Re: Nothing trivial

2004-05-22 Thread Norman Samish

Ron McFarland,
    Too much of what I read on this list is 
over my head, but every once in awhile somebody like you has something 
illuminating to say.  Thanks for an understandable presentation of your 
views.  I find that they coincide with mine - even that digital 
mathematics cannot fully describe an analog universe.  
- Original Message - 

  Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 8:35 
  Subject: RE: Nothing trivial
  . . .  There are some 
  *very* educated people on this list, some come at the genre of this list from 
  a philosophical view, some primarily from a mathematical view, some from a 
  pure logic point of view, some from a conjecture point of view, and many from 
  some sort of combination of those views.
  Back on 
  2-Nov-03 I joined this list and argued from a logic point of view, and with 
  distant reference to data from such things as that Chandra article alludes to. 
  I poked fun at the mathematicians by stating that mathematics is a subset of 
  logic which can not fully describe the universe because mathematics is digital 
  but the universe is analog ... those decimal places keep confusing 
  things! This did not exactly enamor me to those members of the 
  list, but I believe they realize the intended humor being that we just don't 
  really have a good enough tool to measure what we see. Mathematics certainly 
  models a very good representation of our universe.
  There, on 
  2-Nov-03, I argued that the universe and by way of quantum mechanics did 
  indeed arise from nothingness. I went further to state that the expansion of 
  the universe is its apparent effort to return to that original state (kind of 
  like a bubble in a vacuum), and that we perceive this effort as being what we 
  call dark energy (an ever acceleration of the expansion of the universe that 
  will eventually lead to what has been called the Big Rip), that a black hole 
  is yet another route to that same seeking of state, and more. I was surprised 
  to see the main arguments against my post being primarily about if the Big Rip 
  will really occur or not, a subject that is still being hotly debated in the 
  general scientific community.
  But make no 
  mistake, I am not a scientist. I am only a thinker, one who seeks proof of 
  being misguided. Logic is my only tool. Others here are much more educated in 
  these matters than I am, and all here are tolerated and 
  Welcome to the 
  list about the Theory of Everything, George.  :)

RE: Nothing trivial

2004-05-22 Thread Ron McFarland

On 22 May 2004 at 6:26, george wrote:
> As a novice lurker on this list:
> You have given me an opening.
> The universe is infinite in time and space. That's the only logical
> way for it to be. You must agree. How could it arise from nothingness.
> Altho appearing random, every effect has a cause, so how could the U
> be really random? It that sense, it is preordained. 
> The U is indifferent, however.
> I agree in the consequences of our doing and thinking, however.
> Is ennui the same as entropy?
> Ron, I don't know how, at this point, to put this on the list.
> Nor do I know if this sort of philosophy is interesting to the 
> List-people. And I do enjoy physics more than math... SO tell
> Me if there is a better place for me.
> George

For the record, friend George, my post of yesterday was certainly meant to be taken 
"tongue in cheek", so to say. It was spurred on a whim by my brother asking me to 
tell him all I know. My answer I decided to post here, too. The list has been a 
little quiet of late even though there is very recent new Chandra evidence in support 
of dark energy, see:
Dark Energy
I am pleased that my post has invited you to comment, and I'm sure we would all 
like for you to put forth your thoughts in much greater degree. There are some 
*very* educated people on this list, some come at the genre of this list from a 
philosophical view, some primarily from a mathematical view, some from a pure 
logic point of view, some from a conjecture point of view, and many from some sort 
of combination of those views.

Back on 2-Nov-03 I joined this list and argued from a logic point of view, and with 
distant reference to data from such things as that Chandra article alludes to. I poked 
fun at the mathematicians by stating that mathematics is a subset of logic which can 
not fully describe the universe because mathematics is digital but the universe is 
analog ... those decimal places keep confusing things! This did not exactly 
enamor me to those members of the list, but I believe they realize the intended 
humor being that we just don't really have a good enough tool to measure what we 
see. Mathematics certainly models a very good representation of our universe.

There, on 2-Nov-03, I argued that the universe and by way of quantum mechanics 
did indeed arise from nothingness. I went further to state that the expansion of the 
universe is its apparent effort to return to that original state (kind of like a bubble in 
a vacuum), and that we perceive this effort as being what we call dark energy (an 
ever acceleration of the expansion of the universe that will eventually lead to what 
has been called the Big Rip), that a black hole is yet another route to that same 
seeking of state, and more. I was surprised to see the main arguments against my 
post being primarily about if the Big Rip will really occur or not, a subject that is still 
being hotly debated in the general scientific community.

But make no mistake, I am not a scientist. I am only a thinker, one who seeks proof 
of being misguided. Logic is my only tool. Others here are much more educated in 
these matters than I am, and all here are tolerated and respected.

Welcome to the list about the Theory of Everything, George.  :)

Ron McFarland

Nothing trivial

2004-05-21 Thread Ron McFarland
The universe was born from nothing. So I know nothing very well.

Aside from that, nothing is happening. Nothing was preordained.

I feel like doing nothing. Nothing is getting done.

This makes the universe happy. Nothing is better than something.

That is everything I know. Nothing could be better. Much better.

Ron McFarland

PS Nothing prevented me from posting something more serious. I just couldn't find 
the energy.