Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Itzhak Bentov reaches for the skies

2013-10-04 Thread Share Long
Xeno, thanks for your suggestions. I think I skim even when I check my own 
posts! So I'll slow down with that and see if I can detect the gaps in my logic.
I really don't like all the space that Neo puts between paragraphs so instead 
I'll do what I did here. I skipped to the next line when I skipped to a new sub 
topic. I'll see if I like how that comes out once it's sent.
As for my allegedly spongy worldview, maybe it has to do with that *diagnostic 
thinking* that I mentioned before and that indicates a strong tendency to make 
connections and make big leaps when drawing conclusions. Maybe the slower 
checking will help alleviate that.
I'll have to work that line between staunch precision and harsh anger. 
Tomorrow, October 5 is the 4th anniversary of my 15 yr long SO. I'm still upset 
about harsh words I said to him. So I'm more careful about that in general.

 From: "" 
Sent: Thursday, October 3, 2013 3:39 PM
Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Itzhak Bentov reaches 
for the skies

Share -

I do not think Judy parrots me at all, and certainly she does not parrot Turq. 
If there is a common element which we have all arrived at independently, it is 
your thinking, as expressed on FFL, often seems very out of focus when applied 
to the matter at hand. Now someone like Judy might not grasp what you are 
talking about because the world view gap is significant, but in your case, it 
is often hard to determine if there is a consistent experience behind what you 
say. I have a definite world view; Turq seems to have a fairly definite way of 
viewing life, and Judy has a fairly standard way of approaching those, but I do 
not think Judy grasps these world views of ours. And she definitely has a very 
well delineated world view. 

But I find what I can grasp of your world view is so spongy, like a melted 
marshmallow, it is often hard to grasp what you are talking about, which is why 
I recommend you post less but spend some time writing longer posts, and 
reviewing them once, twice, thrice, before sending them off. I would love to 
post more, but I do not have the time or stamina to do it. There have been 
times when you have gotten precise and direct - when you are angry, I think, 
and then sometimes a staunch precision comes through. I think Judy probably 
would like to see more of that from you. 

Arguments about world views or states of consciousness do not seem to appeal to 
her, telling her that because of her 'lower' state of consciousness she does 
not understand something that someone is experiencing in a 'higher' state of 
consciousness, or vice versa.  It is particularly important when interacting 
with Judy to be precise, even though she may use her precision to de-track your 
argument in various ways. I do not think Judy often argues with the point to 
gain knowledge, just argues for the glory of running you off the rails.

Stephen King wrote a book on writing. Here are a couple of tips:

'Paragraphs are almost always as important for how they look as for what they 
say; they are maps of intent.'

'Writing is refined thinking.'


---In,  SHARE 

Judy, I don't think the views of Xeno or turq or noozguru spring from the same 
prejudice towards me as yours do and therefore they are not similar at all. 
Except that you've parroted them.

 From: "authfriend@..." 
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2013 12:14 PM
Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Itzhak Bentov reaches for 
the skies

Actually I haven't "parroted" anything they've said to you. Sorry, but what I 
wrote happens to be my own thoughts about you. But it's certainly interesting 
that all three of us have similar views, isn't it? Especially since we don't 
agree on much of anything else?

---In,  SHARE 

Judy, your parroting some of what Xeno and turq have said to me does not make 
your observations or suggestions more valid to me. IMO they are coming from a 
more neutral place with regards to me.

 From: "authfriend@..." 
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2013 11:31 AM
Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Itzhak Bentov reaches for the 

You obviously had time to write a detailed response to the post of Seraphita's 
you say you just "skimmed" because you were "rushing," Share, so that claim 
doesn't hold much water.

As to your having "more stuff" than others, it's what compels you to spew umpty 
posts with almost no content, including your pander

RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Itzhak Bentov reaches for the skies

2013-10-03 Thread anartaxius

RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Itzhak Bentov reaches for the skies

2013-10-02 Thread doctordumbass

RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Itzhak Bentov reaches for the skies

2013-10-02 Thread authfriend

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Itzhak Bentov reaches for the skies

2013-10-02 Thread Share Long
Judy, I don't think the views of Xeno or turq or noozguru spring from the same 
prejudice towards me as yours do and therefore they are not similar at all. 
Except that you've parroted them.

 From: "" 
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2013 12:14 PM
Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Itzhak Bentov reaches for 
the skies

Actually I haven't "parroted" anything they've said to you. Sorry, but what I 
wrote happens to be my own thoughts about you. But it's certainly interesting 
that all three of us have similar views, isn't it? Especially since we don't 
agree on much of anything else?

---In,  wrote:

Judy, your parroting some of what Xeno and turq have said to me does not make 
your observations or suggestions more valid to me. IMO they are coming from a 
more neutral place with regards to me.

 From: "authfriend@..." 
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2013 11:31 AM
Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Itzhak Bentov reaches for the 

You obviously had time to write a detailed response to the post of Seraphita's 
you say you just "skimmed" because you were "rushing," Share, so that claim 
doesn't hold much water.

As to your having "more stuff" than others, it's what compels you to spew umpty 
posts with almost no content, including your pandering posts and your feeble 
attempts at "gotcha" posts, as well as your inability to take responsibility 
for your behavior.

Suggestion: If you must read FFL before you bop off to the domes (hardly, I 
should think, a good preparation for settling down to experience silence), save 
your responses for when you get back and are no longer in a rush, so you have 
time to put some thought into them (and read what you're responding to with 
sustained attention).

That's a good prescription for whatever the time of day is, BTW. You really do 
not need to post every stray thought that enters your mind. In fact, you'll get 
more of the attention and approval you so crave, and less of the criticism you 
so fear, if you make fewer, better posts.

Also, most of us don't feel the need to proffer extravagant thanks for every 
post we appreciate, nor do the folks who make such posts expect it. Save the 
accolades for the really good ones, maybe the best one of the day after you've 
read them all. Then perhaps your appreciation will count for something.

There are many other ways you could mitigate the negative effects on FFL of 
your excess of "stuff," but the above will do for now.

Judy, I can live with your not believing me about anything. And I see you're 
still trying to poison the well with your comment about respecting Seraphita's 
posts. I skim because I'm rushing in the morning. And so what if I have more 
stuff than others? So what?


RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [FairfieldLife] Itzhak Bentov reaches for the skies

2013-10-02 Thread authfriend