Re: Re: why greed is good.

2012-12-26 Thread Roger Clough
Hi Platonist Guitar Cowboy 

I was trying to make a point with liberals,
to whom greed is essentially financial exploitation of another.
Making profits is greed to many of them.

My point is that that is what capitalism can involve,
although not always. The basis of capitalism is
enlightened self-interest. Enlightened in the
sense that the transaction will not backfire on you. 
The understanding s that everybody profits if
the transaction is for their own interest.
They get the goods, you get the money. 

[Roger Clough], []
"The one thing a woman looks for in a man is to be needed." - "Ethan Frome", by 
Edith Wharton
- Receiving the following content - 
From: Platonist Guitar Cowboy 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2012-12-25, 14:43:55
Subject: Re: why greed is good.

Hi Roger,

I am convinced that this is off-topic but I'll change that by framing the 
current mediatized rhetoric of conservative Christians of the last 20 years in 
US as a TOE, or an epistemology within a TOE, so make that choice; and if you 
would indulge me you can read on.

Imho right versus left is a false framing of problems and priorities. 

But if greed is universally good, then so are thieves driven by the same. 

I doubt Christian god and especially his son's incarnation, whose birth is just 
being celebrated, would agree. 

I do consider it fascinating how many people that label themselves 
"conservative" in the US also proclaim to be serious Christians.

>From Bible:

1 John 3:17
But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes 
his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? 

Matthew 19:21
Jesus said to him, ?f you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give 
to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.? 

Mark 12: 41-44
And he sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into 
the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and 
put in two small copper coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples 
to him and said to them, ?ruly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more 
than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all 
contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in 
everything she had, all she had to live on.? 

Luke 3: 10-11
And the crowds asked him, ?hat then shall we do?? And he answered them, ?hoever 
has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do 

Mathew 6: 24-25
?o one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the 
other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve 
God and money. ?herefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what 
you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. 
Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 

I admit to not reading the Bible often enough to have deep insight on the 
Christian underpinnings of so much thought and rhetoric that circulates and 
influences western policy making and conceptions of ethics (What do cowboys 
read, huh?). But I will venture the bet, that the above quotes are not cherry 
picked and reflect somewhat accurately one significant aspect of Jesus' 

For me, the combination of these positions, does not bode well for TOE binding 
those two ways of thinking.


On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 3:46 PM, Roger Clough  wrote:

Hi meekerdb

Some economists argue that the wealthy invest their money,
creating capital for creating businesses, hiring workers,
and generally enriching the economy. ?(The poor don't
save money for others to use.)

So greed is good for the country.

[Roger Clough], []
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen

- Receiving the following content -
From: meekerdb
Receiver: Barrett Meeker,Art Shaffman,Bill Stermer,Dan Foster,Gennifer home,Ed 
Gravlin,Hugh Kramer,Jim Wilkinson,Kirsten Meeker,Lara gmail,Mae Meeker,Marsha 
home,Mark Morgan,Mike Kory,Terry & Lucy home,Tom Blattel
Time: 2012-12-24, 14:56:25
Subject: Re: clearing up the confusion on the fairness index

I was not confused. I think a good argument can be made from simple fairness; 
that income (and wealth) should be more evenly distributed. ?ut even this chart 
doesn't fully illustrate the problem. ?f all those households simply spent 
their money on goods and services and investments the inequality would be 
fairly benign. ?ut at the high end, there is so much disposable income 
available that the very rich also spend it on influencing public policy (aka 
buying legislation). ?o paraphrase Al Capone: You can get a lot further with a 
vote and 10M$ than you can with a vote alone.

On 12/24/2012 8:48 AM, Roger wrote:
Hi meekerdb

why greed is good.

2012-12-25 Thread Roger Clough
Hi meekerdb  

Some economists argue that the wealthy invest their money, 
creating capital for creating businesses, hiring workers, 
and generally enriching the economy.  (The poor don't
save money for others to use.)

So greed is good for the country. 

[Roger Clough], [] 
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen 

- Receiving the following content -  
From: meekerdb  
Receiver: Barrett Meeker,Art Shaffman,Bill Stermer,Dan Foster,Gennifer home,Ed 
Gravlin,Hugh Kramer,Jim Wilkinson,Kirsten Meeker,Lara gmail,Mae Meeker,Marsha 
home,Mark Morgan,Mike Kory,Terry & Lucy home,Tom Blattel  
Time: 2012-12-24, 14:56:25 
Subject: Re: clearing up the confusion on the fairness index 

I was not confused. I think a good argument can be made from simple fairness; 
that income (and wealth) should be more evenly distributed.  But even this 
chart doesn't fully illustrate the problem.  If all those households simply 
spent their money on goods and services and investments the inequality would be 
fairly benign.  But at the high end, there is so much disposable income 
available that the very rich also spend it on influencing public policy (aka 
buying legislation).  To paraphrase Al Capone: You can get a lot further with a 
vote and 10M$ than you can with a vote alone. 

On 12/24/2012 8:48 AM, Roger wrote:  
Hi meekerdb 

This graph shows the income of the given percentiles from  
1947 to 2010 in 2010 dollars. The 2 columns of numbers in the  
right margin are the cumulative growth 1970-2010 and the  
annual growth rate over that period. The vertical scale is  
logarithmic, which makes constant percentage growth  
appear as a straight line. From 1947 to 1970,  
all percentiles grew at essentially the same rate; the light, straight  
lines for the different percentiles for those years all have the same slope.  

Meaning that the gini didn't change. 

Since then, there has been substantial divergence, with  
different percentiles of the income distribution growing at different rates.  
For the median American family, this gap is $39,000 per year (just over $100 
per day):  
If the economic growth during this period had been broadly shared  
as it was from 1947 to 1970, the median household income would  
have been $39,000 per year higher than it was in 2010.  

Almost double what it is. 

This plot was  
created by combining data from the US Census Bureau[48]  
and the US Internal Revenue Service.[49] There are systematic 
 differences between these two sources, but the differences are small  
relative to the scale of this plot.[50] 

You can get further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a 
kind word alone. 
  --- Al Capone

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