Re: Information

2005-06-11 Thread catatonya
I'm not the  best one to give advice on the supplements as I'm not using them right now on any of my own.  I have read a lot about transfer factor, but have never used it myself.  If I were in your position I think what I would begin with is interferon.  I would call the vet and ask if it's ok to start Ziggy on it to hopefully help him fight off the virus and seroconvert.  Vets usually are ok with this.  Most vets usually recommend a half cc of diluted interferon  (Your vet will give you the amount.) for kittens.  Once you get going on the interferon if things are going well  you might then try transfer factor next, and so on.  That would be my opinion.
Does Ziggy stay indoors only?  I would keep him away from other cats right now because you don't want to risk him being exposed to the virus at this stage obviously.  You also don't want to take chances with kitty colds or anything else when you're trying to boost his immune system.  I'm sure others will chime in with more advice and you can just pick and choose what works best for you and Ziggy.
tonyaNicholena Rushton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Tonya:
Thanks you so much for the information.  Any suggestions on food that I should be giving him?  Right now I am giving him Iams Kitten Formula and catmilk (I think by Wiskas) every once in a while as a treat.  Should I start vitamin C and the interferon now?  If so what would the dosage be?  I have been reading some stuff about something called Transfer Factor and am a bit confused by what I have read about it.  DO you have anything yu could tell me - is it even worth it?  I have to let you know that you have quelled my nerves somewhat as I went bonkers when I first heard of the + test and began to think the worst.  Now it is nice to know Ziggy can have a productive life for whatever time I am going to be blessed by him.

- Original Message - 
From: catatonya 
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 1:42 AM
Subject: RE: Information

Hi Niki!
I'm glad you found the list.  You'll get lots of support and advice!  First of all congratulations on your new baby!  The good news is that if Ziggy is only 8 weeks old he could still fight off the virus (which it sounds like you've already learned).  I'm not sure what the total time you would need to be sure with a kitten this young.  But I think by June 30 he could still be positive even if he were eventually going to be negative.  In the meantime I would get directions from the archives on feeding Ziggy good, nutritional food.  I would probably add some vitamin c and get interferon from my vet.  My vet used to give interferon to negative shelter cats to keep them from catching URI's at the shelter.  It's supposed to boost their immune system, so I would give it a try.  You'll get lots of other advice.  The most important thing, in my opinion, is not to over worry.  Even if Ziggy remains positive, it is possible he
 could only be carrying the disease and never get sick from it.  Also, add one thing at a time.  Try not to overwhelm yourself and Ziggy with a zillion new foods and additives, etc.  all at once.  Good luck with Ziggy!  I like the name!
tonyaNicholena Rushton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello.  I have just adopted a 8 week old kitten named Ziggy.  Ziggy had his first vet visit on 6-9-05 and since I knew nothing about his mom or dad I decided to have a FeLV test done which resulted in a positive.  I was devastated and am now trying to figure out the best course for Ziggy.  He is acting like a normal kitten would, getting into all sorts of trouble and shows no signs of the diease.  I am trying to stave off an full blown attack and would like to have information regarding what I should be doing right from the start.  I am going to have retested in a follow up visit on 6-30 and am also curious to know if he could come up neg by then?  I know relatively little about this disease and am becoming increasingly confused  by all of the information on the web.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks you 
Niki Rushton

RE: Information

2005-06-11 Thread Chris

You know, I have had 3 of my cats since
they were young kittens & NONE liked the Iams Kitten Food.   They
all like the regular Iams, dry & wet---try to get Ziggy on wet food…. 
Also, my vet game me 3 supplements whose brand was RX Vitamins for Pets---a
liquid B complex multi-vitamin, Immune Support, and Vitamin C.  The cats
don’t have a problem with it in their food though the Vitamin C does not
particularly taste good….  All mine also like a little ‘people’
food from time to time—anything from yogurt to cottage cheese to some
veggies to scrambled eggs & on & on.  I sort of let them taste a
little of things that are not spicy or too rich.  Once in a while I give
them some of the cheaper canned tuna as a treat—they love the ‘tun
water’ as well as the tuna.  I have two pos in my five & have
not put them on interferon but many people here have.  I basically
concentrate on a well balanced diet,  Be sure to test ziggy again, perhaps
more than once as kittens can throw off the virus…. Also, if no one has
mentioned it, make sure that vet does both the in-house Elissa test but also
does the IFA (blood sent to lab).  I saw in another post that he’s
playing with your dog—not to worry—kittens love to roughouse &
it sounds like he’s found the perfect playmate!




-Original Message-
Behalf Of Nicholena Rushton
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005
11:51 PM
Subject: Re: Information




you so much for the information.  Any suggestions on food that I should be
giving him?  Right now I am giving him Iams Kitten Formula and catmilk (I
think by Wiskas) every once in a while as a treat.  Should I start vitamin
C and the interferon now?  If so what would the dosage be?  I have
been reading some stuff about something called Transfer Factor and am a bit
confused by what I have read about it.  DO you have anything yu could tell
me - is it even worth it?  I have to let you know that you have quelled my
nerves somewhat as I went bonkers when I first heard of the + test and began to
think the worst.  Now it is nice to know Ziggy can have a productive life
for whatever time I am going to be blessed by him.



Original Message - 

From: catatonya


Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005
1:42 AM

Subject: RE:




glad you found the list.  You'll get lots of support and advice!  First
of all congratulations on your new baby!  The good news is that if Ziggy
is only 8 weeks old he could still fight off the virus (which it sounds like
you've already learned).  I'm not sure what the total time you would need
to be sure with a kitten this young.  But I think by June 30 he could
still be positive even if he were eventually going to be negative.  In the
meantime I would get directions from the archives on feeding Ziggy good,
nutritional food.  I would probably add some vitamin c and get interferon
from my vet.  My vet used to give interferon to negative shelter cats to
keep them from catching URI's at the shelter.  It's supposed to boost
their immune system, so I would give it a try.  You'll get lots of other
advice.  The most important thing, in my opinion, is not to over
worry.  Even if Ziggy remains positive, it is possible he could only be
carrying the disease and never get sick from it.  Also, add one thing at a
time.  Try not to overwhelm yourself and Ziggy with a
zillion new foods and additives, etc.  all at once.  Good luck
with Ziggy!  I like the name!



Nicholena Rushton

I have just adopted a 8 week old kitten named Ziggy.  Ziggy had his first
vet visit on 6-9-05 and since I knew nothing about his mom or dad I decided to
have a FeLV test done which resulted in a positive.  I was devastated and
am now trying to figure out the best course for Ziggy.  He is acting like
a normal kitten would, getting into all sorts of trouble and shows no signs of
the diease.  I am trying to stave off an full blown attack and would
like to have information regarding what I should be doing right from the
start.  I am going to have retested in a follow up visit on 6-30 and am
also curious to know if he could come up neg by then?  I know relatively
little about this disease and am becoming increasingly confused  by all of
the information on the web.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.





Re: Information

2005-06-11 Thread Nicholena Rushton

Hi Tonya:
Thanks you so much for the information.  Any suggestions on food that 
I should be giving him?  Right now I am giving him Iams Kitten Formula and 
catmilk (I think by Wiskas) every once in a while as a treat.  Should I 
start vitamin C and the interferon now?  If so what would the dosage 
be?  I have been reading some stuff about something called Transfer Factor 
and am a bit confused by what I have read about it.  DO you have anything 
yu could tell me - is it even worth it?  I have to let you know that you 
have quelled my nerves somewhat as I went bonkers when I first heard of the + 
test and began to think the worst.  Now it is nice to know Ziggy can have a 
productive life for whatever time I am going to be blessed by him.

  - Original Message - 
  From: catatonya 
  Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 1:42 
  Subject: RE: Information
  Hi Niki!
  I'm glad you found the list.  You'll get lots of support and 
  advice!  First of all congratulations on your new baby!  The good 
  news is that if Ziggy is only 8 weeks old he could still fight off the virus 
  (which it sounds like you've already learned).  I'm not sure what the 
  total time you would need to be sure with a kitten this young.  But I 
  think by June 30 he could still be positive even if he were eventually going 
  to be negative.  In the meantime I would get directions from the archives 
  on feeding Ziggy good, nutritional food.  I would probably add some 
  vitamin c and get interferon from my vet.  My vet used to give interferon 
  to negative shelter cats to keep them from catching URI's at the 
  shelter.  It's supposed to boost their immune system, so I would give it 
  a try.  You'll get lots of other advice.  The most important thing, 
  in my opinion, is not to over worry.  Even if Ziggy remains positive, it 
  is possible he could only be carrying the disease and never get sick from 
  it.  Also, add one thing at a time.  Try not to overwhelm yourself 
  and Ziggy with a zillion new foods and additives, etc.  all at 
  once.  Good luck with Ziggy!  I like the name!
  tonyaNicholena Rushton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Hello.  I have just adopted a 8 week old kitten named Ziggy.  
Ziggy had his first vet visit on 6-9-05 and since I knew nothing about his 
mom or dad I decided to have a FeLV test done which resulted in a 
positive.  I was devastated and am now trying to figure out the best 
course for Ziggy.  He is acting like a normal kitten would, getting 
into all sorts of trouble and shows no signs of the diease.  I am 
trying to stave off an full blown attack and would like to have 
information regarding what I should be doing right from the start.  I 
am going to have retested in a follow up visit on 6-30 and am also curious 
to know if he could come up neg by then?  I know relatively little 
about this disease and am becoming increasingly confused  by all of the 
information on the web.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks you 
Niki Rushton

Corpus Christi cats conclusion

2005-06-11 Thread Chris

got this from Neighborhood cats.. Nice to see all turned out well & that
the sanctuary took the FIV positives…..




-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, June
 11, 2005 7:13 PM
Subject: Corpus
  Christi cats


Hi, Chris,

Turns out there were 8 cats on the grounds of the monastery - all have been
trapped.  5 were long-time feral residents, all neutered, and 3 were
relatively recent abandoned cats and friendly (and unneutered).

2 of the friendly cats were FIV positive.

The five ferals and two FIV positives are going to Pets Alive, the 1 friendly
negative is being put up for adoption by the Humane Society of NY.

Thanks for your concern!

Re: Information

2005-06-11 Thread Nicholena Rushton

Thank you for the information.  Right now I am feeding Ziggy Iams 
Kitten Formula (dry - as he turns his nose up at the wet food) and give him 
catmilk every other day.  I am not sure if this is good enough for him or 
if I should be feeding him something else that would be better for him.  If 
you have any suggestions it would be appreciated.  Also, should I begin 
giving him any kind of supplements?  I know there is something out there 
called Transfer Factor and I have looked up their website but I am not sure if I 
should be doing that at this stage.  Like I said he is a normal kitten 
right now and even constantly torturing my dog (I have been trying to keep it 
stress free as much as I possibly can although my mutt likes to play with him 
and she does not realize how small he is.).  Are there any other 
suggestions you may regarding immune supplements?  I have spoken to my vet 
and he is very open to any and all treatments when it comes to FeLV kitties 
which is a good thing.  He especially did not even say anything about 
euthanasia even though he tested + which I took as a blessing.  Thanks for 
the help so far and I am hoping for the best and that I can give Ziggy a 
productive life for whatever amount of time God wishes to have me blessed 
by this little guy.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Nina 
  Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 11:54 
  Subject: Re: Information
  Hi Niki,I'm sorry your little Ziggy has tested 
  positive.  I'm sure you're already head over heals in love with him, how 
  could you not be?  When I first found out my babies were positive I was 
  devastated and very confused.  You've come to the right place to help you 
  sort through all the information out there   We can also help you 
  with our personal experience in dealing with FeLV.  First, let me try and 
  help reassure you that even though Ziggy may be positive, (he may be testing 
  false-positive because of his mom's antigens, or is it antibodies?), it isn't 
  the automatic death sentence that so many people, and even some vets, think it 
  is.  Many, many of our angels live happy, healthy lives, (although, 
  unfortunately, they usually have shorter life spans).  You can't expect 
  this disease to manifest the same way for any given cat.  What it does is 
  impair their immune system so that they have a harder time fighting off 
  diseases that other cats might not even have a problem with, they are also 
  much more prone to different kinds of cancer.  The most important things 
  you can do for Ziggy, are to feed him the best quality food you can afford, 
  put him on immune supportive supplements, keep his home environment as stress 
  free as possible and never take a 'wait and see' approach to any signs of 
  illness.  Make sure you have a vet that has treated FeLV kitties before, 
  or at least one that is willing to keep an open mind about alternative 
  treatments.  Most of us have found Board Certified Internists that are 
  necessary for any unusual circumstances that regular vets just aren't equipped 
  to handle.  I'd start asking for referrals right away so you have someone 
  to go to when/if the need arises.  I also suggest waiting on re-testing 
  Ziggy.  Usually people wait 3 to 6 months.  Someone else on the list 
  I'm sure will jump in here with advice on that and the many other questions 
  I'm sure you have.  I'm sorry you had the need for us, but welcome.  
  The members of this list are wonderful, supportive and very well 
  informed.  Give that Ziggy a kiss for me!NinaNicholena 
  Rushton wrote:

Hello.  I have just adopted a 8 week old kitten named Ziggy.  
Ziggy had his first vet visit on 6-9-05 and since I knew nothing about his 
mom or dad I decided to have a FeLV test done which resulted in a 
positive.  I was devastated and am now trying to figure out the best 
course for Ziggy.  He is acting like a normal kitten would, getting 
into all sorts of trouble and shows no signs of the diease.  I am 
trying to stave off an full blown attack and would like to have 
information regarding what I should be doing right from the start.  I 
am going to have retested in a follow up visit on 6-30 and am also curious 
to know if he could come up neg by then?  I know relatively little 
about this disease and am becoming increasingly confused  by all of the 
information on the web.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks you 
Niki Rushton

Re: VO Interferon Omega - new info

2005-06-11 Thread Nina
Nevermind.  I talked to my Internist when I went in for the Interferon 
A.  She said the feline interferon omega WAS more effective and because 
it is injected, is better for overall immune boosting.  She said the 
interferon alpha is good for problems with congestion and issues in the 
mouth though.  So, nevermind. 

Nina wrote:

Hi Guys,
I just heard something interesting, and a bit distressing, from my 
vet's office.  I had called about Grace's condition and to ask if I 
could come in to pick up some Interferon A.  Now, I didn't get to talk 
directly to the vet, but I was told that Interferon A and O will work 
exactly the same way, that the injectable isn't "stronger" than the 
oral.  I knew the main reason for using it was the 'immunity' factor, 
but I also was under the misconception, (apparently), that it somehow 
worked better.  If the only benefit derived from the VO is extended 
use, then it may not be feasible to use it, I know I can't afford 
extensive, long-term use of this product as things stand.  If this is 
the case, why are we jumping through hoops and spending all this money 
on VO?  I guess when push comes to shove, it will be good to have the 
VO on hand, if/when the A stops working, but I'm feeling a little 
duped here.  I have to do some further investigation about this, I'm 
not sure it's really the case, but I wanted to put it out there.


Re: Nina, ivermectin 4 earmites

2005-06-11 Thread Nina
When I went to my Internist's today to pick up Grace's interferon, I 
asked my vet about using straight Ivermectin for earmites.  She's going 
to formulate the exact amount of Ivermectin to use for earmites in my 
ferals based on the percentage I'm able to find, (for use in cattle 
worming).  She would have given me the Acarexx, but being a specialty 
clinic they don't keep that sort of thing on hand.  I'm really crazy 
about this woman.  Btw, I went to our local feed store to get the cattle 
wormer and they didn't have it, only pre-formulated paste for worming.  
When I asked them why they didn't carry the straight Ivermectin, they 
told me some people were using it for applications other than 
specifically called for on the label.  Huh, really?  What a pain in the 



*We actually "injected" the ivomec. With 1** ml syringes...doses vary 
according to weight, but normal injectable dose was VERY low, check 
w/ vet ref guide.*

*We NEVER gave higher than I believe .08mg.*
*But it's been awhile, but I would check.*
*You can also make your own Acarexx, using Ivomec & mineral oil. 
Again, check doses*

*Also Ivomec is a GREAT dewormer!*
*There is a very good reference book available, I just can't remember 
the name & due to my move. my books are still in storage!*

Re: Bramble, questions and Grace

2005-06-11 Thread catatonya
This is promising news!!![EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I will certainly add Grace to my prayers - hope she ok soon.
I will try to answer the questions recently asked.
Due to Bramble having been adopted with FIV the sanctuary pay the vets bills and I contribute what I can. The sanctuary have an acccount set up with a specific Veterinary company that have a few surgery's but the vets appear to have similar mind set. Brambles usual vet is ok but is on holiday so the current vet is one he usually doesn't see. I asked the sanctuary if I could take him to a vet where I pprefer but they said no because a large discount from this chain of vets. I can't wait for his usual vet to come back next week - she is much more open to alternative medicine and may listen more to me - I hope. Meanwhile this other vet has been pressuring for euthansia and there isn't really anyone I can take him too yet as they will just back her up as she is bound to have given them her opinion.
My dogs vet agrees more with me but the sanctuary wouldn't pay the bills if he went there and I can't afford all the bills myself. I am considerring asking her if she will look him over and give a second opinion though and pay myself.
Virbagen Omega (what Bramble is on) is injected for FIV protocol but can be administered orally if it purely for calicivirus. It can also be used on dogs for certain conditions too.
Bramble has shown no more deterioration thank lord, and he followed my finger with his eyes so he can see something at least - but one day at a time. I will keep praying and nursing. I am going to try and pick up interferon tomorrow when that vet is not in surgery.

Re: Vitamin C questions

2005-06-11 Thread Del Daniels

I understand Vitamin C can cause diarrhea in cats 
... what is a starting mg to hopefully avoid that side effect ... and how 
gradual can it be increased ... and the maximum dose during an URI?

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 4:40 
  Subject: Re: Supplements - Grace
  Go to 
  and click on the "magazine"  link.  He has links for "products" 
  and that's where they are.GloriaOn Jun 11, 2005, at 11:49 
  AM, Nina wrote:> Thanks Gloria, do you know if the B complex liquid 
  was really  > unpleasant tasting?  I like to sup my IBD cat 
  Gypsy with B and it  > tastes so awful that she won't eat anything 
  it's mixed in.  I do  > have the injectable, but I hate the 
  shots as much as she does.  Can  > I find the sups your 
  talking about by doing a Goggle search on the  > Drs' 
  names?> Nina>> Gloria B. Lane 
  wrote: I ordered Belfield's Vitamin C, which is 
  actually a combination of  >> C with other nutrients.  And 
  ordered his B complex liquid-   >> initially to try with a 
  friends Diabetic cat, but haven't done  >> that.  I use 
  PetTinic, but it has a bunch of sugar in it. Also 
  ordered a liquid supplement form Dr. elfield, and used it  >> 
  with a cat (Harry, who's with Susan now) that had stomatitis  
  >> (sp).  Actually, gave him that, plus interferon, plus 
  lysine.   >> Something helped, he got 
  better. Gloria>> At 
  10:44 AM 6/11/2005, you wrote:>>> What 
  did you order, and what is it suppose to help with?>>> 
  N>> Gloria B. Lane 
  wrote:>> Right, those are 
  the sups I use, except I've ordered some   laterly 
  from Dr. Belfield.  It gets hard to give lots of  
  Gloria At 10:01 AM 6/11/2005, you 
  wrote:> Hi 
  Gloria,> Yes, I use Lysine on a regular basis.  I 
  used to give it every  > day, along with Vita C, 
  and Co-Q10.  Now I just add supplements  > 
  periodically, or when there's a hint of a symptom.  Everyone's  
  > been getting sups lately, along with Transfer Factor, 
  stress  > formula.  I'm out of Interferon A, 
  I usually put them on that  > when they have 
  symptoms too.  I do have some VO in the box, I  
  > may start her on that.> 

Re: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY/TONYA

2005-06-11 Thread Gloria Lane

So what's the status of the two 17 yr old healthy cats?


On Jun 10, 2005, at 9:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In a message dated 6/10/2005 10:32:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  
Didn't notice where he is located but could possibly arrange to fly  
to get.

In Bronx, NY

Re: VO Interferon Omega - new info

2005-06-11 Thread Gloria Lane
Well, that's not what I've heard - have heard that IO  is more of a  
match for the natural cat's interferon.  Course you probably know  
that you can't always trust your vet 100% of the time, even if you  
generally like him/her.

But - Tally was always a big supporter of IA and I've come to believe  
there's something to that.  So I use IA.  For a kitty that's already  
disk, IO may be more potent, but I could only guess, don't know.


On Jun 11, 2005, at 12:00 PM, Nina wrote:

Hi Guys,
I just heard something interesting, and a bit distressing, from my  
vet's office.  I had called about Grace's condition and to ask if I  
could come in to pick up some Interferon A.  Now, I didn't get to  
talk directly to the vet, but I was told that Interferon A and O  
will work exactly the same way, that the injectable isn't  
"stronger" than the oral.  I knew the main reason for using it was  
the 'immunity' factor, but I also was under the misconception,  
(apparently), that it somehow worked better.  If the only benefit  
derived from the VO is extended use, then it may not be feasible to  
use it, I know I can't afford extensive, long-term use of this  
product as things stand.  If this is the case, why are we jumping  
through hoops and spending all this money on VO?  I guess when push  
comes to shove, it will be good to have the VO on hand, if/when the  
A stops working, but I'm feeling a little duped here.  I have to do  
some further investigation about this, I'm not sure it's really the  
case, but I wanted to put it out there.


Re: Supplements - Grace

2005-06-11 Thread Gloria Lane
Go to and click on the "magazine"  
link.  He has links for "products" and that's where they are.


On Jun 11, 2005, at 11:49 AM, Nina wrote:

Thanks Gloria, do you know if the B complex liquid was really  
unpleasant tasting?  I like to sup my IBD cat Gypsy with B and it  
tastes so awful that she won't eat anything it's mixed in.  I do  
have the injectable, but I hate the shots as much as she does.  Can  
I find the sups your talking about by doing a Goggle search on the  
Drs' names?


Gloria B. Lane wrote:

I ordered Belfield's Vitamin C, which is actually a combination of  
C with other nutrients.  And ordered his B complex liquid-   
initially to try with a friends Diabetic cat, but haven't done  
that.  I use PetTinic, but it has a bunch of sugar in it.

Also ordered a liquid supplement form Dr. elfield, and used it  
with a cat (Harry, who's with Susan now) that had stomatitis  
(sp).  Actually, gave him that, plus interferon, plus lysine.   
Something helped, he got better.


At 10:44 AM 6/11/2005, you wrote:

What did you order, and what is it suppose to help with?

Gloria B. Lane wrote:

Right, those are the sups I use, except I've ordered some  
laterly from Dr. Belfield.  It gets hard to give lots of  
supplements, sometimes.


At 10:01 AM 6/11/2005, you wrote:

Hi Gloria,
Yes, I use Lysine on a regular basis.  I used to give it every  
day, along with Vita C, and Co-Q10.  Now I just add supplements  
periodically, or when there's a hint of a symptom.  Everyone's  
been getting sups lately, along with Transfer Factor, stress  
formula.  I'm out of Interferon A, I usually put them on that  
when they have symptoms too.  I do have some VO in the box, I  
may start her on that.


RE: AC Kat - How can you tell?

2005-06-11 Thread Kathleen A. Berard
Thanks, Nina, I'm enjoying being here. I'll stay with the list a few
days yet if that's okay. Then I need to jump off so I can prepare for a
workshop in Dallas next weekend.

Yes, the questions of how to handle health issues, do they want
additional assistance, what might be helpful, how far do you go with all
that, can be hard to gauge; BUT, I ask the animal for all the
information they want to provide in that regard, then I scan them (do a
body scan, I'm a medical intuitive) to see what I feel might be helpful
to them (what fits their energy/vibration, such as acupuncture,
chiropractic, homeopathy, supplements, raw/homecooked diet, color
therapy, Bach essences, etc.). Animals are generally very open to
healing assistance in whatever form. But they also are usually quite
clear about when they've had enough, or when all they want is support,
no heroic measures. Everyone I've done a session for that has that "end
of life" question to ask, has told me later that they did truly know the
moment when it came, when it was time. And they trusted their instincts
as I asked them to do.

I don't know if I mentioned this in any other post but animals can also
be talked with after they cross over. This can often be comforting for
people as they receive confirmation that their pet is okay, and that
they are still with them in spirit.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: AC Kat - How can you tell?

Thank you very much for the considered response to my questions.  It all

makes very good sense.  I do question the things that 'come through' 
because of my background and experience in working with animals.  I  
follow my instincts, but I never know for sure where that 'intuition' is

coming from!  I like the idea of not only practicing listening for the 
animal's communication to me, but practicing and testing my input to 
them.  I think we'll work on "Do you want a treat?"  Their reaction to 
that will be easier to gauge, it's a rare day that I ask that question, 
(out loud) and don't get four tails wagging under the cookie jar!  Your 
suggestion of 'not pushing the energy at them' was something that hadn't

occurred to me.  I'll work on being less pushy!

Thank you also for the reading list.  I have started reading on the 
subject.  Among others, I've read Animal Talk by Penelope Smith and am 
now reading Awakening to Animal Voices by Dawn Brunke.  They were 
recommended to me by AC, Gretchen Kuntz, a wonderful lady that has 
helped me with my babies, (and a crow family I recently had dealings 
with!).  I find myself nodding my head as I read.  It's always 
reassuring to have my own thoughts, feelings and philosophies reaffirmed

by others.  As you've probably already noticed, I can't help speaking my

mind, and it does sometimes result in people scratching their heads, or 
avoiding my company altogether :) . 

I do think it's important to ask our animals what it is that they want 
in terms of difficult, or ongoing convalescent  medical care.  The 
problem that many people have with contacting an AC with help for that, 
(if they believe it is possible in the first place), is the same problem

that plagues us when we make the decision on our own.  The 
responsibility we feel and the gravity, or even the finality of the 
decisions we make, always to some degree or another, leave us with 
impossible to answer 'what if' questions.  It is so very important to 
listen to our own hearts and those of our animals with as clear a head 
as possible under such difficult circumstances.

Thanks again, I'm so glad you were gracious enough to join our group and

answer our questions!  I hope you'll stick around for a while, you're a 
wonderful addition to our list.

Kathleen A. Berard wrote:

>Hi, Nina. The best way you know is through actively practicing your
>attempts to communicate with them telepathically. For instance, you're
>sitting there reading a book, totally absorbed in it, and from nowhere
>pops in the idea that "I should take the dog for a walk" or "he wants a
>biscuit" or "I should go see what he's doing, it's gotten too quiet".
>That is you picking up information from the dog. 
>You can also try it in reverse: be reading your book and send your dog
>an image of you going to the door, getting their leash, and taking them
>for a walk. Or send them the thought, "would you like a biscuit?" and
>see what happens. Sometimes they respond to what you send, if they're
>open to your messages and you send it with a soft focus (not "pushing"
>the thought at them). Animals are very adept at picking up our
>intentions (how many cats disappear when it's time to go to the vet?
>did they know?), our emotions and the mental images we send. Learning
>do this just takes practice. 
>I highly recommend reading a few books about animal communication to
>more information abou

Re: AC Kat - How can you tell?

2005-06-11 Thread Nina

Thank you very much for the considered response to my questions.  It all 
makes very good sense.  I do question the things that 'come through' 
because of my background and experience in working with animals.  I  
follow my instincts, but I never know for sure where that 'intuition' is 
coming from!  I like the idea of not only practicing listening for the 
animal's communication to me, but practicing and testing my input to 
them.  I think we'll work on "Do you want a treat?"  Their reaction to 
that will be easier to gauge, it's a rare day that I ask that question, 
(out loud) and don't get four tails wagging under the cookie jar!  Your 
suggestion of 'not pushing the energy at them' was something that hadn't 
occurred to me.  I'll work on being less pushy!

Thank you also for the reading list.  I have started reading on the 
subject.  Among others, I've read Animal Talk by Penelope Smith and am 
now reading Awakening to Animal Voices by Dawn Brunke.  They were 
recommended to me by AC, Gretchen Kuntz, a wonderful lady that has 
helped me with my babies, (and a crow family I recently had dealings 
with!).  I find myself nodding my head as I read.  It's always 
reassuring to have my own thoughts, feelings and philosophies reaffirmed 
by others.  As you've probably already noticed, I can't help speaking my 
mind, and it does sometimes result in people scratching their heads, or 
avoiding my company altogether :) . 

I do think it's important to ask our animals what it is that they want 
in terms of difficult, or ongoing convalescent  medical care.  The 
problem that many people have with contacting an AC with help for that, 
(if they believe it is possible in the first place), is the same problem 
that plagues us when we make the decision on our own.  The 
responsibility we feel and the gravity, or even the finality of the 
decisions we make, always to some degree or another, leave us with 
impossible to answer 'what if' questions.  It is so very important to 
listen to our own hearts and those of our animals with as clear a head 
as possible under such difficult circumstances.

Thanks again, I'm so glad you were gracious enough to join our group and 
answer our questions!  I hope you'll stick around for a while, you're a 
wonderful addition to our list.


Kathleen A. Berard wrote:

Hi, Nina. The best way you know is through actively practicing your
attempts to communicate with them telepathically. For instance, you're
sitting there reading a book, totally absorbed in it, and from nowhere
pops in the idea that "I should take the dog for a walk" or "he wants a
biscuit" or "I should go see what he's doing, it's gotten too quiet".
That is you picking up information from the dog. 

You can also try it in reverse: be reading your book and send your dog
an image of you going to the door, getting their leash, and taking them
for a walk. Or send them the thought, "would you like a biscuit?" and
see what happens. Sometimes they respond to what you send, if they're
open to your messages and you send it with a soft focus (not "pushing"
the thought at them). Animals are very adept at picking up our
intentions (how many cats disappear when it's time to go to the vet? How
did they know?), our emotions and the mental images we send. Learning to
do this just takes practice. 

I highly recommend reading a few books about animal communication to get
more information about what-all is involved, it's a bit more (but not
much more) complicated than I'm describing. See for suggestions. The
books I start folks off with are Animal Voices and Awakening to Animal
Voices by Dawn Brunke; Animal Talk and When Animals Speak by Penelope
Smith; and Learning Their Language by Marta Williams.

I don't believe you can be a good dog trainer without employing some
telepathy because you learn to read body language yes, but what about
the information you receive that has nothing to do with body language?
Just that sense of "knowing" you get about something, or a thought pops
in from nowhere, or a picture comes to you in your mind; it's probably
the animal relaying information to you because it's not you consciously
thinking those things. You as a trainer are in a different, more skilled
position, because you understand body language, so I can see where it
might be a bit confusing as to what you already know and what's coming
from the animal. But there are those little pieces of info that occur to
you - perhaps "inspiration" if you will - that could be coming from the

The only way to validate it is to practice, see what happens, and also
do the reverse: deliberately send information (thoughtforms, concepts,
images, feelings) to the animal and see how they react. Now, please
don't think you can't communicate if they don't do anything! You may not
have gotten through, they may have been distracted/anxious/agitated and
cannot focus on what you're sending, they may not want t

RE: Bramble, questions and Grace

2005-06-11 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

This is just a short email in relation 
to the fear you expressed about Bramble possibly becoming 
blindit's a short quote from Anitra Frazier's The New Natural Cat (page 33): 
"For us, the sense of sight is Number One; to a cat, smell and 
hearing are much more important." (her emphasis).
I'm glad to hear things are relatively ok 
today for him.
Sending lots of positive, healing vibes 
for Bramble, 

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 
1:43 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Bramble, 
questions and Grace
I will certainly add Grace to my prayers - hope she ok soon.
I will try to answer the questions recently asked.
Due to Bramble having been adopted with FIV the sanctuary pay the vets 
bills and I contribute what I can. The sanctuary have an acccount set up with a 
specific Veterinary company that have a few surgery's but the vets appear to 
have similar mind set. Brambles usual vet is ok but is on holiday so the current 
vet is one he usually doesn't see. I asked the sanctuary if I could take him to 
a vet where I pprefer but they said no because a large discount from this chain 
of vets. I can't wait for his usual vet to come back next week - she is much 
more open to alternative medicine and may listen more to me - I hope. Meanwhile 
this other vet has been pressuring for euthansia and there isn't really anyone I 
can take him too yet as they will just back her up as she is bound to have given 
them her opinion.
My dogs vet agrees more with me but the sanctuary wouldn't pay the bills if 
he went there and I can't afford all the bills myself. I am considerring asking 
her if she will look him over and give a second opinion though and pay 
Virbagen Omega (what Bramble is on) is injected for FIV protocol but can be 
administered orally if it purely for calicivirus. It can also be used on dogs 
for certain conditions too.
Bramble has shown no more deterioration thank lord, and he followed my 
finger with his eyes so he can see something at least - but one day at a time. I 
will keep praying and nursing. I am going to try and pick up interferon tomorrow 
when that vet is not in surgery.
 Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is moving our Chicago office to the Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Dr., Chicago, Illinois 60606 - effective June 15, 2005. Email addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar of your Web browser: Please Note: Effective July 1, 2005, some administrative functions will be located at 230 S. LaSalle, Chicago IL, 60604. This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: Bramble, questions and Grace

2005-06-11 Thread Nina

Thank you for your prayers for Grace.  She finally ate a little bit of 
babyfood for me, so that makes me feel a little better.

Did you ask the sanctuary if they will pay your vet whatever it is they 
pay their vet on retainer?  That way, you'll at least be getting a 
"discount" of the amount the sanctuary is paying.  I know I mentioned 
this before, I'm sorry if you addressed it somewhere else and I missed 
it.  Your vet (the one you trust), may be willing to accept whatever the 
sanctuary pays, or at least give you a discount, because of the special 
circumstances of your case.

I'm thrilled Bramble is improving.  It's wonderful that he can see, even 
a little bit.  Won't it be wonderful to report to this crap vet that 
won't help you, when/should Bramble fully recover!?  That's what I'm 
concentrating on, a full recovery to asymptomatic status for your sweet 

Continued prayers for answers and good health,


I will certainly add Grace to my prayers - hope she ok soon.
I will try to answer the questions recently asked.
Due to Bramble having been adopted with FIV the sanctuary pay the vets 
bills and I contribute what I can. The sanctuary have an acccount set 
up with a specific Veterinary company that have a few surgery's but 
the vets appear to have similar mind set. Brambles usual vet is ok but 
is on holiday so the current vet is one he usually doesn't see. I 
asked the sanctuary if I could take him to a vet where I pprefer but 
they said no because a large discount from this chain of vets. I can't 
wait for his usual vet to come back next week - she is much more open 
to alternative medicine and may listen more to me - I hope. Meanwhile 
this other vet has been pressuring for euthansia and there isn't 
really anyone I can take him too yet as they will just back her up as 
she is bound to have given them her opinion.
My dogs vet agrees more with me but the sanctuary wouldn't pay the 
bills if he went there and I can't afford all the bills myself. I am 
considerring asking her if she will look him over and give a second 
opinion though and pay myself.
Virbagen Omega (what Bramble is on) is injected for FIV protocol but 
can be administered orally if it purely for calicivirus. It can also 
be used on dogs for certain conditions too.
Bramble has shown no more deterioration thank lord, and he followed my 
finger with his eyes so he can see something at least - but one day at 
a time. I will keep praying and nursing. I am going to try and pick up 
interferon tomorrow when that vet is not in surgery.

Bramble, questions and Grace

2005-06-11 Thread Lomaxturtle

I will certainly add Grace to my prayers - hope she ok soon.
I will try to answer the questions recently asked.
Due to Bramble having been adopted with FIV the sanctuary pay the vets 
bills and I contribute what I can. The sanctuary have an acccount set up with a 
specific Veterinary company that have a few surgery's but the vets appear to 
have similar mind set. Brambles usual vet is ok but is on holiday so the current 
vet is one he usually doesn't see. I asked the sanctuary if I could take him to 
a vet where I pprefer but they said no because a large discount from this chain 
of vets. I can't wait for his usual vet to come back next week - she is much 
more open to alternative medicine and may listen more to me - I hope. Meanwhile 
this other vet has been pressuring for euthansia and there isn't really anyone I 
can take him too yet as they will just back her up as she is bound to have given 
them her opinion.
My dogs vet agrees more with me but the sanctuary wouldn't pay the bills if 
he went there and I can't afford all the bills myself. I am considerring asking 
her if she will look him over and give a second opinion though and pay 
Virbagen Omega (what Bramble is on) is injected for FIV protocol but can be 
administered orally if it purely for calicivirus. It can also be used on dogs 
for certain conditions too.
Bramble has shown no more deterioration thank lord, and he followed my 
finger with his eyes so he can see something at least - but one day at a time. I 
will keep praying and nursing. I am going to try and pick up interferon tomorrow 
when that vet is not in surgery.

VO Interferon Omega - new info

2005-06-11 Thread Nina

Hi Guys,
I just heard something interesting, and a bit distressing, from my vet's 
office.  I had called about Grace's condition and to ask if I could come 
in to pick up some Interferon A.  Now, I didn't get to talk directly to 
the vet, but I was told that Interferon A and O will work exactly the 
same way, that the injectable isn't "stronger" than the oral.  I knew 
the main reason for using it was the 'immunity' factor, but I also was 
under the misconception, (apparently), that it somehow worked better.  
If the only benefit derived from the VO is extended use, then it may not 
be feasible to use it, I know I can't afford extensive, long-term use of 
this product as things stand.  If this is the case, why are we jumping 
through hoops and spending all this money on VO?  I guess when push 
comes to shove, it will be good to have the VO on hand, if/when the A 
stops working, but I'm feeling a little duped here.  I have to do some 
further investigation about this, I'm not sure it's really the case, but 
I wanted to put it out there.


Re: Supplements - Grace

2005-06-11 Thread Nina
Thanks Gloria, do you know if the B complex liquid was really unpleasant 
tasting?  I like to sup my IBD cat Gypsy with B and it tastes so awful 
that she won't eat anything it's mixed in.  I do have the injectable, 
but I hate the shots as much as she does.  Can I find the sups your 
talking about by doing a Goggle search on the Drs' names?


Gloria B. Lane wrote:

I ordered Belfield's Vitamin C, which is actually a combination of C 
with other nutrients.  And ordered his B complex liquid-  initially to 
try with a friends Diabetic cat, but haven't done that.  I use 
PetTinic, but it has a bunch of sugar in it.

Also ordered a liquid supplement form Dr. elfield, and used it with a 
cat (Harry, who's with Susan now) that had stomatitis (sp).  Actually, 
gave him that, plus interferon, plus lysine.  Something helped, he got 


At 10:44 AM 6/11/2005, you wrote:

What did you order, and what is it suppose to help with?

Gloria B. Lane wrote:

Right, those are the sups I use, except I've ordered some laterly 
from Dr. Belfield.  It gets hard to give lots of supplements, 


At 10:01 AM 6/11/2005, you wrote:

Hi Gloria,
Yes, I use Lysine on a regular basis.  I used to give it every day, 
along with Vita C, and Co-Q10.  Now I just add supplements 
periodically, or when there's a hint of a symptom.  Everyone's been 
getting sups lately, along with Transfer Factor, stress formula.  
I'm out of Interferon A, I usually put them on that when they have 
symptoms too.  I do have some VO in the box, I may start her on that.


Re: Angel Wings FELV+ cats

2005-06-11 Thread Tad Burnett

  I just want to say that now I am very much behind this letter...This
is the concern...A pos test is a quick death sentence and even for the
negatives that are running free with the pos
Have you any idea what kind of numbers we are talking about ??  Is
Peaceful Kingdom a local rescue group in Tenn.??  And Kara and Holly
???  Is there anyway we could get them to join us ???
I have a YaHoo group already in place that we started a year ago for a
place to handle a similar problem of transportation and temp foster
etc. and anyone is welcome to join it if its felt that this is getting
too much for this list  Come to

to join...
Also I have a garage that could house a large number of positives for
the summer and I would be willing to pick them up at Newburg
NY..(intersection of I87 and I80)...Still a very long way from Tenn.


  Dear directors at Peaceful Kingdom
  Hi, I don't know if we have spoken yet
(I'm trying to reach the person who is making all the decisions), but I
have been speaking to Kara and Holly a bit. I am a member of the
largest FELV support group in the country (probably the world), and
several of our members have in the past taken cats to AW, or referred
others to take their cats to AW. We are concerned, as a whole, about
this part of the notice you sent out:
animal surrendered by Rehnee Harvey will be thoroughly checked out by a
vet (tested, examined, vaccinated, etc) and placed into a foster home,
if such a home can be identified.  If a foster home cannot be found and
sufficient funds can be secured, some of the animals may be boarded
temporarily.  Being able to place these animals in a temporary foster
home or boarding facility will help to keep them from being
euthanized.  All of these animals will be put up for adoption
unless they test positive for aids or leukemia. 
  We will list them on various web sites and they can attend
various weekend adoption events as well.  Foster
parents will be given support in trying to find permanent homes for
these cats."
  While we find it noble of you to promise to do
your best to find homes for all the negative cats, we are concerned
that you do not mentioned your plans for the FELV+ and FIV+ cats which
are homed at AW. Many of these cats were taken there simply because it
was thought to be a wonderful, caring sanctuary for them, and the idea
that they may now end up being euthanised simply because of their
positive status concerns us very much (we sent them there JUST BECAUSE
this would not happen to them there). We would like to connect as many
as possible of these FELV+ and FIV+ cats back with their original
owners, or FELV+ foster homes within our group. We need your help. We
need to know that you are willing to work with the positive cats too,
in trying to get them back to those of us who have placed them at AW
not realizing that it would be a death sentence for them! We, at the
FELV support group, and the entire FELV+ cat community feel that FELV
is NOT a death sentence, and we work VERY hard to try to place as many
FELV+ cats in good homes or permanent sanctuaries as possible. Many of
us are personally attached to these cats, and we want to recover as
many as possible! If I can arrange foster homes, or find their original
owners, I need to know that you can find at least ONE person down there
that can temporarily house these FELV+ cats until one of our members
can arrange transport for them (surely someone has an extra bathroom in
their house). On a daily basis, our notices have been being responded
to, and every day another owner of a FELV or FIV positive cat comes out
of the wood-work to say that they want their cat that was sent to AW
back! We CAN place at least some these cats, please help us help them!
We need your support. FELV is NOT a death sentence!

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.7 - Release Date: 6/10/2005

Re: Supplements - Grace

2005-06-11 Thread Gloria B. Lane
I ordered Belfield's Vitamin C, which is actually a combination of C with 
other nutrients.  And ordered his B complex liquid-  initially to try with 
a friends Diabetic cat, but haven't done that.  I use PetTinic, but it has 
a bunch of sugar in it.

Also ordered a liquid supplement form Dr. elfield, and used it with a cat 
(Harry, who's with Susan now) that had stomatitis (sp).  Actually, gave him 
that, plus interferon, plus lysine.  Something helped, he got better.


At 10:44 AM 6/11/2005, you wrote:

What did you order, and what is it suppose to help with?

Gloria B. Lane wrote:

Right, those are the sups I use, except I've ordered some laterly from 
Dr. Belfield.  It gets hard to give lots of supplements, sometimes.


At 10:01 AM 6/11/2005, you wrote:

Hi Gloria,
Yes, I use Lysine on a regular basis.  I used to give it every day, 
along with Vita C, and Co-Q10.  Now I just add supplements periodically, 
or when there's a hint of a symptom.  Everyone's been getting sups 
lately, along with Transfer Factor, stress formula.  I'm out of 
Interferon A, I usually put them on that when they have symptoms too.  I 
do have some VO in the box, I may start her on that.


Re: sanctuaries: open to the public?

2005-06-11 Thread Gloria B. Lane

You've got to be kidding - AHGG.  Gloria

At 10:33 AM 6/11/2005, you wrote:

we even had people wanting to take a tax deduction for their
donation. um, so you let your expensive, purebred cat out to get
FIV/FeLV, and now you want to claim someone else's taking care of it
for the rest of its live on YOUR taxes


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Supplements - Grace

2005-06-11 Thread Nina

What did you order, and what is it suppose to help with?

Gloria B. Lane wrote:

Right, those are the sups I use, except I've ordered some laterly from 
Dr. Belfield.  It gets hard to give lots of supplements, sometimes.


At 10:01 AM 6/11/2005, you wrote:

Hi Gloria,
Yes, I use Lysine on a regular basis.  I used to give it every day, 
along with Vita C, and Co-Q10.  Now I just add supplements 
periodically, or when there's a hint of a symptom.  Everyone's been 
getting sups lately, along with Transfer Factor, stress formula.  I'm 
out of Interferon A, I usually put them on that when they have 
symptoms too.  I do have some VO in the box, I may start her on that.

Re: sanctuaries: open to the public?

2005-06-11 Thread TenHouseCats
we even had people wanting to take a tax deduction for their
donation. um, so you let your expensive, purebred cat out to get
FIV/FeLV, and now you want to claim someone else's taking care of it
for the rest of its live on YOUR taxes


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Please send good energy Grace's way

2005-06-11 Thread felv

LOL! "Readers Digest Syndrome" I think my mom 
has that! They used to call it hypochondria (or something like 
Bones is doing great, thanks for asking. I should 
have some pictures by late next week.

Jenn,I don't know if you do the same thing, but whenever one of my babies is 
sick I start going through the list of every ailment I've ever heard of.  
My sister calls it the "Readers Digest Syndrome".  I'm working at staying 
calm.How is our Bones tonight?N
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.7 - Release Date: 6/10/2005

Re: bramble (package labelling)

2005-06-11 Thread felv

Michelle (and Bramble) live in another country. 
Over there, Revolution is called Stronghold, and somehow, when it was approved 
for THEIR country, the labeling did not get the same warnings as the USA version 
did. Being that it is THE SAME drug, it WAS an oversight by Pfizer, that very 
well may have harmed cats. Specifically, if you read your Revolution package 
insert, it says that it killed one kitten in the studies, but that the kitten 
was weak and underweight, so they DO NOT recommend the product be used on sick 
or underweight animals. This info was NOT on the labeling or package insert for 
the Stronghold version of the drug which is sold in countries other than the 
USA, therefore, vets in other countries did not know not to prescribe it to weak 
and sick cats... thus Bramble got a dose when he shouldn't have. If I remember 
correctly, Michelle even said that her vet was upset that this happened, because 
it would not have if the labeling for the drug had just contained all the info 


Is the vet saying that he/she read and administered the revolution 
according to the wrong directions and now they have been changed on the 
packets So according to your vet this is the fault of Pfizer???
I find it hard to believe that Pfizer would just accept the blame and say 
'we'll change all the leaflets' that would be like a major cover up here 
for threat of lawsuit.
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.7 - Release Date: 6/10/2005

Angel Wings FELV+ cats

2005-06-11 Thread felv

Dear directors at Peaceful Kingdom 
Hi, I don't know if we have spoken yet (I'm 
trying to reach the person who is making all the decisions), but I have been 
speaking to Kara and Holly a bit. I am a member of the largest FELV support 
group in the country (probably the world), and several of our members have in 
the past taken cats to AW, or referred others to take their cats to AW. We are 
concerned, as a whole, about this part of the notice you sent out:
animal surrendered by Rehnee Harvey will be thoroughly checked out by a vet 
(tested, examined, vaccinated, etc) and placed into a foster home, if such a 
home can be identified.  If a foster home cannot be found and sufficient 
funds can be secured, some of the animals may be boarded temporarily.  
Being able to place these animals in a temporary foster home or boarding 
facility will help to keep them from being euthanized.  All of 
these animals will be put up for adoption unless they test positive for aids or 
leukemia.  We will list 
them on various web sites and they can attend various weekend adoption events as 
well.  Foster parents will be given 
support in trying to find permanent homes for these cats."
While we find it noble of you to promise to do your best to 
find homes for all the negative cats, we are concerned that you do not mentioned 
your plans for the FELV+ and FIV+ cats which are homed at AW. Many of these cats 
were taken there simply because it was thought to be a wonderful, caring 
sanctuary for them, and the idea that they may now end up being euthanised 
simply because of their positive status concerns us very much (we sent them 
there JUST BECAUSE this would not happen to them there). We would like to 
connect as many as possible of these FELV+ and FIV+ cats back with their 
original owners, or FELV+ foster homes within our group. We need your help. We 
need to know that you are willing to work with the positive cats too, in trying 
to get them back to those of us who have placed them at AW not realizing that it 
would be a death sentence for them! We, at the FELV support group, and the 
entire FELV+ cat community feel that FELV is NOT a death sentence, and we work 
VERY hard to try to place as many FELV+ cats in good homes or permanent 
sanctuaries as possible. Many of us are personally attached to these cats, and 
we want to recover as many as possible! If I can arrange foster homes, or find 
their original owners, I need to know that you can find at least ONE person down 
there that can temporarily house these FELV+ cats until one of our members can 
arrange transport for them (surely someone has an extra bathroom in their 
house). On a daily basis, our notices have been being responded to, and every 
day another owner of a FELV or FIV positive cat comes out of the wood-work to 
say that they want their cat that was sent to AW back! We CAN place at least 
some these cats, please help us help them! We need your support. FELV is NOT a 
death sentence!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.7 - Release Date: 6/10/2005

Re: Please send good energy Grace's way

2005-06-11 Thread Gloria B. Lane
Right, those are the sups I use, except I've ordered some laterly from Dr. 
Belfield.  It gets hard to give lots of supplements, sometimes.


At 10:01 AM 6/11/2005, you wrote:

Hi Gloria,
Yes, I use Lysine on a regular basis.  I used to give it every day, along 
with Vita C, and Co-Q10.  Now I just add supplements periodically, or when 
there's a hint of a symptom.  Everyone's been getting sups lately, along 
with Transfer Factor, stress formula.  I'm out of Interferon A, I usually 
put them on that when they have symptoms too.  I do have some VO in the 
box, I may start her on that.


Gloria B. Lane wrote:

Have you used Lysine?  You can tell in a day or two if that makes it 
better.  Sorry, I haven't been reading all the posts - been busy - but 
250-500 mg in food or syringed twice a day.


At 09:40 AM 6/11/2005, you wrote:

Hi Kat,
Yes, it could be a URI, (upper respiratory infection), but even a simple 
cold can be very dangerous to our fragile angels because they develop 
other problems when they are stressed.  If it is some sort of allergy, 
it's been effecting more than one cat, and for more than a week.  Thank 
you for your good wishes.  I'm keeping a close eye on her and hoping she 
feels better soon.


Kathleen A. Berard wrote:

I'm not nearly as well versed in cat diseases as I am dog diseases, as I
have only had one FIP kitty in the past. Could this be some sort of
respiratory infection that is evidenced partly by eye involvement? Or
even just allergies, since they go outside?

Fingers crossed for all of them that it's nothing serious.


Kathleen A. Berard, Animal Communicator, Vibrational Essences
Practitioner and Holistic Care Consultant
"If you don't know what your passion is, realize that one reason for
your existence on Earth is to find it."  Oprah

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 1:57 AM
Subject: Please send good energy Grace's way

Hi Everyone,
This may be premature, but I tend to get very anxious whenever Grace
doesn't feel well.  Most of my cats have been feeling a bit off lately,
just not quite right.  They all go outside in the backyard and my ferals
travel through my yard as well, and GG the feral with the earmite
problem has been very sick lately, so...  Anyway, Princess Grace was the
first one to show signs of not feeling well, nothing I can put my finger
on, a 'I just know', kind of thing.  She snapped out of it pretty
quickly and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.  My right paw man,
Instigator (neg), seems to have been hit the hardest in that his eyes
still seem, not crusty, that's too strong, it sort of like he just woke
up, all day long, (does that make any sense?).  He's sleeping a bit more
than usual, but if I didn't have FelV babies I wouldn't be concerned,
I'd just figure he's under the weather and watch if he got worse.
Timmy, my miracle boy, (the only one of my litter to test neg), has had
his third eyelids up for over a week.  They get a little better, and
then when he's sleepy, they're back up again, otherwise he seems his
normal, happy, playful self.

Tonight, Grace has taken a sharp turn for the worse.  She had no
appetite at dinner, she's having a hard time keeping her eyes open and
she seems, I don't know, puffy.  She just doesn't look good to me at
all.  I gave her Dox, and I'm thinking of starting her on VO.  If she
hasn't made a dramatic turn around by morning, I'm calling my Internist
and begging to bring her in.

Sorry this is so long winded, but I was hoping one of you might
recognize some of these symptoms and be able to give me an idea of what
I may be dealing with.  I just wrote our newbie Niki about the
importance of not taking a 'wait and see' attitude and now my Grace is
in trouble!  Oh boy, I'm starting to panic again!

Prayers and good energy would greatly be appreciated.  I tell you, I'm
getting very tired.  I'm starting to think I should just move my whole
family into the vet's waiting room and take up residence.

Re: Please send good energy Grace's way

2005-06-11 Thread Nina

Hi Gloria,
Yes, I use Lysine on a regular basis.  I used to give it every day, 
along with Vita C, and Co-Q10.  Now I just add supplements periodically, 
or when there's a hint of a symptom.  Everyone's been getting sups 
lately, along with Transfer Factor, stress formula.  I'm out of 
Interferon A, I usually put them on that when they have symptoms too.  I 
do have some VO in the box, I may start her on that.


Gloria B. Lane wrote:

Have you used Lysine?  You can tell in a day or two if that makes it 
better.  Sorry, I haven't been reading all the posts - been busy - but 
250-500 mg in food or syringed twice a day.


At 09:40 AM 6/11/2005, you wrote:

Hi Kat,
Yes, it could be a URI, (upper respiratory infection), but even a 
simple cold can be very dangerous to our fragile angels because they 
develop other problems when they are stressed.  If it is some sort of 
allergy, it's been effecting more than one cat, and for more than a 
week.  Thank you for your good wishes.  I'm keeping a close eye on 
her and hoping she feels better soon.


Kathleen A. Berard wrote:

I'm not nearly as well versed in cat diseases as I am dog diseases, 
as I

have only had one FIP kitty in the past. Could this be some sort of
respiratory infection that is evidenced partly by eye involvement? Or
even just allergies, since they go outside?

Fingers crossed for all of them that it's nothing serious.


Kathleen A. Berard, Animal Communicator, Vibrational Essences
Practitioner and Holistic Care Consultant
"If you don't know what your passion is, realize that one reason for
your existence on Earth is to find it."  Oprah

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 1:57 AM
Subject: Please send good energy Grace's way

Hi Everyone,
This may be premature, but I tend to get very anxious whenever Grace
doesn't feel well.  Most of my cats have been feeling a bit off lately,
just not quite right.  They all go outside in the backyard and my 

travel through my yard as well, and GG the feral with the earmite
problem has been very sick lately, so...  Anyway, Princess Grace was 
first one to show signs of not feeling well, nothing I can put my 

on, a 'I just know', kind of thing.  She snapped out of it pretty
quickly and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.  My right paw man,
Instigator (neg), seems to have been hit the hardest in that his eyes
still seem, not crusty, that's too strong, it sort of like he just woke
up, all day long, (does that make any sense?).  He's sleeping a bit 

than usual, but if I didn't have FelV babies I wouldn't be concerned,
I'd just figure he's under the weather and watch if he got worse.
Timmy, my miracle boy, (the only one of my litter to test neg), has had
his third eyelids up for over a week.  They get a little better, and
then when he's sleepy, they're back up again, otherwise he seems his
normal, happy, playful self.

Tonight, Grace has taken a sharp turn for the worse.  She had no
appetite at dinner, she's having a hard time keeping her eyes open and
she seems, I don't know, puffy.  She just doesn't look good to me at
all.  I gave her Dox, and I'm thinking of starting her on VO.  If she
hasn't made a dramatic turn around by morning, I'm calling my Internist
and begging to bring her in.

Sorry this is so long winded, but I was hoping one of you might
recognize some of these symptoms and be able to give me an idea of what
I may be dealing with.  I just wrote our newbie Niki about the
importance of not taking a 'wait and see' attitude and now my Grace is
in trouble!  Oh boy, I'm starting to panic again!

Prayers and good energy would greatly be appreciated.  I tell you, I'm
getting very tired.  I'm starting to think I should just move my whole
family into the vet's waiting room and take up residence.

Re: Please send good energy Grace's way

2005-06-11 Thread Nina

Thank you Kerry,
It is such a tight-rope walk isn't it?  I've been doing my best to quit 
being so hyper-responsive to every little sniffle.  Then I remember my 
sweet Jazz and how I was consciously trying not to be a reactionary with 
her symptoms...  I just took Grace in for a check up not too long ago, 
but things can change so quickly with this disease.  At least it's 
keeping me thin, (I tend not to eat when I'm nervous!).

Thanks for the support,

MacKenzie, Kerry N. wrote:

Dear Nina
I'm sending tons of positive healing vibes for Grace and all your brood.
I know if I were in your shoes I'd be doing the same--planning to take
Grace for a check-up today on an "emergency walk-in" basis--being in a
constant state of red alert is something we've all learned to do only
too well with our FeLV furballs, isn't it, but far better that than the
other way.
I'm sorry I can't offer any suggestions as to what might be precisely
wrong with Grace, but it does sound from your description that she's not
100 percent, and needs a check-up. Please email us any news when you get
time. Grace sure couldn't be in better hands than her mom Nina's.
love and hugs to you and Grace and all the furballs, 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 1:57 AM
Subject: Please send good energy Grace's way

Hi Everyone,
This may be premature, but I tend to get very anxious whenever Grace
doesn't feel well.  Most of my cats have been feeling a bit off lately,
just not quite right.  They all go outside in the backyard and my ferals
travel through my yard as well, and GG the feral with the earmite
problem has been very sick lately, so...  Anyway, Princess Grace was the
first one to show signs of not feeling well, nothing I can put my finger
on, a 'I just know', kind of thing.  She snapped out of it pretty
quickly and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.  My right paw man,
Instigator (neg), seems to have been hit the hardest in that his eyes
still seem, not crusty, that's too strong, it sort of like he just woke
up, all day long, (does that make any sense?).  He's sleeping a bit more
than usual, but if I didn't have FelV babies I wouldn't be concerned,
I'd just figure he's under the weather and watch if he got worse.
Timmy, my miracle boy, (the only one of my litter to test neg), has had
his third eyelids up for over a week.  They get a little better, and
then when he's sleepy, they're back up again, otherwise he seems his
normal, happy, playful self.

Tonight, Grace has taken a sharp turn for the worse.  She had no
appetite at dinner, she's having a hard time keeping her eyes open and
she seems, I don't know, puffy.  She just doesn't look good to me at
all.  I gave her Dox, and I'm thinking of starting her on VO.  If she
hasn't made a dramatic turn around by morning, I'm calling my Internist
and begging to bring her in.

Sorry this is so long winded, but I was hoping one of you might
recognize some of these symptoms and be able to give me an idea of what
I may be dealing with.  I just wrote our newbie Niki about the
importance of not taking a 'wait and see' attitude and now my Grace is
in trouble!  Oh boy, I'm starting to panic again!

Prayers and good energy would greatly be appreciated.  I tell you, I'm
getting very tired.  I'm starting to think I should just move my whole
family into the vet's waiting room and take up residence.

Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is moving our Chicago office to the Hyatt Center, 71 S. Wacker Dr., Chicago, Illinois 60606 - effective June 15, 2005. Email addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar of your Web browser:";> 

Please Note: Effective July 1, 2005, some administrative functions will be located at 230 S. LaSalle, Chicago IL, 60604. 

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 


Re: Please send good energy Grace's way

2005-06-11 Thread Gloria B. Lane
Have you used Lysine?  You can tell in a day or two if that makes it 
better.  Sorry, I haven't been reading all the posts - been busy - but 
250-500 mg in food or syringed twice a day.


At 09:40 AM 6/11/2005, you wrote:

Hi Kat,
Yes, it could be a URI, (upper respiratory infection), but even a simple 
cold can be very dangerous to our fragile angels because they develop 
other problems when they are stressed.  If it is some sort of allergy, 
it's been effecting more than one cat, and for more than a week.  Thank 
you for your good wishes.  I'm keeping a close eye on her and hoping she 
feels better soon.


Kathleen A. Berard wrote:

I'm not nearly as well versed in cat diseases as I am dog diseases, as I
have only had one FIP kitty in the past. Could this be some sort of
respiratory infection that is evidenced partly by eye involvement? Or
even just allergies, since they go outside?

Fingers crossed for all of them that it's nothing serious.


Kathleen A. Berard, Animal Communicator, Vibrational Essences
Practitioner and Holistic Care Consultant
"If you don't know what your passion is, realize that one reason for
your existence on Earth is to find it."  Oprah

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 1:57 AM
Subject: Please send good energy Grace's way

Hi Everyone,
This may be premature, but I tend to get very anxious whenever Grace
doesn't feel well.  Most of my cats have been feeling a bit off lately,
just not quite right.  They all go outside in the backyard and my ferals
travel through my yard as well, and GG the feral with the earmite
problem has been very sick lately, so...  Anyway, Princess Grace was the
first one to show signs of not feeling well, nothing I can put my finger
on, a 'I just know', kind of thing.  She snapped out of it pretty
quickly and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.  My right paw man,
Instigator (neg), seems to have been hit the hardest in that his eyes
still seem, not crusty, that's too strong, it sort of like he just woke
up, all day long, (does that make any sense?).  He's sleeping a bit more
than usual, but if I didn't have FelV babies I wouldn't be concerned,
I'd just figure he's under the weather and watch if he got worse.
Timmy, my miracle boy, (the only one of my litter to test neg), has had
his third eyelids up for over a week.  They get a little better, and
then when he's sleepy, they're back up again, otherwise he seems his
normal, happy, playful self.

Tonight, Grace has taken a sharp turn for the worse.  She had no
appetite at dinner, she's having a hard time keeping her eyes open and
she seems, I don't know, puffy.  She just doesn't look good to me at
all.  I gave her Dox, and I'm thinking of starting her on VO.  If she
hasn't made a dramatic turn around by morning, I'm calling my Internist
and begging to bring her in.

Sorry this is so long winded, but I was hoping one of you might
recognize some of these symptoms and be able to give me an idea of what
I may be dealing with.  I just wrote our newbie Niki about the
importance of not taking a 'wait and see' attitude and now my Grace is
in trouble!  Oh boy, I'm starting to panic again!

Prayers and good energy would greatly be appreciated.  I tell you, I'm
getting very tired.  I'm starting to think I should just move my whole
family into the vet's waiting room and take up residence.

RE: Please send good energy Grace's way

2005-06-11 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Dear Nina
I'm sending tons of positive healing vibes for Grace and all your brood.
I know if I were in your shoes I'd be doing the same--planning to take
Grace for a check-up today on an "emergency walk-in" basis--being in a
constant state of red alert is something we've all learned to do only
too well with our FeLV furballs, isn't it, but far better that than the
other way.
I'm sorry I can't offer any suggestions as to what might be precisely
wrong with Grace, but it does sound from your description that she's not
100 percent, and needs a check-up. Please email us any news when you get
time. Grace sure couldn't be in better hands than her mom Nina's.
love and hugs to you and Grace and all the furballs, 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 1:57 AM
Subject: Please send good energy Grace's way

Hi Everyone,
This may be premature, but I tend to get very anxious whenever Grace
doesn't feel well.  Most of my cats have been feeling a bit off lately,
just not quite right.  They all go outside in the backyard and my ferals
travel through my yard as well, and GG the feral with the earmite
problem has been very sick lately, so...  Anyway, Princess Grace was the
first one to show signs of not feeling well, nothing I can put my finger
on, a 'I just know', kind of thing.  She snapped out of it pretty
quickly and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.  My right paw man,
Instigator (neg), seems to have been hit the hardest in that his eyes
still seem, not crusty, that's too strong, it sort of like he just woke
up, all day long, (does that make any sense?).  He's sleeping a bit more
than usual, but if I didn't have FelV babies I wouldn't be concerned,
I'd just figure he's under the weather and watch if he got worse.
Timmy, my miracle boy, (the only one of my litter to test neg), has had
his third eyelids up for over a week.  They get a little better, and
then when he's sleepy, they're back up again, otherwise he seems his
normal, happy, playful self.

Tonight, Grace has taken a sharp turn for the worse.  She had no
appetite at dinner, she's having a hard time keeping her eyes open and
she seems, I don't know, puffy.  She just doesn't look good to me at
all.  I gave her Dox, and I'm thinking of starting her on VO.  If she
hasn't made a dramatic turn around by morning, I'm calling my Internist
and begging to bring her in.

Sorry this is so long winded, but I was hoping one of you might
recognize some of these symptoms and be able to give me an idea of what
I may be dealing with.  I just wrote our newbie Niki about the
importance of not taking a 'wait and see' attitude and now my Grace is
in trouble!  Oh boy, I'm starting to panic again!

Prayers and good energy would greatly be appreciated.  I tell you, I'm
getting very tired.  I'm starting to think I should just move my whole
family into the vet's waiting room and take up residence.

Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is moving our Chicago office to the Hyatt Center, 
71 S. Wacker Dr., Chicago, Illinois 60606 - effective June 15, 2005. Email 
addresses, telephone numbers, and facsimile numbers remain unchanged. For more 
information, click the link below or copy / paste the link into the address bar 
of your Web browser:";>

Please Note: Effective July 1, 2005, some administrative functions will be 
located at 230 S. LaSalle, Chicago IL, 60604. 

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended 
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If 
you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This 
message contains confidential information and is intended only for the 
individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not 
disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: Please send good energy Grace's way

2005-06-11 Thread Nina

Hi Kat,
Yes, it could be a URI, (upper respiratory infection), but even a simple 
cold can be very dangerous to our fragile angels because they develop 
other problems when they are stressed.  If it is some sort of allergy, 
it's been effecting more than one cat, and for more than a week.  Thank 
you for your good wishes.  I'm keeping a close eye on her and hoping she 
feels better soon.


Kathleen A. Berard wrote:

I'm not nearly as well versed in cat diseases as I am dog diseases, as I
have only had one FIP kitty in the past. Could this be some sort of
respiratory infection that is evidenced partly by eye involvement? Or
even just allergies, since they go outside?

Fingers crossed for all of them that it's nothing serious.


Kathleen A. Berard, Animal Communicator, Vibrational Essences
Practitioner and Holistic Care Consultant


"If you don't know what your passion is, realize that one reason for
your existence on Earth is to find it."  Oprah

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 1:57 AM
Subject: Please send good energy Grace's way

Hi Everyone,
This may be premature, but I tend to get very anxious whenever Grace
doesn't feel well.  Most of my cats have been feeling a bit off lately,
just not quite right.  They all go outside in the backyard and my ferals
travel through my yard as well, and GG the feral with the earmite
problem has been very sick lately, so...  Anyway, Princess Grace was the
first one to show signs of not feeling well, nothing I can put my finger
on, a 'I just know', kind of thing.  She snapped out of it pretty
quickly and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.  My right paw man,
Instigator (neg), seems to have been hit the hardest in that his eyes
still seem, not crusty, that's too strong, it sort of like he just woke
up, all day long, (does that make any sense?).  He's sleeping a bit more
than usual, but if I didn't have FelV babies I wouldn't be concerned,
I'd just figure he's under the weather and watch if he got worse.
Timmy, my miracle boy, (the only one of my litter to test neg), has had
his third eyelids up for over a week.  They get a little better, and
then when he's sleepy, they're back up again, otherwise he seems his
normal, happy, playful self.

Tonight, Grace has taken a sharp turn for the worse.  She had no
appetite at dinner, she's having a hard time keeping her eyes open and
she seems, I don't know, puffy.  She just doesn't look good to me at
all.  I gave her Dox, and I'm thinking of starting her on VO.  If she
hasn't made a dramatic turn around by morning, I'm calling my Internist
and begging to bring her in.

Sorry this is so long winded, but I was hoping one of you might
recognize some of these symptoms and be able to give me an idea of what
I may be dealing with.  I just wrote our newbie Niki about the
importance of not taking a 'wait and see' attitude and now my Grace is
in trouble!  Oh boy, I'm starting to panic again!

Prayers and good energy would greatly be appreciated.  I tell you, I'm
getting very tired.  I'm starting to think I should just move my whole
family into the vet's waiting room and take up residence.


Barbara B - Interferon Alpha vs Interferon Omega

2005-06-11 Thread Nina

I think you may not understand the difference between the interferon 
prescribed for humans, and some of our cats, (Interferon Alpha), and 
feline interferon, (Interferon Omega, also talked about as VO, or 
Virbagen Omega, its brand name) which is for use in animals only and NOT 
approved for use yet in the United States. The Interferon A, (the one 
that our vets are allowed by law to give you), is a clear, tasteless 
liquid that you give orally. Usually the dose is 1 cc in a pulse 
protocol, (meaning that it is given for several days, then not, and then 
given again, for the same amount of days). The Interferon Omega is very 
fragile and must be given in a Sub Q, (under the skin), injection. It is 
very expensive, (around $750 for a minimum order), and takes a long time 
to get because your vet must ask our FDA, (food and drug 
administration), for special permission to prescribe it, and it must be 
ordered from a country that has approved its use.

I don't think that my vet's office would appreciate the packet they've 
made up for VETS to help them with the paperwork to the FDA being copied 
and circulated to individual pet owners. They were very specific about 
having only vets call the office for the information, not the owners. It 
won't do you a bit of good without your vet's okay anyway. The FDA will 
not work with you without a vet that believes this drug may make a 
difference in your particular cat. I'm not positive about this, but I 
think in order for the FDA to consider special approval, a vet must 
indicate that it is a life or death situation.

The benefit of the Interferon Omega is that it is derived from feline 
DNA, not human DNA, and it is therefore thought to have better results 
in long-term use for cats, (they may not build immunities to it). I know 
that this explanation is simplistic, but many people are confused about 
the differences and I'm hoping it will help you, as well as others, 
understand what's involved. If you still think that Interferon Omega is 
something you'd like to pursue, please have your vet contact my vet 


Barbara Baass wrote:

*Hideyo, yes, could you please make me a copy and send it or fax it to 
me? My number is 512-835-2484.*

*/Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

Ask your vet to contact Michelle Rose - the number is 805-339-2290
(Nina’s vet) – I also a received a packet, if you want me to make
a copy for you, I can.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of
*Barbara Baass
*Sent:* Friday, June 10, 2005 2:30 PM
*Subject:* Re: Interferon and seizure meds

RE: Please send good energy Grace's way

2005-06-11 Thread Kathleen A. Berard
I'm not nearly as well versed in cat diseases as I am dog diseases, as I
have only had one FIP kitty in the past. Could this be some sort of
respiratory infection that is evidenced partly by eye involvement? Or
even just allergies, since they go outside?

Fingers crossed for all of them that it's nothing serious.


Kathleen A. Berard, Animal Communicator, Vibrational Essences
Practitioner and Holistic Care Consultant
"If you don't know what your passion is, realize that one reason for
your existence on Earth is to find it."  Oprah

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 1:57 AM
Subject: Please send good energy Grace's way

Hi Everyone,
This may be premature, but I tend to get very anxious whenever Grace
doesn't feel well.  Most of my cats have been feeling a bit off lately,
just not quite right.  They all go outside in the backyard and my ferals
travel through my yard as well, and GG the feral with the earmite
problem has been very sick lately, so...  Anyway, Princess Grace was the
first one to show signs of not feeling well, nothing I can put my finger
on, a 'I just know', kind of thing.  She snapped out of it pretty
quickly and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.  My right paw man,
Instigator (neg), seems to have been hit the hardest in that his eyes
still seem, not crusty, that's too strong, it sort of like he just woke
up, all day long, (does that make any sense?).  He's sleeping a bit more
than usual, but if I didn't have FelV babies I wouldn't be concerned,
I'd just figure he's under the weather and watch if he got worse.
Timmy, my miracle boy, (the only one of my litter to test neg), has had
his third eyelids up for over a week.  They get a little better, and
then when he's sleepy, they're back up again, otherwise he seems his
normal, happy, playful self.

Tonight, Grace has taken a sharp turn for the worse.  She had no
appetite at dinner, she's having a hard time keeping her eyes open and
she seems, I don't know, puffy.  She just doesn't look good to me at
all.  I gave her Dox, and I'm thinking of starting her on VO.  If she
hasn't made a dramatic turn around by morning, I'm calling my Internist
and begging to bring her in.

Sorry this is so long winded, but I was hoping one of you might
recognize some of these symptoms and be able to give me an idea of what
I may be dealing with.  I just wrote our newbie Niki about the
importance of not taking a 'wait and see' attitude and now my Grace is
in trouble!  Oh boy, I'm starting to panic again!

Prayers and good energy would greatly be appreciated.  I tell you, I'm
getting very tired.  I'm starting to think I should just move my whole
family into the vet's waiting room and take up residence.

RE: Admin: Gentle reminder

2005-06-11 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Dear James, 
You are absolutely right in every point--I am certainly a guilty party
and needed to be reminded--thank you for reminding us, and for doing it
so nicely!
I was just thinking on the way to work this morning what a fabulous
group this is AND what a fabulous administrator we have in you. Also, I
didn't actually know until recently that you are the reason the site
even exists--that you created it. I SO appreciate your initiative and
hard work, because this site has been a total godsend for me, and my
FeLV cats--so a million thanks for that! 
best wishes, and take care

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of James G.
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 9:59 PM
Subject: Admin: Gentle reminder

Hello all,

I've received some private complaints about our list starting to 
drift from its mission of late. While a certain amount of activism 
and off-topic (OT) posting is allowed (and appreciated), the focus of 
our main topic is getting a bit drowned out. This is a high-volume 
list anyway, so too much OT posting makes it harder for folks in need 
to get advice and assistance. There are many activism/rescue lists 
that are more appropriate for extended conversations on such topics, 
so maybe pointing folks to those lists would help alleviate some of 
the congestion here. If you have any questions/comments about this, 
please feel free to contact me privately. Take care, and best wishes 
to all.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP is moving our Chicago office to the Hyatt Center, 
71 S. Wacker Dr., Chicago, Illinois 60606 - effective June 15, 2005. Email 
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Re: Bramble (help guys, need advise)

2005-06-11 Thread Gloria Lane
sounds silly - but then I don't know about those particular drugs.   
Might do a yahoo or google search... And, there's an online vet you  
can get $10-15 online advice from.  But I'd have to look her up -  
can't remember who!


On Jun 10, 2005, at 1:00 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey guys... I've been talking to Michelle privately, and she said  
something that worries me:

"Forgot to say the vet wouldn't try anything for the seizures due  
to him being on interferon - she thinks he should be euthanased  
now. Problem I have is that I need to stay with that particular  
branch of vets because the sanctuary pay the bills. However I am  
seeking advice from neurology if they will give it."

Have any of you had any cats that have been on Interferon and been  
treated for seizures? Michelle's vet wont give Bramble any meds to  
stop the seizures just because he is in the Interferon! Does this  
sound reasonable to you guys? Or is it as silly and unreasonable as  
it sounds? Do seizure meds interact with Interferon?

I feel so bad for her, she seems stuck with this one vet who  
doesn't seem to be too informed because of funding issues.


I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special  
needs cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they  
add up until she earns a free can of formula!

PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!

If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing  
address you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005

Re: sanctuaries: open to the public?

2005-06-11 Thread Gloria Lane
I've wondered where folks get the idea that they "donate" cats to our  
group also ... Gloria

On Jun 10, 2005, at 12:24 PM, TenHouseCats wrote:...

 we were NOT asking
people to donate their cats to us (tho people would call and say they
wanted to do just that; funny, "cats" was NEVER on our donation-needs

anyone who had a legitimate reason to come to the sanctuary was given
directions--the only restriction was that visits, including bringing a
cat into sanctuary, had to be arranged in advance so that we could
make sure someone would be there. and that other things weren't
scheduled at the same time.

my favorite times were when people would come with a cat, and leave
with it. that happened often enough with FIV cats to let us know how
vital accurate information and education are. rarely, people would
even take their FeLVs home with them when they learned the facts about
that virus, but nowhere near as often...


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

RE: Interferon and seizure meds

2005-06-11 Thread Barbara Baass
Hideyo, yes, could you please make me a copy and send it or fax it to me? My number is 512-835-2484.Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ask your vet to contact Michelle Rose - the number is 805-339-2290 (Nina’s vet) – I also a received a packet, if you want me to make a copy for you, I can.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barbara BaassSent: Friday, June 10, 2005 2:30 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Interferon and seizure meds


What is your vets name & address, so we can get the information packet on the interferon.

Barbara BaassNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Barbara,I know you asked Michelle this question, but I thought I'd jump in here. Michelle lives in the UK where Feline Interferon Omega has been approved for use. It's easier to get, (and I'm guessing cheaper too!) there. In the US, we have to have our vets apply for a special dispensation to the FDA for approval in each individual case. I've done that, along with a couple other people on the list. If you're interested, check the archives for further information about it and getting it. My vet's office has developed an information packet that they happily share with other vets to speed the process.NinaBarbara Baass wrote:> *Michelle,*> *Where
 did you get this interferon?*> *Barbara Baass*> *//*
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Ginger eating with periactin

2005-06-11 Thread Lomaxturtle

So good that Ginger is eating. My last cat Tidge had periactin to stimulate 
her appetite it worked a treat for her too. Hope she continues to be well.
Michelle L
I have to nip out now but am going to read the rest of the FeLV group 
updates when I return and update on Bramble.
Thanks everyone for your support through this.
Michelle L, Bramble, Minstrel, Buddy

Re: earmite med reaction - Tonya

2005-06-11 Thread catatonya
It was so many years ago I don't recall.  I know it wasn't hartz though because I thought I was getting a 'better' brand.  Bob was just a kitten (and he did test positive as a kitten, but I didn't know it yet) with ear mites and I thought I'd try otc drops.The next morning he couldn't move.  Was just totally limp.  The vet said it was the med. and not to use the otc stuff no matter what the label said on kittens.  He gave him some kind of shot and a couple of rounds of fluids.  He came home that evening, but spent the day there That's about all I remember.  I've always been more careful with everyone's med.s since then.  And they're like people, too.  Some people just have adverse reactions to med.s that other people can take.  You just have to be so careful.
I haven't read the entire situation with the feral yet, besides Ivermectin I don't know what to do.  But you should be able to get ivermectin that's not in revolution shouldn't you?  It used to be given before 'revolution' was invented  Then it could be given in food I think???
tNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Tonya,You probably caught the thread about my feral and the earmite problem. What earmite medication did your (cat?) have a reaction to. More details please!Ninacatatonya wrote:> Michelle,> > I am so glad the transfer factor is making a difference. I'm not sure > what all you've tried so far. It seems to me that if it were a > reaction to the flea med. there would have been some sort of > antecdote. I had something similar once happen with an ear mite > treatment. Also, it seems it would be good to flush out his system as > much as possible. Did the vet give him fluids? Anything like that?> > tonya>

Re: Please send good energy Grace's way

2005-06-11 Thread Nina

Thanks Jenn,
I don't know if you do the same thing, but whenever one of my babies is
sick I start going through the list of every ailment I've ever heard
of.  My sister calls it the "Readers Digest Syndrome".  I'm working at
staying calm.
How is our Bones tonight?


  Good luck Nina, I'm sending you good
vibes that all is well, and maybe it was just a "icky cat" day, in
hopes that tomorrow brings resolution to all of your kitty problems,
and good health to Grace!
I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs
cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add
up until she earns a free can of formula!
PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
  If you use KMR, even just one can,
please ask me for the mailing address you can send them to, to help
feed Bazil!

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005

Re: earmite med reaction - Tonya

2005-06-11 Thread Nina
I would be happy to find something, (Ivermectin, maybe?) that I could 
give the ferals in food.  Not everyone can be dosed that way though, 
because not everyone trusts me enough to eat when I'm around.  It is so 
scary being so darned responsible for everything.  I'm way too bossy to 
really be happy with this, but sometimes I wish there were someone else 
making the decisions!


catatonya wrote:

It was so many years ago I don't recall.  I know it wasn't hartz 
though because I thought I was getting a 'better' brand.  Bob was just 
a kitten (and he did test positive as a kitten, but I didn't know it 
yet) with ear mites and I thought I'd try otc drops.The next morning 
he couldn't move.  Was just totally limp.  The vet said it was the 
med. and not to use the otc stuff no matter what the label said on 
kittens.  He gave him some kind of shot and a couple of rounds of 
fluids.  He came home that evening, but spent the day there That's 
about all I remember.  I've always been more careful with everyone's 
med.s since then.  And they're like people, too.  Some people just 
have adverse reactions to med.s that other people can take.  You just 
have to be so careful.
I haven't read the entire situation with the feral yet, besides 
Ivermectin I don't know what to do.  But you should be able to get 
ivermectin that's not in revolution shouldn't you?  It used to be 
given before 'revolution' was invented  Then it could be given 
in food I think???

Re: Seabastian

2005-06-11 Thread catatonya
Hi Jennifer,
I'm not sure if anyone answered, but if you're in the u.s. and use the alpha interferon it's given orally like you're doing.  The Omega interferon you have to get your vet to import (at great expense).  I think it's injected.
How old is Sebastian?
I really don't know about the depo.  How are his gums right now?

Does everyone give injections of Interferon themselves?  Sebastian takes Interferon orally, on one week then off one week.  What is the difference between Interferon Alpha or Omega?  Should he be taking injections?  Also his weakness in his hind legs are really bothering me.  I suggested to the vet to do complete bloodwork, but then he seemed to being alot better so I decided not to put him through that because he hates the vet.  Sebastian was getting injections of Depo Medrol for about two years.  We have recently stopped them because I was afraid that the long term steroid use was causing the leg problems.  before when he wasn't feeling well I would go and get him another steroid shot.  He isn't feeling well now, so should I start the steroid injections again?  I do not know what to do.  
P.S. He was getting the Depo injections because he has problems with his gums and teeth.


2005-06-11 Thread catatonya
I've never heard of seizures being associated with fiv. period.
Is the vet saying that he/she read and administered the revolution according to the wrong directions and now they have been changed on the packets So according to your vet this is the fault of Pfizer???
I find it hard to believe that Pfizer would just accept the blame and say 'we'll change all the leaflets' that would be like a major cover up here for threat of lawsuit.
What makes you think fip is involved?
When will the regular vet be back?
I don't know.  The bloodwork doesn't sound that bad.  The seizures are treatable if your vet will treat them..  The news about the heart murmur was new to me.  I don't know how that or the med. for it effects the rest.
I hope poor Bramble feels better soon.
tonya[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just had an interesting conversation with my dogs vet. Unfortunately Bramble has to go to a different vet because the sanctuary pay but I sure wish he went to my dogs vet. I mentioned the current episode and my concerns about stronghold/Revolution. When I told her she was nodding her head in agreement saying so it's exacerbated his neurological problems. And she was more accepting of seizures than the one who Bramble has seen whilst his current vet is away. To be fair looking at him I think he had neurological signs developing and gradually worsening and most likely FIV related - I've seen that before but not the seizures. And the flea stuff has just hurried it up immensly. The guy from Pfizer said he has now made sure that the factory and warehouse stocks have got the right leaflets in - whether he has or not is another story.
Nina - I also discovered from a member of the epi-feline group that the excitement over food is a side effect of some seizures when they are not quiet. He seems mostly blind although his pupils are reacting to light again. My other concern is FIP - I will see how he goes over the next day or so.
Michelle L

RE: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY/TONYA

2005-06-11 Thread catatonya
I forwarded (through Julie from kittycityrescue) the info. from Joan and Patti.   I think Susan has also emailed him herself from what else I've read so far.
 I'm sorry to have caused  confusion out of all this, but I really didn't expect so many people to have ideas or open homes to two 'old' cats!  That's a good thing, not a bad thing.  :)  So I'm sorry for taking up time off topic on the list, but I'm glad if it helps find homes for these 2 cats.
Anyone that wants to discuss this further, since it is off topic, can email the man yourself, or email me offlist, and I'll forward it to him if you wish.  I'd like to know what happens.
Thank you ALL!
tonyaChris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I thought he was in Astoria, Queens near LaGuardia Airport….

-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan LoeschSent: Friday, June 10, 2005 10:32 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Please Help!! 2 17y old healthy cats...NY/TONYA

I haven't sent any of the other ideas but I emailed with an offer to take them - into FuRR (Feline Rescue and Rehome), my rescue group - with me as the permanent foster.  I usually take any really elderly kitties we get in.  Didn't notice where he is located but could possibly arrange to fly to get.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Has anyone contacted this man via e-mail with this info & advice?

Someone really should forward ALL info to him.



Please send good energy Grace's way

2005-06-11 Thread Nina

Hi Everyone,
This may be premature, but I tend to get very anxious whenever Grace 
doesn't feel well.  Most of my cats have been feeling a bit off lately, 
just not quite right.  They all go outside in the backyard and my ferals 
travel through my yard as well, and GG the feral with the earmite 
problem has been very sick lately, so...  Anyway, Princess Grace was the 
first one to show signs of not feeling well, nothing I can put my finger 
on, a 'I just know', kind of thing.  She snapped out of it pretty 
quickly and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.  My right paw man, 
Instigator (neg), seems to have been hit the hardest in that his eyes 
still seem, not crusty, that's too strong, it sort of like he just woke 
up, all day long, (does that make any sense?).  He's sleeping a bit more 
than usual, but if I didn't have FelV babies I wouldn't be concerned, 
I'd just figure he's under the weather and watch if he got worse.  
Timmy, my miracle boy, (the only one of my litter to test neg), has had 
his third eyelids up for over a week.  They get a little better, and 
then when he's sleepy, they're back up again, otherwise he seems his 
normal, happy, playful self.

Tonight, Grace has taken a sharp turn for the worse.  She had no 
appetite at dinner, she's having a hard time keeping her eyes open and 
she seems, I don't know, puffy.  She just doesn't look good to me at 
all.  I gave her Dox, and I'm thinking of starting her on VO.  If she 
hasn't made a dramatic turn around by morning, I'm calling my Internist 
and begging to bring her in.

Sorry this is so long winded, but I was hoping one of you might 
recognize some of these symptoms and be able to give me an idea of what 
I may be dealing with.  I just wrote our newbie Niki about the 
importance of not taking a 'wait and see' attitude and now my Grace is 
in trouble!  Oh boy, I'm starting to panic again!

Prayers and good energy would greatly be appreciated.  I tell you, I'm 
getting very tired.  I'm starting to think I should just move my whole 
family into the vet's waiting room and take up residence.


Re: Please send good energy Grace's way

2005-06-11 Thread catatonya
Good luck from me too.  I think I would give it just a day or so and then try something new.  Lysine?  vitamin c? the interferon?  something for a boost.  And the ear mite cat could use it too.  You know my feral cat NEVER got earmites or URI's when my entire household would get cases of them.  The vet always said that sometimes when cats had really strong immune systems they could fight things off better. even things like ear mites!
tonya[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Good luck Nina, I'm sending you good vibes that all is well, and maybe it was just a "icky cat" day, in hopes that tomorrow brings resolution to all of your kitty problems, and good health to Grace!
~~~I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005

Re: Please send good energy Grace's way

2005-06-11 Thread Nina

Thanks Terrie.
I forgot to write, there's been some sniffling going on, but no fevers.


  In a message dated 6/10/2005 11:57:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
  Prayers and good energy would greatly be appreciated. 
  I'm sending alot
your way! 
  All your furbabies
are in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery!
Terrie Mohr
  Check site for available Siameses for
RESCUE Yahoo Group!
  Click Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress
Adopt a Homeless Pet!
  Southern CA. Siamese Rescue
Northern CA. Siamese Rescue

Re: Please send good energy Grace's way

2005-06-11 Thread felv

Good luck Nina, I'm sending you good vibes that 
all is well, and maybe it was just a "icky cat" day, in hopes that tomorrow 
brings resolution to all of your kitty problems, and good health to 

collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.6.6 - Release Date: 6/8/2005

Re: Please send good energy Grace's way

2005-06-11 Thread TatorBunz

In a message dated 6/10/2005 11:57:18 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Prayers and good energy would greatly be appreciated. 
I'm sending alot your way! 
All your furbabies are in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery!
 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue