Hi Tim and thanks;

On Mon, 2008-06-02 at 05:44 +0930, Tim wrote:
> On Sun, 2008-06-01 at 15:22 -0400, William Case wrote:
> > I am sitting here watching bittorrent download Fedora-9-x86_64-CDs to
> > my "backup" partition of a hard disk.  I intend to install from there
> > to my Linux partitions.  When I did it this way for Fedora 8 (DVD),
> > there was a rescue disk that I used for installation.  I don't see a
> > rescue disk for F9.
In F8, there was only the DVD iso, so a rescue disk was made available
that could be downloaded and burned.  When booting it took you directly
to an options screen for installing or rescuing -- no 'askmethod'

> There's a small net install ISO that offers a rescue feature.  I've used
> it to specially prepare a pre-used drive before starting an
> installation.
> I haven't booted any other ISOs to see what they offer, but I seem to
> recall reading that the DVD or first discs also offer a rescue feature
> (e.g. disc one from a multi-disc set).  The following link suggests that
> any install disc should offer a rescue mode:
> http://docs.fedoraproject.org/install-guide/f9/en_US/sn-boot-modes.html#sn-mode-rescue
> According to documentation, the DVD disc does *NOT* let you pick an
> alternative install location (i.e. you boot from the DVD, you install
> from the DVD).  I haven't tested this.
> See:  
> http://docs.fedoraproject.org/install-guide/f9/en_US/sn-install-diff-source.html
For CDs in F9 burn the first CD iso and it becomes the boot/rescue when
employing the 'askmethod' at the command line.  This is exactly the way
it worked in F7.  I was going to try this, but thought that maybe
instead of reverting to the older 'askmethod' the Fedora developers had
come up with some new procedure.

It only takes a line of explanation (or a link) about creating a boot
disk in the Installation Guide but some reassurance would have been --
well -- reassuring.

I got my answer from your suggested links and from having done it before
with Fc7.  I have explained here in case someone else is having the same

Regards Bill

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