Virus Warning

2006-05-16 Thread Lomaxturtle

Just thought I'd better spread this warning around as you are all in my 
address book.
If you should receive an email that appears to be from my email address 
that says I have set up my own website and asks you to check if it works and if 
you can see the video PLEASE DO NOT OPEN IT !!!
My friend had her email and addresses stolen and a virus was sent round in 
this manner. I did open it as it didn't seem abnormal with my friends email 
address on - setting a website up is something that she might do. It comes up as 
unable to view and downloads some trash onto your machine - The PC went into 
hyper alert for Trojan Virus and uncontrolable pop ups appear including those of 
pornographic nature.
Please be alert

Re: Bandy's eye appt.

2006-05-16 Thread catatonya
Great news, Kerry!Kerry Roach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hi everyone,  Just wanted to update you all on Bandy's eye appointment last Thursday..We finally have some good news..and the doctor was even shocked...His eyes have improved..So for the moment, he can see some..He isn't running into things or being as cautious as he was 2 wks ago...His eyes aren't cloudy right now either...So we are on a maintenance dose of the prednisolone acetate and atropine...He gets the pred drops twice daily and atropine once daily now...we do a re-check if all is well in July otherwise I am to call if there is any change between now and then...He will have to remain on the drops the rest of his life though and the dosage adjusted according to how he responds...He said the fibrin clots were gone, but he has some scarring on the retina due to
 all of this...It is just part of his disease or I guess that is the cause of it..They did a toxo test, but it was negative..I think he was checked for this last August, too. Anyway, I am happy that he can see some...He is now climbing on things again..but he can't judge distance too well...I watched him yesterday, and he was very cautious about getting down...I guess he will learn how to deal with all of this...I am thinking about getting some pads to put on the floor near where he climbs so he won't hurt himself again...He likes to climb so I don't want to take that away from him...  Anyway, head butts to all and hope your kitties are doing good today..  Kerry, Bandy, Inky and Angels Buster, Lil Rascal and Snoopy  Blab-away for as little as 1¢/min. Make PC-to-Phone Calls using Yahoo! Messenger with

Re: New to the list - hello.

2006-05-16 Thread catatonya
Elizabeth,     I think if your other cats are vaccinated they are either fine, or possibly already positive.  Being with an felv cat at this point won't make a difference if they've been vaccinated.   Lots of times people test as kittens and get a negative result and vaccinate.  Well, the cat was positive all along.  It just didn't show because the kitten had been too recently exposed.     Good luck.  It sounds like you're doing everything you can.  And I would do exactly the same as you've done.  I've been on the list around 10 years now too     tonya[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I'm sorry this is so long
 - but it's my first post but I feel I need to give some background information in the hope that some of you with more experience may have recommendations.  First and foremost - thank you for being here...and to you who are going through the pain of having a cat family member suffer with this disease or who have lost someone close - my heart is with you.     Monday I noticed that a member of my cat family had a distinctly visible nictating membrane on both eyes - nearly half way closed on one side.  The next morning, I took her to my vet's office.  On a gut feeling, I asked them to test her for FeVL.  Although she had been vaccinated a little over a year ago, she tested positive.   The vet and the vet tech gently prodded me to make a 'quality of life' decision that day.  She had lost about 14% of her body weight and didn't have enough of an immune system to run a fever.     (She
 was initially a feral cat who adopted me two years ago and blessed me with 12 kittens.  My vet said that was a record)     I am not ready to say goodbye - she will let me know when it is time.  Right now she's not feeling that great (anemia) but she seems to have a decent quality of life.  She ran up the steps to greet me the next day with tail straight up in the air.  I don't want to selfishly keep her going just for me if she is truly suffering but my heart says it isn't time.     I asked if there was anything that would make her more comfortable.  They gave her ammoxi drops and 'Pet Tinic' to build her blood.  I told them to expect me to have a lot of questions and they were very understanding.       I took off work the rest of the day...came home and did my research.  That's when I
 found the website.  Thanks to the information provided, I found out about Acemannan - a drug my veterinarian had never heard about.  I tracked down the manufacturer and distributors and sent my vet a lot of information about it and asked if this would be a reasonable course of treatment and if he would assist me.       My vet was also able to find information about this drug and he got it here in 2 days.  We began treatment yesterday.     Since my vet is not familiar with this drug - he told me that he really didn't know what to expect in terms of how she would feel after the shot so I've been watching her closely.  It may be a coincidence but since she got the shot - she's been eating more than I've seen her eat in a while.  For days I've been trying to get her to eat a teaspoon of canned food several times a day without much success and she wouldn't
 touch her dry food.  Yesterday after her first treatment, she ate dry food and also about half a can of canned food.  I'm trying not to have false hope but I couldn't help but be encouraged.  All the kids here eat 'Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul' cat food.  I have a feeling that nutrition is going to play a huge role in helping her to cope with this and so I am currently looking for diet and supplementation information too.     I'm trying to keep a level head - which isn't easy when it's your baby - and I know and accept that realistically, the odds may not be in our favor...but I believe I would be remiss if I didn't try.       One concern is that this is an eight cat household.  Entirely too many cats..but that is another story.  While this number will not increase - giving up even one is not an option.  They live inside. 
 Everyone else has been vaccinated and is in good health.  MK is in the habit of being outside in the day and inside at night...but she doesn't leave the yard (truly an extraordinary cat person).  Since she's been sick though - I've been keeping her inside except for brief periods in the afternoon when she wants to sunbathe on the front porch.  I am concerned about infecting the other indoor cats who range in age from 2-7.     Any information or recommendation would be most welcome.     Thank you,  elizabeth               

Re: Update on Allie

2006-05-16 Thread cindy reasoner
I am so sorry to hear about Allie.  That is such a
hard decision to have to make and it is terrible to
have to see them suffer.  I will be thinking and
praying for both of you today.


--- Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Jen I am hurting with you,you are doing the right
> thing and Allie knows that too.I will have you both
> in my thoughts and prayers.Hugs to you
>   Sherry
> Jennifer Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I honestly never understood what you all meant
> by you will know when it is time, but it's true, our
> cats do have a way of telling us (this is the first
> sick cat I have ever cared for, so this is a totally
> new experience for me all around...).  Allie has
> rapidly been declining over the past few days
> despite treatments.  Her temp just keeps climbing
> (it's now up to 107.1 this am) and she has
> completely stopped eating and drinking.  She growls
> every time I try to give her any kind of medication
> or treatment.  I truly believe that this is her way
> of telling me she does not want anymore.  Allie has
> never liked vets, needles, or even oral meds, so I
> know that taking daily antibotics and frequent
> injections and sq fluids has probably been very
> rough on her.  I also feel that at this point she is
> suffering and I do not want that for her.  I think
> she's trying to tell me it's her time- she's tired
> and she just can't fight anymore.  Unfortunately I
> think we found the FELV and FIV
>  relatively end stage and with both viruses, her
> body is just very run down.  Right now she has no
> spunk- just lies around in one spot all day hiding -
> barely even has the energy to purr.  That is not my
> Allie cat!  It is killing me to see her suffer and I
> am now content that I understand what she is trying
> to tell me.  So, unfortunately, I have to make the
> hardest decision that any pet mommy and cat lover
> has to make.  I am going to spend tonight with my
> baby girl and if God does not take her on His own, I
> am going to help her cross the bridge tomorrow.  I
> have never had to make such a difficult decision in
> my life and I bless you and feel the pain of each
> and every one of you that have had to make this same
> decision before.  However, I know it is the right
> thing to do.  I have told her that it's OK to go, I
> just want her to be happy and not suffer anymore,
> and ever since I told her that she has been purring
> more and not hiding as much- it's as if she's at
> peace now. 
>  That's helping me know that I am making the right
> decision.  Please remember my little one tonight and
> tomorrow afternoon at 4pm when I say good-bye.  She
> has lived a long (10 yrs) good and happy life.  She
> deserves only to be happy.  Thank you for
> everything.  I don't know what I would have done
> without all of you.
>   Jen and Allie
> -
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