[FairfieldLife] Re: Impressionist Impressions of the Weekend

2013-07-15 Thread Ann

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> Gee.

Barry says,"Gee, I lie and manipulate again, go off and do my business 
elsewhere and people actually take the time to  and show me where and how  I 
was lying. What, are they nuts? What do you mean I can't just make my way 
through my sorry life spewing out false accusations? What, do you think I 'm 
going to admit what I was doing? Are you all insane? Of course you are. Only 
nutbars care if other people libel them. Because that is what I did, I wrote 
libellous bullshit but I don't give a shit because I don't believe that there 
is a thing in the world that can touch me no matter what I do to others. You 
can all rot in hell you narcissistic imbeciles."

 I post a few numbers, straight from the Yahoo Search Engine,
> that suggest that a few people on this forum seem to have a bit of
> an obsession thang going on about their "enemies," and what
> happens while I'm away enjoying Bastille Day?
> An avalanche of spin, equivocation, and obsessing on the very
> people I suggested they obsess on. I consider the post a success,
> in that Judy has only ten posts left for the rest of the week, and
> her minions will probably "post out early," too.
> Meanwhile I spent the morning with my family, the afternoon
> traveling, and the evening enjoying Bastille Day. The Eiffel Tower
> is that pointy, shiny thing on the right, all lit up, waiting for the
> sky
> to join it with a fireworks show. The shiny thing on the left is the
> crescent moon. The "impressionism" is not due to Photoshop but
> to trying to hold an iPhone steady while trying not to fall off of
> the quai into the Seine.  :-)
> [https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1005310_63259034\
> 0098436_101242183_n.jpg]
> I hope the rest of you -- those who didn't spend their time trying
> to "get" their "enemies" on FFL trying to make a case that that
> isn't what they do in *most* of their posts -- had a wonderful
> weekend.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Impressionist Impressions of the Weekend

2013-07-15 Thread Richard J. Williams

> > sky to join it with a fireworks show. The shiny thing 
> > on the left is the crescent moon. The "impressionism" 
> > is not due to Photoshop but to trying to hold an 
> > iPhone steady while trying not to fall off of the 
> > quai into the Seine.  :-)
> > 
> Perhaps you should've used a phone with OIS... ;-)
Go with Pure View and stop texting when on a quai? LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Impressionist Impressions of the Weekend

2013-07-15 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb wrote:
> Gee. I post a few numbers, straight from the Yahoo Search Engine,
> that suggest that a few people on this forum seem to have a bit of
> an obsession thang going on about their "enemies," and what
> happens while I'm away enjoying Bastille Day?
> An avalanche of spin, equivocation, and obsessing on the very
> people I suggested they obsess on. I consider the post a success,
> in that Judy has only ten posts left for the rest of the week, and
> her minions will probably "post out early," too.
> Meanwhile I spent the morning with my family, the afternoon
> traveling, and the evening enjoying Bastille Day. The Eiffel Tower
> is that pointy, shiny thing on the right, all lit up, waiting for the
> sky
> to join it with a fireworks show. The shiny thing on the left is the
> crescent moon. The "impressionism" is not due to Photoshop but
> to trying to hold an iPhone steady while trying not to fall off of
> the quai into the Seine. :-)

I kind of like it actually, much better than the other crappy photos you
have posted here. Try desaturating it in PS and beef up the contrast, it
would be even better.

> 0098436_101242183_n.jpg]
> I hope the rest of you -- those who didn't spend their time trying
> to "get" their "enemies" on FFL trying to make a case that that
> isn't what they do in *most* of their posts -- had a wonderful
> weekend.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Impressionist Impressions of the Weekend

2013-07-15 Thread card

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> sky
> to join it with a fireworks show. The shiny thing on the left is the
> crescent moon. The "impressionism" is not due to Photoshop but
> to trying to hold an iPhone steady while trying not to fall off of
> the quai into the Seine.  :-)

Perhaps you should've used a phone with OIS... ;-)  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Impressionist Impressions of the Weekend

2013-07-15 Thread doctordumbass
Yes, but You Still Suck. Here's hoping you fall into the Seine! :-) 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> Gee. I post a few numbers, straight from the Yahoo Search Engine,
> that suggest that a few people on this forum seem to have a bit of
> an obsession thang going on about their "enemies," and what
> happens while I'm away enjoying Bastille Day?
> An avalanche of spin, equivocation, and obsessing on the very
> people I suggested they obsess on. I consider the post a success,
> in that Judy has only ten posts left for the rest of the week, and
> her minions will probably "post out early," too.
> Meanwhile I spent the morning with my family, the afternoon
> traveling, and the evening enjoying Bastille Day. The Eiffel Tower
> is that pointy, shiny thing on the right, all lit up, waiting for the
> sky
> to join it with a fireworks show. The shiny thing on the left is the
> crescent moon. The "impressionism" is not due to Photoshop but
> to trying to hold an iPhone steady while trying not to fall off of
> the quai into the Seine.  :-)
> [https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1005310_63259034\
> 0098436_101242183_n.jpg]
> I hope the rest of you -- those who didn't spend their time trying
> to "get" their "enemies" on FFL trying to make a case that that
> isn't what they do in *most* of their posts -- had a wonderful
> weekend.