Re: your kitty Cloud

2005-08-30 Thread Belinda Sauro

   I'm so glad to hear that a positive kitty is getting Epogen and it 
seems to be helping, I will use your bandy as an example when I get the 
it won't help from so many who refuse to even give it a try

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: your kitty Cloud

2005-08-29 Thread Kerry Roach
My kitty has been anemic recently, too...Like Nina said, about the hemobart...I am giving Bandy some doxy and he also receives procrit injections 2 times a week..It has brought his PCV back up to 31...You might ask your vet about procrit (epogen) injectionsThey seem to be working for Bandy...He also gets oxazepam transdermal for an appetite stimlulant...when he isn't eating very good, I give him some in his ear and that seems to work as well...
Good luck with Cloud..
Kerry and Bandy__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: your kitty Cloud

2005-08-29 Thread Tad Burnett

Vitamins and good food are a good place to start
Hills A/D...

Lisa Ward wrote:

 The vet said he is very anemic, no energy, does not want to eat at all
today.Do you know of anything that can be done for anemia, the vet says
nothing can be done? Thanking you for your help...Lisa 

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 1:28 PM
Subject: your kitty Cloud

Hi Lisa,  Love that name Cloud  too - just wondering, does Cloud have 
Lymphoma, Anemia, or what?  I had two die of lymphoma.  One, I think, 
Mittens, became anemic in the process and possibly died from that, before I 
could get a handle on it and get him to the vet.


At 11:21 AM 8/29/2005, you wrote:
I am very sorry to hear about Twiggy, I also have a kitty (Cloud) dying of
feline lekuminia, she has no energy, the vet says there is nothing that can
be doneGood please her.Lisa Ward

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: CLS - Twiggy

Joan, please tell your friend how very sorry I am to hear that Twiggy
had to go...I'm sure she is a bright, shiney new fur-angel completely
uninhibited, now...I know Twiggy is going to be pretty busy for awhile,
but I'm sure she'll be watching over the wonderful people who watched
over her for the short time that she was here...Big hugs to Norrice!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
From: "Doljan, Joan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, August 29, 2005 6:06 am
Subject: CLS - Twiggy


Please add, my friend, Norrice's kitten Twiggy to the Candlelight
Service.She was about 9 months old, and probably died from FIP
early Saturday
morning. She had started having seizures and was rushed to a 24 hours
clinic. Norrice was told there was no hope for her recovery, so she
waseuthanized.. When she was rescued she was always thin and
somewhat sickly,
she has good times but often had a fever which would come and go.
Norrice,had her to the vet, numerous times and previously they
could not find
anything specifically wrong. This past week though, the blood work
showedthat Twiggy was slightly anemic, had a high white blood
count, elevated
liver enzyme levels, and a high globulin count. She tested negative
for both
feline leukemia and aids. She was always listless and since she
never ate
much, or gained much weight, she was named "Twiggy".  "Twiggy" came
from a
house with many unaltered animals (now they are all altered) and
some kitten
deaths (probably also from FIP).  Norrice, took Twiggy, to get her
to a
better environment. Twiggy's life, though indeed short, was one
filled with
love and much caring..
Thank you,





Re: your kitty Cloud

2005-08-29 Thread Nina
I'm not sure I was clear here.  Lisa, if I were you, I'd call my regular 
vet that has seen Cloud and read them Michelle's email and ask them 
about the Dox and the steroid shots.  Since they are already involved in 
Cloud's care, (you still need the Internist), they can prescribe 
quicker, you need to move on this right this minute.


Nina wrote:

Hooray!  Michelle's here!  Lisa, listen to Michelle, she knows what 
she is talking about.  You need to get Cloud to a vet that will help 
you.  It sounds like tests were run and that (from your description), 
Cloud is battling an auto-immune problem.  Your regular vet has given 
up too easily.  If they can't refer you to an Internist today, (a 
specialist), then ask them about giving the steroid shots Michelle is 
talking about.  Print out her email and read it to them.  Find that 
specialist and tell them it's an emergency and you need an appointment 
asap.  Go sit in their waiting room if you have to.



Lisa, that "diagnosis" does not make any sense. Unless they meant she 
is killing her own red blood cells, in which case she needs steroids 
fast (dexamethasone and depomedrol). You need to get her to an 
internist and also you need to syringe feed her some food. Cats can 
die from fatty liver disease if they do  not eat, and they can get it 
within 48 hours of stopping eating. We have all been through this, 
and believe me you need to get food into her until you can get her a 
proper diagnosis and some treatment.

In a message dated 8/29/05 1:55:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Cloud is 4 years old, she has not been acting herself, on
Friday, that
just passed, I noticed that she was not eating and having a hard 

getting around, very weakI took her to the vet they did a
blood test,
and said she had feline leukemia. They said that her white blood
cells were
taking over her red blood cells, which was making her so weak and
tired, and
she really need to be put to sleep. She does not appear to be in
any pain,
except for being so tired and weak.Lisa

Re: your kitty Cloud

2005-08-29 Thread Nina
Hooray!  Michelle's here!  Lisa, listen to Michelle, she knows what she 
is talking about.  You need to get Cloud to a vet that will help you.  
It sounds like tests were run and that (from your description), Cloud is 
battling an auto-immune problem.  Your regular vet has given up too 
easily.  If they can't refer you to an Internist today, (a specialist), 
then ask them about giving the steroid shots Michelle is talking about.  
Print out her email and read it to them.  Find that specialist and tell 
them it's an emergency and you need an appointment asap.  Go sit in 
their waiting room if you have to.



Lisa, that "diagnosis" does not make any sense. Unless they meant she 
is killing her own red blood cells, in which case she needs steroids 
fast (dexamethasone and depomedrol). You need to get her to an 
internist and also you need to syringe feed her some food. Cats can 
die from fatty liver disease if they do  not eat, and they can get it 
within 48 hours of stopping eating. We have all been through this, and 
believe me you need to get food into her until you can get her a 
proper diagnosis and some treatment.

In a message dated 8/29/05 1:55:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

 Cloud is 4 years old, she has not been acting herself, on
Friday, that
just passed, I noticed that she was not eating and having a hard time
getting around, very weakI took her to the vet they did a
blood test,
and said she had feline leukemia. They said that her white blood
cells were
taking over her red blood cells, which was making her so weak and
tired, and
she really need to be put to sleep. She does not appear to be in
any pain,
except for being so tired and weak.Lisa

Re: your kitty Cloud

2005-08-29 Thread Lernermichelle

Lisa, that "diagnosis" does not make any sense. Unless they meant she is killing her own red blood cells, in which case she needs steroids fast (dexamethasone and depomedrol). You need to get her to an internist and also you need to syringe feed her some food. Cats can die from fatty liver disease if they do  not eat, and they can get it within 48 hours of stopping eating. We have all been through this, and believe me you need to get food into her until you can get her a proper diagnosis and some treatment.
In a message dated 8/29/05 1:55:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hello,     Cloud is 4 years old, she has not been acting herself, on Friday, thatjust passed, I noticed that she was not eating and having a hard timegetting around, very weakI took her to the vet they did a blood test,and said she had feline leukemia. They said that her white blood cells weretaking over her red blood cells, which was making her so weak and tired, andshe really need to be put to sleep. She does not appear to be in any pain,except for being so tired and weak.Lisa

Re: your kitty Cloud

2005-08-29 Thread Belinda Sauro

The vet said he is very anemic, no energy, does not want to eat at all

today.Do you know of anything that can be done for anemia, the vet says
nothing can be done? Thanking you for your help...Lisa  >

Number one get a new vet, what tests has Cloud had?  What kind of anemia does 
Cloud have, if your vet can't tell you he didn't do any tests, and is saying 
nothing can be done ONLY because Cloud is positive and he either has no 
knowledge about treating a positive cat, or has a GOD complex and feels 
positive cats aren't worth saving, and therefore will do nothing ... either way 
you need a new vet ASAP.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: your kitty Cloud

2005-08-29 Thread Lernermichelle

   There is always something that can be done for anemia, though it sometimes works and sometimes does not. But it depends on what is causing the anemia. You have to get Cloud to a different vet-- hopefully a board-certified internist at a hospital or university or big clinic or veterinary referral center-- and get a real diagnosis. Here are some possibilities with the treatments they need:
1. Hemobartonella is a blood parasite that can cause severe anemia and kill them, but if caught in time and treated with antibiotics it can be cured or held at bay. It is identifiable through a blood screen, though sometimes is hard to detect.
2. Auto-immune reaction-- sometimes cats have auto-immune reactions where they destroy their own red blood cells. The treatment for this is steroids. A list member had a cat with this and depomedrol injections for six months cured it. 
3. Lymphoma-- this is a cancer that FeLV+ cats are susceptible to, and it can enter their bone marrow and cause anemia. The treatment is chemotherapy and/or heavy doses of steroids. Once it is in the bone marrow it is difficult to get them into complete remission, but treatment with chemo and/or steroids can give them a few months and make them feel a lot better.
4. Leukemia the cancer, as opposed to the virus. It can cause anemia and is not as controllable as lymphoma. It is generally a bad diagnosis to get, but it can be held at bay for a little while through steroids and/or chemo sometimes. Only one cat on this list has been definitively diagnosed with this, to my knowledge.
5. Kidney problems. The kidneys make a hormone that stimulates the bone marrow to make red blood cells, and when they don't work right sometimes the bone marrow does not get enough stimulus to make the cells. There is a drug called Epogen that can help a lot with this.
6. Anemia of unknown cause-- some cats are hard to diagnose when they have anemia.
Regardless, of the cause, there is a drug called Immuno-Regulin that has been reported, anecdotally, to help cats with FeLV who get anemic. There are a few articles about it on this group's website. It is cheap and easy to get, but a vet or vet tech must administer it because it is an IV injection. It stimulates the T cells in the immune system (as opposed to the B cells, which are the ones that can get out of control and kill red blood cells.)  Transfusions also can help short term or long term. One list member had each transfusion help for a month at a time for a while.  My Simon had three transfusions before his chemo and steroids kicked in, at which point he did well for about 2 months.  He had lymphoma.
In a message dated 8/29/05 1:45:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Hello,     The vet said he is very anemic, no energy, does not want to eat at alltoday.Do you know of anything that can be done for anemia, the vet saysnothing can be done? Thanking you for your help...Lisa 

Re: your kitty Cloud

2005-08-29 Thread Nina

There are different reasons for anemia.  You need to know what is
causing it to treat it.   It could be a bacterial infection, (we
suspect Grace suffers from this, Hemobartinella), that could be
controlled with antibiotics.  If it's some sort of auto-immune response
it would be treated with steroids.  There is something called
Immuno-regulin that many folks on the list say has helped their kitties
battle infection.  It could be kidney related, it could be lymphoma,
etc. etc.  I would get Cloud into an Internist as soon as possible. 
Since she's already under the care of a vet, I'd call that vet and get
her to prescribe a "broad spectrum" antibiotic, Grace takes
Doxycycline, (it has saved her life more than once).  You need to make
sure that Cloud eats in the meantime.  When cats don't feel well, they
stop eating.  You may need to assist feed her to keep her going until
you find out what it is you are dealing with and can help her with
medication.  Here is a link to a support group for anemia, and one for
assisted feeding:

Lisa Ward wrote:

 The vet said he is very anemic, no energy, does not want to eat at all
today.Do you know of anything that can be done for anemia, the vet says
nothing can be done? Thanking you for your help...Lisa 

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 1:28 PM
Subject: your kitty Cloud

Hi Lisa,  Love that name Cloud  too - just wondering, does Cloud have 
Lymphoma, Anemia, or what?  I had two die of lymphoma.  One, I think, 
Mittens, became anemic in the process and possibly died from that, before I 
could get a handle on it and get him to the vet.


At 11:21 AM 8/29/2005, you wrote:
I am very sorry to hear about Twiggy, I also have a kitty (Cloud) dying of
feline lekuminia, she has no energy, the vet says there is nothing that can
be doneGood please her.Lisa Ward

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: CLS - Twiggy

Joan, please tell your friend how very sorry I am to hear that Twiggy
had to go...I'm sure she is a bright, shiney new fur-angel completely
uninhibited, now...I know Twiggy is going to be pretty busy for awhile,
but I'm sure she'll be watching over the wonderful people who watched
over her for the short time that she was here...Big hugs to Norrice!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
From: "Doljan, Joan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, August 29, 2005 6:06 am
Subject: CLS - Twiggy


Please add, my friend, Norrice's kitten Twiggy to the Candlelight
Service.She was about 9 months old, and probably died from FIP
early Saturday
morning. She had started having seizures and was rushed to a 24 hours
clinic. Norrice was told there was no hope for her recovery, so she
waseuthanized.. When she was rescued she was always thin and
somewhat sickly,
she has good times but often had a fever which would come and go.
Norrice,had her to the vet, numerous times and previously they
could not find
anything specifically wrong. This past week though, the blood work
showedthat Twiggy was slightly anemic, had a high white blood
count, elevated
liver enzyme levels, and a high globulin count. She tested negative
for both
feline leukemia and aids. She was always listless and since she
never ate
much, or gained much weight, she was named "Twiggy".  "Twiggy" came
from a
house with many unaltered animals (now they are all altered) and
some kitten
deaths (probably also from FIP).  Norrice, took Twiggy, to get her
to a
better environment. Twiggy's life, though indeed short, was one
filled with
love and much caring..
Thank you,





RE: your kitty Cloud

2005-08-29 Thread Lisa Ward
 Cloud is 4 years old, she has not been acting herself, on Friday, that
just passed, I noticed that she was not eating and having a hard time
getting around, very weakI took her to the vet they did a blood test,
and said she had feline leukemia. They said that her white blood cells were
taking over her red blood cells, which was making her so weak and tired, and
she really need to be put to sleep. She does not appear to be in any pain,
except for being so tired and weak.Lisa

-Original Message-
From: Nina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: your kitty Cloud

I can't say for sure, but I suspect you need a different vet.  You 
haven't told us much about Cloud, except that she's lethargic and that 
she's dieing of Felv.  They don't die of "feline leukemia" they die 
because they are susceptible to other ailments and can't fight them off 
as well as kittys with healthy immune systems.  If you and your vet can 
figure out what is making her tired then it should be fought in the same 
way you would for any other kitty.  The first time my kitty, Grace, had 
symptoms similar to what you describe she was 5 mos old.  I thought I 
might have to put her to sleep because her quality of life was so poor.  
My regular vet at the time didn't know what else to do for her and 
suggested I take her to a specialist, (an Internist).  With this new 
vet's help, the support of this group, and a lot of work researching 
this horrible disease, I've been able to keep Grace with me and even 
though she has bouts of illness, (quick say a prayer), she always 
bounces back.  Don't give up hope.  Tell us Cloud's history and what's 
going on with her right now.
Maybe we can help.


> Hi Lisa,  Love that name Cloud  too - just wondering, does Cloud have 
> Lymphoma, Anemia, or what?  I had two die of lymphoma.  One, I think, 
> Mittens, became anemic in the process and possibly died from that, 
> before I could get a handle on it and get him to the vet.
> Gloria
> At 11:21 AM 8/29/2005, you wrote:
>> I am very sorry to hear about Twiggy, I also have a kitty (Cloud) 
>> dying of
>> feline lekuminia, she has no energy, the vet says there is nothing 
>> that can
>> be doneGood please her.Lisa Ward
>> -Original Message-
>> Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 12:03 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: CLS - Twiggy
>> Joan, please tell your friend how very sorry I am to hear that Twiggy
>> had to go...I'm sure she is a bright, shiney new fur-angel completely
>> uninhibited, now...I know Twiggy is going to be pretty busy for awhile,
>> but I'm sure she'll be watching over the wonderful people who watched
>> over her for the short time that she was here...Big hugs to Norrice!
>> Jen
>> "But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
>> unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
>> become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de
>> Saint-Exupéry
>> "If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
>> each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
>> you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan
>> George
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Doljan, Joan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Monday, August 29, 2005 6:06 am
>> Subject: CLS - Twiggy
>> > Belinda,
>> >
>> > Please add, my friend, Norrice's kitten Twiggy to the Candlelight
>> > Service.She was about 9 months old, and probably died from FIP
>> > early Saturday
>> > morning. She had started having seizures and was rushed to a 24 hours
>> > clinic. Norrice was told there was no hope for her recovery, so she
>> > waseuthanized.. When she was rescued she was always thin and
>> > somewhat sickly,
>> > she has good times but often had a fever which would come and go.
>> > Norrice,had her to the vet, numerous times and previously they
>> > could not find
>> > anything specifically wrong. This past week though, the blood work
>> > showedthat Twiggy was slightly anemic, had a high white blood
>> > count, elevated
>> > liver enzyme levels, and a high globulin count. She tested negative
>> > for both
>> > feline leukemia and aids. She was always listless and since she
>> > never ate
>> > much, or gained much weight, she was named "Twiggy".  "Twiggy" came
>> > from a
>> > house with many unaltered animals (now they are all altered) and
>> > some kitten
>> > deaths (probably also from FIP).  Norrice, took Twiggy, to get her
>> > to a
>> > better environment. Twiggy's life, though indeed short, was one
>> > filled with
>> > love and much caring..
>> > Thank you,
>> >
>> > Joan
>> >

RE: your kitty Cloud

2005-08-29 Thread Lisa Ward
 The vet said he is very anemic, no energy, does not want to eat at all
today.Do you know of anything that can be done for anemia, the vet says
nothing can be done? Thanking you for your help...Lisa 

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 1:28 PM
Subject: your kitty Cloud

Hi Lisa,  Love that name Cloud  too - just wondering, does Cloud have 
Lymphoma, Anemia, or what?  I had two die of lymphoma.  One, I think, 
Mittens, became anemic in the process and possibly died from that, before I 
could get a handle on it and get him to the vet.


At 11:21 AM 8/29/2005, you wrote:
>I am very sorry to hear about Twiggy, I also have a kitty (Cloud) dying of
>feline lekuminia, she has no energy, the vet says there is nothing that can
>be doneGood please her.Lisa Ward
>-Original Message-
>Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 12:03 PM
>Subject: Re: CLS - Twiggy
>Joan, please tell your friend how very sorry I am to hear that Twiggy
>had to go...I'm sure she is a bright, shiney new fur-angel completely
>uninhibited, now...I know Twiggy is going to be pretty busy for awhile,
>but I'm sure she'll be watching over the wonderful people who watched
>over her for the short time that she was here...Big hugs to Norrice!
>"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
>unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
>become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de
>"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
>each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
>you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan
>- Original Message -
>From: "Doljan, Joan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Monday, August 29, 2005 6:06 am
>Subject: CLS - Twiggy
> > Belinda,
> >
> > Please add, my friend, Norrice's kitten Twiggy to the Candlelight
> > Service.She was about 9 months old, and probably died from FIP
> > early Saturday
> > morning. She had started having seizures and was rushed to a 24 hours
> > clinic. Norrice was told there was no hope for her recovery, so she
> > waseuthanized.. When she was rescued she was always thin and
> > somewhat sickly,
> > she has good times but often had a fever which would come and go.
> > Norrice,had her to the vet, numerous times and previously they
> > could not find
> > anything specifically wrong. This past week though, the blood work
> > showedthat Twiggy was slightly anemic, had a high white blood
> > count, elevated
> > liver enzyme levels, and a high globulin count. She tested negative
> > for both
> > feline leukemia and aids. She was always listless and since she
> > never ate
> > much, or gained much weight, she was named "Twiggy".  "Twiggy" came
> > from a
> > house with many unaltered animals (now they are all altered) and
> > some kitten
> > deaths (probably also from FIP).  Norrice, took Twiggy, to get her
> > to a
> > better environment. Twiggy's life, though indeed short, was one
> > filled with
> > love and much caring..
> > Thank you,
> >
> > Joan
> >

Re: your kitty Cloud

2005-08-29 Thread Nina

I can't say for sure, but I suspect you need a different vet.  You 
haven't told us much about Cloud, except that she's lethargic and that 
she's dieing of Felv.  They don't die of "feline leukemia" they die 
because they are susceptible to other ailments and can't fight them off 
as well as kittys with healthy immune systems.  If you and your vet can 
figure out what is making her tired then it should be fought in the same 
way you would for any other kitty.  The first time my kitty, Grace, had 
symptoms similar to what you describe she was 5 mos old.  I thought I 
might have to put her to sleep because her quality of life was so poor.  
My regular vet at the time didn't know what else to do for her and 
suggested I take her to a specialist, (an Internist).  With this new 
vet's help, the support of this group, and a lot of work researching 
this horrible disease, I've been able to keep Grace with me and even 
though she has bouts of illness, (quick say a prayer), she always 
bounces back.  Don't give up hope.  Tell us Cloud's history and what's 
going on with her right now.

Maybe we can help.


Hi Lisa,  Love that name Cloud  too - just wondering, does Cloud have 
Lymphoma, Anemia, or what?  I had two die of lymphoma.  One, I think, 
Mittens, became anemic in the process and possibly died from that, 
before I could get a handle on it and get him to the vet.


At 11:21 AM 8/29/2005, you wrote:

I am very sorry to hear about Twiggy, I also have a kitty (Cloud) 
dying of
feline lekuminia, she has no energy, the vet says there is nothing 
that can

be doneGood please her.Lisa Ward

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: CLS - Twiggy

Joan, please tell your friend how very sorry I am to hear that Twiggy
had to go...I'm sure she is a bright, shiney new fur-angel completely
uninhibited, now...I know Twiggy is going to be pretty busy for awhile,
but I'm sure she'll be watching over the wonderful people who watched
over her for the short time that she was here...Big hugs to Norrice!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
From: "Doljan, Joan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, August 29, 2005 6:06 am
Subject: CLS - Twiggy

> Belinda,
> Please add, my friend, Norrice's kitten Twiggy to the Candlelight
> Service.She was about 9 months old, and probably died from FIP
> early Saturday
> morning. She had started having seizures and was rushed to a 24 hours
> clinic. Norrice was told there was no hope for her recovery, so she
> waseuthanized.. When she was rescued she was always thin and
> somewhat sickly,
> she has good times but often had a fever which would come and go.
> Norrice,had her to the vet, numerous times and previously they
> could not find
> anything specifically wrong. This past week though, the blood work
> showedthat Twiggy was slightly anemic, had a high white blood
> count, elevated
> liver enzyme levels, and a high globulin count. She tested negative
> for both
> feline leukemia and aids. She was always listless and since she
> never ate
> much, or gained much weight, she was named "Twiggy".  "Twiggy" came
> from a
> house with many unaltered animals (now they are all altered) and
> some kitten
> deaths (probably also from FIP).  Norrice, took Twiggy, to get her
> to a
> better environment. Twiggy's life, though indeed short, was one
> filled with
> love and much caring..
> Thank you,
> Joan

your kitty Cloud

2005-08-29 Thread gblane
Hi Lisa,  Love that name Cloud  too - just wondering, does Cloud have 
Lymphoma, Anemia, or what?  I had two die of lymphoma.  One, I think, 
Mittens, became anemic in the process and possibly died from that, before I 
could get a handle on it and get him to the vet.


At 11:21 AM 8/29/2005, you wrote:

I am very sorry to hear about Twiggy, I also have a kitty (Cloud) dying of
feline lekuminia, she has no energy, the vet says there is nothing that can
be doneGood please her.Lisa Ward

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: CLS - Twiggy

Joan, please tell your friend how very sorry I am to hear that Twiggy
had to go...I'm sure she is a bright, shiney new fur-angel completely
uninhibited, now...I know Twiggy is going to be pretty busy for awhile,
but I'm sure she'll be watching over the wonderful people who watched
over her for the short time that she was here...Big hugs to Norrice!


"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be
unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world; You
become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed..." --Antoine de

"If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know
each other.  If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what
you do not know you will fear. What one fears one destroys." --Chief Dan

- Original Message -
From: "Doljan, Joan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, August 29, 2005 6:06 am
Subject: CLS - Twiggy

> Belinda,
> Please add, my friend, Norrice's kitten Twiggy to the Candlelight
> Service.She was about 9 months old, and probably died from FIP
> early Saturday
> morning. She had started having seizures and was rushed to a 24 hours
> clinic. Norrice was told there was no hope for her recovery, so she
> waseuthanized.. When she was rescued she was always thin and
> somewhat sickly,
> she has good times but often had a fever which would come and go.
> Norrice,had her to the vet, numerous times and previously they
> could not find
> anything specifically wrong. This past week though, the blood work
> showedthat Twiggy was slightly anemic, had a high white blood
> count, elevated
> liver enzyme levels, and a high globulin count. She tested negative
> for both
> feline leukemia and aids. She was always listless and since she
> never ate
> much, or gained much weight, she was named "Twiggy".  "Twiggy" came
> from a
> house with many unaltered animals (now they are all altered) and
> some kitten
> deaths (probably also from FIP).  Norrice, took Twiggy, to get her
> to a
> better environment. Twiggy's life, though indeed short, was one
> filled with
> love and much caring..
> Thank you,
> Joan