Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chemical-psychology -- now this is my kind of research!

2014-11-15 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Richard, I read recently that every stimuli that we perceive gets translated 
into electrical impulses that travel to the brain. First those impulses hit the 
limbic portion of the brain. And secondly it hits the prefrontal cortex. That 
means simply that before we ever have a rational thought about any input, we 
have an emotional response, often unconscious.And it is the emotional responses 
that override the rational ones every time.

  From: "'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2014 3:08 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chemical-psychology -- now this is my kind of 
 The conscious mind is merely the PR department of our brain that tries to 
make everything look good. 
 According to what I've read, on average a person makes 100,00 decisions in a 
single day. We have no control over about 90% of these, and for the most part, 
we don't even realize that we're making them. 
 That's because our subconscious mind operates in secret. It determines who we 
fall in love with, which cars we buy - and which mistakes we make. 90% of what 
we do happens subconsciously. 
 Our mind would be blown to bits if we had to do everything with the conscious 
mind. Apparently the human mind can only process four or five units of 
information simultaneously. 
 On 11/14/2014 10:16 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
The research mattered to me, because they were seeing that there's a difference 
between consciousness and awareness -- BIOCHEMICALLY SPEAKING.  This to me is 
major.  To pursue this line of exploration could yield some clear proofs that 
awareness is ooga-booga that none-the-less 100% controls ALL processes anywhere 
 "Trivial" decisions are use for experimenting, because they can be controlled 
for variables.  The "hard thinking" you're putting on the table differs by 
degree not kind.  Of the thousands of thoughts one might have before asking 
someone to marry one, all were, presumably, based upon the same mechanisms.  
 Free will can't be said to be "present" if consciousness is absent.  For 
instance, a person in a coma might thrash around and break a vase next to the 
bed -- by your reckoning, that was a mindful act.and same deal for tons of 
other examples which folks will disavow as "my purposeful act."  And what of 
all the autonomic processes?  Are they too our actions?
 Clearly the word "mine" becomes the issue.  Identity with processes, no matter 
how subtle, is the primal error. 
  #yiv8239981712 #yiv8239981712 -- #yiv8239981712ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv8239981712 
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#yiv8239981712ygrp-mkp #yiv8239981712hd 
0;}#yiv8239981712 #yiv8239981712ygrp-mkp #yiv8239981712ads 
{margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv8239981712 #yiv8239981712ygrp-mkp .yiv8239981712ad 
{padding:0 0;}#yiv8239981712 #yiv8239981712ygrp-mkp .yiv8239981712ad p 
{margin:0;}#yiv8239981712 #yiv8239981712ygrp-mkp .yiv8239981712ad a 
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#yiv8239981712ygrp-sponsor #yiv8239981712ygrp-lc .yiv8239981712ad 
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{color:#5085b6;text-decoration:none;}#yiv8239981712 #yiv8239981712activity span 
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4px;}#yiv8239981712 .yiv8239981712bold 
.yiv8239981712bold a {text-decoration:none;}#yiv8239981712 dd.yiv8239981712last 
p a {font-family:Verdana;font

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chemical-psychology -- now this is my kind of research!

2014-11-15 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]
/The conscious mind is merely the PR department of our brain that tries 
to make everything look good.

According to what I've read, on average a person makes 100,00 decisions 
in a single day. We have no control over about 90% of these, and for the 
most part, we don't even realize that we're making them.

That's because our subconscious mind operates in secret. It determines 
who we fall in love with, which cars we buy - and which mistakes we 
make. 90% of what we do happens subconsciously.

Our mind would be blown to bits if we had to do everything with the 
conscious mind. Apparently the human mind can only process four or five 
units of information simultaneously. /


On 11/14/2014 10:16 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
The research mattered to me, because they were seeing that there's a 
difference between consciousness and awareness -- BIOCHEMICALLY 
SPEAKING.  This to me is major.  To pursue this line of exploration 
could yield some clear proofs that awareness is ooga-booga that 
none-the-less 100% controls ALL processes anywhere WITHOUT ANY 

"Trivial" decisions are use for experimenting, because they can be 
controlled for variables.  The "hard thinking" you're putting on the 
table differs by degree not kind.  Of the thousands of thoughts one 
might have before asking someone to marry one, all were, presumably, 
based upon the same mechanisms.

Free will can't be said to be "present" if consciousness is absent. 
 For instance, a person in a coma might thrash around and break a vase 
next to the bed -- by your reckoning, that was a mindful act.and 
same deal for tons of other examples which folks will disavow as "my 
purposeful act."  And what of all the autonomic processes?  Are they 
too our actions?

Clearly the word "mine" becomes the issue.  Identity with processes, 
no matter how subtle, is the primal error. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chemical-psychology -- now this is my kind of research!

2014-11-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :


The research mattered to me, because they were seeing that there's a difference 
between consciousness and awareness -- BIOCHEMICALLY SPEAKING.  This to me is 
major.  To pursue this line of exploration could yield some clear proofs that 
awareness is ooga-booga that none-the-less 100% controls ALL processes anywhere 

"Trivial" decisions are use for experimenting, because they can be controlled 
for variables.  The "hard thinking" you're putting on the table differs by 
degree not kind.  Of the thousands of thoughts one might have before asking 
someone to marry one, all were, presumably, based upon the same mechanisms.  

Free will can't be said to be "present" if consciousness is absent.  For 
instance, a person in a coma might thrash around and break a vase next to the 
bed -- by your reckoning, that was a mindful act.and same deal for tons of 
other examples which folks will disavow as "my purposeful act."  And what of 
all the autonomic processes?  Are they too our actions?

 When I first glanced at your reply I read this sentence as: "For instance, a 
person in a come might thrash around and break a vase next to the bed". I 
thought we were being given a insight into your energetic sex life.
Clearly the word "mine" becomes the issue.  Identity with processes, no matter 
how subtle, is the primal error. 

 I think I would claim that when, for example, I make a Freudian slip (as I did 
when I read the sentence above!) it is indeed me who's making the slip; I'm not 
being compelled by anything outside me (like a gun held to my head). So my take 
on my identity is that it does include my autonomic processes. It's me who is 
making my heart beat. "Mine" is indeed the issue. We can get lost in semantic 
issues here and think we disagree with each other while actually agreeing. 



---In,  wrote :

 Interesting (really!).  
 Re the original experiment that showed a "readiness potential" occurs in the 
human brain just before ‘spontaneous’ actions. In fact, this brain event 
happens even before we are aware of deciding to act.:

 Well yes, but as many critics have pointed out the kinds of decisions that 
were being monitored were pretty trivial (eg, choosing whether or not to flex a 
finger). It didn't involve the kind of hard thinking you'd have to do if you 
were deciding whether to get married or make a career change.

 On a more philosophical point: suppose it is true that your brain decides 
things and you only become aware of what "you've" already decided to do a 
second or so later? It is still *you* - your deeper self/your unconscious - 
that made that decision. So what if your conscious self only learns what choice 
you freely decided upon slightly later?

 The original research is intriguing but not as world shattering as the 
scientists involved are claiming.


---In,  wrote :

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chemical-psychology -- now this is my kind of research!

2014-11-14 Thread Duveyoung

The research mattered to me, because they were seeing that there's a difference 
between consciousness and awareness -- BIOCHEMICALLY SPEAKING.  This to me is 
major.  To pursue this line of exploration could yield some clear proofs that 
awareness is ooga-booga that none-the-less 100% controls ALL processes anywhere 

"Trivial" decisions are use for experimenting, because they can be controlled 
for variables.  The "hard thinking" you're putting on the table differs by 
degree not kind.  Of the thousands of thoughts one might have before asking 
someone to marry one, all were, presumably, based upon the same mechanisms.  

Free will can't be said to be "present" if consciousness is absent.  For 
instance, a person in a coma might thrash around and break a vase next to the 
bed -- by your reckoning, that was a mindful act.and same deal for tons of 
other examples which folks will disavow as "my purposeful act."  And what of 
all the autonomic processes?  Are they too our actions?

Clearly the word "mine" becomes the issue.  Identity with processes, no matter 
how subtle, is the primal error. 


---In,  wrote :

 Interesting (really!).  
 Re the original experiment that showed a "readiness potential" occurs in the 
human brain just before ‘spontaneous’ actions. In fact, this brain event 
happens even before we are aware of deciding to act.:

 Well yes, but as many critics have pointed out the kinds of decisions that 
were being monitored were pretty trivial (eg, choosing whether or not to flex a 
finger). It didn't involve the kind of hard thinking you'd have to do if you 
were deciding whether to get married or make a career change.

 On a more philosophical point: suppose it is true that your brain decides 
things and you only become aware of what "you've" already decided to do a 
second or so later? It is still *you* - your deeper self/your unconscious - 
that made that decision. So what if your conscious self only learns what choice 
you freely decided upon slightly later?

 The original research is intriguing but not as world shattering as the 
scientists involved are claiming.


---In,  wrote :

[FairfieldLife] Re: Chemical-psychology -- now this is my kind of research!

2014-11-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Interesting (really!).  
 Re the original experiment that showed a "readiness potential" occurs in the 
human brain just before ‘spontaneous’ actions. In fact, this brain event 
happens even before we are aware of deciding to act.:

 Well yes, but as many critics have pointed out the kinds of decisions that 
were being monitored were pretty trivial (eg, choosing whether or not to flex a 
finger). It didn't involve the kind of hard thinking you'd have to do if you 
were deciding whether to get married or make a career change.

 On a more philosophical point: suppose it is true that your brain decides 
things and you only become aware of what "you've" already decided to do a 
second or so later? It is still *you* - your deeper self/your unconscious - 
that made that decision. So what if your conscious self only learns what choice 
you freely decided upon slightly later?

 The original research is intriguing but not as world shattering as the 
scientists involved are claiming.


---In,  wrote :