[FairfieldLife] Re: Anadi (an-Adi) - Aziz Kristof

2016-02-16 Thread emptyb...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Empty writes: ..since no "awakening" can be transmitted except ignorance. So no 
darshan, in Empty's book at least. 

 Empty writes: … since no "awakening" can be transmitted except ignorance. So 
no darshan, in Empty's book at least.
 Darshan just means “to see” and “to be seen”- from the Sanskrit root … dṛś.
 You “see” a so-called saint (total b.s. term) and are “seen” in turn.
 You go to the temple and “see” the deities there and are “seen” in turn. 
 Shakti can be transmitted but not “awakening”. 
 The term shakti does not mean “energy” but rather “power”.
 “Power” is the ability to function. 
 “Energy” is actual work or vigorous activity.
 For Adi-Shandara, Shakti is “power”, another term for “maya” –
 the ability to create appearances in the field of experience. 
 When you get a shakti-hit from a guru, he/she transmits or 
 “empowers” you to interact with the energy he/she actualizes.
 That energy (work) can be shared, just like any other type of work.
 Dig a ditch, write a book, calculate taxes … it all depends upon your
 “adhikara” , your competence. 
 Aziz Kristof – aka … an-aDi … blah blah. 
 He does not appear to have “adhikara” from any linage teacher.
 He seems to be just another make it up Neo ... dime a dozen.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Anadi (An-Adi) - Aziz Kristof

2016-02-13 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ... looking after my animals and vacuuming the house …
 So nice to know that you do this housework yourself instead of delegating it 
to your servants. Do you get them to do it for you during the other part of the 

 Lord, no. I wouldn't be seen having a servant around - so passe. All of the 
upper crust these days feel in incumbent on themselves to appear self 
sufficient and all equal rights and such. But, there are limits - I simply 
couldn't give up the pool boy - he is so, er, handy to have around.

 That , of course, would be so upper crust - downright “received pronunciation” 
in profile. After all, you must have learned how to jump all those stone walls 
in Britain while riding like the wind … you know although jumping “yank” style.

 As opposed to side saddle? My virginity is not in danger at this point - hence 
I ride astride. LOL
 BTW - You still riding polo?

 Never have, never will. Too hard on the ponies. All that starting and stopping 
is hard on their legs and their mouths are like iron. No, I prefer dressage, 
thank you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anadi (An-Adi) - Aziz Kristof

2016-02-13 Thread emptyb...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
... looking after my animals and vacuuming the house …
 So nice to know that you do this housework yourself instead of delegating it 
to your servants. Do you get them to do it for you during the other part of the 

 That , of course, would be so upper crust - downright “received pronunciation” 
in profile. After all, you must have learned how to jump all those stone walls 
in Britain while riding like the wind … you know although jumping “yank” style.
 BTW - You still riding polo?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anadi (An-Adi) - Aziz Kristof

2016-02-12 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Empty writes: ..since no "awakening" can be transmitted except ignorance. So no 
darshan, in Empty's book at least. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Listened to part of a talk by Aziz but I could only take a few minutes before 
realizing it was a waste. 

It all sounded very much like chop suey buddhism mixed with neo-yogic advaita. 
This is what we should expect from someone studying with the standard neo-gurus 
- Papaji, Ramesh Balsekar, U.G. Krishnamurti and Ranjit Maharaj.

I was initially clued in by his use of the term "evolution" that he was a neo. 
Later, "transmission of awakening" sealed the view since no "awakening" can be 
transmitted except ignorance.

When then mixing it all up with buddhist "litemint" obsession, what shines 
forth is confusion. I found numerous inaccurate observations and completely 
wrong assessments of Dzogchen - both the basic Dzogchen understanding and the 
various elements of practice. 

This is one reason why the teachings of and quest for "Litemint" is such a scam 
here in the West.

Mr. "no beginning" (an-aDi) should have stayed in Poland, his real "beginning."

 OK, phew. I was afraid I was missing something by not "following" anybody over 
in this Hemisphere. I can now, happily, return to just looking after my animals 
and vacuuming the house without fear that enlightenment is waiting for 
me/calling my name down at my local ashram with Guru Bore Dum Sidhi.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anadi (An-Adi) - Aziz Kristof

2016-02-12 Thread awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Listened to part of a talk by Aziz but I could only take a few minutes before 
realizing it was a waste. 

It all sounded very much like chop suey buddhism mixed with neo-yogic advaita. 
This is what we should expect from someone studying with the standard neo-gurus 
- Papaji, Ramesh Balsekar, U.G. Krishnamurti and Ranjit Maharaj.

I was initially clued in by his use of the term "evolution" that he was a neo. 
Later, "transmission of awakening" sealed the view since no "awakening" can be 
transmitted except ignorance.

When then mixing it all up with buddhist "litemint" obsession, what shines 
forth is confusion. I found numerous inaccurate observations and completely 
wrong assessments of Dzogchen - both the basic Dzogchen understanding and the 
various elements of practice. 

This is one reason why the teachings of and quest for "Litemint" is such a scam 
here in the West.

Mr. "no beginning" (an-aDi) should have stayed in Poland, his real "beginning."

 OK, phew. I was afraid I was missing something by not "following" anybody over 
in this Hemisphere. I can now, happily, return to just looking after may 
animals and vacuuming the house without fear that enlightenment is waiting for 
me/calling my name down at my local ashram with Guru Bore Dum Sidhi.