Re: [FairfieldLife] Obamacare - trouble at the back end

2013-12-18 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 12/18/2013 9:34 AM, wrote:

Man, what the right-wingers are feeding you is such a convoluted mess
No "right-winger" is opposed to people getting low cost medical care if 
they get sick or injured - you made that up and tried to fib us again.

What conservatives ARE opposed to is the federal government getting 
involved in providing health care in the first place, which is way too 
complex for anyone in the federal government to manage. The disater 
called Obamacare has already proved that the government can't manage 
helalth care - hell, they can't even design a workable web site.

But, the least they could do is not tell big fat lies to the public: you 
CANNOT keep your plan if you like it and you CANNOT keep your doctor if 
you like him, and your health insurance premium is going UP not down!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Obamacare - trouble at the back end

2013-12-18 Thread authfriend
Man, what the right-wingers are feeding you is such a convoluted mess. I don't 
have time to go dig up the specifics to refute all this. But have a look here:


 BTW, you're aware that the basis of Obamacare started out as a Republican 
idea, right?

 I never said I wanted the GOP/Tea Party to "fix" it, only to stop sabotaging 
it. They are obviously terrified that it is going to improve the healthcare 
situation, and they're doing everything they can to get in the way of that 
happening because they hate Obama so much. It's truly pathological: they'd 
rather Obama looked bad than that folks have better healthcare.

 The individual mandate, by the way, is crucial. Without it, young, healthy 
people won't buy in, and the insurance companies will go into the "death 
spiral"--although at this point, it looks like enough young people are buying 
in to prevent that:

 Yes, the whole idea is for the healthy to help subsidize the sick. That's the 
principle of insurance, to spread the risk. The young folks who are now healthy 
will get sicker as they age, and their healthcare will in turn be subsidized by 
the younger people. Plus which, there's no guarantee a young person isn't going 
to get sick or have some sort of accident and require healthcare, and if they 
have insurance, it's a lot less likely to bankrupt them. And the government 
subsidies are designed to make it possible for everyone to have insurance 
whatever their income. (Of course in the states that have refused to go along 
with Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, a lot of poor people will be out of luck 
because they can get neither Medicaid nor government subsidies--that's one 
aspect of what I mean by GOP sabotage.)

 Give it a chance, for pete's sake. A program this huge and complicated is 
going to have some problems no matter what, but we have to know for sure what 
they are before things can be tweaked to handle them. The solution sure isn't 
to chuck the whole thing before the problems have even shown up.

Mike wrote:

 And the administration has made their share of *purported* facts as well, that 
insurance rates will go down and so on. Yes, they will go down for a few, and 
it will be *better* for a few, who get government subsidies but the rest of us 
will absorb the cost for their gain. It is a fact that almost 6 million people 
have had their plans canceled because they now don't qualify as *up to 
standard* under Obamacare. The aadministration wants more coverage, perhaps 
coverage they don't need, want or can afford but must pay for so others can 
have it at a cheaper rate. Next year, after the elections , many companies will 
face the same predicament, cancel old plans for more expensive ones. As for Fox 
and Republicans trying to sabotage Obamacare, Fox is reporting what people are 
experiencing and the republicans owe nothing because they were shut-out from 
creating the law in the first place.  This was a Democratic baby that SHOULD 
have been aborted.Now, you and other Democrats want Republicans to fix it? 
Republicans asked for delays which were only done to avert a disaster which is 
yet to come. The administration delayed employer mandates until after the 
elections. The Republicans asked for a delay of the individual mandate, which 
was denied and now we see nobody was ready. for that as well. Obviously, you as 
Obama, have never run a business. Who would want to expand a small business 
with more full time employees if it were going to significantly raise it's cost 
of doing business, maybe even to the point of non profitability. The obvious 
solution is to hire more part- time and hold them to less than 30 hours. The 
administration counters  with, *there's no indication that this would be the 
case*. No. they'll just have to wait for unemployment to rise or job creation 
to stagnate to get those figures they need. Then we'll need to pass more laws 
*fixing* it. More government regulation. It'll just go on and on and on.
 On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 8:01 AM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Opinion "again"? But you were declaring all kinds of purported facts to 
start with:

 "Most people's premiums are going way up and their deductibles are doubling 
and even tripling  so  a few can have a policy  that they still can't afford  
with deductibles they still can't pay! Just wait till next year when the 
employer mandates go into effect and people are limited to part time jobs of 
less than 29 hours a week!"

Mike wrote:

 "Obamacare is far better than what we had before". Again

Re: [FairfieldLife] Obamacare - trouble at the back end

2013-12-17 Thread Mike Dixon
And the administration has made their share of *purported* facts as well, that 
insurance rates will go down and so on. Yes, they will go down for a few, and 
it will be *better* for a few, who get government subsidies but the rest of us 
will absorb the cost for their gain. It is a fact that almost 6 million people 
have had their plans canceled because they now don't qualify as *up to 
standard* under Obamacare. The aadministration wants more coverage, perhaps 
coverage they don't need, want or can afford but must pay for so others can 
have it at a cheaper rate. Next year, after the elections , many companies will 
face the same predicament, cancel old plans for more expensive ones. As for Fox 
and Republicans trying to sabotage Obamacare, Fox is reporting what people are 
experiencing and the republicans owe nothing because they were shut-out from 
creating the law in the first place.  This was a Democratic baby that SHOULD 
have been aborted.Now, you and
 other Democrats want Republicans to fix it? Republicans asked for delays which 
were only done to avert a disaster which is yet to come. The administration 
delayed employer mandates until after the elections. The Republicans asked for 
a delay of the individual mandate, which was denied and now we see nobody was 
ready. for that as well. Obviously, you as Obama, have never run a business. 
Who would want to expand a small business with more full time employees if it 
were going to significantly raise it's cost of doing business, maybe even to 
the point of non profitability. The obvious solution is to hire more part- time 
and hold them to less than 30 hours. The administration counters  with, 
*there's no indication that this would be the case*. No. they'll just have to 
wait for unemployment to rise or job creation to stagnate to get those figures 
they need. Then we'll need to pass more laws *fixing* it. More government 
regulation. It'll just go on and on and

On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 8:01 AM, "" 
Opinion "again"? But you were declaring all kinds of purported facts to start 

"Most people's premiums are going way up and their deductibles are doubling and 
even tripling  so  a few can have a policy  that they still can't afford  with 
deductibles they still can't pay! Just wait till next year when the employer 
mandates go into effect and people are limited to part time jobs of less than 
29 hours a week!"

Mike wrote:

"Obamacare is far better than what we had before". Again, a matter of opinion.

On Monday, December 16, 2013 8:36 AM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
Mike wrote:

<< I guess "many more people will be helped, than hurt, by Obamacare" is 
subject to interpretation, just as, "if you like your insurance , you can keep 
it and if you like your doctor, you can keep him/her" is interpreted. >>

No relationship, sorry. 

<< It's getting harder to defend the indefensible. That's why "we had to pass 
it before we could see what's in it". >>

Non sequitur.

< < Wait till next year , babe!< As I said in an earlier post, Obamacare was 
meant to fail. It's a spring- board for the demand to replace it with 
*universal health-care* and that will be the *great social equalizer*, except 
for the ruling elite , of course. >>

If only. What nonsense, Mike. Obamacare was designed to avoid going to 
single-payer. That's one of my biggest complaints against Obama: he pretended 
he was in favor of a single-payer-type option when in fact he was making deals 
in secrecy with Big Health and Big Insurance to ensure it wouldn't happen.

Obamacare is faute-de-mieux, and it has its problems, but it's still far, far 
better than what we had. And it could be better still if the GOP and Tea Party, 
along with Faux News, weren't doing their damndest to sabotage it.

On Monday, December 16, 2013 6:51 AM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
You really need to expand your horizons beyond Faux News, Mike. Many, many more 
people will be helped than hurt by Obamacare. The folks you should be worrying 
about are the ones who live in states where the GOP has rejected Medicaid 

Mike wrote:

<< Dude! You were all warned! LOL! Most people's premiums are going way up and 
their deductibles are doubling and even tripling  so  a few can have a policy  
that they still can't afford  with deductibles they still can't pay! Just wait 
till next year when the employer mandates go into effect and people are limited 
to part time jobs of less than 29 hours a week! This law was brought to you by 
your Democratic Party! Not one Republican voted for it, they saw it coming! >>

On Sunday, December 15, 2013 4:28 PM, "yifuxero@..."  wrote:
Obamacare - trouble at the back end, for sure.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Obamacare - trouble at the back end

2013-12-17 Thread authfriend
Opinion "again"? But you were declaring all kinds of purported facts to start 

 "Most people's premiums are going way up and their deductibles are doubling 
and even tripling  so  a few can have a policy  that they still can't afford  
with deductibles they still can't pay! Just wait till next year when the 
employer mandates go into effect and people are limited to part time jobs of 
less than 29 hours a week!"

Mike wrote:

 "Obamacare is far better than what we had before". Again, a matter of opinion.
 On Monday, December 16, 2013 8:36 AM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Mike wrote:

 << I guess "many more people will be helped, than hurt, by Obamacare" is 
subject to interpretation, just as, "if you like your insurance , you can keep 
it and if you like your doctor, you can keep him/her" is interpreted. >>

 No relationship, sorry. 

 << It's getting harder to defend the indefensible. That's why "we had to pass 
it before we could see what's in it". >>


 Non sequitur.

 < < Wait till next year , babe!< As I said in an earlier post, Obamacare was 
meant to fail. It's a spring- board for the demand to replace it with 
*universal health-care* and that will be the *great social equalizer*, except 
for the ruling elite , of course. >>

 If only. What nonsense, Mike. Obamacare was designed to avoid going to 
single-payer. That's one of my biggest complaints against Obama: he pretended 
he was in favor of a single-payer-type option when in fact he was making deals 
in secrecy with Big Health and Big Insurance to ensure it wouldn't happen.

 Obamacare is faute-de-mieux, and it has its problems, but it's still far, far 
better than what we had. And it could be better still if the GOP and Tea Party, 
along with Faux News, weren't doing their damndest to sabotage it.

 On Monday, December 16, 2013 6:51 AM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   You really need to expand your horizons beyond Faux News, Mike. Many, many 
more people will be helped than hurt by Obamacare. The folks you should be 
worrying about are the ones who live in states where the GOP has rejected 
Medicaid expansion.

 Mike wrote:

 << Dude! You were all warned! LOL! Most people's premiums are going way up and 
their deductibles are doubling and even tripling  so  a few can have a policy  
that they still can't afford  with deductibles they still can't pay! Just wait 
till next year when the employer mandates go into effect and people are limited 
to part time jobs of less than 29 hours a week! This law was brought to you by 
your Democratic Party! Not one Republican voted for it, they saw it coming! >>
 On Sunday, December 15, 2013 4:28 PM, "yifuxero@..."  wrote:
   Obamacare - trouble at the back end, for sure.










Re: [FairfieldLife] Obamacare - trouble at the back end

2013-12-17 Thread Mike Dixon
"Obamacare is far better than what we had before". Again, a matter of opinion.

On Monday, December 16, 2013 8:36 AM, "" 
Mike wrote:

<< I guess "many more people will be helped, than hurt, by Obamacare" is 
subject to interpretation, just as, "if you like your insurance , you can keep 
it and if you like your doctor, you can keep him/her" is interpreted. >>

No relationship, sorry. 

<< It's getting harder to defend the indefensible. That's why "we had to pass 
it before we could see what's in it". >>

Non sequitur.

< < Wait till next year , babe!< As I said in an earlier post, Obamacare was 
meant to fail. It's a spring- board for the demand to replace it with 
*universal health-care* and that will be the *great social equalizer*, except 
for the ruling elite , of course. >>

If only. What nonsense, Mike. Obamacare was designed to avoid going to 
single-payer. That's one of my biggest complaints against Obama: he pretended 
he was in favor of a single-payer-type option when in fact he was making deals 
in secrecy with Big Health and Big Insurance to ensure it wouldn't happen.

Obamacare is faute-de-mieux, and it has its problems, but it's still far, far 
better than what we had. And it could be better still if the GOP and Tea Party, 
along with Faux News, weren't doing their damndest to sabotage it.

On Monday, December 16, 2013 6:51 AM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
You really need to expand your horizons beyond Faux News, Mike. Many, many more 
people will be helped than hurt by Obamacare. The folks you should be worrying 
about are the ones who live in states where the GOP has rejected Medicaid 

Mike wrote:

<< Dude! You were all warned! LOL! Most people's premiums are going way up and 
their deductibles are doubling and even tripling  so  a few can have a policy  
that they still can't afford  with deductibles they still can't pay! Just wait 
till next year when the employer mandates go into effect and people are limited 
to part time jobs of less than 29 hours a week! This law was brought to you by 
your Democratic Party! Not one Republican voted for it, they saw it coming! >>

On Sunday, December 15, 2013 4:28 PM, "yifuxero@..."  wrote:
Obamacare - trouble at the back end, for sure.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Obamacare - trouble at the back end

2013-12-16 Thread authfriend
Mike wrote:

 << I guess "many more people will be helped, than hurt, by Obamacare" is 
subject to interpretation, just as, "if you like your insurance , you can keep 
it and if you like your doctor, you can keep him/her" is interpreted. >>

 No relationship, sorry. 

 << It's getting harder to defend the indefensible. That's why "we had to pass 
it before we could see what's in it". >>


 Non sequitur.

 < < Wait till next year , babe!< As I said in an earlier post, Obamacare was 
meant to fail. It's a spring- board for the demand to replace it with 
*universal health-care* and that will be the *great social equalizer*, except 
for the ruling elite , of course. >>

 If only. What nonsense, Mike. Obamacare was designed to avoid going to 
single-payer. That's one of my biggest complaints against Obama: he pretended 
he was in favor of a single-payer-type option when in fact he was making deals 
in secrecy with Big Health and Big Insurance to ensure it wouldn't happen.

 Obamacare is faute-de-mieux, and it has its problems, but it's still far, far 
better than what we had. And it could be better still if the GOP and Tea Party, 
along with Faux News, weren't doing their damndest to sabotage it.

 On Monday, December 16, 2013 6:51 AM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   You really need to expand your horizons beyond Faux News, Mike. Many, many 
more people will be helped than hurt by Obamacare. The folks you should be 
worrying about are the ones who live in states where the GOP has rejected 
Medicaid expansion.

 Mike wrote:

 << Dude! You were all warned! LOL! Most people's premiums are going way up and 
their deductibles are doubling and even tripling  so  a few can have a policy  
that they still can't afford  with deductibles they still can't pay! Just wait 
till next year when the employer mandates go into effect and people are limited 
to part time jobs of less than 29 hours a week! This law was brought to you by 
your Democratic Party! Not one Republican voted for it, they saw it coming! >>
 On Sunday, December 15, 2013 4:28 PM, "yifuxero@..."  wrote:
   Obamacare - trouble at the back end, for sure.







Re: [FairfieldLife] Obamacare - trouble at the back end

2013-12-16 Thread Mike Dixon
I guess "many more people will be helped, than hurt, by Obamacare" is subject 
to interpretation, just as, "if you like your insurance , you can keep it and 
if you like your doctor, you can keep him/her" is interpreted.< It's getting 
harder to defend the indefensible. That's why "we had to pass it before we 
could see what's in it".< Wait till next year , babe!< As I said in an earlier 
post, Obamacare was meant to fail. It's a spring- board for the demand to 
replace it with *universal health-care* and that will be the *great social 
equalizer*, except for the ruling elite , of course.

On Monday, December 16, 2013 6:51 AM, "" 
You really need to expand your horizons beyond Faux News, Mike. Many, many more 
people will be helped than hurt by Obamacare. The folks you should be worrying 
about are the ones who live in states where the GOP has rejected Medicaid 

Mike wrote:

<< Dude! You were all warned! LOL! Most people's premiums are going way up and 
their deductibles are doubling and even tripling  so  a few can have a policy  
that they still can't afford  with deductibles they still can't pay! Just wait 
till next year when the employer mandates go into effect and people are limited 
to part time jobs of less than 29 hours a week! This law was brought to you by 
your Democratic Party! Not one Republican voted for it, they saw it coming! >>

On Sunday, December 15, 2013 4:28 PM, "yifuxero@..."  wrote:
Obamacare - trouble at the back end, for sure.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Obamacare - trouble at the back end

2013-12-16 Thread authfriend
You really need to expand your horizons beyond Faux News, Mike. Many, many more 
people will be helped than hurt by Obamacare. The folks you should be worrying 
about are the ones who live in states where the GOP has rejected Medicaid 

 Mike wrote:

 << Dude! You were all warned! LOL! Most people's premiums are going way up and 
their deductibles are doubling and even tripling  so  a few can have a policy  
that they still can't afford  with deductibles they still can't pay! Just wait 
till next year when the employer mandates go into effect and people are limited 
to part time jobs of less than 29 hours a week! This law was brought to you by 
your Democratic Party! Not one Republican voted for it, they saw it coming! >>
 On Sunday, December 15, 2013 4:28 PM, "yifuxero@..."  wrote:
   Obamacare - trouble at the back end, for sure.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Obamacare - trouble at the back end

2013-12-16 Thread Mike Dixon
Dude! You were all warned! LOL! Most people's premiums are going way up and 
their deductibles are doubling and even tripling  so  a few can have a policy  
that they still can't afford  with deductibles they still can't pay! Just wait 
till next year when the employer mandates go into effect and people are limited 
to part time jobs of less than 29 hours a week! This law was brought to you by 
your Democratic Party! Not one Republican voted for it, they saw it coming!

On Sunday, December 15, 2013 4:28 PM, ""  
Obamacare - trouble at the back end, for sure.