I have three machines on which I installed fc 10 about 2 weeks ago.  
Two of them are identical as to hardware and the other is a good deal 
larger (more memory, more disk space, phenom 4-way cpu) all are x86_64 
machines previously running either fc 7, 8, or 9.

On two of the machines I wiped the drive on which I installed /, /
tmp, /usr, and /var, and on the third (the 'larger' machine) I added a 
new 1TB drive to hold them (and other things).

So far so good, and the install - using the same install DVD - went 
smoothly on all 3 of them.

However, on two of the machines (one of the twins and the "large" box) 
yum works just fine.  On the third - which according to "rpm -qa" has 
exactly the same packages installed - yum fails every time with a 
message "public key for <rpm name> is not installed".

Obviously I have hosed up something here on that third machine, but I 
haven't found it yet and it's driving me batty.  I have gone through
documentation until I'm going blind without picking up a clue.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Feel free to write me 
privately if you prefer and I'll summarize for the list later.

- wwa

william w. austin                               waus...@speakeasy.net
"life is just another phase i'm going through. this time, anyway ..."

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