Re: What is the 'Unruh Effect'?

2005-10-07 Thread Bob Hearn
Hello, list. I occasionally posted here, years ago; lately I've  
lurked. Russell, your book is high on my 'to read' list!

On Oct 7, 2005, at 6:04 PM, Stephen Paul King wrote:

Hi Russell and Friends,

I just ran across the following post and thought that you might  
find it interesting. Any comments?



One comment - the Unruh effect has some strange consequences. There  
was a result last year that two observers sharing an entangled states  
(e.g. EPR pairs) will disagree on the degree to which they are  
entangled, if one observer is in an accelerated frame. This is truly  
bizarre. Paper at . From  
the abstract:

"Two observers determine the entanglement between two free bosonic  
modes by each detecting one of the modes and observing the  
correlations between their measurements. We show that a state which  
is maximally entangled in an inertial frame becomes less entangled if  
the observers are relatively accelerated. This phenomenon, which is a  
consequence of the Unruh effect, shows that entanglement is an  
observer-dependent quantity in non-inertial frames."

Bob Hearn

Robert A. Hearn

What is the 'Unruh Effect'?

2005-10-07 Thread Stephen Paul King

Hi Russell and Friends,
    I just ran across the following post and 
thought that you might find it interesting. Any comments?
On Thu, 11 Aug 2005 10:32:00 + (UTC), in 
sci.physics.research [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The "Minkowski" or "inertial" vacuum state seen in an 
"acceleratingframe" is a thermal state at a temperature proportional to 
the"acceleration"; i.e., an heat bath containing an infinite number 
ofparticles (finite density) distributed in a fashion consistent with 
agas at a particular temperature.
The words in quotes are very misleading however, and require a 
largeamount of clarification, because the effect has little or nothing 
perse to do with acceleration or being inertial; but rather with 
theoccurrrence of a causal horizon.
A quantum field theory requires you first to define a "frame", 
the wordwhich -- unlike in Relativity -- does NOT a coordinate system; but 
a"flow of time".  Quantum theory, is you recall, treats time as 
aprocess, not a dimension.
The flow of time is represented by a vector field which is 
The Minkowski or inertial frame has associated with it a 
constanttime-like field which (by suitable Lorentz transformation) can 
berepresented as T = d/dt -- i.e. the 4-vector T = T^{mu} d/dx^{mu} 
whoseonly non-zero component is T^0 (with x^0 = t).
The Unruh frame uses a time-like field which does NOT cover 
all ofspace.  The flow lines are all hyperbolic, each naturally 
associatedwith an observer at a given acceleration.  The hyperbolas all 
have, asasymptotes, the 2+1 boundary given by an equation of the form x = 
c|t|;the region associated with the field being x > c|t|.
The "acceleration" a is normally defined as that associated 
with one ofthe worldlines in the Unruh frame.  Different worldlines 
have differentaccelerations associated with them.
At this boundary, the timelike field T becomes null.  A 
second, mirrorregion, x < -c|t| has the boundary x = -c|t|.  Both 
boundaries meet att = 0.  In this region, the field T "flows" in the 
opposite direction.
The boundary x = c|t| is the causal horizon mentioned 
A field is uniquely determined by its values at t = 0, and the 
space ofall states of a system is generally always associated with the 
initialvalues of whatever system is in question.  Here, that means, 
there is anatural split of the underlying state space H into H1 + H2, with 
H1being the state space associated with the region x > c|t|, and H2 
beingthat associated with the region x < -c|t|.
(Solving the field equation by taking its initial values (and 
theinitial values of its time derivative) comprises what's called a 
Cauchyproblem.  For the Klein-Gordon field, the initial values play 
theanalogous role of coordinates, the initial time derivative 
thecongugate momenta.  The state space is then a Hilbert space in 
whichthese quantities act as operators satisfying the usual 
H1, here, is the only one of physical relevance.  But a 
fulldescription of the Minkowski frame requires both H1 and H2.  
Inparticular, the vacuum state |0> of a Klein Gordon field -- as seen 
inthe Minkowski frame -- when expressed in terms of the H1 & H2 
|0> = sum |n>_1 |n>_2 exp(-pi a).
This is readily identifiable in the language of 
finite-temperaturequantum field theory.  The states |n>_1 can be 
thought of as particlestates, those |n>_2 can be thought of as states 
associated with vacuumfluctuations of the corresponding heat bath (i.e. 
"holes").  So, thesuperposition |n>_1 & |n>_2 has total 
energy 0, since |n>_2 reflects|n>_1.  All the states |n>_2 are 
negative energy since the time flow inregion 2, x < -c|t|, goes the other 
Since only region 1, x > c|t|, is physically relevant (you 
can't seepast the boundary, the causal horizon), then the actual quantum 
stateassociated with it is arrived at by phase-averaging over the states 
ofregion 2.  This turns the Minkowski state into the region 1 
|0><0| --> Trace_2(|0><0|) = 
V_1with    |0><0| = sum 
|n>_1 _2 which, after 
being traced over give you 
Trace_2(|0><0|) = sum |n>_1 which is a MIXED 
(and thermal) state, no longer a pure state,associated with a temperature 
proportional to a.
Having a mixed state means you've lost information -- this 
loss beingrepresented by the coefficients of the 
exp(-2 pi a)which represent (up to proportion) probabilities ... and 
probabilitiesalways mean you lost information somewhere.
In fact, this general process of tracing over a causal horizon 
of somesort is GENERALLY how you get probabilities out of quantum 
theory.Everything is a pure state, until you do a partial 
tracephase-averaging cut-off on a horizon somewhere, and the 
horizon,itself, can be thought of as nothing less than a way of quantifying 
theword "observer".
The loss of information is readily identified with the loss 