Re: Current FELV and FIV cats up for euthansia - could these be yours?

2005-07-03 Thread Tad Burnett

I suspect that's it...Too bad we couldn't have snagged
one of them to bring them to anywhere eastern half of NY..I would meet
them there...They don't do well sitting in a strange cage


      Your posts are
coming through...probably most are on holiday with their families.
Terrie Mohr
  Check site for available Siameses for
RESCUE Yahoo Group!
  Click Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress
Adopt a Homeless Pet!
  Southern CA. Siamese Rescue
Northern CA. Siamese Rescue

Re: Current FELV and FIV cats up for euthansia - could these be yours?

2005-07-03 Thread TatorBunz

    Your posts are coming through...probably most are on holiday with their families.
 Terrie MohrCheck site for available Siameses for adoption!'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTS Here to Join WASHINGTON SIAMESE RESCUE Yahoo Group! Here to Join K9 and Puddy Xpress Yahoo'S ANIMAL TRANSPORTSSIAMESE & COLLIE RESCUEOwner/DriverPetfinder.comAdopt a Homeless Pet! CA. Siamese Rescue CA. Siamese Rescue

Re: Current FELV and FIV cats up for euthansia - could these be yours?

2005-07-03 Thread Tad Burnett

Hi Tonya
  Mt thought exactly...With all the stress of being moved and a 1500
mile transport ahead of them...
I don't know what kind of care they are getting now but its been a
couple days already and FeLV+'s won't fight off the virus long if they
aren't eating now
And if they are eating well they have a good chance of pulling through
it all, from my experience...

catatonya wrote:

  Hi Tad,
  Your posts are coming through, I think most people are just gone
for the holiday.  I personally think your idea is a good one. 
Although, you can forcefeed, I think these cats have been through so
much already that I probably would let them go if they weren't eating.
  Tad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Are my posts getting through???
Still waiting to hear anything on the fate of the FeLV+ cats...
What do you think about my "will the eat??" test as a go / nogo test
for the ones selected to be transported to Vermont???

Tad Burnett wrote:
I think it was Mary that said to talk to them and ask them
if they want to live...
I think a cats natural instinct is to stop eating when its time to go...
Thus this would be a good test too...If they eat and drink well thats a
good sign...
A/D or A/D with a little tomato juice (same as liver shake) is a good
way to ask 
Tad Burnett wrote:
  I suppose the bottom line...Do any of these cats have
sponsers that would want to help with expenses should be a
consideration and on the other hand its probably just as easy to
transport 4 or 6 as it is to transport only 1

Tad Burnett wrote:
Hi Jenn
  Just got home from a big family get to gether supper...
And reading your message...
Sounds like I would be making a number of trips to my vet...Handeling
open woonds isn't my favorit thing to do but my vet is very reasonable
Are these woonds from scratching themselves becouse of the fleas???
  One question I would ask...Are these cats people friendly and easy to
And we are talking about a 1500 mile transport which will be a big
stress for an FeLV+...
Are they strong enough to survive that??
If they are reasonably tame I will deal with the medical problems so
long as there are no hard feelings if at my vets advice I have them
PTS...Neather my vet nor I call for that easily
Getting the transport will be the big job...
In the mean time will the vet down there get rid of the flras and ear
mites...They can kill a healthy cat...Antibiotics and sub-q liquid and
a couple good meales shouldn't be a big deal..See what they look like
then...If they are strong enough to show improvement I would say save
  Whats everybody else think...Can we do it ???

This is the list of cats that the vets are holding
JUST FOR ME, and would overwise already be DEAD. I need opinions
people, do these sound treatable, and should we try to get them
transported? Tad? Do you have the time to nurse open sores and that
type of severe injury? I'm recommending saving the dilute calico,
sounds like she just needs rehydrated and fed. I'm also demanding they
save the black DSH, because I may know his owner, so he will be held
til I can get picture tomorrow. I'm up in the air about the buff guy
with open pressure sores, and all that mess, he sounds like he is
suffering, should I give the OK to euthanise him guys?
I have no say over the FIV cats, as I don't have
fosters for them, so if they sound like they could be one you are
seeking, let me know ASAP, before they euthanise them!
I have the records for the 3 FeLV cats:  I will just
list what is abnormal.  Please let me know what you think.  I can get
pictures and send them to you if you need them tomorrow.
Dilute calico DMH, ~4 years
Eyes - sunken, 3rd eyelid up
Ear mites
Fleas 4+
Mouth - peridontal/missing teeth
Notes:  very thin, dehydrated, Recommend euthanasia
Buff DSH, ~4 years
Eyes - conjunctivitis
Ears - mites
Skin - dermatitis, hair loss, self trauma
Abdomen - hernia over incision
Mouth - missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis
Legs/feet - pressure sores
Notes: ear flaps ulcerated necrotic, conjuct, nasal
discharge, missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis, pressure sores on
hocks, fleas
Needs Euthanized
Black DSH, >6 years
Ears - mites
Skin/coat - fleas ++, severe (??) dermatitis
Abdominal - thin
Mouth - moderate tarter
Notes: none
Then I have two bad FIVs:
White with gray DSH, 5 years
Eyes - sunken

Re: Current FELV and FIV cats up for euthansia - could these be yours?

2005-07-03 Thread catatonya
Hi Tad,
Your posts are coming through, I think most people are just gone for the holiday.  I personally think your idea is a good one.  Although, you can forcefeed, I think these cats have been through so much already that I probably would let them go if they weren't eating.
tonyaTad Burnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Are my posts getting through???Still waiting to hear anything on the fate of the FeLV+ cats...What do you think about my "will the eat??" test as a go / nogo test for the ones selected to be transported to Vermont??? TadTad Burnett wrote:
I think it was Mary that said to talk to them and ask them if they want to live...I think a cats natural instinct is to stop eating when its time to go...Thus this would be a good test too...If they eat and drink well thats a good sign...A/D or A/D with a little tomato juice (same as liver shake) is a good way to ask TadTad Burnett wrote:
I suppose the bottom line...Do any of these cats have sponsers that would want to help with expenses should be a consideration and on the other hand its probably just as easy to transport 4 or 6 as it is to transport only 1TadTad Burnett wrote:
Hi Jenn  Just got home from a big family get to gether supper...And reading your message...Sounds like I would be making a number of trips to my vet...Handeling open woonds isn't my favorit thing to do but my vet is very reasonable Are these woonds from scratching themselves becouse of the fleas???  One question I would ask...Are these cats people friendly and easy to handel???And we are talking about a 1500 mile transport which will be a big stress for an FeLV+...Are they strong enough to survive that??If they are reasonably tame I will deal with the medical problems so long as there are no hard feelings if at my vets advice I have them PTS...Neather my vet nor I call for that easilyGetting the transport will be the big job...In the mean time will the vet down there get rid of the flras and ear mites...They can kill a healthy cat...Antibiotics and sub-q
 liquid and a couple good meales shouldn't be a big deal..See what they look like then...If they are strong enough to show improvement I would say save them...   Whats everybody else think...Can we do it ???Tad[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is the list of cats that the vets are holding JUST FOR ME, and would overwise already be DEAD. I need opinions people, do these sound treatable, and should we try to get them transported? Tad? Do you have the time to nurse open sores and that type of severe injury? I'm recommending saving the dilute calico, sounds like she just needs rehydrated and fed. I'm also demanding they save the black DSH, because I may know his owner, so he will be held til I can get picture tomorrow. I'm up in the air about the buff guy with open pressure sores, and all that mess, he sounds like he is suffering, should I give the OK to euthanise him guys?
I have no say over the FIV cats, as I don't have fosters for them, so if they sound like they could be one you are seeking, let me know ASAP, before they euthanise them!
I have the records for the 3 FeLV cats:  I will just list what is abnormal.  Please let me know what you think.  I can get pictures and send them to you if you need them tomorrow.
Dilute calico DMH, ~4 years
Eyes - sunken, 3rd eyelid up
Ear mites
Fleas 4+
Mouth - peridontal/missing teeth
Notes:  very thin, dehydrated, Recommend euthanasia
Buff DSH, ~4 years
Eyes - conjunctivitis
Ears - mites
Skin - dermatitis, hair loss, self trauma
Abdomen - hernia over incision
Mouth - missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis
Legs/feet - pressure sores
Notes: ear flaps ulcerated necrotic, conjuct, nasal discharge, missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis, pressure sores on hocks, fleas
Needs Euthanized
Black DSH, >6 years
Ears - mites
Skin/coat - fleas ++, severe (??) dermatitis
Abdominal - thin
Mouth - moderate tarter
Notes: none
Then I have two bad FIVs:
White with gray DSH, 5 years
Eyes - sunken
Ears - mites
Skin - fleas, thin hair
Mouth - see below
Notes - mouth ulcer tongue, severe tarter, periodontal, gingivitis, URI
Body condition, 1.5
Vet recommends euthanasia
Buff DSH, 4 years
Eyes - sunken
Ears - mites
Skin - fleas, self trauma to skin, wounds on right rear leg, pressure sores, possible mange
Mouth - severe gingivitis, periodontal disease, acne
Notes - recommends euthanasia
~~~I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
No virus found in this ou

Re: Current FELV and FIV cats up for euthansia - could these be yours?

2005-07-03 Thread Tad Burnett

Are my posts getting through???
Still waiting to hear anything on the fate of the FeLV+ cats...
What do you think about my "will the eat??" test as a go / nogo test
for the ones selected to be transported to Vermont???

Tad Burnett wrote:

  I think it was Mary that said to talk to them and ask
them if they want to live...
I think a cats natural instinct is to stop eating when its time to go...
Thus this would be a good test too...If they eat and drink well thats a
good sign...
A/D or A/D with a little tomato juice (same as liver shake) is a good
way to ask 
Tad Burnett wrote:

I suppose the bottom line...Do any of these cats
sponsers that would want to help with expenses should be a
consideration and on the other hand its probably just as easy to
transport 4 or 6 as it is to transport only 1

Tad Burnett wrote:

  Hi Jenn
  Just got home from a big family get to gether supper...
And reading your message...
Sounds like I would be making a number of trips to my vet...Handeling
open woonds isn't my favorit thing to do but my vet is very reasonable
Are these woonds from scratching themselves becouse of the fleas???
  One question I would ask...Are these cats people friendly and easy to
And we are talking about a 1500 mile transport which will be a big
stress for an FeLV+...
Are they strong enough to survive that??
If they are reasonably tame I will deal with the medical problems so
long as there are no hard feelings if at my vets advice I have them
PTS...Neather my vet nor I call for that easily
Getting the transport will be the big job...
In the mean time will the vet down there get rid of the flras and ear
mites...They can kill a healthy cat...Antibiotics and sub-q liquid and
a couple good meales shouldn't be a big deal..See what they look like
then...If they are strong enough to show improvement I would say save
  Whats everybody else think...Can we do it ???

This is the list of cats that the vets are holding JUST
and would overwise already be DEAD. I need opinions people, do these
sound treatable, and should we try to get them transported? Tad? Do you
have the time to nurse open sores and that type of severe injury? I'm
recommending saving the dilute calico, sounds like she just needs
rehydrated and fed. I'm also demanding they save the black DSH, because
I may know his owner, so he will be held til I can get picture
tomorrow. I'm up in the air about the buff guy with open pressure
sores, and all that mess, he sounds like he is suffering, should I give
the OK to euthanise him guys?
I have no say over the FIV cats, as I don't have fosters
them, so if they sound like they could be one you are seeking, let me
know ASAP, before they euthanise them!
I have the records for the 3 FeLV cats:  I will just list
is abnormal.  Please let me know what you think.  I can get pictures
and send them to you if you need them tomorrow.
Dilute calico DMH, ~4 years
Eyes - sunken, 3rd eyelid up
Ear mites
Fleas 4+
Mouth - peridontal/missing teeth
Notes:  very thin, dehydrated, Recommend euthanasia
Buff DSH, ~4 years
Eyes - conjunctivitis
Ears - mites
Skin - dermatitis, hair loss, self trauma
Abdomen - hernia over incision
Mouth - missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis
Legs/feet - pressure sores
Notes: ear flaps ulcerated necrotic, conjuct, nasal
missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis, pressure sores on hocks, fleas
Needs Euthanized
Black DSH, >6 years
Ears - mites
Skin/coat - fleas ++, severe (??) dermatitis
Abdominal - thin
Mouth - moderate tarter
Notes: none
Then I have two bad FIVs:
White with gray DSH, 5 years
Eyes - sunken
Ears - mites
Skin - fleas, thin hair
Mouth - see below
Notes - mouth ulcer tongue, severe tarter, periodontal,
gingivitis, URI
Body condition, 1.5
Vet recommends euthanasia
Buff DSH, 4 years
Eyes - sunken
Ears - mites
Skin - fleas, self trauma to skin, wounds on right rear
pressure sores, possible mange
Mouth - severe gingivitis, periodontal disease, acne
Notes - recommends euthanasia


I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs
cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collec

Re: Current FELV and FIV cats up for euthansia - could these be yours?

2005-07-02 Thread Del Daniels

Could this fellow be a himmy/siamese look?  
The one I transported was more buff with light gray.  could you send 
me a pix if you think he could be him?  Actually, if it were him, 
I would not hesitate to euthanize him, he was in bad shape 8/02 with we 
moved him there.  
Then I have two bad FIVs:
White with gray DSH, 5 years
Eyes - sunken
Ears - mites
Skin - fleas, thin hair
Mouth - see below
Notes - mouth ulcer tongue, severe tarter, periodontal, gingivitis, 
Body condition, 1.5
Vet recommends euthanasia

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 10:52 
  Subject: Current FELV and FIV cats up for 
  euthansia - could these be yours?
  This is the list of cats that the vets are holding JUST FOR ME, and would 
  overwise already be DEAD. I need opinions people, do these sound treatable, 
  and should we try to get them transported? Tad? Do you have the time to nurse 
  open sores and that type of severe injury? I'm recommending saving the dilute 
  calico, sounds like she just needs rehydrated and fed. I'm also demanding they 
  save the black DSH, because I may know his owner, so he will be held til I can 
  get picture tomorrow. I'm up in the air about the buff guy with open pressure 
  sores, and all that mess, he sounds like he is suffering, should I give the OK 
  to euthanise him guys?
  I have no say over the FIV cats, as I don't have fosters for them, so if 
  they sound like they could be one you are seeking, let me know ASAP, before 
  they euthanise them!
  I have the records for the 3 FeLV cats:  I will just list what is 
  abnormal.  Please let me know what you think.  I can get pictures 
  and send them to you if you need them tomorrow.
  Dilute calico DMH, ~4 years
  Eyes - sunken, 3rd eyelid up
  Ear mites
  Fleas 4+
  Mouth - peridontal/missing teeth
  Notes:  very thin, dehydrated, Recommend euthanasia
  Buff DSH, ~4 years
  Eyes - conjunctivitis
  Ears - mites
  Skin - dermatitis, hair loss, self trauma
  Abdomen - hernia over incision
  Mouth - missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis
  Legs/feet - pressure sores
  Notes: ear flaps ulcerated necrotic, conjuct, nasal discharge, missing 
  teeth, periodontal, gingivitis, pressure sores on hocks, fleas
  Needs Euthanized
  Black DSH, >6 years
  Ears - mites
  Skin/coat - fleas ++, severe (??) dermatitis
  Abdominal - thin
  Mouth - moderate tarter
  Notes: none
  Then I have two bad FIVs:
  White with gray DSH, 5 years
  Eyes - sunken
  Ears - mites
  Skin - fleas, thin hair
  Mouth - see below
  Notes - mouth ulcer tongue, severe tarter, periodontal, gingivitis, 
  Body condition, 1.5
  Vet recommends euthanasia
  Buff DSH, 4 years
  Eyes - sunken
  Ears - mites
  Skin - fleas, self trauma to skin, wounds on right rear leg, pressure 
  sores, possible mange
  Mouth - severe gingivitis, periodontal disease, acne
  Notes - recommends euthanasia
  collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
  must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
  collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a 
  free can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for 
  If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
  you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!

  No virus found in this outgoing message.Checked by AVG 
  Anti-Virus.Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/35 - Release Date: 

Re: Current FELV and FIV cats up for euthansia - could these be yours?

2005-07-02 Thread Tad Burnett

I think it was Mary that said to talk to them and ask
them if they want to live...
I think a cats natural instinct is to stop eating when its time to go...
Thus this would be a good test too...If they eat and drink well thats a
good sign...
A/D or A/D with a little tomato juice (same as liver shake) is a good
way to ask 

Tad Burnett wrote:

  I suppose the bottom line...Do any of these cats have
sponsers that would want to help with expenses should be a
consideration and on the other hand its probably just as easy to
transport 4 or 6 as it is to transport only 1
Tad Burnett wrote:

Hi Jenn
  Just got home from a big family get to gether supper...
And reading your message...
Sounds like I would be making a number of trips to my vet...Handeling
open woonds isn't my favorit thing to do but my vet is very reasonable
Are these woonds from scratching themselves becouse of the fleas???
  One question I would ask...Are these cats people friendly and easy to
And we are talking about a 1500 mile transport which will be a big
stress for an FeLV+...
Are they strong enough to survive that??
If they are reasonably tame I will deal with the medical problems so
long as there are no hard feelings if at my vets advice I have them
PTS...Neather my vet nor I call for that easily
Getting the transport will be the big job...
In the mean time will the vet down there get rid of the flras and ear
mites...They can kill a healthy cat...Antibiotics and sub-q liquid and
a couple good meales shouldn't be a big deal..See what they look like
then...If they are strong enough to show improvement I would say save
  Whats everybody else think...Can we do it ???


  This is the list of cats that the vets are holding JUST FOR
and would overwise already be DEAD. I need opinions people, do these
sound treatable, and should we try to get them transported? Tad? Do you
have the time to nurse open sores and that type of severe injury? I'm
recommending saving the dilute calico, sounds like she just needs
rehydrated and fed. I'm also demanding they save the black DSH, because
I may know his owner, so he will be held til I can get picture
tomorrow. I'm up in the air about the buff guy with open pressure
sores, and all that mess, he sounds like he is suffering, should I give
the OK to euthanise him guys?
  I have no say over the FIV cats, as I don't have fosters for
them, so if they sound like they could be one you are seeking, let me
know ASAP, before they euthanise them!
  I have the records for the 3 FeLV cats:  I will just list
is abnormal.  Please let me know what you think.  I can get pictures
and send them to you if you need them tomorrow.
  Dilute calico DMH, ~4 years
  Eyes - sunken, 3rd eyelid up
  Ear mites
  Fleas 4+
  Mouth - peridontal/missing teeth
  Notes:  very thin, dehydrated, Recommend euthanasia
  Buff DSH, ~4 years
  Eyes - conjunctivitis
  Ears - mites
  Skin - dermatitis, hair loss, self trauma
  Abdomen - hernia over incision
  Mouth - missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis
  Legs/feet - pressure sores
  Notes: ear flaps ulcerated necrotic, conjuct, nasal
missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis, pressure sores on hocks, fleas
  Needs Euthanized
  Black DSH, >6 years
  Ears - mites
  Skin/coat - fleas ++, severe (??) dermatitis
  Abdominal - thin
  Mouth - moderate tarter
  Notes: none
  Then I have two bad FIVs:
  White with gray DSH, 5 years
  Eyes - sunken
  Ears - mites
  Skin - fleas, thin hair
  Mouth - see below
  Notes - mouth ulcer tongue, severe tarter, periodontal,
gingivitis, URI
  Body condition, 1.5
  Vet recommends euthanasia
  Buff DSH, 4 years
  Eyes - sunken
  Ears - mites
  Skin - fleas, self trauma to skin, wounds on right rear leg,
pressure sores, possible mange
  Mouth - severe gingivitis, periodontal disease, acne
  Notes - recommends euthanasia
I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs
cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add
up until she earns a free can of formula!
PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
  If you use KMR, even just one can,
please ask me for the mailing address you can send them to, to help
feed Bazil!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/35 - Release D

Re: Current FELV and FIV cats up for euthansia - could these be yours?

2005-07-02 Thread TenHouseCats
transporting FeLVs, even sick ones, IS possible--we moved 19 from
Texas to Michigan two years ago, losing only one: she was very very
ill, but when i asked her if she wanted to come with us or stay in the
safe place she was in, she made it very clear that she wanted to make
the journey. i will never be able to explain the experience with
her--she had just met me, and was clearly close to death, but when i
talked with her she perked up and purred. she spent the first night on
the road with me, at our Gloria's house, where we both loved and cared
for her, and spent the last few hours on this earth under my shirt,
close to my heart, gazing up at me with a look that no creature, of
any species, has EVER given me. we didn't know her name at that time
(the records were packed away), so we called her, "Bliss," because
that was what showed on her face. i have never seen such trust and
love before, or since, and carry that blessing with me still. when she
was ready to journey on, we stopped at a rest area and let her
complete her passage on a blanket laid on the grass in the sun...

we had 29 cats total on that trip, and we were racing tornadoes the
whole trip north--i would have liked the luxury of stopping more

i'm talking with folks here in michigan who've done the trip to angel
wings numerous times--they don't have the time off from work they used
to, but we're trying to see if there's anyway to juggle it--they'd
need help with gas money, maybe overnight places to stay. (jenn,
this is n and g, who've been in touch with you/TN folks)

it'd be easier if someone could make part of the trip north--as close
to baltimore as possible, to cut off some of the triangle between


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Current FELV and FIV cats up for euthansia - could these be yours?

2005-07-01 Thread Tad Burnett

I suppose the bottom line...Do any of these cats have
sponsers that would want to help with expenses should be a
consideration and on the other hand its probably just as easy to
transport 4 or 6 as it is to transport only 1

Tad Burnett wrote:

  Hi Jenn
  Just got home from a big family get to gether supper...
And reading your message...
Sounds like I would be making a number of trips to my vet...Handeling
open woonds isn't my favorit thing to do but my vet is very reasonable
Are these woonds from scratching themselves becouse of the fleas???
  One question I would ask...Are these cats people friendly and easy to
And we are talking about a 1500 mile transport which will be a big
stress for an FeLV+...
Are they strong enough to survive that??
If they are reasonably tame I will deal with the medical problems so
long as there are no hard feelings if at my vets advice I have them
PTS...Neather my vet nor I call for that easily
Getting the transport will be the big job...
In the mean time will the vet down there get rid of the flras and ear
mites...They can kill a healthy cat...Antibiotics and sub-q liquid and
a couple good meales shouldn't be a big deal..See what they look like
then...If they are strong enough to show improvement I would say save
  Whats everybody else think...Can we do it ???

This is the list of cats that the vets are holding JUST FOR
and would overwise already be DEAD. I need opinions people, do these
sound treatable, and should we try to get them transported? Tad? Do you
have the time to nurse open sores and that type of severe injury? I'm
recommending saving the dilute calico, sounds like she just needs
rehydrated and fed. I'm also demanding they save the black DSH, because
I may know his owner, so he will be held til I can get picture
tomorrow. I'm up in the air about the buff guy with open pressure
sores, and all that mess, he sounds like he is suffering, should I give
the OK to euthanise him guys?
I have no say over the FIV cats, as I don't have fosters for
them, so if they sound like they could be one you are seeking, let me
know ASAP, before they euthanise them!
I have the records for the 3 FeLV cats:  I will just list what
is abnormal.  Please let me know what you think.  I can get pictures
and send them to you if you need them tomorrow.
Dilute calico DMH, ~4 years
Eyes - sunken, 3rd eyelid up
Ear mites
Fleas 4+
Mouth - peridontal/missing teeth
Notes:  very thin, dehydrated, Recommend euthanasia
Buff DSH, ~4 years
Eyes - conjunctivitis
Ears - mites
Skin - dermatitis, hair loss, self trauma
Abdomen - hernia over incision
Mouth - missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis
Legs/feet - pressure sores
Notes: ear flaps ulcerated necrotic, conjuct, nasal discharge,
missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis, pressure sores on hocks, fleas
Needs Euthanized
Black DSH, >6 years
Ears - mites
Skin/coat - fleas ++, severe (??) dermatitis
Abdominal - thin
Mouth - moderate tarter
Notes: none
Then I have two bad FIVs:
White with gray DSH, 5 years
Eyes - sunken
Ears - mites
Skin - fleas, thin hair
Mouth - see below
Notes - mouth ulcer tongue, severe tarter, periodontal,
gingivitis, URI
Body condition, 1.5
Vet recommends euthanasia
Buff DSH, 4 years
Eyes - sunken
Ears - mites
Skin - fleas, self trauma to skin, wounds on right rear leg,
pressure sores, possible mange
Mouth - severe gingivitis, periodontal disease, acne
Notes - recommends euthanasia


I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs
cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add
up until she earns a free can of formula!
PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can,
please ask me for the mailing address you can send them to, to help
feed Bazil!

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Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/35 - Release Date: 6/30/2005

Re: Current FELV and FIV cats up for euthansia - could these be yours?

2005-07-01 Thread Tad Burnett

Hi Jenn
  Just got home from a big family get to gether supper...
And reading your message...
Sounds like I would be making a number of trips to my vet...Handeling
open woonds isn't my favorit thing to do but my vet is very reasonable
Are these woonds from scratching themselves becouse of the fleas???
  One question I would ask...Are these cats people friendly and easy to
And we are talking about a 1500 mile transport which will be a big
stress for an FeLV+...
Are they strong enough to survive that??
If they are reasonably tame I will deal with the medical problems so
long as there are no hard feelings if at my vets advice I have them
PTS...Neather my vet nor I call for that easily
Getting the transport will be the big job...
In the mean time will the vet down there get rid of the flras and ear
mites...They can kill a healthy cat...Antibiotics and sub-q liquid and
a couple good meales shouldn't be a big deal..See what they look like
then...If they are strong enough to show improvement I would say save
  Whats everybody else think...Can we do it ???


  This is the list of cats that the vets are holding JUST FOR ME,
and would overwise already be DEAD. I need opinions people, do these
sound treatable, and should we try to get them transported? Tad? Do you
have the time to nurse open sores and that type of severe injury? I'm
recommending saving the dilute calico, sounds like she just needs
rehydrated and fed. I'm also demanding they save the black DSH, because
I may know his owner, so he will be held til I can get picture
tomorrow. I'm up in the air about the buff guy with open pressure
sores, and all that mess, he sounds like he is suffering, should I give
the OK to euthanise him guys?
  I have no say over the FIV cats, as I don't have fosters for
them, so if they sound like they could be one you are seeking, let me
know ASAP, before they euthanise them!
  I have the records for the 3 FeLV cats:  I will just list what
is abnormal.  Please let me know what you think.  I can get pictures
and send them to you if you need them tomorrow.
  Dilute calico DMH, ~4 years
  Eyes - sunken, 3rd eyelid up
  Ear mites
  Fleas 4+
  Mouth - peridontal/missing teeth
  Notes:  very thin, dehydrated, Recommend euthanasia
  Buff DSH, ~4 years
  Eyes - conjunctivitis
  Ears - mites
  Skin - dermatitis, hair loss, self trauma
  Abdomen - hernia over incision
  Mouth - missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis
  Legs/feet - pressure sores
  Notes: ear flaps ulcerated necrotic, conjuct, nasal discharge,
missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis, pressure sores on hocks, fleas
  Needs Euthanized
  Black DSH, >6 years
  Ears - mites
  Skin/coat - fleas ++, severe (??) dermatitis
  Abdominal - thin
  Mouth - moderate tarter
  Notes: none
  Then I have two bad FIVs:
  White with gray DSH, 5 years
  Eyes - sunken
  Ears - mites
  Skin - fleas, thin hair
  Mouth - see below
  Notes - mouth ulcer tongue, severe tarter, periodontal,
gingivitis, URI
  Body condition, 1.5
  Vet recommends euthanasia
  Buff DSH, 4 years
  Eyes - sunken
  Ears - mites
  Skin - fleas, self trauma to skin, wounds on right rear leg,
pressure sores, possible mange
  Mouth - severe gingivitis, periodontal disease, acne
  Notes - recommends euthanasia
I collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs
cat who must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.
Bazil's caretaker collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add
up until she earns a free can of formula!
PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
  If you use KMR, even just one can,
please ask me for the mailing address you can send them to, to help
feed Bazil!

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/35 - Release Date: 6/30/2005

Current FELV and FIV cats up for euthansia - could these be yours?

2005-07-01 Thread felv

This is the list of cats that the vets are holding JUST FOR ME, and would 
overwise already be DEAD. I need opinions people, do these sound treatable, and 
should we try to get them transported? Tad? Do you have the time to nurse open 
sores and that type of severe injury? I'm recommending saving the dilute calico, 
sounds like she just needs rehydrated and fed. I'm also demanding they save the 
black DSH, because I may know his owner, so he will be held til I can get 
picture tomorrow. I'm up in the air about the buff guy with open pressure sores, 
and all that mess, he sounds like he is suffering, should I give the OK to 
euthanise him guys?
I have no say over the FIV cats, as I don't have fosters for them, so if 
they sound like they could be one you are seeking, let me know ASAP, before they 
euthanise them!
I have the records for the 3 FeLV cats:  I will just list what is 
abnormal.  Please let me know what you think.  I can get pictures and 
send them to you if you need them tomorrow.
Dilute calico DMH, ~4 years
Eyes - sunken, 3rd eyelid up
Ear mites
Fleas 4+
Mouth - peridontal/missing teeth
Notes:  very thin, dehydrated, Recommend euthanasia
Buff DSH, ~4 years
Eyes - conjunctivitis
Ears - mites
Skin - dermatitis, hair loss, self trauma
Abdomen - hernia over incision
Mouth - missing teeth, periodontal, gingivitis
Legs/feet - pressure sores
Notes: ear flaps ulcerated necrotic, conjuct, nasal discharge, missing 
teeth, periodontal, gingivitis, pressure sores on hocks, fleas
Needs Euthanized
Black DSH, >6 years
Ears - mites
Skin/coat - fleas ++, severe (??) dermatitis
Abdominal - thin
Mouth - moderate tarter
Notes: none
Then I have two bad FIVs:
White with gray DSH, 5 years
Eyes - sunken
Ears - mites
Skin - fleas, thin hair
Mouth - see below
Notes - mouth ulcer tongue, severe tarter, periodontal, gingivitis, 
Body condition, 1.5
Vet recommends euthanasia
Buff DSH, 4 years
Eyes - sunken
Ears - mites
Skin - fleas, self trauma to skin, wounds on right rear leg, pressure 
sores, possible mange
Mouth - severe gingivitis, periodontal disease, acne
Notes - recommends euthanasia

collect KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil, a 3 yr old special needs cat who 
must live on a liquid diet for the rest of his life.Bazil's caretaker 
collects labels and sends them to KMR, where they add up until she earns a free 
can of formula!PLEASE save your KMR kitten formula labels for Bazil!
If you use KMR, even just one can, please ask me for the mailing address 
you can send them to, to help feed Bazil!
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.
Version: 7.0.323 / Virus Database: 267.8.8/35 - Release Date: 6/30/2005