Re: Megan, be careful...(Hideyo)?

2007-08-31 Thread Watsdadillyo
What happened to Hideyo? She was great!!! Is Phaywreyn still post? Gina  from 
California she had TiggerTales Web Site and Pippion was her Pos turned Neg  
little kitten?
Kayte and Crackers

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Re: Megan, be careful...

2007-08-31 Thread TatorBunz
In a message dated 8/31/2007 8:22:47 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  

Hiedeyo  (I miss him!) also said transfusions don't have to cost that  much; 
other vets can and will do it cheaper.  

"Hideyo is a she!"
She can be contacted by these email addys if needed.

Terrie Mohr-Forker

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RE: Megan, be careful...

2007-08-31 Thread Caroline Kaufmann
Right, I don't understand the $2000 either?  
The ONLY time I was ever quoted only a possibility of spending $2000 or so on Monkee's care was for chemotherapy- by Dr. Dailey at Metro Vet Specialists.  And that makes sense-- I mean, it's chemo.  And we were supposed to be going once a week at $200-300 a pop every time depending on the protocol.  The $2000 quote was rough and was Dr. Dailey's estimation of the potential chemo total.  We of course, never made it that far, as his treatments were always interrupted by low white blood cell counts, so he couldn't always get chemo.  Then Dr. Dailey wanted the tumor taken off, so he had surgery and that was the end of chemo.  Two weeks after the surgery, he "crashed" with anemia and we never did another chemo treatment.  

The only transfusion we did at Metro Vet Spec. cost $500.  Monkee didn't have to be sedated for it.  I know that Marylyn said Metro runs a little high on prices and there were other places in Louisville were I could get a transfusion done cheaper.  Hiedeyo (I miss him!) also said transfusions don't have to cost that much; other vets can and will do it cheaper.  
So, I just don't understand what the vet school is saying would cost $2000?  If you aren't talking chemo, I don't see what other kind of treatment could run that high?
Just my two cents...

From:  glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To:  felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgTo:  felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject:  Megan, be careful...Date:  Thu, 30 Aug 2007 17:25:51 -0700 (PDT)>Megan, I just got home and saw the update on Olive's>situation and your other two kitties. It is wonderful>your two have tested negative...I feel very sad to>hear of how your little Olive is doing.>I just read Wendy's letter to you and it was perfect,>right on, as is usual for Wendy! Yeah! Wendy!>Like Wendy I cannot believe they would have the guts>to tell you the fee for helping Olive would be>$2,000.00. They do not even know if they will be able>to help her...This is a learning thing for those>guys...They 
should be grateful you have evenconsidered>bringing Olive to them...It seems someone is praying>on your heartache and desperation here.>  You have picked up and retained so much information>in these last few days from the experienced and very>kind people here.>If I were you I would gather my senses and go through>the basic steps to make Olive comfortable and build up>her system with the supplements that might help her>that you can afford. I cannot imagine what the vet>school would be thinking to put Olive through for>$2,000.00. I would imagine it would be horribly>stessfull for her and there would be a lot of>strangers around and that would be very scary for>her... There is nothing out there that is going to>save her if she is at a certain point with this>disease and 
for these guys to be putting a 2,000.00>price tag on what the treatment is, they are trying to>sell you on, is just not very nice at all.>  I'm sure Wendy and some others here would love to>hear their ideas for treatment...They would be a lot>more in touch than I might be or some of the newer>people here. I wish you could ask those vet school>people what they are thinking on selling you and then>let these guys decide if their price tag is in line>with their treatment options...>Meanwhile, I am wondering how Michael is doing with>his vet school situation???>I'm really sorry for you and Olive, but your other>guys need you too... and you need to keep strong! Be>careful with your money and study hard in school...The>mother in me is coming out 
here...Glenda>>>   >Luggage? GPS? Comic books?>Check out fitting gifts for grads at Yahoo! Search>> More photos, more messages, more storage—get 2GB with Windows Live Hotmail. 

Re: Megan, be careful...

2007-08-31 Thread Marylyn
Crackers deserves to be spoiled and you said it right.  Listen to your heart.  
Our little friends will tell us what they need.  

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 11:44 PM
  Subject: Re: Megan, be careful...

  My cat crackers had contracted the FELV POS from a stray beautiful girl 
"Pokemon". Long story short Pokemon was a gorgeous black and white long hair 
beauty who walked into our lifes at park. I was dense and didn't know anything 
about FELV or FIV in cats. My son and niece fell in love and I brought her home 
and brought her right in the house. She was so lovable , beautiful, had extra 
toes on all her paws. Well 10 months later she was sick and I rush her to the 
Emergency Animal Hospital in Philly. I knew NOTHING at all about anything. They 
wanted $1,300 to admit her and said her stay in ICU would be between 
$6,000-$7,000. I was in shock. They wouldn't tell me what was wrong and even if 
they would I was so naive. Finally after struggling with Demons inside, they 
told me she had lyphomia and would prob not make it. And that she probally had 
FELV or FIV, and I should test my other cat, Crackers. I wish I had been aware 
of these diseases because I would have said do the 5 minute test and see. That 
was such a rotten time in my life. I ended up putting Pokemon down. My last 
memory was of her breathing sweetly and sleeping in an oxygen incubator. I pet 
her and told her I loved her. The next week I took Crackers and he was Positive 
and his vet told me"put him down , he prob wont make it another month." That I 
WAS NOT going to hear. I with the help of this wonderful group got a new Vet. 
That was 1 yr ago. He will go for his 6 month check up in 2 weeks. He has been 
so healthy, happy and loved this last year. This is your personal battle I 
think we all would do something a little different. Me I look at quality of 
life, but would spend every penny I had to make Crackers well, free of pain. 
Then again he is stretched out on my diner room table next to me. SPOLIED LOL! 
LOL. He is 6 years old and considered my son. I would sell my blood to help 
him. But I also would not make him suffer for my satisfaction! Good luck and my 
your heart guilde you and your sweet baby Megan.
  P.s. Sorry so long.

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Re: Megan, be careful...

2007-08-30 Thread Watsdadillyo
My cat crackers had contracted the FELV POS from a stray beautiful girl  
"Pokemon". Long story short Pokemon was a gorgeous black and white long hair  
beauty who walked into our lifes at park. I was dense and didn't know anything  
about FELV or FIV in cats. My son and niece fell in love and I brought her  
and brought her right in the house. She was so lovable , beautiful, had  
extra toes on all her paws. Well 10 months later she was sick and I rush her to 
the Emergency Animal Hospital in Philly. I knew NOTHING at all about anything.  
They wanted $1,300 to admit her and said her stay in ICU would be between  
$6,000-$7,000. I was in shock. They wouldn't tell me what was wrong and even if 
they would I was so naive. Finally after struggling with Demons inside, they  
told me she had lyphomia and would prob not make it. And that she probally 
had  FELV or FIV, and I should test my other cat, Crackers. I wish I had been 
aware  of these diseases because I would have said do the 5 minute test and 
That  was such a rotten time in my life. I ended up putting Pokemon down. My 
last  memory was of her breathing sweetly and sleeping in an oxygen incubator. 
I pet  her and told her I loved her. The next week I took Crackers and he was 
Positive  and his vet told me"put him down , he prob wont make it another 
month." That I  WAS NOT going to hear. I with the help of this wonderful group 
got a new Vet.  That was 1 yr ago. He will go for his 6 month check up in 2 
weeks. He has  been so healthy, happy and loved this last year. This is your 
personal battle I  think we all would do something a little different. Me I 
look at 
quality of  life, but would spend every penny I had to make Crackers well, 
free of pain.  Then again he is stretched out on my diner room table next to 
SPOLIED  LOL! LOL. He is 6 years old and considered my son. I would sell my 
blood to  help him. But I also would not make him suffer for my satisfaction! 
Good luck  and my your heart guilde you and your sweet baby Megan.
P.s. Sorry so long.

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Re: Megan, be careful...

2007-08-30 Thread OfALegend
Hey guys.   I can't possibly imagine what could cost $2000 other  than a very 
extensive hospitalization.  Their prices and fees for labs and  diagnostic 
tests run pretty average...$15 to $40 for most testsand a  
consultation/exam/visit is only $60.  My appointment is on the 11th.   I'll be 
sure to let you 
all know how it goes.
Megan, who gave you the 2k figure?  The vet, or the hospital  itself?  I'm 
sorry, but you and I have talked a bit outside the group, and  I must say, I'm 
just not digging your vet, Megan. I'm not sure what his motives  or intentions 
are.  I dunno if he's really clueless, or what. :(  
I still recommend another vet.  And I'd find out from the hosptial  itself if 
they're wanting to charge that much.  I know I've heard a lot of  people 
around here say their vets will try to discourage people from going to UT  for 
various reasons...the biggest of which I truly think is they lose  money.  

Do keep us updated on whats going on.  :(


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Megan, be careful...

2007-08-30 Thread glenda Goodman
Megan, I just got home and saw the update on Olive's
situation and your other two kitties. It is wonderful
your two have tested negative...I feel very sad to
hear of how your little Olive is doing. 
I just read Wendy's letter to you and it was perfect,
right on, as is usual for Wendy! Yeah! Wendy! 
Like Wendy I cannot believe they would have the guts
to tell you the fee for helping Olive would be
$2,000.00. They do not even know if they will be able
to help her...This is a learning thing for those
guys...They should be grateful you have evenconsidered
bringing Olive to them...It seems someone is praying
on your heartache and desperation here.
 You have picked up and retained so much information
in these last few days from the experienced and very
kind people here. 
If I were you I would gather my senses and go through
the basic steps to make Olive comfortable and build up
her system with the supplements that might help her
that you can afford. I cannot imagine what the vet
school would be thinking to put Olive through for
$2,000.00. I would imagine it would be horribly
stessfull for her and there would be a lot of
strangers around and that would be very scary for
her... There is nothing out there that is going to
save her if she is at a certain point with this
disease and for these guys to be putting a 2,000.00
price tag on what the treatment is, they are trying to
sell you on, is just not very nice at all. 
 I'm sure Wendy and some others here would love to
hear their ideas for treatment...They would be a lot
more in touch than I might be or some of the newer
people here. I wish you could ask those vet school
people what they are thinking on selling you and then
let these guys decide if their price tag is in line
with their treatment options...
Meanwhile, I am wondering how Michael is doing with
his vet school situation???
I'm really sorry for you and Olive, but your other
guys need you too... and you need to keep strong! Be
careful with your money and study hard in school...The
mother in me is coming out here...Glenda


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