Re: [Flashcoders] Erasing areas with the drawing API?

2007-02-16 Thread David Ham

Thanks very much Helen and Claus for your responses!


Huh, that was easy. Turns out that if you don't call endFill(), you  
can just draw the polygon, moveTo() the hole, and lineTo() the  
outline of the hole, and it fills itself in.

I found an example of this in this article:

Specifically in the drawGear() example.


On Feb 16, 2007, at 4:54 PM, David Ham wrote:

Does anyone know how to erase part of an area that was created  
with the drawing API? I need to be able to draw a polygon, and  
then draw another polygon inside it and "punch" it out. For  
example, I need to draw a square and then punch a square hole in  
it. Anyone ever done this before?


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Re: [Flashcoders] Erasing areas with the drawing API?

2007-02-16 Thread David Ham
Huh, that was easy. Turns out that if you don't call endFill(), you  
can just draw the polygon, moveTo() the hole, and lineTo() the  
outline of the hole, and it fills itself in.

I found an example of this in this article:

Specifically in the drawGear() example.


On Feb 16, 2007, at 4:54 PM, David Ham wrote:

Does anyone know how to erase part of an area that was created with  
the drawing API? I need to be able to draw a polygon, and then draw  
another polygon inside it and "punch" it out. For example, I need  
to draw a square and then punch a square hole in it. Anyone ever  
done this before?


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[Flashcoders] Erasing areas with the drawing API?

2007-02-16 Thread David Ham
Does anyone know how to erase part of an area that was created with  
the drawing API? I need to be able to draw a polygon, and then draw  
another polygon inside it and "punch" it out. For example, I need to  
draw a square and then punch a square hole in it. Anyone ever done  
this before?


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Re: [Flashcoders] UIObject without MM Components

2007-02-09 Thread David Ham


You're awesome! In 100 years that would not have occurred to me.

What a bizarre program Flash is!

Thanks very much for the tip,


On Feb 9, 2007, at 6:25 PM, Bryan Thompson wrote:

Try adding the UIObject MovieClip to your library.  You'll find it  
(Win XP,

Flash8) in Program Files\Macromedia\Flash

I use that when creating custom V2 components by putting it on  
stage in

frame 2 after a stop() action.  Works fine.


I am working on an app that has many view classes that extend
mx.core.UIObject. Until recently I was using Macromedia components as
placeholders, but the production app will use a different library,
the FlashLoaded BJC components, which are incompatible with the
Macromedia components.

I removed all the MM components from the library, and now my app
won't run. The first class that loads extends UIObject, and even
though that class is in my classpath, my view class that extends it
will not run.

However, when I add a single MM component to my Library--I have tried
it with the Label and the Button--it compiles and my UIObject
subclasses work as intended.

What gives? Is it possible to use UIObject without using the MM

Thanks for any help you can offer,


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[Flashcoders] UIObject without MM Components

2007-02-09 Thread David Ham


I am working on an app that has many view classes that extend  
mx.core.UIObject. Until recently I was using Macromedia components as  
placeholders, but the production app will use a different library,  
the FlashLoaded BJC components, which are incompatible with the  
Macromedia components.

I removed all the MM components from the library, and now my app  
won't run. The first class that loads extends UIObject, and even  
though that class is in my classpath, my view class that extends it  
will not run.

However, when I add a single MM component to my Library--I have tried  
it with the Label and the Button--it compiles and my UIObject  
subclasses work as intended.

What gives? Is it possible to use UIObject without using the MM  

Thanks for any help you can offer,

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Re: [Flashcoders] hooking up GUI in pure OO code...

2007-02-04 Thread David Ham
Ha ha, this is why we love Flash so much, and why it makes us want to  
put a bucket on our head, and have our children whack the bucket with  

So here's the thing. Your class has a method called doStuff(), and a  
button mc called button_mc. You want it to fire doStuff() when you  
click button_mc. Here is how I do it:

In your class file:

button_mc.owner = this; 
// the mc now has a new property 'owner' which is a reference to the  

button_mc.onRelease = function() {

This refers to the movieclip, owner refers to the class.

Using UI components is a little better but not much:

In the class file:

button_btn.addEventListener( "click", Delegate.create( this,  
doStuff ) );

Annoying but it works. Enjoy!


PS If anyone has a better way to do this, I am SO all ears.

On Feb 4, 2007, at 3:56 PM, Jason Boyd wrote:

OK this is making me nuts. It seems to be an impossible scope problem,
to do something that ought to be very very possible, and in fact
common. The basic problem: I want to have initialization code in a
Main class that hooks up GUI controls to methods in this class (acting
as a controller class essentially). For various reasons, I do not want
to use components; the GUI elements are either Buttons or MovieClips.
Again, this ought to be possible, right?

So here's the problem case:

class Main {
 var myButton:Button; // placed on stage in authoring time

 function init() {
   myButton.onRelease = function() {

 function doSomething() {

This does not work, nor is there any way I can wrap my head around
getting it to work, as the anonymous function assigned to the button
event handler has "this" scoped as the button itself, so
"doSomething()" refers to a non-existent function
myButton.doSomething(). Simply assigning the member function to the
button event handler directly doesn't help, as this function is then
unable to call other member functions for the same reason. E.g.:

function init() {
 myButton.onRelease = doSomething();

function doSomething() {
 // this will be called now, but "this" still refers to the button,
not objects of this class

There has *got* to be some way around this issue. Right?
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David Ham   ::  +1 630 297 1273 ::  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Flashcoders] class confusion

2007-02-04 Thread David Ham

Yeah I'm reading Essential Actionscript (Moock) right now, and he does
somewhat reduce confusion. Part of the problem is that older methods
that have sort of been practically deprecated by AS 2 are still given
out by others (#initclip and registerObject() ) are confusing as they
appear completely reduntant to extending MovieClip).

That's true. Since I started writing AS2 code I have never used  
#initclip, and registerClass only rarely. The trend is definitely  
toward a more standard OO programming style.

The load order still confuses me. More precisely than my first post, I
am wanting in general to be able to develop applications where ALL
actionscript is in external .as files (which I generally edit in
better editors than the Flash IDE, and then the FLA file simply
#include's some main code, or creates a single instance of class Main,
and calls Main.main(). The FLA file is then used solely for media

If I do this, how can I be sure, for instance, that class Main is
actually initialized before any other classes and can then control the
initialization order from Main? I suppose I could simply avoid static
initializers, but I don't like running away from a supported language
feature simply because I'm unclear about its runtime behavior.

It sounds like you might be confusing initializing with loading. When  
you set your classes to load on a frame other than frame #1, in my  
experience anyway, it's so that you can make sure that your whole app  
is loaded in the browser before it starts executing. This is an issue  
because Flash loads progressively.

For example, you could have your preloader code (checking  
_framesloaded against _totalframes, say) running in frames 1-10, and  
have your classes set to export to frame 11. When your preloader  
determines that all frames have loaded, it can gotoAndPlay() to, say,  
frame 20, where your app code is. I would bet that static classes are  
initialized as soon as they are loaded, but they are only  
instantiated when you tell them to, as in

var foo:MySingleton = MySingleton.getInstance();

That's just a prediction though; I'd verify it with trace statements.

Hmm so I could change the export frames for classes to explicitly
order their loading, but this forces a multple frame main movie ( a
minor annoyance). Still, does a static property get initialized when
the class loads? E.g:

class MySingleton {
  static private var instance = new MySingleton();
  private function MySingleton() { // whatever init code

  public function getSingleton() { return instance; }

I am wondering exactly when does the instance come into existence. For
that matter, with the default loading of classes at frame 1, are
classes then loaded only after all exported library assets are loaded?

I believe your app loads and executes in timeline order. I usually do  
like I describe above: have preloader code on frames 1-10 or so,  
export classes and symbols to load at frame 11, and start the app on  
frame 20.

You are smart to keep as much of your AS code in external class files  
as possible. But this being Flash, a little bit of timeline setup is  
usually necessary.  Moock has a good bit about this in EAS2.

In general, 'this' refers to the object of current scope. When used
in a class, it refers to the class; when used on a frame in the Flash
editor, it refers to the current timeline; when used in a callback,
it refers to the object that owns the callback.

This has been my understanding, but it seems I've run into a few
situations where the behavior is different, and one case where "this"
turned out to be undefined! Unfortunately I cannot remember the case,
but it still bothers me. When would this == undefined? I believe it
was within a class method that was given as a callback from code
running on the main timeline, and I had assumed this would refer to my
class, or at least to the main timeline.

Yeah, scope is a recurring problem for me too, like with callbacks  
and event listeners. Not sure when this would return undefined  
though. One thing that sometimes helps is using Delegate.create() in  
your addEventListener statements; it lets you scope the event to a  
class instead of to the thing generating the event, which is a pain  
in the ass.

This does seem the way to go, when the attached stuff is generating
multiple attached clips. Would be nice if AS had some way to
*actually* attach to to the next depth. Could easily write a function
to do this I suppose, by checking subsequent depths for the presence
of a clip... Just seems like not having to specify any depth would be
good, where you could assume that all subsequently added clips stack
above previous ones.

Sometimes you want to control this manually though. If it's a few  
clips that are unlikely to change, I often hardcode the depth; if  
it's a dynamic number, like from an array, I key the depth to an  
array iterator, and if it's more chaotic than that I use  


Re: [Flashcoders] class confusion

2007-02-04 Thread David Ham

1. Load/init ordering: When do classes load, and when do static
initializers execute? If a class has a static property that is
assigned outside a constructor, is this initialized when the class
loads (presumably frame 1?) or the first time it is accessed, or what?
If class A refers to a static property of class B, how do I ensure
that class B is initialized before class A? What if each class refers
to a static property of the other class? (These are somewhat silly
examples to illustrate the grey area I'm trying to root out.)

I believe classes load on whatever frame they are set to export to  
(under Actionscript 2 in Publish Settings). The default is frame 1  
but you can set a different frame. Other properties of the class  
initialize when the class is instantiated; as to specific order for  
your situation, I would test with a series of trace statements.

2. Timeline/clip context: I am looking for corrections to a few
asserstions here:
- "this" (always?) refers to a movie clip when the code is outside any
class; often the main movie when in the movie's timeline.
- "this" refers to an object when inside any class method, with one
exception, which is when defining a function within a method, like so:
function classMethod() {
 var loader = new loadVars();
 loader.onData = function(text) {; /// "this" here does not refer to our class, but as
far as I can tell, to nothing
- "this" is dynamic; within the same function, it may take on
different meanings at run time depending on where the function is
called. (In which case I'm fuzzy on when and what.)

In general, 'this' refers to the object of current scope. When used  
in a class, it refers to the class; when used on a frame in the Flash  
editor, it refers to the current timeline; when used in a callback,  
as in:

foo_mc.onRollOver = function() {

it refers to the object that owns the callback. In your example  
above, 'this' refers to your 'loader' variable, as it occurs in the  
onData function, which is a method of the loader object.

3. Associating MovieClips and classes: Can a class simply extend
MovieClip? And what exactly is happening when a library symbol is
linked to a class, at runtime?

You can indeed extend MovieClip. However, I often find it better to  
create movieclip-related classes by composition rather than extension.

To link a class to an mc, you need to do two things:

1. your class must extend MovieClip
2. Your library symbol must be linked to the class name via its  
Linkage... panel in the Flash editor.

You can create instances of this sort of class in two ways: by  
dragging one onto the stage, or by doing an attachMovie() on the  
class symbol's linkage ID.

I tend to favor composition regardless, but there is something ugly to
me about having multiple classes which logically correspond to movie
clips in the library having to hard-code attachMovie(), which also
introduces an architectural problem that seems to break encapsulation.
If I have, for instance, 3 classes that handle different aspects of a
GUI, or perhaps sprites, and each class in its constructor uses
attachMovie() to create graphics from library symbols, if they all
attach to _root, then they must make sure to each use distinct depths,
which forces each class to know what depths the others are using (or
*always* using _root.getNextHighestDepth(), which isn't always

First, the attachMovie business is indeed kind of kludgey; why can't  
I just do

var foo:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

But that's Flash for you. If you like this sort of setup, you can use  
movieclips via composition and do:

var foo:MyClass = new MyClass();

and have MyClass handle the attachMovie() and depth setting jazz. But  
even so, MyClass will have to know what depth to create its clips at,  
and what movieclip to attach them to, so you'll probably have to pass  
them in to MyClass as parameters when you instantiate it.

Alternatively, I could place container clips on the stage
at author time corresponding to each class, so depths are segregated
in this way, but this feels like its adding unnecessary complexity.

One way to tackle the depth management problem is to have each class  
have its own base movieclip, and attach its sub-clips to that base  
clip. For example, if your app has, say, three UI panels, each panel  
could have its own base clip (maybe created by createEmptyMovieClip()  
in your class file). Then each panel class only needs to keep track  
of its own clips, and your main application only needs to keep track  
of the panel clips. The depths for each are thus encapsulated in the  
appropriate class.

Finally, if a class uses a singleton pattern, where it has one and
only one static instance of itself, but also requires a movie clip, I
am confused as to when this instance gets added to the main timeline,
which then affects depth stacking order (see question #1).

Singletons are instantiated like any other

Re: [Flashcoders] Re: more bitmap data questions...

2007-02-03 Thread David Ham
I don't think so. I think you'd just have to removeMovieClip() to  
take it off of one parent and then do a new attachMovie() on the new  


On Feb 3, 2007, at 1:58 PM, [p e r c e p t i c o n] wrote:

thanks...while i'm at it...does anyone know of a way to change a  
parent?  say i attach a clip to level0 then want to attach it to a  

later can this be done?

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Re: [Flashcoders] Q:Hittest and transparent PNG's

2007-02-01 Thread David Ham
You could also create another movieclip in the shape of the area you  
want to hitTest, and set the hitArea of your main movieclip to point  
to it.


On Feb 1, 2007, at 8:20 PM, Cay Garrido H. wrote:

You could convert it to a bitmapData and check the transparency  
level with getPixel32...


Does anyone know if there is a way to get hitTest to ignore  
transparent areas in dynamically loaded PNG's?

[e] jbach at
[c] 416.668.0034

"...all improvisation is life in search of a style."
 - Bruce Mau,'LifeStyle'
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David Ham   ::  +1 630 297 1273 ::  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Flashcoders] Flash diagnostic tools

2007-02-01 Thread David Ham
I am working on a Flash app and it is starting to exhibit some  
performance problems. Is there any tool or technique people use to  
analyze Flash apps as they are running? Aside from the beloved trace 
() of course?

Thanks for any advice you can offer,

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Re: [Flashcoders] Q: offset x,y in StartDrag()

2007-01-31 Thread David Ham
The problem is this mc ( in _root ) is offset from the Mouse  
position by the x,y coordinates of the nested MovieClip.

How can I update the x,y coordinates of the _root mc so that it

1-initially mimics the exact position of the nested MC
2-follows the mouse using StartDrag

Hope this makes sense...I'm wondering if I should even try  
simulating a StartDrag using Mouse listeners and converting local  
to global coordinates.

Any help appreciated.

I had this exact problem recently. To create the mirror clip, my code  
does this, more or less:

function onFirstItemPress() {
var p:Point2D = new Point2D(item_mc._x, item_mc._y);
item_mc._visible = false;

// translate coordinates from one local coordinate system to 
layout_mc.localToGlobal( p );
dragLayer.globalToLocal( p );

dragItem = dragLayer.attachMovie( foo, foo + "_mc", 0, {
_x: p.x,
_y: p.y } );
dragItem.owner = this;
dragItem.onRelease = function() {
var evt:Object = { type: "newObjectRelease", target: 
this };
this.owner.dispatchEvent( evt );

Basically, you were correct, you'll need to translate the coordinates  
using some localToGlobal action.

Hope this helps,


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Re: [Flashcoders] Flair Pattern bad mixins good (?)

2007-01-30 Thread David Ham
Been a while since I've posted here, a few years I think. I miss  
the geek

tangents / debates. =)

Good man! Seriously, the world affords precious few opportunities to  
truly geek out on design patterns and such. Internet mailing lists  
excepted of course.

I have the Head First Design Patterns book, and I have to say I like  
it, in spite of its profusion of clip art and cheesy humor. Despite  
these stylistic affronts, it presents the material in a way that is  
easy to learn.

What's the consensus on the GoF book? I know it's a classic, but so  
is Ulysses and dog if I can read that. I don't have a CS background-- 
Flash is about as far as my programming expertise extends--so the  
Head First style works for me. Is GoF accessible for people who don't  
program in C++?

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Re: [Flashcoders] full screen window

2007-01-30 Thread David Ham
The best user experience would be two windows: have a launch page  
with a link that would open a new JavaScript child window, and tell  
the user that the course is going to open in fullscreen. Then you can  
control the size and properties of the window as much as you like,  
and the user doesn't get the surprise of  his/her browser opening way  
up unexpectedly.


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Re: [Flashcoders] Flair Pattern bad mixins good (?)

2007-01-29 Thread David Ham
OK, this is helping a lot. And Steven I see what you mean, poor Flair  
is starting to look a little meager now.

In my app, I  have several different states. Each state sets itself  
up by initializing variables and drawing its various pieces, and the  
final piece is to subscribe various parts of the app to events that  
happen in other parts. So in one state I have methods like:


that are triggered by onPress and onRelease events in my object  
movieclips. These onSomething() methods contain the core logic of the  
app--code to resize clips or process values or what have you. This  
structure is good because I know where to look to track down where  
things happen, but its bad because sometimes a bunch of things are  
supposed to happen at once and those onSomething() methods get hairy.

So in this new mixin strategy (which does look a lot like Strategy,  
thanks James!), should I design my Snappable class to have methods  
that would map to movieclip events, such as:

startObjectDrag triggered by obj_mc.onPress
checkForSnap	triggered by	setInterval or onEnterFrame type of event,  
in this case onObjectDrag

stopObjectDrag  triggered byobj_mc.onRelease

Am I headed in the right direction?

Thank you again, this


The theory of mixins originated from multiple inheritance programming
languages such as C++.

So for example: Say you wanted to make an object dragable,  
clickable and

resizable. You would then create separate classes called: Dragable,
Clickable and Resizable (common naming convention for a mixin).

Then your base class would just inherit form those 3 classes.

Since AS2 doesn't support multiple inheritances you can emulate a  

using interfaces and composed classes.

For example:

IClickable, IDragable, IResizable

So then your AS2 class would say:

Class MyClass extends Whatever implements IClickable, IDragable,  

Those interfaces just specify what methods your class has to support.

From there you could have a class (or a consolidated class)  
implement that


private var clickable:Clickable = new Clickable();
private var dragable:Dragable = new Dragable();
private var resizeable:Resizeable = new Resizeable();

from there you just forward / wire the appropriate methods to its
corresponding instances.

public function startResize()

Or for arguments:

public function startResize()
this.resizeable.apply.(this.resizeable.startResize, arguments);

You could get even more fancy by externalizing those classes so  
based on

various rules you could pass in different resize logic, etc.

Anyhow, hope that gets the gears turning. =)

DISCLAIMER: Didn't spell check or test anything in the compiler so  

some typos. =)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of  
David Ham

Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 7:12 PM
To: Flashcoders mailing list
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Flair Pattern bad mixins good (?)

Anyhow I tend not to use decorators (matter of personal taste). I
prefer to
not Frankenstein an object at runtime and rather use mixins
(composition +

Ah, thank you, now we are getting somewhere!

Tell me about mixins. I have used EventDispatcher before, but I am
unfamiliar with the theory behind mixins in general.

In my app, i have objects that can be dragged around in a Room, and
they have a "snapping" behavior that lets them snap to the walls of
the room, and in some cases, rotate themselves so that a given side
of the object is always to the wall.

Currently, my snapping behavior is in a separate class like the one
at the top of this thread. If the room object has snapping enabled,
the  SnapFlair class adds an object with a bunch of methods and
properties to it. The snapping methods are triggered by an event that
is broadcast as the room object is being dragged.

How would I implement this as a mixin?

Many thanks fellas!

As for Steven, sounds like HE'S got a case of the Mondays! *smirk*

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David Ham   ::  +1 630 297 1273 ::  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: [Flashcoders] Flair Pattern bad mixins good (?)

2007-01-29 Thread David Ham
Anyhow I tend not to use decorators (matter of personal taste). I  
prefer to
not Frankenstein an object at runtime and rather use mixins  
(composition +


Ah, thank you, now we are getting somewhere!

Tell me about mixins. I have used EventDispatcher before, but I am  
unfamiliar with the theory behind mixins in general.

In my app, i have objects that can be dragged around in a Room, and  
they have a "snapping" behavior that lets them snap to the walls of  
the room, and in some cases, rotate themselves so that a given side  
of the object is always to the wall.

Currently, my snapping behavior is in a separate class like the one  
at the top of this thread. If the room object has snapping enabled,  
the  SnapFlair class adds an object with a bunch of methods and  
properties to it. The snapping methods are triggered by an event that  
is broadcast as the room object is being dragged.

How would I implement this as a mixin?

Many thanks fellas!

As for Steven, sounds like HE'S got a case of the Mondays! *smirk*

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Re: [Flashcoders] Flair Pattern?

2007-01-29 Thread David Ham
For my part, I have the Head First book, and the Decorator section  
did not answer the particular questions I had. Nor did the other  
sources I read.

Whether something is a "true" design pattern or not is kind of beside  
the point, for me; what I want to know is if a particular approach is  
good for what I am trying to accomplish: in this case, adding and  
removing functionality to an object at runtime.

As for Steve's earlier comment, "It's not a design pattern, it's a  
class that uses another design pattern, and poorly, too," thanks for  
the reply, but it does nothing to explain why the code is bad, or  
what a better approach would be.

My approach is working so far; if it's no good, I'm sure the code  
will tell me, soon enough.

For the common good I move that we put this thread to bed,

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Re: [Flashcoders] Flair Pattern?

2007-01-29 Thread David Ham
I've never heard of an OOP design pattern called Flair.  From the  
you've pasted, it looks like a novice attempt at implementating  
(sic) a design

pattern known as Decorator.

Perhaps they were trying to be funny with a reference to the movie
Office Space where buttons decorating a TGIFriday's uniform were  

Flair?  I know that comedy helps when teaching dry material, but
renaming a design pattern like that seems to me to be confusing at  

The pattern is similar to Decorator (as they acknowledge in the book)  
but different in that it allows you to add and remove functionality  
at runtime. I decided against Decorator because not all objects in  
the app will need this functionality, and the ones that do can have  
it turned on and off by the user. So I figured a separate class would  
be a good way to encapsulate this functionality, and I remembered  
this pattern from their book. I don't have a lot of background in  
design patterns so I was curious if other people have used it.

Incidentally, you are correct about the Office Space reference. Here  
is a post from Branden Hall, the book's author, from this very list: 


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[Flashcoders] Flair Pattern?

2007-01-29 Thread David Ham

Hey FlashCoders:

In the app I am building, I have a need to add and remove  
functionality to an object at runtime--specifically, functionality  
that will snap the object to a border. I have puzzled on this for  
awhile, and the method that seems most applicable to me is the Flair  
pattern described in "OOP with ActionScript" by Hall & Wan. If you  
don't have the book, the pattern, in short, is a static class that  
dynamically creates a child object on the class it is modifying, and  
then adds methods and properties to that object.

My question is: has anyone else used this pattern in AS2 projects? Is  
it even the best way to achieve what I am trying to achieve? An  
outline of my SnapFlair class follows below.

Any input you can offer is greatly appreciated, as always,


Implemented as a Singleton

class  SnapFlair {
private static var _obj:SnapFlair;

private function SnapFlair() {}

* @param target The MovieClip being 'flaired'
	* @param source			The source of the event that the flair  
functionality is listening for
	* @param eventName	The name of the event that the flair is listening  

	public function snapOn( target:MovieClip, source:Object,  
eventName:String ) {$snapFlair = new Object();$snapFlair._obj = target;
source.addEventListener( eventName, target.$snapFlair );$snapFlair[eventName] = onEvent;

public static function getObj():SnapFlair {
if (SnapFlair._obj == null) {
SnapFlair._obj = new SnapFlair();
return _obj;

	public function snapOff( target:MovieClip, source:Object,  
eventName:String ) {

source.removeEventListener(eventName, target.$snapFlair)

public function onEvent( evt:Object ) {
// do stuff

public function toString():String {
return "Class SnapFlair";

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[Flashcoders] movieclip size change onRotate?

2007-01-17 Thread David Ham
I'm having a thorny Flash problem and I was wondering if you've seen
anything like it before. In the tool I am building, you can place an object
on the stage and do a free transform kind of operation on it; you can scale
X, scale Y, and rotate it around its center. So far, I can:

* rotate
* scale X and scale Y from zero rotation

My problem is when I rotate first and then scale. My resize handles change
the _width and _height of the target object, but when I rotate the object
and THEN scale it, it goes all fubar. When I set the _width on an object
that has been rotated, it seems to set the width of the bounding box rather
than the clip itself, so that visually, I am dragging, say, the width
handle, but the item scales a little bit on both axes.

What I need to be able to do is set the width and height of an object,
independent of each other, at any rotation, at runtime. I had something
working where I was changing the _xscale and _yscale, but it didn't look
right; it needs to be the _width and _height.

Thanks for any help you can offer,


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[Flashcoders] FLVPlayback redraw problems with Firefox and opacity filter--help!

2007-01-08 Thread David Ham

I have an FLVPlayback component playing a progressive download FLV video.
The component is on a page whose background image is at a 10% opacity using
a CSS filter. The stylesheet code is like this:

#background img {

filter: alpha(opacity=10);


In Firefox, this is causing some weird redraw issues on my FLVPlayback
component. When I use the SteelExternalPlaySeekMute skin, the controls show
up when the screen loads, but when I start the movie, they redraw in a
blocky way and are partially invisible.  I blame this on the opacity filter
because when I turn off the stylesheet, the component behaves as it should.

Has anyone else seen this? Any workarounds to recommend?



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[Flashcoders] Re: Using components in MovieClips

2006-12-19 Thread David Ham

Thank you for the responses. Attila's suggestion to do the
addEventListener() in an onLoad function worked perfectly, thanks Attila!

To answer someone else's question about why I was calling it
createChildren(): my class is a subclass of UIObject, the base class of all
v2 components. UIObjects run the following methods in the following order:

constructor (usually left empty)
init() (runs only once)
createChildren() (used to create sub-movieclips and components, called only

** a frame passes **

draw() (called whenever the component needs to redraw, usually in response
to a invalidate() call)

In my code, onLoad appears to fire after createChildren fires, so I put my
addEventListener calls there, and they work like a champ.

Thanks very much to everyone who responded!


PS Chafic Kazoun wrote an excellent introduction to UIObject and
UIComponent. It's at and is called "Introduction to the V2
Component Architecture."

On 12/19/06 10:22 AM, "David Ham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was having trouble with some components yesterday. I am writing a
> NavigatonView class that extends UIObject. I linked it to a symbol in the
> library that had four Button components in it. The symbol had no code in it;
> the code for the class was entirely in an external .as file.
> Here is the trouble: the Button components appear on stage, but only as
> Movieclips, they do not respond to component commands like move(), and they do
> not register calls to addEventListener(). However, they respond visually when
> I roll over them, and I can attach functions to their onRelease. What gives?
> Here is the code from the class:
> private function createChildren():Void {
> roomShape_btn.toggle = true;
> //roomShape_btn.addEventListener( "click", this );
> //resizeRoom_btn.addEventListener( "click", this );
> //editCorners_btn.addEventListener( "click", this );
> //placeObjects_btn.addEventListener( "click", this );
> roomShape_btn.onRelease = click;
> resizeRoom_btn.onRelease = click;
> editCorners_btn.onRelease = click;
> placeObjects_btn.onRelease = click;
> }
> function click(evt:Object) {
> trace( this );
> }
> The commented lines do not work (and yes, I did try uncommenting them first,
> har har) but the onRelease ones do.
> Incidentally, component instances that I create dynamically with
> createClassObject() work as expected.
> Thanks for any help you can offer,
> OK

David Ham +1 630.297.1273 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Flashcoders] Using components in MovieClips

2006-12-19 Thread David Ham

I was having trouble with some components yesterday. I am writing a
NavigatonView class that extends UIObject. I linked it to a symbol in the
library that had four Button components in it. The symbol had no code in it;
the code for the class was entirely in an external .as file.

Here is the trouble: the Button components appear on stage, but only as
Movieclips, they do not respond to component commands like move(), and they
do not register calls to addEventListener(). However, they respond visually
when I roll over them, and I can attach functions to their onRelease. What

Here is the code from the class:

private function createChildren():Void {
roomShape_btn.toggle = true;
//roomShape_btn.addEventListener( "click", this );
//resizeRoom_btn.addEventListener( "click", this );
//editCorners_btn.addEventListener( "click", this );
//placeObjects_btn.addEventListener( "click", this );
roomShape_btn.onRelease = click;
resizeRoom_btn.onRelease = click;
editCorners_btn.onRelease = click;
placeObjects_btn.onRelease = click;


function click(evt:Object) {
trace( this );

The commented lines do not work (and yes, I did try uncommenting them first,
har har) but the onRelease ones do.

Incidentally, component instances that I create dynamically with
createClassObject() work as expected.

Thanks for any help you can offer,


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Re: [Flashcoders] flash applicatin and database

2006-12-09 Thread David Ham
Have you looked at OpenAMF?

I used it on a project a couple of years ago, and it works great. It's free,
and our developers evaluated it and found it to be functionally
indistinguishable from Flash Remoting.


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[Flashcoders] UIObject/UIComponent: Getting started

2006-12-08 Thread David Ham
I am working on a Flash app that will be set up in an MVC architecture. It
will have draggable objects, a menu, a property inspector, and other UI
pieces. In the past I have built my Views with composition; that is, by
including the MovieClip as a property instead of subclassing it. But I have
been looking at the UIObject and UIComponents and wondering if subclassing
them would be a better move.


* Do you recommend these for this kind of development, or are they best for
straight up component development? Is the extra overhead/learning curve
worth it?

* Does anyone have any Flash 8 tutorials they'd recommend? I have read the
Chafic Kazoun piece at UltraShock and have seen the Jesse Warden tutorials
(both excellent! Thanks gentlemen!) but can use all the help I can get.

Best regards,


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