Re: [FairfieldLife] Blah blah and blah blah of the blah-blah? (was Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?)

2014-01-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 1/26/2014 11:21 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
*/That is, the people doing this seek to position *themselves* as the 
"experts" or "authorities" and *force* people to ask them questions/*

It's all a matter of positioning and placement. You can place yourself 
as an expert or authority if you know what you are talking about. But, 
if you don't even know any bija mantras for any yoga technique used for 
stress relief, it would probably just be better to keep your pie hole 
shut. You can't force anyone to answer your questions, so maybe you 
should start questioning answers instead of trying to figure out simple 
things without a teacher.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Blah blah and blah blah of the blah-blah? (was Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?)

2014-01-27 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 1/26/2014 4:41 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
*/I can't help "translating" your question into Far Side-speak the way 
some of us hear it./*

> "Anyone know if blah blah uses exclusively the blah blah
> of the blah blah (blah blah of the blah blah)?"
Translated, this probably means something like: "I read over 200 books 
on the Cathars, but not a single book on the Gnostics." Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Blah blah and blah blah of the blah-blah? (was Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?)

2014-01-26 Thread Share Long
I think, and Carde apologies if I'm misremembering, I think Carde once 
mentioned being an aspie so I read his posts through the filter of that 
understanding. I think I simply enjoy his other worldliness though I often wish 
more people would reply to his stuff. Totally MY issue! (-:

On Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:21 AM, TurquoiseB  wrote:
--- In, Share Long  wrote:
> Buck, I also enjoy Carde's posts though I don't understand most of them. He 
> seems very independent and thus likely to continue here, yay, no matter how 
> anyone responds to his stuff.

I enjoy many of them, too, even though I understand none of the Sanskrit 
references and never hope to. Dead languages are often dead for a reason, and 
my time is taken up with learning live ones. :-) 

Card is a wonderful language nerd who gets off on esoteric relationships he 
finds between languages and interpretations he finds of things he reads in 
them. I'm not sure he really has much of anyone to really converse with about 
these subjects here, although it's fine of him to try. I was just poking a 
little fun at the greater-than-normal obscurity of his latest post, wondering 
if there is *anyone* here who has any idea what "NSR" refers to. 

As I'm trying to explain to "Buck" and Doctordumb, I find the *expectation* 
that the people they're talking to or writing to *have* to "come up to their 
level" elitist to the max. I also find Doctordumb's assertion that "they should 
just ask" if they don't understand things to have a subtle and not entirely 
pleasant intent. That is, the people doing this seek to position *themselves* 
as the "experts" or "authorities" and *force* people to ask them 
if they really were. 

A better teacher doesn't do this. A better teacher or writer -- one who is 
actually trying to communicate and who cares about the person he is speaking to 
-- doesn't go out of his way to exclude them from the conversation. He or she 
explains possibly unfamiliar terms as he goes along, being *inclusive* as 
opposed to exclusive. 

Buck is right that this is a personal issue with me. I'm really not trying to 
change the way that people on this forum write. I honestly don't believe that 
many of them *could* change, even if they wanted to. I'm just bringing up some 
of these points about how jargon is a way to enforce elitism and promote the 
idea that the person using is is somehow "superior to" the people he's speaking 
to just to "put it out there" for those who are interested. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Blah blah and blah blah of the blah-blah? (was Re: NSR and BM of the M-Ch?)

2014-01-26 Thread Bhairitu
Replace the dog with a cat and in the second frame the man with a big 
cat and the blahs with meows:

On 01/26/2014 02:41 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In, wrote:
> Anyone know if NSR uses exclusively the biija-mantra of the 

> (beej mantra of the muladharachakra)?

*/I know you're talking to a select group of language and TM nerds, 
Card, but given the discussions about jargon and buzzwords recently, I 
can't help "translating" your question into Far Side-speak the way 
some of us hear it. :-)

/**"Anyone know if blah blah uses exclusively the blah blah of the 
blah blah (blah blah of the blah blah)?"/
