HTML Message hangs outlook

2003-06-27 Thread Chris Quinn
On several machine in my organisation, attempting to open a message from one
particular supplier causes Outlook to hang - I can open it in Outlook XP on
my machine, but even previewing it in Outlook 2000 on at least three other
machines causes a "Not responding" message in task manager.  This even
happens when showing the message in the Preview pane.  The machines in
question are running Win98SE and Outlook 2000 SR1, and the server is
Exchange 5.5 SP4 on NT4 SP6a.

If I save the message as a html file, the machines can open it in Internet

Saving the message as an HTML file and opening it in a text editor shows
that it was generated by MS Word 9 - the HTML header is shown below:"; xmlns:v = 
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o = 
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w = 

cid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" rel=File-List>cid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" rel=Edit-Time-Data>

RE: IIS log Files with wrong date??

2003-06-27 Thread Chris Quinn
For an interesting article on time standards (or non-standards as they seem
to be) have a look at,3604,985020,00.html

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Ed Crowley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 20 June 2003 22:45
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: IIS log Files with wrong date??

I thought they were in UTC.

Ed Crowley MCSE+Internet MVP
Freelance E-Mail Philosopher
Protecting the world from PSTs and Bricked Backups!T

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martin Blackstone
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:51 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: IIS log Files with wrong date??

IIS Log times are in GMT 

-Original Message-
From: Matt Plahtinsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:34 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: IIS log Files with wrong date??

W2K Sp3, E2K Sp3 -- only one exchange server.

I setup OWA and im trying to trouble shoot a problem.  Enabled IIS logging
and the time in the logs do not match the actual time.  Example I log into
OWA at 14:00 and my logs say that I did at 18:00.  Any ideas? My system time
is correct, My DC time is correct, the computer that im logging into OWA
with time is correct.  Looked on technet for wrong log time with IIS and
haven't found anything useful yet.  I'm sure its some newbie thing ive over
looked. Thanks for any input


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RE: Configuration Settings

2003-06-24 Thread Chris Quinn
Try looking in C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook (on an XP system)

Or c:\windows\profiles\UserName\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook (Win 98)

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Raji Arulambalam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 June 2003 23:48
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Configuration Settings


In Outlook if I create a folder under Outlook Today and put it in the
Outlook Shortcuts, where is this setting kept ?? In Exchange server or in
the local registry.? Also how can I specify this folder as the startup
folder when Outlook starts.?? Using Exchange Server 5.5 , soon to upgrade to
Exchange 2k

Could you tell me where these settings are kept, as we need to deploy this
to all our users.


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Backup Ex5.5 using NTBackup on Workstation

2003-03-14 Thread Chris Quinn
After many problems with BackupExec I have decided to follow Paul
Robichaux's advice and try using NT Backup

I have written a batch file to be run on an NT4 workstation with DAT drive,
and Exchange Admin loaded to bake NTBackup Exchange aware.  If I run this
batch file directly, it works fine, but I am trying to get it to run via the
AT scheduler.  I have now found that it will not run as the scheduler
creates a null session without access to the network.  
Q124184 suggests changing the account that the Scheduler uses, but on the
workstation this option is greyed out.

Can anyone give me any pointers on getting this working, or will I have to
run it on the server?

The batch file is as follows:

Ntbackup backup DS \\BPA IS \\BPA /hc:on /t normal /v /d "Blue Planet
Backup" /l c:\backup\daily.log /e

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

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RE: Using script to get header info

2003-01-27 Thread Chris Quinn
Try replacing the "Write #outfile" with "Print #outfile" - this should stope
the quotes from appearing

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 24 January 2003 19:27
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Using script to get header info

Well, I wrestled with this for a few days, and this is what I've come up
with. It may not be pretty, but it works for my purposes. This is a VBA
macro in Outlook 2002. It prompts for a folder, then retrieves the IP
address of the originating server for each message in that folder, reverses
the octets and writes it out to a file, for inclusion in a dns blacklist

'** exported from Outlook 2002 ***
Attribute VB_Name = "GetSpam" ' ' NOTE: Requires a reference to the
Microsoft CDO 1.21 Library ' Sub ShowFolderInfo_Click()

'*** this is the string to search for in the message headers
'*** substitute your own "servername.domain" in the search string
strSMTPSearch = "]) by servername.domain with SMTP" strSpamOutFile =

Set MyNameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myFolder = MyNameSpace.PickFolder
If myFolder Is Nothing Then
  MsgBox "User pressed cancel.", vbInformation
  Exit Sub
End If

Set oSession = New MAPI.Session
Set oSpamFolder = oSession.GetFolder(myFolder.EntryID)
Set oMsgColl = oSpamFolder.Messages

If oMsgColl.Count > 0 Then
  outfile = FreeFile(0)
  Open strSpamOutFile For Output As #outfile
  For Each oMessage In oMsgColl
oHeader = oMessage.Fields(&H7D001E)
'^ this is the full header

oHeader = Left(oHeader, InStr(oHeader, strSMTPSearch - 1)
'^ this strips everything after the search string

oHeader = Right(oHeader, Len(oHeader) - InStrRev(oHeader, "["))
'^ this gives us the offending IP address

strOctet = Split(oHeader, ".")
'^ this creates an array of the octets

strBadMachine = strOctet(3) & "." & strOctet(2) & "." &_
  strOctet(1) & "." & strOctet(0) &_
  vbTab & vbTab & "A" & vbTab & ""
'^ reverses the octets and builds the dns entry for blacklisting

Write #outfile, strBadMachine
'^ and then writes it out to the file
  Close outfile
End If

MsgBox "Finished!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "File is at " & strSpamOutFile End

The WRITE statement puts double quotes around the string when it's written,
so I still have to load it in notepad and remove those (a simple replace
with nothing). Next I load it into Excel along with the existing blacklist
entries, sort them and save them back out.

Today I processed 90 new messages in about 3 minutes. Yesterday, that same
task would have taken an hour or more.


-Original Message-
From: Ken Cornetet [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:31 PM
To: Exchange Maillist
Subject: RE: Using script to get header info

Hmmm, I've been wrestling with CDO as of late, and your question piqued my
interest. See;en-us;q194870 for code.

-Original Message-
From: Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2003 4:03 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Using script to get header info

Hi folks,

I created a public folder and asked several of our users to move their spam
into it. From there, I can open the messages, view the headers, pluck the IP
addresses of the offending mail servers, and add them to our internal dns

Works like a charm, but it's very labor-intensive.

I wrote some vbscript code that examines all the messages in the folder, and
returns things like Sender, Subject, etc., all of which are basically
useless to me in this case, but the practice was good. There doesn't seem to
be any property that will return the header info, no? I don't have a good
reference book handy, but searching through the online MSDN library was

Now it looks like maybe ADO/CDOEX might be the way to go. Does anyone have
any sample code that might give me some pointers? This doesn't have to be
fandy or polished. If I can retrieve the headers, I can parse through them
and find the right "received by" line, and pull the address from that line
and output it to the screen. I'd greatly appreciate any pointers at all, be
it a web page, KB article, book, etc.


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2002-12-20 Thread Chris Quinn
Go down to the pub and ask for Warren

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Great Cthulhu Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 20 December 2002 16:29
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: FECK!

Heh. Say, that reminds me, I need to secure a large quantity of rabbits...
know where I could find some?

Meanwhile, everyone outside of Ireland is likely scratching his or her
head(s). To them, I say: FECK!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hanna, Keith
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 10:16 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: FECK!


My favourite is 'Speed III'

-Original Message-
From: Great Cthulhu Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 20 December 2002 16:13
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: FECK!


(Current watching: "Flight into Terror"... it's a joke phone!)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Hanna, Keith
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 10:00 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: FECK!

Go awn, go awn, go awn.
You will, you will, you will.


-Original Message-
From: Great Cthulhu Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 20 December 2002 14:58
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: FECK!



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jackson, Siobhan
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 10:37 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Blocking a newsletter

"Now come on Father, what would you say to a nice cup of tea?"

-Original Message-
From: Great Cthulhu Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 8:28 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Blocking a newsletter

If you don't like it, then do like Father Jack and yell, "DRINK! GIRLS!
FECK!" a lot. Sure makes the day fly by.



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2002-12-20 Thread Chris Quinn
I got one today informing me that someone was out of the office between 22nd
& 23rd of August!

As a side note, does anyone know how to identify an OOF programatically
using CDO other than looking at the message subject - I have a VB program
that monitors my inbox for new messages, then reads the subject and sender
to me using MSAgent.  I have hard coded it to ignore messages that have a
subject beginning "Out of Office", but I get several OOF's in foreign
languages when I post to the list which have subjects like

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Great Cthulhu Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 20 December 2002 15:44
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: FECK!

By the way, getting an Out of Office reply that says, "Out of Office: FECK!"
is priceless. I encourage everyone who hates OOF messages to post to this
thread. You'll love the ones you get here.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Great Cthulhu Jones
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 8:58 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: FECK!



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jackson, Siobhan
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 10:37 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Blocking a newsletter

"Now come on Father, what would you say to a nice cup of tea?"

-Original Message-
From: Great Cthulhu Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 8:28 PM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Blocking a newsletter

If you don't like it, then do like Father Jack and yell, "DRINK! GIRLS!
FECK!" a lot. Sure makes the day fly by.



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RE: Happy Holiday!

2002-12-20 Thread Chris Quinn
Before they moved to the US they were known in the UK as Huang Chung, but
the record company made them change to make the pronunciation obvious to
those outside whatever Chinatown you are closest to.

On the edge of oblivion
All the world is Babylon!

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Andy David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 20 December 2002 12:44
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Re: Happy Holiday!

Everybody Wang Chung tonight! 

- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Quinn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Exchange Discussions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 6:22 AM
Subject: RE: Happy Holiday!

> Have a stunning Saturnalia!
> Chris Quinn
> IT Manager
> Blue Planet Aquarium
> -Original Message-
> From: Busby, Jacob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 20 December 2002 10:49
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: RE: Happy Holiday!
> And a happy new year too!
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jojo Solis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: 20 December 2002 10:42
> > To: Exchange Discussions
> > Subject: Happy Holiday!
> > 
> > 
> > Happy Holiday to everyone!
> > 
> > 
> > From Manila Philippines
> > 
> > 
> > _
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RE: Happy Holiday!

2002-12-20 Thread Chris Quinn
Have a stunning Saturnalia!

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Busby, Jacob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 20 December 2002 10:49
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: Happy Holiday!

And a happy new year too!

> -Original Message-
> From: Jojo Solis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 20 December 2002 10:42
> To: Exchange Discussions
> Subject: Happy Holiday!
> Happy Holiday to everyone!
> From Manila Philippines
> _
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RE: the IBM Shark

2002-12-10 Thread Chris Quinn
We have sharks here to - see for details

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Exchange (Swynk) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 09 December 2002 18:11
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: the IBM Shark

We have a Shark here and found that it is CRAP when it comes to I/O
intensive Win32 applications.  Someone here got the bright idea to have an
enterprise-wide SAN solution, instead of looking at it from the perspective
of how each platform actually works  the Shark works great for legacy
(i.e. IBM) systems, and works marginally well for NT file servers, but try
sticking a large SQL database on there and watch what happens.  Of all the
SANs out there (at least 18 months ago when ours was purchased), the Shark
was one of the most expensive, and one of the slowest.  It may not be the
same with newer Sharks, but ours is a slow-as-hell drive technology that
choked whenever we tested SQL databases and Exchange 5.5 on it.

We have found that Compaq's SAN solution works well for our environment
-- it's almost half the price of comparable storage on the Shark, and much
much faster.  Since we're an all-Compaq shop for our Win32 systems, that's
what we're moving to now.

> -Original Message-
> From: Hansen, Eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Posted At: Friday, December 06, 2002 10:29 AM
> Posted To: Exchange (Swynk)
> Conversation: the IBM Shark
> Subject: OT: the IBM Shark
> Is anyone here happen to be running a IBM shark or possibly a
> Hitachi 9900
> series SAN?  We are looking at both of these and I have heard 
> rumors that
> the shark has a performance boundary of 3.36 TB.  Just curious.
> e-

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RE: Disclaimers

2002-12-05 Thread Chris Quinn
To paraphrase Sam Goldwyn - Email disclaimers aren't worth the paper they're
written on

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Mark Dewell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 05 December 2002 17:03
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Disclaimers

A recurring topic seems to be about adding disclaimers to outgoing messages
and I have seem various recommendations about software to do this. 

But I would like to know how effective are disclaimers? 
Do they actually have any legal standing?

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RE: CDO with VB6 on an XP machine - slightly OT perhaps

2002-12-05 Thread Chris Quinn
I've just tried a fresh install on a new machine and it works perfectly - it
didn't on at least two others.  These things are sent to try us!

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-----
From: Chris Quinn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 04 December 2002 14:24
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: CDO with VB6 on an XP machine - slightly OT perhaps

Some time ago I wrote an NT service that scanned an Exchange 5.5 mailbox and
automatically processed incoming mail depending on various markers in the
message body.  It was written in VB6, using CDO 1.21 and the NTSVC ocx
control from MS.  It worked really well (and as far as I know is still
working happily - I left the company about 12 months ago).  I also wrote
several useful applications such as a new mail notifier, using MSAgent to
read the messages to me.

If I try to run any VB code using CDO on an XP machine (I have tried it on
several) the code runs quite happily until I stop the code if it's running
in the VB debugger, or close the App when it's compiled.  The App or VB then
GPF's, seemingly when it's trying to unload itself - it gets past freeing
the CDO objects etc without incident.

I have looked on the MS site, and on CDOLIVE and am unable to find a cause
or solution.  The only response I have had from other newsgroups is "Hey
that happens to me too!"

Do any of you Exchange Gurus have any idea what may be occuring?  Any
possible fixes?

Environments:  XP Pro, VB6, CDO 1.21, Outlook 2000, Exchange 5.5 SP4

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

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Haiku Friday

2002-12-04 Thread Chris Quinn
A new Haiku generator has just been invented in Britian - yet again we show
the world the way...

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

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CDO with VB6 on an XP machine - slightly OT perhaps

2002-12-04 Thread Chris Quinn
Some time ago I wrote an NT service that scanned an Exchange 5.5 mailbox and
automatically processed incoming mail depending on various markers in the
message body.  It was written in VB6, using CDO 1.21 and the NTSVC ocx
control from MS.  It worked really well (and as far as I know is still
working happily - I left the company about 12 months ago).  I also wrote
several useful applications such as a new mail notifier, using MSAgent to
read the messages to me.

If I try to run any VB code using CDO on an XP machine (I have tried it on
several) the code runs quite happily until I stop the code if it's running
in the VB debugger, or close the App when it's compiled.  The App or VB then
GPF's, seemingly when it's trying to unload itself - it gets past freeing
the CDO objects etc without incident.

I have looked on the MS site, and on CDOLIVE and am unable to find a cause
or solution.  The only response I have had from other newsgroups is "Hey
that happens to me too!"

Do any of you Exchange Gurus have any idea what may be occuring?  Any
possible fixes?

Environments:  XP Pro, VB6, CDO 1.21, Outlook 2000, Exchange 5.5 SP4

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

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2002-12-03 Thread Chris Quinn
Seems to be a variant of Kournikova - see

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Dave Morrow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 03 December 2002 14:48
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: VBS_SLUG.B

And Symantec only has

David Morrow
Network Administrator
Autodata Solutions Company
Ph: (519) 951-6067 Fax: (519) 451-6615

"Poor planning on your part does not necessitate an emergency on my part."

This message has originated from Autodata Solutions Company.  The attached
material is the Confidential and Proprietary Information of Autodata
Solutions Company. This email and any files transmitted with it are
confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to
whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please
delete this message and notify the Autodata system administrator at

-Original Message-
From: Tener, Richard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: December 3, 2002 9:44 AM
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: VBS_SLUG.B

Goood Morning All,

I got to work today and had about ten emails from my server stating that 10
users had a virus called VBS_SLUG.B on thier pcs. All of these viruses are
in the same folder and same file.  This is one of the messages that i

Virus Alert!!
VBS_SLUG.B is detected on KAREN() in Logistics domain.
Infected file: C:\Program Files\folder.htt
Detection date: 2002.12.03 06:20:22
Action: Clean Failed (Quarantine Failed)

I went to to search more information and didnt find an exact match
on this virus.  I also called trend and they said they didnt have any info
on this virus and that i should send them the virus asap.  I told them that
I couldnt cause i deleted the files that were Quarantined on the server.  So
how does trend not know anything about a virus that was detected by their
program (office scan).  Has anyone seen this virus before.  I also scanned
all the computers that were suppose to be infected and recieved no
notifications of them being infected.


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RE: urgent backup problem

2002-09-10 Thread Chris Quinn

Sander - I only say this because the disk is non-removable, so it is not as
secure as an off-site tape, and I only have space for one backup.  I am
putting together a case for new hardware to go to my management, so maybe I
can slip in a few removable disks without them spotting it!  The answer I
usually get, however, is that the public come to see the fish, not the

BTW We recently were hit by complaints from PETA because we serve fish in
our restaurant (but not in tacos!)

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium

-Original Message-
From: Sander Van Butzelaar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10 September 2002 09:15
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: urgent backup problem

Hi Chris

Just curious why you say that. I backup to different removable hard
drives Monday to Thursday and to tape on Friday (keep one tape off-site)
I find this solution not too bad and have found hard drive restores
faster and more reliable than tape restores (I detest a CRC error on the



-Original Message-
From: Chris Quinn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 09 September 2002 06:21
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: RE: urgent backup problem

In a similar situation, I installed Exchange admin on a Win 2000 machine
with a large, almost empty, hard disk, then set up a Windows backup job
do an Exchange backup to the disk.  Installing the admin program makes
Backup Exchange aware

Not as good as doing a tape backup, but better than nothing at all, and
easier and more reliable than copying the files manually

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Rob Hackney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 09 September 2002 16:39
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: urgent backup problem

hi all, 
can anyone help me with the following scenario:

sbs4.5 exch 5.5 sp4
tape drive has failed and I'm waiting for a new one to replace it.
as I've had to test the tape drive to make sure that it really is
and not anything else, consequence is that there has been no decent
of exchange data. i've re-read the wp on disaster and recovery planning
also the wp on disaster recovery which was kind of useful but as have no
tape drive or hot spare then I've decided to stop the services and copy
relevant files (*.edb/ *.dir/ *.log/etc) to a network drive.  However, I
don't think I've got the syntax right for xcopy (would include it but
haven't got it with me) and also I scheduled it to run at 23.00 but had
error saying did not start - not sure why yet. Should I be using xcopy
should I use plain copy? Has anyone got any tips or syntax for copy - my
programming skills (yes even for batch files) are virtually non
Am I missing anything? Could anyone replying cc
thank you very much Rob

Support Analyst
T.K.C. Sales Ltd.
5 Ashmead Industrial Estate
BS31 1TZ
Tel: 0870 870 0150 ext 302

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RE: urgent backup problem

2002-09-09 Thread Chris Quinn

In a similar situation, I installed Exchange admin on a Win 2000 machine
with a large, almost empty, hard disk, then set up a Windows backup job to
do an Exchange backup to the disk.  Installing the admin program makes NT
Backup Exchange aware

Not as good as doing a tape backup, but better than nothing at all, and
easier and more reliable than copying the files manually

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Rob Hackney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 09 September 2002 16:39
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: urgent backup problem

hi all, 
can anyone help me with the following scenario:

sbs4.5 exch 5.5 sp4
tape drive has failed and I'm waiting for a new one to replace it. However,
as I've had to test the tape drive to make sure that it really is knackered
and not anything else, consequence is that there has been no decent backup
of exchange data. i've re-read the wp on disaster and recovery planning and
also the wp on disaster recovery which was kind of useful but as have no
tape drive or hot spare then I've decided to stop the services and copy the
relevant files (*.edb/ *.dir/ *.log/etc) to a network drive.  However, I
don't think I've got the syntax right for xcopy (would include it but
haven't got it with me) and also I scheduled it to run at 23.00 but had
error saying did not start - not sure why yet. Should I be using xcopy or
should I use plain copy? Has anyone got any tips or syntax for copy - my
programming skills (yes even for batch files) are virtually non existent...
Am I missing anything? Could anyone replying cc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
thank you very much Rob

Support Analyst
T.K.C. Sales Ltd.
5 Ashmead Industrial Estate
BS31 1TZ
Tel: 0870 870 0150 ext 302

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RE: Exchange Problem 5.5. SP/3

2002-08-12 Thread Chris Quinn

Possibly by using a mail client!

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Smith Thomas Contr 911 SPTG/SC [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Sent: 12 August 2002 14:20
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Exchange Problem 5.5. SP/3


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RE: weird question

2002-08-02 Thread Chris Quinn

Mainy mobile companies offer this facility, for WAP enabled phones.  Some
even forward them using SMS, so keep the message short!

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium

-Original Message-
From: Kim Schotanus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 01 August 2002 16:07
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: weird question


I have a question of one of my users. She received a telephone number to
send an email to (looks like a mobile number) and needs to get an email
to this person, he claims he can receive emails send to that number... 
What the hell is going on? What should I tell her?

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RE: POP3 and exchange 2k

2002-08-01 Thread Chris Quinn

I had the same problem yesterday with one of my POP3 accounts - it turns out
the ISP had deactivated the account for non-usage as I was accessing it via
a broadband connection through another ISP, and not using the email
provider's dialup access.  I reactivated my account via their webpages and
all was fine.

Does the ISP have webmail access - if so try this and ensure the account is
active, and the password hasn't been changed

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Crumbaker, Ron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 01 August 2002 14:59
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: POP3 and exchange 2k

I'm having a problem getting mail from my E2k box using POP3.
I can't get mail using the account my Outlook accesses.
For instance, my mail rdcrumbaker I can't get mail via a POP3 client, but I
can setup another user (ron_test) and I can get mail via pop3.
I get an error saying Logon Failure: Unknown user name or bad password.
Any suggestions?

Thank you,

Ron Crumbaker, MCP
PC Systems Administrator
MPD, Inc. - An Employee Owned Company
Office 270-685-6381
Fax 270-685-6212

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RE: URGENT HELP for Exchange 5.5

2002-07-25 Thread Chris Quinn

FAQ Appendix E  (

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Subbi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 25 July 2002 07:21
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: URGENT HELP for Exchange 5.5


I am using Exchange 5.5 and is running sucveffuly for last 4 years, now due
to security reason I have to change the username.

We had created a user called subadmin which is also my NT domain Admin.

Exchange is installed in a member server and we loging in as subadmin there.
Now can i run the exchange server from local admin of the Server

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RE: Cancel Request

2002-07-23 Thread Chris Quinn

Some sort of virus scanning taking place?

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Mike Connolly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 22 July 2002 23:48
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Cancel Request

I'm wondering if anyone has seen the problem I'm currently experiencing and
if so, what you may have done to fix it.

My users are running Outlook 2002 clients, my server is Exchange 5.5 with
the latest service pack. Frequently when a user opens or attempts to move a
message the Cancel Request dialog box is displayed and Outlook stops
responding until the message goes away on its own. This can take from a
couple of seconds to 30 seconds or more. It appears that messages with file
attachments are the most commonly affected.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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RE: Mail Limits ????

2002-06-25 Thread Chris Quinn

The maibox you are sending to has the limit

Chris Quinn
IT Manager
Blue Planet Aquarium 

-Original Message-
From: Darren Ash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 25 June 2002 13:03
To: Exchange Discussions
Subject: Mail Limits 

> All
> As far as I am aware I do not have any limits set ... but I have just 
> received an NDR in the postmaster account. Any ideas ???
> Ex 5.5 Sp4 NT4 Sp6a
> ***
> A mail message was not sent due to a protocol error.
>   4421643 bytes exceeds server limit of 300
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