[FairfieldLife] Re: Londonistan?

2019-11-20 Thread srijau
I see visible boobs and no hijabs. Doesnt look islamicized.

[FairfieldLife] Pvr Narasimha Rao on Trump

2019-10-14 Thread srijau
published march 2018


[FairfieldLife] Gurpreet Singh on Trump

2019-10-14 Thread srijau
posted long ago


[FairfieldLife] Re: Does King Tony have any new projects for the TMO?

2019-10-08 Thread srijau
Moat: "It is hard to fill a cup that is already full."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does King Tony have any new projects for the TMO?

2019-10-08 Thread srijau
thats not an actual conversation or reply its a justpolemic. You are a full 
cup. Just start your own movement.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does King Tony have any new projects for the TMO?

2019-10-07 Thread srijau
he is not quiet  he is doing facebook lives, leading courses

[FairfieldLife] Re: excellent doc on Christ

2019-09-27 Thread srijau
check out "Caesar's Messiah" easily found on YouTube! watch it right to the end!

[FairfieldLife] shocking doc on diet

2019-09-25 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] excellent doc on Christ

2019-09-25 Thread srijau
watch right to the end!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Most Significant Contributions

2019-09-25 Thread srijau
re #21 we know have confirmation that in approximately the last 3 years 
Maharishi worked 23! hour a day, I wonder if this is something that has ever 
been documented in a human being. He would have done this around age 87 to 90.

[FairfieldLife] the rich and famous

2019-09-25 Thread srijau

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive

2019-09-20 Thread srijau
Thank you  for you continuing commitment to a better world through uplifting 
group consciousness and more fair and accountable organizational structures.

[FairfieldLife] Nithyananda star denounces him

2019-09-17 Thread srijau


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Requesting info on the new campus PK clinic, also look 2 Dr.Raju's Ayervedic Institute Hyderabad India

2019-09-08 Thread srijau
the air pollution in New Delhi was something unbelievable. Maybe it might be 
better now but it seemed like no place to be to be trying to be healthier.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The USA is buying Greenland?

2019-08-22 Thread srijau
why would Greenlanders want to be part of a shithole country? if you can send 
migrants there why couldnt you have sent to any other of the US territories? 
youre just a crazy as Drumpf

[FairfieldLife] current astro for USA

2019-08-08 Thread srijau
a Fairfield Jyotishi on the USA  chart 

 if you want prediction just listen to the last 5 mins
 unless you are trying to learn this school of astrology which does have some 
valid insights but does not work for a lot of human birth times.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2019-08-02 Thread srijau
its good for where they are it does not work well for the whole world. 
Maharishi was trying to re-establish something after thousands of years, he was 
playing with time that householders do TM in the beginning at one point an hour 
and at another 15mins and then 20, he didnt now everything in detail without 
experimentation. .. He also said every place need to have its own groups as 
well these big groups in one place which are a start. The world as a whole may 
be on an upward path but the super-power countries are all lacking in 
coherence. It could be a formula for a very rough transformation

[FairfieldLife] Dr Tony Nader

2019-08-02 Thread srijau


[FairfieldLife] celebration of Ron Khare

2019-07-24 Thread srijau

 For those of you who live or can travel to Fairfield, we will be having an 
informal Celebration of Life for Ron. This is not a memorial service - more of 
a gathering of his friends to chat with each other and reminisce. We have 
created a nice Google photo album that will be playing as a slideshow during 
the gathering. If you have pictures to add - send them to me and I will put 
them in. 
 Ron loved having people over - so we will do this on Sunday, July 28th 1-5 pm 
at our house 1108 N. B St, Fairfield, IA 52556. Those attending are welcome to 
bring something to share to eat or drink. 
 For those of you thinking to travel here, know that RAGBRI is happening this 
week and all the hotels are full until Sat. 
 I have two small rooms open at the house, sharing a bathroom with Ronnie and 
 The response to how much Ron meant to so many people is beyond heartwarming. 
Thank you again for everything. 
 You may share this post with anyone who would like to know what the plans are. 
There will be a notice at the Fairfield Men's Dome, too, soon. 
 Much love and appreciation, 


[FairfieldLife] Re: universal fee structure usa for TM

2019-07-16 Thread srijau
David Lynch Foundation and a million people taught for free is a null set to 
 The current adult fee is lower in inflation adjusted dollars than it was in 
1977. For those under 50.000 income its likely the lowest it has ever been.

 There is no " break faith with Maharishi" as you said, Maharishi was delighted 
with what David Lynch was doing he just wanted his TM teachers to be able to 
work full time with a good standard of living which is what David Lynch 
Foundation is paying thanks almost entirely to getting rich people onside and 
donating. It is going  from success to more success.

 You are copying the Fox News schools of empty  rhetoric and the Paul Ryan 
school of saying stuff you don't even really believe yourself.


[FairfieldLife] Re: universal fee structure usa for TM

2019-07-13 Thread srijau
wow so manipulative dishonest and negative. there is no breaking faith with 
 and there is no metrics showing a policy failing, the metrics are 
fantastically good. 

[FairfieldLife] Vogue onTM

2019-07-13 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] long term prediction of countries

2019-07-10 Thread srijau
a video of PVR Narasimha Rao a very respected
astrological researcher, he does not do any consultation he makes his
living as a corporate computer engineer, he showed a successful method
of predicting about 285 year cycles of history without any kind of
need of accurate birth time for a nation you just use the capital
location and the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn when Ketu is in
if the theory that Yuga change happening now is not correct then he may have 
the best method of prediction of long term trends.
it depends mostly on the region you are
in, as when the chart changes the appropriate dasha system might not
be vimshottari, but as most will use vimshottari and he says
USA and China charts do therefore it indicates the next 16 years are warlike
with competition between different countries for dominance and out of
it the current chinese government collapses due to dissatisfaction
with governance and also the USA remains relatively powerful but loses
its pre-eminent position hat it has now. 

[FairfieldLife] universal fee structure usa for TM

2019-07-10 Thread srijau
ironically if you are low income north of the border with Canada you are 
probably S.O,L,


 ranscendental Meditation Turns 60 Transcendental Meditation® has been learned 
by 10 million people, including 1 million inner-city youth in high-crime 
 Nationwide income-based pricing will help millions more to start to meditate 
to reduce stress, improve creativity, and increase happiness


Transcendental Meditation  
https://www.prnewswire.com/news/transcendental-meditation Jul 09, 2019, 10:04 ET



 NEW YORK, July 9, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- TM® turns 60 this year. First 
introduced in the US in 1959 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
 the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique has now been learned by more than 
10 million people, worldwide its health benefits have been documented through 
more than 400 published peer-reviewed research studies through the efforts of 
filmmaker David Lynch, the technique has been taught at no charge to more than 
one million inner-city youth, veterans with PTSD, and adults and children 
battling substance use disorder
 Studies on inner-city students have found the TM technique improves academic 
performance and reduces toxic stress and violence. Learn more at www.TM.org or 

 However, the need for Transcendental Meditation is more urgent than ever, 
according to quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin, who heads the TM organization 
in the U.S.
 "We live in an epidemic of stress. Tens of millions of Americans are anxious 
or depressed—or feel overwhelmed and overburdened by the critical need to be 
more productive, more creative, more energetic, and more focused than ever," 
Dr. Hagelin said. "People are learning TM because it's a simple, easily learned 
technique that markedly reduces stress, promotes health, improves brain and 
cognitive functioning, and promotes happiness and self-actualization."
 To celebrate the sixtieth anniversary, Dr. Hagelin announced a national 
initiative to teach the TM technique to millions of Americans in the next five 
years. To facilitate the process, a new nationwide income-based pricing plan is 
being introduced in July, based on annual household income.
 "This will bring the extraordinary benefits of Transcendental Meditation to a 
broader audience. The one-time course fee now starts at $380 for full-time 
students, and increases based on an individual's earnings," Dr. Hagelin said.
 The plan will be implemented at all Transcendental Meditation Centers in the 
U.S., and will apply to all instructions booked on and after July 1. New prices 
per person are as follows:
 $380 for full-time students $500 for households earning less than $50,000 
annually $740 for households earning between $50,000 and $99,999 annually $860 
for households earning between $100,000 and $199,999 annually $960 for 
households earning $200,000 or more annually The TM course comes with a 
satisfaction guarantee, and includes a lifetime of free personal follow-up.
 The Transcendental Meditation organization also offers partial grant support 
to deserving individuals in need.
 For more information: www.TM.org 
 and DavidLynchFoundation.org 
To arrange interviews: Keith DeBoer at (888) 300-1439, pressoff...@tm.org. 
 ©2019 Maharishi Foundation USA, a non-profit educational organization. All 
rights reserved. Transcendental Meditation® and TM® are protected trademarks 
and are used in the U.S. under license or with permission.
 SOURCE Transcendental Meditation
 Related Links https://www.tm.org https://www.tm.org/


[FairfieldLife] Re: Dalai Lama says Donald Trump has a 'lack of moral principle'

2019-06-28 Thread srijau
I think he is right , its not racist for Europeans to keep their own homeland.

[FairfieldLife] TM in 4 Sweden schools

2019-06-27 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Maharishi Years - The Untold Story: Recollections of a Former Disciple

2019-06-23 Thread srijau
its what the movement never mentions. It is amazingly Christlike though , 
exactly what he didn't want, to suffer for the sins of the world , which he 
did, it was the military industrial complex that poisoned him when they saw 
that he was succeeding in the peace creating groups, he was going to take their 
profits from war-mongering  away from them.
 Thats when he realized he had to do an end run around them ,he couldn't go 
straight to large groups anymore. he had to focus on teaching the rich, the 
ruling class, the decision makers or they would kill anyone who threatened 
their position in any way.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Story of Shikhidvaja

2019-06-17 Thread srijau
thank you very much for posting this

[FairfieldLife] Pray for Trump

2019-06-09 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: Saving the Golden Domes

2019-05-26 Thread srijau
you have your own sect of one because calling someone tru-believer is nothing 
but an adhominem attack 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 “When the mind becomes filled with the love of sect it stands in the way of 
progress, for when a view is presented to the mind, on its own merits the love 
of sect immediately usurps the authority, and takes the judgement seat, and a 
decision, as it seems to its narrow judgement best, is pronounced. Under these 
circumstances, sect or the love of sect; being placed on God’s throne, how can 
a decision in accordance, with his unselfish nature be obtained, even if the 
judgement is pronounced by an apparently devoted child of God.   ..and without 
progress there is no hope of bettering the condition of man.”
 -Edwards Hicks ( 1780 – 1849).

 srijau responding,  you are the ad hominen attacker lying when someone says 
what you don't want to hear.

 repeatedly attacking people that did amazing great things in Fairfield and for 
the world, people who acted with great devotion to Maharishi and their fellow 
man and did great and beautiful and amazing things and you ad hominem them over 
and over when it serves no purpose at all anymore

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Conversing with apparatchik tru-believer folks about the problem of fund 
raising in the meditating community poses this ‘we don’t fit’ as defense in a 
kind of a ‘kill the messenger’ ad hominem refutation to idea in charity ratings 
to honest proficiency. I do appreciate in some their triggering on this in 
character as a communal problem that we have. 
 We could probably do better to sit down and really study the criterion these 
rating agencies use on non-profits and remediate whatever such as to come up to 
highest standards of transparency and governance that they look for.  Likely it 
is not enough to pay some accounting firm in Oskaloosa Iowa to provide some 
statements given a long memory out in the community of sums of $monies getting 
moved away and then around to other next most urgent projects, evidently at 
seeming whim.  
 Srijau defends: to suggest I am an apparatchik is a lie. I have no 
responsibility and I have no benefit from the organizations. If you want to be 
a liar, if that's who you are, your choice. 

 1/3 $million every year to keep the Domes open.
 3-4 $million additional donations needed to operate MUM annually
 18 $million endowment fund for the University

 45.5 $million annually for pundits/ Saraswati Brahmananda Trust .


The MSAE budget in Fairfield?

 A fair way to this is to satisfy truth using the standards in the algorithms 
of these charity rating services and the way they look at governance. It is not 
enough for our party apparatchiks to respond pleading some excuse that we don’t 
‘fit’ the evaluation.
 Gifting time or money, 
 "Don't just give. Figure out your goals first." 
 Make sure the charity is actually doing good. 
 Look for hard evidence. 

srijau@ offers: if you read the memoirs of people like Susan Shumsky it is 
obvious that people like Morris and Paterson were only  doing exactly what 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi told them to do and nothing else.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The essential form of the .org ratings says a lot about trust.
 A decades long communal hurt here by the Morris-Patterson ‘administration’ of 
™ is evident throughout the ™ community here with the long stories of trails of 
money given altruistically to good cause only to have it scooped off of budgets 
and wired elsewhere.. 

 Asking around the old meditating community evidently a long collective 
experience around fundraising would be an impediment to success now.  That 
ought to be addressed directly. Where soliciting in groups of community ™ 
movement meditators for the $18 million for the university endowment, 2.3 
$million for the annual fund, or operating funds for MSAE, or now the $270k to 
keep the Domes open, too often the immediate response comes as.. “I’ll never 
give them another a nickel again!”. Hot communal hurt.  
 The phrase, "all politics is local" is a common phrase in U.S. politics 


 Without charity rating *stars*..?

 So, TM’s other units are charity ‘star-less’. 

 They don’t rate a Charity rating star? 


 Article from ConsumerReports..
 Understanding Charity Ratings - Consumer Reports 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Saving the Golden Domes

2019-05-24 Thread srijau
you are the ad hominen attacker lying when someone says what you don't want to 
 repeatedly attacking people that did amazing great things in Fairfield and for 
the world, people who acted with great devotion to Maharishi and their fellow 
man and did great and beautiful and amazing things and you ad hominem them over 
and over when it serves no purpose at all anymore

[FairfieldLife] rfk jr on vaccines

2019-05-22 Thread srijau


[FairfieldLife] Re: Saving the Golden Domes

2019-05-22 Thread srijau
to suggest I am an apparatchik is a lie. I have no responsibility and I have no 
benefit from the organizations. If you want to be a liar, if that's who you 
are, your choice. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Saving the Golden Domes

2019-05-18 Thread srijau
if  you read the memoirs of people like Susan Shumsky it is obvious that people 
like Morris and Paterson were only  doing exactly what Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
told them to do and nothing else.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Saving the Golden Domes

2019-05-15 Thread srijau
if you read it they give the reasons why they don't rate them, for example they 
don't get funded much from donations but rather from government grants or from 
fees so they don't rate those or they are under a million dollars so they don't 
bother to rate. Doesnt mean anything bad or good.

[FairfieldLife] DLF 4 out of 4 on Charity Navigator

2019-05-13 Thread srijau

 the Maharishi orgs can be searched there, mostly not rated as too small etc

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raakshasas in Molenbeek

2019-05-11 Thread srijau
there is not necessarily any Invincibility quotient nor substantial number of 
flyers anymore in Vlodrop than there is in Fairfield.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Saving the Golden Domes

2019-05-08 Thread srijau
I like opening to TMers for now but I don't think it will be a solution to 
meeting expenses.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 2-minute Video Cautions: Sunscreen enters bloodstream after just one day of use, study says

2019-05-06 Thread srijau
"The sun is the real enemy here," said Scott Faber,  

 if he is not being misquoted that just shows how crazy people are today. The 
sun is our enemy? Put on chemicals instead of just moderating your time in the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: [old?] Catholic priest predicted Trump stuff?

2019-05-04 Thread srijau
there is nothing that isn't Gods hand.

[FairfieldLife] congratulations jr_esq

2019-05-04 Thread srijau
Congratulations on correct prediction regarding the USA economy. Lets hope it 
continues throughout the Saturn Ketu conjunction. 

[FairfieldLife] Devraha Baba on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2019-05-02 Thread srijau
page 20
 http://mmy.klemke.de/M207.pdf http://mmy.klemke.de/M207.pdf

[FairfieldLife] restoring the true understanding of the tradition

2019-05-02 Thread srijau

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has provided a unique and fresh understanding of the 
ancient science of Yoga, restoring its deepest significance. His approach is 
rich in both theory and practice. It provides the key to inner peace, stress 
and anxiety relief, happiness, wellness, success, and - ultimately - the 
realization the of the true purpose of Yoga - to elevate life to its highest 
potential -enlightenment.
 This easy-to-read and far-reaching book explores Maharishi's teaching on Yoga 
philosophy from several perspectives, including its profound practical benefits 
for individuals and societies, while also considering traditional areas of Yoga 
philosophy, such as siddhi performance, Karma Yoga, Gyan Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, 
Ashtanga Yoga, and the fulfillment of the four traditional goals of human life: 
dharma, artha, kama, and moksha. Those familiar with Maharishi's teachings will 
be delighted at the depth and scope of Maharishi's lectures on Yoga that Dr. 
Sands has distilled into this manual for perfection in life. Anyone familiar 
with Yoga will enjoy the systematic, logical examination of Maharishi's Yoga 
and its powerful conclusion: that the goals of Yoga - from inner peace to full 
enlightenment - can be effortlessly achieved.

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi throws KaliYuga in the trash

2019-05-02 Thread srijau


[FairfieldLife] Re: TM-sidhis in Sanskrit?

2019-05-02 Thread srijau
all I can remember is the substitution of purushu for one word

[FairfieldLife] Shankaracharya Jyotir Math 1975

2019-05-02 Thread srijau

"From the tradition of Shri Shankaracharya he is the disciple just like the 
Master: “destroyer of tamas of the inner Self, king of Rishis, and from the 
darkness of the people he is the bestower of light.Greatest of the great, 
greater than greatness, he is indeed the reason for the welfare of the 
tradition. bestow-er of the calmness in the three layers of existence, 
incarnation of yoga, in-deed of Shankara, whose speech is true speech, whose 
demeanour is precise, whose actions are compassionate, whose fame is 
compelling, in the world of all men he is the inner Self. the course of his 
speech is the incarnate form of Indra, the creator.o Mahesh Yogi, let your 
benevolence be extended unto me,Great Rishi, king of Rishis, Rishi of Gods.from 
the light of the Himalayas to the level of the plains he resides in the midst 
of Shankaracharya Nagar.”

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi on Love and God

2019-05-02 Thread srijau


Re: [FairfieldLife] Mahesh Yogi beyond any Swami or "Acharya"

2019-05-02 Thread srijau
you are the one who speaks like a President, not much consideration would be 
given to your opinion over those that I am quoting.

[FairfieldLife] dog barking?

2019-05-02 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] a Shankaracharya on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2019-05-02 Thread srijau

ShankaracharyaVaSudeVananda SaraSwati Maharaj of Jyotir Math on 11 february 2008

 “no one can adequately understand the reality of MahariShi,(Mahesh Yogi)much 
less express it.”

[FairfieldLife] a great Acharya on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2019-05-02 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Tat Wale Baba on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2019-05-02 Thread srijau

»Maharishi knows everything.«”
 -section begins page 14
 http://mmy.klemke.de/M207.pdf http://mmy.klemke.de/M207.pdf

[FairfieldLife] a Swami speaks about Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2019-05-02 Thread srijau

In the late 1970's during Swami Muktananda's visit to Australia, a group of 
Governors and Sidhas in Melbourne were requested by Maharishi to go and pay 
their respect to Muktananda and give him Maharishi's regards. Muktananda showed 
them great respect as a group and received the delegation at a private meeting.

 During this private meeting, Muktananda told Maharishi's group: "Maharishi is 
here for the world. You may never see Maharishi yourself, but what Maharishi 
has given you is a technique to clean your own self. My disciples have to be 
physically with me (in my presence). Maharishi has given you a technique to 
cleanse and purify yourselves and it is not just for yourselves, it is a 
technique to cleanse the whole world.

 I am full of admiration for anyone on your path. It is a path of great 
responsibility. I have full admiration for Maharishi and for each of you. 
"Maharishi's path is unique. You only need to do what he has asked you to 
practice. It is glorious but it is not easy to be self sufficient. Devotion 
must be in the heart rather than physically sitting at the foot of the Master. 
Devotion must be in your heart. This is because Maharishi is here for the whole 

[FairfieldLife] Mahesh Yogi beyond any Swami or "Acharya"

2019-05-02 Thread srijau
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was a true great Vedic Rishi according Swami Ramdev. He 
also stated "his people(close western followers) are vedic brahmins" 



 Swami Lakshmanju (1907-1991) was the last Acharya of the Kashmir Shaiva 
Siddhanta tradition. Written accounts of conversations with Swami Lakshmanju 
include the following comments about Maharishi:
 "If you ask me, Maharishi's teaching starts where mine ends and it goes from 
there to Infinity."
 Then he added, "Maharishi is the greatest saint to walk the Earth in ten 
thousand years!"

[FairfieldLife] Komilla Sutton on coming jyotish situation

2019-05-02 Thread srijau


Re: [FairfieldLife] surprised it is in public domain

2019-05-01 Thread srijau
show us a picture of a book with these correspondences of the mantras and the 
actions / parts of the body.

Re: [FairfieldLife] surprised it is in public domain

2019-04-30 Thread srijau
I didn't say anything about copyright. 

 Name this book or books that contain this material. 

[FairfieldLife] surprised it is in public domain

2019-04-30 Thread srijau
not sure if the Guru Amritananda would have approved to make the most secret 
teaching on youtube
 the links at the end are just to sell rubbish

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fw: Update on our Golden Domes

2019-04-29 Thread srijau
a home for "TM practitioners"?  section off a part of the domes now while 
attendance is low and get TMers in there then. 

 that would do a lot for reducing perceived casteism and  making everyone feel 
welcomed and included

[FairfieldLife] authentic Sri Vidya Guru

2019-04-23 Thread srijau
but practices are so complex compared to what Maharishi has given

[FairfieldLife] Re: Trump is not worried about impeachment

2019-04-22 Thread srijau
If his popularity gets low enough they will all abandon him. still could 
happen. he has no loyalty, he is loyal to no-one so no-one is really loyal to 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Albert Pike's letter

2019-04-22 Thread srijau
thank you

[FairfieldLife] Yogic Flying According to Yoga Vasishtha

2019-04-22 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi -Yug Purush

2019-04-20 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] 14 years of David lynch Foundation!

2019-04-20 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Marvel comics execs love TM

2019-04-20 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: Albert Pike's letter

2019-04-20 Thread srijau
would love to see his book on Veda. who knew that someone like him would be a 
vedic scholar.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Don't read if easily upset or Bliss Ninny

2019-04-04 Thread srijau
I disagree with him about the Stotra listening, I think according to Parashara 
for this situation you should listen to Vishnu Sahasranama on Saturdays (whole 
thing) rather than the ten minutes Maharishi suggests at the end of program. 
and more Shiva Sahasranama on Thursdays for the beginning period where Jupiter 
plays more of a role.
 But if you have the time and your birth ascendant degree or you have a planet 
that is within the  degree range of the conjunction or you just have one of the 
more difficult ascendants (like Scorpio) then listen to the entire Vishnu 
Sahasranama every day.

[FairfieldLife] 'Don't read if easily upset or Bliss Ninny

2019-04-04 Thread srijau
If  you are a BN (Bliss Ninny) and you don't want any bad news about the future 
to disturb your bliss in the here and now  I respect that and don't read any 
 special statement by  Fairfield astrologer (not me):"


 Please feel free to NOT READ this week’s column – especially if you are 
uncomfortable with stressful information. 
 My responsibility, however, is to share the astrological influences -- even 
when they are quite difficult -- in order to help my readers to manage the 
planetary influences. 
 “Heyam Dukham Anagatam” – (Avert the pain/suffering that has not yet come.) 
 This week’s column discusses the rare and close transit conjunction of Saturn 
and Ketu, which are within 3 degrees (or less) of each other for 28 weeks, from 
April 5th to October 18th.  
 This slow-moving transit is likely to cause serious and significant problems 
 Saturn rules patience, perseverance, agriculture, oil, gas, minerals, thing of 
the earth, manufacturing, industrial activities, the elderly, the poor and 
needy, social security, Medicare and social services, the masses, working-class 
persons, immigration, suppression, humiliation and fall from high position, and 
service to humanity.
 There may be issues with the earth itself, such as global warming, hurricanes, 
tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, typhoons, droughts, etc.  Military conflicts, 
economic collapses, power outages, oil pipeline leaks, and massive health care 
and food supply issues may also be seen.
 Take care of your family and be especially careful and patient with everyone 
-- and at all times. Do not take risks or chances. Help the elderly and the 
poor and needy, focus on charities and spiritual practices (morning prayers and 
meditation) and listen to religious chants of your own tradition -- or for 
Shiva on Saturdays and Ganesh on Thursdays.
 Ketu is moksha karaka (the significator for spiritual advancement and 
enlightenment), while Saturn rules the masses and long-lived accomplishments.  
 This transit may well awaken people to the need for mutual respect, service to 
others, world peace and spiritual progress.
 The Impact of this Saturn/Ketu Transit/Conjunction for each Rising Sign:
 Aries: Be careful and patient with income and friendships, and take care of 
older siblings.  These are vulnerable to serious setbacks, delays and 
obstructions – connected with father and religious figures, marriage, 
inheritance, windfalls, insurance matters and long-distance ventures. Taurus:  
Be careful and patient with your career and professional life.  These are 
vulnerable to serious setbacks, delays, obstructions, accidents and 
transformations – connected with marriage, partnerships, joint ventures and 
life abroad. Gemini: Take care of father and religious figures and be vigilant 
with long-distance journeys. These are vulnerable to serious setbacks, delays 
and obstructions – connected to marriage, partnerships and joint ventures. 
Cancer:  Be careful and patient with marriage, inheritance, windfalls, and 
insurance matters -- and to avoid accidents. There may be debts, disputes 
health and legal issues with same – connected with children, education and 
investments. Leo: Be careful and patient with marriage, partnerships, joint 
ventures and life abroad. These are vulnerable to serious setbacks, delays, and 
obstructions – connected with children, education and investments, property, 
vehicles and home life. Virgo: Be careful and patient with debts, disputes, 
health and legal issues. These are vulnerable to serious setbacks, delays and 
obstructions – connected with property, vehicles, fixed assets, home life, 
independent projects and entrepreneurial ventures. Libra: Take care of your 
mind, children, education and investments.  These are vulnerable to serious 
setbacks, delays and obstructions – connected with independent entrepreneurial 
ventures, communications projects, wealth, status and family life. Scorpio: Be 
careful and patient with property, vehicles, fixed assets and home life.  These 
are vulnerable to serious setbacks, delays and obstructions – connected with 
your wealth, status, health, reputation and family life. Sagittarius: Be 
careful and patient with communications, independent projects, younger siblings 
and entrepreneurial ventures.  These are vulnerable to serious setbacks, delays 
and obstructions – connected with losses, expenses, separations, 
hospitalization and your health and reputation. Capricorn: Be careful and 
patient with your wealth, status, speech and family life. These are vulnerable 
to serious setbacks, delay, and obstructions – connected with losses, expenses, 
separations, hospitalization, long-distance ve

[FairfieldLife] Re: File - FFL Acronyms

2019-04-03 Thread srijau
some of the people involved here are Jews and they are of a generation where 
the effect of the Nazis is something very real to them. Also there is two 
prominent examples thereof who have published memoirs where they have expressed 
regret for what they did.. You have not at all justified continuing to include 
that term , as I have said no-one uses it in this forum and even if they did 
they shouldnt any more. It doesnt need yourexplanation as a acronym. Its just 
effing ugly.

[FairfieldLife] Re: File - FFL Acronyms

2019-04-03 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: File - FFL Acronyms

2019-04-01 Thread srijau
Nazi is a really ugly term to use about people. No-one is really using it as an 
acronym here. You are just perpetuating something hateful when you include it.

[FairfieldLife] Jupiter now

2019-03-29 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Joni Patry April

2019-03-25 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: FF meditator memoriam

2019-03-24 Thread srijau
Lucien Mansour  Sept 2018

[FairfieldLife] Shiva is coming"

2019-03-24 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Love and God -MMY

2019-03-14 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: God Realization Means

2019-03-14 Thread srijau
You have a very superficial understanding of Maharishi's knowledge and not only 
Maharishi's knowledge.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Shani mahaa-dashaa and death?

2019-03-13 Thread srijau
I would say it is more a co-incidence. Saturn would need to be the moolatrikona 
ruler of a bad house(6/8/12) and very weak, or being aspected by the same or by 
Rahu or Ketu or some other factor indicating death is likely of much more 
importance. also Vimshottari is not universal and there are other dasha systems 
that are looked at more for longevity.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Finding(?) a dashaa?

2019-03-10 Thread srijau
you can use a free software, this is probably the best 

 http://www.vedicastrologer.org/jh/ http://www.vedicastrologer.org/jh/
 there is online free dasha generators too
 best of all consult a competent jyotishi who might find that a less common 
dasha system is more appropriate for you than vimshottari , its a tough slog to 
research them on your own.

 Mr Larsen has a good reputation and is relatively near you 

 https://srigaruda.com/ https://srigaruda.com/

[FairfieldLife] Re: Finding(?) a dashaa?

2019-03-10 Thread srijau
ask a jyotishi and then you might get the best answer as you could have a more 
suitable dasha system than Vimshottari
 https://srigaruda.com/ https://srigaruda.com/

 or use a software
 http://www.vedicastrologer.org/jh/ http://www.vedicastrologer.org/jh/

 also there is online chart generators with dasha

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bliss is not blissful?

2019-03-10 Thread srijau
 just the turiya experience  is not blissful while you are in it because you 
are not having any experience at all. 

 Sat Chit Ananda is the eternal reality, always there, but you only experience 
it through practice.


 “ Bliss becomes blissful with practice. In our own bliss the desire, desirer 
and process of desiring are united - they are one. Desire is fulfilled at its 
 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
 “Bliss becomes blissful with practice. In our own bliss the desire, desirer 
and process of desiring are united – they are one. Desire is fulfilled at its 
 — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 Bliss becomes blissful with practice. In our own bliss the desire, desirer and 
process of desiring are united – they are one. Desire is fulfilled at its 
 — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Most Americans believe Trump committed crimes

2019-03-10 Thread srijau
his popularity has to get lower, then the Republicans would abandon him. only 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cosmic Executives of the Multiverse

2019-02-19 Thread srijau
thank you for posting this

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation! Excellent well written Doug! Great start for a FRESH & look inwards via the dome experience to be more inclusive

2019-02-02 Thread srijau
there are profoundly satisfying experiences however:

 1. they are dead now


 2. they cannot afford to live there without the stipend

 3. its too cold when you are that old now.
 that pretty much sums it up

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yogic Flyers cool down the atmosphere?

2019-02-01 Thread srijau
quite right that there is no good Maharishi Effect overall in the USA right 
now. There is a fair number of young TMer from DLF projects but they are not 
SIdhas as yet.

[FairfieldLife] Re: OBE!

2019-01-29 Thread srijau
my understanding is that he discouraged out of body experiences as a 
distraction and waste of time compared to doing his techniques.

[FairfieldLife] Prevent Terrorism

2019-01-19 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] "This is the end"

2019-01-12 Thread srijau
Joni Patry on world leaders and therefore the countries they rule in the new 



[FairfieldLife] A joyous January 12th

2019-01-12 Thread srijau
Maharishi is intensely blessing you all on this day and whatever temporary 
difficulties we see this year he has designed a beautiful future for the world 
the full radiant sunshine of which will warm you soon.

[FairfieldLife] Himalaya Putra- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2019-01-10 Thread srijau
Please watch Himalaya Putra- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi..A special episode of 
Documentary film on 
 Aastha Channel World wide global. Telecast on 11th January at 11pm. Can watch 
the same on Aastha Bhajan channel on 11 January at 10pm. Please follow promo on 
same channels all day. Jai Guru Dev, Jai Maharishi




[FairfieldLife] Rabbinical perspective on a coming eclipse

2018-12-31 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi Gandharva Veda: In 1986, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi inaugurated

2018-12-31 Thread srijau

 Maharishi Gandharva Veda®
 "Gandharva music is universal. It is at home with every land, with every man, 
with every society. It is the language of bliss, the science and art of bliss, 
the song of Nature" -- Maharishi 
 Gandharva Veda music is the eternal music of nature -- the rhythms and 
melodies of nature expressed as music. If you could hear the changing 
frequencies present at the first awakening of the dawn, in the dynamism of 
midday, or in the deep silence of midnight, you would be hearing the 
frequencies of Gandharva Veda music.
 These sublime melodies -- the pure and simple coherent flow of sound -- 
neutralise stress and disharmony, and gently restore biological rhythms by 
attuning the physiology to the cycles of nature.
 Each Gandharva Veda melody (Raga) traces the vibrations and pattern of a 
particular time of day. When you play a melody during the specified time 
period, it creates a natural balance and harmony in your awareness and in the 
environment; and through the particular quality (Rasa) of each Raga, 
characteristics such as greater courage, self-confidence, wisdom, and happiness 
are enlivened.
 History of Gandharva Veda Music
 Thousands of years ago in India, great Rishis or sages cognised within their 
own consciousness the subtle rhythms and enlightening melodies of the Veda, 
which is pure knowledge at the basis of Nature. As a part of the Veda, 
Gandharva Veda is the tradition of musical performance that replicates the 
vibrations of Nature at different times of day and night. However, over time 
the completeness of knowledge and purpose of this music was lost.
 In 1986, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi inaugurated his Program to Create World Peace, 
introducing the theme of creating balance in Nature and peace in the world 
through the performance of Gandharva Veda music. Under Maharishi's guidance, 
many of India's most renowned musicians have joined in this world-wide revival 
of the eternal music of nature. Today, Gandharva Veda musicians continue to 
perform in concerts around the year, around the world.
 Maharishi Speaks on Gandharva Veda:
 'Every level of creation is a frequency. One frequency melts into the other, 
and this is how the process of evolution takes place. The night comes to an end 
and the dawn begins. At dawn, when the darkness and dullness of the night is 
over, some inspiring freshness comes and there is a different frequency in the 
whole atmosphere. At midday, there is another big change in frequency; at 
evening, a different frequency; at midnight, a different frequency. This cycle 
of change is perpetual, and because everything is a frequency there is sound at 
every stage.
 'From morning to morning the melody of Nature is changing. Gandharva music 
goes with the time, setting its melodies according to the changing Nature. It 
sets forth those very natural melodies which match with the process of 
evolution. It provides a powerful harmonising influence in the whole atmosphere 
to balance imbalances in Nature.
 'Everything in the universe is in perfect harmony with everyone, and infinite 
diversity with infinite dynamism moving around, but there is a rhythm, there is 
a flow, there is an order in the rhythmic patterns of the evolutionary process 
in the universe.
 'The universe we know to be an ever-expanding universe. The ever­expanding 
mechanics of creation and evolution are all very rhythmical, are all very 
melodious, and this rhythm and melody is the field of Gandharva.
 'We say: Gandharva music is the music of the universe, is the music of the 
basic intelligence, is the melody in which the fundamental intelligence of 
Nature moves and administers and governs all the infinite diversity of 
everything that is there in the universe in the most orderly way. Gandharva 
Veda music is the Music of Nature, which governs the universe from point to 
infinity, and for every stage of evolution.
 'Gandharva music is the eternal melody of Nature, spontaneously sung in all 
levels of creation, from the most minute to the huge, enormous, ever­expanding 
 'Gandharva music is universal. It is at home with every land, with every man, 
with every society. It is the language of bliss, the science and art of bliss, 
the song of Nature.
 'Gandharva music is the eternal melody of Nature which is ever-lively in 
Transcendental Consciousness. From there it reverberates and constructs 
different levels of creation. Gandharva Veda is the basis of all order and 
harmony in Nature, therefore it has that most harmonising, most integrating 


[FairfieldLife] The Eternal Music Of Nature

2018-12-31 Thread srijau
What is Maharishi Gandharva Veda? How is it different from most modern 
Gandharva Veda?
 The ancient Vedic texts delineate music of two types: desi which brings 
pleasure to the senses, and marga which focuses on enlivening those frequencies 
in nature which bring life into accord with natural law. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 
inaugurated his Program to Create World Peace in 1986, and he introduced 
Maharishi Gandharva Veda music for promoting balance and peace. Since then, 
this music has been studied and performed by musicians who are highly trained 
and skilled in both theory and practice of Maharishi Gandharva Veda.
 Maharishi Gandharva Veda follows strict rules of melodies played according to 
proper season, proper time of day, proper instrumentation, proper intent. The 
music is for marga, for enlightenment.
 The alamkaras, or ornamentations, used in each Maharishi Gandharva Veda melody 
(raga) reflect the pure frequencies of nature. It takes some skill to produce 
these ornamentations. The students receive proper training in these precise and 
necessary structures of knowledge. Most importantly, the students also practice 
the Transcendental Meditation® technique in order to bring their conscious 
awareness to the level of the Unified Field of All the Laws of Nature, the 
field of pure consciousness, of pure intelligence, from which all sound arises. 
By attuning with this fundamental field of consciousness, the quality of music 
which such a musician plays resonates more purely with these primordial 
melodies and rhythms, thus making the music more powerful in its effects.
 Sitarist Debhu Chaudhuri oversaw the theoretical development of Maharishi 
Gandharva Veda music. He is a ninth generation Gandharva musician who 
immediately saw and understood Maharishi's vision.
 Why did you become interested in Maharishi Gandharva Veda?
 My parents invited Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to use our home 
 for a few months back in 1959. Until 1968, he regularly stayed at our home 
whenever he visited the USA.
 In 1987 I was attending one of the first concerts on Maharishi Gandharva Veda 
offered at MUM in Fairfield Iowa USA. During the concert I found I was 
transcending for minutes at a time, no breath, no thoughts. The music became my 
metabolic rate, my inner thinking process settled into an amazing state of calm 
contentedness. I just found the stress from daily living melting away. I came 
away from the concert refreshed in mind, body and spirit. The same kind of 
experience happened during each of the concerts I attended afterwards. That 
made me wonder, "What is it about this music that produces such a sublime 
experience of calm?" And so my quest to answer this question became the focus 
of my Ph.D. dissertation.
 What did you learn about Maharishi Gandharva Veda?
 So that I could be objective in my studies, I purposefully avoided learning 
the mechanics of Maharishi Gandharva Veda, and how to perform Maharishi 
Gandharva Veda music.
 It was the first Ph.D. dealing with the topic of research on Maharishi 
Gandharva Veda in the West. I did my studies at Maharishi University of 
Management in Fairfield, Iowa. So little was known about the research topic 
that one of my outside advisors told the others that I had actually written 
five dissertations. So quite a lot of information is provided in a general way 
with this breakthrough study.
 The Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 
http://www.ecrater.com/product.php?pid=27326 is a peer reviewed journal that 
published some of my research with the title "Empirical Investigation of the 
Effects of Maharishi Gandharva Veda Music During Live Concerts 
http://direct.bl.uk/bld/PlaceOrder.do?UIN=174167331&ETOC=RN"; in 2005. This 
study tested for relationships between exposure to live concert performances of 
Maharishi Gandharva Veda music and changes in feelings associated with 
Maharishi Ayur-Vedic doshas http://mapi.com/en/self_care/index.html. Our 609 
subjects in this study filled in a questionnaire before and after the concert 
that measured how they were feeling, which we later converted into measurements 
of vata, pitta and kapha emotional balance. The study showed that the concerts 
significantly balanced emotions, reduced tension (vata imbalance), decreased 
irritability (pitta imbalance) and reduced lethargy (kapha imbalance). (See Dr. 
Olson's dissertation abstract http://www.mum.edu/library/abstracts/olson.html)
 Where can students learn Maharishi Gandharva Veda in America?
 Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa offers a Bachelor of 
Arts degree and a minor in Maharishi Gandharva Veda. mum.edu 
 How can our readers listen to Maharishi Gandharva Veda?
 Free short samples of are on the website Maharishi Gandharva Veda: The Eternal 
Music of Nature http://www.maharishi-gandharva.org/page6

[FairfieldLife] Re: Well, mokSa-houses prominent in 2019??

2018-12-31 Thread srijau
she is always worth checking out even though she made some very obvious 
mistakes recently

[FairfieldLife] Supreme good fortune of Maharishi's knowledge

2018-12-31 Thread srijau
(not me)


 The Self-Evident Nature of Self-Awareness by Harri 
http://www.harriaalto.com/?author=1 on  December 31, 2018 
http://www.harriaalto.com/?p=1232  in Observations 
http://www.harriaalto.com/?cat=3 • 0 Comments 
 Silence sings as Self-consciousness. It is the shimmering light of an 
understanding that is both infinitely still, yet infinitely—gloriously—active. 
This structured patterning and shimmer that I perceive is grounded in organized 
intelligence; it roars like a thousand creation-blazing suns.
 I perceive a shining field of consciousness in which the seed form and 
pre-sound organization of the divine heavens—and the processes that take place 
within them—coalesce into the functions of my physical life. I no longer see 
this process just abstractly. Each spark, each connection, each form are 
tangible concentrations of the over-all shine of knowing. I experience this as 
a certainty because the very nature of each expanded layer and each point 
blazes its own connectedness as my Self-awareness.
 Realizing that my consciousness is full of everything inside and outside, that 
it has no boundaries and is the real description of existence, can be a 
mouthful to explain. It is not the complexity that is hard to put into words, 
but rather it is the unbounded, Self-evident simplicity that defies any words.
 My experience is very blissful not because I am watching my experience, but 
because the layers of my Self-awareness are the unity of my experience. The 
stillness, the joy, the understanding, the sounds and sights—individually and 
all together—are the whole content of Self-awareness.
 My awareness appears as the vastness of existence but still somehow manages to 
incorporate it all into the smallest point of my individual awareness. And the 
relationship between the two operates as the functions of personal and 
universal co-existence.
 Both seeing and hearing feel more like streams of intuitive knowledge than the 
individual senses that we are familiar with. I am partaking in and watching the 
activities of the divine in the sense that what is open to my awareness is what 
I know myself to be. I am intuitively and with my physical eyes, seeing in both 
directions: deep inside to the more abstract levels of knowingness and 
‘outside’, to the infinite field of the tangible expressions of that knowledge. 
This kind of seeing and hearing is the structure of what unifies the 
reverberating ‘inside’ with the reverberating ‘outside’.
 These days, my sense of sight and hearing, in fact my whole physical 
awareness, has expanded into a clarity that accommodates even the divine 
heavens—not just as a feeling but as the physical sights and sounds of divine 
cosmic forms and space that radiate bliss-permeated streams of light and pure 
understanding. They are all joined together within an inter-connected stillness 
of knowledge that is the activity of my consciousness.
 My experience is a composite of the dynamics of nature, functioning in 
conjunction with the glorious celestial regions and their personifications. As 
with any activity of the divine I also see a corresponding synchronous activity 
in the field of my consciousness which naturally extends to my surrounding 
environment. For this reason, I know no difference between the subtle areas of 
Self-awareness and my daily physical life. They are both the same 
multi-directional exchange of continuity.
 I see uncountable eight-fold whirling streams of heavenly light and 
intelligence converging to points of concentrated bliss and knowledge, bridging 
all gaps between heaven and earth, between my body and universal 
consciousness—one very-much-alive space of unbounded, yet tangible brilliance. 
I am in, and surrounded by, this divine raining warmth of cosmically-converging 
 I am an intelligence-filled universal golden sphere, that appears far larger 
than our own blazing sun in the vault of the sky, except this one is the dome 
of my heart and mind. I see these all-containing points of heaven’s bounty that 
make up the wonderful shimmer of my heart—booming, expanding forth and pouring 
in—creating, supporting and maintaining the play between my, and everyone’s, 
individual and cosmic existence.


[FairfieldLife] Supreme Knowledge of Raam only from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

2018-12-31 Thread srijau
only coming to light again through the supreme Guru, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


[FairfieldLife] not my experiences

2018-12-30 Thread srijau
all experiences posted are not my own. thought that was clear enough. if you 
really want to find out who posted you probably could by searching.. however 
these people were not trying to make any statement about themselves.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raga Ragini Vidya

2018-12-30 Thread srijau
thank you for revealing with this post how manipulative and dishonest a devotee 
of your Guru is.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raga Ragini Vidya

2018-12-30 Thread srijau
if your "Guru" was really the avatar of Brahma Vishnu and Shiva he would be a 
better musician!! or have the wisdom to hire some!!!

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