Re: [Fis] Information is a linguistic description of structures

2015-09-30 Thread Francesco Rizzo
Cari Tutti, sarebbe oltremodo interessante ed utile discutere sulla triade sintassi, semantica e pragmatica rievocata intelligentemente da Terry, piuttosto che continuare ad insistere esclusivamente sulla teoria dell'informazione matematica. Questo non è un intervento, ma una proposta. Grazie. Fran

Re: [Fis] Information is a linguistic description of structures

2015-09-29 Thread Terrence W. Deacon
The language metaphor is so very seductive. I fear that our discussion is too easily ensnared by its ubiquity in our lives. From Günther's response I am also not clear whether he is defending using the language model as generic or as a special case (though we do not agree in our assessments of von

Re: [Fis] Information is a linguistic description of structures

2015-09-25 Thread Pedro C. Marijuan
Dear FISers and all, I include below another response to Immanuel post (from Guenther). I think he has penned an excellent response--my only addition is to expostulate a doubt. Should our analysis of the human (or cellular!) communication with the environment be related to linguistic practices

Re: [Fis] Information is a linguistic description of structures

2015-09-24 Thread Steven Ericsson-Zenith
Dear Emanuel, Unfortunately, you have stated no axioms and introduced subjectivity. Recall that I began with a definition of “semantic” per Carnap. Semantics are simply the rules of syntax transformation. Semantics have little to do with natural human language. Indeed, Carnap was very conscious

[Fis] Information is a linguistic description of structures

2015-09-23 Thread Emanuel Diamant
Dear FIS colleagues, As a newcomer to FIS, I feel myself very uncomfortable when I have to interrupt the ongoing discourse with something that looks for me quite natural but is lacking in our current public dialog. What I have in mind is that in every discussion or argument exchange, first of a