Re: Universes infinite in time

2003-01-15 Thread Wei Dai
On Wed, Jan 08, 2003 at 04:07:47PM -0800, Hal Finney wrote:
> How could we go about modelling a universe like this?  

A mathematical model should be straightforward. For a computational model,
consider a program that takes an infinitely long string as input, which it 
interprets as the description of a 3d slice of such an infinite 4d 
universe. The description starts at an arbitrary "center of the universe" 
and continues in concentric shells. The program computes the future of the 
universe from the center, reading its input as needed to obtain 
information about the past lightcone.

Now to avoid an actual input that is infinitely long, use a pseudorandom 
number generator to produce the input to the above program.

While the computational model has a fixed beginning and a center, the
observers living inside it have no way to tell that. Still it seems a lot
less elegant than a mathematical model that has no center or fixed
beginning. I think it's another reason to prefer a theory of everything
based on all mathematical structures rather than all computations.

> Can we rule out
> Steinhardt's cosmology on fundamental principles? 

No, I don't think so.

> Are infinite-time
> universes of zero measure compared to ones with a fixed beginning?

It seems that all computational models must have fixed beginnings, but
maybe you can always find one that can't be distinguished from an 
infinite-time universe from the inside.

> It would be interesting if the everything-exists model could be used to
> constrain cosmological theorizing in this way.

It may be possible, but not in this case, I don't think.

Re: Universes infinite in time

2003-01-09 Thread Eric Hawthorne
Bruno Marchal wrote:

For example they will correctly
infer some standard model particle theory from they high level
experimentations, but as soon they will build particle accelerator
to verify their theories, discrepancies will appear (just because
we have not simulate the society-world at such a detailed level.
So now those researchers can infer that they are simulated at some
different reality level. But this is what we don't want. So let us
add a subroutine which observes the researchers, and each time
reserachers find (serious) discrepancies, the subroutine freezes
the researchers and refines their level of reality.

...and there is another theory which says this has
already happened...  D. Adams.

Re: Universes infinite in time

2003-01-09 Thread Bruno Marchal
At 16:07 -0800 8/01/2003, Hal Finney wrote:

The interesting aspect from this list's perspective is how to regard
infinite-time cosmologies.  Does it make sense to imagine a universe
which has had an infinite past?  How could we simulate that on a computer,
if there were no starting point?

We certainly cannot simulate a 3-person infinite past history.
But imagine we simulate a society-world of researchers in a computer, and
that we would like those researchers never guess anything about
our own reality level. Now, the computer is locally finite (i.e.
at each time it is finite but it is capable to grow indefinitely)
so that those researchers, experimenting their reality, will
find little local inconsistencies. For example they will correctly
infer some standard model particle theory from they high level
experimentations, but as soon they will build particle accelerator
to verify their theories, discrepancies will appear (just because
we have not simulate the society-world at such a detailed level.
So now those researchers can infer that they are simulated at some
different reality level. But this is what we don't want. So let us
add a subroutine which observes the researchers, and each time
reserachers find (serious) discrepancies, the subroutine freezes
the researchers and refines their level of reality.
Now, it is quite logically possible that the refining need not only
to add sub-particles, but need to add past further "past-interactions".
So, although that past is generated, little by little, in the 3-future,
it will happen that from the 1-perspective of the simulated researchers
their stories will look as if they are infinite in their past.
Is not UD* like that? Open problem. But quite possible once we
distinguish the 1-time of the simulated people and the "3-time"
describing the definite steps of the UD in Platonia.


Re: Universes infinite in time

2003-01-08 Thread Hal Finney
I wrote:
> Paul Steinhardt, one of the original cosmic-inflation theorists and the
> man who coined the term "quintessence" has a new theory of cosmology
> which is described at

Sorry, the correct URL is


Universes infinite in time

2003-01-08 Thread Hal Finney
Paul Steinhardt, one of the original cosmic-inflation theorists and the
man who coined the term "quintessence" has a new theory of cosmology
which is described at  The abstract

 The Cyclic Model is a radical, new cosmological scenario which
 proposes that the Universe undergoes an endless sequence of epochs
 which begin with a `big bang' and end in a `big crunch.' When the
 Universe bounces from contraction to re-expansion, the temperature
 and density remain finite. The model does not include a period of
 rapid inflation, yet it reproduces all of the successful predictions
 of standard big bang and inflationary cosmology. We point out
 numerous novel elements that have not been used previously which
 may open the door to further alternative cosmologies. Although
 the model is motivated by M-theory, branes and extra-dimensions,
 here we show that the scenario can be described almost entirely in
 terms of conventional 4d field theory and 4d cosmology.

The theory does not actually have a "big crunch" in the traditional sense;
rather, after a long period of expansion so that there is less than one
particle in each visible segment of the universe, a hidden dimension
contracts and suddenly the universe is full of light and energy, and it
starts expanding again.  There is no inflation as in the regular model,
instead the long period of expansion from the previous cycle is what is
responsible for the remarkable uniformity that is observed.

The interesting aspect from this list's perspective is how to regard
infinite-time cosmologies.  Does it make sense to imagine a universe
which has had an infinite past?  How could we simulate that on a computer,
if there were no starting point?

I think Steinhardt's model also allows for a spatially infinite, flat
universe as well.  So we have infinities in all directions, temporal as
well as spatial.

We could avoid the problem by postulating that every cycle in Steinhardt's
model is identical, giving the effect of a single universe, but I don't
think there is any reason in the theory to suppose that would happen.
Rather, each crunch is slightly different, and these small perturbations
carry over into unique initial conditions for the next big bang.

How could we go about modelling a universe like this?  Can we rule out
Steinhardt's cosmology on fundamental principles?  Are infinite-time
universes of zero measure compared to ones with a fixed beginning?
It would be interesting if the everything-exists model could be used to
constrain cosmological theorizing in this way.

Hal Finney