[FairfieldLife] Re: Calexit in 2018

2016-11-23 Thread ultrarishi
While I would hate to see the Union breakup, I would love to see a referendum 
on the ballot in Calfiornia just so it can flex its muscle a little in front of 
the rest of the country.  Most Republican states I heard get more in Federal 
money than they pay into the system via taxes.  California gives more than it 
gets financially, and god knows it overachieves in other areas too.


[FairfieldLife] How Transcendentalism is Battling..

2016-11-23 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 vs. form-ism, the battling clearly continues on.  From generation to 
generation it is transcendentalists providing the spiritual commentary and 
antidote to materialism.  

 I am seeing this generational attending happen right now here in the 
Millennial Center, in downtown Detroit. 

 Ammachi is in Detroit having public programs and a several day retreat this 
week. A lot of spiritual people gathered on retreat. Quite a lot from 
Fairfield, Iowa here too.  

 Yesterday at the public darshan program you could see quite a large flow of 
Gen-X coming in with their small kids. It was spectacular to see their 
diversity in a seeming ‘spiritual but not religious’ demographic.

 That apparently is in constitution. 


 Yifuxero writes:

 Thx for posting the article on Lynch.  I have the hard copy in front of me.
 On the ongoing battle between Quietism and Fundamentalist belief systems, the 
Quietists (historically since the first century CE, Gnosticism) initially lost 
as long as fundamentalist religions were in power in Europe, and that timespan 
was from Emperor Constatine into the Age Of Enlightenment when (for example), 
French patriots literally burned down the Catholic Churches.  But such battles 
continued well into the 20th century for example in Mexico during the 20's, 
with Catholic Priests persecuted.
 Therefore (at least in the West), and by no means discussing the East, 
inroads by Quietism had to wait until the grip of Fundamentalism finally began 
to wane.
 Unfortunately, Quietism in the US (as exemplified by Emerson and Thoreau) took 
a heavy beating when the efforts of the Wesley brothers (late 18-th century) 
panned out with Methodist missionaries spreading their dogma all throughout the 
country on all levels including the American Indians.  Where were the Quietist 
 As stated before, the trend toward scientific materialism after Newton also 
doomed Quietism from the "left" (liberal humanitarianism, coupled with 
materialism and scientism)  This occurred even though Newton himself was a 
probable Quietist though he kept it a secret lest he offend the Anglican 
Church. After all, if he wanted to maintain his position as the Chancellor the 
Exchequer, advertising himself as a "Quietist" wouldn't go over very well!
 Ironically, by the 20th century, it was science attacking from the left (via 
Planck and Einstein, then the Quantum pioneers), that facilitated the crumbling 
of the stranglehold of Evangelical Christianity on the upper crust of American 
society at least in NY and Chicago.
 The bottom line in this part of the discussion is that the introduction of 
Quietism into American culture depended on a strange ally:  scientific 
materialism.  How weird!  For this and other reasons, I strongly object to the 
notion that "Spirituality" is defined solely on the basis of the Transcendent 
and Quietist practices.
 Also during the 19-th century we have several other unplanned alliesthat 
assisted in undermining the grip of Fundamentalist theology..  The first would 
of course be the works of Darwin and others, as well as the social Darwinists 
such as Spencer who from the UK popularized the notion that constructive 
changes can occur even without the assistance of the input of theologians.  
Second, there were other giants of civilization in the 19-th century that  
although were not Quietists, - a case can be made that the long term success of 
the Quietist movement depends somewhat on their success:  1. Vanderbilt in 
railroads, 2. Rockefeller in oil, 3. Carnegie in steel, and JP Morgan in 
finance and helping to develop the first electrical grid based on the 
discoveries of Tesla.
 To make a long story short, by way of example: if there ever will be a Museum 
of Quietism, these Titans of Industry, as well as the physicists, social 
engineers, humanitarians, and others laid the groundwork for people like 
Yogananda and MMY to eventually (after THOUSANDS of years!) to finally converge 
to a time and place where all of the finest qualities of each type of Movement 
work hand in hand in a complementary fashion.
 As another example, even though in 1975 the TM Movement started to 
dramatically decline in terms of initiations, we can hypothesize that the spark 
of Creative Intelligence simply moved elsewhere.  It moved into IT - first with 
the necessary inventions (many from WWII and afterwards, then to 
microprocessors and INTEL, then to Gates and the PC.
 Last but not least, the Internet and the WWW.
 If "Spirituality" were confined solely to Transcendentalism, we wouldn't even 
be having this discussion: no internet, no computers, no electricity, no 
physics, no microwaves, telephones, airplanes.
 Just try saying these aspects of civilization aren't "spiritual". Can't be 
 Quietism will eventually win the war but probably well after the future Capt. 
James T. Kirk is born in Iowa and gets into the Starfleet Academy. (25-th 
century I believe).
 So, your eff

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Call to Spiritual Order,Rally Now to Meditation!

2016-11-23 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Discourses at the Ammachi darshans in Detroit this week were a lot about making 
a connection of cultivating/gaining spiritual strength from spiritual practices 
along with compassionate humanitarianism, as you say.  Light in the body, feet 
on the ground. "Do the work."



 Yifuxero writes:

 Thx, the case of a connection between Transcendence and compassionate 
humanitarianism, perhaps can be undermined or even dismissed from a 
Neo-Advaitic viewpoint by saying that Transcendence alone does not imply any 
particular action.
 However, recent research coming from several areas does indeed bolster the 
connection between Transcendence (if done by enough people) and Global Peace.; 
but I must object to the idea that MMY made those connections.
 The new argument can be bolstered by merging 3  sources:  1. Sam Harris, 2. 
The polyvagal axis theory, and 3. the brain's production of Oxytocin, which is 
part of (2).
 First, from Neurophysiologist Harris:  (a reasoned hypothesis) That silent 
medication may lead to increased awareness which leads to Empathy for others 
(an ability to feel what others are feeling, in some way).  Finally, the 
increased ability to Empathize leads to what the Buddhists call Compassion 
(related to the love concept but slightly different).

 2. Second, the Polyvagal axis, already covered on this forum.  Thx Doug for 
introducing this to the forum..
 3. The measurement of Oxytocin output after the subject engages in various 
experimental activities.  Oxytocin is the body's "Love molecule".  For example, 
petting animals might stimulate hormone.  High up on the list of activities 
that generate an Oxy response is Compassionate meditation: (silent meditation 
coupled with a feeling of Compassion).
 Therefore the missing ingredient not emphasized by MMY to any great extent is 

 Shalom Aleichem

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yes, the Domes in Fairfield quite evidently are activating places spiritually 
too like these places are for an individual or collective.  There certainly is 
a reality to that. Like sitting in gathered Quaker meetings meditating In 
effect wages peace as place more profoundly founded in what is a silence of 
their spiritual processes. Waging Peace now given these agitated and divided 
times, the imperative seems to rise as we come to know more. This becomes like 
a duty.  Duty for those who know how to pursue and wage radical peace 
spiritually. To the call..to help,  


 Yifuxero writes:
 On the topic of group vs solitary meditation, having meditated in Charlie 
Lutes' group, the Shakti was quote powerful, but so was meditating alone in the 
SIMS initiation rooms.  But positively the MOST powerful Shakti site I've been 
in was the Ramakrishna Vedanta Temple in Hollywood, CA.

 Thx Jim, another great essay on your part that I agree with. I've come up with 
a hypothesis that moral values (as a set of ethics, a major branch of 
philosophy), can ultimately be derived from Game Theory.  Some of the results 
can be duplicated with a computer, but given the limited power of computers, we 
would have to speculate on an overall conclusion with large numbers of people..
 Take tribal behavior.  There's an optimum population which gives rise to a 
cohesive tribe (I believe it's approximately 150 people).  Too little, and the 
members can't come together to formulate (not consciously), game-theoretic 
rules which enhance tribal survival.  Division of labor for example. With too 
many people, the tribe may break off into sects that ultimately war against 
each other.  The more simplistic outcomes can be programmed using game theory, 
matching what we observe.

 On the topic of Transcendence, I've come up with a new Koan: "Before 
Enlightenment, an asshole chopping wood and carrying water.  After 
Enlightenment, as asshole chopping wood and carrying water".  Thijs doesn't 
apply to you.  I'm thinking of people like Adi Da, but that's a judgment on my 
 On the topic of group vs solitary meditation, having meditated in Charlie 
Lutes' group, the Shakti was quote powerful, but so was meditating alone in the 
SIMS initiation rooms.  But positively the MOST powerful Shakti site I've been 
in was the Ramakrishna Vedanta Temple in Hollywood, CA.

 Shalom Aleichem



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 War is evil, and the moral equivalent of war is evil. You are using the wrong 

 If meditation brings peace, it is the antithesis of war, and of evil. It does 
not achieve its results by conflict, but by stilling conflict.

 The universe shows no signs of morality. Morality does not come from the gods. 
It is a derivative of social communal interaction for the common good. It comes 
from us.

 The peace of meditation enhances the morality of those already inclined in 
that direction, but there are many, many long time meditators that show no 
sense of moral value at all. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Quietist Revolution

2016-11-23 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Thanks, well expressed considerations.  yifuxero writes:  Thx, for purposes of 
philosophical discourse, we can take the experiences  of A 
 to be valuable lessons for B, but as pointed out by MMY; this approach is not 
always valuable or appropriate.  To use an analogy, take the people in the 
"Matrix" world.  Some wake up out of their dismal state of delusion, and among 
these, some prefer to fight the system while others simply accommodate 
themselves with the Order of things, quietly living amongst the so-called 
deluded population. But in that set of persons, they simply "like" being the 
way they are.
 On the notion of Transcendence "not" being Transcendence since after the 
unknown becomes known it couldn't be Transcendent; sorry Jim but this argument 
leads to an infinite regress and its excessive faux eruditeness obscures the 
stark simplicity of the nature of desies.  Person A simply experiences 
something that he at one time called "Transcendent" and wishes to make it 
permanent.  If so, it in a sense is STILL "Transcendent" (purusha), because - 
as pointed out by the Vedic reference by Carde, Purusha is Absolutely distinct 
from subtle prakriti. Lett out is that the distinction simultaneously exists, 
but doesn't exist.  (a genuine Paradox).  The fact that this boggles the mind 
is simply a fact of life.
  As pointed out by Harri Aalto, "persons" are Purusha though they not know it 
consciously.  When knowing "IT", the label of Transcendence may be applied.  No 
need to complicate things. It's simply something newly experienced (unless one 
is born that way).  But even after realizing IT, IT's still the Transcendent, 
according to the Vedic verse quoted by Carde.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 On 11/22/2016 09:23 AM, Archer Angel archonan...@yahoo.com 
mailto:archonan...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Transcendentalism and Quietism have philosophically at their basis, 

 That is a recessive quality, a retreat, and that cannot stand up to more 
forceful attitudes such as ramming a dogma down someone's throat. 

 Quietism was condemned as a heresy in the Catholic Church, wrongly elevating 
contemplation over meditation, intellectual stillness over vocal prayer, and 
interior passivity over pious action. (Note the words here are used in a 
different sense than in TM.)

 This problem cannot be overcome unless it is realized that transcendence and 
stillness are techniques to expand experience, to expand the nature of the 
mind. They are not ends in themselves, they are methods.

 Also these methods become objectified. Moving from a state of experience not 
previously known to a state of knowing is a transcendence, a going beyond, but 
just for the moment. Once you have the result, it is in hand. It is not 

 Thus it is improper to say you are experiencing "the Transcendent," because 
any state transcendent to what you are experiencing is not experienced. 
Transcendence is a method to get from A to B, a state of experience, not a 
state of objects.

 Philosophically maybe but this gets too complicated for the neophyte.  What I 
noticed was I stopped "coming out of meditation". IOW saying the experience of 
"the transcendent" in activity is merely a way of communicating with other 
meditators about the experience be it just silence in activity.  It is probably 
easier for them to imagine what having that quiet transcendent feeling in 
activity is like than imagining silence in activity (confusing).
 Indian gurus have through time simplified terms of the experience as much as 
possible because intellect seemed to have little to do with whether one might 
develop enlightenment or not.  In fact the intellect might often be barrier to 
such develop because one can develop expectations that actually don't reflect 
the experience.  I swear some think it's like going to be on LSD all the time 
and that would not be very practical. And intellectualizing about it too much 
tends to bog things down.
 Went to the library and found 3 (unchecked out) cc of Eckart Tolle's "Heaven 
on Earth" in which he makes the case that more Transcendentalists will 
transform society.
 If he believes soon, I'd say he's mistakenbut maybe in 500 years.
 There's something else to consider:
 Is Tolle talking about isolated Transcendentalists who simply evolve into 
Gnosis? Or will a greater influence be organized religions such as Buddhism, 
which have as adherents many teachers - especially of the Mahayana variety, 
whose aim it is to not rest until all of humanity is Enlightened.  This could 
take some time.
   Transcendentalism and Quietism have philosophically at their basis, 

 That is a recessive quality, a retreat, and that cannot stand up to more 
forceful attitudes such as ramming a dogma down someone's throat. 

 Quietism was condemned as a heresy in the Catholic Church, wrongly elevating 
contemplation over meditat

[FairfieldLife] Calexit in 2018

2016-11-23 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Yes, California can do this as shown below:

 Yes California Independence Campaign, a fringe political group 
is calling for the nation's largest state to become an independent nation after 
filing a proposed ballot measure with the attorney general on Monday.

 The proposed measure would require a constitutional amendment and therefore 
require two-thirds majority in both houses or two-thirds of states ratifying. 
The measure started to gain traction after Donald Trump was announced president 
on November 9.


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Thu 24-Nov-16 00:15:06 UTC

2016-11-23 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 11/19/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 11/26/16 00:00:00
50 messages as of (UTC) 11/23/16 14:49:37

 13 jr_esq
 10 hepa7
  8 yifuxero
  6 dhamiltony2k5
  5 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  2 email4you mikemail4you
  2 Bhairitu noozguru
  1 ultrarishi 
  1 emily.mae50
  1 Archer Angel archonangel
  1 'Rick Archer' rick
Posters: 11
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Calexit on 2018?

2016-11-23 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
BTW, IMHO, I don't think California's electoral votes should even be counted 
since they give illegal aliens drivers licenses that can be used as ID for 
voting and not requiring any proof of citizenship other than their word, which 
is worthless since they entered the country illegally and use falsified 
documents.  This dilutes or at least potentially dilutes, the value of the 
legal citizens of the state. The same goes for any other state that does the 

  From: "Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 

 To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com"  
 Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2016 8:28 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Calexit on 2018?
    Well,it wasn't *unconstitutional* in 1860! Jefferson Davis was never 
prosecuted after the South surrendered. The fear was that going to the Supreme 
Court, that they would rule in the Souths constitutional right to secede. That 
would have really opened up a can of worms! Over half a million dead, an entire 
section of the country destroyed and property seized illegally.
You might read the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence.

  From: "jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2016 2:06 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Calexit on 2018?
    Could the impossible happen?  Getting out of the Union may not be allowed 
by the Constitution.
Californians might vote in 2018 on taking steps toward secession in a 'Calexit' 
||||   Californians might vote in 2018 on taking steps 
toward...  In 2018, the issue of whether California should secede from the 
union could come to a head. Yes...||
|  View on www.yahoo.com  |Preview by Yahoo|



 #yiv3922156401 #yiv3922156401 -- #yiv3922156401ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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div#yiv3922156401ygrp-mlmsg #yiv3922156401ygrp-msg p a 

[FairfieldLife] Mysogony and Xenophobia

2016-11-23 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Looks like the Misogynistic/Xenophobic president elect wants Governor Nikki 
Hailey to be the US ambassador to the UN.Hm 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Calexit on 2018?

2016-11-23 Thread Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Well,it wasn't *unconstitutional* in 1860! Jefferson Davis was never prosecuted 
after the South surrendered. The fear was that going to the Supreme Court, that 
they would rule in the Souths constitutional right to secede. That would have 
really opened up a can of worms! Over half a million dead, an entire section of 
the country destroyed and property seized illegally.
You might read the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence.

  From: "jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2016 2:06 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Calexit on 2018?
    Could the impossible happen?  Getting out of the Union may not be allowed 
by the Constitution.
Californians might vote in 2018 on taking steps toward secession in a 'Calexit' 
||||   Californians might vote in 2018 on taking steps 
toward...  In 2018, the issue of whether California should secede from the 
union could come to a head. Yes...||
|  View on www.yahoo.com  |Preview by Yahoo|


  #yiv1705187136 #yiv1705187136 -- #yiv1705187136ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv1705187136 
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[FairfieldLife] Xmas canceled in Dortmund!

2016-11-23 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 'We are a Muslim business' Woolworths store cancels Christmas over Islamic 

 'We are a Muslim business' Woolworths store canc... 
 WOOLWORTHS has cancelled Christmas in one of its German stores after claiming 
its only remaining customers are Muslim.
 View on www.express.co.uk 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Virtual Reality Evidence: Yogic Flying

2016-11-23 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The technique for making virtual reality follow the wishes in pure 

 Yogic Flying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHwhGUo90jw 
 Yogic Flying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHwhGUo90jw Yogic Flying
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHwhGUo90jw 
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[FairfieldLife] Calexit on 2018?

2016-11-23 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Could the impossible happen?  Getting out of the Union may not be allowed by 
the Constitution.

 Californians might vote in 2018 on taking steps toward secession in a 
 Californians might vote in 2018 on taking steps toward... 
In 2018, the issue of whether California should secede from the union could 
come to a head. Yes...
 View on www.yahoo.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Just Wondering: Whatever Happened to Judy, Ann, Sunshine, and S3?

2016-11-23 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]



 The election results were rather questionable in that most pollsters predicted 
Clinton to win.  Yet on election night.  Trump suddenly pulled the gap to win 
the election.

 I also had a dream showing that Trump became a president of a once mighty 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Perhaps they shouldn't worry: amongst others, Baba Vanga, the bulgarian blind 
mystic, or whatever, is claimed to have  predicted (before 1997?) that the 44th 
US president shall be black, and the last one. So, there shall be no Trump 