Re: CLS - Jacksonville FL shelter cats

2007-04-08 Thread Belinda

  I've added a link to your webpage for all the lost kitties.  I hope 
this is alright.  Let me know if you'd like anything changed.   Such a 
tragedy ...


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting & web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

CLS - Jacksonville FL shelter cats

2007-04-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jacksonville FL Humane Society memorial page:

Please take a few moments to add them to your thoughts during tomorrow's
Candlelight Service. Scooter, one cat shown, was FELV+, most were not (maybe
when they rebuild they will have a wing dedicated to Scooter for the FELV+
cats). A couple of dogs were lost as well, from reports at their website,
and 5 cats were able to be rescued, I do not know if they are any shown on
the memorial page. Please remember, MANY animals that end up in shelters
were previously someone's pet, and this tragedy will certainly effect those
owners who had to give up their cat to this shelter. This was a no-kill


FN:Jenn Phaewryn O'Gwynn
ORG:Little Cheetah Cat Rescue;operations/field work
TITLE:Cat Rescuer
NOTE:I rescue cats. I run a small personal rescue operation, all on my own, and out of pocket. Donations appreciated at any time! Paypal donations can be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or send donations via check or money order to Jennifer O'Guin, PO Box 1008, Hardwick VT. 05843
TEL;HOME;VOICE:802 472-8628
ADR;WORK:;home office;;Hardwick;VT.;05843;USA
ADR;HOME:;;P.O. Box 1008;Hardwick;Vermont;05843;USA
LABEL;HOME;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:P.O. Box 1008=0D=0AHardwick, Vermont 05843=0D=0AUSA

Re: OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread Gina WN
Awww congratulations Kelley!  

Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I could pretend to be the Universe. 
Would you like a few kittens?:P

On 4/8/07, Nina wrote:
> It puts me in mind of all those kittens you had last year MC. I can only
> imagine how much work it was, but I couldn't help but be a little jealous.
> (My crazy is showing!). I love the babies, but the only way I get to
> interact with them is when the Universe plops them in my lap.
> Nina
> TenHouseCats wrote:
> aw, concatulations, gramma! more babies..
> --
> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> Maybe That'll Make The Difference
> MaryChristine
> AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
> ICQ: 289856892

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

  Visit my Tigger Tales site!

TV dinner still cooling?
Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.

Re: Please say a prayer for the cats - so sad, here are faces

2007-04-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am fairly sure this is the shelter that was lost, and these are the cats.

If that doesn't work, try:

The fire has been recorded at youtube as well.. It is horrendous:

I am making a memorial page for them... I'll have it ready for tomorrow night's 
They deserve to be remembered by name. They said 5 survived, but I don't know 

Re: question for anyone with knowledge

2007-04-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You can find LOTS of information on glaucoma in cats by searching google.
That being said, being blind is CERTAINLY NOT A DEATH SENTENCE! Blind cats
do WONDERFULLY well, and adapt very quickly! I wouldn't let the possibility
that she could lose her other eye weigh too heavily on the decision to adopt

Here is a link to google with the appropriate search terms to find the info
you seek:

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: pictures of Cassidy and Ashley

2007-04-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lion cuts are SOOO cute!

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: Cassidy and Ashley are home!

2007-04-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Well, I'm over 100 messages behind, so please forgive me if I cover ground
that's already been covered.

Melissa, the girls at the vet's office probably just were looking at you
that way because you seem to not know how contagious Upper Respiratory
Infections are in cats, and they are afraid you will NOT heed the vet's
advice to quarantine this cat. If the FELV+ cat you have gets the URI
(that's the short way to say Upper Respiratory Infection) it could have
fairly severe consequences for him. So, they were PROBABLY giving you the
"oh, she is SOOO naive!" look. Don't take it personally. THEY do not know
you ARE seeking to become more aware of these things, so they are judging
you unfairly. I could be wrong, mind you, but having been a vet assistant
myself, I can assure you I personally gave MY OWN fair share of "Oh these
people are Sooo naive" looks.

It sounds like you have things going in the right direction to me. Putting
the FELV cat in your office is a good option until you are more comfortable
with the idea of mixing. As for the girl in the garage, my only concern is
that some garages are dusty, be it from an unfinished concrete floor, to
general "outside" dirt finding it's way in on cars and bikes over the years,
to a lack of deep cleaning (how many of us vacuum the garage?). If she is
having respiratory issues, this dust could make it worse. So, you may want
to consider putting her in a bathroom, IF your garage is dusty.

Special Needs Cat Resources

Re: Third cat this week!

2007-04-08 Thread Marylyn
Just for the record:  You officially have "SUCKER" indelibly written all over 
you now.

As before, blessings and welcome to the club. 

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: catatonya 
  Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 6:41 PM
  Subject: Re: Third cat this week!

  They know how to find us!!!  Good luck with your new babies.

  Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You guys won't believe it! I went to the gas station today-and anther baby 
found me! I can't believe it! I've rescued 3 cats in the last 10 years and 
fostered 2. Now, I've had 3 cats find me this week alone! I was much panicked 
at first, but I knew I had to do the right thing. I couldn't walk away from 
this one after doing right by two others this week. There's always room for 
more in my heart and my home (well, for now anyway). 

I lured this tabby (gray, white, brown) into my car-poor thing could've 
gotten run over or kicked or who knows what. It was hanging out by the front 
door as people came in and out, and I couldn't bear the thought of people being 
mean to it during the day. It wanted love so badly! The gas station was full of 
men drinking coffee, gossiping, etc., which although I know there are 
cat-loving men out there (my husband is one), I also know that most men in my 
community (only 800 people in my town) are cat-haters-with a passion. I had to 
get her out of there fast!

The vet's office was surprised, but pleased, that I had the third one in 
this week. This new girl is so beautiful! She's a bob tail, and I've never been 
up close to one. Her fur is soft and silky-not much damage from scratching. I 
think she was a backdoor feeder or recently kicked out. No tags, so she's fair 
game for the new spay police (that's me). Unfortunately, she is pregnant 
(Ashley, stray #2 this week, was not). I'm sad to say since she's not far 
along, she will have a kitty abortion, but I'm trying to prevent the 
overpopulation, and even though I know her babies would be beautiful, I just 
cannot afford it. Please please don't admonish me for this choice-it was a 
tough one to make since all kitties are beautiful and deserve loving homes.

One of the girls at the vet's office wanted to take her home 
immediately-but she wanted her as a barn cat. I said I wanted to find her an 
indoor home, but I'd let her know if I didn't. Truth is: I'll keep her here in 
our house indefinitely before sending her back outside. It's a relief to have a 
fairly healthy kitty this week after the FeLV+ and sickly Ashley. However, I 
haven't told my husband, so mums the word until next week. He'll fall in love 
her instantly, but he has to see her first. He'll think of the bills if he 
knows about her beforehand. I've never kept secrets from my hubby, none, but 
this one might have to be-it's for his own good because he worries about money 
as much as I worry about kitties.

I think I'll name her Frosty, but I'm open to suggestions. I don't have a 
picture of her to share, but she has a frosted look to her fur. If you have any 
suggestions, throw them my way-I'll know if they fit or not. I'm not sure if 
Frosty is really the right name-it doesn't sound right, but it was the first 
thing I thought of when I found she was a girl. I originally named her Thomas 
on the ride to the vet's office. I'm 1-2 for guessing the genders this week!

But, although I was panicked at first, I'm now overjoyed. This is what I 
was meant to do, and I know you guys will give me the strength to do it. I'm 
sorry this is not a FeLV issue (that I know of), but I just wanted to share 
with some people who understand-my family just shakes their heads.

About the FeLV+ (Cassidy), he's finally figured out the litter box after I 
sniffed around the carpet and found his piddles. The crystal litter was too 
confusing to him-so it's back to old school clay until I can switch him over 
gradually. He hadn't had a bm until just now-I think he was waiting to be sure 
he went in the right place! He's a lot more comfortable, I can tell.

Again, I have a super long post-thanks for listening! Now it's onto the job 
search.gotta pay the vet somehow! Does anyone know of a spay/neuter assistance 
program? I'm gonna need it!

Re: Third cat this week!

2007-04-08 Thread catatonya
They know how to find us!!!  Good luck with your new babies.

Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You guys won’t believe it! I went to the gas station today—and 
anther baby found me! I can’t believe it! I’ve rescued 3 cats in the last 10 
years and fostered 2. Now, I’ve had 3 cats find me this week alone! I was much 
panicked at first, but I knew I had to do the right thing. I couldn’t walk away 
from this one after doing right by two others this week. There’s always room 
for more in my heart and my home (well, for now anyway). 
  I lured this tabby (gray, white, brown) into my car—poor thing could’ve 
gotten run over or kicked or who knows what. It was hanging out by the front 
door as people came in and out, and I couldn’t bear the thought of people being 
mean to it during the day. It wanted love so badly! The gas station was full of 
men drinking coffee, gossiping, etc., which although I know there are 
cat-loving men out there (my husband is one), I also know that most men in my 
community (only 800 people in my town) are cat-haters—with a passion. I had to 
get her out of there fast!
  The vet’s office was surprised, but pleased, that I had the third one in this 
week. This new girl is so beautiful! She’s a bob tail, and I’ve never been up 
close to one. Her fur is soft and silky—not much damage from scratching. I 
think she was a backdoor feeder or recently kicked out. No tags, so she’s fair 
game for the new spay police (that’s me). Unfortunately, she is pregnant 
(Ashley, stray #2 this week, was not). I’m sad to say since she’s not far 
along, she will have a kitty abortion, but I’m trying to prevent the 
overpopulation, and even though I know her babies would be beautiful, I just 
cannot afford it. Please please don’t admonish me for this choice—it was a 
tough one to make since all kitties are beautiful and deserve loving homes.
  One of the girls at the vet’s office wanted to take her home immediately—but 
she wanted her as a barn cat. I said I wanted to find her an indoor home, but 
I’d let her know if I didn’t. Truth is: I’ll keep her here in our house 
indefinitely before sending her back outside. It’s a relief to have a fairly 
healthy kitty this week after the FeLV+ and sickly Ashley. However, I haven’t 
told my husband, so mums the word until next week. He’ll fall in love her 
instantly, but he has to see her first. He’ll think of the bills if he knows 
about her beforehand. I’ve never kept secrets from my hubby, none, but this one 
might have to be—it’s for his own good because he worries about money as much 
as I worry about kitties.
  I think I’ll name her Frosty, but I’m open to suggestions. I don’t have a 
picture of her to share, but she has a frosted look to her fur. If you have any 
suggestions, throw them my way—I’ll know if they fit or not. I’m not sure if 
Frosty is really the right name—it doesn’t sound right, but it was the first 
thing I thought of when I found she was a girl. I originally named her Thomas 
on the ride to the vet’s office. I’m 1-2 for guessing the genders this week!
  But, although I was panicked at first, I’m now overjoyed. This is what I was 
meant to do, and I know you guys will give me the strength to do it. I’m sorry 
this is not a FeLV issue (that I know of), but I just wanted to share with some 
people who understand—my family just shakes their heads.
  About the FeLV+ (Cassidy), he’s finally figured out the litter box after I 
sniffed around the carpet and found his piddles. The crystal litter was too 
confusing to him—so it’s back to old school clay until I can switch him over 
gradually. He hadn’t had a bm until just now—I think he was waiting to be sure 
he went in the right place! He’s a lot more comfortable, I can tell.
  Again, I have a super long post—thanks for listening! Now it’s onto the job 
search…gotta pay the vet somehow! Does anyone know of a spay/neuter assistance 
program? I’m gonna need it!

Fwd: [feline-hyperT] Royal Canin users beware!

2007-04-08 Thread wendy

See attached forward from the hyper T group as well.

Note: forwarded message attached.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" 

  ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


Sucker-punch spam with award-winning protection. 
Try the free Yahoo! Mail Beta. Begin Message ---
Just came across this:

(I just recently started switching over to this

$50M lawsuit filed against pet food company
Last Updated: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 | 4:22 PM PT
CBC News 

Another big pet-food manufacturer is accused of
selling tainted food in Canada that has allegedly
killed some animals and made others sick, CBC News has

A $50-million class-action lawsuit was filed Tuesday
in Toronto against Royal Canin — a multibillion-dollar
French company that supplies the Canadian pet-food

The lawsuit seeks compensation for anyone who has
purchased Royal Canin
 dog or cat food since Aug. 1, 2004.

The lawsuit has yet to be certified. None of the
claims have been proven in court.

News of the lawsuit follows a North America-wide
recall issued Friday by Ontario-based Menu Foods, and
involving 91 different kinds of dog and cat food,
after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration received
complaints the food was causing kidney failure in

Toronto lawyer Joel Rochon told CBC News on Tuesday
that the class-action lawsuit is based on the case of
Whitby, Ont., pet owner Janet Grixti, whose chocolate
lab Mocha is alleged to have suffered permanent kidney
damage after eating Royal Canin dog food.  
Continue Article

"He is a very young dog, and now he will have this
costly condition for the rest
 of his life," Grixti said Tuesday in a release.

Company issued recall

The lawsuit alleges that certain types of Royal Canin
cat and dog food contain excessive amounts of Vitamin
D, which cause severe illness or death in pets.

"The allegation is that the problem persists even
today," Rochon said.

The company recalled some of its products last summer
and offered to pay a portion of Grixti's $40,000
veterinarian bill, Rochon said, but his client is not

Rochon also said he is considering filing another
lawsuit after getting calls from angry pet owners who
allege their animals got sick or died after eating
Menu Foods products.
 "From what we can tell, there's a segment of the pet
food supply here in Canada that just doesn't have
adequate quality assurance associated with it and
that's a big concern," he said.

Royal Canin wasn't available to comment on the

Menu Foods has also refused to return calls since
allegations surfaced Monday that its food had killed a
cat in Canada.

--- End Message ---

Re: Please say a prayer for the cats

2007-04-08 Thread wendy

This is horrible...I am so sorry to hear this.  


--- dede hicken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The Humane Society in Jacksonville, Fl burned down
> last night.  The FD got almost all the dogs out, but
> almost every cat was lost.  I am sick at heart.
> Some friends went up hoping to find out about some
> cats they had there for adoption (they are no-kill)
> and the FBI and Nat Guard are there.  Don't know
> what
> is going on.  All those beautiful souls..  May God
> bless them all.
> Dede
> "When you are in the service of your fellow beings,
> you are only in the service of your God"
>Mosiah 2:17

> Sucker-punch spam with award-winning protection. 
> Try the free Yahoo! Mail Beta.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world: Indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" 

  ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


Sucker-punch spam with award-winning protection. 
Try the free Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: Diesel Please add to the CLS :(

2007-04-08 Thread catatonya
Sherry, I'm so sorry about Diesel.  :(   tonya

Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I am SO sorry to say that sweet 
little Diesel has joined the many fur angels that have been lost to this 
HORRIBLE disease.His throat was swollen so bad that it was impeding his 
windpipe and making it hard to swallow.It was a mistake that I even noticed it 
last night.But it may have saved him some suffering if it had gone unnoticed 
too long.This just breaks my heart once again to lose such a sweet innocent 

  Looking for earth-friendly autos? 
Browse Top Cars by "Green Rating" at Yahoo! Autos' Green Center. 

Re: OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread TenHouseCats

y'all notice i'm staying out of this one

On 4/8/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Right after I wrote that I bit my tongue :-) .  It made me think of
Melissa rescuing 3 cats in a week after putting out the message that she
was ready to help.  I tell you, I love working for St. Francis, but he
sure knows how to fill up the inbox!

Kelley Saveika wrote:
> I could pretend to be the Universe.  Would you like a few kittens?:P
> On 4/8/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It puts me in mind of all those kittens you had last year MC.  I can
>> only
>> imagine how much work it was, but I couldn't help but be a little
>> jealous.
>> (My crazy is showing!).  I love the babies, but the only way I get to
>> interact with them is when the Universe plops them in my lap.
>> Nina

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread Nina
Right after I wrote that I bit my tongue :-) .  It made me think of 
Melissa rescuing 3 cats in a week after putting out the message that she 
was ready to help.  I tell you, I love working for St. Francis, but he 
sure knows how to fill up the inbox!


Kelley Saveika wrote:

I could pretend to be the Universe.  Would you like a few kittens?:P

On 4/8/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It puts me in mind of all those kittens you had last year MC.  I can 
imagine how much work it was, but I couldn't help but be a little 

(My crazy is showing!).  I love the babies, but the only way I get to
interact with them is when the Universe plops them in my lap.

Re: OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread Kelley Saveika

I could pretend to be the Universe.  Would you like a few kittens?:P

On 4/8/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It puts me in mind of all those kittens you had last year MC.  I can only
imagine how much work it was, but I couldn't help but be a little jealous.
(My crazy is showing!).  I love the babies, but the only way I get to
interact with them is when the Universe plops them in my lap.

TenHouseCats wrote:
aw, concatulations, gramma! more babies..

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread Nina
It puts me in mind of all those kittens you had last year MC.  I can 
only imagine how much work it was, but I couldn't help but be a little 
jealous.  (My crazy is showing!).  I love the babies, but the only way I 
get to interact with them is when the Universe plops them in my lap.


TenHouseCats wrote:

aw, concatulations, gramma! more babies..

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 

Re: OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread TenHouseCats

aw, concatulations, gramma! more babies..

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Mom cat neg/neg - chances of babies being pos?

2007-04-08 Thread TenHouseCats

if the moms are negative, the odds of the kittens being positive go way way
down, as the current research implies that babies are infected by passing
through the birth canal and all its lovely bodily fluids, and through all
the nursing and cleaning and caressing that mamacat gives the tiny ones.  so
if mom is negative, and the babies are n't living in a colony with positive
surrogate mommies to help with the other stuff, they will probably be fine.

On 4/8/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

How likely are the babies to be pos, if the mom is neg?  I know that
the babies can still turn neg if the mom is pos.  I will still have
them tested, just want to know what your experience is.  Right now I
have 2 litters with a neg/neg mom, and 3 litters with moms of unknown



Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Mom cat neg/neg - chances of babies being pos?

2007-04-08 Thread Kelley Saveika

Hi all,

How likely are the babies to be pos, if the mom is neg?  I know that
the babies can still turn neg if the mom is pos.  I will still have
them tested, just want to know what your experience is.  Right now I
have 2 litters with a neg/neg mom, and 3 litters with moms of unknown



Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread Kelley Saveika

Ha, I can't imagine having a boyfriend.   No one would EVER put up with me.
"Did I say I was bringing home 3 bottle babies...I meant 8..they saved me 5
that came in in a trap and I couldn't just let them kill them."

"And we have room for these 3 nursing moms with kitsand this 12 year old
owner surrender doesn't take up much room at all...she likes to stay in one

On 4/8/07, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Patti my boyfriend calls me and my volunteer friends CAT FREAKS :) Well he
is right there with me!! And he is the biggest freak of them all.


What a nice Easter present  Hope Faith & babies are doing well.  (Glad
she moved them out of litter box!!!)
And, what an appropriate name for your girl!  People - Don't you just love
them? *NOT*
And, I named my sweet Charity, just that, Charity, because she was dumped
in a box w/ her newborns.
They all needed all the help they could get. And, people around here
think I'm a crazy cat lady.  Probably because since I moved here I'm the
only one that takes care of the ferals/strays..(Guess "whoever" knew
just where to dump her!!!  Thank heavens)
Patti (AKA - "The Crazy Cat Lady") & her gang [which includes Charity &
Timmy, her baby who definitely loves me..Was adopted, but made it VERY
clear to new person he wanted to be home - HERE]

See what's free at .

Finding fabulous fares is fun.
Let Yahoo! FareChase search your favorite travel 
 find flight and hotel bargains.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread Kelley Saveika

Hi Elizabeth,

They were, last I checked, which was this morning before work - all
clean and dry and comfy and eating.  I just hope she didn't eat a
significant amount of litter cleaning up the babies.

On 4/8/07, elizabeth trent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That's wonderful!  Hope mother and babies are all well.  What an Easter


On 4/8/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Faith saw fit to bless me with 5 kittens on Easter.  She had them in
> the litterbox for some unknown reason.  Looks like 3 oranges, one
> gray, one brown tabby:)
> Kelley
> --
> Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> Please help Joey!

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: Chip in for Joey - Kelley

2007-04-08 Thread Kelley Saveika


I don't know how much to thank you.  That was far too much money for you to
be giving.



I just made a contribution for Joey & it worked well. Even got a
Don't understand why you had a problem.[]
 Patti & her gang

See what's free at .

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: Chip in for Joey - Kelley

2007-04-08 Thread PEC2851
I just made a contribution for Joey & it worked well. Even got a  
Don't understand why you had a problem.[]

Patti & her gang

** See what's free at

Re: Chip in for Joey - Kelley

2007-04-08 Thread Kelley Saveika

Hi Gina,

That is so sweet of you!

One kitten looks like brown tabby, two orange and white, one orange,
and one gray.  No black kittens, thank goodness (I love them just like
any other kittens but they are horribly hard to adopt out).

I'm swimming in cats.we pulled 15 2 weeks ago, one mom, 5 babies,
3 bottle babies ~ 2 weeks old, and 5 bottle babies ~4 weeks old.
These all went to one wonderful foster's house.  I went back and
picked up 3 that are eating canned food and trying to eat solids.

So many moms with litters die in the shelter is horrific.

I'm trying to recruit fosters as fast as I can.  I wish I didn't have
a full time job so I could just do this all the time...But if I didn't
have a full time job I couldn't afford to do glad we are a
501(c)(3) now so that contributions are tax deductible.  It gives me a
lot more options.

Perhaps I mistyped the link.

Try this

and if it doesn't work email me again and we will figure it out.

On 4/8/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Kelley,
I know it's a mixed blessing, but a blessing none the less to have
Faith's babies born in the safety of your home.  What lucky little
angels.  What a wonderful turn of events for Faith to find herself with
you.  Gotta love the babies!  Are they all tabbies?

I just tried to "chip in" on Joey's page and got hung up on the
transfer.  When you have a minute, could you go and check that it's
working properly?

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Fwd: [RescueAlliance_HairlessAndOtherBreeds] Another education project

2007-04-08 Thread Kelly L


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Re: OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Patti my boyfriend calls me and my volunteer friends CAT FREAKS :) Well he is 
right there with me!! And he is the biggest freak of them all. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Kelley,
  What a nice Easter present  Hope Faith & babies are doing well.  (Glad 
she moved them out of litter box!!!)
  And, what an appropriate name for your girl!  People - Don't you just love 
them? NOT
  And, I named my sweet Charity, just that, Charity, because she was dumped in 
a box w/ her newborns.
  They all needed all the help they could get. And, people around here 
think I'm a crazy cat lady.  Probably because since I moved here I'm the only 
one that takes care of the ferals/strays..(Guess "whoever" knew just where 
to dump her!!!  Thank heavens)
  Patti (AKA - "The Crazy Cat Lady") & her gang [which includes Charity & 
Timmy, her baby who definitely loves me..Was adopted, but made it VERY 
clear to new person he wanted to be home - HERE]

  See what's free at 

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Re: Please say a prayer for the cats

2007-04-08 Thread Sherry DeHaan
Patti I too worry so much about our precious babies at the shelters.I live a 
couple minutes away from both and everytime I hear a fire truck I cringe.I say 
a prayer every night for our babies,including everyones here.I pray that they 
find more of those poor babies in Florida.It just sickens me too.I don't know 
what I would do if something like that happened to us,I think I would 
absolutely die!!
  All you wonderful people here have a great Easter and enjoy the day.Hugs to 
you all!!

  I'm still mourning.. I can't think of anything [much] worse..
  I have always worried about the shelter/sanctuary I've been involved in.
  It also is old, close to around 100 years old. Was an old farm at one time, 
and most of our cats are in the barn area.
  And, yes, we have done restoring, updating, etc. - BUT It still is a 
very old structure.  And, we have built "other" housing, but the majority of 
our felines are in the old area(s). {We also use the old cottage..]  And we 
provide fur-ever homes for over 300 cats (Yes, against regulations, but 
when we have a "check", the person doing it is NOT showed all areas. Yes, 
we "fib", tell him that the upstairs is "personal".  And, they never 
debate,argue or insist on seeing it..)
  My main concern has always been the people that are doing "community 
service". Sure, some may be ok, but we can not ask what their crime was  
So, we really never know just who we're dealing with.
  And,most of our dogs are kept in an area [very newly renovated], far from 
cats.  But we do house our seniors & special need K-9's in another area of 
  And, we have 22 acres, so most run freely.  But due to the neighborhood, we 
have to house the dogs inside at night!!!
  And, again, what chutzpah!!!  The shelter was there WAY before they put in 
the development, people were made "aware" of our presence, but bought/built the 
homes anyway!!!  And now they complain!  (They've had us in court more times 
than I care to remember!) No wonder I prefer critters over humans!!!
  I'm very relieved that they were able to save some.  I am still praying that 
more cats will show up.
  I only wish all involved the best of luck in their future endeavors...
  As sad as it was, thank you for posting about it.
  Have to "hobble" off now - My dear, sweet [ancient] Puma is calling me.  
Probably to eat, again  But, he is so special & at his age, with all his 
problems, I feel he justly deserves anything he wants. I do cater to him. 
(And, I think he knows it too!!!)
  Please keep us updated if you get any more news..
  Patti & her gang
rabbit that was sold & given as a "gift". Won't be a "happy" day for those poor 
babies... )

  See what's free at 

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Re: OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread PEC2851
What a nice Easter present  Hope Faith & babies are doing  well.  (Glad 
she moved them out of litter box!!!)
And, what an appropriate name for your girl!  People - Don't you just  love 
them? NOT
And, I named my sweet Charity, just that, Charity, because she was dumped  in 
a box w/ her newborns.
They all needed all the help they could get. And, people around here  
think I'm a crazy cat lady.  Probably because since I moved here I'm the  only 
one that takes care of the ferals/strays..(Guess "whoever" knew just  where 
to dump her!!!  Thank heavens)

Patti (AKA - "The Crazy Cat Lady") & her gang [which includes Charity  & 
Timmy, her baby who definitely loves me..Was adopted, but made it VERY  
to new person he wanted to be home - HERE]

** See what's free at

Chip in for Joey - Kelley

2007-04-08 Thread Nina

Hi Kelley,
I know it's a mixed blessing, but a blessing none the less to have 
Faith's babies born in the safety of your home.  What lucky little 
angels.  What a wonderful turn of events for Faith to find herself with 
you.  Gotta love the babies!  Are they all tabbies?

I just tried to "chip in" on Joey's page and got hung up on the 
transfer.  When you have a minute, could you go and check that it's 
working properly?


Re: Please say a prayer for the cats

2007-04-08 Thread PEC2851
I'm still mourning.. I can't think of anything [much] worse..
I have always worried about the shelter/sanctuary I've been involved  in.
It also is old, close to around 100 years old. Was an old farm at one time,  
and most of our cats are in the barn area.
And, yes, we have done restoring, updating, etc. - BUT It still is  a 
very old structure.  And, we have built "other" housing, but the majority  of 
our felines are in the old area(s). {We also use the old cottage..]   And 
we provide fur-ever homes for over 300 cats (Yes, against regulations,  
but when we have a "check", the person doing it is NOT showed all areas.  
Yes, we "fib", tell him that the upstairs is "personal".  And, they never  
debate,argue or insist on seeing it..)
My main concern has always been the people that are doing "community  
service". Sure, some may be ok, but we can not ask what their crime  was  
So, we 
really never know just who we're dealing with.
And,most of our dogs are kept in an area [very newly renovated], far  from 
cats.  But we do house our seniors & special need K-9's in  another area of 
And, we have 22 acres, so most run freely.  But due to the  neighborhood, we 
have to house the dogs inside at night!!!
And, again, what chutzpah!!!  The shelter was there WAY before they  put in 
the development, people were made "aware" of our presence, but  bought/built 
the homes anyway!!!  And now they complain!  (They've had  us in court more 
times than I care to remember!) No wonder I prefer critters  over humans!!!
I'm very relieved that they were able to save some.  I am still  praying that 
more cats will show up.
I only wish all involved the best of luck in their future  endeavors...
As sad as it was, thank you for posting about it.
Have to "hobble" off now - My dear, sweet [ancient] Puma is calling  me.  
Probably to eat, again  But, he is so special & at his  age, with all his 
problems, I feel he justly deserves anything he  wants. I do cater to him. 
(And, I think he knows it too!!!)
Please keep us updated if you get any more news..

Patti & her gang

poor rabbit that was sold & given as a "gift". Won't be a "happy" day for  
poor babies... )

** See what's free at

Re: OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread elizabeth trent

That's wonderful!  Hope mother and babies are all well.  What an Easter


On 4/8/07, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Faith saw fit to bless me with 5 kittens on Easter.  She had them in
the litterbox for some unknown reason.  Looks like 3 oranges, one
gray, one brown tabby:)


Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread Marylyn

What lovely people..
I'm so glad she and her little ones have you.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: "Kelley Saveika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 7:47 AM
Subject: Re: OT - Easter Kittens

I named her Faith because her previous owners took her to the shelter
because she was pregnant and refused to even give them her name.

(she did move the babies out of the litterbox).

On 4/8/07, Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

She believes in early housetraining

Happy Easter to you, Faith (what an appropriate name) and the little 

If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with
their fellow man.
- Original Message -
From: "Kelley Saveika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "felvtalk" 
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 7:42 AM
Subject: OT - Easter Kittens

> Faith saw fit to bless me with 5 kittens on Easter.  She had them in
> the litterbox for some unknown reason.  Looks like 3 oranges, one
> gray, one brown tabby:)
> Kelley
> --
> Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> Please help Joey!

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread Kelley Saveika

I named her Faith because her previous owners took her to the shelter
because she was pregnant and refused to even give them her name.

(she did move the babies out of the litterbox).

On 4/8/07, Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

She believes in early housetraining

Happy Easter to you, Faith (what an appropriate name) and the little ones.

If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with
their fellow man.
- Original Message -
From: "Kelley Saveika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "felvtalk" 
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 7:42 AM
Subject: OT - Easter Kittens

> Faith saw fit to bless me with 5 kittens on Easter.  She had them in
> the litterbox for some unknown reason.  Looks like 3 oranges, one
> gray, one brown tabby:)
> Kelley
> --
> Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> Please help Joey!

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

Re: OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread Marylyn

She believes in early housetraining

Happy Easter to you, Faith (what an appropriate name) and the little ones.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: "Kelley Saveika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "felvtalk" 
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2007 7:42 AM
Subject: OT - Easter Kittens

Faith saw fit to bless me with 5 kittens on Easter.  She had them in
the litterbox for some unknown reason.  Looks like 3 oranges, one
gray, one brown tabby:)


Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!

OT - Easter Kittens

2007-04-08 Thread Kelley Saveika

Faith saw fit to bless me with 5 kittens on Easter.  She had them in
the litterbox for some unknown reason.  Looks like 3 oranges, one
gray, one brown tabby:)


Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!

Please help Joey!