Re: [Finale] Playback problem

2017-08-31 Thread John Hyde
Dave et al.
  Thanks for the suggestion
All my input is done with a midi controller
The parts sound and stop sounding at unpredictable moments..
   When I first load the file it usually plays all the parts at normal
volume then cuts out so that one might hear parts faintly if turned up all
the way.
   On repeated playing without other tweaks  maybe I get another bar then
it all cuts out (or almost) or one part will continue to play.

There are no expressions at this point except for the tempo  marking. That
one is hard to forget about changing the play back setting since it is
usually playing a tempo that I have already rejected.

   If I scroll ahead and start again I get a few notes then it goes down
like at the beginning.

Just tried

I play with options under the Midi/Audio menu. It gets a bit better at
least one or two parts play after going back and forth  between “play
through Audio unit” / “through MIDI” or under the “Device set up” sub menu
between “MIDI Internal speaker”or “MIDI Through”.
I go between   “Smart synth “and “MIDI”  for the playback option under the
“Midi Setup” sub menu.
Trying to get something working by tweaking things with the volume
controls on the
Studio View option actually did more that I hoped for.

My best  result was just now when I pulled up the file in question  just
now.(other files were doing stuff like this but not so dramatically)
I played all parts for 18 measures and the  Organ part stopped sounding for
the last 4 measures of what I have in so far.

Just tried Documents/Playback and Record Options/ and “reset dynamic
  I thought that I had started a new file though the project started  in
another one.
 Worked the whole 23 measures!

tried  MIDI Audio/Human Playback /Human playback preferences/ Dynamics/
changed from “automatic” to “continuous controller “ and lost tie audio for
the Sax part about 2 measures in.
  returned it to “automatic” and no change.   Fiddled with levels on Studio
view and can get the sax part sounding for as much as 9 measures. Hard to
see a relationship between what I do and what is working.   Will someone
remind me about what the improvement is between this version
and Finale ’14?

On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 3:25 AM, David H. Bailey 

> On 8/30/2017 9:03 PM, John Hyde wrote:
>> Hi:
>>   I’m running Finale on a MacBook Pro  running Sierra 10.12.6
>> Upon upgrading I had more that the usual trouble getting the software to
>> see the keyboard but I can kluge around it by opening the file ,them
>> closing it and restarting the computer.
>>   What’s driving me crazy is that on playback the volume will drop
>> down
>> until it is practically or in some cases actually inaudible. I am
>> currently
>> working in a piece for pipe organ, tenor sax and electric guitar.
>> Sometimes the horn and the guitar come through fine but part or all of the
>> organ disappears. At the moment the organ and the sax are coming through
>> fine but the guitar is gone. This is particularly irritating since I am
>> also the guitarist.
>> The volume drop problem goes back at least as far as 2010 when I was
>> working on an old power book.
>>Having the problem to the extremity of “ disappearing audio  parts”
>> me be as recent as my last system upgrade.
>>   Any thoughts?
>>   Thanks,
>>John Hyde
> Am I correct in assuming that all other audio from other programs works
> just fine with no dropouts or fading?
> I'm confused by your comment about "At the moment the organ and the sax
> are coming through but the guitar is gone.  This is particularly irritating
> since I am also the guitarist."  Does that mean you have recorded the
> guitar part as audio instead of using notation?  Or are you just frustrated
> because you can't hear the part you're supposed to eventually play once the
> piece is finished?
> In any event, the first thing I would check would be your use of
> expressions.  Does the disappearing audio happen at the same place in a
> score every time you play it back?  Is there an expression at that point?
> Might it be one that you created by taking an existing expression and
> copying it and then editing the appearance of it but forgetting to also
> edit the playback effect it might have?
> If the places where the audio disappears varies from playback to playback
> of the same score then I don't have any suggestion.  If it's always in the
> same spot then it's something in the score.
> Did you enter the parts using a midi controller and hyperscribe?
> The next place I'd check would be your Human Playback preferences.  Do you
> get the audio d

[Finale] Playback problem

2017-08-30 Thread John Hyde
 I’m running Finale on a MacBook Pro  running Sierra 10.12.6

Upon upgrading I had more that the usual trouble getting the software to
see the keyboard but I can kluge around it by opening the file ,them
closing it and restarting the computer.

 What’s driving me crazy is that on playback the volume will drop down
until it is practically or in some cases actually inaudible. I am currently
working in a piece for pipe organ, tenor sax and electric guitar.
Sometimes the horn and the guitar come through fine but part or all of the
organ disappears. At the moment the organ and the sax are coming through
fine but the guitar is gone. This is particularly irritating since I am
also the guitarist.

   The volume drop problem goes back at least as far as 2010 when I was
working on an old power book.
  Having the problem to the extremity of “ disappearing audio  parts”
me be as recent as my last system upgrade.

 Any thoughts?
  John Hyde
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