Has anyone experienced kernel update failures when updating to various
versions of kernel

I have 3 different hardware platforms that all experience issues when
updating to different versions of All seem to "halt"
when loading this kernel. Observation of Console output shows "drm"
console output and previous bootlogs from "known working kernels" say EXT4
should be the next console messages. When loading I
never, repeat NEVER, see the EXT4 console messages and the machine never
finish booting. I have waited in some cases as long as 15 minutes just to
give the new kernel "a fair chance" to load.

The only recouce I have when this kernel loading failure occurs is to
Ctrl-Alt-Del, reboot, and select the older kernel from the GRUB menu.

Since I have to reboot the systems to get them working again, I don't know
of any way to capture console output when the loading of the new kernel
"stalls", so opening a Bugzilla case isn't worth the effort (no way to
help the developers if I can't provide any console output). I am open to
any "non-destructive" ideas that do not require any complicated hardware
setups to gather additional data to sort out this issue.

Platform #1
Hardware: Jetway J7F4K1G5S-LF
Memory: 1GB
Purpose: router
Current kernel (uname -r):

Platform #2
Hardware: "unknown" Intel Atom 230 mobo in AcerNAS 340 chassis
Memory: 2GB
Purpose: file server
Current kernel (uname -r):

Platform #3
Hardware: Asus M3A78 Pro
Memory: 8GB
Purpose: workstation and VMware host
Current kernel (uname -r):

The only common thread I can find in all three systems is the following
filesystem format setups:

/boot runs EXT3
/ runs EXT4
/home runs EXT4
/var runs EXT4
/tmp runs EXT4

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