Re: [FairfieldLife] Nicole Kidman has done TM since her 20'ies and has stamina and patience

2014-03-06 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/6/2014 7:19 AM, wrote:
*you brag about your experiences with those techniques while insulting 
/their/ experiences. *

What we've got here is a brain problem situation - everyone knows that 
Barry bragged about seeing his guru Rama demonstrate yogic flying by 
hovering up in the air in front of a large group of people - I seriously 
doubt that anyone posting here could top that and still be truthful! So 
Barry wins the boasting contest, I guess, and if it's true, we have here 
a real brain problem situation on our hands. Go figure.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Nicole Kidman has done TM since her 20'ies and has stamina and patience

2014-03-06 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/6/2014 3:36 AM, wrote:
If a person has never learned and personally experienced a technique 
other than the first one they were taught, they can say NOTHING 
meaningful about the other technique.

Apparently Rama demonstrated a levitation technique but Turq never 
mastered the hovering technique himself. So, why is he posting all this 
pablum about meditation and other techniques? Go figure.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Nicole Kidman has done TM since her 20'ies and has stamina and patience

2014-03-06 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :


 In any case, "they" aren't suggesting anything about your "other techniques" 
when they point out that you brag about your experiences with those techniques 
while insulting their experiences. "They" are DESCRIBING YOUR INAPPROPRIATELY 

 Thanks for pointing this out so clearly but, as you know better than anyone 
else, Bawwy will put his own spin on it to avoid all responsibility for his 
narrow mindedness and boastfulness. He has absolutely no interest in looking at 
himself for what he does or who he is. He merely uses FFL to trumpet his own 
horn, whether it be about where he supposedly lived, who he supposedly knows, 
what depths of consciousness he has supposedly sunken to all the while 
poo-pooing those who might do the same or even have an opinion different than 
himself. That is why I find him such a joke, why I simply can't take him 
seriously on any level. And he will sit and read what I have written here and 
claim I am jealous of him and that I am some true believer or cult member or 
else have never experienced the cool things he has. Bawwy has never told me 
something I didn't know, not once. All he has done for me is reveal the depth 
of his insecurities and lack of self-awareness and I see people like that all 
the time. Consequently Bawwy is a bore and he's a boastful, mean-spirited bore 
which is even worse. If he has experienced even a fraction of the "higher" 
consciousness moments he claims he has why haven't they done him an iota of 
good? That should give those who swear that meditation is a means to evolve 
pause. BTW, who is Bawwy talking about in the paragraph below? I think it is 
someone he made up just to show how badly he can follow a discussion - just 
sort of makes up people to "prove" a point that is irrelevant to the 
conversation anyway. Someone find the guy a hobby.

 Think about this with regard to the "one-downsmanship" I mentioned earlier 
about meditation experiences. I would suspect that the people who suggest that 
I am trying to "brag" about my experiences with other techniques when I talk 
about them openly have never learned another meditation technique since they 
learned TM. They've all stayed "guru-whipped" and "cult-whipped," and have DONE 
The bottom line in matters of "meditation experience" is very simple, and 
something that the cultists wish to distract you from. If a person has never 
learned and personally experienced a technique other than the first one they 
were taught, they can say NOTHING meaningful about the other technique. To 
attempt to do so is to be a cultist, parroting what you were told *about* a 
technique or techniques that -- in the case of TM -- you were *also* told NEVER 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Nicole Kidman has done TM since her 20'ies and has stamina and patience

2014-03-06 Thread authfriend

 In any case, "they" aren't suggesting anything about your "other techniques" 
when they point out that you brag about your experiences with those techniques 
while insulting their experiences. "They" are DESCRIBING YOUR INAPPROPRIATELY 

 Think about this with regard to the "one-downsmanship" I mentioned earlier 
about meditation experiences. I would suspect that the people who suggest that 
I am trying to "brag" about my experiences with other techniques when I talk 
about them openly have never learned another meditation technique since they 
learned TM. They've all stayed "guru-whipped" and "cult-whipped," and have DONE 
The bottom line in matters of "meditation experience" is very simple, and 
something that the cultists wish to distract you from. If a person has never 
learned and personally experienced a technique other than the first one they 
were taught, they can say NOTHING meaningful about the other technique. To 
attempt to do so is to be a cultist, parroting what you were told *about* a 
technique or techniques that -- in the case of TM -- you were *also* told NEVER 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Nicole Kidman has done TM since her 20'ies and has stamina and patience

2014-03-06 Thread turquoiseb
---In,  wrote :
 > And look what it got her - married to an egotistical whacked out adherent to 
 > another cult (but he can act) - he certainly acts like he is a regular human 
 > being when he mugs in front of the camera - wonder if Nicole was allowed to 
 > do TM when Tommie was her lord and master?

Isn't it fascinating, when you think about it, that *only* with regard to a 
CULT can you even *think* about one of its members "being allowed to do another 

You -- and probably many others here -- can easily imagine Nicole Kidman being 
pressured to not do TM by her Scientologist husband and by the Co$ itself, 
right? Because that's something that only happens with cults, right? Being 
pressured to do *only* the techniques sold by the cult, right?

Now think it through...what *other* organization puts pressure on its 
practitioners to practice *only* the techniques that it sells? This other 
organization has a long history of preventing people from attending its courses 
and getting "advanced techniques" or being allowed to become teachers if 
they've "gotten caught" practicing any technique other than the one they sell. 
It even has a documented history of throwing people out of their "domes" for 
practicing other techniques or "seeing other teachers." You can *damned* well 
bet that if Nicole Kidman had been applying for TM Teacher Training, she'd have 
been questioned heavily about any Scientology techniques she had practiced 
while with Tom Cruise. 

Don't be stupid, TMers. The organization you're part of is JUST as much a cult 
as Scientology is, and practices the exact same domination over its members.

During the 47 years I've been involved with spiritual organizations, or taken 
courses from them, or visited forms of spiritual teaching other than TM, only 
*ONE* organization has ever suggested or said outright that I'd be doing 
something "wrong" if I learned a technique that they didn't sell. And that was 
the Transcendental Meditation organization. 

The approach taken by literally ALL others was, "Do whatever you want, visit 
whoever you want, and study whatever you want. You can do all of this while 
still studying with problemo." 

What is it about CULTs that makes them take the opposite approach, and try to 
indoctrinate their followers into never learning anything other than the stuff 
taught by the CULT? Could it possibly be because they're afraid that the people 
might learn something *new*, something of value, and thus come to doubt the 
"Our teaching is the 'highest' teaching" malarky? 

Think about this with regard to the "one-downsmanship" I mentioned earlier 
about meditation experiences. I would suspect that the people who suggest that 
I am trying to "brag" about my experiences with other techniques when I talk 
about them openly have never learned another meditation technique since they 
learned TM. They've all stayed "guru-whipped" and "cult-whipped," and have DONE 

The bottom line in matters of "meditation experience" is very simple, and 
something that the cultists wish to distract you from. If a person has never 
learned and personally experienced a technique other than the first one they 
were taught, they can say NOTHING meaningful about the other technique. To 
attempt to do so is to be a cultist, parroting what you were told *about* a 
technique or techniques that -- in the case of TM -- you were *also* told NEVER 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Nicole Kidman has done TM since her 20'ies and has stamina and patience

2014-03-05 Thread doctordumbass
Yeah, for me, it was the binge drinking, and playing her vinyl jazz records, at 
all hours - not to mention doing cannonballs into the pool, from our third 
floor balcony, last Easter Sunday, wearing nothing but the bow in her hair. A 
lot of unexplained broken furniture, too, and a tendency for the odd pair of 
cufflinks, or earrings, to go missing from the host, or hostess's, residence, 
after we had been invited over. Bad juju, that one. 
---In,  wrote :

 Well, I have to admit, it was right after I rejected her for bein' too skinny 
and for being a TM'er that she ran sobbing into Tom's arms. Too bad doing TM 
didn't make her stronger to be able to handle rejection.
 On Wed, 3/5/14, Richard J. Williams mailto:punditster@...> 
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Nicole Kidman has done TM since her 20'ies and 
has stamina and patience
 Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2014, 6:09 PM
 On 3/5/2014 10:58 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 > And look what it got her - married to an egotistical
 whacked out 
 > adherent to another cult (but he can act)
 Why in hell would Nicole Kidman want to be married to Tom
 Cruise when 
 she could have married an egotistical whacked out computer
 from South Carolina? Go figure.
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 Antivirus protection is active. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Nicole Kidman has done TM since her 20'ies and has stamina and patience

2014-03-05 Thread Michael Jackson
Well, I have to admit, it was right after I rejected her for bein' too skinny 
and for being a TM'er that she ran sobbing into Tom's arms. Too bad doing TM 
didn't make her stronger to be able to handle rejection.

On Wed, 3/5/14, Richard J. Williams  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Nicole Kidman has done TM since her 20'ies and 
has stamina and patience
 Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2014, 6:09 PM
   On 3/5/2014 10:58 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
 > And look what it got her - married to an egotistical
 whacked out 
 > adherent to another cult (but he can act)
 Why in hell would Nicole Kidman want to be married to Tom
 Cruise when 
 she could have married an egotistical whacked out computer
 from South Carolina? Go figure.
 This email is free from viruses and malware because avast!
 Antivirus protection is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Nicole Kidman has done TM since her 20'ies and has stamina and patience

2014-03-05 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/5/2014 10:58 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> And look what it got her - married to an egotistical whacked out 
> adherent to another cult (but he can act)
Why in hell would Nicole Kidman want to be married to Tom Cruise when 
she could have married an egotistical whacked out computer repairman 
from South Carolina? Go figure.

This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection 
is active.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Nicole Kidman has done TM since her 20'ies and has stamina and patience

2014-03-05 Thread Michael Jackson
And look what it got her - married to an egotistical whacked out adherent to 
another cult (but he can act) - he certainly acts like he is a regular human 
being when he mugs in front of the camera - wonder if Nicole was allowed to do 
TM when Tommie was her lord and master?

On Wed, 3/5/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Nicole Kidman has done TM since her 20'ies and has 
stamina and patience
 Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2014, 4:49 PM
 “I like to meditate, Transcendental Meditation
 usually. I took it up in my early 20s and I learned the
 benefits. I try to do it every day. A typical session is 20
 to 30 minutes. I even use a meditation app on my phone that
 has a timer and also shows you on a map all the people that
 have logged in that are meditating at that very

[FairfieldLife] Nicole Kidman has done TM since her 20'ies and has stamina and patience

2014-03-05 Thread nablusoss1008

 “I like to meditate, Transcendental Meditation usually. I took it up in my 
early 20s and I learned the benefits. I try to do it every day. A typical 
session is 20 to 30 minutes. I even use a meditation app on my phone that has a 
timer and also shows you on a map all the people that have logged in that are 
meditating at that very moment.”