Re: [FairfieldLife] 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth

2013-11-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In,  wrote:
> Richard,
>  A well poisoner. Nice observation, including all the rest you wrote.
In post 363322 perhaps there is a clue. In a response to Share
authfriend wrote:
>  "P.S.: You're quite right about my childhood, albeit not in the way
you hope. I had a happy, stress-free childhood with two parents who
loved me deeply and steadfastly. They passed on their own devotion to
authenticity and loathing of phoniness to me."
> Whatever she feels is non authentic gets a dose of loathing, i.e., a
feeling of intense dislike or disgust; hatred (that is the definition of
the word). If you want to change the world, loathing is not the emotion
I would want to operate from; it is the antithesis of acceptance, which
is what spirituality develops (sometimes anyway). Loathing is the
emotion you want to instill if you want to pass on intolerance. It is a
blinding emotion.

In the talk on how to detect and deal with liars I viewed as part of an
internal IBM education program, the speaker pointed out one particular
facial expression that one should *always* be wary of. He showed a photo
of Dick Cheney, wearing a snarl characterized by one side of his mouth
raised higher than the other and said, "This is *contempt*. Whenever you
see it, when in a business meeting, *don't* sign the contract, and
instead just get up and leave the room. That is what the other person
really thinks of you, and it's never going to change."

The aspect of this whole routine that always amazes me when someone
trots out the supposedly derogatory buzzphrase "phony" is that the
person using this term never seems to be able to define "what" the
target of their contempt is being a "phony" AT. The belief at the heart
of hurling the epithet "phony" is that the person they are hurling it at
is *pretending* to be something that they're not.

I suggest that this is pure projection, coming in almost every case from
people whose *whole lives* are about pretending to be something they're
not. Such people really *cannot comprehend* other people who have no
need to do this, so they constantly project their own insecure need to
"project an image" onto those they dislike, incorrectly (in many cases)
assuming that their contempt-objects have such a need as well.

The classic example of this, of course, is Judy trying to deal with
someone like Curtis. In my opinion, there have been no posters on this
forum more comfortable with just being what they are than Curtis. I
don't think I ever saw him "pretend" to be anything other than what he
was...the "sum state" of his life, all that had led up to him being who
and what he was, in that moment. But to Judy, he was a "phony."

A "phony" WHAT, Judy? *What* exactly did you believe that Curtis was
trying to pretend to be? *What* exactly do you think that Share is
trying to be, or that I am trying to be when you call us "phonies?"
*Why* do you think that someone would ever have the need to try to
"project an image" and convince other people to believe it? Could it
possibly be because that's what YOU do, on a pretty much constant basis?

Which of the people you have claimed were "phonies," for instance, have
ever said something as stupid and as *obviously* untrue as "I never
lie?" YOU have said this, many times, and everyone here except you knows
immediately that it's not true, and that you're lying when you say it.
Wouldn't that make YOU the phony in this scenario?

When you pretend to "know" what people "really" mean by what they wrote,
when there is no possible way for you to "know" that, aren't YOU being
the "phony?"

Save your contempt for yourself, Judy. You're the one who demonstrates
the behavior you claim to loathe the most on this forum.

> ---In, punditster@ wrote:
>  I've been an respondent on the internet since 1999, so it's not like
I'm a newbie or something. And it's been my observation that Judy has a
really big ego, maybe bigger even than Barry, and that's saying a lot!
There are facts and there are opinions - facts can be argued, but an
opinion stands no matter what, and that's everyone's right to express -
you may not agree, but there should be no excuse for slandering your
debating opponents.
>  It's like when some people call others 'nazis' all the time - it soon
loses its force, and in the end doesn't do justice to the real nazi
>  At first I thought Judy was being very astute when she called Barry a
liar over and over again; then she started going after me with the same
tactic. For awhile I thought there was something wrong with me and that
maybe I did lack integrity. But now, after Judy called Buck a liar for
no reason  at all, I've come to the conclusion that Judy is simply a
>  That's her style I guess.
>  Hey, I'm all for truthfulness and personal integrity, but I'm just
not sure dialoging with anonymous informants in an online chat-room is
the place to prove it - this is supposed to fun

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: A Meditator's Thanksgiving

2013-11-28 Thread anartaxius
The thought popped into my head, and then I put to the keyboard and you read 
it. As basically an atheist, I seemed to have mostly done an end run around GC, 
it had no conceptual material to work with, as GC, as M explained it, derives 
its material from what one's beliefs are in regard to spiritual traditions etc. 
Still this state is described in various ways. For example the philosopher 
Plotinus said nous (pure being) falls in love and is simplified into a happy 

 I remember writing some things long ago that from an emotional point of view 
correspond with what Buck is writing now, but I did not express it in religious 
terms. Benchmarks are guide posts but are not rigid time and place dependent 
markers, and you might experience something of unity even when you are barely 
transcending as a new meditator, or if you are one of those rare individuals 
like Ekhart Tolle or Krishnamurti, you might just slip into unity without any 
preliminaries. Unity throws you off the path, the path dies, you are on your 
own, and there is no way to doubt it, if it is clear enough. By on your own, I 
mean there isn't anything else, even though you can refer to your body as 'me' 
and so forth. Everything that went before is seen through as having been as a 

 Eventually you can look at it any way you like, as wholeness, as unity, as 
duality. Everything that was there before is still there except the 
relationship of thought with experience undergoes a profound shift, their roles 
are reversed so to speak, thought becoming secondary. Those words, duality, 
unity are not what is experienced, they are just ways you try to convey the 
potential of that experience to someone else. You cannot give it to them 
because they have it in spades already. They just do not realise what it can be 
for them so you try to light a fire under them to get them moving in the proper 
direction, which is not a direction at all. Basically you want their mind to 
completely stop, and eventually recognize what the significance of that is. 
There are things people can learn to do that seems to increase the probability 
that this will happen, like meditation.

 Buck has been expressing himself dualistically, so I was rubbing the grain the 
other way. So if you are in unity, and someone smashes an ice cream cone in 
your face, are you going to assume the universe has no parts?

---In,  wrote:

 Hi, Your post brought up a few questions for me:

 What gives you the idea that God Consciousness is the *last* stage of 
delusion? What does that even mean, and how would you know? Are you willing to 
share your deluded experiences of GC with me?


 Also, if Buck is the unified field, aren't you looking to him, and therefore, 
looking to it, when addressing him?
 Why can't duality occur within the wholeness of Unity, according to you?


 (rhymes with Spx)




 ---In,  wrote:

 This is redundant Buck. You are the unified field, you cannot look to it. Are 
you by any chance in that last stage of delusion known as GC?

 ---In,  wrote:

 My spirit looks to the Unified Field alone,
My rock and refuge is Its throne.
In all my fears, in all my straits, 
My soul on Its salvation waits.
Trust It, ye meditators, in all your ways,
Pour out your hearts before Its face;
When helpers fail and foes invade,

 the Unified Field is our all-sufficient aid. 

 Paraphrased excerpt from "Psalm 62" by Isaac Watts: 

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth

2013-11-28 Thread authfriend
Still infuriated, Xeno seethed: 
 > A well poisoner. Nice observation, including all the rest you wrote.


 "Nice," but false.

 > In post 363322 perhaps there is a clue. In a response to Share authfriend 
 > wrote:

 Hypocrisy and false metaphysics from Xeno too. Not a pretty sight.


 "P.S.: You're quite right about my childhood, albeit not in the way you hope. 
I had a happy, stress-free childhood with two parents who loved me deeply and 
steadfastly. They passed on their own devotion to authenticity and loathing of 
phoniness to me."
Whatever she feels is non authentic gets a dose of loathing, i.e., a feeling of 
intense dislike or disgust; hatred (that is the definition of the word). If you 
want to change the world, loathing is not the emotion I would want to operate 
from; it is the antithesis of acceptance, which is what spirituality develops 
(sometimes anyway). Loathing is the emotion you want to instill if you want to 
pass on intolerance. It is a blinding emotion. 

---In,  wrote:

 I've been an respondent on the internet since 1999, so it's not like I'm a 
newbie or something. And it's been my observation that Judy has a really big 
ego, maybe bigger even than Barry, and that's saying a lot! There are facts and 
there are opinions - facts can be argued, but an opinion stands no matter what, 
and that's everyone's right to express - you may not agree, but there should be 
no excuse for slandering your debating opponents.
 It's like when some people call others 'nazis' all the time - it soon loses 
its force, and in the end doesn't do justice to the real nazi victims.
 At first I thought Judy was being very astute when she called Barry a liar 
over and over again; then she started going after me with the same tactic. For 
awhile I thought there was something wrong with me and that maybe I did lack 
integrity. But now, after Judy called Buck a liar for no reason  at all, I've 
come to the conclusion that Judy is simply a well-poisoner. 
 That's her style I guess.
 Hey, I'm all for truthfulness and personal integrity, but I'm just not sure 
dialoging with anonymous informants in an online chat-room is the place to 
prove it - this is supposed to fun, not a trial by a one-person judge and jury. 
 But, it has reached a level now that she's calling almost everyone a liar, a 
troll, and/or a poser. 
 At this point, she's just a very unpleasant person to deal with and not very 
informative either. And, there's no relief when anyone starts up a dialog with 
her - it's incessant and endless. Barry is a case in point - from what I can 
tell, Judy carries a grudge for a very, very long time. Go figure.
 P.S. You may have noticed that Judy does NOT respond very elegantly to 
constructive criticism. If anyone can point to an untruth I've posted, please 
let me know and point my error - be specific, so we can resolve any 
misunderstandings. Thanks in advance.
 On 11/27/2013 10:33 AM, Share Long wrote:
   I think Truth is something huge, that cannot really be completely conveyed 
in words alone. Unless the speaker or writer is communicating from a very 
settled and integrated level of consciousness. OTOH, unless someone has a 
nefarious intention, I think most people try to communicate truthfully. But 
each of us is limited by our connection to Truth. The most trustworthy people, 
imho, are those who recognize this and intend to become more and more truthful.
 On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 9:21 AM, Richard J. Williams  
mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 Maybe, but I almost always suspect someone of not being totally honest when 
they post as an anonymous informant. I used to post under various handles until 
I got outed, and so I decided when I retired, I would just use my real name. 
I've got nothing to hide and nobody can fire me from my job since I'm 
self-employed now. But using a handle is no biggie to me  because I understand 
why some people need to keep their privacy.
 But, I did get a little paranoid reading Bill's post where he claimed Ravi had 
stalked or threatened, to what - expose Bill and his wife. What's up with that? 
 That's when things get REALLY nasty around here - I wouldn't blame Rick if he 
shut down the whole discussion group, if that's what going to happen here on a 
regular basis! It is always troubling to see someone get banned from the group. 
Where I used to work, you had to really screw up big time to get fired - like 
smoking pot in the parking lot or something like that. Hardly anyone gets 
banned on FFL - Kirk got banned for cursing too. Go figure.
 And, I don't care if people post mean things about me sometimes - it could 
always just be a joke of some kind - like when Barry2 posted that my real name 
was Walter White. LoL!
 On 11/27/2013 8:49 AM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... wrote:
   10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth 

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: A Meditator's Thanksgiving

2013-11-28 Thread anartaxius
Clarity starts with unity, and once you start to ramp down on unity and really 
start to let go and forget about the whole benchmark thing, you have that 
'Brahman consciousness' thing. Whatever word you use, you really don't need to 
use that word, because it will never do it justice. Words that seem to imply 
grandeur and magnificence are particularly misleading because they ramp up 
expectation for an experience which is not possible to anticipate. If somebody 
asks you of course, you have to make up stuff to explain, or use traditional 
vehicles of explanation, which somebody else made up.

 I think it is kind of like asymptotic lines, which approach each other but 
never meet, but eventually you get close enough to see there is an end, 
closure, but you can never quite get there, there is always some little 
picayune insight that one might get about some aspect of experience or other, 
but now it is just a tiny little faded jewel in a much larger setting, and that 
larger setting is utterly ordinary, just life as it was, and is, and you don't 
think much about what will be, since that is what is always happening, just 
being is all that is happening. 

 If you remember something from the past, that experience of remembering is 
now, and if you think of a potential future state, that imagining is now, and 
these imaginings are just thoughts passing in the mind, the substance of those 
thoughts is not what is real, though at another time, you may have an 
experience that is related to the thought in your memory. If you read a weather 
report that says it will be hot tomorrow, and the next day you experience 
discomfort from heat, there is a relationship there, but the experience that we 
call heat is not the same as the word 'heat', which can only encapsulate that 
experience in a rather simplistic way as a mental concept. One person might 
feel comfortable in that heat; another might be miserable. Thought is a two 
dimensional replication of three dimensional experience. So while thought can 
be very valuable for life, something is always missing if your life is lived in 
the world of thought, and so one's thoughts are always to a lesser or greater 
extent, a lie.

---In,  wrote:

 Re "This is redundant Buck. You are the unified field, you cannot look to it. 
Are you by any chance in that last stage of delusion known as GC?":

 Excellent comment! 

 But is the next level, Unity Consciousness, the last stage? Isn't Brahman 
Consciousness then the new goal? Jesus! Does it never end? I'm exhausted. I 
think I'll settle for the deep-sleep state.


 ---In,  wrote:

 This is redundant Buck. You are the unified field, you cannot look to it. Are 
you by any chance in that last stage of delusion known as GC?

 ---In,  wrote:

 My spirit looks to the Unified Field alone,
My rock and refuge is Its throne.
In all my fears, in all my straits, 
My soul on Its salvation waits.
Trust It, ye meditators, in all your ways,
Pour out your hearts before Its face;
When helpers fail and foes invade,

 the Unified Field is our all-sufficient aid. 

 Paraphrased excerpt from "Psalm 62" by Isaac Watts: 


[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: A Meditator's Thanksgiving

2013-11-28 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Thanksgiving Happy!  Good day.  Good nite.

---In,  wrote:

 Re "This is redundant Buck. You are the unified field, you cannot look to it. 
Are you by any chance in that last stage of delusion known as GC?":

 Excellent comment! 

 But is the next level, Unity Consciousness, the last stage? Isn't Brahman 
Consciousness then the new goal? Jesus! Does it never end? I'm exhausted. I 
think I'll settle for the deep-sleep state.


 ---In,  wrote:

 This is redundant Buck. You are the unified field, you cannot look to it. Are 
you by any chance in that last stage of delusion known as GC?

 ---In,  wrote:

 My spirit looks to the Unified Field alone,
My rock and refuge is Its throne.
In all my fears, in all my straits, 
My soul on Its salvation waits.
Trust It, ye meditators, in all your ways,
Pour out your hearts before Its face;
When helpers fail and foes invade,

 the Unified Field is our all-sufficient aid. 

 Paraphrased excerpt from "Psalm 62" by Isaac Watts: 


[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: A Meditator's Thanksgiving

2013-11-28 Thread doctordumbass
Hi, Your post brought up a few questions for me:

 What gives you the idea that God Consciousness is the *last* stage of 
delusion? What does that even mean, and how would you know? Are you willing to 
share your deluded experiences of GC with me?


 Also, if Buck is the unified field, aren't you looking to him, and therefore, 
looking to it, when addressing him?
 Why can't duality occur within the wholeness of Unity, according to you?


 (rhymes with Spx)




---In,  wrote:

 This is redundant Buck. You are the unified field, you cannot look to it. Are 
you by any chance in that last stage of delusion known as GC?

 ---In,  wrote:

 My spirit looks to the Unified Field alone,
My rock and refuge is Its throne.
In all my fears, in all my straits, 
My soul on Its salvation waits.
Trust It, ye meditators, in all your ways,
Pour out your hearts before Its face;
When helpers fail and foes invade,

 the Unified Field is our all-sufficient aid. 

 Paraphrased excerpt from "Psalm 62" by Isaac Watts: 

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth

2013-11-28 Thread anartaxius

 A well poisoner. Nice observation, including all the rest you wrote. In post 
363322 perhaps there is a clue. In a response to Share authfriend wrote:
 "P.S.: You're quite right about my childhood, albeit not in the way you hope. 
I had a happy, stress-free childhood with two parents who loved me deeply and 
steadfastly. They passed on their own devotion to authenticity and loathing of 
phoniness to me."
Whatever she feels is non authentic gets a dose of loathing, i.e., a feeling of 
intense dislike or disgust; hatred (that is the definition of the word). If you 
want to change the world, loathing is not the emotion I would want to operate 
from; it is the antithesis of acceptance, which is what spirituality develops 
(sometimes anyway). Loathing is the emotion you want to instill if you want to 
pass on intolerance. It is a blinding emotion. 

---In,  wrote:

 I've been an respondent on the internet since 1999, so it's not like I'm a 
newbie or something. And it's been my observation that Judy has a really big 
ego, maybe bigger even than Barry, and that's saying a lot! There are facts and 
there are opinions - facts can be argued, but an opinion stands no matter what, 
and that's everyone's right to express - you may not agree, but there should be 
no excuse for slandering your debating opponents.
 It's like when some people call others 'nazis' all the time - it soon loses 
its force, and in the end doesn't do justice to the real nazi victims.
 At first I thought Judy was being very astute when she called Barry a liar 
over and over again; then she started going after me with the same tactic. For 
awhile I thought there was something wrong with me and that maybe I did lack 
integrity. But now, after Judy called Buck a liar for no reason  at all, I've 
come to the conclusion that Judy is simply a well-poisoner. 
 That's her style I guess.
 Hey, I'm all for truthfulness and personal integrity, but I'm just not sure 
dialoging with anonymous informants in an online chat-room is the place to 
prove it - this is supposed to fun, not a trial by a one-person judge and jury. 
 But, it has reached a level now that she's calling almost everyone a liar, a 
troll, and/or a poser. 
 At this point, she's just a very unpleasant person to deal with and not very 
informative either. And, there's no relief when anyone starts up a dialog with 
her - it's incessant and endless. Barry is a case in point - from what I can 
tell, Judy carries a grudge for a very, very long time. Go figure.
 P.S. You may have noticed that Judy does NOT respond very elegantly to 
constructive criticism. If anyone can point to an untruth I've posted, please 
let me know and point my error - be specific, so we can resolve any 
misunderstandings. Thanks in advance.
 On 11/27/2013 10:33 AM, Share Long wrote:
   I think Truth is something huge, that cannot really be completely conveyed 
in words alone. Unless the speaker or writer is communicating from a very 
settled and integrated level of consciousness. OTOH, unless someone has a 
nefarious intention, I think most people try to communicate truthfully. But 
each of us is limited by our connection to Truth. The most trustworthy people, 
imho, are those who recognize this and intend to become more and more truthful.
 On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 9:21 AM, Richard J. Williams  
mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 Maybe, but I almost always suspect someone of not being totally honest when 
they post as an anonymous informant. I used to post under various handles until 
I got outed, and so I decided when I retired, I would just use my real name. 
I've got nothing to hide and nobody can fire me from my job since I'm 
self-employed now. But using a handle is no biggie to me  because I understand 
why some people need to keep their privacy.
 But, I did get a little paranoid reading Bill's post where he claimed Ravi had 
stalked or threatened, to what - expose Bill and his wife. What's up with that? 
 That's when things get REALLY nasty around here - I wouldn't blame Rick if he 
shut down the whole discussion group, if that's what going to happen here on a 
regular basis! It is always troubling to see someone get banned from the group. 
Where I used to work, you had to really screw up big time to get fired - like 
smoking pot in the parking lot or something like that. Hardly anyone gets 
banned on FFL - Kirk got banned for cursing too. Go figure.
 And, I don't care if people post mean things about me sometimes - it could 
always just be a joke of some kind - like when Barry2 posted that my real name 
was Walter White. LoL!
 On 11/27/2013 8:49 AM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... wrote:
   10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth We are not face-to-face on 
FFL, it's all words, words, words. There are those here who ma

[FairfieldLife] RE: A Meditator's Thanksgiving

2013-11-28 Thread s3raphita
Re "This is redundant Buck. You are the unified field, you cannot look to it. 
Are you by any chance in that last stage of delusion known as GC?":

 Excellent comment! 

 But is the next level, Unity Consciousness, the last stage? Isn't Brahman 
Consciousness then the new goal? Jesus! Does it never end? I'm exhausted. I 
think I'll settle for the deep-sleep state.


---In,  wrote:

 This is redundant Buck. You are the unified field, you cannot look to it. Are 
you by any chance in that last stage of delusion known as GC?

 ---In,  wrote:

 My spirit looks to the Unified Field alone,
My rock and refuge is Its throne.
In all my fears, in all my straits, 
My soul on Its salvation waits.
Trust It, ye meditators, in all your ways,
Pour out your hearts before Its face;
When helpers fail and foes invade,

 the Unified Field is our all-sufficient aid. 

 Paraphrased excerpt from "Psalm 62" by Isaac Watts: 


[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: A Meditator's Thanksgiving

2013-11-28 Thread anartaxius
This is redundant Buck. You are the unified field, you cannot look to it. Are 
you by any chance in that last stage of delusion known as GC?

---In,  wrote:

 My spirit looks to the Unified Field alone,
My rock and refuge is Its throne.
In all my fears, in all my straits, 
My soul on Its salvation waits.
Trust It, ye meditators, in all your ways,
Pour out your hearts before Its face;
When helpers fail and foes invade,

 the Unified Field is our all-sufficient aid. 

 Paraphrased excerpt from "Psalm 62" by Isaac Watts: 

[FairfieldLife] Activist Meditators, Doing Some Things..Good for Others.

2013-11-28 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Meditators, Doing Good for Others.. 

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: A Meditator's Thanksgiving

2013-11-28 Thread dhamiltony2k5
My spirit looks to the Unified Field alone,
My rock and refuge is Its throne.
In all my fears, in all my straits, 
My soul on Its salvation waits.
Trust It, ye meditators, in all your ways,
Pour out your hearts before Its face;
When helpers fail and foes invade,

 the Unified Field is our all-sufficient aid. 

 Paraphrased excerpt from "Psalm 62" by Isaac Watts: 

 ---In,  wrote:

 Make not increasing gold your trust, 
Nor set your heart on glitt'ring dust;
Why will you grasp the fleeting smoke,
And not know what the Unified Field hath spoke?
For sov'reign pow'r reign not alone,
Grace is the partner of the Unified Field;
Its grace and justice mighty in the Unified Field,

 Shall well divide our last reward of Being. 


 "And so from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the 
things of God [The Unified Field] of himself, until thus actuated by God's 
light and grace in the heart, did naturally spring that manner of sitting 
silent together and waiting together upon God.  As every one is thus gathered, 
and so met together inwardly in their spirits as well as outwardly in their 
persons, there the secret power and virtue of life is known to refresh the 
soul, and the pure motions and breathings of God's spirit are felt to arise.” 
  Barclay  -Apology 1678 

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: Thanksgiving - Pope Francis tells the truth about unbridled capitalism

2013-11-28 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Yes, it is really quite good that way.
  Paraphrasing Pope Frances to Nader Ram:
 Let us go forth, then, let us go forth to offer everyone the life of the 
Unified Field. Here I repeat for the entire TM Movement what I have often said 
to the priests and laity of Buenos Aires: I prefer a Movement which is bruised, 
hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a 
Movement which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own 
security. I do not want a movement concerned with being at the centre and then 
ends by being caught up in a web of obsessions and procedures. If something 
should rightly disturb us and trouble our consciences, it is the fact that so 
many of our brothers and sisters are living without the strength, light and 
consolation born of friendship with meditation and the Unified Field, without a 
community to support them, without meaning and a goal in life. More than by 
fear of going astray, my hope is that we will be moved by the fear of remaining 
shut up within structures which give us a false sense of security, within rules 
which make us harsh judges, within habits which make us feel safe, while at our 
door people are starving as Jesus does not tire of saying to us: “Give them 
something to eat” (Mk 6:37). 

---In,  wrote:

 Thanks for posting the actual link to this document - It is quite long, though 
I read a good bit of it. 


 It is a well thought out, brilliantly written, and impeccably reasoned, 
entreaty to keep the transcendence of God primary in the Church, and in each 
individual life, with social and economic justice, as the result.


 Pope Francis strongly emphasizes the need for the Holy Spirit to be active 
within those in the mother Church. Not in a naive way, either. He goes into 
quite a bit of detail, regarding the challenges to keeping such a faith, and 
presence of God, active within each life, especially in the context of such a 
huge institution. He addresses the challenges of such a quest, head on, 
broadening the discussion way beyond a message to the Catholic faithful. 
Transcending any religious strictures, I found his message positive and 



 ---In,  wrote:

 I. A Movement WHICH GOES FORTH [20-24]
 Taking the first step, being involved and supportive, bearing fruit and 
 An ecclesial renewal which cannot be deferred [27-33] III. FROM THE HEART OF 
THE GOSPEL [34-39]

---In,  wrote:

 His Holiness Nader Ram might take some pages for our TM movement from the Pope 
Frances play book. Yep, on becoming the universal movement of the Unified 
Field.  The Popular Spiritual Liberation Front.
 Like chapter I reads, 

 ---In,  wrote:

 I like this guy - He tells the truth, straight up. 

Even as the American Dream becomes less obtainable for most here, he points 
out, plainly, that the rest of the world, is suffering, far more than we do in 
the West; wars are waged simply for economic gain, rampant consumerism is 
dehumanizing everyone, and 'trickle down economics' is a naive idea, at best, 
and clearly does not work.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Sumatikirti Kadampa?

2013-11-28 Thread emptybill
If yer talking about their lineage then wiki search on Kelsang Gyatso. 
The Dalai Lama changed things and "denounced" a protector that had been 
worshiped by many other Gelugpa-s for quite a while. Apparently some monks and 
nuns then denounced the Dalai Lama and started a break-away lineage under 


 Tibetans can be as much or more psycho as Christians. However, not as 
sociopathic as the Muslims. 


---In,  wrote:

 Anyone heard of this:


 Nice Facebook pages?


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 29-Nov-13 00:15:06 UTC

2013-11-28 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 11/23/13 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 11/30/13 00:00:00
462 messages as of (UTC) 11/28/13 23:36:07

 80 Richard J. Williams 
 70 authfriend
 40 Share Long 
 37 emilymaenot
 35 TurquoiseB 
 33 dhamiltony2k5
 25 Bhairitu 
 17 s3raphita
 16 Richard Williams 
 14 awoelflebater
 12 cardemaister
 11 jr_esq
  9 doctordumbass
  9 Michael Jackson 
  7 salyavin808 
  7 emptybill
  5 raunchydog
  4 wgm4u 
  4 j_alexander_stanley
  4 feste37 
  3 yifuxero
  3 sharelong60
  3 bhairitu 
  3 anartaxius
  3 William Leed 
  2 punditster
  2 Duveyoung 
  1 nablusoss1008 
  1 merudanda 
  1 Rick Archer 
  1 Mike Dixon 
Posters: 31
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] Sumatikirti Kadampa?

2013-11-28 Thread cardemaister
Anyone heard of this:


 Nice Facebook pages?


[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Amish Girl Refuses Chemotheraphy

2013-11-28 Thread feste37
That's a very cruel comment. I'm on the side of the parents. Since when does 
the state have the right to inflict chemotherapy on people who don't want it? 
The family has every right to choose an alternative method of treatment. This 
is supposed to be the land of the free. 


---In,  wrote:

 Yup, natural selection works on the religious too. Maybe they'll see the irony 
in that and stop being so silly. 

 ---In,  wrote:

 But the State of Ohio wants her to continue the treatment.  It appears to me 
that the girl and her family have the right to forego the treatment if that is 
their religious preference to do so.

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: Amish Girl Refuses Chemotheraphy

2013-11-28 Thread authfriend
Actually, if you read the story, the chemo had made her horribly ill, and she 
begged her parents not to make her continue. Doesn't seem to have had anything 
to do with religious preference per se. 

---In,  wrote:

 Yup, natural selection works on the religious too. Maybe they'll see the irony 
in that and stop being so silly. 

 ---In,  wrote:

 But the State of Ohio wants her to continue the treatment.  It appears to me 
that the girl and her family have the right to forego the treatment if that is 
their religious preference to do so.

[FairfieldLife] RE: Amish Girl Refuses Chemotheraphy

2013-11-28 Thread salyavin808
Yup, natural selection works on the religious too. Maybe they'll see the irony 
in that and stop being so silly. 

---In,  wrote:

 But the State of Ohio wants her to continue the treatment.  It appears to me 
that the girl and her family have the right to forego the treatment if that is 
their religious preference to do so.

[FairfieldLife] Thanksgiving California Style

2013-11-28 Thread bhairitu
So much for rain today (which was forecast).  I was also fairly
overdressed to sit out on this patio.  I had not planned to stop at "the
world's slowest Starbucks" but they did not appear that busy from the
parking lot.  I had gone to the store to pick up some supplies for hors
d'oeuvres and decided to treat myself.  And wouldn't you know it about
as soon as I wanted to take a picture someone comes out the door.  And
after I got back I picked large bunch of lemons to take to my nephew's
who is hosting today.
Happy Turkey (or tofurky) Day!

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: Thanksgiving - Pope Francis tells the truth about unbridled capitalism

2013-11-28 Thread doctordumbass
Thanks for posting the actual link to this document - It is quite long, though 
I read a good bit of it. 


 It is a well thought out, brilliantly written, and impeccably reasoned, 
entreaty to keep the transcendence of God primary in the Church, and in each 
individual life, with social and economic justice, as the result.


 Pope Francis strongly emphasizes the need for the Holy Spirit to be active 
within those in the mother Church. Not in a naive way, either. He goes into 
quite a bit of detail, regarding the challenges to keeping such a faith, and 
presence of God, active within each life, especially in the context of such a 
huge institution. He addresses the challenges of such a quest, head on, 
broadening the discussion way beyond a message to the Catholic faithful. 
Transcending any religious strictures, I found his message positive and 



---In,  wrote:

 I. A Movement WHICH GOES FORTH [20-24]
 Taking the first step, being involved and supportive, bearing fruit and 
 An ecclesial renewal which cannot be deferred [27-33] III. FROM THE HEART OF 
THE GOSPEL [34-39]

---In,  wrote:

 His Holiness Nader Ram might take some pages for our TM movement from the Pope 
Frances play book. Yep, on becoming the universal movement of the Unified 
Field.  The Popular Spiritual Liberation Front.
 Like chapter I reads, 

 ---In,  wrote:

 I like this guy - He tells the truth, straight up. 

Even as the American Dream becomes less obtainable for most here, he points 
out, plainly, that the rest of the world, is suffering, far more than we do in 
the West; wars are waged simply for economic gain, rampant consumerism is 
dehumanizing everyone, and 'trickle down economics' is a naive idea, at best, 
and clearly does not work.


[FairfieldLife] RE: Trickle-down Groupie Status

2013-11-28 Thread s3raphita
Re: "You might have been fortunate to encounter only Jim Morrison's music while 
stoned, as opposed to him.":   

---In,  wrote:

 --- In, wrote:
> Best movie to cover that period (actually more early 70s) is a recent French 
> film called "Apres mai" (ie, After May 1968 - aka "Something in the Air"). It 
> covers all the bases of the counter-culture and really captures the vibe. 
> Check it out. 

 Another film that does justice to that period is Bernardo Bertolucci's "The 
Dreamers," set in Paris during the student strikes of 1968. It's an odd, sordid 
little drama in some ways, but it has the redeeming feature of being the film 
that introduced us to Eva Green, arguably one of the most beautiful women in 
the world. 

 > ---In, s3raphita@ wrote: 
> Re "I found myself in Southern California at that most opportune of times, 
> the beginnings of the Hippie Revolution. It didn't turn out to be all that 
> much of a revolution, but it sure as hell was fun to be part of.": 
> You didn't have to be there. I remember one time dropping acid in Paris and 
> finding myself heading towards bummers-ville. I mentioned to a French guy 
> that I wasn't feeling so good and he put The Doors Strange Days album on the 
> stereo and said: "Just listen to Jim. He's one of us." That did the trick. 
> You really felt we were all part of one global movement back then. Funny 
> thing is, years later, I read that Jim Morrison actually hated drop-outs like 
> me! 
> ---In, turquoiseb@ wrote: 
> I made the term in the Subject line up back in the late 60s, probably 
> before "trickle down" had entered the public lexicon. The reason was 
> because I found myself in Southern California at that most opportune of 
> times, the beginnings of the Hippie Revolution. It didn't turn out to be 
> all that much of a revolution, but it sure as hell was fun to be part 
> of. 
> We were just college hippies, taking advantage of the lax laws and the 
> fact that no one had ever promoted rock concerts on a large scale before 
> to run light shows and promote parties/dances/light shows/concerts 
> featuring some of the bands that were just showing up on the musical 
> horizon at the time. Bands like the Grateful Dead, Quicksilver Messenger 
> Service, Buffalo Springfield, The Doors, Big Brother and the Holding 
> Company (Janis Joplin), and Jimi Hendrix. We had no money, no insurance, 
> and we didn't know what the fuck we were doing, but we had one shitload 
> of fun. And we got to party with the bands. 
> It was in that setting that I first discovered the quantum mechanics of 
> Trickle-down Groupie Status. Hot bands attracted hot groupies, hot to 
> trot. But when it came down *to* trotting, there was a definite "pecking 
> order" of groupie status. Top of the list -- hottest groupie prize -- 
> was the lead singer in the band, if there was one. Next came the lead 
> guitarist, or guitarists. Next, interestingly enough, came the drummer. 
> Then the bassist and the other sidemen. All of them were pretty much 
> guaranteed to score at the end of the gig, if 'scoring' was what they 
> had in mind. 
> Next came the band's manager, and after that the roadies. The guys who 
> produced the concert and manned the light show were dead last. But, even 
> so, there were more than enough groupies to go around, so fun -- and the 
> groupies -- were pretty much had by all. It was a fun time, but it was a 
> fleeting time, and I don't think about it much unless someone brings up 
> the music of the period here or on another forum. 
> So imagine my surprise that my conversations with Ben and his friends at 
> Le Verbalon have seemed to confer me some kind of Old Fart Trickle-down 
> Groupie Status. To them, the bands of that era are near-gods, the 
> pantheon of the modern music revolution. To me, they were just guys and 
> gals I was lucky enough to party with for a very short time in my youth. 
> They're anxious for stories of those days ("So what *was* it like to 
> drop acid with Jerry Garcia?"), and I tell them a few that I suspect 
> will entertain them. But afterwards to some extent I can feel them 
> projecting some kind of weirdass rock star glammer onto me, *just 
> because I met these people a few times*. 
> Me, I know the truth. I stumbled onto the scene by accident, enjoyed my 
> luck at having done so, and wandered on. None of these "rock gods" would 
> remember me (were they still alive), and there is no reason why they 
> should. I was just one of the "entourage," another one of the groupies 
> (even if they had a legitimate function, like promoting the concert) who 

[FairfieldLife] Just because you can do something....

2013-11-28 Thread Bhairitu
Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.  I can just 
imagine geeky 20 somethings enthusiastic about using 3D printers to 
create food.  But will it be safe to eat?  Will it be nutritious?  
Technology out of control!

Monsanto and their glyphosates makes Hitler small potatoes.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Is Judy stuck in a "first person shooter" game?

2013-11-28 Thread Bhairitu
Interesting to read too much into "loop games."  That's what most all 
computer games are.  In fact a first person shooter game is nothing more 
than shooting gallery on steroids.

"Loop games" were easy to implement on early computers so the game 
pioneers had fun developing them.  And the public found them 
entertaining.  Folks like to shoot things and blow things up.

But there is a bigger metaphor when we think of "loop games."  In fact 
all computer programs work that way.  The computer goes around in a loop 
and sees what needs to be done and performs it. Come to think of it 
don't all living things including humans do that?  Perhaps now we know 
the meaning of life.

On 11/28/2013 02:59 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

Just a fun conjecture, based on this fascinating article. It sounds 
plausible to me, because what *else* could explain her (and Robin's) 
seeming need to start arguments, start "shooting" at the other parties 
in the arguments, and then strive to keep the arguments going as long 
as they possibly can. There must be a "payoff" for them in this. Maybe 
it's the "flow" this person writes about. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Bitcoins for 5 M!

2013-11-28 Thread Bhairitu
One thing to know is that when something like Bitcoin is making major 
news the party is over. Too bad we all didn't buy some when they were $3 

On 11/28/2013 06:32 AM, wrote:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Neo Mobile

2013-11-28 Thread Bhairitu
Windows Yahoo?  Since when is Yahoo just Windows?  It's a web site not 
peculiar to Windows at all. Why would I want to download emails just to 
look at FFL?  You aren't making any sense, Richard.  Go figure.

On 11/28/2013 04:32 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

Thanks for the screen shot. But, only a nerd would want to view 
Windows Yahoo on an Android phone when they could get the same 
messages using free Google Mail with a Chrome browser. Go figure.

 On 11/27/2013 4:32 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

On 11/27/2013 12:53 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In, "bhairitu" wrote:
> Here you go. Remember most people will be reading on a smartphone a
> inches from their face. As you see the message history is an option
> which can be selected. The first image was the start screen which has
> the banner. You can scroll down the messages as far as you want.
> the phone can be turned sideways for a wider display though shorter
> display (handy for ready Turqs hard return messages).

You'll possibly have noticed that I have abandoned the hard returns as
the Old Geezers Of Internet Tech They Are. :-)

You got me looking at FFL on different formats, and so I noticed that
the old style didn't work as well on most screens these days. So I

As opposed, one might say, to someone who doesn't like a new variety of
tech because it doesn't allow her to keep arguing the same way she's
been arguing for almost twenty years now. Just sayin'. :-) :-) :-)

Problem I have is the new kids worshiping companies as gods like 
whatever they do is "right."  I had a long argument with Android 
developers that it might WELL be appropriate to put an "exit" in the 
menu if your app goes several layers (or "Intents") deep.  Each 
"Intent" is really like a little app in itself.  To have to press the 
back key several times to exit is a bit rude.  Most of the Google 
tech writing engineers seem to have limited experience in real world 
software development.

Similarly developers raved over the new release of the game 
development platform Unity3D.  The company felt compelled to make one 
extravagant demo of their new 2D library.  Problem is there are 
really just a few things experienced developers needed to know to get 
up and running using it but wading through that extravagant demo to 
find those points was a bit overkill.  But sure as hell don't 
criticize Unity3D over it as the cranky dweeb fans will get all over 
you.  I suspect they will role out a very simple example eventually 
as had to do that with their 3D engine.

[FairfieldLife] NSA installed '50,000 malware sleeper cells' in world computer networks

2013-11-28 Thread emptybill

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: A Meditator's Thanksgiving

2013-11-28 Thread authfriend
Paraphrased excerpt from "Psalm 62" by Isaac Watts: 

 Make not increasing gold your trust,
 Nor set your hearts on glitt'ring dust
 Why will you grasp the fleeting smoke,
 And not believe what God has spoke?
 Once has his awful voice declared,
 Once and again my ears have heard,
 "All power is his eternal due;
 He must be feared and trusted too."
 For sovereign power reigns not alone,
 Grace is a partner of the throne:
 Thy grace and justice, mighty Lord,
 Shall well divide our last reward.

---In,  wrote:

 Make not increasing gold your trust, 
Nor set your heart on glitt'ring dust;
Why will you grasp the fleeting smoke,
And not know what the Unified Field hath spoke?
For sov'reign pow'r reign not alone,
Grace is the partner of the Unified Field;
Its grace and justice mighty in the Unified Field,

 Shall well divide our last reward of Being. 


 "And so from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the 
things of God [The Unified Field] of himself, until thus actuated by God's 
light and grace in the heart, did naturally spring that manner of sitting 
silent together and waiting together upon God.  As every one is thus gathered, 
and so met together inwardly in their spirits as well as outwardly in their 
persons, there the secret power and virtue of life is known to refresh the 
soul, and the pure motions and breathings of God's spirit are felt to arise.” 
  Barclay  -Apology 1678 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Is Judy stuck in a "first person shooter" game?

2013-11-28 Thread emilymaenot
Barry, what you say here is also weird.   

---In,  wrote:

 Just a fun conjecture, based on this fascinating article. It sounds plausible 
to me, because what *else* could explain her (and Robin's) seeming need to 
start arguments, start "shooting" at the other parties in the arguments, and 
then strive to keep the arguments going as long as they possibly can. There 
must be a "payoff" for them in this. Maybe it's the "flow" this person writes 

RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth

2013-11-28 Thread emilymaenot
Yes, they can Richard.  That's what I don't understand and why I was asking.  
If you can't explain said allegation, why don't you let let it go?  It appears 
to be taking up valuable space in your brain.  You and Rita have a good day.  

---In,  wrote:

 It's not complicated: Judy posted both statements, both can't be true. 
 On 11/27/2013 9:54 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
   Richard, seriously, I just don't understand what you are saying here. 
Instead of reposting and reposting the same thing, can you, in detail, explain 
how, based on the words in the two sentences in question, you are coming to 
said conclusion of Judy "lying?"  If you are all bent out of shape about Judy, 
just objectively review the two statements and explain how the two sentences 
that you keep reposting proves a "lie."  
 mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 Well, I'm quoting it because you posted it. You're not doing a very good job 
of explaining what you meant. So, did you or did you not post this?
 "Richard is lying. I never said anything about "the technique," whatever it 
is, or was. Nor did I say the bijas weren't "nicknames" of the deities 
(whatever "nicknames" means in this context)."
 "Just for example, the TM mantras are *not* the names of the
 Hindu gods.  The Hindu gods have perfectly good names of
 their own."
 P.S. This may be lost on you, but I'm pretty sure Barry and Share can 
understand what you posted. It looks to me like you are trying to wiggle out of 
owning your own words. Not that anyone cares what you say these days,anyway. Go 
 On 11/27/2013 3:50 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   I don't know why you keep quoting stuff that documents the fact that you 
were lying, but that's your problem. 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 The most reliable proof is to post the message number and the URL to the 
actual words, like when I posted your own words and the URL to see them, and 
you still called me a liar.
 "Richard is lying. I never said anything about "the technique," whatever it 
is, or was. Nor did I say the bijas weren't "nicknames" of the deities 
(whatever "nicknames" means in this context)."
 "...the TM mantras are *not* the names of the Hindu gods. The Hindu gods have 
perfectly good names of their own."
 Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and dreaming?
 Author: Judy Stein
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 1:22 pm
 On 11/27/2013 9:11 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   Hey, Barry, have a look at this. It's fascinating. 
 Xeno wrote:
 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth We are not face-to-face on 
FFL, it's all words, words, words. There are those here who make a big deal of 
their integrity. Perhaps that is a suspect trait. Um, or perhaps not. 
Legitimately suspect, that is. Me, I think the most reliable way to tell if 
someone is a liar is whether there is documented evidence that they have lied. 
(That's why a functioning Search feature is so frightening to Barry.) 

RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth

2013-11-28 Thread emilymaenot
Yes, I see.  It's weird.  Have a wonderful day.   

---In,  wrote:

 All you're going to get from Richard is trollage, Emily. I guarantee it.
Emily wrote:

 > Richard, seriously, I just don't understand what you are saying here. 
 > Instead of reposting and reposting 
 > the same thing, can you, in detail, explain how, based on the words in the 
 > two sentences in question, you 
 > are coming to said conclusion of Judy "lying?"  If you are all bent out of 
 > shape about Judy, just objectively 
 > review the two statements and explain how the two sentences that you keep 
 > reposting proves a "lie."  

 ---In,  wrote:

 Well, I'm quoting it because you posted it. You're not doing a very good job 
of explaining what you meant. So, did you or did you not post this?
 "Richard is lying. I never said anything about "the technique," whatever it 
is, or was. Nor did I say the bijas weren't "nicknames" of the deities 
(whatever "nicknames" means in this context)."
 "Just for example, the TM mantras are *not* the names of the
 Hindu gods.  The Hindu gods have perfectly good names of
 their own."
 P.S. This may be lost on you, but I'm pretty sure Barry and Share can 
understand what you posted. It looks to me like you are trying to wiggle out of 
owning your own words. Not that anyone cares what you say these days,anyway. Go 
 On 11/27/2013 3:50 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   I don't know why you keep quoting stuff that documents the fact that you 
were lying, but that's your problem. 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 The most reliable proof is to post the message number and the URL to the 
actual words, like when I posted your own words and the URL to see them, and 
you still called me a liar.
 "Richard is lying. I never said anything about "the technique," whatever it 
is, or was. Nor did I say the bijas weren't "nicknames" of the deities 
(whatever "nicknames" means in this context)."
 "...the TM mantras are *not* the names of the Hindu gods. The Hindu gods have 
perfectly good names of their own."
 Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and dreaming?
 Author: Judy Stein
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 1:22 pm
 On 11/27/2013 9:11 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   Hey, Barry, have a look at this. It's fascinating. 
 Xeno wrote:
 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth We are not face-to-face on 
FFL, it's all words, words, words. There are those here who make a big deal of 
their integrity. Perhaps that is a suspect trait. Um, or perhaps not. 
Legitimately suspect, that is. Me, I think the most reliable way to tell if 
someone is a liar is whether there is documented evidence that they have lied. 
(That's why a functioning Search feature is so frightening to Barry.) 

[FairfieldLife] RE: A Meditator's Thanksgiving

2013-11-28 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Make not increasing gold your trust, 
Nor set your heart on glitt'ring dust;
Why will you grasp the fleeting smoke,
And not know what the Unified Field hath spoke?
For sov'reign pow'r reign not alone,
Grace is the partner of the Unified Field;
Its grace and justice mighty in the Unified Field,

 Shall well divide our last reward of Being. 


 "And so from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the 
things of God [The Unified Field] of himself, until thus actuated by God's 
light and grace in the heart, did naturally spring that manner of sitting 
silent together and waiting together upon God.  As every one is thus gathered, 
and so met together inwardly in their spirits as well as outwardly in their 
persons, there the secret power and virtue of life is known to refresh the 
soul, and the pure motions and breathings of God's spirit are felt to arise.” 
  Barclay  -Apology 1678 

[FairfieldLife] Adam's ex-boyfriend!

2013-11-28 Thread cardemaister
Adam Lambert's ex-BF and his Dancing on Ice -coach, Nea Ojala:

[FairfieldLife] Bitcoins for 5 M!

2013-11-28 Thread cardemaister

[FairfieldLife] What In The World Are They Spraying ?

2013-11-28 Thread nablusoss1008

RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth

2013-11-28 Thread authfriend
All you're going to get from Richard is trollage, Emily. I guarantee it.
Emily wrote:

 > Richard, seriously, I just don't understand what you are saying here. 
 > Instead of reposting and reposting 
 > the same thing, can you, in detail, explain how, based on the words in the 
 > two sentences in question, you 
 > are coming to said conclusion of Judy "lying?"  If you are all bent out of 
 > shape about Judy, just objectively 
 > review the two statements and explain how the two sentences that you keep 
 > reposting proves a "lie."  

 ---In,  wrote:

 Well, I'm quoting it because you posted it. You're not doing a very good job 
of explaining what you meant. So, did you or did you not post this?
 "Richard is lying. I never said anything about "the technique," whatever it 
is, or was. Nor did I say the bijas weren't "nicknames" of the deities 
(whatever "nicknames" means in this context)."
 "Just for example, the TM mantras are *not* the names of the
 Hindu gods.  The Hindu gods have perfectly good names of
 their own."
 P.S. This may be lost on you, but I'm pretty sure Barry and Share can 
understand what you posted. It looks to me like you are trying to wiggle out of 
owning your own words. Not that anyone cares what you say these days,anyway. Go 
 On 11/27/2013 3:50 PM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   I don't know why you keep quoting stuff that documents the fact that you 
were lying, but that's your problem. 
 mailto:punditster@... wrote:
 The most reliable proof is to post the message number and the URL to the 
actual words, like when I posted your own words and the URL to see them, and 
you still called me a liar.
 "Richard is lying. I never said anything about "the technique," whatever it 
is, or was. Nor did I say the bijas weren't "nicknames" of the deities 
(whatever "nicknames" means in this context)."
 "...the TM mantras are *not* the names of the Hindu gods. The Hindu gods have 
perfectly good names of their own."
 Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and dreaming?
 Author: Judy Stein
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 1:22 pm
 On 11/27/2013 9:11 AM, authfriend@... mailto:authfriend@... wrote:
   Hey, Barry, have a look at this. It's fascinating. 
 Xeno wrote:
 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth We are not face-to-face on 
FFL, it's all words, words, words. There are those here who make a big deal of 
their integrity. Perhaps that is a suspect trait. Um, or perhaps not. 
Legitimately suspect, that is. Me, I think the most reliable way to tell if 
someone is a liar is whether there is documented evidence that they have lied. 
(That's why a functioning Search feature is so frightening to Barry.) 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Is Judy stuck in a "first person shooter" game?

2013-11-28 Thread authfriend
One more instance of Barry attributing his own bad behavior to others. When he 
tries to start arguments, he calls it "pushing buttons." And he does it more 
than anyone else here. (The post I'm responding to is, of course, an example.)

---In,  wrote:

 Just a fun conjecture, based on this fascinating article. It sounds plausible 
to me, because what *else* could explain her (and Robin's) seeming need to 
start arguments, start "shooting" at the other parties in the arguments, and 
then strive to keep the arguments going as long as they possibly can. There 
must be a "payoff" for them in this. Maybe it's the "flow" this person writes 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Neo Mobile

2013-11-28 Thread Share Long
Richard, most of us on FFL are nerds! Or at least introverts! Happy 
Thanksgiving to you and Rita and family (-:

On Thursday, November 28, 2013 6:32 AM, Richard J. Williams 
Thanks for the screen shot. But, only a nerd would want to view Windows Yahoo 
on an Android phone when they could get the same messages using free Google 
Mail with a Chrome browser. Go figure.

 On 11/27/2013 4:32 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

>On 11/27/2013 12:53 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:
>>--- In, "bhairitu" wrote:
>>> Here you go. Remember most people will be reading
  on a smartphone a
>>> inches from their face. As you see the message
  history is an option
>>> which can be selected. The first image was the
  start screen which has
>>> the banner. You can scroll down the messages as
  far as you want. 
>>> the phone can be turned sideways for a wider
  display though shorter
>>> display (handy for ready Turqs hard return
>>You'll possibly have noticed that I have abandoned the
  hard returns as
>>the Old Geezers Of Internet Tech They Are. :-)
>>You got me looking at FFL on different formats, and so
  I noticed that
>>the old style didn't work as well on most screens
  these days. So I
>>As opposed, one might say, to someone who doesn't like
  a new variety of
>>tech because it doesn't allow her to keep arguing the
  same way she's
>>been arguing for almost twenty years now. Just sayin'.
  :-) :-) :-)
>Problem I have is the new kids worshiping companies as gods
like whatever they do is "right."  I had a long argument
with Android developers that it might WELL be appropriate to
put an "exit" in the menu if your app goes several layers
(or "Intents") deep.  Each "Intent" is really like a little
app in itself.  To have to press the back key several times
to exit is a bit rude.  Most of the Google tech writing
engineers seem to have limited experience in real world
software development.
>Similarly developers raved over the new release of the game
development platform Unity3D.  The company felt compelled to
make one extravagant demo of their new 2D library.  Problem
is there are really just a few things experienced developers
needed to know to get up and running using it but wading
through that extravagant demo to find those points was a bit
overkill.  But sure as hell don't criticize Unity3D over it
as the cranky dweeb fans will get all over you.  I suspect
they will role out a very simple example eventually as had
to do that with their 3D engine.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditating, a Thanksgiving FFL

2013-11-28 Thread Share Long
Wow, Buck, wow, can't wait to show this to my Mom and family. Happy 
Thanksgiving to everyone on FFL, hope you all have a joyful, yummy day.

On Thursday, November 28, 2013 5:59 AM, "" 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Meditating, a Thanksgiving FFL

2013-11-28 Thread Share Long

On Thursday, November 28, 2013 5:59 AM, "" 

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Al Gore debates Global Warming

2013-11-28 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Fighting materialism through transcending meditation is the sustainable 
happiness residing between the wont of too little and too much.
 Sat, Chit, Ananda. Rishi, Devata, Chandas. A consciousness-based life, 
 it is, my friends, the only sustainable happiness we can pursue.
 Versus the excesses on earth of our heedlessness and material-isms.
 Make use of our time on planet earth,
 have a wonder-filled Thanksgiving in meditation today,

---In,  wrote:

 Purposeful Simplicity.
 Living Lightly on the Earth,

 a rhetorical call to meditation:
 Professor David Shi, 


 ---In,  wrote:

 Whose adorning, let it not be that outward adorning of
 plaiting the hair, and of wearing gold, or of putting on of
 [frivolous and ostentatious] apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the 
heart, in that
 which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and
 quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God [the Unified Field]
 of great price. 

 ---In,  wrote:

 Yes, all of this will have to change in a brave new world of climate change 

 We will all need to sacrifice. Look, we need not just some incremental change 
in some efficiency but it is time for revolutionary lifestyle change based on 
large thinking and science. I feel we should immediately and institute 
quiet-time meditations in all schools everywhere. Start with the children as 
students. Then also in all public workplaces. -Buck

 ---In,  wrote:

 I have a better idea: start by becoming a vegetarian if what Richard says is 
to be believed (and I believe it). If one is going to meditate perhaps we 
should do so in a house that does not require heat or air conditioning. That 
would mean moving to a more temperate climate. Do you eat meat Buck? Do you 
drive a car or tractor? Do you heat your home? Do you consume anything not made 
within 5 miles of where you live? Do you ever travel to faraway places to see 
"saints"? I'd like to be able to say your simplistic and elegant "solution" of 
meditating for two hours a day was going to solve all this but, alas, I fear 
you may have missed the proverbial mark.

 ---In,  wrote:

 Well, as a substantial resolution we should all be investing in energy 
efficient sustainable group meditation meeting homes for quiet-time meditations 
where people live, go to school, or work. Pay people to do a full two hour 
meditation program twice a day during the workday. We could achieve upwards of 
50 percent reduction in emission of climate change greenhouse gases. Somehow we 
have to get back to much simpler standards of living for the benefit of all 
living beings. We need to attack rampant materialism somewhere. It should start 
with instituting quiet-time meditation for everyone. -Buck 

 ---In,  wrote:

 Maybe you forgot to mention all the animal flatulence out back in your barn? 
 "Livestock also produces more than 100 other polluting gases, including more 
than two-thirds of the world's emissions of ammonia, one of the main causes of 
acid rain."
 On 11/21/2013 8:51 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
   Is that giant dome you attend every day heated or  does it have air 
conditioning or fans? Is your giant tractor fuelled by pig piss? Just askin'... 
 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:
 Yep, no question it is hotter and drier in Fairfield. Folks will certainly 
repent the glutton of their fossil-fueled air-conditioned days whence we get 
drought years back to back and a real drought sets in for 60 or 90 days across 
the mid-crop growing stage from seedling to pollination. You'll all repent then 
you sinners and become believers in the obvious that carbon dioxide is the 
element that regulates our atmospheric climate. About the only thing you'll be 
able to do with famine then is meditate your last skinny breath on earth. Git 
real. It is all about lifestyle, materialism and the lack of people spending 
enough time in meditation everyday. 
 -Buck in the Dome 
 ---In, wrote:
 Dare Rick watch it?
 mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:
 Thanks. The trailer was actually pretty lame but looking at the Wiki entry for 
the movie it sounds a film I'd want to seek out. . 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FFL Neo Mobile

2013-11-28 Thread Richard J. Williams
Thanks for the screen shot. But, only a nerd would want to view Windows 
Yahoo on an Android phone when they could get the same messages using 
free Google Mail with a Chrome browser. Go figure.

 On 11/27/2013 4:32 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

On 11/27/2013 12:53 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In, "bhairitu" wrote:
> Here you go. Remember most people will be reading on a smartphone a
> inches from their face. As you see the message history is an option
> which can be selected. The first image was the start screen which has
> the banner. You can scroll down the messages as far as you want.
> the phone can be turned sideways for a wider display though shorter
> display (handy for ready Turqs hard return messages).

You'll possibly have noticed that I have abandoned the hard returns as
the Old Geezers Of Internet Tech They Are. :-)

You got me looking at FFL on different formats, and so I noticed that
the old style didn't work as well on most screens these days. So I

As opposed, one might say, to someone who doesn't like a new variety of
tech because it doesn't allow her to keep arguing the same way she's
been arguing for almost twenty years now. Just sayin'. :-) :-) :-)

Problem I have is the new kids worshiping companies as gods like 
whatever they do is "right."  I had a long argument with Android 
developers that it might WELL be appropriate to put an "exit" in the 
menu if your app goes several layers (or "Intents") deep.  Each 
"Intent" is really like a little app in itself.  To have to press the 
back key several times to exit is a bit rude.  Most of the Google tech 
writing engineers seem to have limited experience in real world 
software development.

Similarly developers raved over the new release of the game 
development platform Unity3D.  The company felt compelled to make one 
extravagant demo of their new 2D library.  Problem is there are really 
just a few things experienced developers needed to know to get up and 
running using it but wading through that extravagant demo to find 
those points was a bit overkill.  But sure as hell don't criticize 
Unity3D over it as the cranky dweeb fans will get all over you.  I 
suspect they will role out a very simple example eventually as had to 
do that with their 3D engine.

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: Al Gore debates Global Warming

2013-11-28 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Purposeful Simplicity.
 Living Lightly on the Earth,

 a rhetorical call to meditation:
 Professor David Shi, 


---In,  wrote:

 Whose adorning, let it not be that outward adorning of
 plaiting the hair, and of wearing gold, or of putting on of
 [frivolous and ostentatious] apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the 
heart, in that
 which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and
 quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God [the Unified Field]
 of great price. 

 ---In,  wrote:

 Yes, all of this will have to change in a brave new world of climate change 

 We will all need to sacrifice. Look, we need not just some incremental change 
in some efficiency but it is time for revolutionary lifestyle change based on 
large thinking and science. I feel we should immediately and institute 
quiet-time meditations in all schools everywhere. Start with the children as 
students. Then also in all public workplaces. -Buck

 ---In,  wrote:

 I have a better idea: start by becoming a vegetarian if what Richard says is 
to be believed (and I believe it). If one is going to meditate perhaps we 
should do so in a house that does not require heat or air conditioning. That 
would mean moving to a more temperate climate. Do you eat meat Buck? Do you 
drive a car or tractor? Do you heat your home? Do you consume anything not made 
within 5 miles of where you live? Do you ever travel to faraway places to see 
"saints"? I'd like to be able to say your simplistic and elegant "solution" of 
meditating for two hours a day was going to solve all this but, alas, I fear 
you may have missed the proverbial mark.

 ---In,  wrote:

 Well, as a substantial resolution we should all be investing in energy 
efficient sustainable group meditation meeting homes for quiet-time meditations 
where people live, go to school, or work. Pay people to do a full two hour 
meditation program twice a day during the workday. We could achieve upwards of 
50 percent reduction in emission of climate change greenhouse gases. Somehow we 
have to get back to much simpler standards of living for the benefit of all 
living beings. We need to attack rampant materialism somewhere. It should start 
with instituting quiet-time meditation for everyone. -Buck 

 ---In,  wrote:

 Maybe you forgot to mention all the animal flatulence out back in your barn? 
 "Livestock also produces more than 100 other polluting gases, including more 
than two-thirds of the world's emissions of ammonia, one of the main causes of 
acid rain."
 On 11/21/2013 8:51 AM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:
   Is that giant dome you attend every day heated or  does it have air 
conditioning or fans? Is your giant tractor fuelled by pig piss? Just askin'... 
 mailto:dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:
 Yep, no question it is hotter and drier in Fairfield. Folks will certainly 
repent the glutton of their fossil-fueled air-conditioned days whence we get 
drought years back to back and a real drought sets in for 60 or 90 days across 
the mid-crop growing stage from seedling to pollination. You'll all repent then 
you sinners and become believers in the obvious that carbon dioxide is the 
element that regulates our atmospheric climate. About the only thing you'll be 
able to do with famine then is meditate your last skinny breath on earth. Git 
real. It is all about lifestyle, materialism and the lack of people spending 
enough time in meditation everyday. 
 -Buck in the Dome 
 ---In, wrote:
 Dare Rick watch it?
 mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:
 Thanks. The trailer was actually pretty lame but looking at the Wiki entry for 
the movie it sounds a film I'd want to seek out. . 
 ---In, wrote: might like this movie "Pandora's Promise", it really brings 
environmentalism up to date.
 mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:
 I've got an open mind. But I see that Al Gore's house (maybe he has more than 
one) is powered with a geothermal system as well as 33-solar panels. If 

Re: [FairfieldLife] 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth

2013-11-28 Thread Richard J. Williams
You just don't get it Judy - just stop the lying. There is an an echo in 
here - but you already knew that. LoL!

On 11/27/2013 11:33 PM, wrote:

*This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes 
Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. *


---In,  wrote:

What is she going to say? She's been caught telling a deliberate 
untruth and she can't refute it. Go figure.

On 11/27/2013 9:06 PM, Share Long wrote:

Judy asked if there was an echo in here. I guess she hasn't noticed 
how many times she's posted about refutation, etc.

On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 9:02 PM, Richard J. Williams 

This your your style I guess.

On 11/27/2013 6:03 PM, authfriend@...  wrote:
*This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes 
Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. *



I've been an respondent on the internet since 1999, so it's not like 
I'm a newbie or something. And it's been my observation that Judy 
has a really big ego, maybe bigger even than Barry, and that's 
saying a lot! There are facts and there are opinions - facts can be 
argued, but an opinion stands no matter what, and that's everyone's 
right to express - you may not agree, but there should be no excuse 
for slandering your debating opponents.

It's like when some people call others 'nazis' all the time - it 
soon loses its force, and in the end doesn't do justice to the real 
nazi victims.

At first I thought Judy was being very astute when she called Barry 
a liar over and over again; then she started going after me with the 
same tactic. For awhile I thought there was something wrong with me 
and that maybe I did lack integrity. But now, after Judy called Buck 
a liar for no reason  at all, I've come to the conclusion that Judy 
is simply a well-poisoner.

That's her style I guess.

Hey, I'm all for truthfulness and personal integrity, but I'm just 
not sure dialoging with anonymous informants in an online chat-room 
is the place to prove it - this is supposed to fun, not a trial by a 
one-person judge and jury.

But, it has reached a level now that she's calling almost everyone a 
liar, a troll, and/or a poser.

At this point, she's just a very unpleasant person to deal with and 
not very informative either. And, there's no relief when anyone 
starts up a dialog with her - it's incessant and endless. Barry is a 
case in point - from what I can tell, Judy carries a grudge for a 
very, very long time. Go figure.

P.S. You may have noticed that Judy does NOT respond very elegantly 
to constructive criticism. If anyone can point to an untruth I've 
posted, please let me know and point my error - be specific, so we 
can resolve any misunderstandings. Thanks in advance.

On 11/27/2013 10:33 AM, Share Long wrote:

I think Truth is something huge, that cannot really be completely 
conveyed in words alone. Unless the speaker or writer is 
communicating from a very settled and integrated level of 
consciousness. OTOH, unless someone has a nefarious intention, I 
think most people try to communicate truthfully. But each of us is 
limited by our connection to Truth. The most trustworthy people, 
imho, are those who recognize this and intend to become more and 
more truthful.

On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 9:21 AM, Richard J. Williams 
Maybe, but I almost always suspect someone of not being totally 
honest when they post as an anonymous informant. I used to post 
under various handles until I got outed, and so I decided when I 
retired, I would just use my real name. I've got nothing to hide 
and nobody can fire me from my job since I'm self-employed now. But 
using a handle is no biggie to me because I understand why some 
people need to keep their privacy.

But, I did get a little paranoid reading Bill's post where he 
claimed Ravi had stalked or threatened, to what - expose Bill and 
his wife. What's up with that?

That's when things get REALLY nasty around here - I wouldn't blame 
Rick if he shut down the whole discussion group, if that's what 
going to happen here on a regular basis! It is always troubling to 
see someone get banned from the group. Where I used to work, you 
had to really screw up big time to get fired - like smoking pot in 
the parking lot or something like that. Hardly anyone gets banned 
on FFL - Kirk got banned for cursing too. Go figure.

And, I don't care if people post mean things about me sometimes - 
it could always just be a joke of some kind - like when Barry2 
posted that my real name was Walter White. LoL!

On 11/27/2013 8:49 AM, anartaxius@...  wrote:

/*10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth*/


Re: [FairfieldLife] 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth

2013-11-28 Thread Richard J. Williams
What are you talking about - I'm not living in a pod with Share! (no pun 

On 11/27/2013 10:33 PM, wrote:

Share, do you want to take a crack at explaining why what Richard 
keeps posting constitutes a "lie" on Judy's part?  As one of the "two 
peas in a pod", do you get it?  It makes no sense to me at all, but 
I'm willing to try and understand what Richard is putting forth. 
 Objectively, of course.

---In,  wrote:

What is she going to say? She's been caught telling a deliberate 
untruth and she can't refute it. Go figure.

On 11/27/2013 9:06 PM, Share Long wrote:

Judy asked if there was an echo in here. I guess she hasn't noticed 
how many times she's posted about refutation, etc.

On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 9:02 PM, Richard J. Williams 

This your your style I guess.

On 11/27/2013 6:03 PM, authfriend@...  wrote:
*This is all trolling, stuff Richard made up. If anyone here takes 
Richard seriously enough to want a detailed refutation, let me know. *



I've been an respondent on the internet since 1999, so it's not like 
I'm a newbie or something. And it's been my observation that Judy 
has a really big ego, maybe bigger even than Barry, and that's 
saying a lot! There are facts and there are opinions - facts can be 
argued, but an opinion stands no matter what, and that's everyone's 
right to express - you may not agree, but there should be no excuse 
for slandering your debating opponents.

It's like when some people call others 'nazis' all the time - it 
soon loses its force, and in the end doesn't do justice to the real 
nazi victims.

At first I thought Judy was being very astute when she called Barry 
a liar over and over again; then she started going after me with the 
same tactic. For awhile I thought there was something wrong with me 
and that maybe I did lack integrity. But now, after Judy called Buck 
a liar for no reason  at all, I've come to the conclusion that Judy 
is simply a well-poisoner.

That's her style I guess.

Hey, I'm all for truthfulness and personal integrity, but I'm just 
not sure dialoging with anonymous informants in an online chat-room 
is the place to prove it - this is supposed to fun, not a trial by a 
one-person judge and jury.

But, it has reached a level now that she's calling almost everyone a 
liar, a troll, and/or a poser.

At this point, she's just a very unpleasant person to deal with and 
not very informative either. And, there's no relief when anyone 
starts up a dialog with her - it's incessant and endless. Barry is a 
case in point - from what I can tell, Judy carries a grudge for a 
very, very long time. Go figure.

P.S. You may have noticed that Judy does NOT respond very elegantly 
to constructive criticism. If anyone can point to an untruth I've 
posted, please let me know and point my error - be specific, so we 
can resolve any misunderstandings. Thanks in advance.

On 11/27/2013 10:33 AM, Share Long wrote:

I think Truth is something huge, that cannot really be completely 
conveyed in words alone. Unless the speaker or writer is 
communicating from a very settled and integrated level of 
consciousness. OTOH, unless someone has a nefarious intention, I 
think most people try to communicate truthfully. But each of us is 
limited by our connection to Truth. The most trustworthy people, 
imho, are those who recognize this and intend to become more and 
more truthful.

On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 9:21 AM, Richard J. Williams 
Maybe, but I almost always suspect someone of not being totally 
honest when they post as an anonymous informant. I used to post 
under various handles until I got outed, and so I decided when I 
retired, I would just use my real name. I've got nothing to hide 
and nobody can fire me from my job since I'm self-employed now. But 
using a handle is no biggie to me because I understand why some 
people need to keep their privacy.

But, I did get a little paranoid reading Bill's post where he 
claimed Ravi had stalked or threatened, to what - expose Bill and 
his wife. What's up with that?

That's when things get REALLY nasty around here - I wouldn't blame 
Rick if he shut down the whole discussion group, if that's what 
going to happen here on a regular basis! It is always troubling to 
see someone get banned from the group. Where I used to work, you 
had to really screw up big time to get fired - like smoking pot in 
the parking lot or something like that. Hardly anyone gets banned 
on FFL - Kirk got banned for cursing too. Go figure.

And, I don't care if people post mean things about me sometimes - 
it could always just be a joke of some kind - like when Barry2 
posted that my real name was Walter White. LoL!

On 11/27/2013 8:49 A

Re: [FairfieldLife] RE: 10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth

2013-11-28 Thread Richard J. Williams

It's not complicated: Judy posted both statements, both can't be true.

On 11/27/2013 9:54 PM, wrote:

Richard, seriously, I just don't understand what you are saying here. 
Instead of reposting and reposting the same thing, can you, in detail, 
explain how, based on the words in the two sentences in question, you 
are coming to said conclusion of Judy "lying?"  If you are all bent 
out of shape about Judy, just objectively review the two statements 
and explain how the two sentences that you keep reposting proves a "lie."

---In,  wrote:

Well, I'm quoting it because you posted it. You're not doing a very 
good job of explaining what you meant. So, did you or did you not post 

"Richard is lying. I never said anything about "the technique," 
whatever it is, or was. Nor did I say the bijas weren't "nicknames" of 
the deities (whatever "nicknames" means in this context)."

"Just for example, the TM mantras are *not* the names of the
Hindu gods.  The Hindu gods have perfectly good names of
their own." 

P.S. This may be lost on you, but I'm pretty sure Barry and Share can 
understand what you posted. It looks to me like you are trying to 
wiggle out of owning your own words. Not that anyone cares what you 
say these days,anyway. Go figure.

On 11/27/2013 3:50 PM, authfriend@...  wrote:

I don't know why you keep quoting stuff that documents the fact that 
you were lying, but that's your problem.


The most reliable proof is to post the message number and the URL to 
the actual words, like when I posted your own words and the URL to 
see them, and you still called me a liar.

"Richard is lying. I never said anything about "the technique," 
whatever it is, or was. Nor did I say the bijas weren't "nicknames" 
of the deities (whatever "nicknames" means in this context)."

"...the TM mantras are *not* the names of the Hindu gods. The Hindu 
gods have perfectly good names of their own."

Subject: Re: do you ever repeat your mantra when you are asleep and 

Author: Judy Stein
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: Sat, Dec 17 2005 1:22 pm

On 11/27/2013 9:11 AM, authfriend@...  wrote:

*Hey, Barry, have a look at this. It's fascinating. *

Xeno wrote:

/*10 Ways Liars Use Words To Obscure the Truth*/

We are not face-to-face on FFL, it's all words, words,
words. There are those here who make a big deal of their
integrity. Perhaps that is a suspect trait.

*Um, or perhaps not. /Legitimately/ suspect, that is.*

Me, I think the most reliable way to tell if someone is a
liar is whether there is documented evidence that they have
lied. (That's why a functioning Search feature is so
frightening to Barry.)

[FairfieldLife] Meditating, a Thanksgiving FFL

2013-11-28 Thread dhamiltony2k5

[FairfieldLife] RE: RE: RE: RE: Thanksgiving - Pope Francis tells the truth about unbridled capitalism

2013-11-28 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Paraphrasing: “The Movement community must look with penetrating eyes within 
herself, ponder the mystery of her own being… This vivid and lively 
self-awareness inevitably leads to a comparison between the ideal image 
Maharishi envisaged her and loved her as his holy and spotless bride (cf. Eph 
5:27), and the actual image which the Movement presents to the world today... 
This is the source of the Movement’s heroic and impatient struggle for renewal: 
the struggle to correct those flaws introduced by her members which her own 
self-examination, mirroring her exemplar points out to her and condemns”.[23]


 Finally an evangelizing community is filled with joy; it knows how to rejoice 
always. It celebrates at every small victory, every step forward in the work of 
 .. what I am trying to express here has a programmatic significance and 
important consequences.  “Mere administration” can no longer be enough.[21]
 Throughout the world, let us be “permanently in a state of mission”.[22]
 Jai Guru Dev,

 ---In,  wrote:

 I. A Movement WHICH GOES FORTH [20-24]
 Taking the first step, being involved and supportive, bearing fruit and 
 An ecclesial renewal which cannot be deferred [27-33] III. FROM THE HEART OF 
THE GOSPEL [34-39]

---In,  wrote:

 His Holiness Nader Ram might take some pages for our TM movement from the Pope 
Frances play book. Yep, on becoming the universal movement of the Unified 
Field.  The Popular Spiritual Liberation Front.
 Like chapter I reads, 

 ---In,  wrote:

 I like this guy - He tells the truth, straight up. 

Even as the American Dream becomes less obtainable for most here, he points 
out, plainly, that the rest of the world, is suffering, far more than we do in 
the West; wars are waged simply for economic gain, rampant consumerism is 
dehumanizing everyone, and 'trickle down economics' is a naive idea, at best, 
and clearly does not work.


[FairfieldLife] A Meditator's Thanksgiving

2013-11-28 Thread dhamiltony2k5
"And so from this principle of man's being silent, and not acting in the things 
of God [The Unified Field] of himself, until thus actuated by God's light and 
grace in the heart, did naturally spring that manner of sitting silent together 
and waiting together upon God.  As every one is thus gathered, and so met 
together inwardly in their spirits as well as outwardly in their persons, there 
the secret power and virtue of life is known to refresh the soul, and the pure 
motions and breathings of God's spirit are felt to arise.” 
  Barclay  -Apology 1678 

[FairfieldLife] Is Judy stuck in a "first person shooter" game?

2013-11-28 Thread TurquoiseB
Just a fun conjecture, based on this fascinating article. It sounds
plausible to me, because what *else* could explain her (and Robin's)
seeming need to start arguments, start "shooting" at the other parties
in the arguments, and then strive to keep the arguments going as long as
they possibly can. There must be a "payoff" for them in this. Maybe it's
the "flow" this person writes about.\

[FairfieldLife] From cold to warm (climate)!

2013-11-28 Thread cardemaister
I usually  don't like that much Finnish song lyrics. It's way 
 harder to write those in Finnish than, say, in English.

 Jukka Poika ([yoock-ka] Jack Boy) might be one exception.
 Anna Abreu performs Jukka's reggae'ish(?) Kylmästä lämpimään
 (from cold to warm [climate]):

[FairfieldLife] Childhood dreams don't have to be let in childhood

2013-11-28 Thread TurquoiseB
Thanks to Red Bull Media House, at least one young boy's dreams became a
reality. I simply cannot imagine how many "takes" and bandages went into
the making of this, but it sure paid off: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trickle-down Groupie Status

2013-11-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, "TurquoiseB"  wrote:
> It was in that setting that I first discovered the quantum mechanics
> Trickle-down Groupie Status. Hot bands attracted hot groupies, hot to
> trot. But when it came down *to* trotting, there was a definite
> order" of groupie status. Top of the list -- hottest groupie prize --
> was the lead singer in the band, if there was one. Next came the lead
> guitarist, or guitarists. Next, interestingly enough, came the
> Then the bassist and the other sidemen. All of them were pretty much
> guaranteed to score at the end of the gig, if 'scoring' was what they
> had in mind.
> Next came the band's manager, and after that the roadies. The guys who
> produced the concert and manned the light show were dead last. But,
> so, there were more than enough groupies to go around, so fun -- and
> groupies -- were pretty much had by all.

Just to follow up with something more immediately related to FFL and its
concerns and interests, I tend to see pretty much the same groupie
dynamics acting themselves out in spiritual communities. At the top of
the pecking order, of course, is the teacher or guru, and the game is to
get as close to them as possible. People even have special Woo-Words for
*why* they want to get close, such as "darshan" and "grace" and all that
Woo stuff.

Next in the pecking order come the groupies who have managed to get
close to the teacher or guru and stay close for some time. In the modern
TMO, that would be the Bevans and Hagelins and people like that; in past
eras it would be Larry Domash and Harold Bloomfield. And, of course,
many of them took full advantage of their perceived groupie status to
cut a wide swath through the female population of TM teachers and
students who came flocking around them.

On residence courses, a well-known phenomenon that we in the Regional
Office always had to warn prospective teachers of these courses about
was called (by us) the Gotta Fuck The Course Leader phenomenon. Both men
and women course leaders were equally perceived as having groupie
status, so put them in a closed environment with a lot of horny men and
women made even more horny by rounding, and as a course leader you often
found yourself hearing knocks on your door in the dead of night. Often
this ended benevolently, with nothing more serious than a one-night
stand happening, but occasionally it caused a mini-scandal or two, and
caused the breakup of marriages. That is why we warned prospective
teachers to be wary of the phenomenon, so that it didn't take them by

The one thing I never saw in the TMO in terms of groupie status pecking
order was it following the *hierarchical* pecking order created by the
TMO itself. That is, "Governors" weren't perceived as having any higher
groupie status than regular old vanilla TM teachers. I was never around
during the Raja days, but I would assume that the sight of grown men
running around in long white robes and Burger King crowns didn't exactly
do a lot for *their* groupie status, either.  :-)

As for the women, well...there were so few of them who ever gravitated
to positions of power or influence in the male-dominated TMO that the
issue of groupie status rarely came up. Except in terms of competing
with each other. It's not, after all, as if anyone secretly lusted after
any of the Mother Divine ladies; their idea of charisma was about as
sexy as a chastity belt.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trickle-down Groupie Status

2013-11-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In,  wrote:
> Best movie to cover that period (actually more early 70s) is a recent
French film called "Apres mai" (ie, After May 1968 - aka "Something in
the Air"). It covers all the bases of the counter-culture and really
captures the vibe. Check it out.
>   < >

Another film that does justice to that period is Bernardo Bertolucci's
"The Dreamers," set in Paris during the student strikes of 1968. It's an
odd, sordid little drama in some ways, but it has the redeeming feature
of being the film that introduced us to Eva Green, arguably one of the
most beautiful women in the world.

> ---In, s3raphita@ wrote:
>  Re "I found myself in Southern California at that most opportune of
times, the beginnings of the Hippie Revolution. It didn't turn out to be
all that much of a revolution, but it sure as hell was fun to be part
>  You didn't have to be there. I remember one time dropping acid in
Paris and finding myself heading towards bummers-ville. I mentioned to a
French guy that I wasn't feeling so good and he put The Doors Strange
Days album on the stereo and said: "Just listen to Jim. He's one of us."
That did the trick. You really felt we were all part of one global
movement back then. Funny thing is, years later, I read that Jim
Morrison actually hated drop-outs like me!
>  ---In, turquoiseb@ wrote:
>  I made the term in the Subject line up back in the late 60s, probably
>  before "trickle down" had entered the public lexicon. The reason was
>  because I found myself in Southern California at that most opportune
>  times, the beginnings of the Hippie Revolution. It didn't turn out to
>  all that much of a revolution, but it sure as hell was fun to be part
>  of.
>  We were just college hippies, taking advantage of the lax laws and
>  fact that no one had ever promoted rock concerts on a large scale
>  to run light shows and promote parties/dances/light shows/concerts
>  featuring some of the bands that were just showing up on the musical
>  horizon at the time. Bands like the Grateful Dead, Quicksilver
>  Service, Buffalo Springfield, The Doors, Big Brother and the Holding
>  Company (Janis Joplin), and Jimi Hendrix. We had no money, no
>  and we didn't know what the fuck we were doing, but we had one
>  of fun. And we got to party with the bands.
>  It was in that setting that I first discovered the quantum mechanics
>  Trickle-down Groupie Status. Hot bands attracted hot groupies, hot to
>  trot. But when it came down *to* trotting, there was a definite
>  order" of groupie status. Top of the list -- hottest groupie prize --
>  was the lead singer in the band, if there was one. Next came the lead
>  guitarist, or guitarists. Next, interestingly enough, came the
>  Then the bassist and the other sidemen. All of them were pretty much
>  guaranteed to score at the end of the gig, if 'scoring' was what they
>  had in mind.
>  Next came the band's manager, and after that the roadies. The guys
>  produced the concert and manned the light show were dead last. But,
>  so, there were more than enough groupies to go around, so fun -- and
>  groupies -- were pretty much had by all. It was a fun time, but it
was a
>  fleeting time, and I don't think about it much unless someone brings
>  the music of the period here or on another forum.
>  So imagine my surprise that my conversations with Ben and his friends
>  Le Verbalon have seemed to confer me some kind of Old Fart
>  Groupie Status. To them, the bands of that era are near-gods, the
>  pantheon of the modern music revolution. To me, they were just guys
>  gals I was lucky enough to party with for a very short time in my
>  They're anxious for stories of those days ("So what *was* it like to
>  drop acid with Jerry Garcia?"), and I tell them a few that I suspect
>  will entertain them. But afterwards to some extent I can feel them
>  projecting some kind of weirdass rock star glammer onto me, *just
>  because I met these people a few times*.
>  Me, I know the truth. I stumbled onto the scene by accident, enjoyed
>  luck at having done so, and wandered on. None of these "rock gods"
>  remember me (were they still alive), and there is no reason why they
>  should. I was just one of the "entourage," another one of the
>  (even if they had a legitimate function, like promoting the concert)
>  hung around musicians at that time and in that place.
>  But for the French, almost warming their hands at the thought of what
>  California must have been like at that time, me having been there,
>  that

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trickle-down Groupie Status

2013-11-28 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In,  wrote:
> > Re "I found myself in Southern California at that most opportune of
times, the beginnings of the Hippie Revolution. It didn't turn out to be
all that much of a revolution, but it sure as hell was fun to be part
>  You didn't have to be there. I remember one time dropping acid in
Paris and finding myself heading towards bummers-ville. I mentioned to a
French guy that I wasn't feeling so good and he put The Doors Strange
Days album on the stereo and said: "Just listen to Jim. He's one of us."
That did the trick. You really felt we were all part of one global
movement back then. Funny thing is, years later, I read that Jim
Morrison actually hated drop-outs like me!

Based on my one encounter with him, there is a possibility that Jim
Morrison hated people, period. You might have been fortunate to
encounter only his music while stoned, as opposed to him.  :-)