[FairfieldLife] Re: Devas and Architecture

2012-09-17 Thread srijau
There is british Maharishi Vaastu and japanese style Maharishi Vastu buildings. 
There is infinite creativity possible within precise rules.
Vastu buildings are also personalised to individuals nakshatra. Correct Vastu 
also does not negative national differences. IF you were truly interested in 
the subject and did some study these things would already be apparent.

talking about cultural differences and natural law. 
> In this lecture he stated the reason people are different all over the world 
> was the energy of the devas. 
> Now I mean he actually used the words deva and devas, and during the talk 
> used also the term the personifications of the laws of nature interchangeably 
> for devas.
> He said the reason people had developed different cultures, different modes 
> of dress, different languages, different cultural habits and food 
> preferences, in short all the aspects of a particular culture was due to the 
> energy of the devas underlying that particular part of the geographical 
> landscape. 
> The devic energy or energy of the personifications of the laws of nature 
> formed the energy that people would pick up on and using that energy create 
> all the aspects of their culture. This accounted for cultural differences all 
> over the world. It was the devas.
> I wonder then how that fits in with the idea of sthapatya veda where all the 
> buildings must be designed and constructed the same way. 
> Does this mean that all the devas responsible for the cultural creation of 
> architecture all over the world have now become Maharishi Sthapatya Veda 
> devas? Or have they just been taking lessons from the old sthapatya veda 
> devas? Or is sthapatya veda unnecessary outside of India?
> Thoughts, anyone?

[FairfieldLife] lordknows888 is Vaj(vajradhatu108

2012-08-09 Thread srijau

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robin Carlsen"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Aug 7, 2012, at 4:35 PM, "lordknows888"  wrote:
> > 
> > > Dear Robin,
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 1) I am a single author and not a composite of authors
> > > 2)I did not state that you were psychotic and that you were going to 
> > > hell, I stated I thought you were mentally unbalanced.
> > > 3)I live my life holding myself to a standard of honesty (thanks for the 
> > > pep talk on the need for honesty anyway)
> > > 4)I found your post quite different in it's seeming intent which could be 
> > > summarized as a exhortation  to honesty,  and to state that honesty  is 
> > > your creed. I detected an unstated subtext. It was a kind of an almost 
> > > bullying posturing which you was  communicating in effect " you better 
> > > bring your A game buddy boy because I'm going to hit that frigging 
> > > honesty ball out of the park".Where do I read this subtext you ask? At 
> > > least in part right here  "You have staked out a very strong position; 
> > > should you have any doubts about standing behind that position, then it 
> > > might be more problematic in "entering into disputations with you". After 
> > > all, you know all my tricks and ruses and feints that enable me to cover 
> > > up the fact that I don't have any faith that the truth will get me 
> > > through my argument."and right here,   " No, I think innocence and 
> > > sincerity are the way to pursue this matter, LordKnows. And I am hoping 
> > > you are ready to give it your all". This is like high class trash talking 
> > > before playing a game. This has me feeling shades of yesteryear, I've 
> > > seen this move before.
> > > 5) I have also seen you seem reasonable and temperate initially as you 
> > > skillfully absorb an initial hit before marshalling your forces for the 
> > > counter offensive . I'm a little rusty Robin it has been over 25 years 
> > > since I've seen your moves on the court, but it comes back as things play 
> > > out here. What am I referencing when I state this you ask,  this  " 
> > > "Reasonable and temperate"? I would have thought those two qualities 
> > > somewhat incompatible with your description of my character and my 
> > > motives and my mental health." Not that you are not allowed to defend 
> > > yourself,  but do it out front and don't package it inside a message 
> > > which is supposed to be about honesty. Honesty is transparency not hidden 
> > > double messages. So you see Robin in your exhortation to honesty you are 
> > > showing the opposite,subtle manipulation. 
> > > 5)I have to tell you Robin that this kind of bully boy posturing in the 
> > > guise of an exhortation to honesty is not an encouraging sign for real 
> > > honesty, which is at least your stated intention.
> > > 6)Robin in my last post I stated that I was still weighing the pros and 
> > > cons of entering into a dialogue with you, this last post has convinced 
> > > me it is not worth it.What would be the point when right here in the 
> > > first post about our potential dialogue you are up to your old tricks.
> > 
> > Be careful of the "I'm a wounded animal" type pattern RWC likes to fall 
> > back on - to suck people in - typically when it's he who's on the losing 
> > end of a particular situation.
> > 
> > I've also seen him use if `if only you could have felt it as I did' (often 
> > implying some extraordinary bliss, grace or trophy state) to draw in the 
> > (largely) TM-related folks here. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Old tactic, just a "New Fairfield". :-)
> Dear Vaj,,
> I am sure you can explain this, but why is it that your post here contains 
> what Lord Knows posted 22 minutes later. Are you colluding with Lord 
> Knows?--surely you can provide some explanation for what seems suspiciously 
> like a joint enterprise. But if I am wrong and there is an innocent (I rather 
> think there must be, this is too much keystone cops) reason for this, you 
> will tell me what it is.
> What I find staggering and nonplussing is your depiction of me here. You have 
> never met me, Vaj, else you would know how fatally off the mark you are in 
> almost everything you say about me--once, that is, you become critical. No 
> one who has ever met me would say the things you say. They represent an 
> imaginative reading of me--and do not in any way whatsoever contain the force 
> and truth of some direct encounter with me. Lord Knows, Lord knows, he does 
> know me--after a fashion.
> But again, Vaj, tell us how you preempted LK888's post to me?
because lordknows888 IS Vaj devious and dishonest as ever inventing a new 
persona for himself to attack someone better.
 I am more curious than anything else.
> You do not know me, Vaj. You are being driven by something other than the 
> search for the truth. And by the way: you must tell your friend, Lord Knows 
> that he ducked the real

[FairfieldLife] Re: Drama is shifting to Ammachi free speech zone-the Ravi drama

2012-08-18 Thread srijau
"I am Ravi chivukula's ex wife. He is mentally unstable

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> It is pretty funny when one refers to another as the mental one, then within 
> the same post makes reference to having asked a guru if one should sell a 
> house (flat) to donate to said guru, and guru says to keep the flat for the 
> children. Now talk about mental?
>  Asking a guru if one should sell a place, a home needed to raise children, 
> to give a donation to said guru shows a bit of mental instability in itself.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Chivukula"  
> wrote:
> >
> > The corrected URL -
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ammachi_free_speech_zone/message/7353
> > King Baby, Dumbaz, and others - you can find new friends at new cults
> > who are digging dirt on me inducing Xanthippe. I figured you guys are
> > bored with TM anyway.
> > 
> > Love,Ravi
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Chivukula"
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ammachi_free_speech_zone/message/7347
> > > 
> > > Love,Ravi.
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] makes clear where Rick Archer's sympathies ly

2012-08-18 Thread srijau
use any analogy to explain away Amma's weird behaviour


[FairfieldLife] The real "Amma"- repost from examma

2012-08-21 Thread srijau
(the kind of thing Rick Archer was 'possiblying' about:
Dear Everyone,
After the release of the Rolling Stones Magazine article I have been feeling 
compelled to share more details around my claims of physical abuse and 
mishandling of offerings given to Amma in the name of charity.
Some may feel it okay or a gray area for Amma to be providing for her family 
especially in a culture that places such emphasis on family values.  On this 
point I agree. I felt it her duty to provide a comfortable home for her parents 
and the dowry to marry her sisters.  The brothers would have been fine, now 
being of such famous, powerful stock in Kerala they could have easily demanded 
a hefty price for their hand in marriage. What I was not okay with was the 
lavish amounts of money (rupees) and gold given to them and the lies, secrecy 
and hypocrisy around it all. Towards the end of my stay in late 1999 chatter 
began amongst some Indian devotees, "Why all of a sudden are her family 
building mansions across the river?"  Naturally, the news reached Amma's ears 
and she immediately went into damage control.  She summoned an ashram meeting, 
had Swami Amritaswarup, her head spokesman stand before the congregation and 
swear on his mother's grave that the sudden wealth of Amma's family had 
absolutely nothing to do with her, but the extraordinary success of her 
father's fishing business.  I cringed with shame when I heard this, because I 
knew for a fact it was a lie.  Especially when I was the one delivering the 
mountains of money and gold!
What made me mad was not only the lies around the giving, but the fact that 
ashram residents who had given their life to her and who worked around the 
clock, sacrificing their health were living in impoverished conditions, with no 
decent nutrition or care.  One incident I feel compelled to share is the story 
of Suneeti (Bri. Nirmalamrita).  This most delightful, hard working, devoted 
angel who was misdiagnosed at AIMS in mid 1999 made her way back to the USA 
just to discover she had colon cancer.  This woman all of a sudden, was on her 
own without health insurance.  One very well to do American woman named Lola 
graciously offered to pay for her health care but Amma said no.   The devout 
may argue, it was because Amma in her omniscience knew her time was up.  Maybe 
it was, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't be given the best health care 
possible, especially after surrendering her money, cutting off ties with her 
family as all are encouraged to do, working around the clock and neglecting her 
own health for Amma.  Instead, she was left to fend for herself and get 
whatever medical care she was able under the far from satisfactory public 
system in the USA.
Now this made me sad and mad.  Especially, when the story swirling around the 
ashram at the time was that Amma was so saddened by Suneethi's illness that she 
was sleeping with a photo of her underneath her pillow.  It was this form of 
hypocrisy and lies that eventually forced me to leave.
Moving on to the physical abuse.  In the early years it was just a slap here a 
kick there and Amma would later laugh about it and refer to herself as a 
Rakshasi (demon).  She frequently said that she only scolded and hit those 
closest to her.  I hung onto that belief tightly for it enabled me to accept 
the treatment in exchange for feeling special.  As the crowds grew, so too did 
her aggression.  Eventually it was no longer a laughing matter.  I never knew 
what her mood would be upon return from the programs.  She became extremely ill 
tempered and would hit, kick, slap, punch, rip me by the hair for the slightest 
mistake and sometimes for no reason at all.  Towards the end, her signature 
move became to grab me by the throat with one hand, dig her nails in and claw 
towards the center.  I was left with scratch marks and sometimes blood.  I then 
had to cover my neck with my sari the best I could and conjure up lies to 
explain the marks to those who noticed, out of fear that I would be in more 
trouble if word got back to Amma that I told anyone.   Towards the end, no 
longer could I justify such behavior as being for "my highest good" as a "test" 
or "some sins getting destroyed" by my benevolent Guru.  I could only see them 
as the act of an ill tempered, callous, aggressive human being.
I was not the only one harmed by Amma in this way. One afternoon, an Indian 
woman was kneeling by Amma's bed giving her legs a massage when she nodded off 
or made some minor error.  Suddenly, Amma with one of her stocky legs kicked 
the woman so hard that she cracked one of her ribs.  A few others have also 
been slapped and knocked around. Some still in her fold but others now living, 
peaceful, happy lives far away from her grip.
These are just a few examples of what I experienced and witnessed, could no 
longer tolerate and why I chose to leave. No longer could I subject myself to 
such treatment and live with someone who does not prac

[FairfieldLife] Amma's living Goddess vibration?

2012-08-21 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fly me to the Moon

2012-05-21 Thread srijau
I see atoms or perhaps atomic particles, if I choose to focus on them. I ignore 
it though, it has no particular charm nor practical value.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> A few years ago, according to Deepak Chopra, in one of his books, MMY stated 
> that some TMers have been able to see the features of the Moon, while in 
> samadhi or TC, as if they were transported there.  This is some kind of 
> siddhi that's similar to teleportation.  IMO, there is a scientific 
> explanation for this phenomena.  This is probably the human experience of 
> quantum entanglement, a scientific phenomenon that has been discovered 
> recently.
> The serious mediatators here on FFL should tell us of any experiences that 
> are similar to this one.  Also, I am sure there are a few who have 
> experienced the other siddhils as well.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fly me to the Moon

2012-05-21 Thread srijau
I see innumerable translucent "dots" the follow a curved path through  3 
dimensions and then pass out of my frame of reference or possibly arise and 
then subside. They have no color or internal structure.

Sometimes I get some smells which seem outside of the realm of human  
perception but not necessarily pleasant! ie slightly dirty socks quite far away 
came be distressing.

I do only the techniques which come to us through Maharishi but I have heard 
Sri Vidya mantras for sight at a distant just a few times.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> Srijau,
> This is very interesting.  Can you tell us in more detail what  these 
> particles look like, as far patterns and colors are concerned?  Are you using 
> TM or some other meditation method?
> IMO, you are experiencing the siddhi relating to becoming as small as an 
> atom, described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.  If those are actually 
> atomic particles, scientists should determine how these are related to the 
> recent discoveries in quantum physics.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@  wrote:
> >
> > I see atoms or perhaps atomic particles, if I choose to focus on them. I 
> > ignore it though, it has no particular charm nor practical value.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > >
> > > A few years ago, according to Deepak Chopra, in one of his books, MMY 
> > > stated that some TMers have been able to see the features of the Moon, 
> > > while in samadhi or TC, as if they were transported there.  This is some 
> > > kind of siddhi that's similar to teleportation.  IMO, there is a 
> > > scientific explanation for this phenomena.  This is probably the human 
> > > experience of quantum entanglement, a scientific phenomenon that has been 
> > > discovered recently.
> > > 
> > > The serious mediatators here on FFL should tell us of any experiences 
> > > that are similar to this one.  Also, I am sure there are a few who have 
> > > experienced the other siddhils as well.
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Fly me to the Moon

2012-05-22 Thread srijau
I consider this to be just a refined perception and not a Sidhi.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> Srijau,
> This is very interesting.  Can you tell us in more detail what  these 
> particles look like, as far patterns and colors are concerned?  Are you using 
> TM or some other meditation method?
> IMO, you are experiencing the siddhi relating to becoming as small as an 
> atom, described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.  If those are actually 
> atomic particles, scientists should determine how these are related to the 
> recent discoveries in quantum physics.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@  wrote:
> >
> > I see atoms or perhaps atomic particles, if I choose to focus on them. I 
> > ignore it though, it has no particular charm nor practical value.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> > >
> > > A few years ago, according to Deepak Chopra, in one of his books, MMY 
> > > stated that some TMers have been able to see the features of the Moon, 
> > > while in samadhi or TC, as if they were transported there.  This is some 
> > > kind of siddhi that's similar to teleportation.  IMO, there is a 
> > > scientific explanation for this phenomena.  This is probably the human 
> > > experience of quantum entanglement, a scientific phenomenon that has been 
> > > discovered recently.
> > > 
> > > The serious mediatators here on FFL should tell us of any experiences 
> > > that are similar to this one.  Also, I am sure there are a few who have 
> > > experienced the other siddhils as well.
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: The importance of kantha-kuupa

2012-06-30 Thread srijau
It could be important to  help to abide by the most important yama until 
enlightement is gained.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> I only recently realized that the main reason why
> Patañjali included 'kantha-kuupa' (kantha-kuupe[1] kSut-pipaasa-
> nivRttiH) amongst the saMyama-s might well be to
> prevent the development of insulin resistance amongst
> those yogii-s and yoginii-s that have a genetic predisposition
> to that. Almost everyone even up in Minnesota might know
> that two of the common symptoms of insulin resistance
> are constant thirst (polydipsia) and constant hunger (polyphagia). 
> Because of their often very sedentary life style 
> those yoga-people are in a fairly great danger of getting diabetes mellitus 
> II? That's probably why Guru Dev had Maharishi deliver
> empty messages(?) to another svaamii, or somesuch, not so near-by, because 
> Brahmaananda probably knew Mahesh had that predisposition?
> 1. The form 'kuupe' is the locative singular from 'kuupa(H)'.
> The basic ending of the locative singular is '-i'. (In Swedish,
> the rather common IE-preposition 'in' is actually 'i'(~ee): 'i ett hus' [~ ee 
> ett hews], 'in a house'). Forms like 'kuupe' are
> cases of internal sandhi: kuupa + i > kuupe; cf. deva + indra >
> devendra.

[FairfieldLife] elaborate Jiva transfer

2012-07-02 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Vajrayana sex perversion

2012-07-02 Thread srijau
"To have sexual relations with a prostitute paid by you and not by a third 
person does not constitute improper behaviour," The Dalai Lama


Namo Shakyamuni Buddha!

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Ayurvedic View of Marijuana

2012-07-07 Thread srijau
maybe it is "an" ayurvedic view of Marijuana. Vaidya Bhagwan Dash took the 
opposite  view, and he was "kind of a big deal". Some of the claims made in 
this article , like the male hormones or DNA/cancer sounds really dubious or 
dishonest to me, kind of hysterical one-sided fear-mongering that does feed 
into the prohibition narrative that is causing so much harm, far more harm than 
Marijuana itself. Calamus, which is widely used in ayurveda including Maharishi 
Ayurveda in India has a lot of chemicals in it that are claimed to be 
carcinogenic but none ever gets the cancer from it in the real life. The 
"strong strains" argument seems very dubious to me, it seems rather that users 
just don't have to inhale as much of those "carcinogenic" smoke elements to get 
the same high. 
Brain studies do show that it seems to do the exact opposite of TM in terms of 
disconnecting rather than unifying the brain function as long as you are on it. 
I have no doubt that it is bad for young people whose brains are developing and 
that most people who use it often seem to have the emotional intelligence of a 
small child. So many people use Marijuana who would be better off using TM for 
a lot of what they are trying to feel or also some other calming herbal. But 
does occasional use of marijuana cause any lasting  harm? I have not seen a 
study that indicates that it does. In Indian culture a huge amount of society 
has at least some marijuana drink at least once a year as a part of festival 
celebration. how often is too often? Can anyone honestly answer this question 
at present? If I feel the author is not being honest with me then it damages my 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> http://mapi.com/blog/the-ayurvedic-view-of-marijuana/

[FairfieldLife] why equality

2012-07-13 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM's biggest problem?

2012-07-15 Thread srijau
as usual if you still bother to follow a link posted  by Vaj you find it says 
something else or proves nothing, in this case it is just a visual he created 
Here is a truly relevant link:

many references to actual published studies provided

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Jul 15, 2012, at 8:38 AM, cardemaister wrote:
> > An âyurvedic technician told me that surprisingly many
> > TMers, like myself, have high blood pressure.
> > 
> > The obvious reason is that many people here in Finland,
> > and probably many other countries also, started doing
> > TM in the hopes of being able to reduce their BP medication,
> > and stuff.
> > 
> > I don't believe TM helps a lot if ones hypertension is
> > due to being genetically predisposed to it. I feel like
> > some component of my BP regulation system (which, I believe
> > is quite complicated) is especially weak, because my BP is like a yo-yo: it 
> > seems to skyrocket for almost no reason at all!
> > 
> > I think Maharishi hoped that TM would make healthy people
> > more healthy, but the problem seems to be that people who
> > feel themselves to be healthy usually might not have any
> > interest in meditation?!
> In an independent systematic review of BP and different meditative and 
> body-based interventions, Transcendental Meditation was the worst 
> intervention for lowering BP. Since TM mantras are imbalanced they tend to 
> increase pitta and vata, thus they will tend to increase BP (from an 
> Ayurvedic perspective):
> https://www.box.com/shared/yqhm9ex6b0
> The only intervention that was worse has "health education". Progressive 
> Muscle Relaxation (PMR) was about the same as Transcendental Meditation.
> The best interventions are hatha yoga and Tai Chi.
> 1. Tai Chi
> 2. Yoga + biofeedback
> 3. Qi gong
> 4. Mindfulness based cognitive therapy
> 5. Biofeedback
> 6. Yoga
> 7. Relaxation Response
> 8. Buddhist Meditation
> 9. Rest/relaxation
> 10. Mantra meditation
> 11. Transcendental Meditation
> Current science supports the use of CoQ-10, Fish Oil and Vitamin D for 
> lowering BP without the use of meds.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM's biggest problem?

2012-07-16 Thread srijau
my links all include references to research published in reputable scientific 
journals, yours led to webpage with spreadsheet that said created by Vaj, 
anyone interested in this should also see message 314502
---  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Jul 15, 2012, at 2:16 PM, srijau@... wrote:
> > in this case it is just a visual he created himself.
> Actually it was created in an independent review created by the  
> University of Alberta, so it's not biased like the links you provide,  
> it just an unbiased review of the evidence.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chopra's Bliss Technique & Primordial Sound anyone?

2012-03-25 Thread srijau
1. sound evoking nector of immortality 2. sound evoking connectedness to 
Vishnu Sahasranama can be listened to by anyone without harm ,without the 
careful consideration of rules nor much instruction or discipline,though these 
could give greater benefits. It gives every kind of material and spiritual 
benefit. It removes the attitude of blaming others for one's situation as well 
as other benefits. For the benefits of listening this tape is not inferior.
Use of Gayatri can require careful instruction or initiation, the benefit is 
more restricted upliftment of the personality 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "anaand108"  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Can anyone here list exactly what was taught in these in techniques in late 
> 80's or early 90's while Chopra was still a golden boy in the movement. I've 
> looked around on the net and there seem to several versions.

[FairfieldLife] The Vajranatha

2012-04-14 Thread srijau
This straight, married male was pinned face-down across Rich's desk by the 
guards [the Dorje Kasung] while Rich forcibly raped him."[13]


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Vajranatha

2012-04-15 Thread srijau
He was the Natha of the Vajrayanas of the west at the time, he was the lineage 
holder, not some casual practitioner:

It was revealed in 1989 that Ösel Tendzin had contracted HIV, and for nearly 
three years knew it, yet continued to have unprotected sex with his students, 
without informing them.[14][15] He transmitted HIV to a student who later died 
of AIDS.[16][17][18] Others close to Tendzin, including the board of directors 
of Vajradhatu, knew for two years that Tendzin was HIV positive and sexually 
active, but kept silent.[19]

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, srijau@  wrote:
> >
> > This straight, married male was pinned face-down across Rich's desk by the 
> > guards [the Dorje Kasung] while Rich forcibly raped him."[13]
> > 
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osel_Tendzin
> The rapist is Vaj's guru ?

[FairfieldLife] Yogic FLYING YES!!

2014-10-14 Thread srijau
To paraphrase Yoko Ono,
 even just one inch in the air you are flying in the sky!
 Jai Guru Dev,Jai Maharishi!

[FairfieldLife] 50,000 new Flyers now

2014-10-14 Thread srijau
today on Maharishi Channel 3, progress report on 50,000 new Yogic Flyers within 
3 months, to create Permanent Peace right now, so many pictures of thousands of 
blissful yogis flying high!
can be seen right now by sliding back in time a bit on

Maharishi Channel 3 http://maharishichannel.in/CHANNEL_3/index.html 
 Maharishi Channel 3 http://maharishichannel.in/CHANNEL_3/index.html New Time 
Slider. Watch up to 12 hours of past programmes. Click on the time line to 
choose earlier broadcast. MORE... 
 View on maharishichannel.in http://maharishichannel.in/CHANNEL_3/index.html 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] TMing superstars

2014-10-25 Thread srijau
Its not just Presidents of republics  like Dilma Rousseff and Juan Manuel 
Santos but the question about superstars of stage and screen and music is more 
who is not TMing rather than who is!!

 Meditating Stars 

 Meditating Stars 
Experiencing the Transcendental Meditation technique: David Lynch, Clint 
Eastwood, Martin Scorsese, Jerry Seinfeld, Hugh Jackman, Jim Carrey...
 View on www.youtube.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Collins Complains

2014-10-25 Thread srijau
complete rehabilitation and complete support of nature!

[FairfieldLife] overcoming depression with TM

2014-10-25 Thread srijau
pharmaceuticals did not work but a program that included TM did

 Gayarthri Ramprasad: Exercise, meditation and therapy help hold major 
depression at bay 

 Gayarthri Ramprasad: Exercise, meditation and th... 
 On Oct. 9 at 7 p.m., Ramprasad will be at St. Paul’s Fitzgerald theater as one 
of the featured guests on “A Celebration of Women in Recovery.”
 View on www.minnpost.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 


2014-10-25 Thread srijau
She says she gets up at 5:30am so she can do TM and it is worth it!

 Gisele Bündchen: "Acordo às 5h30 para meditar" 

 Gisele Bündchen: "Acordo às 5h30 para meditar&quo... 
 A supermodelo conta como conseguiu disciplina para levantar antes dos dois 
filhos e praticar meditação por 20 minutos. Ela diz que o sacrifício co...
 View on epoca.globo.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Ideal education for all children!

2014-10-26 Thread srijau
Ideal education for children of every ethnic background and religion, 
Pentacostal, Muslim, Catholic or Buddhist and Arya Samaj!  so beautiful
HOME http://www.seedsofheaven.org/ 
 HOME http://www.seedsofheaven.org/ Welcome to Seeds of Heaven! Enjoy 
heart-warming, inspiring news about the life-changing projects we support 
around the world.   Seeds of Heaven is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 
 View on www.seedsofheaven.org http://www.seedsofheaven.org/ 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Seeds of Heaven https://www.facebook.com/seedsofheaven 
 Seeds of Heaven https://www.facebook.com/seedsofheaven With our donors we 
support projects in 14 different countries in Consciousness-Based Education,...
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Architect Bing Thom Speaks on TM and Creativity

2014-10-26 Thread srijau
thanks good to know

[FairfieldLife] Celebrating Enlightened Leadership

2014-10-26 Thread srijau
Dilma Rousseff the TM practicing President has been re-elected! great news for 
projects in Brasil, including one she personally has helped to go forward.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Growing Up TM

2014-10-30 Thread srijau
this is all about that adolescent mentality of worrying about what other people 

[FairfieldLife] Complete fabrications

2014-11-02 Thread srijau
should anyone be relatively new to this group it would be good to understand 
that at present it is full of complete fabrications about Maharishi. Stuff that 
is just completely manufactured with imaginative abandon, having no basis of 
any kind in reality. It would be a big waste of anyone time to bother to try 
counter it all. Do your own research before you believe anything you see here, 
it is almost entirely nonsense. and utterly dishonest.

[FairfieldLife] Slander

2014-11-02 Thread srijau
Statements are being made here which are not merely opinions but demonstrably 
false claims.
 4. No exceptions to the rule Bloggers and citizen journalists are held to the 
exact same defamation standards as reporters who are being paid to report 

[FairfieldLife] early book on Maharishi

2014-11-02 Thread srijau
There exists an early book on Maharishi which it seems few people have been 
aware of. It contains information that contradicts recent accounts of Maharishi 
early life and the early movement and shows those accounts to be very 
superficial and biased .  It involves first hand accounts from  individuals in 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Complete fabrications

2014-11-02 Thread srijau
no need to point out the perpetrators as they rush to acknowledge their own 

[FairfieldLife] Re: early book on Maharishi

2014-11-02 Thread srijau
If anyone is interested to know an accurate account of the origin and nature of 
Maharishi's involvement  with Swami Brahmananda Saraswati read this book and 
you will see how later accounts cannot possibly be true.

[FairfieldLife] thousands of hours of Maharishi

2014-11-02 Thread srijau
hear Maharishi for yourself in his own words



[FairfieldLife] TM gives huge boost to homeless man with hiv

2014-11-05 Thread srijau
How Transcendental Meditation Changed This HIV Patient's Life 

 How Transcendental Meditation Changed This H... 
 Transcendental Meditation boasts major health benefits, but for some, the 
practice can be truly life-changing. Michael Rouppet from the San Franc...
 View on www.msn.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] real news MahaMedia

2014-11-08 Thread srijau
Maha Media Magazine Old Issues July 2013... - Maha Media Magazine | Facebook 
 Maha Media Magazine Old Issues July 2013... - Maha... 
 Maha Media National Social Monthly Magazine July 2013 Issue. 
 View on www.facebook.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Synphony of Silence

2014-11-11 Thread srijau
just one the many books that have come out recently showing the incredible 
depth of Maharishi's knowledge and likewise the profound enlightenment of so 
many of those who have continued with the spiritual practices he taught them:

[FairfieldLife] Re: to be president

2016-10-17 Thread srijau
yes well Mellania is doing TM but so is Bill Clinton , in fact if you read the 
emails it sounds like that whole class of people may be initiated but that 
doesn't say how regular they are or what there perspective on it or committment 

[FairfieldLife] Re: I think I'll move to that chair

2016-12-27 Thread srijau
I don't really have any better information but the story I read was that the 
Purusha who were recording everything on tape  inadvertently witnessed this. 
There was no indication in that story that Maharishi was aware of being on 
camera or wanted to be.

[FairfieldLife] world war or positive transformation

2017-01-20 Thread srijau
if you know a bit about Jyotish look at April 2019 onwards

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bootleg Amrit Kalash?

2017-01-20 Thread srijau
It is Brahma Rasayana, at least the paste. If you made either one properly 
yourself, it would cost you far more than buying it. Use a bit of common sense 
and a search engine. PS I have not found other brands of Brahma Rasayana to be 
conparable, but just my opinion perhaps

[FairfieldLife] Jan 12 in India not like where you are

2017-01-21 Thread srijau
its televised and more than 3 and half hours long
Gov Ministers are there

 Maharishi mahesh yogi Janma Shatabdi Samaroh 

 Maharishi mahesh yogi Janma Shatabdi Samaroh 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dtEzo3zxl4 Maharishi mahesh yogi Janma 
Shatabdi Samaroh
 View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dtEzo3zxl4 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jan 12 in India not like where you are

2017-01-22 Thread srijau
but he is the Shankaracharya.
 I don;t like the way the Puja was sung though, maybe just my preference, too 
artificial rather than just someones genuine feeling. The Buddhist Guru is 
likely just doing TM at most,there like Singh partly  to show this is not 
limited to Hindus, doesn't make you a convert" though I think everyone is 
cringing with his giving an overly long exposition of how all the dharmic 
religions belong to Hindu Rastra, think he is out Hindu nationalizing/ sucking 
up to the BJP types and making most uncomfortable with his distortion of 
Maharishi's view who accepted all religions(and Catholics right now very 
numerous using Maharishis teaching) as somehow valid in their origin to be 
valued in some way. And someone born a Jew and not having changed his name 
right there on stage.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jan 12 in India not like where you are

2017-01-22 Thread srijau
the Buddhist is implying its us and them, Hindus Sihks Jains and Buddhist are 
the us,

[FairfieldLife] Re: Jan 12 in India not like where you are

2017-01-24 Thread srijau
the vast majority of the TM movement in India are indeed deeply conservative 
Hindus, though not uniformly, there is a few surprising exceptions,and there is 
a great many deeply conservative Catholics in the TM movement in Central and 
South America,  just as the vast majority in the movement in Canada , USA and 
western europe are usually very liberal socially. Including so many USA donors. 
And both sides are equally convinced the other is scandalously wrong in their 
actions and attitudes and should be forced or at least persuaded to act 
otherwise. You seem to agree.

[FairfieldLife] that Dalai Lama guy

2017-01-24 Thread srijau
explicit endorser of the Global Country Of World Peace Vedic India agenda. 
wonder why?
check those links at the bottom too if you are his fan!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Jan 12 in India not like where you are

2017-01-26 Thread srijau
Show the evidence for your statement that the Shankaracharya ever had any link 
to movement money.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 68th Republic Day Parade At Rajpath In New Delhi

2017-01-28 Thread srijau
why was this posted here?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Shorthand, Jyotish Dates

2017-02-04 Thread srijau
I suggest you check out the yahoo group SAMVA they practice the "shorthand" 
jyotish used by David Hawthorne. They believe the USA has entered a Sun period 
with the election D Trump. This was the case when McKinney was President and he 
created an empire with the Philippines and Guam,Hawaii and the Cubans not ruled 
but under effective American control. Their chart for the US indicates some bad 
transits and serious conflict coming internal and external, but ultimate 
success for the USA.

[FairfieldLife] Re:Disordered 'Spiritual' narcissism: 'He said he could do what he wanted': the scandal that rocked Bikram yoga

2017-02-21 Thread srijau
You are really self-indulging here in a lot of misguided judgemental-ism and 
triumphalism. Show a little more grace and discretion and care for the unity of 
the community. You are the one being ugly and crass here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Heroin deaths increase

2017-03-02 Thread srijau
Invincible america numbers have been on the decline for those years due to Raja 
Settle running out the immense amount of money, something like 100 Million that 
he spent to subsidize various groups of peoples living expenses while doing 
long program.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Heroin deaths increase

2017-03-02 Thread srijau
there is no "supression by Rajas" thats childish finger pointing and blame 
gaming extremely noble people who are doing more than anyone to benefit 
humanity.grow up.
 It is mostly in the USA that these kind of policies have been enacted.  
Ultimately one Raja , John Hagelin can change this policy if he wants to.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Heroin deaths increase

2017-03-04 Thread srijau
I see your point when you elaborate, otherwise it came across as I described.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Interesting Overview of Recent proceedings within the Indian SaiBaba Community

2017-03-05 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: Tornado Watch until 10PM;

2017-03-06 Thread srijau
worship Yama and Shiva

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Sixth Anniversary of Sathya Sai Baba's Passing

2017-03-20 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: Clarity of pandit's sound vibration

2017-03-20 Thread srijau
thats not even close to a study of mindfulness, it is not mindfullness

[FairfieldLife] Re: Let there be Peace..

2017-04-02 Thread srijau
you are repeatedly misrepresenting here by referring to adverse trends when the 
Invincible America was under the super-radiance number was under the 
requirement in the USA as if it was otherwise. This has been pointed out to you 
but you have an agenda that is motivating you to tell lies despite the evidence 
in published peer-reviewed studies to the contrary to what you repeatedly claim 
here. You have and are continuing to show yourself to be an "alternative facts" 
person who uses empty rhetorical tactics / deliberately false arguments  to 

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi Effect from Invincible America Assembly

2017-04-03 Thread srijau
recent published research in peer reviewed scientific journals, not some 
pseudo-spiritual mumbo jumbo
a resume of research and an intelligent explanation of the issues

[FairfieldLife] Fairfield crime- and M.E

2017-04-04 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] many many pubished studies in peer reviewed scientific journals..

2017-04-04 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] recent published research

2017-04-04 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: Crime rates in Iowa

2017-04-05 Thread srijau
shameless windbag, don't talk about cherrypicking when it is you that 
repeatedly talked about trends when there was a declining or no national M.E to 
attempt to disprove it. Anyone that reads the studies will see how spurious and 
lame you are. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has wished everyone a Happy Vaisakhi

2017-04-15 Thread srijau
I guess Indians can relate easily to a ruling dynastic clan. Otherwise despite 
two initiated parents he does absolutely nothing to increase TM , Yoga or 
Ayurveda administratively.
 He is a lot like Obama , just marginal changes around the edges. a big 
corporate agenda.
 A happy smiling face on not much different.

[FairfieldLife] Shocking News

2017-04-21 Thread srijau
very sad to say, Maharishi's dear Vaidya Shiromani" the crown jewel of Vaidyas 
and renowned ayurvedic dermatologist and contemporary formulator Vaidya 
RamaKant Mishra has left us.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Repost: A King is born!

2017-04-23 Thread srijau
look at this astrologers track record is it far from perfect, as for Trumps 
jupiter mahadasha what do we have to show for it so far? absolutely nothing 
positive of significance. A lot of self-important hot air. many very foolish 
and destructive executive orders in fact.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raahu in Ardhra and Ketu (kaytoo) in Muula (moola)!

2017-04-23 Thread srijau
if war comes it will already start by July 2019  she is identifying big 
annihilation dates - nuking
or it can be a huge positive transformation to a new civilization with 
spiritual practiceis there enough evidence of that yet though? it won't 
happen through making a mood of oneness or a pledge to make nice to everyone

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Scandals

2017-05-23 Thread srijau
number 15
this article is more than 2 years old.
it is mostly untrue or inaccurate
you are officially a troll

[FairfieldLife] beatles in India

2017-05-25 Thread srijau
its a tired old story but since the troll reposted it here you can find a lot 
of information from people who were there that contradicts what was reposted 
"McCartney said "It was Magic Alex who made the original accusation and I think 
that it was completely untrue".[131] 
 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles_in_India#cite_note-150 Deepak Chopra 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepak_Chopra, who was not present but later 
became a disciple of the Maharishi and a friend of Harrison's, said in 2008 
that the Beatles and their entourage "were doing drugs, taking LSD, at 
Maharishi's ashram".[148] 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles_in_India#cite_note-foxnews.com-152 An 
article in the Washington Post https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington_Post 
reported that "others said the Beatles resumed drug use at the ashram".[153] 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles_in_India#cite_note-Sullivan-153 The 
Beatles' group also violated the Maharishi's "no alcohol rule" when they 
consumed "hooch" which Mardas, who Cynthia thought was not an active meditator, 
"smuggled in" from a nearby village.[74] 
 Also Maharishi was absolutely not a moralizer or judgmental , he was always 
inspiring people to maximize their own evolution but I have heard countless 
stories of his declining to be at all judgemental of peoples failings whether 
it be around issues like drug use or failing to keep to brahmacharya.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Global Cooling ???

2017-06-07 Thread srijau
absolutely a hot flaming pile of alternative "facts" absolutely and repeatedly 
and definitively proven false. Something that might have happened if the world 
had not been filled up with greenhouse gases, BUT IT IS. Your delusion is fatal 
to millions or billions. Nice delusion briefly if your economy depends on oil 
like RUSSIA.

[FairfieldLife] Krauthammer: Trump likely now under investigation

2017-06-10 Thread srijau


[FairfieldLife] cosmology.com

2017-06-17 Thread srijau
a lot of writing that might be of interest to members here, consciousness and 



[FairfieldLife] Jyotish and outer plans

2017-06-17 Thread srijau
some are claiming that the Kaama asteroid is the real ruler of Leo and that 
several of these are mentioned in Parashara



[FairfieldLife] some movement educational videos of stotra etc

2017-06-17 Thread srijau
great for learning to read sanskrit and maybe someone  would be inclined to 
clean up the audio. several video of Maharishi Pundits chanting along with the 
text provided

 https://www.youtube.com/user/axyanchan1 https://www.youtube.com/user/axyanchan1



2017-06-17 Thread srijau
Maharishi being in  the relative was not perfect however he knew what he was 
doing and he had to do everything that he did even it didn't make sense to one 
person at one time or doesn't seem to make sense to you now. A lot of the stuff 
that I could not make sense of before has become clear to me now.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Middle East Peace Project

2017-06-18 Thread srijau
got shut down by the Mullahs, some people continued to do group program in 
private but weren't allowed to advertise. Might be back in a different form and 
I don't know. Not much easier with the Isrealis and the infuence of Jewish 
fundamentalists there either.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Country run by women?

2017-06-18 Thread srijau
you can tell in the first seconds that this is over the top hate propaganda, 
that isn't even going to be effective except for a few very impressionable 
people who could just as easily be swayed to the opposite side

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hope without hop

2017-06-22 Thread srijau
if you have more time try listening to the entire Vishnu Sahasranama I bet you 
will be hopping again.
Even at another time of day not right after program.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Poor People Need Not Apply

2017-06-22 Thread srijau
try to show the slightest shred of evidence for what you claim. 
On the contrary, capitalism rewards sociopaths, thats who gets rich.

Re: [FairfieldLife] FF Meditating Community Meeting PK & $ 92.00 a day in Hyderabad India Dr. Raju clinic

2017-07-12 Thread srijau
please let us know the website if this PK is good

Re: [FairfieldLife] FF Meditating Community Meeting PK & $ 92.00 a day in Hyderabad India Dr. Raju clinic

2017-07-12 Thread srijau
its all Dr Raju? He uses mercury , not disclosed . I feel the side-effect.

Re: [FairfieldLife] FF Meditating Community Meeting PK & $ 92.00 a day in Hyderabad India Dr. Raju clinic

2017-07-13 Thread srijau
Ananda Sidhi Yog .ASY yes unmistakable mercury side effects. I ask in email is 
there mercury in this and the no response is a response. Note there is no 
ingredients lists provided.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Mutineers Beware Re Rajas! of History!

2017-07-13 Thread srijau
you have a valid cause in many ways but you utterly discredit yourself with 
this dumb ugly and irrelevant nonsense

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Data on the Adverse Effects of Meditation and Mindfulness Study reports on the less-examined findings of difficult and pa

2017-07-15 Thread srijau
good to note that there are zero TM meditators in this study.

[FairfieldLife] Maharishi's Domes

2017-07-16 Thread srijau
Maharishi founded the Golden Domes of Pure Knowledge for those who follow his 
teaching and share his vision.
It isn't a municipal recreation center. 
Maharishi was always saying "Jai Guru Dev"
If you say "Jai Guru You" instead, your heart is not with Maharishi and his 
teaching. You can do you program in lots of places, but you don't belong in 
Maharishi's Domes.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Domes

2017-07-17 Thread srijau
there has never been any reason given to be deluded about the private nature of 
the institution and if you can't have some basic respect for the tradition and 
the closest devotees and appointees of Maharishi you shouldn't go and you don't 
have a place in the discussion about the place.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Domes

2017-07-20 Thread srijau
there is no mood making. thats just another example of your common practice of 
insulting which won't get you anywhere. 
to say "jai guru you" is over the top. Its just shitting on the tradition and 
everything that is held most dear. 
everything isn't as you image or what you think is useful rhetoric really is not

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Domes

2017-07-21 Thread srijau
TBer does not come to this group. empty rhetoric.You aren't listening so I am 
why should I bother

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Domes

2017-07-21 Thread srijau
TBer does not come to this group. arguementative empty rhetoric and cliche. you 
are not listening so I am not going to bother

[FairfieldLife] off topic funny story from CDN right wing newspaper

2017-07-21 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's Domes

2017-07-22 Thread srijau
you are using TBer as an insult word. you love to insult. I am sure you want to 
create a mutual beneficial and mutually respectful dialogue with certain people 
but you think you can accomplish that with insulting them. This post actually 
goes further in insulting decision makers more. You seem to think they have to 
listen to you , insulting and all. 
You are deluded.

[FairfieldLife] Dr BM Hegbe

2017-07-23 Thread srijau
went to the top of western medicine and what he says now is quite something


[FairfieldLife] 100 ragas effects and timing

2017-07-24 Thread srijau
http://oeom.com/?page_id=205 http://oeom.com/?page_id=205


RE: [FairfieldLife] RE: Fairfield’s Cr isis of Meditating Numbers in the Dome

2017-08-12 Thread srijau
you are not acting with a minimum level of communication skill here, you are 
just telling people, you are bad and wrong you should shut up and do what I 
think is right.

[FairfieldLife] who poisoned Maharishi

2017-08-12 Thread srijau
Deepak Chopra wrote about when Maharishi was poisoned and Deepak said he was 
clinically dead at arrival at the London hospital from Noida. Though Bob Roth 
disputed that one detail.. 
Now that I read Rhoda Orme-Johnson's book I think I understand who did and what 
their motivation was, which was in fact a pretty pure evil sort of greed.
She does not talk about it directly at all but she mentions that he went to 
India to try to avoid a perceived danger. I think I now understand why and why 
people still don't talk about it.

[FairfieldLife] Rhoda Orme Johnson's book

2017-08-12 Thread srijau
It filled in a few gaps for me here and there but for others it could be even 
more of a revelation especially what sacrifices and heroism was made by certain 
people who are being denigrated here.

[FairfieldLife] Chakrapani Ullal on the eclipse

2017-08-12 Thread srijau
Chakrapani Ullal 
 35 mins 

 The August 21 SOLAR ECLIPSE passes directly over the continental United 
States, border to border which means the influence is strongest in the states. 
However, the eclipse influences life across the globe, to be sure. 
 The DOMAINS over which the SUN PRESIDES, astrologically are the areas of 
greatest vulnerability. As mentioned previously, one result is with regards to 
HEALTH - an eclipse can weaken the body for a period of up to 6 months, being 
especially problematic for those who are already have health complaints or are 
in a weakened state of body for any reason. An eclipse exploits weakness and 
incites confrontation and conflict.
 An eclipse has special significance for people in government, notably the 
AMERICAN PRESIDENT and those in his inner circle, but also heads of government 
around the world. Because the Sun presides over the "ruler" of any country, the 
eclipse signals a time of caution for those in power across the global 
community. This means concern for the health and safety of these individuals as 
well as the success of their respective undertakings. By the way, beyond 
TRUMP'S vulnerability as Head of State, his personal horoscope further 
underscores that this is not a good time for him. In Astrology, important 
themes are often echoed or restated in several ways as is the case here.
 The LUNAR ECLIPSE of August 7 ushered us into this problematic period which 
has brought the current NORTH KOREAN situation, and the tensions there will 
continue to mount. Existing problems on the world stage will be further 
aggravated; this is the nature of eclipses.
 Important to remember that an eclipse brings affects that do not necessarily 
appear immediately, but develop over the subsequent months. There is also the 
concern for NATURAL DISASTERS around and after the eclipse: climate related 
issues, earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding, fire, etc. as well as the 
possibility for accidents. The solar eclipse brings with it the possibility for 
any of these events for 3-6 months (and even longer), but it does not say that 
it has to happen.
 As I've said during troublesome periods in the past - it serves no purpose to 
become overly concerned about things out of our control. It is a CAUTIONARY 
PERIOD so we take precautions and then continue out living our days in a 
natural way. Ultimately, God's will prevails; our part is to remain mindful. 

[FairfieldLife] VK Choudhry Jyotish Guru

2017-08-12 Thread srijau
VK Choudhry, who created a very impressively clear,practical, reliable and 
relatively simple set of rules for Jyotish for the current era has passed away 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi Jyotish Council's Tips for Eclipse

2017-08-19 Thread srijau
this is "know-it-all" know nothing empty rhetoric. you live and operate in the 
world of duality. a watch is a superstition  according to a person who can't 
understand it by your verbalization.

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