Re: [Felvtalk] The War on Cats

2013-02-03 Thread Lorrie

Truer words were never spoken.  I'm not overly fond of most humans
who are not only misinformed, but are far more destructive than cats.


On 02-02, katskat1 wrote:
>On Saturday, February 2, 2013, Lee Evans wrote:
>There is so much nonsense, mythology and prejudice going around when it
>comes to diseases in general, whether cat, dog or human that it's a
>wonder any of us survive the ignorance rather than the disease. An
>acquaintance of mine was told by a licensed veterinarian that she
>needed to have her healthy FIV+ cat euthanized because humans can catch
>it from cats. Meow? My tenant, when I had a rent house, insisted that
>FIV was highly contagious but FeLv was NOT. Tail backwards. People to
>this day refuse to hug a person who is living with HIV but will shake
>hands with someone who has a horrid head cold and get all chummy with
>people who are coughing all over the air.
>Many veterinarians seem not to like cats to the point of finding
>reasons to put them to death. Others are simply too lazy to study new
>theories of medicine. In some cases, we have not traveled more than
>inches away from dancing around the bonfire to banish evil spirits as a
>cure for illness.
>Finally, we are now being treated to amazingly inflated statistics from
>almost comic studies that produced the startling news that cats kill
>rats and mice. Who would have thought!! Not just some rats and mice
>but toss in moles, voles and gophers, not to mention those things with
>wings that mostly fly.  Stir with a hefty dose of sensationalism due to
>a slow news day, and you come up with BILLIONS of small mammals and
>birds being slaughtered and exterminated by feral cats. Please don't
>mention though that humans  have hunted dozens of species to extinction
>just to have a head to hang on the wall or a rug for the floor, or as a
>way to stop male sexual dysfunction, or to carve into little statues or
>furniture (elephants) or just as a lovely delicacy to eat at a way
>overpriced fancy restaurant. (shark fin soup and other disgusting
>dishes). Sometimes it seems like humans will kill everything from
>snails to whales for the most trivial or ridiculous reason. However,
>just let it be known that cats kill mice and rats for a living and you
>have panic in the streets. Ah well, time to get off my soap box and go
>to bed.
>Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
>neighbors too!

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Stomatitis

2013-02-03 Thread Korruptakitty
My Awesome Pawsome kitty just began doing this stuff.  Pawing at her mouth, 
getting finicky and being standoffish when it comes to anywhere near her food 
bowl.  She wasborn to an FeLV+ mom in a feral colony here in San Diego, and I 
tamed her at 5 weeks (to 8 weeks--took about 3 weeks) old with her siblings.  3 
out of four kittens tested positive.  In a couple of months time, only 1 out of 
4 remained positive, and she is the one.  She has been so healthy, save for an 
awful case of calici she got about ayear and a half ago which almost killed 
her, that I reallyhad been hoping she might still"turn" negative.  I have heard 
of this happening this late in the disease.  She has been asymptomatic and so 
very "normal" looking for 3 years.  But I think the time I have been dreading 
is approaching.  She now has something going on in her mouth, just started last 
week and I took her to my vet.  He said she has the early stages of stomatis, 
he is fairly sure, though he could find nothing really disconcerting right now 
to be worried about, and he gave her a shot of covenia. But at home, I see her 
mouth more swollen, and how she sticks out her tongue over and over in obvious 
distress of some sort...  and I see it beginning.I have seen cats with bad 
cases of stomatitis and I am fearful for my Pawsome kitty.  For a cat born with 
FeLV she has been so good for so long.  People have told me three years is 
about tops for the life span of a cat born with FeLV that becomes persistently 
viremic, so I guess in that respect she is lucky she has made it so long so 
apparently healthy,but I guess she will not be so lucky as to "turn" at this 
point in time.  So,I now am bracing myself for mouth problems in her. I wish I 
had a lot of money I would investigate that laser treatment for her,but I do 
not.  I am in rescue, and I live on SSI, anyway, so between the two I am pretty 
broke all the time.  haha  (And I now have a cat with hyperthyroid, one with 
fatty liver, one with FeLV+, and one with the beginning stages of an anal sac 
problem,which I believe is the case because she is scooting her buns across the 
floor alot and cries out jat times while pooping.  And two semi ferals in a 
double connected large dog cages, that can not be loose in the apt. that I need 
to find something suitable for Oh, and I am taking in a 17 yr old from West 
LA shelter, next week,as  a favor to another rescue friend, and that one will 
need fluids daily, for renal issues  And those are only the sick ones.  What a 
sucker I am.)

Anyway, I am, paying close attention to all of this, needless to say.

Love and Katnip,   
  ~Kat~ =^,,^=
"I'm Kat Parker.  I park cats."

> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Lee Evans 
> To: "" 
> Cc: 
> Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 06:35:32 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stomatitis/WHAT IS STOMATITIS? MY FELV CAT IS FINICKY
> Many of the cats I have had drooled after eating or slapped at the side of 
> their mouth with their paw.  The gum on the side that has stomatitis is 
> usually bright red, inflamed looking and the cat does not like his whisker 
> pad or that side of his face touched.  In the beginning cases, they may be 
> what looks like finicky because they are trying to avoid pain and the food 
> they usually eats seems, to them, to be the culprit, so even when hungry, 
> they will avoid that food. Stomatitis is not just for FIV+ or FeLv+ cats.  It 
> knows no boundaries unfortunately and perfectly healthy young cats can get 
> it.  Older cats with a history of no dental exams are, of course, more at 
> risk.  Stomatitis can also lead to kidney problems because of the bacterial 
> build up in the mouth so you need to take at-risk cats to have them checked.
> Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty 
> neighbors too!
> From: Beth 
> To:""  
> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 7:57 AM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Stomatitis/WHAT IS STOMATITIS? MY FELV CAT IS FINICKY
> Check the mouth for sores. Usually cats will spit out there food or run away 
> after trying to eat because it it painful. If she is looking thin I'd look at 
> her gums to make sure they are pink. Most of mine have died from anemia, 
> which is common in FeLV cats. If any of my cats start not acting right I take 
> them in for bloodwork. There is so much they can tell that way.
> Beth
> Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter!
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] War on Cats and Others

2013-02-03 Thread Alev

I couldnt agree more, thank you for this email, I will never stop talking about 
animal rights to people,
take care

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 2, 2013, at 5:41 AM, Lee Evans  wrote:

> There is so much nonsense, mythology and prejudice going around when it comes 
> to diseases in general, whether cat, dog or human that it's a wonder any of 
> us survive the ignorance rather than the disease. An acquaintance of mine was 
> told by a licensed veterinarian that she needed to have her healthy FIV+ cat 
> euthanized because humans can catch it from cats. Meow? My tenant, when I had 
> a rent house, insisted that FIV was highly contagious but FeLv was NOT. Tail 
> backwards. People to this day refuse to hug a person who is living with HIV 
> but will shake hands with someone who has a horrid head cold and get all 
> chummy with people who are coughing all over the air.
> Many veterinarians seem not to like cats to the point of finding reasons to 
> put them to death. Others are simply too lazy to study new theories of 
> medicine. In some cases, we have not traveled more than inches away from 
> dancing around the bonfire to banish evil spirits as a cure for illness.
> Finally, we are now being treated to amazingly inflated statistics from 
> almost comic studies that produced the startling news that cats kill rats and 
> mice. Who would have thought!! Not just some rats and mice  but toss in 
> moles, voles and gophers, not to mention those things with wings that mostly 
> fly.  Stir with a hefty dose of sensationalism due to a slow news day, and 
> you come up with BILLIONS of small mammals and birds being slaughtered and 
> exterminated by feral cats. Please don't mention though that humans  have 
> hunted dozens of species to extinction just to have a  head to hang on the 
> wall or a rug for the floor, or as a way to stop male sexual dysfunction, or 
> to carve into little statues or furniture (elephants) or just as a lovely 
> delicacy to eat at a way overpriced fancy restaurant. (shark fin soup and 
> other disgusting dishes). Sometimes it seems like humans will kill everything 
> from snails to whales for the most trivial or ridiculous reason. However, 
> just let it be known that cats kill mice and rats for a living and you have 
> panic in the streets. Ah well, time to get off my soap box and go to bed.
> Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty 
> neighbors too!
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Studies

2013-02-03 Thread Lee Evans
I noticed something about humans that is unique to our species. We seem to have 
an endless ability to purposely misunderstand what is being said or proposed.  
And we put absolute faith in "studies". As the secretary of an animal rights 
organization, a genuine 501 c-3, I have been asked why I was advocating that 
animals be given the same benefits as humans and wouldn't that be terribly 
expensive. Duh? I think these people were mostly worried about their own right 
to eat cows, chickens, sheep, pigs, turkeys, and other edible beings. But I 
even hear, on occasion that animal rights advocates want there to be some form 
of education for animals and that if we have our way, there would eventually be 
no more animals on Earth because we are against ;breeding dogs and cats, etc.. 
Really!  And when I happened to mention animal welfare, I got the response that 
there are enough lazy people on welfare, we don't need to put animals on 
welfare in addition. Welcome to
 the Twilight Zoned Out.

OK. I feel it necessary to clear up all these misconceptions  with a name 
change. From now on I will tell people I am an Animal Advocate. That means that 
I speak up for animals. Right? Except in UK where it would mean that an animal 
can hire me as a lawyer. 

I also seem to have read somewhere that rats, mice, voles, etc. reproduce, much 
as any other mammal does. A study shows that if the entire New York Sewer 
system was emptied of rats and mice and a few alligators, if a male and female 
rat and a male and female mouse were to be placed there on January 1, in just 
under a year, the entire New York Sewer system would have the same number of 
rodents as it had before. This study is based on absolutely no verifiable 
research, and is simply a product of an over-active imagination. As is the 
study that cats kill BILLIONS of small mammals and birds each year.

I need a cup of coffee. Uh, no. Last study I read, coffee was not good for the 
health. But that was refuted  by the former study that it is good for the 
health and can prevent senility. However, I can't have a sandwich any more 
because whole wheat or any wheat, oats, bananas, orange juice, and most food is 
a health hazard, except for animal based food I guess because I haven't seen 
any studies recently to prove that animal protein is harmful and the myth of 
clogged arteries from animal fat has been debunked, rebunked and debunked 
again. I'm down to eating floor dust.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

> From: Alev 
>To: ""  
>Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 10:57 AM
>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] War on Cats and Others
>I couldnt agree more, thank you for this email, I will never stop talking 
>about animal rights to people,
>take care
>Sent from my iPhone
>On Feb 2, 2013, at 5:41 AM, Lee Evans  wrote:
>There is so much nonsense, mythology and prejudice going around when it 
comes to diseases in general, whether cat, dog or human that it's a 
wonder any of us survive the ignorance rather than the disease. An 
acquaintance of mine was told by a licensed veterinarian that she needed to 
have her healthy FIV+ cat euthanized because humans can catch it 
from cats. Meow? My tenant, when I had a rent house, insisted that FIV 
was highly contagious but FeLv was NOT. Tail backwards. People to this 
day refuse to hug a person who is living with HIV but will shake hands 
with someone who has a horrid head cold and get all chummy with people 
who are coughing all over the air.
>>Many veterinarians seem not to
 like cats to the point of finding reasons to put them to death. Others 
are simply too lazy to study new theories of medicine. In some cases, we
 have not traveled more than inches away from dancing around the bonfire
 to banish evil spirits as a cure for illness.
>>Finally, we are 
now being treated to amazingly inflated statistics from almost comic 
studies that produced the startling news that cats kill rats and mice. 
Who would have thought!! Not just some rats and mice  but toss in moles,
 voles and gophers, not to mention those things with wings that mostly 
fly.  Stir with a hefty dose of sensationalism due to a slow news day, 
and you come up with BILLIONS of small mammals and birds being 
slaughtered and exterminated by feral cats. Please don't mention though 
that humans  have hunted dozens of species to extinction just to have a 
head to hang on the wall or a rug for the floor, or as a way to stop 
male sexual dysfunction, or to carve into little statues or furniture 
(elephants) or just as a lovely delicacy to eat at a way overpriced 
fancy restaurant. (shark fin soup and other
 disgusting dishes). Sometimes it seems like humans will kill everything
 from snails to whales for the most trivial or ridiculous reason. 
However, just let it be known that cats kill mice and rats for a living 
and you have panic in 

Re: [Felvtalk] Studies

2013-02-03 Thread Alev Durmus
Hey Lee,
Somebody posted on fb that, in a zoo somewhere in Norway- I think-  there is a 
cave and the name plate on it says "the most dangerous predator lives here" and 
inside, there are just mirrors... I never liked people who don't like animals 
but now I detest them-And I found out that not every pet owner really care for 
animals either...I still have been calling places to find a way to make myself 
heard about killing animals unneccasserily, they say unless they were not 
killed by steel pipes, or kicked to death killing them is OK, because it is 
humane...I see nothing humane in killing helpless animals. And I am not even 
talking about-yet-the animals grown for us to eat-The good news is, the lady 
who very casually told me that they "put her to sleep" stepped down... I am not 
sure if my complaint was the reason but I am glad. I hope next person is better 
than her but either way I will not stop badgering people about animal rights. 
Yes everything we eat, drink
 have many chemicals, try to avoid as much as you can and eat less, at least 
you consume less chemicals this way:) I have to go now, I have a job interview 
tomorrow and I am so nervous.
Take care,

PS: You are working in an animal shelter right? Am I mistaken?  

 From: Lee Evans 
To: ""  
Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 3:56 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Studies

I noticed something about humans that is unique to our species. We seem to have 
an endless ability to purposely misunderstand what is being said or proposed.  
And we put absolute faith in "studies". As the secretary of an animal rights 
organization, a genuine 501 c-3, I have been asked why I was advocating that 
animals be given the same benefits as humans and wouldn't that be terribly 
expensive. Duh? I think these people were mostly worried about their own right 
to eat cows, chickens, sheep, pigs, turkeys, and other edible beings. But I 
even hear, on occasion that animal rights advocates want there to be some form 
of education for animals and that if we have our way, there would eventually be 
no more animals on Earth because we are against ;breeding dogs and cats, etc.. 
Really!  And when I happened to mention animal welfare, I got the response that 
there are enough lazy people on welfare, we don't need to put animals on 
welfare in addition. Welcome to
 the Twilight Zoned Out.

OK. I feel it necessary to clear up all these misconceptions  with a name 
change. From now on I will tell people I am an Animal Advocate. That means that 
I speak up for animals. Right? Except in UK where it would mean that an animal 
can hire me as a lawyer. 

I also seem to have read somewhere that rats, mice, voles, etc. reproduce, much 
as any other mammal does. A study shows that if the entire New York Sewer 
system was emptied of rats and mice and a few alligators, if a male and female 
rat and a male and female mouse were to be placed there on January 1, in just 
under a year, the entire New York Sewer system would have the same number of 
rodents as it had before. This study is based on absolutely no verifiable 
research, and is simply a product of an over-active imagination. As is the study
 that cats kill BILLIONS of small mammals and birds each year.

I need a cup of coffee. Uh, no. Last study I read, coffee was not good for the 
health. But that was refuted  by the former study that it is good for the 
health and can prevent senility. However, I can't have a sandwich any more 
because whole wheat or any wheat, oats, bananas, orange juice, and most food is 
a health hazard, except for animal based food I guess because I haven't seen 
any studies recently to prove that animal protein is harmful and the myth of 
clogged arteries from animal fat has been debunked, rebunked and debunked 
again. I'm down to eating floor dust.

Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty neighbors 

> From: Alev 
>To: ""  
>Sent: Sunday, February 3, 2013 10:57 AM
>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] War on Cats and Others
>I couldnt agree more, thank you for this email, I will never stop talking 
>about animal rights to people,
>take care
>Sent from my iPhone
>On Feb 2, 2013, at 5:41 AM, Lee Evans  wrote:
>There is so much nonsense, mythology and prejudice going around when it 
comes to diseases in general, whether cat, dog or human that it's a 
wonder any of us survive the ignorance rather than the disease. An 
acquaintance of mine was told by a licensed veterinarian that she needed to 
have her healthy FIV+ cat euthanized because humans can catch it 
from cats. Meow? My tenant, when I had a rent house, insisted that FIV 
was highly contagious but FeLv was NOT. Tail backwards. People to this 
day refuse to hug a person who is living with HIV but will shake hands 
with someone who has a horrid head cold and get all chummy with peopl

[Felvtalk] Introduction

2013-02-03 Thread laurakist
Hi everyone, 

I am new to this group--and new to FeLV. I just took in an FeLV+ kitty from the 
shelter where I am a volunteer. Her name is Dani and she is beautiful. Long 
story short, she and her three siblings were found outside in a box when they 
were about a week old. They came to the shelter and tested positive for FeLV 
(ELISA).  They were retested and again it was positive. At 9 weeks, they had an 
IFA test, all positive. During this time, they were bottle fed until about 8 
weeks, shuttled to and from the shelter by a staff member. They were also 
treated for URIs with azithromycin. The shelter cultures all incoming cats for 
ringworm and unfortunately theirs came back positive, so they were dipped in 
lyme a couple of times a week for a while and put on Itraconazole. Dani took 
longer to shake it off and so was completely alone for some time. During their 
time at the shelter they were vaccinated with 2 rounds of FVRCP, a rabies 
vaccine and spayed/neutered. Sadly, Dani's littermates all came down with 
different issues (I don't know all the details, but I know the vet suspected 
FIP) and were euthanized. Little Dani was left alone, in a bathroom with no 
windows, and not many visitors. The second I found out about her, I set up the 
sun room off my bedroom (it was unheated but fixed that fast) and took her 

Anyway, I wanted to give the whole background so you know just how much she has 
been through in her short life. While even here it is not optimal--she is 
isolated--it is so much better than being stuck in the stuffy bathroom. Here, 
she bird watches, has a ton of toys, a much better diet and a ton of cuddles 
(though not as much as I wish. I have 17 other cats.) 

I have two big questions: is it possible for her to become negative with a 
positive IFA result at 9 weeks? And, second: how do I best care for her? I have 
her on a high quality canned only diet (wellness and weruva--no fish) and 
minimize stress as much as possible. Are there supplements I should be giving? 
Are NuCat vitamins recommended? Are my food choices OK for her?  I will never 
vaccinate or even take her to a vet (I'd have one come to me if necessary to 
minimize stress.) I feel terrible she is alone a lot of the time and I have 
thought about bringing in another young FeLV + kitty for her, but I am worried 
about causing stress, having it backfire. I have all the patience in the world 
when it comes to having cats work out issues, but I'm also very careful when 
bringing in a new cat, quarantining for a couple of weeks, letting her explore 
while I put others in other rooms, etc. But I wouldn't have that ability to do 
so with a companion for Dani as I literally don't have any rooms left. 

Sorry for such a long post! I really want to do right by her. I love her to 

Thank you!

Laura and Dani girl
Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Introduction pt 2

2013-02-03 Thread Laura McHugh
I should have mentioned that Dani is now 8 months and so far is in good health, 
eating well, very playful. Though a bit gassy and stool on softer side, but 
attributing that to the diet change. After looking more at the FeLV website I 
see the supplemental recommendations...are these warranted at her age/health 
status? And really curious if anyone uses Nucat  vitamins.

Thanks again!

Laura and sweet Dani girl
Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] War on Cats and Others

2013-02-03 Thread Kathryn Hargreaves
Take heart:

On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 1:41 AM, Lee Evans  wrote:

> There is so much nonsense, mythology and prejudice going around when it
> comes to diseases in general, whether cat, dog or human that it's a wonder
> any of us survive the ignorance rather than the disease. An acquaintance of
> mine was told by a licensed veterinarian that she needed to have her
> healthy FIV+ cat euthanized because humans can catch it from cats. Meow? My
> tenant, when I had a rent house, insisted that FIV was highly contagious
> but FeLv was NOT. Tail backwards. People to this day refuse to hug a person
> who is living with HIV but will shake hands with someone who has a horrid
> head cold and get all chummy with people who are coughing all over the air.
> Many veterinarians seem not to like cats to the point of finding reasons
> to put them to death. Others are simply too lazy to study new theories of
> medicine. In some cases, we have not traveled more than inches away from
> dancing around the bonfire to banish evil spirits as a cure for illness.
> Finally, we are now being treated to amazingly inflated statistics from
> almost comic studies that produced the startling news that cats kill rats
> and mice. Who would have thought!! Not just some rats and mice  but toss in
> moles, voles and gophers, not to mention those things with wings that
> mostly fly.  Stir with a hefty dose of sensationalism due to a slow news
> day, and you come up with BILLIONS of small mammals and birds being
> slaughtered and exterminated by feral cats. Please don't mention though
> that humans  have hunted dozens of species to extinction just to have a
> head to hang on the wall or a rug for the floor, or as a way to stop male
> sexual dysfunction, or to carve into little statues or furniture
> (elephants) or just as a lovely delicacy to eat at a way overpriced fancy
> restaurant. (shark fin soup and other disgusting dishes). Sometimes it
> seems like humans will kill everything from snails to whales for the most
> trivial or ridiculous reason. However, just let it be known that cats kill
> mice and rats for a living and you have panic in the streets. Ah well, time
> to get off my soap box and go to bed.
> Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
> neighbors too!
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list


Go Get a Life---Go Get a Shelter Animal!

If you can't adopt, then foster a "bottle baby" shelter animal, to save
their life.  Contact your local pound for information.

If you can't bottle feed, then foster an older animal, to save their life,
and to free up cage space.

Ask your local animal pound to start saving over 90% (and as high as 99%)
of their intake by implementing the No Kill Equation. No Kill Quick Facts:

Here's the current growing list of communities saving 90% or more of their
shelter intake: (see the right sidebar).

Legislate better animal pound conditions:

More fun reading:

More fun watching: especially

Local feral cat crisis?   See Alley Cat Allies' page for how to respond:
Felvtalk mailing list