapsing quantum wave function

2005-06-10 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Thu, 9 Jun 2005, Norman Samish wrote:

Jonathan Colvin wrote: "If I take a loaf of bread, chop it half, put one
half in one room and one half in the other, and then ask the question "where
is the loaf of bread?", we can likely agree that the question is ill-posed."

Depending on definitions, this may indeed be an ill-posed question.  On the
other hand, with appropriate definitions, the question might be answered by
"The loaf is half in one room and half in the other," or "The loaf no longer

This reminds me of my problems trying to understand "the collapsing quantum
wave function."  I've heard of Schrödinger's Cat, which I'm told is half
alive - half dead until the box is opened and the cat is observed.  This
observation "collapses the quantum wave function," and the cat at that point
is either alive or dead.

Here's a variation.  Is my interpretation correct?

Suppose we take ten apparently identical ball bearings and put stickers on
each with the identifiers "1" through "10."  We leave the room where the
balls with stickers are, and a robot removes the stickers and mixes the
balls up so that we don't which ball is which.  However, the robot remembers
which sticker belongs on which ball.  We come back into the room and pick
one ball at random to destroy by melting it in an electric furnace.  If at
this point we ask "What is the probability that the destroyed ball is ball
'3'?" we can truthfully answer "My memory tells me that the destroyed ball
has a one in ten probability of being '3.' "

However, by reviewing the robot's record we can see that "6" was, in fact,
the one destroyed.

Does this mean that the quantum wave functions of all ten balls collapsed at
the moment we viewed the record and observed what happened to "6"?  Or did
the wave function never exist, since the robot's record always showed the
identity of the destroyed ball, irrespective of whether a human observed
this identity or not?

No this is not a quantum problem at all. The wavefunction does not encode 
ordinary lack-of-information uncertainty. Even if there was no robot, ball 
bearings are complicated enough that no two of them are genuinely 
identical, so there is always a fact of the matter about which was 

Quantum "uncertainty" is better thought of as "both at once" rather than 
"either or". Here's a quantum analogue of your experiment.

Take ten electrons held in a row of "Penning traps" (magnetic "bottles" 
that can hold single electrons) labelled 1 to 10 (the label is attached to 
the trap). Introduce an anti-electron into trap number 3, causing an 
annihilation, so we now have 9 electrons, held in traps 1, 2 and 4 to 10.

Does this mean that electron number 3 was destroyed?

No, because since electrons *are* genuinely identical, they are not 
individuals. The wavefunction for any group of electrons is always a 
perfect mixture of all possible "identity assignments", e.g. electron 1 in 
trap 1, 2 in trap 2 etc plus electron 2 in trap 1, 1 in trap 2 etc.

This may sound ridiculous, but without this feature matter as we know it 
simply wouldn't exist, since it underlies the Pauli exclusion principle 
and hence the structure of atoms and all chemical properties.

Paddy Leahy

Re: Questions on Russell's "Why Occam" paper

2005-06-08 Thread Patrick Leahy

[Russell Standish wrote]:

The AP is a statement that observed reality must be consistent with
the observer being part of that reality.

Famously, this can be interpreted as either a trivial tautology (Brandon 
Carter's original intention, I think), or an almost-obviously false 
principle of necessity (Barrow & Tipler's SAP). If you think there's a 
mystery here it suggests you go for the necessity version, but given your 
infinite ensemble the tautology would suffice perfectly well.

You also said:

>The observer _is_ the interpreter. There may well be more than one 
>observer in the picture, but they'd better agree!

Why does this follow? 

It follows from the Anthropic Principle. If O_1 is consistent with its 
observed reality, and O_2 is consistent with its observed reality, and 
O_1 observes O_2 in its reality, then O_1 and O_2 must be consistent 
with each other (at least with respect to their observed realities).

Ah. Just to be sure, do you mean that the string the observer "attaches 
meaning to" is the one which describes the very same observer? This seems 
to be implied by your comment above; but you don't say it or clearly 
imply it in your paper.

Then you are implying that the observer can, in a finite time, read and 
attach meaning to a full (space-time) description of itself, including the 
act of reading this description and so on recursively.

Which is impossible, of course.

You also said:

I'm not entirely sure I distinguish your difference between "external
world" and "internal representation". We're talking about observations
here, not models.

I'm sure you can distinguish *my* mental representation of the world from 
your own. Hence if we share a world, and you can't distinguish between 
that world and your internal representation, then you are not granting 
equal status to other observers such as me.

You also said (quoting me):

My problem is that you are trying to make your observers work at two 
different levels: as structures within the universes generated 
(somehow!) by your bitstrings, but also as an interpretive principle 
for producing meaning by operating *on* the bitstrings.  It's a bit 
like claiming that PCs are built by "The Sims".

Yes it is a bit like that. Obviously, the Anthropic Principle (or its 
equivalent) does not work with "The Sims".

Actually I don't see why not. The existence of The Sims implies a universe 
compatible with the existence of Sims. But granting this is not so for the 
sake of the argument, presumably the AP *will* apply to the Sims Mark VII 
which will be fully self-aware artificial intelligences. But it will still 
be absurd to claim that the Sims are responsible for construction of PCs 
(assuming they are not connected to robot arms etc, for which no analogs 
exist in your theory). Let alone for them to construct the actual PC on 
which they are running, as apparently implied by your last message... even 
robot arms wouldn't help there.

Paddy Leahy

Dr J. P. Leahy, University of Manchester,
Jodrell Bank Observatory, School of Physics & Astronomy,
Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL, UK
Tel - +44 1477 572636, Fax - +44 1477 571618

RE: Observer-Moment Measure from Universe Measure

2005-06-08 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Tue, 7 Jun 2005, Hal Finney wrote:

Jonathan Colvin writes:

There's a question begging to be asked, which is (predictably I suppose, for
a qualia-denyer such as myself), what makes you think there is such a thing
as an "essence of an experience"? I'd suggest there is no such "thing" as an
observer-moment. I'm happy with using the concept as a tag of sorts when
discussing observer selection issues, but I think reifying it is likely a
mistake, and goes considerably beyond Strong AI into a full Cartesian
dualism. Is it generally accepted here on this list that a
substrate-independent thing called an "observer moment" exists?

Here's how I attempted to define observer moment a few years ago:

Observer - A subsystem of the multiverse with qualities sufficiently
similar to those which are common among human beings that we consider
it meaningful that we might have been or might be that subsystem.
These qualities include consciousness, perception of a flow of time,
and continuity of identity.

Observer-moment - An instant of perception by an observer.  An observer's
sense of the flow of time allows its experience to be divided into
units so small that no perceptible change in consciousness is possible
in those intervals.  Each such unit of time for a particular observer
is an observer-moment.

So if you don't believe in observer-moments, do you also not believe
in observers?  Or is it the -moment that causes problems?

Obviously, its the -moment. I'm pleased to see that Jonathan and Brent 
have the same problem with the concept that I do.

Being an observer is a process. Slicing it into moments is OK 
mathematically, where a "moment" corresponds to a calculus dt (and hence 
is neither a particular length of time nor an instant). But to regard the 
"observer-state" at a particular moment as an isolated entity which is 
self-aware makes as much sense as regarding individual horizontal slices 
through a brain as being self-aware. It is the causal relation between 
successive brain states (incorporating incoming sense data) which 
constitutes intelligence, and self-awareness is just an epiphenomenon on 
top of intelligence, i.e. I would not agree that anything can be 
self-aware but have no intelligence.

Paddy Leahy

Re: Questions on Russell's "Why Occam" paper

2005-06-07 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Tue, 7 Jun 2005, Russell Standish wrote:

Hal dealt with this one already, I notice. 2^\aleph_0 = c. \aleph_1 is
something else entirely.


Now an observer will expect to find a SAS in one of the descriptions
as a corrolory of the anthropic principle, which is explicitly stated
as one of the assumptions in this work. I make no bones about this - I
consider the anthropic principle a mystery, not self-evident like
many people.

Very few supporters of the AP would "expect to find a SAS" in a bitstring.
Until you *specify* a way of interpreting the string, it contains nothing
but bits.

The observer specifies the interpretation.

But the observer is *generated* by the interpretation! Until you have an 
interpretation, you have no observers. And until you have an observer, you 
have no interpretation (at least that's how I read the sentence quoted 

How can structures which exist as some sort of pattern inside a bit string 
(or am I supposed to say in the "meaning" integer output by some (other) 
O(x)?) read a separate bitstring which exists as a parallel universe in 

Why should an observer expect to see a token of erself
embedded in reality? That is the mystery of the AP.

What ARE you talking about?  Observer's don't see tokens of

I can see that I have a body - if I look in the mirror I can see a
face, eye etc, all of which appear to be under my control. This is a
token embedded in my reality that represents me.

So you find it a mystery that you have a face, eye etc??  If so, what does 
the AP have to do with this mystery? Actually, maybe it would clarify 
things if you said what you mean by the AP; it certainly doesn't seem to 
be very like the AP that I know about.

I'm not sure whether your "my reality" refers to the external world or 
your internal representation of it. I guess the latter, otherwise your 
body would be you, not a token representing you.

In particular, any bitstring can be "interpreted" as any other bitstring
by an appropriate map. Hence until you specify an interpreter you are
simply not proposing a theory at all.

The observer _is_ the interpreter. There may well be more than one
observer in the picture, but they'd better agree!

Why does this follow? Your "observers" are maps O(x) from prefix strings 
to the integers. Why can't you have two inconsistent maps... or rather, 
how can you possibly avoid such?  And since two different maps don't 
interact at all (how can a mapping interact with another mapping?) each of 
your observers seems to be sealed in his own little universe. In which 
case having >1 observer appears to be an unverifiable speculation, which 
is why I say it seems like solipsism.

All that is discussed in this paper is appearances - we only try to
explain the phenomenon (things as they appear). No attempt is made to
explain the noumenon (things as they are), nor do we need to assume
that there is a noumenon.

Most readers of your paper would take it that you are making a strong
ontological proposition, i.e. that the basis of reality is your set of

This is the case.

Well, if you are making an ontological proposition, you are ipso facto not 
just explaining appearances. In your model your "bitstrings" *are* the 
noumenon (in Kant's terminology).  Kant's point was that you can't infer 
the nature of "things in themselves" from observation. He didn't say that 
you can't speculate about their nature, and even guess right, by chance. 
In effect, this mailing list discusses nothing but the nature of the 
noumenon. (Kant would probably say this is a waste of time, of course).

I think either your terminology or you model has now got very confused.
Are your "observer" TMs the observers (SAS) whose experiences your theory
is trying to explain?


In this case "where they live" is crucial because it
defines the environment the SAS find themselves in.


An intelligent system is "intelligent" by virtue of the way it interacts 
with its environment. Think about the Turing test again: we conclude that 
the computer is (not) intelligent because of the way it interacts with us. 
To put it another way, you define these things as "observers". This 
implies something observed. Obviously your model had better account for 
people (observers) like us observing something like the world we see 
("where we live"), and preferably interacting with other people who are 
granted equal status your ontology.

It is not solipsism, if only for the reason that multiple observers
exist in our observed reality. They are all as real as our own consciousness.

Bruno Marchal calls this "shared dreaming". It seems apt.

If that's the *only* reason it's not solipsism, then I would say you just 
don't have the courage of your convictions. Bruno's "shared dreaming" 
sounds very like Leibniz's pre-established harmony, but that only works if 
you believe in a provident deity (if it ever worked for an

Re: Can the arrow of time reverse?

2005-06-06 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Mon, 6 Jun 2005, Norman Samish wrote:

Norman Samish wrote:
If the universe started contracting, its entropy would get smaller,
which nature doesn't allow in large-scale systems.  This seems to me an
argument in support of perpetual expansion.

Norman Samish writes:
   Thank you for your comments.  My reasoning was that if a volume of gas
contracts, its temperature must go up because particle collisions will occur
more frequently.  Since entropy is inversely proportional to temperature,
the entropy must get smaller.
   If an entropy decrease upon contraction of our universe does not occur,
does this mean that "the 'arrow of time' would reverse during the
contraction"?  Wouldn't this violate causality?

No, it means that entropy is *not* inversely proportional to temperature.

If a volume of gas is expanded or contracted adiabatically (i.e. with no 
heat exchanged with it's surroundings), its entropy stays constant. If it 
does exchange heat irreversibly, then entropy of (gas+surroundings) 
increases whether the gas expands or contracts (2nd law).

Expansion of the universe (and re-collapse, if it happens) is roughly 
adiabatic, at least on very large scales (since there are no very 
large-scale temperature gradients that would drive heat transfer).

Paddy Leahy

RE: where did the Big Bang come from?

2005-06-06 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Mon, 6 Jun 2005, Jesse Mazer wrote:

Norman Samish wrote:

> Norman Samish wrote:
>> And where did this mysterious Big Bang come from?  A "quantum
>> fluctuation of virtual particles" I'm told.
On Mon, 6 Jun 2005, Jesse Mazer wrote:
> Whoever told you that was passing off speculation as fact--in fact there
> is no agreed-upon answer to the question of what, if anything, came 

> the Big Bang or "caused" it.

Patrick Leahy wrote:
Maybe Norman is confusing the rather more legit idea that the 

in the Big Bang, that explain why the universe is not completely uniform,
come from quantum fluctuations amplified by inflation.  This is currently
the leading theory for the origin of structure, in that it has quite a lot
of successful predictions to its credit.

Norman Samish writes:
Perhaps I didn't express myself well.  What I was referring to is at, where Sten Odenwald
hypothesizes that random fluctuations in "nothing at all" led to the Big
Bang.  "This process has been described by the physicist Frank Wilczyk at
the University of California, Santa Barbara by saying, 'The reason that
there is something instead of nothing is that nothing is unstable.'  ". . .
"Physicist Edward Tryon expresses this best by saying that 'Our universe is
simply one of those things that happens from time to time.' "

But as I said, this idea is pure speculation, there isn't any evidence for it 
and we'd probably need a fully worked-out theory of quantum gravity to see if 
the idea even makes sense.

Even then it would beg the question, why do the rules of quantum gravity 
apply? I.e. these answers are a bit of a con trick. Back in 1984 when 
Odenwald composed his text, there were still quite a few physicists who 
really thought that it would turn out that one and only set of physical 
laws were logically possible. This is one of those ideas that seems 
obviously false to any but True Believers, but there you go.

In defense of Odenwald, he does clearly flag his description of events 
before GUT era as highly speculative. (Actually he is overconfident on the 
GUT era: you don't hear much about "leptoquark bosons" and "X Higgs" these 

Moreover, the idea that "our" big bang within the level-2 multiverse 
(Tegmark's notation) was produced by a quantum fluctuation is probably a 
loose but reasonable description if you believe in the level-2 multiverse 
at all (which is a fairly speculative thing to do).

Paddy Leahy

Re: objections to QTI

2005-06-06 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Mon, 6 Jun 2005, Jesse Mazer wrote:

Norman Samish wrote:

If the universe started contracting, its entropy would get smaller,
which nature doesn't allow in large-scale systems.  This seems to me an
argument in support of perpetual expansion.

From what I've read, if the universe began contracting this would not 
necessarily cause entropy to decrease, in fact most physicists would consider 
that scenario (which would mean the 'arrow of time' would reverse during the 
contraction) pretty unlikely, although since we don't know exactly why the 
Big Bang started out in a low-entropy state we can't completely rule out a 
low-entropy boundary condition on the Big Crunch.

This is quite correct. The idea that there are future as well as past 
boundary conditions is an extreme minority one.

And where did this mysterious Big Bang come from?  A "quantum
fluctuation of virtual particles" I'm told.

Whoever told you that was passing off speculation as fact--in fact there is 
no agreed-upon answer to the question of what, if anything, came before the 
Big Bang or "caused" it.


Maybe Norman is confusing the rather more legit idea that the 
*fluctuations* in the Big Bang, that explain why the universe is not 
completely uniform, come from quantum fluctuations amplified by inflation. 
This is currently the leading theory for the origin of structure, in that 
it has quite a lot of successful predictions to its credit.

Paddy Leahy

Re: Questions on Russell's "Why Occam" paper

2005-06-06 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Mon, 6 Jun 2005, Russell Standish wrote:

I am beginning to regret calling the all descriptions ensemble with
uniform measure a Schmidhuber ensemble. I think what I meant was that
it could be generated by a standard dovetailer algorithm, running for
2^\aleph_0 timesteps.

It can't! Timesteps are denumerable, hence this statement is just a 
contradiction in terms. You better postulate your ensemble without 
reference to any algorithm to generate it.

However, as the cardinality of "my" ensemble is actually "c" 
(cardinality of the real numbers), it is quite probably a completely 
different beast.

There you go again with your radical compression. Without the reading I've 
been doing in the last two weeks, I wouldn't have been able to decode this 
statement as meaning:

2^\aleph_0 = \aleph_1 (by definition)

To assume c = \aleph_1 is the Continuum Hypothesis, which is unprovable 
(within standard arithmetic).

Now an observer will expect to find a SAS in one of the descriptions
as a corrolory of the anthropic principle, which is explicitly stated
as one of the assumptions in this work. I make no bones about this - I
consider the anthropic principle a mystery, not self-evident like
many people.

Very few supporters of the AP would "expect to find a SAS" in a bitstring.
Until you *specify* a way of interpreting the string, it contains nothing 
but bits.

Why should an observer expect to see a token of erself
embedded in reality? That is the mystery of the AP.

What ARE you talking about?  Observer's don't see tokens of themselves... 
if anyone (God?) has a 3rd-person/bird's eye view, it is certainly not 
someone who is included in any particular reality. No way is anything like 
this implied by the AP. All the AP requires is that there *be* 
observers/SAS in (real) universes, which is true in our case at least.

And now we find not only that the bit string is
a description, but it is a complex enough description to describe SAS's?
How does that work?

The bitstrings are infinite in length. By reading enough bits, they can
have arbitrarily complex meanings attached to them.

In particular, any bitstring can be "interpreted" as any other bitstring 
by an appropriate map. Hence until you specify an interpreter you are 
simply not proposing a theory at all.

All that is discussed in this paper is appearances - we only try to
explain the phenomenon (things as they appear). No attempt is made to
explain the noumenon (things as they are), nor do we need to assume
that there is a noumenon.

Most readers of your paper would take it that you are making a strong 
ontological proposition, i.e. that the basis of reality is your set of 
bitstrings. If this is *not* the case, and you think the bitstrings may be 
represented in some deeper reality (or maybe are just metaphors), then 
what is the motivation for your proposal? Why do we need to think about 
this intermediate layer of bitstrings? The original simplicity goes out 
the window.

BTW I'm with Kant: you can't have an appearance without an underlying 
reality, even if that is unknowable.

Bruno Marchal has a detailed discussion on this in his thesis, and 
concludes that he "has no need for this hypothesis" (what he calls the 
extravagant hypothesis).

So the former statement is true :[the description strings are] things 
that "observer" TM's observe and map to integers. It is also true that 
descriptions of self aware observers will appear within the description 
by the Anthropic Principle. The phenomenon of observerhood is included. 
However where the observers actually live is not a meaningful question 
in this framework.

I think either your terminology or you model has now got very confused. 
Are your "observer" TMs the observers (SAS) whose experiences your theory 
is trying to explain? In this case "where they live" is crucial because it 
defines the environment the SAS find themselves in.  If you are not 
careful your theory becomes effectively that we are all "brains in 
bottles" or Leibnizian monads, which is solipsism by another name. Or are 
your "observers" the missing "interpreters" in your theory which give it 
meaning, and allow us to find (in principle) the SAS within the bitstrings 
that represent actual observers like us? In this case it's unhelpful to 
call these meta-entities "observers"; rather, in effect, they constitute 
the (meta-)laws of physics. Incidentally, a TM by itself can't generate 
meaning, as it is only a map from integers to integers. You still have to 
specify externally how to interpret the code as something more than a mere 
number. (E.g. in the Turing test the output bits have to be processed into 
English language text).

The page then goes on to make some comments about measure applied to
universes.  Here again I am confused about how to relate it to all that
has been descibed.  What are the analogs of universes, in this model?
Is it "descriptions", the infinite bit strings?  From what h

Julian Barbour (was: Re: objections to QTI)

2005-06-01 Thread Patrick Leahy

I read his book a year or so ago, so may be a bit hazy, but:

Pour Bruno: he definitely does not want to talk about space-time capsules. 
Partly this is motivated by his metaphysical ideas about time, partly by 
the technicalities of the 3+1 (i.e. space+time, not persons!) approach to 
GR and the Wheeler-De Witt equation which he advocates. This leads him 
into severe difficulties, and he has not successfully described how this 
can be reconciled with the relativity of simultaneity, which he also wants 
to assert. Barbour regards this as an open question within his theory; 
others regard it as a fatal objection.

Of course when Barbour says that "time is an illusion" he really means 
that the *flow* of time is an illusion, or rather a category error, which 
is a pretty standard position (e.g. forcefully argued by Deutch in his 
book). Although he sometimes speaks as though he denies it, I think if 
push came to shove he would have to admit that there is an identifiable, 
objective, structural feature in his (or anybody's) theory of physics 
which corresponds to time. Reminds me of the opening of a history book: 
"There was no such thing as the Scientific Revolution, and this is a book 
about it."

Paddy Leahy

Dr J. P. Leahy, University of Manchester,
Jodrell Bank Observatory, School of Physics & Astronomy,
Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL, UK
Tel - +44 1477 572636, Fax - +44 1477 571618

Re: Plaga

2005-05-27 Thread Patrick Leahy

As an exercise I've been trying to pinpoint exactly what is wrong with 
Plaga's paper. For anyone who doubts that it *is* wrong, note that it 
proposed 10 years ago an experiment which he said was feasible with what 
was then state-of-the-art equipment. This technology has now massively 
advanced.  The experiment would guarantee a Nobel prize for anyone who 
performed it successfully. In that time the paper has been cited in the 
published literature only 3 times, and never by an experimental physicist. 
And this is not because the paper was unnoticed by the community at the 
time, e.g. it was publicised by John Baez, whose writings are widely read.

On careful reading, the paper is just littered with confusions and errors. 
I guess this explains why no-one bothered to publish a rebuttal; this 
falls in the class of "not even wrong".  Probably the root problem is a 
confusion about the true nature of decoherence. Decoherence is often 
presented using the maths of density matrices, so I better explain 
this briefly:

Density matrices allow you to handle the case when you don't know the 
exact quantum state. The procedure is to divide your description into a 
measurable "system" and a complex, not-measurable-in-detail "environment". 
One can then define the density matrix of the combined system, and "trace 
out" the uncertain state of the environment, giving a density matrix for 
the system alone in the absence of information about the environment. A 
test to see if the system has been decohered by its interaction with the 
environment is that the off-diagonal terms in the system-only density 
matrix go to zero. Plaga clearly accepts the usual position that 
irreversible branching in MWI occurs when decoherence is (FAPP) total.

If you follow this through in Plaga's example, you do indeed find that the 
density matrix for the states of his trapped ion, |A1> and |A2>, is 
diagonal, confirming the obvious that once a macroscopic measurement has 
taken place, we have total decoherence.  But what Plaga does in his Eq 8 
is to reverse the roles of system and environment (he actually does the 
algebra wrong but the numerical answer is unaffected). Because at this 
stage the ion knows nothing about the rest of the lab, he gets a density 
matrix *for the lab* with large off-diagonal terms, corresponding to a 
"pure" state:

 (|W1> + |W2>) / sqrt(2).

So far, so correct (after all, in MWI the state is *always* pure).

But he now concludes that decoherence has not yet occurred. *WRONG*. The 
condition "off-diagonal terms go to zero" is just a sufficient condition 
for decoherence. It is only necessary if the "system" itself is so simple 
that it could not decohere without the help of the environment. But Plaga 
is treating the complex, macroscopic lab as the "system" and that 
certainly can decohere without the help one more ion. The more basic 
definition is that decoherence has occured once the states are permanently 
orthogonal, so you cannot demonstrate quantum interference. Plaga 
correctly states that |W1> and |W2> *are* permanently orthogonal, but does 
not realise that this means that decoherence *is* complete, contrary to 
what he says.  Another way to put this is that the observer "Silvia" 
doesn't need the density matrix in Eq. (8) because she knows for sure 
already whether she detected the original photon or not, hence whether she 
is in branch |W1> or |W2>.

Given this, the rest of Plaga's argument is just irrelevant. But he should 
have noticed that his process blatantly violates the linearity of time 
evolution, which is one of the fundamental assumptions of MWI QM. This is 
manifest in his Eq. 6 which associates an excited ion with the |P2> term 
in which no excitation took place (if you start with a photon in state 
|P2>, when the photon is guaranteed not to be detected, the ion is never 
excited). Hence Eq 6 is not a linear superposition of the two possible 
histories. Hence, if we saw what he predicted, we would actually 
*disprove* MWI QM, not confirm it as he thinks.

Paddy Leahy

Dr J. P. Leahy, University of Manchester,
Jodrell Bank Observatory, School of Physics & Astronomy,
Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL, UK
Tel - +44 1477 572636, Fax - +44 1477 571618

RE: White Rabbit vs. Tegmark

2005-05-26 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Thu, 26 May 2005, Brent Meeker wrote:

I agree with all you say.  But note that the case of finite sets is not 
really any different.  You still have to define a measure.  It may seem 
that there is one, compelling, natural measure - but that's just 
Laplace's principle of indifference applied to integers.  The is no more 
justification for it in finite sets than infinite ones.  That there are 
fewer primes than non-primes in set of natural numbers less than 100 
doesn't make the probability of a prime smaller *unless* you assign the 
same measure to each number.

Brent Meeker

I'll answer both Brent and Hal (m6556) here.

Yup, I hadn't thought through the measure issue properly. Several 
conclusions from this discussion:

* As Brent says, you always have to assume a measure. Sometimes a measure 
seems so "natural" you forget you're doing it, as above. Another example 
is in an infinite homogeneous universe, where equally a uniform measure 
seems natural, and also limiting frequencies over large volumes are well 
defined, as per Hal's message.

* As Hal points out, it *is* possible to assign probability measures to 
countably-infinite sets.

* Alternatively, you can assign a non-normalizable measure (presumably 
uniform) and take limiting frequencies. But then as per Cantor the answer 
does depend on your ordering, which is something extra you are adding to 
the definition of the set (even for numerical sequences).

* Different lines of argument can easily lead to different "natural" 
measures for the same set, e.g. Hal's "Universal Distribution" vs. 
Laplacian indifference for the integers.

* For me, the only way to connect a measure with a probability in the 
context of an "everything" theory is for the measure to represent the 
density of universes (or observers or observer-moments if you factor that 
in as well).

* Since the White Rabbit^** argument implicitly assumes a measure, as it 
stands it can't be definitive.

* But the arbitrariness of the measure itself becomes the main argument 
against the everything thesis, since the main claimed benefit of the 
thesis is that it removes arbitrary choices in defining reality.

Paddy Leahy

^**  "This is a song about Alice, remember?"  --- Arlo Guthrie

Re: White Rabbit vs. Tegmark

2005-05-26 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Thu, 26 May 2005, Alastair Malcolm wrote:

An example occurs which might be of help. Let us say that the physics of 
the universe is such that in the Milky Way galaxy, carbon-based SAS's 
outnumber silicon-based SAS's by a trillion to one. Wouldn't we say that 
the inhabitants of that galaxy are more likely to find themselves as 
carbon-based? Now extrapolate this to any large, finite number of 
galaxies. The same likelihood will pertain. Now surely all the 
statistics don't just go out of the window if the universe happens to be 
infinite rather than large and finite?


Well, it just does, for countable sets.  This is what Cantor showed, and 
Lewis explains in his book. Cantor defines "same size" as a 1-to-1 
pairing. Hence as there are infinite primes and infinite non-primes there 
are the same number (cardinality) of them:

(1,3), (2,4), (3,6), (5,8), (7,9), (11,12), (13,14), (17,15), (19,16) etc 
and so ad infinitum

You might say there are obviously "more" non-primes. This means that if 
you list the numbers in numerical sequence, you get fewer primes than 
non-primes in any finite sequence except a few very short ones. But in 
another sequence the answer is different:

(1,2,4) (3,5,6) (7,11,8) (13,17,9) etc ad infinitum.

In this infinite sequence, each triple has two primes and only one 
non-prime. Hence there seem to be more primes than non-primes!

For the continuum you can restore order by specifying a measure which just 
*defines* what fraction of real numbers between 0 & 1 you consider to lie 
in any interval. For instance the obvious uniform measure is that there 
are the same number between 0.1 and 0.2 as between 0.8 and 0.9 etc. 
Why pick any other measure? Well, suppose y = x^2. Then y is also between 
0 and 1. But if we pick a uniform measure for x, the measure on y is 
non-uniform (y is more likely to be less than 0.5). If you pick a uniform 
measure on y, then x = sqrt(y) also has a non-uniform measure (more likely 
to be > 0.5).

A measure like this works for the continuum but not for the naturals 
because you can map the continuum onto a finite segment of the real line.
In m6511 Russell Standish describes how a measure can be applied to the 
naturals which can't be converted into a probability. I must say, I'm not 
completely sure what that would be good for.

Paddy Leahy

Re: Induction vs Rubbish

2005-05-25 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Wed, 25 May 2005, Benjamin Udell wrote:

The induction-friendly universe with so much detectable rubbish that a 
wide variety of phenomena cannot be unified into a simple theory sounds 
like a universe where induction works but surmise, or inference to the 
simplest explanation, faces grave difficulties and too often fails. In 
other words, in difficult cases, efforts toward surmise -- i.e., 
"rambling speculations about half-formed ideas that probably won't pan 
out to anything" -- really will lead too often too far astray to be 
practicable, and cogent everyday surmises would be few and far between 
-- not everyday or quotidian at all. A greatly increased difficulty in 
the formation of explanatory hypotheses would, it seems, hamper not only 
science but SASs in general. Would intelligence and commonsense 
perception tend, on balance, to be useful in such a world? It sounds 
like a world which would allow vegetable-like systems (i.e., essentially 
mindless in the usual sense) but be severely punitive toward SASs 
inclined to try to be shrewd or clever and to try, for instance, to 
infer particular entities or events or universal laws (as opposed to 
prolonged tendencies) as explanatory reasons, or to try to play 
architect instead of subsisting on the continuation of tendencies. It 
also sounds like the evolution or "natural architecting" of even merely 
vegetable-like systems would likely be under pressure to play it a lot 
safer than it does in our world, so that the systems thus evolved would 
tend to be not only vegetable-like but also a lot more "generic" than 
those which we see. I guess I'm trying to argue (unconfidently) or 
suggest, for what it's worth, that induction-friendly but 
much-detectable rubbish universes with SASs are induction-friendly but 
surmise-unfriendly universes with SASs, and that their measure would be 
rather small.

Best regards,
Ben Udell

It's a question of degree, again. There is surely a level of "noise" which 
doesn't cause the problems you mention (although I would say that surmise, 
common sense etc are basically inductive reasoning from past experience, 
including past experience genetically encoded by natural selection which 
is one big inductive experiment). For most of history, the world has 
seemed a pretty random place to people (probably still does to most 
people), but they managed to survive without understanding how QM unifies 
the structure of matter, Natural selection explains so much about living 
things, etc. If the rubbish was there, we'd get used to it. Only 
scientists would be frustrated that they couldn't make any kind of sense 
of it. But they would be able to isolate the features of their world which 
did show regularity, so it wouldn't prevent science, either.


Re: Induction vs Rubbish

2005-05-25 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Wed, 25 May 2005, Russell Standish wrote:

On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 10:10:19PM +0100, Patrick Leahy wrote:

Lewis also distinguishes between inductive failure and rubbish 
universes as two different objections to his model. I notice that in 
your articles both you and Russell Standish more or less run these 

I'm interested in this. Could you elaborate please? I haven't had the 
advantage of reading Lewis.

If what you mean by by the first is why rubbish universes are not
selected for, it is because properties of the selected universe follow
a distribution with well defined probability, the universal prior like
measure. This is dealt in section 2 of my paper.

If you mean by failure of induction, why an observer (under TIME)
continues to experience non-rubbish, then that is the white rabbit
problem I deal with in section 3. It comes down to a "robustness"
property of an observer, which is hypothesised for evolutionary
reasons (it is not, evolutionarily speaking, a good idea to be
confused by hunters wearing camouflage!)

In that case, how am I conflating the two issues? If I'm barking up
the wrong tree, I'd like to know.

It's the second point where I think you conflate two problems.

My distinction is a little different from Lewis' anyway. From my pov, it's 
a matter of degree, but one which makes a qualitative difference:

* Failure of induction: the past fails to predict the future. This occurs 
in universes a la Hume where physical laws only appear to have been 
followed by some massive fluke. Also in universes which always had no, or 
very little, regularity. I claim that as soon as regularity breaks down to 
this extent, SAS cease to exist, so no matter how common these cases are, 
we never observe them. No problem. (Lewis' defence is different).

* White Rabbit: cognizable universes require a high degree of regularity 
for the survival of SAS (not to mention evolution), as above. Hence 
induction in any cognizable universe will work most of the time (which is 
all it does anyway), for a sufficient set of properties of the world. The 
key point is that this is not *every* property, and not all of the time. 
Hence there should be universes in which SAS can survive pretty well, but 
contain a wide variety of phenomena which cannot be unified into a simple 
theory.  An extreme case is the "rubbish" universe proposed against Lewis, 
in which the extra phenomena are completely undetectable. Lewis takes this 
as a serious objection and counters by arguing that it is not possible to 
say that such universes are "more likely".  As scientists, I guess we 
would only take seriously detectable rubbish. NB: whatever the measure you 
use, unless extremely artificial, the rubbish almost certainly would have 
much higher entropy than talking White Rabbits. Think of reality has 
having "snow", like a badly-tuned TV.

Of course on objective state-reduction models of QM, our universe does 
have "snow" in the form of random quantum jumps. But this is a very 
regular form of snow, which does "unify" into the basic physical laws. The 
argument is that for some plausible measures (not yours, obviously), even

macro-scale snow is much more likely than not.

Paddy Leahy

RE: White Rabbit vs. Tegmark

2005-05-25 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Wed, 25 May 2005, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

Consider these two parallel arguments using a version of the anthropic 

(a) In the multiverse, those worlds which have physical laws and 
constants very different to what we are used to may greatly predominate. 
However, it is no surprise that we live in the world we do. For in those 
other worlds, conditions are such that stars and planets could never 
form, and so observers who are even remotely like us would never have 
evolved. The mere fact that we are having this discussion therefore 
necessitates that we live in a world where the physical laws and 
constants are very close to their present values, however unlikely such 
a world may at first seem. This is the anthropic principle at work.

(b) In the multiverse, those worlds in which it is a frequent occurence 
that the laws of physics are temporarily suspended so that, for example, 
talking white rabbits materialise out of thin air, may greatly 
predominate. However, it is no surprise that we live in the orderly 
world that we do. For in those other worlds, although observers very 
much like us may evolve, they will certainly not spend their time 
puzzling over the curious absence of white rabbit type phenomena. The 
mere fact that we are having this discussion therefore necessitates that 
we live in a world where physical laws are never violated, however 
unlikely such a world may at first seem. This is the *extreme* anthropic 
principle at work.

If there is something wrong with (b), why isn't there also something 
wrong with (a)?

--Stathis Papaioannou

Good point, this is a fundamental weakness of the AP. If you take it to 
extremes, we should not be surprised by *anything* because the entire 
history of our past light-cone to date, down to specific microscopic 
quantum events, is required in order to account for the fact that you and 
I are having this particular exchange. To give the AP force, you have to 
work on the most general possible level (hence it was a big mistake for 
Barrow & Tipler to restrict it to "carbon-based life forms" in their book, 
certainly not in line with Brandon Carter's original thought).

Paddy Leahy

Re: Observables, Measurables, and Detectors

2005-05-25 Thread Patrick Leahy

It looks as though you advocate a role for each of these:


and for all I know


It seemed to me that MWI allowed me to get away with a considerable
simplification. Gone were observers and even observations. Even
measurements, I discard. (After all, who can say that a measurement
occurs in the middle of a star? And yet things do go on there, all
the time.)

Now *some* of that language perhaps returns when decoherence is
discussed. I mean, I'll grant that *something* significant starts
off a new branch, and so it's okay for it to have a name.  :-)

But here is what I'd like to be able to say:

A new branch starts, or decoherence obtains, or an irreversible
transformation occurs, or a record is made.  They all seem the
same to me. Why not?

My main motivation is to get as far away from Copenhagen as possible,
and so thereby get free of observers and observations, and anything
else that seems to afford some pieces of matter a privileged status.
Do you think that such simplified language leaves out anything important?

I don't think we disagree much about the physics. The trouble is, the 
physics is even simpler than you suggest. Branching is not something 
special in the theory, it is a macroscopic description that we apply to 
what emerges from the theory.  If you simplify your language too much, all 
that happens is you have to define all those useful approximate terms from


Just for fun, here's how it would go:

The framework of QM in the MWI is that

(1) The state of the "system" (universe) can be represented by a 
time-dependant, normalized vector, say |S>, in a Hilbert space.

(2) Time evolution of |S> is linear.

That's it! (1) implies that time evolution is also unitary, so the vector 
stays normed. (1) + (2) imply the Schrodinger equation, including the fact 
that the generator of time evolution ("Hamiltonian") is a Hermitian 
operator. (2) causes all the trouble.

A full (non-framework) description requires you to (a) specify the Hilbert 
space (b) specify the Hamiltonian (c) specify the initial state. None of 
which are known exactly for the universe. (And in fact for the universe as 
a whole we had better adapt this description to relativity somehow, since 
you can't just take time as a given.)

Now to introduce some more specific terms so we can relate the theory to 
everyday reality.

"Observable": In a simple system, the set of values of an observable are 
simply the labels we attach to elements of a basis, i.e. a set of 
orthogonal unit vectors (defining a "coordinate system"), in Hilbert 
space. We can freely choose any basis we like, but some are more useful 
than others because they relate to the structure and symmetries of the 
Hamiltonian. Let's call a basis {|o>} where o is our variable label. The 
set might be finite, denumerable, or continuous, depending on the size of 
the Hilbert space. For convenience, and to make the transition to 
classical physics as seamless as possible, the labels are usually chosen 
to be real numbers.

To put my previous answer to Serafino into this context, note that 
observables (e.g. position) play a very different role in the theory from 

For each basis, we can construct a linear operator on Hilbert-space 
vectors whose eigenvectors are the basis vectors and whose eigenvalues are 
our "observable" labels. If our labels are real, the operator will be 
Hermitian. With suitable choice of labels, the algebra of some of these 
operators approximately maps onto the algebra of variables in classical 
physics, which explains why classical physics works, and also how QM was 
discovered. (In particular, since the Hamiltonian itself is hermitian it 
has a set of real eigenvalues which we call "Energy").

"Wave Function": The inner product of a basis vector with the state 
vector, written , is "geometrically" the length of the projection of 
the state onto that basis vector, and so the "cartesian coordinate" along 
the axis defined by |o>. In conventional QM it is the probability 
amplitude for "observing" o. If the basis is continuously infinite, as in 
position or momentum,  is a continuous function of the real variable 
(observable) o. This is what we call the "wave function" in o-space. (e.g. 
o = position, or momentum).

"Subsystems": In a complex system, we have to be a bit more careful. What 
physicists call observables certainly don't parameterize a complete basis 
for the universe. Such a complete basis would be characterised by a 
"complete set of commuting observables". Commuting because their 
characteristic operators commute. In effect, we factorize the Hilbert 
space into subspaces (corresponding to quasi-independent subsystems). 
Practical observables correspond to bases on some subspace.

"Branching": In *some* bases of sufficiently complex systems (appropriate 
basis and needed complexity depending again on the Hamiltonian), the 
time-structure of the wavefunction appr

Re: Hamel Basis

2005-05-24 Thread Patrick Leahy

I know this one!

I had a friend who published a magazine called "Zorn" printed on pale 
yellow paper... ;)

Paddy Leahy

Re: White Rabbit vs. Tegmark

2005-05-24 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Tue, 24 May 2005, Alastair Malcolm wrote:

Perhaps I can throw in a few thoughts here, partly in the hope I may learn
something from possible replies (or lack thereof!).

- Original Message -
From: Patrick Leahy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 23 May 2005 00:03

This is not a defense which Tegmark can make, since he does
require a measure (to give his thesis some anthropic content).

I don't understand this last sentence - why couldn't he use the 'Lewisian
defence' if he wanted - it is the Anthropic Principle (or just logic) that
necessitates SAS's (in a many worlds context): our existence in a world that
is suitable for us is independent of the uncountability or otherwise of the
sets of suitable and unsuitable worlds, it seems to me. (Granted he does use
the 'm' word in talking about level 4 (and other level) universes, but I am
asking why he needs it to provide 'anthropic content'.)

You have to ask what motivates a physicist like Tegmark to propose this 
concept. OK, there are deep metaphysical reasons which favour it, but the 
they arn't going to get your paper published in a physics journal. The 
main motive is the Anthropic Principle explanation for alleged fine tuning 
of the fundamental parameters. As Brandon Carter remarks in the original 
AP paper, this implies the existence of an ensemble. Meaning that fine 
tuning only ceases to be a surprise if there are lots of universes, at 
least some of which are congenial/cognizable. But this bare statement is 
not enough to do physics with. But suppose you can estimate the fraction 
of cognizable worlds with, say the cosmological constant Lambda less than 
its current value. If Lambda is an arbitrary real variable, there are 
continuously many such worlds, so you need a measure to do this. This 
allows a real test of the hypothesis: if Lambda is very much lower than it 
has to be anthropically, there is probably some non-anthropic reason for 
its low value.

(Actually Lambda does seem to be unnecessarily low, but only by one or two 
orders of magnitude).

The point is, without a measure there is no way to make such predictions 
and the AP loses its precarious claim to be scientific.

There are hints that it may be worth exploring fundamentally different
approaches to the White Rabbit problem when we consider that for Cantor the
set of all integers is the same 'size' as that of all the evens (not too
good on its own for deciding whether a randomly selected integer is likely
to come out odd or even); similarly for comparing the set of all reals
between 0 and 1000, and between 0 and 1. The standard response to this is
that one *cannot* select a real (or integer) in such circumstances - but in
the case of many worlds we *do* have a selection (the one we are in now), so
maybe there is more to be said than that of applying the Cantor approach to
real worlds, and also on random selection.

This is very reminiscent of Lewis' argument. Have you read his book? IIRC 
he claims that you can't actually put a measure (he probably said: you 
can't define probabilities) on a countably infinite set, precisely because 
of Cantor's pairing arguments. Which seems plausible to me.

Lewis also distinguishes between inductive failure and rubbish universes 
as two different objections to his model. I notice that in your articles 
both you and Russell Standish more or less run these together.

A final musing on finite formal systems: I have always
considered formal systems to be a provisional 'best guess' (or *maybe* 2nd
best after the informational approach) for exploring the plenitude - but it
occurs to me that non-finitary formal systems (which could inter alia
encompass the reals) may match (say SAS-relevant) finite formal systems in
simplicity terms, if the (infinite-length) axioms themselves could be
algorithmically generated. This would lead to a kind of 'meta-formal-system'
approach. Just a passing thought...

I think this is the kind of trouble you get into with the "mathematical 
structure" = formal system approach. If you just take the structure as 
mathematical objects, you are in much better shape. For instance, although 
there are aleph-null theorems in integer arithmetic, and a higher order of 
unprovable statements, you can just generate the integers with a program a 
few bits long. And the integers are the complete set of objects in the 
field of integer arithmetic. Similarly for the real numbers: if you just 
want to generate them all, draw a line (or postulate the complete set of 
infinite-length bitstrings). No need to worry about whether individual 
ones are computable or not.

Paddy Leahy

RE: Sociological approach

2005-05-24 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Tue, 24 May 2005, aet.radal ssg wrote:

"See "? It was good for a laugh, not much else.

Funnily enough, that was my thought about your friend Plaga, whose paper 
is rubbish because he doesn't know the first thing about decoherence, 
and fails to notice that his proposed solution violates linearity of the 
Schrodinger equation. Whereas the articles on the above web site are by 
people actively involved in research on decoherence, including the person 
who invented it (Zeh).

Paddy Leahy

RE: Sociological approach

2005-05-24 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Mon, 23 May 2005, Brent Meeker wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Patrick Leahy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

NB: I'm in some terminological difficulty because I personally *define*
different branches of the wave function by the property of being fully
decoherent. Hence reference to "micro-branches" or "micro-histories" for
cases where you *can* get interference.

Paddy Leahy

But in QM different branches are never "fully decoherent".  The off axis terms
of the density matrix go asymptotically to zero - but they're never exactly
zero.  At least that's standard QM.  However, I wonder if there isn't some
cutoff of probabilities such that below some value they are necessarily,
exactly zero.  This might be related to the Bekenstein bound and the
holographic principle which at least limits the *accessible* information in
some systems.

I'm talking about standard QM. You are right that my definition of 
macroscopic branches is therefore slightly fuzzy. But then the definition 
of any macroscopic object is slightly fuzzy. I don't see any need for a 
cutoff probability... the probabilities get so low that they are zero FAPP 
(for all practical purposes) pretty fast, where, to repeat, you can take 
FAPP zero as meaning an expectation of less than once per age of the 

Re: White Rabbit vs. Tegmark

2005-05-23 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Mon, 23 May 2005, Hal Finney wrote:

I've overlooked until now the fact that mathematical physics restricts
itself to (almost-everywhere) differentiable functions of the continuum.
What is the cardinality of the set of such functions? I rather suspect
that they are denumerable, hence exactly representable by UTM programs.
Perhaps this is what Russell Standish meant.

The cardinality of such functions is c, the same as the continuum.
The existence of the constant functions alone shows that it is at least c,
and my understanding is that continuous, let alone differentiable, functions
have cardinality no more than c.

Oops, mea culpa. I said that wrong. What I meant was, what is the 
cardinality of the data needed to specify *one* continuous function of the 
continuum. E.g. for constant functions it is blatantly aleph-null. 
Similarly for any function expressible as a finite-length formula in which 
some terms stand for reals.

Re: White Rabbit vs. Tegmark

2005-05-23 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Mon, 23 May 2005, Bruno Marchal wrote:

Concerning the white rabbits, I don't see how Tegmark could even address the 
problem given that it is a measure problem with respect to the many 
computational histories. I don't even remember if Tegmark is aware of any 
measure relating the 1-person and 3-person points of view.

Not sure why you say *computational* wrt Tegmark's theory. Nor do I 
understand exactly what you mean by a measure relating 1-person & 
3-person.  Tegmark is certainly aware of the need for a measure to allow 
statements about the probability of finding oneself (1-person pov, OK?) in 
a universe with certain properties. This is listed in astro-ph/0302131 as 
a "horrendous" problem to which he tentatively offers what looks 
suspiciously like Schmidhuber's (or whoever's) Universal Prior as a 

(Of course, this means he tacitly accepts the restriction to computable 

So I don't agree that the problem can't be addressed by Tegmark, although 
it hasn't been. Unless by "addressed" you mean "solved", in which case I 

Let's suppose with Wei Dai that a measure can be applied to Tegmark's 
everything. It certainly can to the set of UTM programs as per Schmidhuber 
and related proposals.  Obviously it is possible to assign a measure which 
solves the White Rabbit problem, such as the UP.  But to me this procedure 
is very suspicious.  We can get whatever answer we like by picking the 
right measure.  While the UP and similar are presented by their proponents 
as "natural", my strong suspicion is that if we lived in a universe that 
was obviously algorithmically very complex, we would see papers arguing 
for "natural" measures that reward algorithmic complexity. In fact the 
White Rabbit argument is basically an assertion that such measures *are* 
natural.  Why one measure rather than another? By the logic of Tegmark's 
original thesis, we should consider the set of all possible measures over 
everything. But then we need a measure on the measures, and so ad 

One self-consistent approach is Lewis', i.e. to abandon all talk of 
measure, all anthropic predictions, and just to speak of possibilities 
rather than probabilities.  This suited Lewis fine, but greatly undermines 
the attractiveness of the everything thesis for physicists.

more or less recently in the scientific american. I'm sure Tegmark's 
approach, which a priori does not presuppose the comp hyp, would benefit from 
category theory: this one put structure on the possible sets of mathematical 
structures. Lawvere rediscovered the Grothendieck toposes by trying (without 
success) to get the category of all categories. Toposes (or Topoi) are 
categories formalizing first person universes of mathematical structures. 
There is a North-holland book on "Topoi" by Goldblatt which is an excellent 
introduction to toposes for ... logicians (mhhh ...).

Hope that helps,


Not really. I know category theory is a potential route into this, but I 
havn't seen any definitive statements and from what I've read on this list 
I don't expect to any time soon. I'm certainly not going to learn category 
theory myself!

You overlooked a couple of direct queries to you in my posting:

* You still havn't explained why you say his system is "too big 
(inconsistent)". Especially the inconsistent bit. I'm sure a level of 
explanation is possible which doesn't take the whole of category theory 
for granted.  Also, if you have a proof that his system is inconsistent, 
you should publish it.

* Is it correct to say that category theory cannot define "the whole" 
because it is outside the heirarchy of the cardinals?

And another mathematical query for you or anyone on the list:

I've overlooked until now the fact that mathematical physics restricts 
itself to (almost-everywhere) differentiable functions of the continuum. 
What is the cardinality of the set of such functions? I rather suspect 
that they are denumerable, hence exactly representable by UTM programs.

Perhaps this is what Russell Standish meant.

I must insist though, that there exist mathematical objects in platonia 
which require c bits to describe (and some which require more), and hence 
can't be represented either by a UTM program or by the output of a UTM.
Hence Tegmark's original everything is bigger than Schmidhuber's.  But 
these structures are so arbitrary it is hard to imagine SAS in them, so 
maybe it makes no anthropic difference.

Paddy Leahy

Re: Sociological approach

2005-05-23 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Mon, 23 May 2005, scerir wrote:

Do you agree we can have branches (or histories) in space
(in a space) but also branches (or histories) in time?

I guess there is an implicit "not only" in this question :)

You have an atom, excited (ie by a laser).
This atom can radiate a photon in two different
ways (I mean two different transitions), having
the same life-time. Of course the photon has
the energy E1, or the (different) energy E2.

You can write the amplitude as 
[a exp(-iE1 t/h) + b exp(-iE2 t/h)] e^(-k t)

The probability, for a transition to occur,
at a specific time, with emission of one photon
(it does not matter, here, if its energy is E1 or E2),
is given by two terms, plus an interference term.

Yes. The two terms in your equation correspond to the "micro branches" I 
mentioned. Hence, I gather, you have demonstrated interference effects in 
time.  For those who have not seen this before, it means that you get 
oscillations in the detection probability with time.

You can, of course, introduce decoherence in this sort
of 'interference in time' quantum experiment (quantum
beat), by filtering for energies, ie for E1 or for E2.
In that case the extra interference term disappears.

Yes, if by "filtering" you mean putting in physical filters so that one 
photon is absorbed. The filter then provides the "environment" refered to 
in the theory of decoherence.

To answer your initial question: interference effects are not branches. 
Actually they imply the absence of effective branching.

You don't get branching in time because time is a parameter, not an 
observable: this means that there is no quantum uncertainty about what the 
time is. (At least in the non-relativistic theory. Frankly, I don't know 
how to handle the relativistic case).

You might say: we don't know what time the particle will be detected. Yes, 
but the theory doesn't consider the detection event as *one thing* with an 
uncertain time. In the MWI there are many (a continuum) of detection 
events, each of which happens at a well defined time and each of which 
starts off its own branch. And the act of detection changes the detector 
physically, which is to say that its particles are re-arranged. Hence the 
slogan "every measurement is a position measurement".  Of course they are 
all momentum measurements as well, etc.

Paddy Leahy

Re: Decoherence and MWI

2005-05-23 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Mon, 23 May 2005, Hal Finney wrote:

I'd like to take advantage of having a bona fide physicist on the list to
ask a question about decoherence and its implications for the MWI.

If this is true, then how can a physicist not accept the MWI?

Beats me...

Isn't that just a matter of taking this decoherence phenomenon to a 
(much) larger degree?  Either you have to believe that at some point 
decoherence stops following the rules of QM, or you have to believe that 
the mathematics describes physical reality.  And the mathematical 
equations predict the theoretical existence of the parallel yet 
unobservable branches.

The physicists who I really respect, but who do not support MWI, do indeed 
believe (or hope) that the rules of QM break down at some point. E.g. 
Roger Penrose, or Tony Leggett. They would point out that to date every 
theory we have has only been an approximation. Penrose would point out 
additionally that QM is inconsistent with GR, and there is no reason to 
suppose that only GR has to be modified.  I support these people to the 
extent that I think it is tremendously important to keep doing 
experiments, especially ones that can test well-formulated alternatives to 
QM.  I'm just not very hopeful that any discrepancy will show up.

Of course, given that they are in practice unobservable, a degree of
agnosticism is perhaps justifiable for the working physicist.  He doesn't
have to trouble himself with such difficult questions, in practice.
But still, if he believes the theory, and he applies it in his day to
day work, shouldn't he believe the implications of the theory?

For most physicists the Copenhagen interpretation (in some half-understood 
way) works perfectly well at the lab bench.

There are also those who have thought very carefully about the issue and 
have come to a hyper-sophisticated philosophical position which allows 
them to fudge. I'm thinking particularly of the consistent-histories gang, 
including Murray Gell-Mann. I particularly liked Roland Omnes' version of 
this: "quantum mechanics can account for everything except actual facts". 
He thinks this is a *good* thing!

To me, it almost requires believing a contradiction to expect that
decoherence experiments will follow the predictions of QM, without also
expecting that the more extreme versions of those predictions will be
true as well, which would imply the reality of the MWI.  You either have
to believe that a sufficiently accurate decoherence experiment would
find a violation of QM, or you have to believe in the MWI.

Don't you?


Paddy Leahy

PS: this is an endorsement of the MWI of QM, not of any "everything" 

Re: Sociological approach

2005-05-23 Thread Patrick Leahy

QM is a well-defined theory. Like any theory it could be proved wrong by 
future experiments. My point is that R. Miller's suggestions would 
definitely constitute a replacement of QM by something different. So would 
aet.radal's (?) suggestion of information tunnelling between macroscopic 
branches. The crucial point, which is not taught in introductory QM 
classes, is the theory of Quantum decoherence, for which see the wikipedia 
article and associated references (e.g. the Zurek quant-ph/0306072).

This shows that according to QM, the decay time for quantum decoherence is 
astonishingly fast if the product ((position shift)^2 * mass * 
temperature) is much bigger than the order of a single atom at room 
temperature. Moreover, the theory has been confirmed experimentally in 
some cases.

Since coherence decays exponentially, after say 100 decay times there is 
essentially no chance of observing interference phenomena, which is the 
*only* way we can demonstrate the existence of other branches. "No chance" 
meaning not once in the history of the universe to date.

No existing animal is small enough or cold enough to participate directly 
in quantum interference effects (i.e. to perceptibly inhabit different 
micro-branches simultaneously), hence my claim that your "behaviour 
system", whatever it is, must be in the fully-decohered regime.

I have to backpedal some though, because by definition an intelligent 
quantum computer would be in this regime (in practice, by being very 
cold). I certainly don't want to imply that this goal is known to be 

NB: I'm in some terminological difficulty because I personally *define* 
different branches of the wave function by the property of being fully 
decoherent. Hence reference to "micro-branches" or "micro-histories" for 
cases where you *can* get interference.

Paddy Leahy

Dr J. P. Leahy, University of Manchester,
Jodrell Bank Observatory, School of Physics & Astronomy,
Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL, UK
Tel - +44 1477 572636, Fax - +44 1477 571618

Re: White Rabbit vs. Tegmark

2005-05-23 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Sun, 22 May 2005, Hal Finney wrote:

Regarding the nature of Tegmark's mathematical objects, I found some
old discussion on the list, a debate between me and Russell Standish,
in which Russell argued that Tegmark's objects should be understood as
formal systems, while I claimed that they should be seen more as pure
Platonic objects which can only be approximated via axiomatization.

I see that Russell is right, and that Tegmark does identify mathematical
structures with formal systems.  His chart at the first link above shows
"Formal Systems" as the foundation for all mathematical structures.
And the discussion in his paper is entirely in terms of formal systems
and their properties.  He does not seem to consider the implications if
any of Godel's theorem.

Actually he does both. Most of the time he implies that universes are 
formal systems, e.g. formal systems can be self-consistent but objects 
just exist: only statements about objects (e.g. theorems) have to be 
consistent. But he also says that *our* universe corresponds to the 
solution of a set of equations, i.e. a mathematical object in Platonia. 
This is definitely muddled thinking.

Specifying a universe by a set of statements about it seems to be a highly 
redundant way to go about things, whether you go for all theorems or the 
much larger class of true statements. (Of course, many statements, 
including nearly all the ones interesting to mathematicians, apply to 
whole classes of objects). Hence despite all the guff about formal 
systems, I think any attempt to make sense of Tegmark's thesis has to

go with the object = universe.

Paddy Leahy

Re: White Rabbit vs. Tegmark

2005-05-23 Thread Patrick Leahy

Now I'm really confused!

I took Russell to mean that real numbers are excluded from his system 
because they require an infinite number of axioms. In which case his 
system is really quite different from Tegmark's.

But if Bruno is correct and reals only need a finite number of axioms,
then surely Russell is wrong to imply that real-number universes are 
covered by his system.

Sure, they can be modelled to any finite degree of precision, but that is 
not the same thing as actually being included (which requires infinite 
precision). For instance, Duhem pointed out that you can devise a 
Newtonian dynamical system where a particle will go to infinity if its 
starting point is an irrational number, but execute closed orbits if its 
starting point is rational.

On Mon, 23 May 2005, Bruno Marchal wrote (among other things):

Le 23-mai-05, à 06:09, Russell Standish a écrit :

 Hence my interpretation of Tegmark's assertion is of finite
axiomatic systems, not all mathematic things.

I don't think Tegmark would agree. I agree with you that "the whole math" is 
much too big (inconsistent).

Since Tegmark defines "mathematical structures" as existing if 
self-consistent (following Hilbert), how can his concept be inconsistent?
But there may be an inconsistency in (i) asserting the identity of 
isomorphic systems and (ii) claiming that a measure exists, especially if 
you try both at once.

It is mainly from a logician point of view that Tegmark can hardly be 
convincing. As I said often, physical reality cannot be a mathematical 
reality *among other*. The relation is more subtle both with or without the 
comp hyp. I have discussed it at length a long time ago in this list.
Category theory and logic provides tools for defining big structure, but not 
the whole.

As I understand it, this is because "the whole" is unquantifiably big, 
i.e. outside even the heirarchy of cardinals. Correct?

The David Lewis problem mentionned recently is not even 
expressible in Tegmark framework.

It might be illuminating if you could explain why not. On the face of it, 
it fits in perfectly well, viz: for any given lawful universe, there are 
infinitely many others in which as well as the observable phenomena there 
exist non-observable "epiphenomenal rubbish". The only difference from the 
White Rabbit problem is the specification that the rubbish be strictly 
non-observable. As a physicist, my reaction is that it is then irrelevant 
so who cares? But this can be fixed by making the rubbish perceptible but 
mostly harmless, i.e. "White Rabbits".

Paddy Leahy

Re: Sociological approach

2005-05-23 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Sun, 22 May 2005, rmiller wrote:

I'm approaching this as a sociologist with some physics background so I'm 
focusing on what the behavior system perceives ("measures"). If all possible 
worlds exist in a superpositional state, then the behavior system should 
likewise exist in a superpositional state.

First, it looks like you are confusing the multiverse of QM with the 
plenitude of "all theories" or all UTM programs (Level 3 with Level 4 
multiverse in Tegmark's terminology). Different level 4 worlds do not 
superpose, they don't relate to each other in any way, by definition.

Second, in QM you need to distinguish between two kinds of superposition: 
those which cause interference effects (e.g. 2-slit experiment), and those 
which don't (because the wave functions of the superposed "worlds" don't 
overlap or are incoherent). "Behaviour systems" are complicated enough 
that it is a mathematical certainty that they fall in the second class. In 
which case there is no way to detect that the superposition is happening; 
for all practical purposes each world goes its own sweet way.

If there are say, 10 possible 
"worlds" available to the behavioral state (percipient) but each world 
differs from the other by elements that are not observed by the percipient, 
then the behavior system is under the assumption that interaction is taking 
place with a single, unified environment.

Recalling the Copenhagen interpretation: does Chicago exist if you happen to 
be by yourself in a hotel room in Des Plaines, IL?  The answer is irrelevant 
until the behavior system begins to experience some aspect of Chicago.

The superposition properties depend on the information available in the 
whole system (e.g. your hotel room), not just the mind of the observer. 
The world is constantly in close touch with itself. For instance, if 
Chicago vanished in a large quantum fluctuation, photons which would 
otherwise have been reflected from its streets to the clouds would be 
different.  Hence photons leaving the clouds that land in fields 40 miles 
away would be different and so on. Very soon (within microseconds) the 
photons comint through your hotel window are affected, and you become 100% 
correlated with the state of Chicago.  From your point of view, Chicago is 
either there or not.

What if Deutsch is incorrect about contact between the various worlds?

i.e., what if quantum theory is wrong and a different theory applies?
But the only reason we have to believe this stuff is the evidence in 
favour of QM (which is pretty overwhelming).

Suppose the behavior system normally exists across a manifold of 
closely-linked probabilities, with the similarities forming a central 
tendency and the differences existing at each edge of the distribution?

Again, QM makes definitive (but difficult-to-understand) predictions about 
this.  Yes there is a manifold of possibilities, in fact an infinite 
number of them, for instance "configuration space" which is the manifold 
of all particle positions (3N dimensional for N particles), or "momentum 
space", the manifold of all particle momenta (also 3N dim).  According to 
QM, the probability distributions in these manifolds are not independent, 
e.g. config and momentum wave functions are related by a Fourier 

Your "central tendency" is just the wave function, which is peaked around 
some configuration of particles in any given branch. What people generally 
don't factor into this is just how *BIG* 3N dimensional spaces are, when N 
is macroscopic. Even apparently minor differences, such as the presence or 
absence of a speck of dust, correspond to enormously large separations in 
configuration space.  Although technically there is some (usually 
infinitesimal) amplitude for all configurations, the only way you can get 
a useful amplitude for two macroscopically different "worlds" is to 
amplify some quantum behaviour, in which case the wave function splits 
into 2 or more branches, each of which behaves more or less according to 
classical physics. The "width" of the distribution for a single branch 
corresponds to ordinary microscopic quantum fuzziness. Hence the branches 
don't overlap in configuration space (or in the space of any other 
macroscopic variable), and so can't communicate.

If the behavior system can perceive only a small chunk of information at 
a time, then it may be possible that each percipient really does live in 
his or her own little world---a small island of similar probabilities 
made"real" from the larger cloud of probabilities.

We are all in our own little worlds, but in an objective sense; the same 
is true for "non-behavior" systems, e.g. rocks.

If we quantify a behavior system in terms of elements and interactions 
between elements, we arrive at a complex, but definable state.  If that 
behavior system exists across multiple worlds that differ in minute details 
(i.e. a unobserved kitchen saucer moved an inch to the side) th

Re: White Rabbit vs. Tegmark

2005-05-22 Thread Patrick Leahy

On Mon, 23 May 2005, Russell Standish wrote:

I think most of us concluded that Tegmark's thesis is somewhat
ambiguous. One "interpretation" of it that both myself and Bruno tend
to make is that it is the set of finite axiomatic systems (finite sets
of axioms, and recusively enumerated theorems). Thus, for example, the
system where the continuum hypothesis is true is a distinct
mathematical system from one where it is false.

Such a collection can be shown to be a subset of the set of
descriptions (what I call the Schmidhuber ensemble in my paper), and
has some fairly natural measures associated with it. As such, the
arguments I make in "Why Occam's razor paper" apply just as much to
Tegmark's ensemble as Schmidhuber's.

Hmm, my lack of a pure maths background may be getting me into trouble 
here. What about real numbers? Do you need an infinite axiomatic system to 
handle them? Because it seems to me that your ensemble of digital strings 
is too small (wrong cardinality?) to handle the set of functions of real 
variables over the continuum.  Certainly this is explicit in Schmidhuber's 
1998 paper.  Not that I would insist that our universe really does involve 
real numbers, but I'm pretty sure that Tegmark would not be happy to 
exclude them from his "all of mathematics".

Conversely, if you wish to stand on the phrase "all of mathematics
exists" then you will have trouble defining exactly what that means,
let alone defining a measure.

I don't wish to, but this concept has been repeated by Tegmark in several 
well publicised articles (e.g. the Scientific American one).  Again, lack 
of mathematical background forbids me from making definitive claims, but I 
suspect that it could be proved impossible even to define a measure over 
*all* self-consistent mathematical concepts. In which case Lewis was right 
and Tegmark's "level 4 multiverse" is essentially content-free, from the 
point of view of a physicist (as opposed to a logician).

Paddy Leahy

White Rabbit vs. Tegmark

2005-05-22 Thread Patrick Leahy

I looked into this mailing list because I thought I'd come up with a 
fairly cogent objection to Max Tegmark's version of the "everything" 
thesis, i.e. that there is no distinction between physical and 
mathematical reality... our multiverse is one particular solution to a set 
of differential equations, not privileged in any way over other solutions 
to the same equations, solutions to other equations, and indeed any other 
mathemetical construct whatsoever (e.g. outputs of UTMs).

Sure enough, you came up with my objection years ago, in the form of the 
"White Rabbit" paradox. Since usage is a bit vague, I'll briefly re-state 
it here. The problem is that worlds which are "law-like", that is which 
behave roughly as if there are physical laws but not exactly, seem to 
vastly outnumber worlds which are strictly "lawful". Hence we would expect 
to see numerous departures from laws of nature of a non-life-threating 

This is a different objection to the prediction of a complete failure of 
induction... it's true that stochastic universes with no laws at all (or 
where laws abruptly cease to function) should be vastly more common still, 
but they are not observed due to anthropic selection.

A very similar argument ("rubbish universes") was put forward long ago 
against David Lewis's modal realism, and is discussed in his "On the 
plurality of worlds". As I understand it, Lewis's defence was that there 
is no "measure" in his concept of "possible worlds", so it is not 
meaningful to make statements about which kinds of universe are "more 
likely" (given that there is an infinity of both lawful and law-like 
worlds). This is not a defense which Tegmark can make, since he does 
require a measure (to give his thesis some anthropic content).

It seems to me that discussion on this list back in 1999 more or less 
concluded that this was a fatal objection to Tegmark's version of the 
thesis, although not to some alternatives based exclusively on UTM 
programs (e.g. Russell Standish's Occam's Razor paper).

Is this a fair summary, or is anyone here prepared to defend Tegmark's 

Paddy Leahy

Dr J. P. Leahy, University of Manchester,
Jodrell Bank Observatory, School of Physics & Astronomy,
Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL, UK
Tel - +44 1477 572636, Fax - +44 1477 571618


2005-05-19 Thread Patrick Leahy
I find this a very odd question to be asked on this list. To me, one of 
the main attractions of the "everything" thesis is that it provides the 
only possible answer to this question. Viz: as Jonathan pointed out, 
mathematical objects are logical necessities, and the thesis (at least in 
Tegmark's formulation) is that physical existence is identical to 
mathematical existance.

Despite this attractive feature, I'm fairly sure the thesis is wrong (so 
that there is just no answer to the big WHY?), but that's another story.

Paddy Leahy
Dr J. P. Leahy, University of Manchester,
Jodrell Bank Observatory, School of Physics & Astronomy,
Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL, UK
Tel - +44 1477 572636, Fax - +44 1477 571618

Re: Many Pasts? Not according to QM...

2005-05-18 Thread Patrick Leahy
On Wed, 18 May 2005, Hal Finney wrote:
Does anybody believe that this is consistent with the many-worlds
interpretation of QM?
First, welcome to the list.

However, particularly as we look to larger ensembles than just the MWI,
it becomes attractive to define observers and observer-moments based
solely on their internal information. 

I wondered if that's what was meant... hence the last para of my 
message, and my comments in my follow-up to Quentin Anciaux. But you 
explain it better (in a bit I snipped!).

Mind you, I don't understand why you find your definition "attractive". It 
would be pretty confusing for physicists to say "there's only one 
electron", even though they all are absolutely identical.

And also, as I mentioned to Quentin, if you are going for such a radical
first-person perspective, an OM really *has* no outside so it is a bit 
misleading to talk of "pasts" at all.


Re: Many Pasts? Not according to QM...

2005-05-18 Thread Patrick Leahy
On Wed, 18 May 2005, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
Le Mercredi 18 Mai 2005 17:57, Patrick Leahy a écrit :
Of course, many of you (maybe all) may be defining pasts from an
information-theoretic point of view, i.e. by identifying all
observer-moments in the multiverse which are equivalent as perceived by
the observer; in which case the above point is quite irrelevant. (But you
still have to distinguish the different branches to find the total measure
for each OM).
I thought of Observer Moment as containing the observer... What is the 
meaning of an OM (the same) which spread accross branches ? If you start 
by the assumption that OM are fundamental, then a "branch" is an OM. Or 
a branch is a consistent succession of OM ?

I'm also learning a new "language" here as well, so forgive me if I got 
it wrong. I was trying to put the best "spin" I could on the idea of 
multiple pasts.  Personally I'm not sympathetic to the OM concept in the 
first place, except as a useful device for anthropic calculations.

By a "branch" I mean a branch of the wave function (Psi for short), which 
in MWI does literally have a branching structure in (configuration space + 
time).  This is absolutely not an OM: for one thing, a branch is extended 
in time. Also, each branch of Psi describes a history for all the 
observers in the universe (not to mention all the non-self-aware bits), 
and hence contains (>>?) billions of OM at any given time. And of course a 
different OM for each observer at each moment.

If the split forever is correct, then does a consciousness spread 
accross all those branch where the OM is in ? or just in one branch, and 
in other branches with the same OM, this is not the same consciousness ?
This is really a matter of definition, I think. Is there a distinction 
between "consciousness" and "OM" ?  I would say yes but I suspect many 
here would disagree.  From my point of view, I'd prefer to say that each 
observer (and her consciousness) inhabits a specific branch and has only 
one past, even if it is indistinguishably different from that of a copy in 
another branch.

If the later, why can it be said that it is in fact the same OM ?
I'm with you. But if you take OM as fundamental, as some here do, you 
might prefer to re-sort the OMs scattered throughout the multiverse so 
that all identical OMs go into one "pot"; then you can choose to call this 
pot a single OM with a greater or lesser weight. In which case it is 
probably legitimate to talk about these having multiple pasts, though in 
another sense they have no past (they are self-contained moments!), only a 
memory of one (which is *not* multiple, by definition).

Many Pasts? Not according to QM...

2005-05-18 Thread Patrick Leahy
I've recently been reading the archive of this group with great interest 
and noted a lot of interesting ideas. I'd like to kick off my contribution 
to the group with a response to a comment made in numerous posts that a 
single observer-moment can have multiple pasts, including macroscopically 
distinct pasts, e.g. in one memorable example, pasts which differ only 
according to whether a single speck of dust was or was not on a 
confederate soldier's boot in 1863.

Does anybody believe that this is consistent with the many-worlds 
interpretation of QM? If so, please think again! Even such an apparently 
minor change is sufficient to split the universal wave function into two 
distinct branches (i.e. branches peaking in vastly-separated regions of 
configuration space), which can recombine with probability effectively 
zero. The reason for this is "decoherence" in the technical sense used by 
Zurek and others.

To counter one obvious rejoinder, I'm not denying that micro-histories can 
recombine, as in the two-slit experiment. Rather, decoherence ensures that 
states with macroscopic (or even mesoscopic) entropy spread their 
information so effectively that it is practically impossible to erase it 
("practically" in the sense that even the entire resources of the universe 
would be insufficient, as emphasised by Omnes).

Of course, many of you (maybe all) may be defining pasts from an 
information-theoretic point of view, i.e. by identifying all 
observer-moments in the multiverse which are equivalent as perceived by 
the observer; in which case the above point is quite irrelevant. (But you 
still have to distinguish the different branches to find the total measure 
for each OM).

Dr J. P. Leahy, University of Manchester,
Jodrell Bank Observatory, School of Physics & Astronomy,
Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL, UK
Tel - +44 1477 572636, Fax - +44 1477 571618


2005-05-18 Thread Patrick Leahy
Hi, I'm Paddy Leahy. I'm an astrophysicist and observational cosmologist 
with a long-standing interest in the foundations of QM.

Dr J. P. Leahy, University of Manchester,
Jodrell Bank Observatory, School of Physics & Astronomy,
Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 9DL, UK
Tel - +44 1477 572636, Fax - +44 1477 571618