Re: "autonomous" means "a priori " ver 2

2012-10-02 Thread Bruno Marchal

Hi Roger,

Another way to express my view is

subjective = a priori = autonomous = the chooser

Yes. Both the chooser, and the one selected (but not the selector). It  
is also the knower. The soul is the knower of its own conscience/ 
The man is when the soul believing it has a body (which might be  
locally true with respect of the probable computational histories in  
their neighborhoods).

objective = a posteriori = possible choices


Responses in **

We're pretty much aligned.

I think so (except perhaps on Jesus, but we can come back on this  
later ... I don't think it is so important, now)

Perhaps I should interpret your monad by person, simply. Or
generalized person.

* No, each person has his own monad, his own corporeal  

They're all different.

The Universal Soul, the Inner God, the Knower can leave their bodies  
(in comp).

Substances are all different.
A generalized person would be an idea or abstraction.
Ideas are all inhabitants of  Platonia.
A particular person is an inhabitant of Contingia.

I am not sure. For two reasons:

1) with comp it seems that there is a universal person, abstract,  
perhaps, but completely conscious. Like you, me, and the jumping spider.
2) most people on (good dose of) salvia divinorum, (a powerful  
dissociative psychedelic plant), get *completely* amnesic. They report  
the lost of all the memories of anything particular about them,  
including the memory of having once own a body, immersed in space and  
time. Yet, they report to remain *completely* conscious, like out of  
time, like out of anything (any thing).
With lesser dose, you just dissociate, that is you keep the memories,  
but you don't believe or associate with them any more (for a period of  
4m, the experience is short lived).

With comp (assuming no flaws, etc.) things goes like this (roughly


and then only ===> PARTICULAR DREAMS SHARING (physical realities).
 Good.  We're pretty much aligned. This has been very helpful.

Haha! Yes, you confirm some of my feelings, notably, to be short,   
that christians are, conceptually, much more closer to comp (and  
Plato, Plotinus, probably Leibniz, even Descartes when read by taking  
the context into account) than the atheists, the naturalists and the  
(even weak) materialists who eliminate persons, not just in books, but  
in their everyday life, as I am witnessing again and again. pfff...

BTW, I suggest everyone to look at Korean movies (on Youtube, you can  
find a lot), as their culture shows some harmonic (with nice gentle  
dissonances) relationship between christianity and buddhism.
By far my favorite is "Hello Ghost", which is, btw and imho,  a  
perfect allegory of the salvia divinorum experience, including the so- 
called breakthrough.
It is a typical movie that you can appreciate to see twice (and don't  
read the YouTube comments the first time, as some some spoils the  



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Re: "autonomous" means "a priori "

2012-10-02 Thread Bruno Marchal

On 02 Oct 2012, at 12:30, Roger Clough wrote:

Hi Bruno Marchal

I agree that conscious selection is a posteriori,
but the selector and his possible biases or personal
baggage are a priori. He has or is a self.

It is the "a priori" part that I am referring to
when I insist that the selector must be
able to make autonomous choices. The choice
must be based mostly on the "inside" = the
selector's mind.  In other words,

autonomous = a priori

OK, so we agree on this too. To put it simply, choice depends on who  
you are, and who you are depends on who you have been.

Selection is used only in the QM or comp context, and has nothing to  
do with choice and autonomy. Its role in comp and QM is in the  
singularization and partial relative selection of the local "material"  
conditions (your most probable universal neighborhood).

My understanding of personal or subjective or 1p filtering
has little to do with where the person is (Washington or Moscow).
it has to do (if I might say it this way) with where the person has  

Hmm, this defines the person. But in the duplication experience, the  
problem is that the "have been" is duplicated identically, and put in  
different places. This entails a first person indeterminacy: before  
the duplication, and knowing the protocol of the duplication, the  
person is indetermined about its immediate, post-duplication, future.  
This is almost another topics, and I have mentioned it only to recall  
that with comp, matter is not a primary stuff. You might read my paper  
sane04 if interested.

Yes, complete autonomy of the mind may not be possible, I agree,
but we seem to survive this problem.

Not sure. Anne Frank was an autonomous agent, until its neighborhood  
fight badly back: she did not survive the concentration camps. She  
might have survived in some alternate reality, but we can't access it  
now. Survival also is relative, but the death of others are "absolute  
relatively to the branch of reality you can be here and now".

My objection that sufficent computer autonomy may not be possible
to emulate life is still a  doubt in my mind.

Good. Doubting is a symptom of mind sanity and of soul honesty.

In both of these cases, the ultimate limitation might be language,
meaning words or the symbols of calculation. Peirce said that we
think in symbols. But symbols are Thirdness, the raw stuff
filtered (or distorted) from a particular point of view. Words
are known to be cultural products.  Symbols of computation
depend on what a computation can do and how we define
the symbols, which I suppose goes back to the limitations
and distortions of words.

Let me try this:

1) Computer programs use selected symbols and program designs.

Hmmm... OK (but this admits different interpretations, I choose the  
one which seems most coherent with the present discussion, and with  

2) These symbols and designs are man-made and hence sometimes
   distorted and imperfect. I admit that simple calculations can be  

Only locally so. Humans can believe that they have "invented" the  
computer, but computer have appeared in nature all the time since the  
beginning, and eventually with comp, nature itself is a "video game"  
selected by the infinitely many computers existing in arithmetic  
independently of time and space.

3) So computer programs are quite possibly reflections of whoever  
made the program,

   and of the distortions of computer language, not life itself.

I can guess the nuances, but it is a form of anthropomorphism. Life,  
for a computationalist is almost captured by a very simple program:  
"help yourself".

In essence what I am saying here is that only a perfect being can  
create life.

OK. Arithmetical truth can be considered perfect, somehow, and it  
creates life and lives.

But maybe I am being too hard on the possibilities or impossibilities.
A golem would still be interesting.

There is no worry. God recognizes his creatures, in heaven.
But it is nice also when the creatures recognizes themselves on earth,  
but that can take time.

It is nice as it makes suffering less necessary. It is harm reductive.
But women get the votes only recently herby, and machines, which are  
made into slaves at the start, are not yet asking.


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"autonomous" means "a priori "

2012-10-02 Thread Roger Clough
Hi Bruno Marchal 

I agree that conscious selection is a posteriori,
but the selector and his possible biases or personal 
baggage are a priori. He has or is a self.

It is the "a priori" part that I am referring to 
when I insist that the selector must be
able to make autonomous choices. The choice
must be based mostly on the "inside" = the
selector's mind.  In other words, 

autonomous = a priori

Roger Clough, 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

- Receiving the following content -  
From: Bruno Marchal  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-10-02, 06:03:36 
Subject: Re: The Good, the Bad and the weirdly computable 

On 02 Oct 2012, at 07:14, William R. Buckley wrote: 

>> $$$ 1) Well it's an indeterminantcy, but which path is chosen is 
>> done by the geometry of the location 
>> or test probe, not the same I would think as logical choice (?) 
>> So I would say "no." 
>> ... 
>> Note that intelligence requires the ability to select. 
>> BRUNO: OK. But the ability to selct does not require intelligence, 
>> just interaction and some memory. 
> I can make a selection without the use of memory. We call such 
> choices by the term 
> arbitrary 

William, please look at my answer to Roger. Consciousness selection is  
a posteriori, and happens in self-duplication (in the comp theory), or  
in superposition (in the Everett theory). It has nothing to do with  
choice, which is self-determination. 


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