Re: [Felvtalk] The War on Cats

2013-02-03 Thread Lorrie

Truer words were never spoken.  I'm not overly fond of most humans
who are not only misinformed, but are far more destructive than cats.


On 02-02, katskat1 wrote:
>On Saturday, February 2, 2013, Lee Evans wrote:
>There is so much nonsense, mythology and prejudice going around when it
>comes to diseases in general, whether cat, dog or human that it's a
>wonder any of us survive the ignorance rather than the disease. An
>acquaintance of mine was told by a licensed veterinarian that she
>needed to have her healthy FIV+ cat euthanized because humans can catch
>it from cats. Meow? My tenant, when I had a rent house, insisted that
>FIV was highly contagious but FeLv was NOT. Tail backwards. People to
>this day refuse to hug a person who is living with HIV but will shake
>hands with someone who has a horrid head cold and get all chummy with
>people who are coughing all over the air.
>Many veterinarians seem not to like cats to the point of finding
>reasons to put them to death. Others are simply too lazy to study new
>theories of medicine. In some cases, we have not traveled more than
>inches away from dancing around the bonfire to banish evil spirits as a
>cure for illness.
>Finally, we are now being treated to amazingly inflated statistics from
>almost comic studies that produced the startling news that cats kill
>rats and mice. Who would have thought!! Not just some rats and mice
>but toss in moles, voles and gophers, not to mention those things with
>wings that mostly fly.  Stir with a hefty dose of sensationalism due to
>a slow news day, and you come up with BILLIONS of small mammals and
>birds being slaughtered and exterminated by feral cats. Please don't
>mention though that humans  have hunted dozens of species to extinction
>just to have a head to hang on the wall or a rug for the floor, or as a
>way to stop male sexual dysfunction, or to carve into little statues or
>furniture (elephants) or just as a lovely delicacy to eat at a way
>overpriced fancy restaurant. (shark fin soup and other disgusting
>dishes). Sometimes it seems like humans will kill everything from
>snails to whales for the most trivial or ridiculous reason. However,
>just let it be known that cats kill mice and rats for a living and you
>have panic in the streets. Ah well, time to get off my soap box and go
>to bed.
>Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
>neighbors too!

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] The War on Cats

2013-02-02 Thread katskat1


On Saturday, February 2, 2013, Lee Evans wrote:

> There is so much nonsense, mythology and prejudice going around when it
> comes to diseases in general, whether cat, dog or human that it's a wonder
> any of us survive the ignorance rather than the disease. An acquaintance of
> mine was told by a licensed veterinarian that she needed to have her
> healthy FIV+ cat euthanized because humans can catch it from cats. Meow? My
> tenant, when I had a rent house, insisted that FIV was highly contagious
> but FeLv was NOT. Tail backwards. People to this day refuse to hug a person
> who is living with HIV but will shake hands with someone who has a horrid
> head cold and get all chummy with people who are coughing all over the air.
> Many veterinarians seem not to like cats to the point of finding reasons
> to put them to death. Others are simply too lazy to study new theories of
> medicine. In some cases, we have not traveled more than inches away from
> dancing around the bonfire to banish evil spirits as a cure for illness.
> Finally, we are now being treated to amazingly inflated statistics from
> almost comic studies that produced the startling news that cats kill rats
> and mice. Who would have thought!! Not just some rats and mice  but toss in
> moles, voles and gophers, not to mention those things with wings that
> mostly fly.  Stir with a hefty dose of sensationalism due to a slow news
> day, and you come up with BILLIONS of small mammals and birds being
> slaughtered and exterminated by feral cats. Please don't mention though
> that humans  have hunted dozens of species to extinction just to have a
> head to hang on the wall or a rug for the floor, or as a way to stop male
> sexual dysfunction, or to carve into little statues or furniture
> (elephants) or just as a lovely delicacy to eat at a way overpriced fancy
> restaurant. (shark fin soup and other disgusting dishes). Sometimes it
> seems like humans will kill everything from snails to whales for the most
> trivial or ridiculous reason. However, just let it be known that cats kill
> mice and rats for a living and you have panic in the streets. Ah well, time
> to get off my soap box and go to bed.
> Spay and Neuter your cats and dogs and your weird relatives and nasty
> neighbors too!
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