Re: Ensie/Dosing tips for Flagyl/Fecal tips

2007-11-11 Thread Gloria Lane
She's a lucky kitty - I had a Persian with a very small mouth -  
couldn't get Flagyl or Albon down her to save me.  Think I finally  
used Panacur.


On Nov 11, 2007, at 11:25 AM, wendy wrote:

Hi Gloria!  Good to hear from you!  Regarding your question about  
how I got liquid down Ensie...she had never let anyone touch her  
until I brought her home.  I'd played with her with string for the  
five years before everytime I went to see my grandma, but she never  
let me get too close.  The first night I brought her home, she let  
me touch her.  And she has turned into a love.  She still does not  
like to be picked up, but is getting better.  She will sit in my  
lap and loves to be close to me, so that's how I was able to get  
the liquid down.  We'll see if she goes for it again tonight  
though.  I'm betting she won'!  Her little mouth is so small  
I couldn't pill her if I tried.  I asked if it could be given  
transdermally and I guess antibiotics don't work that way, but the  
chicken flavored compound is a great idea.  I will definitely keep  
the panacur in mind if things don't go well tonight.  Thanks for  
the suggestion!

Also, Ensie tested negative for FeLV and FIV, so she's been let  
into the general population in the house.  She is a very happy kitty!


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens  
can change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever  
has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2007 11:12:42 AM
Subject: Re: Ensie/Dosing tips for Flagyl/Fecal tips

I've always used Flagyl tablets so have no experience with a liquid  
or gell  - course you've for a feral there, so you can't easily do  
tablets and they taste bad ...  anyhow you might talk to the  
druggist about compounding it in chicken flavor or something?

Course if he/she is feral, how do you get the liquid down?

Another thought - One vet gave me panacur and I use it quite a bit  
- its' liquid and not as repulsive to my cats as Flagyl,  
apparently.  I did 1cc for 3 days.  so shorter term than Flagyl.   
Might ask your vet about that...


On Nov 11, 2007, at 11:03 AM, wendy wrote:

Hi guys,

I hope this post finds you all well.  We finally got Ensie, my  
grandmother's feral from NC diagnosed correctly.  They weren't  
doing the fecal right at the vets, and finally we got a fill-in  
vet who not only did the float, but also did another procedure  
that I can't remember.  I think it involved a smear and slide, but  
not sure.  Anyway, the vet said that Ensie had no more roundworms,  
as she did when we first brought her back to Texas, but that she  
had two other issues:  Mega-bacteria and cyclospores, or something  
like that, which is what is causing her diarrhea.  She said she's  
never seen bacteria that large before.  She also said Ensie had  
zero good bacteria, or flora I think she called it, in her  
stomach.  So she prescribed Flagyl and Bene-Bac.  I gave Ensie her  
first dose this morning of the Flaygyl and she went nuts.  She did  
NOT like it at all.  And the stuff is cherry flavored!  What are  
they thinking?  Do cats like cherry flavoring?  lol.  So I  
wondered if any of you had any good ideas for dosing liquid cherry  
flavored Flagyl to your kitties?  I am thinking it won't go over  
in tuna, but maybe something else???

Thanks for any advice!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens  
can change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever  
has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Susan Ang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 1:37:47 PM
Subject: Autumn and Diarrhea

Hey All,

   Autumn is doing really well overall. She's been feeling so good  
in fact that she's been trying to steal human food. She's tried to  
do this as long as we've had her. The only difference is that  
she's now bigger and sneakier. On Friday night she got into a  
plate and ate some pizza crust with a little sauce on it. She also  
ate part of a cooling banana bread loaf on Saturday. When I set  
the loaf out she was playing happily in another room - when I  
turned around she was munching away~_~ The problem is that she's  
developed diarrhea. She has no other symptoms. We try hard to keep  
her out of people food, but if you turn your back for a second she  
gets into your plate.  Should I get her in to see a vet ASAP or  
just wait and see?  I understand that sometimes people food upsets  
their stomachs. I have a soft food for cats with intestinal  
troubles. Should I take away her hard food and give her the I/D  
formula? She's also had terrible kitty gas.

~Susan A

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RE: Ensie/Dosing tips for Flagyl/Fecal tips

2007-11-11 Thread Chris
One of my cats Looves Yogurt.  I let him lick a little of the no-fat
or lo-fat.  They say yogurt is always good to help digestive tract when
humans take antibiotics and maybe if Ensie likes it, it might help settle
that tummy.



Christiane Biagi


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Katrina Animal Reunion Team (KART)


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[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of wendy
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2007 12:04 PM
Subject: Ensie/Dosing tips for Flagyl/Fecal tips


Hi guys,


I hope this post finds you all well.  We finally got Ensie, my grandmother's
feral from NC diagnosed correctly.  They weren't doing the fecal right at
the vets, and finally we got a fill-in vet who not only did the float, but
also did another procedure that I can't remember.  I think it involved a
smear and slide, but not sure.  Anyway, the vet said that Ensie had no more
roundworms, as she did when we first brought her back to Texas, but that she
had two other issues:  Mega-bacteria and cyclospores, or something like
that, which is what is causing her diarrhea.  She said she's never seen
bacteria that large before.  She also said Ensie had zero good bacteria, or
flora I think she called it, in her stomach.  So she prescribed Flagyl and
Bene-Bac.  I gave Ensie her first dose this morning of the Flaygyl and she
went nuts.  She did NOT like it at all.  And the stuff is cherry flavored!
What are they thinking?  Do cats like cherry flavoring?  lol.  So I wondered
if any of you had any good ideas for dosing liquid cherry flavored Flagyl to
your kitties?  I am thinking it won't go over in tuna, but maybe something


Thanks for any advice!



"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret
Meade ~~~


- Original Message 
From: Susan Ang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 1:37:47 PM
Subject: Autumn and Diarrhea

Hey All,

   Autumn is doing really well overall. She's been feeling so good in fact
that she's been trying to steal human food. She's tried to do this as long
as we've had her. The only difference is that she's now bigger and sneakier.
On Friday night she got into a plate and ate some pizza crust with a little
sauce on it. She also ate part of a cooling banana bread loaf on Saturday.
When I set the loaf out she was playing happily in another room - when I
turned around she was munching away~_~ The problem is that she's developed
diarrhea. She has no other symptoms. We try hard to keep her out of people
food, but if you turn your back for a second she gets into your plate.
Should I get her in to see a vet ASAP or just wait and see?  I understand
that sometimes people food upsets their stomachs. I have a soft food for
cats with intestinal troubles. Should I take away her hard food and give her
the I/D formula? She's also had terrible kitty gas. 

~Susan A


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Re: Ensie/Dosing tips for Flagyl/Fecal tips

2007-11-11 Thread Susan Hoffman
I use flagyl tablets.  Dissolve in a tiny (like drops off my fingertips) amount 
of water.  Then add pancake syrup or maple syrup.  Shake well before each dose. 
 The aim is to make each dose about ½ cc of liquid.
  Tuna does not work.  Just makes it taste all the more bitter and acrid.
  But if she is absolutely feral and unhandleable, you’ve got a problem.  Can 
you handle her at all?

Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I've always used Flagyl tablets so have 
no experience with a liquid or gell  - course you've for a feral there, so you 
can't easily do tablets and they taste bad ...  anyhow you might talk to the 
druggist about compounding it in chicken flavor or something?  

Course if he/she is feral, how do you get the liquid down?

  Another thought - One vet gave me panacur and I use it quite a bit - its' 
liquid and not as repulsive to my cats as Flagyl, apparently.  I did 1cc for 3 
days.  so shorter term than Flagyl.  Might ask your vet about that...



On Nov 11, 2007, at 11:03 AM, wendy wrote:

  Hi guys,
  I hope this post finds you all well.  We finally got Ensie, my grandmother's 
feral from NC diagnosed correctly.  They weren't doing the fecal right at the 
vets, and finally we got a fill-in vet who not only did the float, but also did 
another procedure that I can't remember.  I think it involved a smear and 
slide, but not sure.  Anyway, the vet said that Ensie had no more roundworms, 
as she did when we first brought her back to Texas, but that she had two other 
issues:  Mega-bacteria and cyclospores, or something like that, which is what 
is causing her diarrhea.  She said she's never seen bacteria that large before. 
 She also said Ensie had zero good bacteria, or flora I think she called it, in 
her stomach.  So she prescribed Flagyl and Bene-Bac.  I gave Ensie her first 
dose this morning of the Flaygyl and she went nuts.  She did NOT like it at 
all.  And the stuff is cherry flavored!  What are they thinking?  Do cats like 
cherry flavoring?  lol.  So I wondered if any of
 you had any good ideas for dosing liquid cherry flavored Flagyl to your 
kitties?  I am thinking it won't go over in tuna, but maybe something else???
  Thanks for any advice!
  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade 

  - Original Message 
From: Susan Ang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 1:37:47 PM
Subject: Autumn and Diarrhea

Hey All,

   Autumn is doing really well overall. She's been feeling so good in fact that 
she's been trying to steal human food. She's tried to do this as long as we've 
had her. The only difference is that she's now bigger and sneakier. On Friday 
night she got into a plate and ate some pizza crust with a little sauce on it. 
She also ate part of a cooling banana bread loaf on Saturday. When I set the 
loaf out she was playing happily in another room - when I turned around she was 
munching away~_~ The problem is that she's developed diarrhea. She has no other 
symptoms. We try hard to keep her out of people food, but if you turn your back 
for a second she gets into your plate.  Should I get her in to see a vet ASAP 
or just wait and see?  I understand that sometimes people food upsets their 
stomachs. I have a soft food for cats with intestinal troubles. Should I take 
away her hard food and give her the I/D formula? She's also had terrible kitty 

~Susan A

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Re: Sad News & Something to Think About

2007-11-11 Thread wendy

I'm so sorry to hear about your Chelsea.  It must be very hard for you right 
now, losing her so suddenly.  Prayers going out for comfort for you.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Chris Behnke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 8:52:48 PM
Subject: Sad News & Something to Think About

Early Sunday morning, one of my fur-babies passed away from a heart
attack. There was no warning, she had never been sick a day in her
life. Chelsea was only 4 years old. The vet did an autopsy today and
confirmed that it was cardiomyopathy. Basically there was a
thickening in her heart walls and her heart failed. She went very
quickly and without pain. One minute she was walking, the next she
was gone. There was nothing I could have done. Cardiomyopathy is
something that is prevalent among Maine Coons and American Short
Haired cats and is usually found between the ages of 1 and 4 years
old. They are not a lot of symptoms and cannot always be detected
before it causes fatalities. Regular vet visits could help to detect
it early. Vets can do xrays to see the heart or listen to the heart
rate and make sure nothing is unusual. Also, never take for granted
the time you have with your animals. I loved Chelsea and she knew it.
I didn't get to say goodbye since she went so quick, but at least I
know she knew she was loved and treasured. I make it a habit to tell
all my animals that I love them everyday. 

I didn't post this for sympathy, but I wanted to share with you the
importance of regular vet checkups. Because I have so many animals, I
was told that I didn't have to do regular checkups for all of my
babies, I just needed to take them in when they were sick. I now know



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Re: Frankie has passed on

2007-11-11 Thread wendy

I am so very sorry about your precious little Frankie.  What a loving person 
you are to have given him the wonderful time with you that you did, even 
knowing it might be brief.  Prayers going out for soothing comfort for you.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Kenzie Kanne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2007 11:15:58 AM
Subject: Frankie has passed on

Frankie who was FELV positive has passed on.  He has really been battling for 
about a month and a half now.  I have realized that after that long, I was 
fighting so I wouldn't hurt and not so he wouldn't.  His digestive system was 
shutting down on Monday so I made the hardest decision of my life and put him 
to rest last night.  He was very sick and very anemic and was dehydrating 
faster each time and refusing fluids.  I will never regret having him no matter 
how much this hurts.  I gave him a second chance he had 3 1/2 healthy months of 
playing but it was time for rest since he hasn't been well for the past month 
and a half.  I have ordered Tranfer Factor for my girls.

Kenzie Kanne
ARC Volunteer 

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Re: Ensie/Dosing tips for Flagyl/Fecal tips

2007-11-11 Thread wendy
Hi Gloria!  Good to hear from you!  Regarding your question about how I got 
liquid down Ensie...she had never let anyone touch her until I brought her 
home.  I'd played with her with string for the five years before everytime I 
went to see my grandma, but she never let me get too close.  The first night I 
brought her home, she let me touch her.  And she has turned into a love.  She 
still does not like to be picked up, but is getting better.  She will sit in my 
lap and loves to be close to me, so that's how I was able to get the liquid 
down.  We'll see if she goes for it again tonight though.  I'm betting she 
won'!  Her little mouth is so small I couldn't pill her if I tried.  I 
asked if it could be given transdermally and I guess antibiotics don't work 
that way, but the chicken flavored compound is a great idea.  I will definitely 
keep the panacur in mind if things don't go well tonight.  Thanks for the 

Also, Ensie tested negative for FeLV and FIV, so she's been let into the 
general population in the house.  She is a very happy kitty!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Gloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2007 11:12:42 AM
Subject: Re: Ensie/Dosing tips for Flagyl/Fecal tips

I've always used Flagyl tablets so have no experience with a liquid or gell  - 
course you've for a feral there, so you can't easily do tablets and they taste 
bad ...  anyhow you might talk to the druggist about compounding it in chicken 
flavor or something?

Course if he/she is feral, how do you get the liquid down?

Another thought - One vet gave me panacur and I use it quite a bit - its' 
liquid and not as repulsive to my cats as Flagyl, apparently.  I did 1cc for 3 
days.  so shorter term than Flagyl.  Might ask your vet about that...


On Nov 11, 2007, at 11:03 AM, wendy wrote:

Hi guys,
I hope this post finds you all well.  We finally got Ensie, my grandmother's 
feral from NC diagnosed correctly.  They weren't doing the fecal right at the 
vets, and finally we got a fill-in vet who not only did the float, but also did 
another procedure that I can't remember.  I think it involved a smear and 
slide, but not sure.  Anyway, the vet said that Ensie had no more roundworms, 
as she did when we first brought her back to Texas, but that she had two other 
issues:  Mega-bacteria and cyclospores, or something like that, which is what 
is causing her diarrhea.  She said she's never seen bacteria that large before. 
 She also said Ensie had zero good bacteria, or flora I think she called it, in 
her stomach.  So she prescribed Flagyl and Bene-Bac.  I gave Ensie her first 
dose this morning of the Flaygyl and she went nuts.  She did NOT like it at 
all.  And the stuff is cherry flavored!  What are they thinking?  Do cats like 
cherry flavoring?  lol.  So I
 wondered if any of you had any good ideas for dosing liquid cherry flavored 
Flagyl to your kitties?  I am thinking it won't go over in tuna, but maybe 
something else???
Thanks for any advice!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Susan Ang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 1:37:47 PM
Subject: Autumn and Diarrhea

Hey All,

   Autumn is doing really well overall. She's been feeling so good in fact that 
she's been trying to steal human food. She's tried to do this as long as we've 
had her. The only difference is that she's now bigger and sneakier. On Friday 
night she got into a plate and ate some pizza crust with a little sauce on it. 
She also ate part of a cooling banana bread loaf on Saturday. When I set the 
loaf out she was playing happily in another room - when I turned around she was 
munching away~_~ The problem is that she's developed diarrhea. She has no other 
symptoms. We try hard to keep her out of people food, but if you turn your back 
for a second she gets into your plate.  Should I get her in to see a vet ASAP 
or just wait and see?  I understand that sometimes people food upsets their 
stomachs. I have a soft food for cats with intestinal troubles. Should I take 
away her hard food and give her the I/D formula? She's also had terrible kitty 

~Susan A

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Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: Ensie/Dosing tips for Flagyl/Fecal tips

2007-11-11 Thread Gloria Lane
I've always used Flagyl tablets so have no experience with a liquid  
or gell  - course you've for a feral there, so you can't easily do  
tablets and they taste bad ...  anyhow you might talk to the druggist  
about compounding it in chicken flavor or something?

Course if he/she is feral, how do you get the liquid down?

Another thought - One vet gave me panacur and I use it quite a bit -  
its' liquid and not as repulsive to my cats as Flagyl, apparently.  I  
did 1cc for 3 days.  so shorter term than Flagyl.  Might ask your vet  
about that...


On Nov 11, 2007, at 11:03 AM, wendy wrote:

Hi guys,

I hope this post finds you all well.  We finally got Ensie, my  
grandmother's feral from NC diagnosed correctly.  They weren't  
doing the fecal right at the vets, and finally we got a fill-in vet  
who not only did the float, but also did another procedure that I  
can't remember.  I think it involved a smear and slide, but not  
sure.  Anyway, the vet said that Ensie had no more roundworms, as  
she did when we first brought her back to Texas, but that she had  
two other issues:  Mega-bacteria and cyclospores, or something like  
that, which is what is causing her diarrhea.  She said she's never  
seen bacteria that large before.  She also said Ensie had zero good  
bacteria, or flora I think she called it, in her stomach.  So she  
prescribed Flagyl and Bene-Bac.  I gave Ensie her first dose this  
morning of the Flaygyl and she went nuts.  She did NOT like it at  
all.  And the stuff is cherry flavored!  What are they thinking?   
Do cats like cherry flavoring?  lol.  So I wondered if any of you  
had any good ideas for dosing liquid cherry flavored Flagyl to your  
kitties?  I am thinking it won't go over in tuna, but maybe  
something else???

Thanks for any advice!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens  
can change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever  
has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Susan Ang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 1:37:47 PM
Subject: Autumn and Diarrhea

Hey All,

   Autumn is doing really well overall. She's been feeling so good  
in fact that she's been trying to steal human food. She's tried to  
do this as long as we've had her. The only difference is that she's  
now bigger and sneakier. On Friday night she got into a plate and  
ate some pizza crust with a little sauce on it. She also ate part  
of a cooling banana bread loaf on Saturday. When I set the loaf out  
she was playing happily in another room - when I turned around she  
was munching away~_~ The problem is that she's developed diarrhea.  
She has no other symptoms. We try hard to keep her out of people  
food, but if you turn your back for a second she gets into your  
plate.  Should I get her in to see a vet ASAP or just wait and  
see?  I understand that sometimes people food upsets their  
stomachs. I have a soft food for cats with intestinal troubles.  
Should I take away her hard food and give her the I/D formula?  
She's also had terrible kitty gas.

~Susan A

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Ensie/Dosing tips for Flagyl/Fecal tips

2007-11-11 Thread wendy
Hi guys,

I hope this post finds you all well.  We finally got Ensie, my grandmother's 
feral from NC diagnosed correctly.  They weren't doing the fecal right at the 
vets, and finally we got a fill-in vet who not only did the float, but also did 
another procedure that I can't remember.  I think it involved a smear and 
slide, but not sure.  Anyway, the vet said that Ensie had no more roundworms, 
as she did when we first brought her back to Texas, but that she had two other 
issues:  Mega-bacteria and cyclospores, or something like that, which is what 
is causing her diarrhea.  She said she's never seen bacteria that large before. 
 She also said Ensie had zero good bacteria, or flora I think she called it, in 
her stomach.  So she prescribed Flagyl and Bene-Bac.  I gave Ensie her first 
dose this morning of the Flaygyl and she went nuts.  She did NOT like it at 
all.  And the stuff is cherry flavored!  What are they thinking?  Do cats like 
cherry flavoring?  lol.  So I
 wondered if any of you had any good ideas for dosing liquid cherry flavored 
Flagyl to your kitties?  I am thinking it won't go over in tuna, but maybe 
something else???

Thanks for any advice!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

- Original Message 
From: Susan Ang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2007 1:37:47 PM
Subject: Autumn and Diarrhea

Hey All,

   Autumn is doing really well overall. She's been feeling so good in fact that 
she's been trying to steal human food. She's tried to do this as long as we've 
had her. The only difference is that she's now bigger and sneakier. On Friday 
night she got into a plate and ate some pizza crust with a little sauce on it. 
She also ate part of a cooling banana bread loaf on Saturday. When I set the 
loaf out she was playing happily in another room - when I turned around she was 
munching away~_~ The problem is that she's developed diarrhea. She has no other 
symptoms. We try hard to keep her out of people food, but if you turn your back 
for a second she gets into your plate.  Should I get her in to see a vet ASAP 
or just wait and see?  I understand that sometimes people food upsets their 
stomachs. I have a soft food for cats with intestinal troubles. Should I take 
away her hard food and give her the I/D formula? She's also had terrible kitty 

~Susan A

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